Flat Paper 2009

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Roll No. Total No. of Questions: 091 [Total No.

of Pages: 02

PaperID [A048U
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B.Tech. (Sem. - 7thl8th)

FORMAL LANGUAGES & AUTOMATA THEORY (CS - 404) Time : 03 Hours Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section A is Compulsory. 2) 3) from Section- B. Attempt any Four questions Attempt any Two questionsfrom Section- C. Section- A QI) a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) r) j) DefineFiniteAutomata. Define ContextFreeGrammar. What do you meanby ContextSensitiveLanguage? Automata. Define Pushdown grammar. Give an exampleof an ambiguous of Designa Turing Machineto recognizeall stringsconsisting an even numberof 1's. Define ChomskyNormal Form. Explainrewritingsystems. the Fxplain the difference between transitionfunctionsofDFAandNFA. u: If u and v are Regularexpressions, ababband v:baa then find uv andu*v. Section- B (4x5:20) Q2) Write a noteon CellularAutomata. (10x2:20) Maximum Marks : 60

E-402 [12081


and Grammars. Q3) Write a note on Formai Languages to Finite Automataequivalent the regularExpression Q4) Construct ( 0 + i ) * ( 0 0+ 1 1 )( 0 + 1 ) * . Q5) Designa Turing Machine over {1,b} which can computea concatenation fuqctionover ) : { 1}. If a pair of words(w,, wr) is the input,the outputhas tobew,wr. Q6) ExplainThe Krudo Normal Form. Section- C

(2 x 10:20)
Q7) Explain the propertiesof LL (k) and LR (k) grammars. the Q8) Convert following grammarinto GNF (GreibachNormal Form) S --+ AA/ 0 A--+SS/1 A Q9) Constructa pushdownautomata acceptingthe set of all stringsover {a,b} with equalnumberof a's and b's.



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