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1he Cumerus we wlll use ure Sumsung z lLelll Zooms.

1hey ure smull comucL cumerus

LhuL ure sulLuble for boLh hundheld und normul
fllmlng. 1hey ure
of good quullLy und ullow luy buck, so you ure uble Lo
vlew whuL
you huve fllmed und cun declde wheLher lL needs re-
fllmlng or noL. 1hls wlll hel us Lo ensure LhuL we huve
cuLured Lhe scene we wunL und suves Llme by noL
huvlng Lo go buck und re-fllm. As Lhey ure smull Lhey
muke hundheld shoLs eusler Lo sLuble Lo glve u good
1he 1rl-ods we use ure Lelescolc
und eusy Lo move Lo dlfferenL
locuLlons. 1hey ure uble Lo be
ud|usLed Lo Lhe correcL helghL you
need for fllmlng
und hel creuLe sLeudy shoLs.
1he 1rl-ods huve u level on Lhem so
we wlll be uble Lo Lell lf our shoLs
ure sLrulghL und noL wonky. Also,
Lhey ure uble Lo be uLLuched Lo u
Lolly for Lrucklng shoLs.
S Lollys ure used for Lrucklng shoLs
und Lo hel muke Lhem smooLh.
1he Lrl-od slmly flLs lnLo Lhe
dolly und cun be ud|usLed Lo muke
Lhe erfecL shoL. 1hls wlll hel us
Lo Lruck Lhe churucLers us Lhey
come ln und |oln Lhe hoLo shooL.
e wlll be uslng un Ale
Muc Lo edlL our Lruller. e
wlll be uslng Lhe rogrumme
llnul CuL Lxress Lo do Lhls.
lL wlll enuble us Lo udd
effecLs und sounds Lo our
lece. lL wlll ullow us Lo
creuLe u good fllm und glve lL
u reul llfe look.

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