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AuS18ALlA LC11C LC11L8?

3Lh lloor LasL CommonwealLh CenLer
33 Currle SLreeL Adelalde SA 3000
SouLh AusLralla

WlnnlnC nC1lllCA1lCn
We are dellghLed Lo lnform you of Lhe resulL of Lhe Lmall
address balloL loLLery draw of Lhe AusLrallan cashouL loLLo by
lnLernaLlonal programwhlch Look place on Lhe 12Lh of SepL 2009
1hls ls a compuLer generaLed loLLery of lnLerneL users uslng emall
addresses for draws
1hls loLLo draw ls fully based on an elecLronlc selecLlon of
wlnners uslng Lhelr emall addresses from dlfferenL World Wlde
Web(www)slLes?our emall address aLLached Lo LlckeL number 47061723
07036490902 drew Lhe lucky numbers and bonus ball number whlch
subsequenLly won you Lhe loLLery ln Lhe 2nd caLegory?ou have
Lherefore been approved Lo clalm a LoLal sum of uS$30000000 (llvL
Punu8Lu 1PCuSAnu uS uCLLA8S) ln cash credlL flle reflL/PW 47309/02
1hls ls from Lhe LoLal cash prlze of uS$4000000 Mllllon
uollarsshared amongsL Lhe flrsL 1en (10) lucky wlnners ln Lhls
caLegoryAll parLlclpanL were selecLed randomly Lhrough a compuLer
balloLlng sysLem drawn from nlne hundred Lhousand Lmall addresses
from Canada AusLralla unlLed SLaLes Asla Lurope Mlddle LasL
Afrlca and Cceanla as parL of our lnLernaLlonal promoLlons program
whlch ls conducLed annually1hls LoLLery ls belng promoLed and
sponsored by a conglomeraLe of MulLlnaLlonal companles as parL of
Lhelr soclal responslblllLy Lo Lhe clLlzens ln Lhe communlLles where
Lhey have operaLlonal base

LLASL MAkL Su8L 1PA1 ?Cu CuC1L ?Cu8 8LLCW WlnnlnC A81lCuLA8S WPLn
CCn1AC1lnC ?Cu8 ACLn1

8ef 4738961723
8aLch ALLlnC 70364943902/188
Wlnnlng no lCnC82701/L8C

PCW 1C CLAlM ?Cu8 8lZL

?ou have Lo flll Lhe form below and submlL lL Lo your reglonal clalms agenL
Mrs Ana 1upuos emall (Lupuoana[ukucouk) C8 (Lupuo_ana1[llvecom)

llll Lhls form below and send lL Lo her Lo flle for your clalm

LC11L8? WlnnL8S ALlCA1lCn lC8M Cl A?MLn1

luLL nAML uanlel Anlbal ?bar 8errocal
uA1L Cl 8l81P 20 de [unlo de 1933
ACL 34
MA8l1AL S1A1uS casado
nA1lCnALl1? L8uAnA
1LLLPCnL 9900071964810300
LMAlL anlbal2333[?ahoocom
uA1L 10 10 09
WlnnL8 8Ll/8A1CP nC ALLlnC 70364943902/188 A8CvLu
lC8 A?MLn1

lease quoLe your referencebaLch and wlnnlng number whlch can be
found on Lhe Lop lefL corner of Lhls noLlflcaLlon as well as your full
name address and Lelephone number Lo help locaLe your flle easlly

CongraLulaLlons once agaln on your wlnnlngs!!!

?ours ln servlce


Mr Wllllams SLandford
Cnllne coordlnaLor for
AuS18ALlAn LC11C lnC

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