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Should the use of plastic bags be banned?

Group 5
Doan Chi Hai Duong Trang Bang Ho Le Phuoc Loc Diep Minh Tam

I. Introduction
Attention getter: Id like to talk about the use of the plastic bags. B. Clarify the goal of speech : The earth has been threatened by the use of plastic bags. C. Credibility: I am fascinated by this state and have done research in last weekend to prepare for this speech. D. Relate the audience to the issue: Do you think using plastic should be banned? E. Thesis: Today I will discuss three main negative effects from using the plastic bags :Environment pollution, the great waste and Health Damage . *Transition: First, I will discuss the effects of using plastic bags .

II. Body
A- Main point 1: Environment is polluted by using plastic bags. 1.Sub-point 1: the use of plastic bags make the soil and water polluted. Supporting ideas 1: According to the scientist, the plastic bags take 1000 years to break down. when we throw them into land and instead makes to run on the surface of land causing erosion of soil, carrying various pollutiants to nearby mater bodies resulting in pollution of water. Supporting ideas 2:Futhermore,erosion of soil cause washing of vegetation nutrients available in the soil. For example, the places where store a lot of garbage without the plants Supporting ideas 3:The water is essential to the plants and animals. As you know ,plastic bags kill thousands of marine mammals yearly.

2-Sub point 2: The use of plastic bags make the air polluted. Supporting ideas 1:It is easy to realize that the harmful gases are created if we burn plastic bags. Supporting ideas 2:Some research indicate that many people died because of harmful gases. Supporting ideas 3:Besides that many people throw plastic bags into the river ,therefore, these rivers are so dirty, this thing also affects negatively to the air. *Transition: next, I will discuss the great waste

B. Main point 2: the use of the plastic bags is the great waste 1. Sub-point 1: producing the plastic bags is the great waste of natural resources. . Supporting idea 1:From investigations, plastic bags production uses almost 10 percent of the worlds oil supply every year. . Supporting idea 2: People throw the plastic bags away. After a long time, the agriculture soil loose the value of nutrition. .Supporting idea 3 : In Addition ,the sources of water providing to agriculture are full the plastic bags . This also affects negatively to harvest.

2. Sub-point 2: the use of the plastic bags waste a lot of money . Supporting idea 1 : the government has to spend a lot of money to clean up the plastic bags. You know the Viet Nam government has to spend billion VND for treating them yearly. . Supporting idea 2 : Plastic bags also make the landscapes polluted. This decrease numbers of the tourist to Viet Nam. Thus, the profit from tourism is decreased so much . . Supporting idea 3 : Now most of markets and supermarkets use a lot of plastic bags . These plastic bags are used once. Then, People throw them away. So, it is a the great waste ! *Transition: my last is the living things

C. Main point 3: Using the plastic bags affects strongly to the living things in the Earth. 1.Sub-point 1: Plastic bags are the serious danger to the wildlife. .Supporting idea 1: Thousands of marine mammals died every year after swallowed the plastic bags . You know , when plastic bags are floating in the seas, the fishes and mammals mistake them for food. They swallow plastic bags and die. . Supporting idea 2 : Also, cattle happens to swallow the plastic bags while the plastic bags are the poison making them die. . Supporting idea 3 : In Addition , Erosion of soil in the hilly areas makes the roots of trees exposed, so trees loose their strength to survive.

2. Sub-point 2 : Besides the wildlife, human beings life is also threatened so much by the use of plastic bags. . Supporting idea1 : It is important that we should ban the use of plastic bags because there are many serious diseases that are caused by plastic bags. . Supporting idea 2 : In some cases, people can die if breathing the harmful gases when burn the plastic bags. Ex: I remember that there was a child died because of this. He breathed when he burnt a lot of plastic bags in the closed room. . Supporting idea 3 : People often use the plastic bags to contain the food. However, most of these bags are very harmful to human beings heath. Therefore, we should not use plastic bags in order to protect our lives. The WHO warns us not to use plastic bags because millions of people get diseases every year. *Transition: However, many people think that the government should not ban the use of plastic bags.

Main point 4: there are two arguments for using the plastic bags 1.Counter argument 1: Most of people think that the use of plastic bags should be banned. They consider that most of all plastic bags can be recycled and used over again. *solution: Although the plastic bags can be recycled this waste of money. Therefore, We should use the cotton bags, cloth bags instead of plastic bags. 2.Counter-argument 2: Many people say that plastic bags should never be banned. They think plastic bags are very important fact of today modern life style. It is reliable and economical. *solution: Maybe they are right. However, the Earth has been becoming hotter and hotter nowadays. We all know that using the plastic bags is a serious problem leading to this. In order to save environment , we should stop using plastic Bags. This shows the love to our country .

III. Conclusion
1. Signal the end: In Short, the government should ban using plastic bags. 2.Sumarize the main idea: We have just discussed the three main reasons why the government should ban the use of plastic bags. We can always find an alternative for plastic bags but we can never find an alternative for Mother Nature which is destroyed because of these plastic bags.

Please say no to plastic bags!

References _Plastic_11Should_Be_Banned uld_plastic_bags_be_banned_1.html

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