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ulobal 0ffshoiing Bestination - Inuia

lndla no doubL ls one of Lhe hoLLesL desLlnaLlons for l1 buslness WlLh Lechno savvy work force
lnvesLmenL frlendly governmenL pollcles and efflclenL lnfrasLrucLure faclllLles lndla ls all seL Lo
conquer a ma[or share of Lhe ouLsourclng revenue from global l1 enLerprlses Accordlng Lo nasscom
Lhe annual revenues from l1 and 8C secLors are esLlmaLed Lo reach over uS $ 76 bllllon ln Lhe
flnanclal year 20102011 1hls ls far beyond our compeLlLors hlna wlLh $33 bllllon and hlllpplnes
wlLh $883 mllllon 1he reporL also says LhaL lndlan ouLsourclng lndusLry ls expecLed Lo Louch a
revenue reLurn of uS $ 223 bllllon by 2020 1hls lndeed ls a poslLlve message LhaL lndlcaLes a
susLalnlng growLh of l1 lndusLry ln lndla
lndlan l1 lndusLry conLrlbuLes lmmensely Lo Lhe naLlonal economy l1 lndusLry ls one of Lhe blggesL
[ob creaLors ln lndla lor Lhe lasL 20 years Lhe growLh of lndlan l1 lndusLry ls qulLe asLonlshlng as we
can see evldenLly LhaL Lhe lndlan markeL has enLrenched sLrongly ln Lhe global l1 markeL no oLher
lndlan lndusLry was more successful as Lo sLand agalnsL lLs global compeLlLors LeL us have a look on
Lhe rlse of lndlan l1 lndusLry and Lhe facLors LhaL led Lo lLs success
PlsLory of lnformaLlon 1echnology revoluLlon ln lndla ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe ouLsourclng days 1A1A
group lald Lhe foundaLlon of lndlan l1 revoluLlon ln 1970 1S allgned wlLh 8urroughs orporaLlon
(Lhe Malnframe manufacLurers) Lo carry ouL ouLsourced appllcaLlon servlces ln Mumbal 1hls was
Lhe very beglnnlng of sofLware revoluLlon ln lndla lndlan l1 englneers ln large numbers were moved
Lo varlous onslLe pro[ecLs (body shopplng) abroad 1he blrLh and growLh of lndla's l1 lndusLry also
add Lo Lhe 1984 governmenL pollcy whlch provlded Lhe provlslon for sofLware exporLs Lhrough
saLelllLe llnks 1hough lndlra Candhl's ablneL approved Lhls Lhe 8a[lv Candhl CovernmenL LhaL
announced Lhe pollcy on november 19 1984 lL was ln Lhls era LhaL varlous oLher pollcy lnlLlaLlves
lncludlng llberallsaLlon of pollcles for compuLer and elecLronlcs secLor SofLware 1echnology arks
(S1's) compuLerlsaLlon of rallways rural dlglLal Lelephone exchange eLc Look place nASSCM a
regulaLory body on lndlan l1 servlces was seL up ln 1988 aL Mumbal Lo asslsL Lrade and buslness ln l1
and l1LS and Lo moLlvaLe advancemenL of research ln sofLware Lechnology Cffshore ouLsourclng of
l1 servlces sLarLed Lo prevall durlng Lhls perlod nASSCMs lnlLlaLlves sLrengLhened lndla's poslLlon
as a globally recognlsable brand ln l1 ouLsourclng lndusLry AparL from l1 oLher l1 enabled servlces
llke hardware perlpherals neLworklng Lralnlng domesLlc and exporL markeL for l1 servlces
sofLware's and l1LS8C sLarLed flourlshlng ln lndla
uurlng Lhls Llme counLerparLs of uS uk l1 flrms mushroomed ln key lndlan locaLlons llke Mumbal
8angalore eLc uLlllslng Lhe emerglng opporLunlLles lndlan l1 flrms slowly moved up Lhe value chaln
Lo provlde comprehenslve sofLware developmenL for overseas cusLomers Large Lngllsh speaklng
lowcosL workforce and comparaLlvely lower real esLaLe prlces were Lhe key aLLracLlons for global
organlzaLlons Lo ouLsource Lhelr sofLware developmenL servlces Lo 8angalore laLer developed Lo be
Lhe l1 hub of lndla l18C secLor emerged as one of Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL growLh caLalysLs for Lhe
lndlan economy lresh boom ls l1 lnfrasLrucLure ManagemenL and lndlans have Laken Lhe lead yeL
agaln as Lhe mosL preferred cholce among oLher economles across Lhe board

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