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Design, Stress Analysis and Detailing

Selection of diameter and thickness
Piping Shapes:
%he piping under present discussion is
usually hollow circular. Hollow circular
shape has several advantages. %he
components used for joining,
distributing flow, diverting flow and
supporting the piping are of several
iameter and Thickness:
%he diameter of the piping is usually decided
based on flow and heat transfer
considerations. n normal practice, the
outside diameter is specified for procurement.
%hese are based on the convenience and
convention in manufacture. After finalizing
the diameter, the thickness of the piping is
computed based on the imposed loads.
ased on flow requirements
ased on economic requirements
ased on size availability
ased on strength requirement
ased on process allowances
ased on thickness tolerances
ased on availability
:ids and Press:re rop:
%he piping under present discussion may carry a
single-phase fluid or two-phase fluid. %he following
fluids are commonly handled by the piping:
1. Liquid
2. Gas
3. Liquid-solid slurry
4. Gas-solid mixture
5. Liquid-vapor mixture.
ixture of solids, liquids and gases are rarely
used. n a maze of piping, flow distribution
plays a major role in the design of piping. %o
calculate the flow in various branches of
piping (in a maze of piping), the pressure
drop in various branches are to be calculated.
%he following formula is commonly used to
calculate the pressure drop in a fully
developed flow in a hollow circular pipe.
f W
P = ----------
P = Pressure loss in terms of head, mm of fluid column
f = Coefficient of friction
W = Velocity of fluid, mm / sec.
L = %otal length of pipe, mm
g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9806.65 mm/sec
d = Average inside diameter of pipe, mm
%he following formula is commonly used calculate the pumping
power required:
P p WA
HP = ---------------
75 x 10
HP = Pumping power, HP
p = Density of fluid, gm/cc
A = Flow area = d
/ 4
Example (Water at ambient temperature)
F|ow = 100 tonne | hr = 100 cu. m | hr = 100 | 300 = 0.0278 cu.m | sec
d = 102.2 mm (for 4" 8T0 p|pe = 114.3 x .02 mm x mm}
w = 0.0278 | ( * 0.1022
| 4} = 3.38 m | sec = 3.380 mm | sec
L = 100 m = 100,000 mm
f = 0.02 (approx|mate}
p = 1.0 gm | cc (for water at amb|ent temperature}
! = 0.02 * 3380
* 100,000 | (2 * 980.5 * 102.2} = 11.392 mm water
! p w A (11.392 mm wc} x (1.0 gm|cc} x 3.380 mm|sec} x (8.213}
h! = --------------- = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 x 10
75 x 10
= 4.22 h!. 6ons|der|ng a motor eff|c|ency of 807, motor rat|ng = 4.22|08 = 5.28 h!.
&se a 6 HP Motor.
omina Pipe Size (PS):
%he Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) in an ASE method of indicating
the approximate outside diameter of the connected pipe in
inches. Note that the unit (inch) is not followed after the
Cass of ittings:
%he class of fittings is an ASE method of indicating the
pressure carrying capacity of the fittings.
. Pipe sizing and Press:re drop Cac:ations:
Pipe Sizing:
efore proceeding beyond a preliminary / design of piping
system, it is necessary to determine the pipe inside diameter
which allow reasonable velocities and friction losses. %he
maximum allowable velocities of the fluid in pipeline is that
which corresponds to the permissible pressure drop from the
point of supply to the point of consumption or is that which does
not result in excessive pipe line erosion.
Trade Practice - Stee pipes are designated by their O or their
omina .
V Due to manufacturing conditions, OD is constant.
V Slight deviations from normal wall thickness, modify only the D
also called clear width.
V Why a pipe is generally not referred to by its D.
V Common Engineering practice to use nominal bore N to
indicate the proper size of the individual parts employed in a pipeline
(pipes, flanges, fittings and valves).
V Nominal bore = actual inside diameter.
V Selection of the diameter (flow rate anticipated pressure head
V Pressure head (provided by booster pumps, compressors,
natural head as in the case of gravity main).
V Pressure head is necessary for transmission to overcome losses
in the flow rate due to internal friction in the moving fluid or to rough
inside surfaces of pipe.
V Pressure drop increased through turbulence and separation of
flow of bends or in branch connections, fittings, valves and similar parts
(reduce the economy of any pipe line.
'eocity profie in ifferent System:
%he mean velocities of steam and water in different system
shall be as follows:
" = 8 A W
A = --------- d
354025 x "v
d = --------------------
Where A = Area, mm
d = inside diameter, mm
" = flow rate, %onnes/hr.
w = Velocity, m/sec
8 = Volume of medium, Kg/m
Press:re drop cac:ation:
%he pipe sizes calculated based on the above
recommended velocities do not relieve the designer to check the
adequacy of pipe size from the flow friction consideration.
Pressure drop calculations are of prime necessity
in determining:
a) %he selected inside diameter meets the available
pressure drop in the case of main steam, cold reheat,
hot reheat and auxiliary steam lines and
miscellaneous water lines.
b) %he discharge pressure of the pump (boiler feed
pump and condensate extraction pump).
For finding the frictional pressure drop in pipelines
Darcy's Formula can be universally used for almost
all the fluids. With suitable restrictions for gases and
vapours. As long as the pressure drop is around
10% of starting point pressure (which is true in most
of the steam lines in thermal power station). Darcy's
formula for pressure drop can be used since the
specific volume change in the line due to pressure
loss will have little effect on calculated pressure drop.
alculation to determine the pressure drop in the pipe is
made according to formula:
a) For straight pipe
P = ----------------- kg/cm
20000 g
b) For bends, elbows, tees, valves, etc.
P = ----------------- kg/cm
20000 g
f= Friction factor found from a graph between Reynolds No. and
Relative roughness.
K= resistance coefficient for fittings there are established based on
experiments and are available in a standard table in various books.
l= length of pipe in meters
V= velocity in m/sec
= gravitational constant 9.81 m/sec
d= inside diameter of pipe in meter
v= specific volume in m
a) Water (non-expansive flow) in compressible fluids.
l w
x 2
P= ---- x ------------ I h x 2
di 2g
P= absolute pressure in lb/ft
l= length of pipe line in ft.
di= inside diameter of pipe in ft.
w= velocity of flow in ft/sec
= specific gravity in lb/cu.ft (water = 62 lb/cu.ft)
g= acceleration due to gravity (=32.2 ft/sec
h= geodesic height in ft for lines other than horizontal
2= friction factor number dimension
+= ascending lines
= descending lines
= for horizontal lines.
Pressure decreases in linear perspective with the length of the
line, while the velocity remains unchanged.
#eynods :mber:
O dimension less ratio characterizing the dynamic state of fluid.
%he inertia forces present in the fluid passing thro' the pipe
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
forces of viscosity
w di 2
= --------------
x g
lb sec * independant of Pr
= dynamic viscosity ------------
* influids G with %
w= velocity, ft/sec
V x 2 G
= 11 x --------- = 11 x ------------
di 10
V= cu.ft/hr.
G= weight of blow in lb/hr.
= f(R
) Variation of friction factors with relation
---- K = roughness of pipe interior natural wall roughness through
K formation of rust, sediment and similar influences.
aminar ow: R
A 2300
depends only on R
without the effect of the roughness of
the pipe wall entering into its value.
%ransition zone between hydraulically smooth and rough
behaviour. varies both with Re and di/K.
Hydraulically rough behaviour.. depends only on di/K and
is independent of R
Gases (expansion fow:
Medi:m Mean veocity - M/Sec.
S:perheated steam ain steam
140 bar 500 / 530HC
180 bar 530 / 550HC
250 bar 530 / 550HC
Hot #eheat
25 bar 530 / 540HC
40 bar 530 / 540HC
60 bar 530 / 540HC
Cod #eheat
25 bar 300HC
40 bar 340HC
60 bar 380HC
Nb 150 200 400
Nb 40 50 60
Nb 30 40 50
Nb 25 35 45
Nb 300 500 800
Nb 40 50 60
Nb 35 45 55
Nb 30 40 50
Nb 300 500 800
Nb 30 40 50
Nb 25 35 45
Nb 20 30 40
Medi:m Mean veocity - M/Sec.
Extraction Steam
10 - 25 bar
0 - 5 bar
Sat:rated Steam
High pressure 80 100 bar
edium pressure 12 20 bar
Low pressure 4 8 bar
ntake of condense
(before the condensate pumps)
ntake of feed water tank
P:mp discharge
Discharge of pipe (C)25-35 bar
Discharge of pipe (FW)100-150 bar
Discharge of pipe (FW)200-400 bar
Nb 150 200 400
Nb 30 40 50
Nb 35 45 55
0.5 1.0
1.5 2.5
Nb 100 200 400
2.5 2.5 3.0
3.0 3.5 4.0
3.0 4.0 5.0
|nd of p|pe 6ond|t|on of p|pe wa||
Va|ues of roughness
coeff|c|ent (}
0raWr slee|
NeW P|pes
NeW p|pe, o|lurer coaled
used p|pes, W|lr rusl spols or roderale|y
0.0008 lo 0.002
0.002 lo 0.00
0.00 lo 0.02
we|ded slee|
Aller sore years ol serv|ce (ra|r va|ue lor
cross courl|rg gas supp|y ||res)
P|pes W|lr o|g resl spols or oad|y ercrusled
P|pes lor Waler supp|y ||res W|lr o|g rusl spols
0.02 lo 0.01
0.01 lo 0.12
0.0 lo 0.11
|nd of p|pe 6ond|t|on of p|pe wa||
Va|ues of
coeff|c|ent (}
#|veled slee|
vary|rg r|vel|rg cord|l|ors
NeW p|pe, o|lurer coaled
NeW p|pe, ror-o|lurer coaled
used p|pes, W|lr rusl spols
0.01 lo 0.32
0.001 lo 0.00
0.01 lo 0.02
0.01 lo 0.0
Casl lror p|pe P|pes sroW|rg |rcruslal|ors
P|pes c|eared aller sore years ol serv|ce
0.0 lo 0.12
Sched:e of Pipes:
%he schedule of pipes is an ASE method of indicating the
pressure carrying capacity of the fittings.
Types of anges:
%he following types of flanges are used:
1. %hreaded
2. Socket welding
3. lind
4. Slip-on welding
5. Lapped
6. Welding neck.
Press:re - Temperat:re #ating:
Ratings are maximum allowable working gauge
pressure at a given temperature. %hese values are
given in ASE 16.5.
Seection of anges:
%he flanges are selected based on the application,
pressure, temperature and size.
ends are used to change the direction of flow of fluids in pipes.
ends are usually made, using a bending machines, from
straight pipes.
Ebows (Es):
Elbows are made using a pressing machine or a forging
machine, from a straight pipe. Elbows are of the following
types: 45Helbow, 90H elbow and 180H elbow. Elbows of the
following types are also available : 22.5HH elbow and 11.25H
%EEs are used to distribute or collect flow. %EEs are
of the following types: formed %EEs, forged and
machined %EEs, unequal %EEs and pregnant %EEs.
ranches are similar to %EEs. ranches are made
from straight pipes by machining and welding.
- Pieces:
pieces are rarely used. %hey are used to collect and
distribute flow. %he pressure drop in a piece is less than
that of a comparable %EE.
End Covers:
End covers are of the following types: flat end cover, hemi-
spherical end cover, tori-spherical end cover, semi-ellipsoidal
end cover and tori-conical end cover.
Nozzles are inlets or outlet from pipes. Nozzles are usually of
welded type. Nozzles are usually designed using area
compensation method. When series of nozzles are used in a
pipe, ligament efficiency method is used.
Safety 'ave St:bs:
Safety valve stubs are used to attach safety valves to the pipes.
Safety valve stubs are designed to withstand the bending
moments imposed on them by the safety valve blowing jet
reaction, over and above the internal pressure load.
#adiographic P:g:
Radiographic plugs are used to facilitate insertion of the
radioactive substance for doing radiographic test (R%) of the butt
weld on the pipes.
End Connections:
%he following end connections are popularly used: butt welding,
flanged connection, screwed connection, screwed and flanged
connection, socket welded connection, slip-on type of
connection, thrust block connection and mechanical type of
'ave, ow Meas:ring evices and
Valves, flow measuring devices and
instruments are used to stop, direct, check
measure and control flow, temperature,
pressure, level and quality of the fluid in the
'aves and Gages:
Valves and gages are used to stop the flow, control the flow
and to measure various parameters. %he following valves and
gages are commonly used.
1. Gate valve
2. Globe valve
3. Control valve
4. Non-return valve
5. Safety valve
6. Relief valve
7. Stop valve
8. ntegral bypass valve
9. Plug valve
10. all valve
1. Elbow-down valve
2. Check valve
3. Pressure reducing valve
4. Drain valve
5. Vent valve
6. Steam trap
7. Level control valve
8. Level gage
9. %emperature gage
10. Pressure gage.
%he valves and gages can be actuated by
any one of the following methods:
1. anual
2. Electrical
3. echanical
4. Hydraulic
5. Pneumatic
%he valves and gages can have the
following types of end connection:
1. utt welded
2. Flanged
3. Socket welded
4. Screwed
5. Flanged and screwed.
%he gages can be of the following types:
1. Local indication
2. Local control
3. Local recording
4. Remote indication
5. Remote control
6. Remote recording
7. Data acquisition
8. Feed-back control
9. Programmable
10. Event recording.

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