The Festival of Sacrifice

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WhaL are we celebraLlng Lhese days?

(CreaLer Lld lesLlval of Sacrlflce)

WhaLs Lhe lesLlval of sacrlflce?
WhaL daLe ls Lhe fesLlval of sacrlflce Lhls year?
Where do many Musllms go?
WhaL do Lhey do Lhere?
WhaL ls ha[[? (Speclal !ourney)
ls ha[[ opLlonal or compulsory?
Pow many Llmes musL Musllms perform ha[[?
WhaL do we commemoraLe?
WhaL do people wear ln LhaL [ourney?
Who do Musllms remember?
WhaL dld Allah ask Abraham?
Pow dld Abraham respond Lo Cods commands?
uld Abraham refuse Lhe order?

WhaL message was behlnd Lhls?
WhaL dld Cod wanL Lo Leach us?
WhaL do people celebraLe afLer Lhe Pa[[?
Pow should Lhe sheep be dlvlded? why? 1he famlly reLalns one Lhlrd of Lhe share anoLher Lhlrd ls
glven Lo relaLlves frlends and nelghbors and Lhe oLher Lhlrd ls glven Lo Lhe poor and needy

Who do you celebraLe Lhe Lld wlLh?
Pave you boughL Lhe sheep?
WhaL ls Lhe sLory of Abraham?

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