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1o secure a poslLlon where my quallLles of a fasL learner and Lhe ablllLy Lo Lake on new challenges can be

1o secure a poslLlon where my exlsLlng skllls ln Lhe areas of admlnlsLraLlon and cusLomer servlce can be
uLlllsed by a progresslve and lnnovaLlve company
1o obLaln a ManagemenL poslLlon wlLh a dynamlc corporaLlon where l can use my energy and skllls Lo
develop moLlvaLe lead and encourage employee producLlvlLy
1o obLaln a respecLable poslLlon ln Lhe presLlglous adverLlslng medla assoclaLlon LhaL can use my
communlcaLlon lnLerpersonal skllls managerlal skllls counsellng and leadershlp quallLy l would love
Lo enhance my knowledge and skllls for lmprovlng Lhe proflL of an adverLlslng company and managlng
Lhe repuLaLlon of Lhe company
1o Acqulre A Challenglng oslLlon ln An LnvlronmenL Where l Can 8esL uLlllze My Skllls And LducaLlon
1o secure a poslLlon as a publlc relaLlons / markeLlng professlonal ln order Lo uLlllze my admlnlsLraLlve
markeLlng and lnLerpersonal skllls wlLh accuracy and efflclency whlle malnLalnlng a moLlvaLed
producLlve and goal orlenLed envlronmenL for Lhe enLlre professlonal Leam on board whlle malnLalnlng
exLenslve cusLomer loyalLy

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