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SL8MCn uLLlvL8?

Cpenlng rayer
Cpenlng Pymn___________________________
Speclal Muslc ____________________________
ScrlpLure 8eadlng ________________________

Lvangellsm may mean many Lhlngs Lo many people Lven
ln Lhe secular world people belleve LhaL lL ls okay Lo use
rellglous Lermlnology for secular purposes So we may
hear people say ?ou musL preach Lhe gospel of love and
naLlonal unlLy" ?ou musL puL down Lhe gun and
pracLlce nonvlolence" 1here ls noLhlng wrong wlLh
Lhese sLaLemenLs by Lhemselves We as SevenLhday
AdvenLlsL ChrlsLlans however musL be very clear when
we use Lhe word Lvangellsm l wlll now seek Lo deflne
Lhe Lngllsh meanlng of Lhe word for your beneflL 1he
Lexlcon WebsLer dlcLlonary provldes Lwo deflnlLlons (1)
1he fervenL zealous preachlng or promulgaLlon of Lhe
gospel (2) 1o lnsLrucL ln Lhe gospel Lo preach Lhe gospel
and Lo converL 1hls ls lnLeresLlng because our scrlpLure
readlng for Loday brlngs Lo mlnd Lhe words of !esus ln
MaLLhew (281820)vs 18 And !esus spake unLo Lhem
saylng All power ls glven unLo me ln heaven and ln
earLh (vs19) Co ye Lherefore and Leach all naLlons
bapLlzlng Lhem ln Lhe name of Lhe laLher and of Lhe Son
and of Lhe Poly ChosL(vs20) 1eachlng Lhem Lo observe
all Lhlngs whaLsoever l have commanded you and lo l am
wlLh you always even unLo Lhe end of Lhe world"
1hls commlsslon by !esus ChrlsL ls lmporLanL Lo every
ChrlsLlan church and lL means Lelllng oLhers abouL !esus
ChrlsL and Pls plan of salvaLlon for fallen man 1o Lhe
SevenLh day AdvenLlsL evangellsm lL means all of Lhls and
much more ln Lhe book LvAnCLLlSM by LCWhlLe p16
17 under Lhe headlng 1he present Cr|s|s" she says Lhe
followlng"We should now feel Lhe responslblllLy of
laborlng wlLh lnLense earnesLness Lo lmparL Lo oLhers Lhe
LruLhs LhaL Cod has glven for Lhls Llme we cannoL be Loo
much ln earnesL now ls Lhe Llme for Lhe lasL warnlng Lo
be glven 1here ls a speclal power ln Lhe presenLaLlon of
Lhe LruLh aL Lhe presenL Llme buL how long wlll lL
ConLlnue? Cnly a llLLle whlle lf Lhere was ever a crlsls lL ls
now" 1hls blessed messenger from Cod furLher sLaLes on
1he solemn sacred message of warnlng musL be
proclalmed ln Lhe mosL dlfflculL flelds and ln Lhe mosL
slnful clLles ln every place where Lhe llghL of Lhe greaL
Lhreefold gospel has noL yeL dawned Lveryone ls Lo hear
Lhe lasL call Lo Lhe marrlage supper of Lhe lamb
lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo noLe LhaL AdvenLlsLs have been
enLrusLed wlLh a speclal endLlme gospel known as Lhe
Lhree Angels messages
1urn wlLh me now Lo Lhe book of 8evelaLlons 1he
message ls found ln 8evelaLlons (14612)
vs6 And l saw anoLher Angel fly ln Lhe mldsL of heaven
havlng Lhe everlasLlng gospel Lo preach unLo Lhem LhaL
dwell on Lhe earLh and Lo every naLlon and Longue and
klndred and people 1hls ls a unlversal call Lhe message
musL go ouL Lo all people
vs7 Saylng wlLh a loud volce fear Cod and glve glory Lo
Plm for Lhe hour of hls [udgmenL ls come and worshlp
hlm LhaL made heaven and earLh and Lhe sea and Lhe
founLalns of waLer 1hls ls a call Lo Lrue worshlp and due
reverence for Lhe Lhlngs of Cod
vs 8 And Lhere followed anoLher Angel saylng 8abylon
ls fallen ls fallen LhaL greaL clLy because she made all
naLlons drlnk of Lhe wlne of Lhe wraLh of her
fornlcaLlon1hls ls a solemn warnlng LhaL false rellglon
has no power Lo redeem anyone lL ls a fallen corrupL
sysLem LhaL ls under Lhe [udgmenL of Cod
vs9 And Lhe Lhlrd angel followed Lhem saylng wlLh a
loud volce lf any man worshlp Lhe beasL and hls lmage
and recelve hls mark ln hls forehead or ln hls hand
vs10 1he same shall drlnk of Lhe wlne of Lhe wraLh of
Cod whlch ls poured ouL wlLhouL mlxLure lnLo Lhe cup of
hls lndlgnaLlon and he shall be LormenLed wlLh flre and
brlmsLone ln Lhe presence of Lhe Poly angels and ln Lhe
presence of Lhe lamb 1here ls a Lerrlble flnal [udgmenL
for all Lhose who compromlse Lhelr Lrue ChrlsLlanlLy for
purposes of maLerlal galn worldly fame and comforL

lrom all appearances Lhls ls a solemn and polnLed
message Cver recenL years even Lhe church has
sofLened and Loned down Lhe fearful condemnaLlon LhaL
Cod has placed on 8abylon Lhe greaL (LhaL ls 8oman
CaLhollclsm) and her slsLer churches (aposLaLe
roLesLanLlsm) ln many ways we AdvenLlsLs have
compromlsed As such we are noL as sharply separaLed
from Lhe world as we should be
1rue evangellsm should lnclude every aspecL of LruLh
as has been presenLed Lo us
a 1he message of healLh (Lemperance dleL exerclse
b An emphasls on Lrue ChrlsLlan educaLlon and Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon of llLeraLureCus uvu eLc
c An emphasls on proper sLewardshlp of 1lML
18LASu8L 1ALLn1S and Lhe 1LMLL whlch ls our
d A renewed focus on prayer 8lble sLudy and
e SLrong denunclaLlon and crlLlclsm of Lhe evlls and
wlckedness of our presenL socleLy
f A mlnlsLry of welfare charlLableness compasslon
and care for Lhe unforLunaLe and needy among us

now LhaL we know WPA1 Lo do lL ls lmporLanL LhaL we
now focus on PCW Lo do lL lor Lhls purpose CalaLlans
69 and 8omans12 verses 120 are lnsLrucLlve
CalaLlans 69 says And leL us noL be weary ln well
dolng for ln due season we shall reap lf we falnL noL
1hls ls an admonlLlon Lo falLhful and conslsLenL
servlce 1he book of 8omans 1212 says"8e[olclng ln
hope paLlenL ln LrlbulaLlon conLlnulng lnsLanL ln
We are also counseled Lo be llvlng sacrlflces wlLh
renewed mlnds LhaL are of a Codly orlenLaLlon
8omans 1212 l beseech you Lherefore breLhren by
Lhe mercles of Cod LhaL ye presenL your bodles a llvlng
sacrlflce holy accepLable unLo Cod whlch ls your
reasonable servlce
vs2 And be noL conformed Lo Lhls world buL be ye
Lransformed by Lhe renewlng of your mlnd LhaL ye
may prove whaL ls LhaL good and accepLable and
perfecL wlll of Cod
We are also called Lo unpreLenLlous love and broLherly
klndness 8omans 12910 vs9 LeL love be wlLhouL
dlsslmulaLlon Abhor LhaL whlch ls evll cleave Lo LhaL
whlch ls good
vs10 8e klndly affecLloned one Lo anoLher wlLh
broLherly love preferrlng one anoLher
1he call also lncludes dlllgence ln duLy prayerfulness
and hosplLallLy Lo oLhers eg vs11 noL sloLhful ln
buslness fervenL ln splrlL servlng Lhe Lord vs12
8e[olclng ln hope paLlenL ln LrlbulaLlon conLlnulng
lnsLanL ln prayer vs13 ulsLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe necesslLy of
Lhe salnLs glven Lo hosplLallLy
Cf course Lhe work of evangellsm wlll lnvolve flerce
opposlLlon from persons who are lnsplred by SaLan Lo
oppose Lhe work and reslsL Lhe message and Lhe
messengers Lven ln Lhls slLuaLlon Cod ls very klnd Lo
glve us good advlce
vs14 8less Lhem whlch persecuLe you bless and curse
noL we are furLher lnsLrucLed ln vs17 8ecompense no
man evll for evll rovlde Lhlngs honesL ln Lhe slghL of
all men
llnally we are Lo leL Cod have hls place ln deallng wlLh
offences vs19 uearly beloved avenge noL
yourselves buL raLher glve place unLo wraLh for lL ls
wrlLLen vengeance ls mlne l wlll repay salLh Lhe
lL ls now clear whaL ls requlred of us lL ls our
responslblllLy Lo flnd our place of servlce and Lo work
Lowards Lhe noble goal of presenLlng Lhe gospel Clvlng
due emphasls Lo Lhe speclal message of 9resent 1ruth
as ls embodled ln Lhe 1hree Angel's Messages
My beloved breLhren leL us all unlLe Lo flnlsh Lhls
greaL work lL ls a greaL prlvllege Lo be a parL of Cod's
klngdom on earLh and Lo be a parL of Lhe flnlshlng
work LeL us selze Lhls opporLunlLy before lL ls Loo laLe
before we hear Lhe solemn and flnal pronouncemenL
l never knew you deparL from me ye LhaL work
lnlqulLy" MaLLhew 723 (lasL parL)

Cod bless you all and Lhank you
8A?L8 Cl CCnSLC8A1lCn
Closlng Pymn _________________________

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