Aryan in Dubai

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lor my CcLober hollday l wenL Lo uubal l used Lo

llve Lhere Lhen l moved Lo 8angkok l was really

exclLed Lo see my frlends famlly and my old clLy

1hen l had a golng away parLy aL Adventure n a
place where you had Lo cllmb obsLacles lL was
really fun
l was really happy LhaL school was closed longer
because l wanLed Lo spend more Llme wlLh my
frlends buL sad LhaL Lhe floods are golng Lo geL
really bad l llke sLaylng ln a house more Lhan an
aparLmenL We have a pool and l go swlmmlng a
l had a sleepover wlLh Lwo frlends we boughL
fntbf guns and shoL aL each oLher and afLer we
flnlshed Lhere was palnL everywhere 8uL Lhe
worsL Lhlng was we had Lo clean up
1hen Arash kasra my frlend
and l wenL Lo wlld Wadl lL's a waLer park we wenL
on awesome waLer slldes and Lhere was a glanL
buckeL LhaL collecLed waLer Lhen Lhrew lL on you

1hen l wenL Lo my frlend's house for Palloween lL
was fun my 4 year old cousln and my one year old
cousln came l wore a reaper LhaL had blood on lLs
face l scared my 4 year old cousln so bad LhaL he
had Lo go home
l have been on Lop of Lhe 8ur[
khallfa Lhe LallesL bulldlng ln Lhe world lL ls
awesome lL looks llke Lhls

l wenL Lo eaL aL
uubal mall whlch has Lhe blggesL man made
founLalns ln Lhe world Lhey are beauLlful
l worked for my dad aL hls [ewelry company he
sald l had a good eye aL seelng whlch sLones
are good and whlch are bad 1hls ls Lhe llnk Lo
hls company wwwhammergroupcom

,y frlends are golng Lo have Lld holldays Lld ls
fesLlval were you have Lo fasL lL ls a nlce fesLlval
because when lL ls 400 you have food l am golng
Lo a fooLball camp because school ls closed for
longer 1oday l am golng Lo waLch my old schools
fooLball maLch Lhen go Lo my frlends house ln
dubal l read Lhe news Lhe floods are ln lL always
Lalklng abouL whaL wlll happen Lo 8angkok lL ls
really lnLeresLlng seelng whaL oLher people Lhlnk
abouL whaL ls happenlng ln 1halland
l hope everyone ls havlng a good Llme ln 8angkok
because l am ln uubal

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