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8lL 3023 LlngulsLlcs for LSL 1eachers

Mr nor Azman
Week 2 19 SepLember 2011

L|ngu|st|cs A sc|ent|f|c study of a |anguage

CldesL Language
O dlscovered ln 7
cenLury 8C by klng SamLlc
O erodoLus
O CnomaLopoela language sLarLed from sounds of naLure
example crack splash hlss chlrp
O CLLo !aspersen (uanlsh LlngulsL) 18601943 found 4 Lypes of Lheory on how language was
lnvenLed and added one more

Language lnvenLlon 1heorles
1 8owwow Lheory
Sounds lnvenLed from lmlLaLlon of naLure
Lxample meow squeak moo

2 oohpooh Lheory
Sound made by people Lhrough lnsLlncLs and emoLlons such as paln and anger
unlversal lnLer[ecLlons
Lxample ouch

3 ulnguong Lheory
Speech arose because people reacL Lo sLlmulus around Lhem
Lxample A baby mouLhlng mama" when held near for breasL feedlng/ a chlld wavlng
whlle mouLhlng da da/ La La"

uman Language
Lhrough volce
body languages
4 ?oheho Lheory
Speech arose when people work LogeLher Lhrough a communlLy
A chanL
Lxample CnL 1WC uLL!

3 Lala Lheory
lmlLaLlon of Lhe human language
8omanLlc slde of llfe

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