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Analytical exposition Global Warming Global warming is the hottest environmental issue on this planet.

All of enviromentalist is bussy talking about this, but sometime we never cared. Believe it or not global warming has destroyed our earth and shattered our cycle of life. And now in this presentation, I will open your eyes to more care to our environmet. Ok i will divide this presentation into three parts. First the major causes of global warming, the second the effects, and the last effort to reduce global warming. Ok before we move to first topic, better we know WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING. Global warming is....................... Ok move on the topic Firstly, the major causes. The major causes of global warming is heating of the temperature caused of 1000 gigatons green house gases, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other. They will cover our earth, they covered the atmosphere, so thet thebwarm will never endure and cannot be reflect. Secondly the effects. Global gorming has many negative effects, they gave a lot of destruction, they are...... The last but not least, this is the most of impostant point, the ways to reduce global, the tiny things that we can do for our mother nature...........

In the reteretion, we knoe that global wrming make the rise of sea level, the melting ice in polar, and climate change. So from now, we have to change ourlifestyle, we have to change our habits, and did anything that we can do. We Have to more care from now, because no places to stay, there is no planet to life except our earth. So save our earth, stop global warming, for the better place, for our generation.

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