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8i m . Information System Analyst 5 1


1 HU!UU!U Feasibility?
Fesibility: HHt !UU!

D Develop U!U U ! U! tHU


2 HU!UU! U Feasibility Analysist?
Feasibility Analysist: H IU!H Ht t DU!

D U U _

D System Development Projects U99U!t!j User

!DU! 9HUU H Project U
(leaslblllLy analysls ls Lhe process by whlch feaslblllLy ls measured lL ls an ongolng process done
frequenLly durlng sysLems developmenL pro[ecLs ln order Lo achleve a creeplng commlLmenL from
Lhe user and Lo conLlnually assess Lhe currenL sLaLus of Lhe pro[ecL )

H H Requirement Determination?
#equirement Determination: H tU99U UUt Data-gathering UU

(8equlremenLs deLermlnaLlon ls Lhe general daLagaLherlng acLlvlLy done durlng analysls)

4 UH _ U !D U U U ! !9 9DHU U! D Requirement
Requirement determination: HU!t.t2! ! DUU DU

D System
It may also be the most important and most diIIicult activity perIormed during the entire systems
analysis and design process.
During this activity the systems analyst and the user work together to identiIy and document the
true inIormation systems requirements.
In larger projects there are usually many systems analysts and users involved in this activity.
The systems analyst is constantly questioning: "What is this inIormation system supposed to do?"
Mistakes and oversights made during this activity become prohibitively expensive when they are
eventually discovered later in the project.
In Iact, a mistake Iound late in the project can cost as much as 70 times more to Iix than iI it were
Iound and corrected early in the project. The output or deliverable oI this activity is a requirements
speciIication document that is analogous to architectural sketches and drawings oI a home or

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5 UH _ Business Requirement U!9 9 Requirement Determination?
9 9 Requirement Determination DU Business Requirement U!H
- H U UU (Omission)
- 9t U!

U (Contradiction)
- U !t t (Ambiguities)
- (Duplicated)
- U !UI(Inaccuracy)
- UH _!IjD (Introduced Element)
- jU! (Too much Design)
- U!U !99D (Irrelevant InIormation)

6 H H Problem Domain?
Problem Domain: t D9U Business U 2H

H ! D DUHU automated inIormation System
A 5roblem domain reIers to the business problem or Iunction being planned, analyzed, designed,
and ultimately implemented as an automated inIormation system.

7 H H Four sub-Activities !

D Requirement Determination?
Four sub-Activities U ! IUDU! H
AnticipationHU !t !9 HU! 9 DjDDUU!U t t
Requirement Elicitation Ht !It ! jDU99 U!!I I H U Ut D U!
Requirement SpeciIication HjUt UHU I
Requirement Assurance HH t U


8 Sub-Activities 9 DU!9 9 !D U D U ?
@he precedlng four subacLlvlLles are LlghLly coupled wlLh each oLher and hlghly lLeraLlve ln
naLure SysLems analysLs have ofLen commenLed LhaL lL ls dlfflculL Lo lsolaLe one subacLlvlLy from Lhe
oLhers because Lhey are so lnLerrelaLed neverLheless Lhese same sysLems analysLs belleve LhaL
havlng a more compleLe undersLandlng of Lhe deLalled subacLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe requlremenLs
deLermlnaLlon acLlvlLy makes Lhem more effecLlve as Lhey gaLher requlremenLs for a proposed
lnformaLlon sysLem

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9 H H UtU!t.t 2!

D _

D ! Requirement
10 H U!t.t 2! Ut Requirement Determination IU!U tHU
UU !IU! U!H 2 ?
H U!t:t 2! Ut Requirement Determination IU!U tHU
UU U!U!:
Four SubActivities
asa`s Requirement model
Enterprise Object.

11 H H9 tt 2! Requirement Determination?
12 U UU Interview?
ttHI H t_t U!t.t 2! tHU H UU !I 9!!UH
IUt U! U! ttU! !I U!H !Ut HI
tt t!99jH U!U H HU t !U

U! D !DU !
t t UU ! !

1 U !! DH tU t U DI_U (UDHHtU t)?
t DU t .jDIU9H tt
H UD ! I Dt ! tHU tt
t tHI9tt(Interviewer)
jU HIt(Interviewee)
H t tUH9t ! ! DStructure

14 H H Open Question !D Close Question?
O5en Question HUH9t ! H! HUHI ttHH U
I U!tH! D9 9 U
Close Question HUH9t ! IU! !U UDUHtt HU! !I
Analysis !I9 ! !UUUH99UU! ! IHUt I
I H t_t !! !I
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Ut9 !ttUUU !U U IH _ t t


15 U!U H 2 9 9DHU U! D System Analysis and Design?

16 HU!9 9 InIormation System?

17 !jU System Analysis U !!HProgrammer 9?
!jU System Analyst U !!H Programmer 9 Ht System Analyst U !!H
Programmer H System Analyst HHH U D9 !UD Project
HH U 9 HDjD9jD

18 DUtD U H tUt99Ut System Analysis and Design?
19 tU H 2 U!9 9!D !

D System Analysis and Design?

tU 9 9D9! D System Analysis and Design U! H:
UD Project t HU U !U D9 !! U
UD H SoItware t HU U ! Computer

20 U UH H HUU!I InIormation Project?

21 H H Methodology?
Methodology: HUHjUUU UIU!H!I! U ! !UU! U

D SoItware Development
I _ H SoItware development process or SoItware process

22 I U Ut Traditional Methodology U!H 2 ?
I U Ut Traditional Methodology U! H:

- U Ut !II H t_t UH H!I! HU H jU ! U DUD ! !
- HUD U! U Project U !

2 U H U!H Structure Analysis and Design Methodology IU!UH Data Flow Modeling
U!H Structure Analysis and Design Methodology IU!UUH Data Ilow Modeling Methodology
HH InIormation System DUU Ut !I U !9 ! ! U (Flow oI Data)
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!!I9 ! ! U9H U!

D9D H9 ! !UU! UU Input U

!9 Storage
!DU _9 !! U2D(Output)

24 I H t_t H t HU H DtUU !

D InIormation Model Methodology?

I Ht_t t HU H DtUU !

D InIormation Model Methodology U! H

Traditional Mothodology
Structure Analysis and Design
InIormationn Modeling

25 InIormation Model Methodology 2 t Structure Methodology U ?
:2 t HD InIormation Methodology and Structure Methodology U! 2DU:
- InIormation Methodology: HI H t_t U UtUU UD !I InIormation System Ut HIU
U UHU! 9 tUU H Ut 9! U ! D9 9!DUt 9!! UHD ! D
- Structure Methodology: InIormation System DUU Ut !I U !9 ! ! U (Flow oI Data)

!!I9 ! ! U9H U!

D9D H9!!UU! UU Input U

!9 Storage
!DU _9 !! U2D (Output)

26 Ut Object Oriented Methodology U!H 2 ?
Ut Object Oriented Methodology U! H:
- IdentiIy the purpose oI inIormation: HHH U DUD t U DIH U ! !I!!U
H!IU!H HtjD tUU User !D System Analyst
- IdentiIy primary oI actor and Ieature oI inIormation: HHH User ! DSystem Analyst I !!I
9 !Dt 2! 9DHt Ut InIormation System (9 DU ! DH t U

- IdentiIy use case and create use case diagram Ior the Ieature: H ! UU U!U Ut ! UML
(UniIy Mode Language) !D Object Oriented Methodology
- IdentiIy Object and their class and create class diagram.
- Create scenario diagram.
-Create detail logic Ior operation:HtU ! ! !IU 2H Ut Object or Class
- Repeat activity 1-6

27 t.t 2!! Reuse !

D Object Oriented Methodology H ?

Reuse: HtU !U Ut Object _DI _

U! Ht

D9DU U!9 D 2DU

a. Sharing
b. Copying & Cloning
c. Adjusting

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