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D\Yajurvedi\Programme\PG Sermester_II_2011


No. Exam. A / 25153 / of 2011 Programme of the Master of Development Communication (M.D.C.) Semester-II ExaminationMay, 2011 Candidates are requested to be present at their respective places of examination, fifteen minutes before the time for the setting of the first paper. CANDIDATES ARE FORBIDDEN TO TAKE ANY BOOK, PAPER OR ANY KIND OF HAND-WRITTEN / TYPED / PRINTED MATERIAL / PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATOR, ANY TYPE OF MOBILE PHONE, ANY TYPE OF PAGER OR ANY TYPE OF ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS INTO THE EXAMINATION HALL. AHMEDABAD : Places will be declared later on : : The written examination will be conducted in the following order : Day & Date Tuesday, 17th May, 2011 Thursday, 19th May, 2011 Saturday, 21st May, 2011 Tuesday, 24th May, 2011 M.D.C. Semester-II [Time : 11-00 a.m. to 2-00 p.m.] 408 - Indian Society & Development - II

409 - Communication Perspective - II

410 - Communication Research - II

411 - Media Skills - II

No Old course is available in any of the subjects except where it is specifically provided in the programme. The Viva examinations will take place after the conclusion of the written Examinations. Due notice will be given by the Examiners (on the University Notice Board) of the dates, time and places of Practical examinations and the order in which candidates are to present themselves. Candidates are directed to be present at the time and place appointed for their Practical Examinations. Those who fail to present themselves at the appointed time and place will not be examined in Practical afterwards.

Ahmedabad-380 009. April 30, 2011

By order, Jitendra Lilani Controller of Examinations.

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