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Dorothy-Jean (Dody) Christian Chapman

While purchasing medical supplies for my mother at the local home health store, I overheard a lady tell the proprietor that Mr. C-PAP had died. The lady proceeded to reverently unshroud a small machine and arrange it and its cord upon the counter as if she was preparing it for burial. The proprietor asked the lady a few pertinent questions, examined the machine, plugged the lifeless cord into a nearby outlet, and punched a few buttons on the machines top side. To the ladys great pleasure, the machines LCD face lit up, looking like a miniature green, smiling skull. The lady scooped up her ghoulish treasure exclaiming, Mr. C-PAP, youve come back to life! I think Im going to call you Lazarus from now on. (To the uninformed, C-PAP stands for continuous, positive air pressure and is used by those who need an unobstructed airway to breath at night; in other words, a measured flow of air to keep tissues in the airway open enough to prevent snoring or blockage.)

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