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Google Apps can make your company more profitable, productive, and innovative. Here are a few areas can benefit from going Google:

Efficiency Productivity Trust Innovation goes Google

Efficiency: Lower total cost of ownership

By switching to Google Apps your company of 5 employees could save

a year

Google Apps only costs $50 per user per year. That's less than your company will spend on morning coffee. goes Google

EstimatedsavingsoverMicrosoftExchange2007,assumingaverageITmanagerhourlywageof$70anhour. Estimatesarebasedonsamplecustomersofasimilarsize,andmaynotreflectyouractualexperiencewithGoogleAppsorMicrosoftExchange2007.

Efficiency: Access anytime, anywhere

Employees at will be

2.8 times
more productive while mobile

Access your files from any place with internet. Plus, Macs, PCs and Linux can all run Google Apps. Blackberry devices, smartphones, Outlook and Entourage accounts are compatible, too. goes Google

Theaverageemployeeinthecompanybecame2.8xmoreeffectivewhileworkingmobilewithin6monthsafteradoptingGoogleApps, (TelegraphMediaGroupInternalStudy,2009).

Efficiency: Bigger inboxes, less clutter could add

0GB storage space of email

Enough for

0 emails

Gmail inboxes are 50 times the industry standard So employees will spend less time deleting emails. Plus, that new space will be organized into conversation threads, reducing the number of inbox lines by 47%. goes Google

Calculationsbasedonanaverageemailsizeof418KB(OstermanResearchStudy,2010).Thenumberoflinesinemployeesinboxesdecreasedby47%, or510,000emailsperdayacrosstheorganization(MotorolaMobileDevicesBusinessinternalstat,2009).

Productivity: Less spam, more time could put the

140 hours
employees normally spend dealing with spam to better use.
Gmail saves time by filtering out spam and protecting you from viruses. Hope you won't miss those inspirational chain letters. goes Google

Assumptions:5secondsforanemployeetoclickopenandemail,IDitasspam,anddeleteit. Anaverageuserreceives77spamemailseachdaywhichareblockedbyGooglePostiniServices(Googleinternalstat,2009)

Productivity: No more version control

At, if

10 team members
working on a project each make

5 revisions
there would be

50 versions
of the same document floating around. Yikes.
Technology is supposed to make things easier, but too many attachments get complicated. With Google Apps, there's a single online copy of each document, so everyone knows that they're working on the latest version of a doc, spreadsheet or presentation. goes Google

Productivity: Integrated email, IM, and video chat

Employees at could communicate

36% more

with integrated email, IM, voice and video chat.

Along with saving money on the company phone bill, Gmail's built in IM, voice, and video chat make collaboration and communication more efficient. goes Google

Employee communication increased by 36% within 6 months after adopting Google Apps. (Telegraph Media Group Internal Study, 2009)

Trust: Automatic updates

Save 5 hours
per year with automatic updates and keep your data safe and sound.
With Google Apps, updates and security patches are automatically installed. So instead of installing patches, changing passwords and fending off viruses, your IT department can contribute to the company in more productive ways. goes Google

Assumption:5minutesforeachusertoupdateandrestarttheirmachineaftereachPatchTuesday(12timesperyear). Microsoft had71criticalandimportantsecurityalertsin2009alone.

Trust: 99.9% uptime reliability


uptime will get

135 hours of additional productivity

each year.
When it comes to servers, downtime is a downer. But with Google Apps, will experience more reliable access to files and emails with no planned downtime. Other server systems have at least 36 to 90 minutes of planned downtime a month. goes Google

Companieswithon-premisesemailsolutionsaveragedfrom30to60minutesofunscheduleddowntimeandanadditional36to90minutesof planneddowntimepermonth,(TheRadicatiGroupstudy,2008).


Trust: Data security could avoid losing

of data from lost or stolen laptops. And will spend

less recovering from data loss.
Losing things is never fun. But with Google Apps all your data is stored online. That means you'll need 0 thumb drives and lose 0 gigs of data if anything happens to a company laptop.
Assumptions:60%ofemployeeshavelaptops;10GBofdatastoredperlaptop;averagelaptopcostof$2000. According to the FBI, 1 out of every 10 laptops are stolen in the first year of purchase, (FBI, 2005). Atypicallostorstolenlaptopcostsemployees$49,246duetovalueofmissingintellectualpropertyorothersensitivedata.(PonemonInstitute,2008.) goes Google


Trust: Data Recovery could save


in data recovery services. may spend as much as $750 in data recovery services to protect from a natural disaster or hardware meltdown. But by going Google you'd spend $0 and wait 0 weeks to recover files. goes Google



Innovation: Continuous updates & new features

Plus, nobody likes waiting for new stuff.

That's why Google has automatic updates. You'll instantely get the newest features instead of waiting years for the next version to be released. In the past year, Google Apps has released over a hundred new features and innovations without any patches of installations to worry about. Here are a few new ones: Google Drawings Upload any type of file Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exhange Translate documents in Google Docs Message Log Search in Message Security Google Docs shared folders Translate in Google Sites Google Apps Script Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise server Custom template creation in Google Docs Google Secure Data Connector Gmail drag & drop attachments Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook Google Groups in Apps Export all documents Google Sites templates goes Google


So here's the bottom line if switches to Google Apps.

Time saved: Money saved:

280 hours/yr. $17,272/yr.

Time to go Google
Learn more at goes Google


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