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Ruqayya Raza Syeu

Yeai E.Engg.

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MechaLronlcs AsslgnmenL 1

A) WhaL ls MechaLronlcs?
MechaLronlcs ls baslcally an lnLelllgenL
comblnaLlon of mechanlcal elecLrlcal and
compuLer englneerlng 1he essenLlal ldea of
mechaLronlcs ls Lo converL machlne based
conLrols lnLo elecLronlc conLrols smarLly and seamlessly 1hls noL only alds Lhe
user buL also glves a very preclse conLrol over Lhe sysLem A parLlcular sysLem
whlch ls developed Loday can be used for a varleLy of dlfferenL Lasks a feaL
LhaL wasn'L posslble before Lhe advenL of mechaLronlcs MechaLronlcs
englneerlng ls consldered a very dynamlc fleld due Lo Lhe wlde range of uses lL
encompasses ln our dayLoday llves
8)ome examples of mechaLronlc sysLems?
1he odomeLers ln our cars are a classlc example of Lhe revoluLlonary change
broughL abouL due Lo mechaLronlcs 1radlLlonally Lhe mechan|ca| odometers
had gears connecLed Lo Lhe Lransmlsslon shafL vla a flexlble cable When Lhe
wheels of Lhe car Lurned Lhe gears Lurned wlLh Lhem 1he cable reached
Lhrough Lo Lhe dlsplay and showed Lhe dlsLance Lravelled Powever Lhese
odomeLers can easlly be rewlnded lor example lf one drlves Lhe car ln
reverse Lhe odomeLers wlll also work ln reverse 1he ma[or drawback of Lhese
mechanlcal odomeLers ls easlly undersLood Lhe cable ls prone Lo wear and
Lear and lL alds ln odomeLer fraud
Modern d|g|ta| odometers use a LooLhed wheel and a magneL
sensor Lo glve a dlsplay 1he wheel ls connecLed Lo Lhe
Lransmlsslon shafL and Lhe sensor generaLes a volLage whlch ls
counLed as pulses 1he compuLer ln Lhe car Lhen uses Lhese
Ruqayya Raza Syeu
Yeai E.Engg.

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pulses Lo calculaLe Lhe dlsLance Lravelled 1he dlsplay for
Lhese dlglLal odomeLers lncorporaLes an lnLelllgenL sysLem
as well 1he lnformaLlon ls LransmlLLed Lhrough a slngle
wlre communlcaLlons bus from Lhe Lnglne ConLrol unlL Lo
Lhe dashboard uue Lo Lhls lnLelllgenL LCu Lhe odomeLer
cannoL be 'rolled back'
AnoLher groundbreaklng lnvenLlon credlLed Lo mechaLronlcs ls Lhe modern
e|ectron|c automat|c quartz watch Modern waLches do a loL more Lhan [usL Lell
Llme 1hese waLches are powered by Lhe plezoelecLrlc effecL uue Lo Lhe
plezoelecLrlc effecL Lhe quarLz crysLal osclllaLes and Lhen resonaLes aL a very
sLable frequency 1he osclllaLlons of Lhe crysLal send a parLlcular slgnal Lo Lhe
counLer whlch produces a blnary number llnally Lhls blnary number ls converLed
lnLo a serles of seven numbers LhaL all correspond Lo Lhe hours mlnuLes and
seconds 1he LLus Lhen dlsplay Lhese on Lhe screen uue Lo Lhls auLomaLlc quarLz
arrangemenL Lhe waLch provldes Lhe accuracy of Lhe quarLz wlLhouL Lhe need Lo
replace Lhe baLLery or capaclLor unLll Lhe end of lLs llfe whlch can be decades
long 1hese elecLronlc waLches noL only auLomaLlcally updaLe Lhemselves buL
more recenLly have also lncorporaLed Lhe funcLlons of a calculaLor C eLc
Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhe older hand wlnd waLches usually work by woundlng Lhe
sprlng when Lhe crown of Lhe waLch ls roLaLed 1hese waLches have Lo be
wounded aL leasL once a day whlch can be a blL Ledlous
C) lmpacLs of MechaLronlcs on Lhe 1radlLlonal Mechanlcal lndusLry
uurlng Lhe pasL 3 years accordlng Lo 1hesame (2003a) ln 1he Stakes of
Mechatron|cs |n kesearch 1ra|n|ng and Industry onllne mechaLronlcs has
really made lLs lndellble mark ln Lhe lndusLry A sLudy by Lhe lrench agency
(1hesam 2003b) proved LhaL ouL of 100 pro[ecLs made ln mechanlcal lndusLry
more Lhan half of Lhem were aL Lhe brlnk of mechaLronlcs wlLh Lhe merglng of
compuLer and elecLronlcs Lxamples of such lnnovaLlons lnclude Lhe A8 ln
vehlcles uvu players lndusLrlal roboLs Lhe modern auLofocus camera and so on
Accordlng Lo Lhe same [ournal Lhe mechaLronlcs ls also quoLed as one of Lhe key
Lechnologles on Lhe 2003 horlzon by Lhe federaLlon of Lhe mechanlcal englneerlng
lndusLrles lL won'L be erroneous Lo say LhaL LradlLlonal mechanlcal englneerlng
Ruqayya Raza Syeu
Yeai E.Engg.

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faces a leglLlmaLe danger Loday lf lL doesn'L revoluLlonlse lLself
Pavlng sald LhaL lL ls also wldely belleved LhaL Lhere ls sorL of a culLural barrler
beLween Lhe mechanlcal world and Lhe elecLronlc world 1he dlvlde beLween Lhe
mechanlcal englneers ln Lhelr lndusLry and Lhe elecLrlcal englneers ln Lhelr
lndusLry ls percepLlble ln order for boLh Lhe mechaLronlcs and Lhe mechanlcal
lndusLry Lo progress muLual undersLandlng and parLnershlp ls a musL





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