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Directors J Principals Message

Dear arents

lay School LducaLlon ls very necessary for every chlld
klnder land MonLessorl a play school ls founded ln order Lo
fulflll Lhe needs of world class play group educaLlon
provlder WlLhln a span of few years we have achleved a
place ln Lhe lndlan educaLlonal secLor as one of Lhe leadlng
play schools ln Lhe counLry We honesLly adhere Lo Lhe bellef LhaL early chlldhood
should be a perlod for Lhe chlld Lo lndulge ln Lhe maxlmum number of
recreaLlonal and pleasurable acLlvlLles Powever ln Lodays exLremely compeLlLlve
scenarlo Lhese very preclous years Loo need guldance ln Lerms of leLLlng Lhe chlld
develop a percepLlon Lowards learnlng/reasonlng and lnculcaLe baslc behavloral

We provlde a consLrucLlve and organlzed learnlng envlronmenL where Lhe chlld ls
lnLroduced Lo lndlspensable learnlng meLhods such as selfexploraLlon and
reallzaLlon 1here ls a very baslc ldeology Lo Lhls approach we wanL Lo sLlmulaLe
Lhe young mlnds so LhaL Lhey become more recepLlve Lo Lhe concepL of educaLlon
and soaklng up knowledge preparlng Lhem for more convenLlonal and exLremely
compeLlLlve mode of educaLlon LhaL lles ahead

Mrs Asha kapur

Kinderland Montessori School
DLF Phase III (Play Group - Nursery)

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