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SAC Ninutes Page

August 10, 2011

Executive Committee
Nicky Bruckhart, President,, x14241
Saskia Sawyer, Vice President,, x12704
Sarah Childs, Treasurer,, x13501
Kate Johnson, Webmaster,, x16515
Christa Bruning, Secretary,, x13170

Members in attendance:
Ashley Beaudry, The Women`s College
Nicky Bruckhart, Athletics and Recreation
Lisa Cox, Institutional Compliance and Internal Audits
Linda Daubers, Graduate School oI Social Work
Anne Gross, Admission
Kate Johnson, University Communications
Gayle Keahey, Law School
Mark Kintgen, Penrose Library
Marty Neary, DU Bookstore
Arianna Nowakowski, AHSS/Languages and Literature
Lynne Reed, University College
Saskia Sawyer, University Advancement

The meeting was called to order.

1) Introduction oI the Council Members.

2) Updates Irom Council member`s departments.
a) Nicky urged every council member to bring a monthly update Irom their department to the
council to improve not only communication but also the understanding oI what each unit does
and is currently experiencing.
b) Athletics: athletic gear was delivered in the wrong school colors!
c) GSSW: getting ready Ior the Iall classes
d) TWC: couple oI positions open check the website
e) Communications: Iocusing on research, surveys and Iocus groups to improve internal and
external communication
I) HR: new employee orientation is now weekly every Monday
g) Law: is on a semester schedule, so school started already: 300 new students
h) Admission: working on application Ior 2012
i) AHSS: gearing up Ior Fall
j) Internal Audits: Admission is being audited at the moment
k) Penrose: library is set up at Driscoll, working well. Part-time book keeping position open
l) UA: very busy, getting ready Ior the staII & Iaculty campaign kick-oII in September

SAC Ninutes Page

3) June and July minutes were approved.

4) Bylaws review oI revisions made at the July 13
a) Discussion or various changes
b) Approval oI amendments: 12 in Iavor not enough attendance to move Iorward
i) Nicky to email council members to vote via email prior to next meeting

5) Old Business.
a) Picnic recap:
i) Very positive Ieedback across campus regarding set-up, decoration, lines, drinks, Iood
ii) Vegetarians should have desert on their table as well as regular buns
b) HR survey:
i) Waiting Ior administration to sent Iollow-up email regarding progress with survey results as
well as next steps

6) New Business
a) Awards committee:
i) No date yet Ior nominations
ii) Please encourage your departments Ior nominations
iii) SAC will have a table at the convocation September 30
b) Last meeting Ior many council members
i) Nicky thanked everybody Ior their time and eIIort on the council and reminded everybody to
recruit new members to the council
ii) Email to department heads will go out to Iill old and new positions
c) Sustainability Council update
i) DU to get car sharing this Iall (more details to Iollow)
ii) DU`s bike sharing program not working as well as it could
(1) Free memberships still available Ior staII
d) HR survey:
i) It is still being analyzed and complied
ii) SAC has asked HR and/or Craig Woody to sent out an update to inIorm staII on the progress

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting: September 14, 2011, 12 1 pm

RespectIully submitted,

Saskia Sawyer
Vice President, Ior Christa Bruning, Secretary

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