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AuLoLrader Acqulres vlnSoluLlons An AuLo lndusLry lnslder's erspecLlve

Whlle l was worklng as a speaker aL Lhe vlnSoluLlons sponsored lnLerneL 8aLLle lan" 3 day dealer
Lralnlng workshop ln kansas ClLy on Wednesday May 18
Sean SLapleLon (vlnSoluLlons Chlef Sales
Cfflcer) approached me and sald he wanLed Lo updaLe me on an lmporLanL announcemenL regardlng
vlnSoluLlons Pe Lhen Lold me abouL Lhe AuLoLradercom acqulslLlon of vlnSoluLlons and showed me
Lhe AuLoLrader lssued press release announclng Lhe deal Was l surprlsed? noL really My lnlLlal
percepLlon and response Lo Mr SLapleLon was along Lhe llnes of Well LhaL makes more sense Lhan
mosL of Lhe acqulslLlons l have been prlvy Lo and congraLulaLlons on a [ob well done"
ShorLly afLer Sean updaLed me we were [olned by Mlke uullea MaLL WaLson and oLher Clevel
vlnSoluLlons execuLlves 1o say LhaL Lhey appeared pleased wlLh Lhe breaklng news would be qulLe Lhe
undersLaLemenL! CuL of a slncere lnLeresL ln beLLer undersLandlng Lhe lmpacL and slgnlflcance of Lhls
deal for Lhe nexL Lwo days l made a polnL of asklng enough quesLlons Lo quallfy my Llme ln kansas ClLy
as a 3 day serles of vlnSoluLlons execuLlve lnLervlews llrsL of all leL me sLaLe up fronL LhaL ln no way
has Lhls arLlcle been sollclLed nor has lL been wrlLLen aL Lhe dlrecLlon of vlnSoluLlons Lhls ls pure and
slmply Lhe lmpresslons and oplnlons of a veLeran car guy (me) who has been close Lo vlnSoluLlons slnce
Lhe days of vlnSLlckers and Lhelr afflllaLlon wlLh uMl And AuLo1radercom slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe

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