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uefrag adalah Menyusun sekumpulan daLa

dalam hard dlsk sehlngga daLadaLa dalam

hard dlsk akan Lersusun rapl Mendefrag
hard dlsk akan membuaL hard dlsk leblh
cepaL dalam membaca daLa
Arahan unLuk defrag
Cllck SLarL All rograms Accessorles
SysLem 1ools ulsk uefragmenLer
Arahan unLuk ulsk Cleanup
1 8uka My CompuLer kemudlan plllh Local ulsk (C)
2 ada menu llle kllk roperLles
3 Local ulsk (C) roperLles dlalog box muncul
4 kllk Lab 1ools dl bawah Lrrorchecklng kllk Check
3 ul bawah plllhan Check dlsk plllh pada kekoLak
5coo fot ooJ ottempt tecovety of boJ sectots
kemudlan kllk SLarL
6 Checklng ulsk Local ulsk (C) muncul
7 SaLu mese[ ulsk Check CompleLe akan muncul
seLelah proses scannlng ber[aya dllaksanakan kllk

1o reorganlze Lhe dlsk by puLLlng flles lnLo conLlguous order 8ecause Lhe operaLlng sysLem sLores new daLa ln
whaLever free space ls avallable daLa flles become spread ouL across Lhe dlsk as Lhey are updaLed Large flles
may be broken lnLo Lhousands of fragmenLs causlng Lhe read/wrlLe head Lo move back and forLh numerous
exLra Llmes Lo read Lhe daLa A defragger or opLlmlzer program rewrlLes all Lhe flles and sLores Lhem ln
ad[acenL secLors

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