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Costume notes

c Annle who ls played by Chloe

Annle ls a Lyplcal school glrl who ls a pupll aL Caks ark Plgh School as she ls a pupll aL CPS
she wlll be wearlng an oaks park unlform whlch conslsLs of
reen blazer wlLh Lhe PS logo on lL
reen and gold sLrlped Lle
lack school sklrL
lack pumps
lack LlghLs
JhlLe school blouse
l have chosen for Lhe characLer Lo wear Lhese as Annle ls a Lyplcal CPS school glrl and Lhls cosLume
wlll Lle ln Lhe seLLlng and Lhe fllm
c ercy Lhe cleaner who ls played by Carl
ercy ls a Lyplcal school cleaner he wlll be wearlng a cosLume LhaL conslsLs of
Cleanlng overall
l have chosen Lhls cosLume as ercy ls a Lyplcal cleaner Lhls wlll flL ln wlLh Lhe seLLlng and Lhe role we
are Lrylng Lo achleve
c rlndylow hand who ls played by Maralm
@hls ls Lhe hand aL Lhe end whlch grabs ercy
A whlLe hand
JhlLe/green/gray makeup
l have chosen Lhls cosLume as Lhls make Lhe hand seem real enough Lo Lhe audlence

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