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1hank ou so Much

l have been recelvlng several phone calls leLLers and messages from scores of people offerlng Lo pay up
my llablllLles" Lo lncome 1ax ueparLmenL l am slmply overwhelmed l am graLeful Lo everyone
Powever l have declded Lo mosL humbly decllne Lhese offers because lf l dld so l would be accused of
mlsuslng Lhe movemenL for my personal galns
lL only shows LhaL Lhe people can see Lhrough governmenL's aLLempLs aL LargeLlng 1eam Anna members
8aLher Lhan dlmlnlsh such aLLempLs are only lncreaslng supporL for Lhe movemenL lL ls sLrengLhenlng
people's resolve Lo flghL agalnsL corrupLlon
l am paylng up money Lo lncome Lax deparLmenL by Laklng loans from my old frlends 1he followlng
frlends have glven me unsecured lnLeresL free loan Lo pay up my dues" 1he CovernmenL has been
mlsuslng lLs machlnery for LargeLlng 1eam Anna l would slncerely urge Lhem noL Lo LargeL my followlng
frlends for helplng me
1 8a[lv Saraf 8s 113 Lakh Clvll Lnglneer my baLchmaLe from ll1 kharagpur We sLayed ln Lhe
same wlng ln Lhe same hosLel (nehru Pall) for four years
2 SubraLo Saha 8s 33 Lakhs Chemlcal Lnglneer my baLchmaLe from ll1 kharagpur We sLayed ln
Lhe same wlng ln Lhe same hosLel (nehru Pall) for four years
3 Parlsh Pande 8s 3 lakhs Lnergy Lnglneer one year [unlor from ll1 kharagpur We sLayed ln
same hosLel for Lhree years
4 ALul 8al 8s 62000 lrom ll1 kharagpur
3 vlkas Cangal 8s 30000 Lnergy Lnglneer one year [unlor from ll1 kharagpur We sLayed ln
same hosLel for Lhree years
6 Srlnlvas 8s 30000 My baLchmaLe from 1aLa SLeel

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