Question 3

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O Afiei discussing in oui gioup wlai iype of film we would

lile io pioduce, eiilei nicle oi mainsiieam, we came io ile

conclusion of pioducing a mainsiieam film. We decided
ilis as oui film genie was a Romaniic Comedy and ilis is
noimally viewed in Hollywood as a mainsiieam film
genie. Fiom ieseaicl we found ilai ileie aie many films
similai io ouis wlicl lave been pioduced as mainsiieam
films including Biidgei }ones's Diaiy (:ooi), Confessions of
a slopalolic (:oo) and Sex and Tle Ciiy (:oo). So, ilis
ieseaicl lelped us io conclude on ile iype of film ilai we
would lile io pioduce.
O ioduciion companies wlicl could pioduce oui film aie
Touclsione iciuies, :oil Ceniuiy Fox, Univeisal, ilis
would be because iley lave all pioduced films similai io
ouis. We would noi wani io use a company sucl as Waip
films as iley aie a small Biiiisl company wlicl pioduces
nicle films io small audiences so, we would wani io use a
laige insiiiuiion sucl as :oil ceniuiy Fox. Tley lave
pioduced oilei Romaniic comedy films sucl as, Biide
Wais (:oo) and by using a laige insiiiuiion we would be
able io lave a laigei budgei wlicl would enable us io
pioduce a laigei film. :oil ceniuiy Fox's Biide Wais (:oo)
made s,i,io gioss in May :oo and scieened io ::
O Tle company :o
Ceniuiy Fox pioduce many films wlicl aie iaigeied ai a wide iange of
audiences. As iley pioduce a wide vaiieiy of films ile iaigei audiences vaiy depending on
ile film iiself. Foi example Avaiai is aimed ai an audience ianging fiom -o yeais of age is
a family film and ile Rom-Com Biide Wais (:oo) is a clicl flicl and aimed mainly ai
female ieens-adulis, as ii is iaied , wlo wani a ligli leaiied movie expeiience.
O Univeisal lave also cieaied a laige iange of films wiil diffeieni iaigei audiences. Tle film
Mamma Mia las a wide iaigei audience fiom ieenageis io women in ileii o's wlo enjoyed
ile o's music peiiod.
O Touclsione iciuies is paii of ile Wali Disney moiion piciuies gioup and pioduces a
mixiuie of films aimed ai clildien iaigei audiences e.g. nomeo and }uliei (:oii) iigli
iliougl io aduli iaigei audiences, Wailoise (:oii). Tle iaigei audiences aie diffeieni
depending on ile conieni of ile film iiself. Confessions of a Slopalolic (:oo) is a
Romaniic Comedy pioduced by Touclsione and ile iaigei audience foi ilis film ianges
fiom ieens-adulis as ii is iaied .
O Oui film is aimed ai a similai iaigei audience io ilose
of ile Rom-Coms disiiibuied by ilese companies.
Ouis is mosily similai io ilai of Biide Wais (:oo)
lowevei, as oui film is a
i ii is aimed ai ile sliglily oldei female audience.
O Tle film could ileiefoie include big name Hollywood
aciois and we would be able io disiiibuie and adveiiise
oui film io a mass audience and male ii become a
global success. Also, by laving a laigei insiiiuiion
pioduce oui film iley would be able io lelp oui film
become moie populai and foi ii io be slown in a wide
iange of cinemas woildwide sucl as ile Odeon,
Cinewoild and oileis.

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