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a. this person is the only person who made Gregor move from his bed. 2. Roomers b. this person was sympathetic at first but then became fed up with Gregor. 3. Manager 4. Grete into a bug. 5. mother parents. c. this person was fearful of Gregor. d. this person was the protagonist who turned e. these people wanted to take advantage of the

6. Father f. this person was abusive at first but became more sympathetic with time. Choose the BEST letter to answer the question. 7. What did Gregor turn into? a. a bird b. a bug c. a lady d. a cow 8. Who would feed him? a. the maid b. the father c. the sister d. the mother 9. What building was across the street? a. a school b. a bus station c. a police station d. a hospital 10. Where would Gregor sleep? a. under the bed b. under the picture c. under the couch d. under the window 11. How would his father abuse him? a. stepping on him b. pushing him c. crushing him with a cane

d. pulling off his legs 12. What was Gregors role before the transformation? a. sole provider b. family clown c. medic d. writer 13. Who finds his body? a. Grete b. mother c. roomer d. maid 14. How does the family change when the roomers move in? a. they move all their old stuff into Gregors room. b. they feed them home cooked meals at the table. c. they obey all their wishes d. all of the above 15. How does Gregor die? a. he starves b. he gets an infection from the apple c. he has a short life span as a bug d. the father steps on him Answer the following questions in no less than FOUR sentences. The more you tell me, the more points you will receive. BUT, do not repeat the same thing over and over. I will also be grading FRAGMENTS, RUNONS, AND DEAD WORDS. (10 points each) 16. How does the sister change through the novel. Be specific and give examples. 17. How does the father change through the novel. Be specific and give examples. 18. How does the family react to his death? 19. How did you react to his death? 20. How does the family become better after Gregor dies? 21. What do their prospects look like at the end? 22. How is the last sentence a metaphor?

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