Futures Group Service Overview: Program Areas

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The magnitude and complexity of public health problems in the world today create challenges for leaders working to respond to crisis and plan for the future. For 40 years, Futures Group, the global health consulting firm, has created lasting solutions to some of the most pressing public health challenges facing nations. Futures Group helps to protect and promote peoples well-being around the world. We predict the trends that will affect a countrys stability and growth. We see connections between disparate data points that others miss allowing us to uncover the real barriers to well-being and discover innovative solutions for a better world. We forge on-the-ground partnerships with all the necessary stakeholders needed to ensure lasting change for better communities and a better world. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Futures Group has worked in more than 100 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe on more than 600 projects. We are currently implementing projects in over 35 countries with more than 450 staff worldwide.

Program Areas
population and family planning sexual and reproductive health maternal and child health hiv and aids infectious diseases gender poverty and equity

Futures Group Service Overview

Service Policy Development Description Facilitating the achievement of important public health and social development goals, including developing new policies, reforming existing policies, and eliminating policies that serve as barriers to effective programs. Strengthening in-country capacity to participate in the policymaking process, fostering the sustainability of policies and programs, and ensuring the accountability of authorizing agencies. Applications w Resource allocation w Safeguarding human rights w Improving access to services

Technical Services
policy and advocacy research and strategic information ealth markets and private sector h engagement modeling and economic analysis health informatics health systems strengthening strategic consulting program management

Social Advocacy

w Capacity building w Reproductive and maternal health w Greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS w Data analysis w Modeling and forecasting w Policy and program planning w w w w SPECTRUM suite Workplace Policy Builder AIDS Impact Model Goals Model

Strategic Information

Facilitating evidence-based policy and program decisionmaking through appropriate research and evaluation methodologies. Ensuring that programs are on track and delivering results. Designing software applications and computer models to support effective policymaking, analyze existing information, and help policymakers determine the impact of specific programs. Using marketing principles to sell ideas, attitudes, and behaviors, and stimulating commercial market growth for health products and services. Making fundamental choices about developing programs or dealing with specific needs in HIV/ AIDS, reproductive health, maternal health, and other areas.

Computer-based Modeling

Social Marketing

w Creating sustainable markets w Improving the quality of health commodities w Technical assistance w Resource allocation w Community and NGO mobilization

Strategic Consulting

Futures Group One Thomas Circle, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 U.S.A. tel 202.775.9680 fax 202.775.9694 Futures Group Europe, Ltd. 63-64 Margaret Street London W1W 8SW U.K. tel +44 (0) 2076.375.083 Futures Group India, Pvt., Ltd. DLF Building No. 10-B, 5th Floor DLF Cyber City, Phase-II Gurgaon - 122002 (Haryana) India tel 91.124.4702000 fax 91.124.4702042 www.futuresgroup.com

Working with Futures Group

Futures Group has managed large and complex international health and development projects for a range of major development players, achieving significant results on the ground. We work with international and national aid agencies, development banks, United Nations agencies and other multilateral organizations, foundations and nonprofit organizations, and private companies.

Select Futures Projects

Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development
Health Policy Project (HPP) w Strengthening national and subnational policy, advocacy, and governance for strategic, equitable, and sustainable health programming. w Building capacity of governments and other in-country partners to address key health issues family planning/ reproductive health, HIV, and maternal healthand promoting health systems strengthening and program integration. w Working in country and with regional programs across Africa, Asia and the Near East, Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Innovations in Family Planning Services II Technical Assistance Project (ITAP), India MEASURE Evaluation w Fostering public-private partnerships to expand access to affordable, quality reproductive, maternal and child health services in rural areas and urban slums. w Building the capacity of local organizations to meet the needs of their communities. w Promoting cost-effective and efficient approaches in data collection, monitoring and evaluation, and health and nutrition services to improve health and well-being. w Strengthening monitoring and evaluation functions and systems, and building institutional capabilities. Communication for Behavior Change: Expanding Access to Private Sector Health Products and Services in Afghanistan (COMPRI-A) w Improving the private sectors capacity to provide health products and services for reproductive, maternal, and child health. w Establishing an Afghan-owned and managed non-profit social marketing organization that supports a network of commercial product promoters and distributors. w Supporting products including condoms, contraceptive injectables, insecticide treated bed nets, safe water solution, oral rehydration therapy, zinc, and home delivery kits.

Funded by the U.K. Department for International Development

Reproductive Health Services w Leading a consortium under an Indefinite Quantity Contract operating in 27 priority countries in Asia and Afria and covering reproductive, maternal and neonatal health, including social marketing and social franchising services. Technical Assistance Support Team For India National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (HAPAC), Kenya w Providing technical and managerial support to the National AIDS Control Organization and national and state AIDS control programs. w Strengthening capacity, facilitating policy formulation, and guiding implementation to enable an HIV response tailored to context-specific needs. w Strengthening the capabilities of two governmental institutions the National AIDS Control Council and the National AIDS and STDs Control Program to reduce HIV transmission in Kenya. w Offering technical and financial assistance to non-governmental organizations providing voluntary counseling and testing, home-based care, and prevention services.

Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

AIDSRelief w Supporting the rapid scale-up of anti-retroviral therapy in nine priority countries. Leading the strategic information system component, including monitoring and evaluation, and health management information systems. w Implementing the IQCare database, which allows users to enter, manage, and analyze patient clinical and demographic data.

Funded by the World Bank

Global Epidemics of HIV in Injecting Drug Users w Conducting global research analyzing cost, impact and policy to provide evidence for selected interventions for people who inject drugs. Reviewing evidence-based approaches, epidemiology and the effectiveness of key interventions, and applicable modeling and costing methodologies. w Disseminating the analysis to country policymakers in collaboration with the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International AIDS Society, and networks of people who inject drugs.

Funded by the European Commissions

Institutional and Technical Support Program, India w Providing technical assistance to Indias Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to support the implementation of the National Rural Health Mission, improving results of reproductive and child health program and building capacity. w Strengthening service delivery capacity of national and state institutes of family health and welfare through distance education and health systems research. HIV/AIDS in the Higher Education Sector, South Africa w Enabling the higher education sector, through studies and risk assessments, to understand the threat to its core mandate posed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Obtaining prevalence statistics and behavior profiles of the staff and student cohort. w Using data to guide planning, funding, and prevention, treatment, care, and support services.

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