Cardinal Columns Oct 2011

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Cardinal Columns




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October 2011

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Around Fondy
by Bergen Van Riper Staff Writer Being a high school student is hard enough where it is familiar to you, but three new students, Belen Lozano (Madrid, Spain), Damian Vera (Mexico City, Mexico), and Zharkyn Belekovna (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), are in a whole new country to learn A new language, new culture and completely new experiences. These students are our foreign exchange students. They all say they went through this program to learn a new culture and learn English. Wanting to travel was a big part of this program also. They said they are enjoying their time here, and depending on which program they are going through, there could be trips to Chicago, or even New York or California, before they head back for home. I really like it here, Lozano said. The people are nice and the teachers are cool. School here is different for all them. Our school switches teachers and class rooms every hour, but back home they said that they stay in the same classroom with the same teacher or that different teachers come to the class room instead having their own classroom. There is no Mr. and Mrs. to be called out; they just go by their names. These teachers are way more strict. On top of all of that, they dont get a lunch period all day, but can munch on a few snacks throughout the day. My favorite thing is that it is so green here, Vera said. For a month and a half to about three months these students have been living here in the United States of America, hoping to experience and learn new things while they live here. I dont like the seat belts and helmets, Belekovna said. To get into this school through their programs, they must apply by June 1, the year before, according to Mr. Wiltzius. If they have all the correct information and it is in by the deadline, then their enrollment will be approved. Fondy High has 2-4 foreign exchange students here each year. 2

Foreign Exchange Students

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Cardinal Columns

Cardinal Columns
Fond du Lac High School Fond du Lac, WI 54935 920-929-2740

Reforms in Changing Student Schedules

Students must see principals to switch classes
In past years you could by Joclyn Bogenschneider switch classes in the first few Staff Writer weeks of school by just talking There have been many new or to your counselor. Students being able to revised policies this year. One of them being the process in switch class by simply talking which you are able to drop a class to their counselor created a and switch into a different one. problem with unbalanced classes, which is the reason for the The new policy is you must fill out a schedule change request sheet and turn it in to the office. After that you meet with your principal to get it approved. In order for them to approve it, it has to be for academic reasons or legiti- new policy, Assistant Principal mate personal reasons. Once Mr. Gonzales said. Principals the principal approves it you and counselors are working tocan then meet with your coun- gether to keep the classes balselor to make the changes. anced. Many students have complained that they prefer the old policy. The process takes too long and by the time you finally get switched into the class you wanted they have had assignments that you have to catch up on, Aubrey Birschbach said. When students picked their classes last year they were given a deadline in which they could no longer make any changes to their schedule this year. Students had three chances to make changes to their schedule. If they didnt make the changes they wanted to, their parents could fill out a schedule change sheet over the summer and the principals would look it over. Otherwise they would have to go through the process in the beginning of the year with their principal and counselor.

Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief Nick McEssey Copy Desk Chief Alex Slater Art Director Amarah Sharif Layout Director Sydney Inks Photo Editor Taylor Torgersen

Many students have complained that they prefer the old policy.

Staff Writers
Local Madeleine Trtan Joclyn Bogenschneider Natalee Olson Zowie Francis Marcus Crain Gina Carlone Student Life Bergen Van Riper Leah Wempner Justin Vandermolen Brittany Ecker Alexis Sampson Sports Esteban Martinez Mitch Hendrix Tim Simmons Rachel Schneider Brian Windsor Entertainment Christine Moua Anna Tursky Kayla Marcoe Ashley Scarpita Bob Frank Lauren Enders Advisor Matthew Smith To Advertise 920-929-2740 Letters to the Editor Drop submissions by Room 2610 or E-mail

Students Honored for Test Scores

Students named 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program and Advanced Placement Scholars
by Lauren Enders Staff Writer 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program Trevor Clementi and Sarah Calvert have been named as Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Samuel Phillips and Jordan Sieloff were named Semifinalists in the program. There are about 1.5 million juniors amongst 22,000 high schools who entered the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program. To enter, they had to take the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. These high school students have the chance to continue further in the competition to win scholarships worth more that $34 million. Advanced Placement Scholars Thirty-three Fond du Lac High School Students received an AP Scholar Award for their exceptional work on AP exams. Advanced Placement (AP) classes give college-level work to students in high school. Students taking AP classes can also take AP exams in May every year. Scores of three or more on a scale of 1-5 can earn college credit/advanced placement at most colleges and universities. Kyle Bauldauf, Jacob Bertram, Aaron Decker, Kelsey Diedrichs, Andrew Gunderson, Loren Lock, Katrina Moerchen, Kraig Pieper and Lucas Wendt all got an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams. As a result, they achieved the Distinction Award. Michael Cook, Christopher Farvour, James Jewson, Brenna McDermot, Jaime Mortier, Carlee Schneider, Anthony Smit and Amanda Thiel got a score of at least 3.25, earning them the Honor award. Ryan Billman, Catherine Chung, Josh Dean, Taylor Ellingson, Brooke Fields, KJ. Gietman, Jordan Kasprzak, Brandon Klewicki, Sarah Larson, Hannah Majeska, Kayla MichlerHemdren, Samuel Phillips, Kayla Rude, Samuel Sande, kathryn Silcock and Va Xiong got a score of 3 or higher, earning them the Scholar Award. 3

Cardinal Columns

Around Fondy

Remembering Mr. Dennis

Former teacher and coach killed after being ordered to jail and to register as a sex offender
Mr. Dennis impacted many lives, Mr. harder than they thought they could and Wiltzius commented. always achieve greatness. He focused Henry Dennis coached cross coun- on individuality for each kid at practice try and track at Fondy as well as taught and made them understand what it was A colleague, teacher, coach, friend, hus- Math. He had a certain enerthat they were doband, father, and mentor has come and gy about him that caused his ing and why. Dennis gone within the past 36 years, and many personality to stand out from His death was was always very excited a sad and horlives will not be the same. Henry the rest. and showed intensity in Dennis lost his life on SeptemMr. Dennis had rific event. Mr. everything he did. He ber 19 in a tragic accident while a skill of helping connected with everydoing what he loved- exercising. kids succeed and Dennis impacted one- students, teachers, He was biking that rainy Sunday reaching them many lives. and athletes, says Mr. night when he was hit by a drunk on their level of Mr. Wiltzius Mosher, who was a feldriver. This was two days after learning as well low coach of Dennis. being court ordered to register as give them conDennis was also inas a sex offender for having refidence in themvolved with the YMCA lations with a student in 2009. selves at the same time, Ms. board, his church, and his family as well as Although Dennis made a serious Henry Dennis Siedel said. other organizations. Despite the controvermistake, many remember the imAs a coach, Mr. Dennis lead sial mistakes he had made as a teacher, Henry pact he had here as a teacher and his teams to reach the goals they Dennis had impacted many lives. By donata coach. dreamed of and more. ing his organs in the end, he was still able to His death was a sad and horrific event. He motivated his athletes to work help lives even after he had died. by Sydney Inks Layout Director

Rules relaxed on student electronics in the school building

by Madeleine Trtan Staff Writer

Cell Phone Policy Takes a Turn

not affected my grades, Vang said. I think the old policy was even worse because I knew I couldnt check my phone The cell phone policy here at Fondy High for eight hours so it gave me the urge to has undergone a few major changes for text. Whereas now, I know that when the this school year. This is the new policy: teacher is done teaching Ill be able to cell phones can be used in the hallways text or in 45 minutes I will be able to. and during lunches. Cell This new policy came phones can be used durabout when the Student ing class if the instruc- We have to give Senate went to the administor allows it and they can a little to get a tration asking them to give only be used in a respon- little. Th enew a little more cell phone time sible and appropriate way. to the students. We have It gives students more policy has been to give a little to get a little. responsibility. junior Fe- a very positive The new policy has been a licity Vang said. Its nice very positive addition to our addition to our to be able to be on my school. Principal, Mr. Wiltphone during passing time school. ius said. The amount of cell and in some of my classes Mr. Wiltzius phones we have in the conwhen the teacher allows fiscation box has dramaticalit. But sometimes its hard ly decreased. We have been when Im walking in he getting nothing but positive halls and people run into me feedback from the students about the polbecause theyre so focused on their texts. icy. I absolutely like the new policy. What As of right now, the new policy has we were taught while growing up is differ4 Cardinal Columns ent from where were at now. Witzius said. Freshmen Vasili Katris and Nicole Thiel both agree that the new policy is a good change for the school. The new policy is a good way to be fair to teachers and students. For the teachers, the students wont have their phones in class. And for the students, they wont get in trouble for having their phone out in the halls. I think its a fair trade. Vasili Katris said. The only negative thing about the new policy is when people in the halls are too busy texting, so they bump into you. Nicole Thiel said. Its nice to walk down the halls during passing time without hiding my phone. I keep my phone on vibrate so I check it whenever it goes off. junior Brian Harney said. The new policy has not affected my grades at all, they have gotten better, if anything. The policy is a good thing for the school, Harney said. With the kids checking their phones during passing time they dont check them during class as often, leaving more time for learning. Harney said.


Cassie Lue dk Sophomore e and Marissa Wust rack ride o Float . n the Seniors p ir float R repare the ule the W est Indies.

Seniors Repeat a Victory in the Homecoming Float Building Competiton

by Natalee Olson Staff Writer Sophomores wanted to Tame the Wildcat. This float was based around a circus They won as freshmen and now the class of 2012 repeats as they win as seniors. The theme of the senior float was the Cardinals Rule the West Indies. The students had a lot of fun with it, said senior class advisor Ms. Weider. On the float was a pot that was over a fire, and the pot contained a wildcat. Surrounding the float were tiki torches and totem poles. The cardinal was the ruler of the tribe, and all the other cardinals were known as the tribal cardinals. The tribal cardinals were drumming to a beat while the others walked around and cheered. I like float building because it forces our students to problem solve, be involved, and have fun. said junior class advisor Mrs. Ewerdt. The juniors decided that The Wildcats are Washed Up. Their float consisted of a bath tub with a shower that actually had running water coming out of it. Junior Aaron Krueger was in the bath tub throwing cups of water out onto the crowd as their One enthusicastic student shows off float went down the parade route. the Cardinals Head Cardinal Columns theme. They had a giant soda on one side of the float and a giant popcorn container on the other side. In the middle of the popcorn and the soda was a wildcat that was chained up. The wildcat had a tamer with a whip to control him. It is going to be amazing said Mrs. Anderson about the freshmen float. The freshmen theme was rounding up the west. All the freshmen were dressed up in cowboy gear. With some of those cowboys having squirt guns and some of them had horses. It was set in a saloon with cactus surrounding the float. In the middle of the float was a wildcat that was tided up. I was so sober that I remember everything was the theme behind the STAAND float. With a city theme, Its going to look like a little chunk of New York traveling on a semi bed. according to senior Ashley Stellmacher. There was a super sober woman dressed up in black biker boots and a cat suit with a fondy red wig. Its going to be fancy, Stellmacher said. It looks like you stepped into a comic book. The float was finished off with signs being held that read super sober. 5

Cardinals Fantastic Homecoming Win

by Rachael Schneider Staff Writer When all hope was lost by so many, the boys came through with their first win of the season at the homecoming game. Fondy beat Oshkosh West 32-22 at Fruth Field on Friday October 7, 2011. At the end of the game, family and friends waited to cheer the boys on as they ran past. One father, Mike Schuler, ruffled his son Alexs hair as he ran past. Many other parents did the same or gave high fives or hugs, anything that showed that there was positiveness in the air. It was surprising to me they actually won. said sophomore Kiana Williams. Boys Varsity football has had a rough season. But, the boys did not give up,they gave their all, sophomore Katie Rispalje said. Junior safety Jacob Behllke said before the game, Fondy will have a dominating win. Junior MIke Gietman prior to the game to the game said Fondy will have a great win. We have good players, and I believe we will have at least a 24-13 score. Overall I was pleased with the win. sophomore Andrea Dawson said.

As the Wild Cats ran past I shouted, yeah thats right you just got your butts kicked by a team who has lost every

game this season. I was very proud of myself when one boy looked at me and said, really, thats sad. Congratulations.

Fashion for Homecoming

Dresses, shoes, and hair... oh my!
by Kayla Marcoe Staff Writer This past weekend, girls got all glammed up, and guys, well, they came to dance the night away at Homecoming 2011. More than ever before, we saw a very diverse selection of dresses, ranging from long evening-wear styles to short club-wear. Some of the bigger trends that we saw multiple times were fitted styles, sequins, and neutral colors. A few years back, you would come to homecoming and see A-line styles or lose-bottomed dresses. This year, it was all about showing off your shape with a nice fitted dress, ranging everywhere from a looser fit to a second skin. Maybe its Ke$has style taking over, or disco balls are making a comeback in a different way, but we saw sequins everywhere. Some dresses were all sequins... the more, the better, right? Others were only blinged out on parts, but no matter what, if you looked around the dance floor, you saw at least one person in a sparkly, sequined dress. Not going to lie, some of it was kind of ridiculous. Too much makes 6 an outfit, and this year, we definitely saw more formal-style high heels. If youre like me, you love a good pair of heels, and homecoming is sort of the secret battle of the shoes. Everyone has nice dresses, but in my opinion, shoes really make the outfit. Plus with all those neutral colors you could almost literally pick any color and style you wanted. Hairstyles were all over the board, but the main trends were side buns and ponytails, and curly hair, no matter whether it was up or down. Some people went a bit overboard on the teasing (hey, Marge Simpson!). Either way, I think Fondy High killed a portion of the ozone layer alone with all of our hairspray use from Saturday alone. It was well worth it, because everybody was looking fabulous! A few examples of the most popular homecoming Another successful hometrends coming - except for the music - including a great spirit Plus, its nice to be able to wear a little week, and a WIN for our football team. black dress every once in awhile, right? Looking at pictures now, everyone looked Speaking of shoes, the higher the bet- truly beautiful, and it excites me to see what ter. Shoes can dress up, or dress down our school can come up with for Snowball! Cardinal Columns

my eyes hurt, but to each their own! Blacks, greys, whites, and blues were very in color-wise. Whether they were solid or patterned, everyone can pull off a neutral color or two. Plus it gives you more freedom in your accessories, such as shoes!


The Before and After

by Justin Vandermolen Staff Writer Homecoming is a week and weekend that most students look forward to. It gives them a chance to dress in crazy and unusual during the school week. The atmosphere tends to let students relax throughout the week, and most teachers appreciate school spirit by lightening the homework load. This year was one of the biggest turnouts for the homecoming dance Fond du Lac High School has seen in a long time. Mr. Wiltzius said. With all of the excitement for the dance, students were busy getting ready for the majority of the day Saturday. Of course when dressing up is involved pictures are always a given. I was sleeping for a while during the day, but when I got up I got ready

with my friends and took a lot of picI went over to a friends house afterwards tures, sophomore Paige Mand said. and was home by midnight without breakId like to say I looked the best ing any laws, junior Mike Geitman said. out of everyone at the dance that I destroyed the town with toliet night, senior Nick Tess-Wanat said. paper., freshman Mark Tracey said. With HomeBesides some harmcoming comes less fun with toliet the peer prespaper and the way sure of some students dance, this students causyears homecoming ing a little was much safer than mayhem bethe past coming years. fore and even The Senior class more mayhem sure that Nick Tess-Wanat had made no partyafterwards. their is There is always ing going on this a speculation year, were all about made by teachbeing safe and reers and parents that the students sponsible, senior Brent Capelle stated are going to go out after and party. with a little sarcastic smile on his face.

Id like to say I looked the best out of everyone at the dance that night.

Fondy Students Bust a Move at the Homecoming Dance

Fondy students tell us about the Homecoming dance.
by Leah Wempner Staff Writer Homecoming was very successful: the parade, the game, and all the toilet paper. There is one more thing that everyone seems to get pumped up for, the time when everyone can bust their moves and dress up classy: the Homecoming Dance. While some students thought the dance was bumpin and the lights were crazy, others had some complaints about the music. The music sucked. There was too much bass, freshman Josh Schneider said. Josh mostly danced in the back with his date, Stevie Immel. Most students thought the same. This year we did not have the same DJ that weve had in the past years. DJ Doll made the playlist for this year. Absolutely terrible, their lucky they made those lame songs into techno. Hopefully they dont choose the same DJ for the other dances, junior Luke Urquhart said.

Fondy students bust a move at this years Homecoming Dance.


Cardinal Columns


The End of the Julie Riese Era

Long time coach ends her tremendous run
by Mitch Hendrix Staff Writer After three trips to state and 31 years dedicated to excellence and hard work, Julie Riese, the Fond du Lac Womens volleyball coach, will be stepping down at the seasons end. Its very tiring, Mrs. Riese said, Many people think Im quitting because my daughter, Emily, is moving on, but what they dont realize is I have been coaching now for 31 years, and not many folks stick around that long. She also added that all of the summer tournaments required in order to be competitive, along with the need for family time contributed to her decision to step down. The relationship of her and her daughter throughout the years has been the best and worst four years of our lives, as described by Mrs. Riese. Emily treats me more like a mother than a coach, Riese said. Its been tough on both of us. Riese was the first coach in school history to take our team to state back in 1994, and then lead us to state again back to back in 2009 and 2010. Coach Riese is also a connections teacher here at Fondy High, where she helps out kids with learning disabilities, along with helping out Mr. Walter for two periods every day. Mrs. Riese has made an impact not only on the volleyball court, but in the classroom as well. The day I lose my cockiness is the day I gotta get out of working. Mrs. Riese said. Julie Riese Mr. Walter had this to say, She has a unique ability to build personal relationships with each of her players and students, and that has made her so successful. After asking Coach Riese how she described her time here, it was evident that she has loved every single year she has coached here. Im very close with many of my former players. . . thats what makes it so rewarding. Coach Riese has been the volleyball icon of Fond du Lac for over two decades now. As for now, Coach Riese has her girls playing very well with a 6-3 conference record. With a team full of seniors and a great coach, many are expecting another run at a state title, where hopefully they can win the big one for Coach Riese, for the first time in her amazing 31 year long tenure.

The day I lose my cockiness is the day I gotta get out of working.

Mrs. Riese has truly made an impact at Fondy High.

Fondy Volleyball Starts Off Great

Fondys teams find themselves in good hands
by Tim Simmons Staff Writer School is back in session and so is the volleyball season, which has started off with a bang. On the girls side, they have really been rolling their way along in the Fox Valley Association and their tournaments. They are currently 21-9 with one 1st place tournament win in Waupun, 2nd in their own Fondy tournament, 3rd in Stevens Point, and 9th in West Bend, which has been known as a prestigious tournament where the best of the best in the mid-west attend. 8 This is where the top caliber teams and players are, says Mrs. Riese, in her 30th and last year of coaching girls volleyball. The team this year has 3 seniors who have been on varsity all 4 years. They are Emily Riese (Setter), Shannon Burns(Setter), and Kelie Reimer (Libero). The seniors are great, junior Sadie Warner said. They are very helpful because they tell people what they need to do to get things done and they will lead us to state; we will be there. The team is not satisfied yet though. I really want to see more fans, Mrs. Riese said. The boys side of volleyball is also having a great season. They are 13-9 on the seaCardinal Columns son and 4-1 in conference, with many tough battles that couldve gone either way. They took 4th in the conference tournament and won the consolation side of the tournament from Arrowhead. The team doesnt really have a breakout star on the team. Their motto is all as one said junior Logan Wendt. He also says he wants to see more fans at their games this year. Weve been playing well, senior Mitch Hendrix said. Were a very confident team, and were getting hot at the right time. Upcoming events to happen are the conference tournament, regional, sectionals, and senior night.


Girls Swimming and Diving

Inexperience has proven tough for this team
by Nick McEssey Editor-in-Chief The 2011 season has brought some tough times for the Fondy Swimming and Diving team. Our team hasnt had the greatest season so far, but the important thing is that were having fun while doing it, says sophomore diver Olivia Graham. Records dont always show exactly how good the team is, but in this case, a 2-5 record (1-5 in conference) just goes to show that this team isnt having their best year. Coach Glen McBride is optimistic, however. Our record doesnt even begin to show the hard work that our girls have put in this year, he said. We arent done yet, and I want us to go out on a positive note. The cardinals season goes until the end of October. Clearly, no matter what the feat that they have to overcome, they always seem to stick together. The team only has a couple meets remaining which are all away meets, Cardinal swimmers gather together and show the fun they are so traveling is necessary. having.

Cardinal Football Finishes Rough Season

by Esteban Martinez Staff Writer Cardinals fans had waited all year to see their boys rake in a victory, and they finally went home happy with a homecoming victory over Oshkosh West. David Zimmerman stepped up big time and so did Greg Mora, said Coach Lehman. On defense, the Slagenhoff brothers and Tim Simmons, who leads the team in tackles, were both key. A lot of the seniors have voiced their disappointment in their final season. We thought wed be a lot better, said Simmons. Guys have been getting hurt and commitment has been questionable throughout the year. Out of the seven games weve played, I feel we played well enough to win at least five of them, Mora said. We mostly did it for our coaches because the whole season they havent given up on us, senior quarterback Alex Kaphengst said, who passed for a touchdown and ran for two more. We kept fighting and didnt give up. We did it for Homecoming too, and because it was our last time on Fruth. The Cardinals got out to an early 16-0 lead, but West cut it to 16-8 right before the half. In the second half, Kaphengst scored twice for the Cardinals and Fondy led by as much as 17 with the score 3215 in the fourth quarter. Oshkosh tried to muster a comeback but a Curtis Marschall interception buried the dagger for Fondy. Kaphengst was Fondys leading rusher with 86 yards on 12 carries. He threw for 258 on 13-for-22 passing and no interceptions. Junior John-Myles Gaskell had four catches for 159 yards. Fondys offense as a group put up 453 total yards.

Ready to be tackled, Cardinals players have been used to this all season.

Cardinal Columns




Fondys Fall Musical Approaches

Not all pirates stick around the Caribbean
by Anna Tursky Staff Writer Fond du Lac High Schools annual musical production The Pirates of Penzance will be sailing the seven seas to the Performing Arts Center on the first weekend of November. It brings with it sword fights, romance and laughter for all ages. The show will begin at 7:30 p.m. each night from November third through the fifth. Patrons are invited to dinner before the November 5 show at 5:30 p.m. in the commons area complete with lighting where staff members will be entertaining in pirate get-ups. Tickets cost seven dollars for students and ten dollars for adults. Dinner tickets include the price of the show and the meal at twenty-eight and twenty-five dollars for adults and students respectively. The audience will follow protagonist Frederic, a young man who is accidentally brought into the world of piracy after studying as an apprentice. He becomes caught up in a rivalry between the pirates and Trevor Clementi, playing Seargent of the Police, leads fellow constables as police, and the pirates attempt to marry a directed by Mr. Wilson. group of a generals daughters. Mr. Schneider, the vocal director, semble show where most of the cast and phy and sets on weekends. Actors in the choexplained that the musical was chosen be- choir will be performing at once. Its a really rus have had to attend more rehearsals than cause it was a complete 180 degree turn fun show... [The audience] will be amazed at some earlier musicals because of the type of show. from last years Bye Bye Birdie. He and Mr. what the students are doing on stage. Cast members practice an average For more information, those interWilson thought it would be a good challenge for the members. It is described as an en- of six days a week and work on choreogra- ested can call 929-2740 at extension 3339.

Flipping the Page

Take a closer look at some of the best books for Fall 2001
by Alex Slater Entertainment Editor The leaves are changing, schools back and fall is upon us. Yet another year has started at Fondy High, and with it comes the dreaded English reading list, crammed full with dry, dull classics (Dickens), wordy rambles (Hawthorne), and the occasional good book thrown in (Lee, Orwell). So instead of slogging your way through The Scarlet Letter (my apologies, English teachers), here are some books you should pick up this fall instead -provided you still read those assigned books for homework, naturally. Swamplandia!, Karen Russell : When Hilola 10 Bigtree, the star attraction and pro gatorwrestler at a Florida swamp-themed amusement park, dies, her family-owned theme park quickly becomes a ghost town. The Bigtree family likewise falls apart, and the youngest of the Bigtree children, Ava, can only watch helplessly. Her older sister is obsessed with spirits and ghosts, claiming to form relationships with the spirits that possess her. Her older brother Kiwi runs off to the World of Darkness, the nearby hellthemed amusement park. And when Ossie runs off to the swamps with one of her ghostly paramours, its up to Ava to get her back. Death to the BCS, Dan Wetzel, Josh Peter, Jeff Cardinal Columns Passan : Raise your hand if you love college football. Now raise your hand if you like and support the BCS system. Is your hand still raised? According to a Sports Illustrated poll, 90% of college football fans disapprove of the BCS. For twelve years, the idiotic Bowl Championship Series has used two human polls plus a computer ranking to decide who gets to play in which bowl game. Underneath the surface of the polls, however, lies a world of corruption, money swindling, and entrenched group of men who profit off the system while costing their schools money. Death to the BCS outlines the definitive case against the system and exposes what goes on behind the curtains and in the back rooms of college football.


Tha Carter IV and Watch the Throne : Hardest-hitting Albums This Fall
Kanye, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne debut new albums
by Bob Frank Staff Writer Tha Carter IV Lil Waynes Tha Carter IV dropped August 29th 2011 and made a huge impact on the music industry. Topping Billboards Top 200 of the week with 904,000 copies sold, Wayne broke his own record set by Tha Carter III for best male artist sales week (Gaga still has him beat for all around best sales). He could not have planned this album better. Releasing 6 foot 7 before dropping the album was the best thing he could have done to promote. That song was stuck in my head like eating glue, and even though personally I thought the video sucked, it got nominated for a VMA so that must count for something. Not only did Wayne get attention by being nominated, he also did an insane performance on the show getting him more attention than a midget playing professional basketball, and planned the drop to be the day after. If that wasnt enough, he revealed that his hit singles John and How to Love released earlier that year will be on the album as well. All in all, I believe this album deserves a 9 out of 13 for its uptempo fun feeling, but lack of transitions into the slower emotional songs. Wayne can definitely make good music, but he really lacks in the video department. Yeah, he has millions of dollars to get expensive high end equipment and that completely shows, but he lacks vision. In 6 foot 7 foot it shows clips of him rapping, clips of whatever reference to the lyrics can be made, and clips of him repeatedly dramatically falling into a bathtub in a scene coined from Inception. Yeah its a different style for him, but the clips of the lyrics just didnt do it for me, it seemed all over the place and with the addition of the unexplainable falling into the bathtub, it just was a jumbled video with little to no meaning. In John, Wayne goes for his generic style and shows himself rapping in different dark scenes with Rick Ross and flashes to pretty girls with a yellow background for contrast. The thing I didnt like about this video (other than Ross lack of knowing what to do in a video besides smoking and being overweight) is that the scenes were almost too processed making them look unrealistic. This is apparent when it repeatedly flashes to Ross (with a cloud of smoke of course) outside of what appears to be a factory where you can see the overly processed computer animated sky behind him which looks like it was pulled from the first Harry Potter. I myself would rather see something I could see in real life, even if its not as fancy, we dont need robots taking over the world just yet. Watch The Throne The only other album that was gaining as much attention that month was Watch The Throne by Jay Z and Kayne West. I think this is one of the greatest sounding ideas ever. Jay Z and Kayne are two of the best known and, in my opinion, most talented mainstream rappers out in the business today. Kayne knows his way around production, Jay Z is a lyrical mastermind -- its almost too good to be true. The first time I listened to it, I thought it was good for an easy listening album but nothing for bumping and having fun with Cardinal Columns like Waynes album. I listened to it twice again after writing that and now I must revise; I still stand by that its an easier album (Besides the few faster, fun songs like H.A.M. and Otis) but it really hit me deeper the second and third times. The album shows a lot of the emotional side of the two, for instance in New Day Kanye shows depression about how his son will never have a normal life because of his career giving him the spot light. My favorite line is Promise to never leave him, even his mama tweaking because my dad left me and I promise never to repeat him. If youre into a deeper lyrical set (As well as the impeccable singing of Frank Ocean and Mr. Hudson) along with a few uptempo fun songs, this album is your soul-mate. For its lyrical content, great production, and all around diversity I give it a 10/13.

Wayne can definitely make good music, but he really lacks in the video department... he lacks vision.

Other Albums to Check Out:

J-Cole - Cole World: The sideline story Beyonce - 4 The Devil Wears Prada - The Dead Throne Blink 182 -Neighborhoods Fiest - Metals AWOLNation - Megalithic Symphony



Best TV Shows This Fall

From crime shows to comedies, to zombies and Ron FN Swanson, you can bet that youll find something to like
by Christine Moua Staff Writer You turn your TV on, flip through a few channels, see someone from Jersey Shore and roll your eyes, and you finally end up watching Glee (turning the TV off would have been better). Youre convinced theres nothing good on. Thats about to change this fall. Heres a list of the top five shows you should watch to ensure you never have to settle for Glee again.

#1. The Walking Dead

One word: zombies. If that doesnt draw you in, I dont know what will. AMCs The Walking Dead centers around Rick Grimes, a sheriff who wakes up from a coma and discovers that almost everybody is missing because of the zombie apocalypse. After meeting two other survivors, Rick sets out to find help, and most importantly, his family. Along the way, he encounters other survivors and more zombies, walkers. This show doesnt kid around; theres blood, guts, and everything else that makes normal people cringe, which is why its so awesome. The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.

The Walking Dead comes back for its second season on October 16. it airs every Sunday night at 8 p.m.

tiful cinematography. Luther airs every Wednesday at 9/10c on BBC America.

#3. The Office

#2. Luther

BBCs Luther is now airing in the U.S. (finally!) If youre looking for something that keeps you on the edge of your seat holding your breath, then this is the show for you. E m m y nominated Idris Elba plays John Luther, a policeman who catches criminals on the streets of London with the help of Justin Ripley (Warren Brown) and Ian Reed (Steven Mackintosh.) Luther may seem like just another crime show, but think again. The fast-paced season opening captures your attention from the minute it starts until the second it ends. And lets not forget the flawless acting from every cast member (somebody give Ruth Wilson an award!) and beau12

While some of us may have had doubts about an office without Michael . . . the new season proved itself to still be hilarious.

Dry humor, sarcasm, hilariousness - you can find it all on The Office. The Office revolves around the employees of Dunder Mifflin, a paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Its back for its eighth season, but this time without Steve Carell, who played Michael Scott, the previous regional manager of Dunder Mifflin. While some of us may have had doubts about an office without Michael (myself included), the new season proved itself to still be hilarious. With scenes like Stanley shouting And shove it up your butt!, Erin planking outside Dunder Mifflin, and Dwight using a fire extinguisher on Meredith, you cant say no to a show like The Office. It airs Thursday nights at 9/8c on NBC.

ation centers around Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler) and the rest of the members of the city hall or parks department in Pawnee, Indiana. The show resembles The Offices documentary style, and humor. Parks and Rec returned for its fourth season on September 22. The season opened with Leslie accepting the position to run for office, a hilarious Ron Swanson (played by Nick Offerman) running away from his exwife Tammy #1, and Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) being, well, Tom Haverford. Hilarious scenes and brilliant acting from some of the best comedic actors make Parks and Rec a must-see for this fall. It airs Thursday nights at 7:30/8:30c on NBC.

#5. New Girl

#4. Parks and Recreation

NBCs comedy Parks and RecreCardinal Columns

Zooey Deschanel stars in Foxs new comedy, New Girl, as Jess Day, a girl trying to get over a tough break-up. In the pilot, Jess finds three new roommates: Schmidt, Nick, and Coach (all of who are single men with a great sense of humor). After noticing Jess gloomy mood, her roommates and her best friend Cece try to cheer her up and help her cope. New Girl is surprisingly funny (with lines like Go put a dollar in the douchebag jar right now, and scenes with Schmidt slapping Jess ex in the face while wearing an obnoxious thumb ring), which is why it earns the fifth spot on shows you need to watch this fall. It airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c on Fox.


Movies to catch this season

by Amarah Sharif Art Director & Ashley Scarpita Staff Writer As fall approaches, a new set of movies hit the screens, and new set of of things to see arise. These films are the top rated in the theaters right now from a spectrum of three most popular genres: comedy, classic, and horror. Make sure you catch these highly popular films in theaters before their DVD releases come in! 1980s. Some people are saying the film is pointless for fans of the original, but fun for everyone else, while others are saying its not bad, not amazing. But average. Kenny Wormald has the role of Ren McCormick, who was originally played by Kevin Bacon. The role made Bacon a teen icon. Im very proud of the movie, says Wormald, and hopefully Kevin loves it. Like his character, Wormald is from Boston. Prior to this huge blockbuster, Wormald was honestly a nobody in Hollywood who only did backup dancing for entertainers like Jennifer Lopez and Madonna. Julianne Hough and Dennis Quaid also star in the film. It was directed by Craig Brewer. We made this to remind people what they loved about Footloose, says Brewer, I dont wanna replace, I just wanna be a wonderful companion piece to the original. Overall, Id say it looks like a truly fun movie and they genuinely stayed true to the original as much as they could without making it seem like they were trying to replace it.

Whats Your Number? (R)

Anna Faris stars in this comedy as a woman who tracks down the last twenty men shes dated in her life, hoping that one of them might be her true love. Captain Americas Chris Evans also stars in the film. According to Internet Movie Database, the movie got review points of 5.8, which is pretty average. Viewer are saying theyre pleasantly surprised with how good the movie was and that theres finally a romantic comedy for all.

Contagion (PG-13)

Paranormal Activity 3 (R)

This heart-wrenching science horror film will certainly make you paranoid of your surroundings and definitely make you remember to cover your mouth when you cough. About a lethal airborne virus epidemic that kills off a major portion of the worlds population and leaves the rest mentally in shambles, this movie is packed with thrilling graphics and disturbing scenes to keep you up at night. While the organization of high expertise medical professionals race to find a vaccine, pressure ensues as they become ill and rapidly die off themselves. This movie was rated 7.2 on IMDb for its absolutely amazing visuals and deathly frightening cut scenes.

The Big Year (PG)

Lion King 3D (G)

A touching new spin on a childhood favorite, this will surely bring back nostalgic memories. Its the original plot of the Disney classic but now revamped to 3D, making it feel like youre in the film and part of the intensified emotional experience. For its memorable plot, lovable characters, and thrilling adventures of everyones most beloved lion prince, this film was rated 8.4 by IMDb.

Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson star as three devoted bird watchers competing to spot the rarest birds in North America at a grand annual event. Viewers review that the film was funnier than expected, an average Jack Black movie, and good for the whole family! While some people may think the film will be a little boring with the plot and all, I personally think that with three of the funniest comedians in Hollywood it actually wont be that bad. Id say if you like the actors, go see this film, because theyll be three times funnier as a trio.

Paramount Pictures are back with the thrilling sequel that will bring you all new chills, screams, and terror. Paranormal Activity 3 rewinds back to 1988, when sisters Katie and Kristi experience and befriend a paranormal entity. Ive seen both Paranormal Activity 1 and 2 in theaters, and its truly a whole different experience than watching it in your own home. And I have be honest, my heart pounds when I just watch the trailers of this film. I can tell its going to be far more intense, and more exciting. Viewers seem to agree, saying its pure potent fear, and warning everyone to get ready to sleep with the lights on again! Fans of Paranormal Activity should be very excited. I know I am.

The Three Musketeers (PG-13)

The Thing (R)

50/50 (R)

A true story about a shocking cancer diagnosis to an afflicted and ill-fated 27 yearold. Even through his struggles between a close thread of life and death, his life remains to be an unlikely comical story as he fights his way back to health. Its a stunning story with plenty of comic relief to keep the film light-hearted and whimsical, its a perfect eye-opener film to watch with family and friends. IMDb rates this incredible film an 8.4.

Footloose (PG-13)

Everyones talking about the modern remake of one of the biggest movies of the

At an Antartican facility, a extra terrestrial being is discovered. It survives by invading the bodies and minds of a human host. The researchers must fight for themselves as they realize that not everyone may be who they portray themselves to be. Everyone seems to think this film is a prequel of John Carpenters The Thing. On the contrary, it is a prequel to the original. Viewers rave that the film is a perfect companion to the original, intense!, and very good. At the same time, Im hearing very different things from other viewers. Like, boring, predictable, and dont waste your money. If youre a fan of the original, Id say go see it, but at your own risk. Go with expectations that its gonna suck, but hope that it wont. For those who havent seen the original and are looking for a good Halloween movie, go see it. Youll most likely love it. Cardinal Columns

Logan Lerman stars as the cocky young DArtagnan who fights alongside with the former legendary, but now down on their luck, trio that must unite and fight a stunning double agent and her immoral employer, played by Orlando Bloom, from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war. Some viewers are saying that the film is enjoyable nonsense and more fun than I expected!, while others are saying its a poor adaption of a great story. Overall, Id say if youre a fan of the tale, be your own judge. But go at your own risk.

In Time (PG-13)

Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried star in this bizarre and thrilling action filled flick that takes place in the future where people stop aging after 25 and must work to buy themselves time to live. Viewers are raving that this film has an excellent plot, excellent ending, excellent entertainment and that its right up there with Inception! In my opinion, just because of the plot, I strongly doubt this film will be too disappointing. It looks very promising, and I dont know how they could screw it up. Both Timberlake and Seyfried are well respected and experienced in the business, so Im sure people will be pleased with their performances. 13

Editorial Page
This school year, Principal Wiltzius announced that students will be allowed to use their cell phones and electronics during passing time and lunch. When it comes to using them in classrooms, it is all up to the teacher. This policy is great. What harm can students do texting each other during passing

New school electronics policy

time? None! Many teachers are fine with cell phone use during class as long as it isnt while instruction is being given or during tests. We agree with this 100%. Not being allowed to text during tests is for an obvious reason, cheating, and texting while somebody is talking is just plain rude. If a student chooses to text during their work time, that is their own choice. Yes, it will probably slow them down, but it is their grade and their choice. At home, students are obviously going to text while they do their work, so why restrict it at school? When electronics were restricted, it just got kids into trouble.

From the Cardinal Columns Editorial Board

The policy did not stop students from texting. With the new policy, teachers and students can come to an understanding and hopefully respect each other and get along. Cell phones are a part of students lives these days. The school would just be wasting time and energy trying to keep them banned.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Jobs

On Wednesday, October 5th, one of the greatest creative minds and technological innovators of our age passed away. Steve Jobs, the co-founder and creator of Apple, Inc., died at 56 after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer. From an early age, Jobs showed an aptitude and enthusiasm for technology. Born in 1955 and given up for adoption by his biological parents, he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs and grew up in California, close to Silicon Valley, a place where he would later grow his business into the worlds most valuable company (valued at $187 billion by Forbes). In 1976, Jobs and a friend from high school, Stephen Wozniak, started a company with $1,300 of their own money with headquarters in the Jobs family garage. They called it Apple, presumably after Jobs eating habits at the time. They started making computers, called Apple I and Apple II, to rival the clunky, slow, officeonly versions of computers dominant at the time. By 1981, the year the company went public, sales jumped from $2 million in 1977 to $600 million. Two years more and Apple, Inc., took its place in the Fortune 500, where it remains to this day. No other company has climbed onto the list faster. In 1985, Jobs left Apple, Inc. after a bitter falling-out with his chief executive, John Sculley, and spent $10 million on a small, struggling graphics company owned by George Lucas of Star Wars fame. That company was Pixar Studios. In 1985, there was very little market for computer-made movies;

ten years more and Pixar would produce its first movie in a line of instant successes and classics, the much-beloved Toy Story. In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar for $7.4 billion. Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, becoming CEO again in 2000. One year later, Apple would introduce a new product to the public intended to replace Walkmans or portable, clunky radios. Called the iPod, its user-friendly interface, digital downloading system and sleek design made a huge impact, revolutionizing the music industry and introducing the download as a replacement for the CD. In 2007, Apple, Inc. released the iPhone, effectively creating the smartphone market, and in 2010 created the market for tablet computers with the invention of the iPad. Whether or not you own an

Apple product, their inventions have touched your life in some way or another, stretching their way across the globe. That iPod or iPhone in your pocket? Thank Steve Jobs. The Disney-Pixar movies you love so much? Thank Jobs. The iMacs in every classroom, media center and library? Thanks, Steve. In these coming days, Apple, Inc. will host tributes, regroup and decide where to go from here now that the man whose genius shines through on their every product is gone. The world will mourn the passing of someone quick-witted, witty and willing to see the world as it could be rather than just as it is. As one Twitter user wrote, R.I.P., Steve Jobs. You touched an ugly world of technology and made it beautiful.

Obama: Doctor Pragmatic

or, how Obama learned to stop worrying and love his reelection chances
by Alex Slater Copy Desk Chief They stood together, the seven GOP candidates hoping to make an early impact on the 2012 presidential race. Standing in front of red, white and blue bunting and behind identical podiums, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and the rest knew the metaphorical stage was much bigger than the one they stood on, the stakes higher than the cable pundits polls. This was their night to stand out and make a difference, their night to grab voters by the lapels and shake them into a groundswell of support. Not exactly. For a night that was supposed to identify a single frontrunner, the GOP debate was jumbled and unclear, with two men, Romney and Perry, emerging with a shared victory while the rhetoric and attacks on the other Republican hopefuls flew high and furious. Barack Obama seems to think that when 14 we earn money, it belongs to him and were lucky just to keep a little bit of it, Bachmann said of the Obama administrations income tax. What President Obama is, is a big-spending liberal. And he takes his political inspiration from Europe and from the socialist democrats in Europe, announced Romney. My next door neighbors two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this president, Gary Johnson claimed. This, then, is the GOPs greatest fault, their major tripping point. The debates thus far have exposed the entire field as a weak matchup for Obama; even Perry and Romney, were the election to happen this month, would be beaten by at least a five point percentage -- a slim margin, but one these candidates cant afford to have. And, barring a complete campaign change from any of them, that gap will only widen: the extreme rhetoric loosed in the debates, so eagerly gobbled up by Tea Party supporters, fails Cardinal Columns to find an audience with anyone outside the extremist right-wing fringe. Eighty percent of voters are moderately leaning Americans disgusted with the hyperbole spewed from the left and right and eager for compromise and calm amid the calamity; in other words, voters looking for a moderate, pragmatic and levelheaded candidate to support. Therein lies the key to an Obama victory in 2012. The president is known for his calm, unruffled demeanor -- a sharp contrast with his Republican opponents, who yell first and speak later -- and if Obama can show that contrast and establish himself as the reasonable mans choice, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. will remain his address for the next four years. Despite low approval ratings, Obama still has enough middle-ground appeal to satisfy voters caught in the middle and is still the favorite to win the election. Unless any of his Republican opponents can find a wider base of support, Yes We Can will once again become Yes We Did in the next year.

Blast from the Past

Fondy Free Press gets a new name for the 2011-2012 school year!
For the new school year, we chose to go with a new name for the school newspaper. We first became the Fondy/Goodrich Free Press in 1978. This year, we decided to switch it up a bit. Not only did we go to a magazine layout, but we also got a new name. The name came from a past issue, from 1985, called the Cardinal Columns. Throughout the years, Goodrich/Fondy Highs paper has been named many names. In the late 1920s to early 1930s, we were called the Peptimist. For the majority of the paper being available, we were called The Hi-Eye. This name stuck around for around 40 years, until 1978 when the paper was changed to The Goodrich Free Press. Then, in 1985, was changed to Cardinal Columns, and later to Fondy Free Press. Its time for a blast from the past, say hello to the new newspaper at Fondy, the Cardinal Columns! In each issue, we will give you a little taste of how the past papers used to be. In this issue, take a look at Homecoming from 1963! Check out the dental inspection for juniors under the Looking Ahead column, and Golden Boy Cast Chosen.

Homecoming like its 1963 . . .



The Back Page

Tricks and treats this Halloween

Fall brings a variety of spooky and beautiful entertainment
by Brittany Ecker Staff Writer

Sophomore Max Culver gets a bit crazy during Halloween. One Halloween, Max had a bowl of candy by his garage. When a kid would prance up to the garage, Max would pull his garage open. A pool of fog would come pouring out. I would come running out with a fake chain saw, wearing a mask, screaming. Max said. It was fun. Max is not the only student who has fun at the expense of others on Halloween. Sophomore Will Linstrom does, too. Will Linstrom, dressed as the Joker, scared a fairy child. One Halloween, Will was trick-or-treating. Skipping down the dark sidewalk came a young girl wearing a fairy princess costume. Will saw her and decided to have some fun. He stalked her down the sidewalk. Then she

Fun at Halloween Express

stopped and turned around. Will stared her down and would not stop looking her in the eyes, until finally she burst out screaming and crying and ran away, never to return again. Best Halloween ever, said Will. Some Fondy students just go trick-ortreating for fun on Halloween. The best part of Halloween is when youre trick-or-treating and the bowl, or bucket, says take one and I take the whole thing! laughed Brandon Kutchek, sophomore. I like going trick or treating with Party at Backyard Grill my friends and people make fun of us because we are so old! exclaimed Heidi October season, either to get pumpkins Erickson, junior. for Halloween or apple pie for a HalOther than trick or treating and scar- loween party. Little Farmer has tons of ing others, the beautiful leaves of fall, things for a family to do. Other than the play a role in the love of Halloween big play land, they have a market place time. Majority of the students and teach- where they sell caramel apples, pies and ers said The leaves are the best part of muffins. They also have hay rides. October. Just think if Halloween was in I went to a birthday party at little summer, with no farmer, and I went leaves, super hot. on the hay ride, It wouldnt be and it made me the same. In Fall, fall asleep, said its just right; the Ari Ebling-Hopf, weather isnt too sophomore. hot or too cold, I like the and it has wonpumpkin mufderful leaves! fins and caramel I love when apples at Little you drive through Farmer, theyre the country and great. said Mrs. see the different English Brandon Kutchek Jahn, color leaves on teacher. the trees! said Their caramel Jorden Glending, apples at Little sophomore. Farmer are amazing, why wouldnt someI love Halloween and October be- one like them? asked Rachael Schnider, cause of the beautiful leaves that i can sophomore. rake up and jump in, said Tony Sharratt, I like watching my kids play on the senior. playground at Little Farmer, having a I love the magnificent leaves, because good time. Mr. Lehman said. theyre so beautiful and I like the way Everyone has their own special tradithey look, said Ben Kiefer, sophmore. tions on Halloween. You could be like Most teachers at Fondy enjoy going Max or Will who have a little bit too to Little Farmer and trick or treating for much fun, or you could be more orditheir kids, not for their own pleasure. Lit- nary. But Ocober is full of lots of fun tle Farmer is a great place to go during things to do!

The best part of Halloween is when youre trick or treating and the bowl, or bucket, says take one, and I take the whole thing.



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