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Inquisition Points represent how much Favour your Inquisitor is attracting from the Lords of Terra. The more battles he fights and mighty deeds that he and his Warband perform, the more attention he will attract. This correlates in game terms in two ways. Firstly, Inquisition Points can be used to Hire new followers. They are mercenaries receiving payment from your Inquisitor, (Or the favour of not being incarcerated). Also they may be followers that are attracted to the Inquisitors Warband as his fame spreads. The second way that Inquisition Points are represented is to reflect the number Skills that your inquisitor gains through time. In the next section of this booklet we will be explaining how to gain additional Inquisition Points. You begin the game with 35 Inquisition Points with which to attract followers. Every Warband is led by a Champion of The Emperor for free, and starts with the following profile: c Inquisitor WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+

Equipment: Two rolls on Inquisitor Table one roll on table1 & 2. Chose 2 items from those rolled. These rolls cost nothing. Choose which Ordo the Inquisitor follows. They can choose to Follow:Xenos (Alien Hunters) Hereticus (Mutant and Chaos Hunters) Malleus (Demon Hunters)
[Radicals will use Aliens, Puritans will NOT] [Radicals will use Demon Hosts, Puritans Will NOT] [Radicals will use Demon Hosts & Demon weapons, Puritans Will NOT]

There are two tables of followers/Hirelings. The first table consists of the more common followers, the second more rare and more dangerous followers. It costs1 Inquisition Point to roll on the first table, and 2 for the second. Remember to keep a tally of how many Inquisition Points you have spent. The dice roll determines what hirelings/followers have approached your Inquisitor and become available. If you choose, you can then spend the Inquisition Points necessary to recruit the follower/s as listed in the Inquisition Points per model column. On the other hand, if you cannot afford or do not wish to recruit the follower/s that you have rolled, you do not have to. For example, if you roll a 4 (Imperial Guard) and then roll a 3 (resulting in 3 Guard) you may choose to recruit none, 1, 2 or 3 of them as you like. If you choose not to recruit any, those Inquisition Points that were spent to roll on the table are lost, however, and you must spend more points if you wish to roll again on the table. In addition, you may alter the number you roll on the dice by one in exchange for a further Inquisition Point (you may spend as many points in this way as you wish). For example, if you rolled a 11, resulting in Chirurgeon, you could spend 2 further Inquisition Points to alter the dice number to 9 so that you could purchase a Hierophant. In this way, you could spend your points on recruiting anyone you come across, or spend extra points to choose who you really want. You may use Inquisition points to amass a weapons locker also. That is you may roll on any table you are permitted to and allocate the equipment later, you may not move the models starting equipment around. I.e. A sage came to your Warband with a Flamer, and you have rolled an additional Storm bolter, you may give this to your sage but you may not give his flamer to another Hireling as it was his starting equipment. But you must model the new weapon onto the model or make it clear to your opponent that it is armed differently. Pay 1 Inquisition Point to roll on this table (The special rules and characteristics of all the following models can be found Later in this booklet.) 2D6 Hireling Cost Equipment 1 roll on Psi table (no cost) 2 Penitent 3 3 Sage 1 1 Roll Equip Table 1 1 roll on equip Table1 or Table2 4 Warrior 1 5 Enforcer 2 Shotgun or 1 roll Table1 6-7 Imperial Guard D6 1 ea Lasgun or las pistol & CCW 8-9 Storm Troopers D3 1 ea Hellgun & frag grenades 10 Hierophant 2 1 roll on equip table 2 11 Chirurgeon 1 1 Roll on table 2 12 Roll on table 2 for no additional cost

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Pay 2 Inquisition Points to roll on this table (The special rules and characteristics of all the following models can be found Later in this booklet.) 2D6 Maleus Hereticus Xenos Hireling Hireling Hireling
2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12

Demon Host (8 Points) Assassin(Varies) Death Watch Captain (6 points) Arco-flagellants D2 (6 Points Each) Gun Servitor (5 points) Celestian (5 points) Acolyte (6 points) Death Cult Assassins D3 (4 Points Each) Free roll on any Ordos table
Cost 11 points 12 points 10 points 11 points 4 points c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 2D6
2 3 4 5 6-8 9-10 11 12

Alien (varies) /Deathwatch marine(5pts)

c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Assassin Table Assassin type Culexus Callidus Eversor Vindicare Death cult None available. Table 1 Ballistic 1 point Storm Bolter Bolt pistol Bolter Flamer Plasma Pistol roll on table 3 for free

Alien Table Alien Type Eldar Banshee Eldar Striking Scorpion Eldar Ranger Kroot Warrior Ogryn Kroot Warrior D3 Table 3 Assault 3 points Heavy Flamer Heavy Bolter Storm Bolter Plasma Gun Melta Gun Snipers Rifle Psi Advancement

Cost 3 points 3 points 3 points 2 points 3 points

2 pts each

Table 2 Melee 1 point Eviscerator Power Weapon CCW & Las Pistol CCW & Combat shield. Power Fist Lightning Claw

(Each roll is 3 points regardless of when rolled)

Destroy Daemon Scourging Holocaust Sanctuary Word of the Emperor Hammer Hand Psychic Hood (re-roll if for a Penitent)

2D6 c 1 2 3 4 5 6

Inquisitor Equipment tables 3 points per roll, Inquisitors and Acolytes only Malleus Hereticus Xenos Daemon Wpn/ Force Weapon Blessed Wpn/ Frost blade Frost blade / Agoniser Power armour (3+ save) Power armour (3+ save) Power armour (3+ save) Refractor Field (5+ invulnerable) Refractor Field (5+ invulnerable) Refractor Field (5+ invulnerable) Servo skull /Cherub / Psi animal Servo skull /Cherub / Psi animal Servo skull /Cherub / Psi animal Psi ammo (Str4 AP 4) Inferno Pistol Combi Weapon MIU MIU MIU

So there you have it having followed the steps above, you should have a newly formed Inquisition Warband ready to take on other Warbands. Try playing a few games with your new Warband before moving onto the next section which introduces rules for advancement. With these rules you can see your Inquisitor become more powerful. Good luck, may the Light of the Emperor smile on your Warband. Before each game, organise your followers into small units. Units can only form into units with other models of the same type (so Guard can never

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join with Storm Troopers to form a single unit). Most others act as independent characters, so may join any unit freely. Play games with your Warband using all the normal rules for Warhammer 40k combat resolution, Leadership tests, etc. We found that tables about 4 by 4 were a perfect size, with quite a lot of scenery scattered around. Most followers attracted to a Warband will bring along some of their own equipment. The equipment that they start with cannot be swapped they will not give up their equipment and will always keep their starting equipment, though they can be given additional items as the Warband progresses.


In this section of Inquisition War, you will find the rules for advancing your Warband. By fighting battles and achieving specific objectives therein, you will accumulate additional Inquisition Points. You can spend these points as you did when you first created your Warband to gain additional followers and equipment. In addition for every 6 Inquisition Points you gain, your Inquisitor will advance. His basic characteristics may increase or he main gain special abilities, acquire new items or Learn new skills. Playing a battle Playing a battle against a Warband with a Renown 10-19pts higher than your own Taking an enemy Inquisitor out of action Winning a battle Winning a battle against a Renown Rating 10 or higher than your own Wiping out an enemy Warband (No enemy models on the table at the end of the game) Playing a battle against a Warband with a Renown Rating 20 or higher than your own Taking out a Level 2 Hireling Taking out a diametrically opposed Warband (i.e. Puritan if you are Radical) Xenos only Take out an Alien Malleus only Take out a Daemon Hereticus only Take out an enemy inquisitor
A Inquisitor can never exceed the characteristics shown below. Any further advancement rolls are wasted.

2 +5 2 2 +5 +2 +8 +2 +4 +4 +4 +4


WS 5

BS 5

S 5

T 5

W 4

I 6

A 5

Ld 10

The dice rolled on these tables may be altered by spending additional Inquisition Points. For each point of Inquisition spent, the dice roll may be changed +1 or -1. Inquisitors start with one roll on the Advancement table. For every 6 Inquisition Points earned, the inquisitor is entitled to roll on the Advancement table below. This does not use any of your Inquisition Points.(unless you get a chance to roll Psi powers) 2D6 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Advancement Skill Roll (Roll on skill table) Characteristic Increase +1 T Characteristic Increase +1 S Characteristic Increase +1 A Characteristic Increase +1 I Characteristic Increase +1 WS Characteristic Increase +1 BS Characteristic Increase +1 LD Characteristic Increase +1 W Psi Power, roll on the PSI Advancement table.
(this will cost 3 points if you dont have them to spend roll again)


Skill Table
( for descriptions see pg 74 main rule book.)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fearless Furious Charge Counter attack Stealth Hit and Run Feel no Pain

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This section of INQUSITION WAR concludes with the rules for resolving the fate of models taken out of action during the course of your battles and for calculating the relative strength of your Warband (the Renown Rating) so you can see how your Warband stacks up against the enemy. After a game, roll a dice for each model that has been removed from the table as a casualty during the game. On the roll of a 1, they are dead, and are removed permanently from the Warband. On any other result, they recover from their injuries and may fight in the next battle as normal. However, you may spend 1 Inquisition Point to re-roll this dice, although the second roll stands; so if you roll another 1, you are stuck with it. You may use the extended Injury table in this section if you wish. If you wish to change a roll on that table it costs one point to reroll your score fully, one point to move the units by one and two points to move the Tens by one (use as many IPs as you wish). Finally, the Warband Renown Rating must be calculated. This is a measurement of how well known and feared it is. This is calculated by adding up the base cost of all the models in the Warband from the Followers tables on pages 2 and 3 of this booklet (so an Enforcer would be 2 points, a Death Cult Assassin would be 4 points). Count the Inquisitor as 6 points. Add +2 points every time an Advancement Roll is earned (not including the first free one). Unused Inquisition Points do not count towards your total. After each game, after Inquisition Points have been allocated and new members of the Warband have been recruited, recalculate your new Renown Rating. E.g. a Warband consists of: c The Inquisitor (6 points) c An Enforcer (2 points) c A Penitent (3 points) c Three Guard (3 points) c A Death cult assassin (4 points). The Inquisitor has also had one Advancement roll (2). So, the total Renown Rating is (6+2+3+3+4+2)=20
D66 Roll

11-13 14-15 16-21 22 23 24 25-26 31 32 33 34 35 36-61 62-63

INJURY RESULT Dead. Have a nice day! Captured: The Warrior is captured by the enemy Warband, and is sacrificed to their God. The enemy Warband gains +1 Inquisition Point. Multiple Injuries: Roll a further D6 times on the Serious Injury table, re-rolling any Dead, Captured and further Multiple Injuries results. Leg Wound: Roll a D6. 1 Severe Leg wound. The Warrior gets bionics. 2-6 Light wound Miss next game. Arm Wound: Roll a D6. 1 Severe Arm wound. The Warrior gets bionics. 2-6 Light wound Miss next game. Madness: Roll a D6: 1-3 The Warrior suffers from Pinning (must roll each round). 4-6 The Warrior suffers from Blood Frenzy. Light Wound Miss next game. Blinded in one eye: Randomly determine which eye 1 BS. The warrior gets Bionics Old Battle Wound: Roll a D6 at the beginning of each game. On a 1 the Warrior must miss the battle. Nervous Condition: -1 Initiative. Hand Injury: -1 Weapon Skill. Deep Wound: Must miss the next D3 games. Full Recovery Bitter Enemy: From now on the Model Hates the following (roll a D6): 1-2 The Inquisitor of the enemy Warband. 3-4 The entire enemy Warband. 5-6 All Warbands devoted to the Path that the enemy Warband is aligned to. (re-roll if they
Follow the same path).

64 65 66

Hardened: Fearless skill gained. Horrible Scars: -1 to enemies Ld in Close combat. Survives against the odds: + 1 Inquisition Point.

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The only exceptions to the injury table rolls are Arco-flagellants and Demon hosts Roll a D6 for them to see what their injury is, if you roll a 1 then they are destroyed you loose that model. You may spend one IP point to re-roll the result but you must abide by the re-roll (no re-rolling Re-rolls!)


So whats in this section? Well, there are a bunch of Warband scenarios, allowing you to do more than just the standard line up and bash them fight as fun as that is, its nice to occasionally try something a little different. Later on in this booklet you will find a roster sheet making it easy to see how much Inquisition your Warband has, and keeping everything neat and tidy. To make your Warband games more varied, you might like to try out some of these basic scenarios rather than the usual Pitched Battle. Before you set up for your game, have one of the players roll a D6 and consult the table below:

D6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Scenario Pitched Battle Defend the Relic Breakthrough Take and Hold Surprise Attack Pitched Battle

1 Pitched battle
When two Inquisitor Warbands run into each other they will generally attack without asking questions, seeing the opportunity as a good chance to gain the attention of their Order. Table Set-up: Generally a 4' by 4' table. As much or as little terrain as the players like. Any mutually agreed way of setting up the terrain. Set-up: Both players roll a D6. Whoever rolls higher may choose a table edge to deploy on. Roll a further D6. Whoever rolls higher may choose to set up the first unit or the second. Players alternate placing units on the table characters are placed last and all at the same time. All models have to be set up within 12" of their chosen table edge. Starting the game: To determine who goes first, roll another D6. Whoever rolls higher may choose to go first or second. Ending the game: 12 turns, or until one Warband is wiped out or has fled. A player may elect to voluntarily rout at the beginning of any of his own turns if he has suffered 25% or more casualties, in which case his opponent automatically wins.

2 Defend the Relic

One Warband is defending a sacred circle of monoliths from another Warband determined to claim it as its own or desecrate it. Table Set-up: Generally a 4' by 4' table. As much or as little terrain as the players like. Any mutually agreed way of setting up terrain. Set up a stone circle 12" in diameter in the centre of the table. Set-up: Both players roll a D6. Whoever rolls highest is the attacker. The defender sets up first. He sets up all his models within the stone circle. The attacker then chooses any board edge, and sets up his Warband within 6" of his chosen board edge. Starting the game: The attacker has the first turn. Ending the game: Unlimited turns. The game ends when one Warband is wiped out or has fled. A player may elect to voluntarily rout at the beginning of any of his own turns if he has suffered 25% or more casualties, in which case his opponent wins. If at the end of any of the defenders turns he has no models within the stone circle, and there is at least one attacker within it, then the attacker wins.

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3 Breakthrough
One Warband stands in the path of another. Too proud to travel safely around their rivals, the Warband determines to smash straight through. Table Set-up: Generally a 4' by 4' table or board. As much or as little terrain as the players like. Any mutually decided way of setting up the terrain. Set-up: Both players roll a D6. Whoever rolls higher is the attacker. The attacker sets up first, within 4" of a table edge of his choice. The defender sets up anywhere on the table, but cannot set up within 18" of any attacking model. Starting the game: The attacker has the first turn. Ending the game: Unlimited turns. The game ends when one Warband has been wiped out or has fled. A player may elect to voluntarily rout at the beginning of any of his own turns if he has suffered 25% or more casualties, in which case his opponent wins. If the attacker manages to move one third of the models in the Warband (rounding up) off the board edge opposite the attackers deployment zone, then the attacker wins and the game ends immediately. For example, if an attacking Warband consists of 12 models, he must get 4 models off the board to win, if he has 13 models he must get 5 off.

4 Take and hold

An area of sacred importance has been discovered by two Warbands, and neither is willing to surrender it to their rival. Table Set-up: Generally a 4' by 4' table. As much or as little terrain as the players like. Any mutually agreed way of setting up the terrain. Place a piece of terrain in the centre of the table to represent the sacred place. This might be a temple, a standing stone or something similar. Set-up: Both players roll a D6. Whoever rolls higher may choose a table edge to deploy on. Roll a further D6. Whoever rolls higher may choose to set up the first unit or the second. Players alternate placing units on the table characters are placed last and all at the same time. Models must be set up within 12" of their chosen table edge. Starting the game: To determine who goes first, roll another D6. Whoever rolls higher may choose to go first or second. Ending the game: 10 turns. The game ends when one Warband is wiped out or has fled. A player may elect to voluntarily rout at the beginning of any of his own turns if he has suffered 25% or more casualties, in which case his opponent wins. If after 10 turns neither Warband has been killed or has fled, the winner is the player who has the most models on the central piece of terrain. If there are an equal number of models on the centrepiece, or none, it is considered a draw and neither Warband gets any additional Inquisition Points.

5 Surprise Attack
One Warband is taken by surprise as another Warband launches an unexpected assault. Table Set-up: Generally a 4' by 4' table. As much or as little terrain as the players like. Any mutually decided way of setting up the terrain. Set-up: Both players roll a D6. Whoever rolls highest is the attacker. The defender sets up first. He can set up his models anywhere on the board. Each skirmishing unit must be at least 8" away from every other unit. The attacker does not set up any of his models. Starting the game: The attacker has the first turn. In this turn, he may move his Warband on from any single table edge. They may not charge on the turn they arrive. Ending the game: 12 turns or until one Warband is wiped out or has fled. A player may elect to voluntarily rout at the beginning of any of his own turns if he has suffered 25% or more casualties, and his opponent automatically wins.

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Type Storm Troopers W S 3 B S 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 8 S V 4 Equipment Hell gun & frag grenades

Type Celestian

Bolter or bolt pistol & Power wpn Holy hatred if in combat with a model with a WS Attribute then the celestian hits on a 3+ Regardless of the opponents WS. W S 3 B S 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 7 S V 5 Equipment Lasgun or Laspistol & CCW

W S 4

B S 4

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 1

L d 9

S V 3


Type Imperial Guard

Type Warrior

W S 3

B S 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

L d 8

S V 4

Equipment Equipped from table 1 or 2

If you Choose to have the warrior as a servitor then they take no ld tests (count as fearless) but if the inquisitor is taken out they are also removed from the battle field Type Sage W S 3 B S 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 8 S V 6 Equipment Equipped from table 1

A sage allows one re-roll per turn to any Shooting attack (ONE DICE ONLY) Type Penitent W S 3 B S 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 8 S V 6 Equipment A single CCW

If any model is attacked with psychic powers within 6 of the penitent then that model receives a 4+ save against the effects(success results in the attack being nullified) Type Hierophant W S 3 B S 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 8 S V 6 Equipment Equipped from table 2

Any Demon hosts /demons assaulting within 12 of a Hierophant must roll as if they are in difficult terrain Type Chirurgeon W S 3 B S 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 8 S V 5 Equipment Equipped from table 2

If one Chirurgeon is 6 from an inquisitor then he may ignore the first failed saving throw of a game, if two are within 6 then he may ignore one failed saving throw per turn. (But not from weapons that ignore armour saves or Instant kill weapons)

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Type Gun Servitor

W S 3

B S 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

L d 8

S V 4

Equipment 1 Roll on table 3

fearless but if the inquisitor is taken out they are also removed from the battle field May not be given additional equipment Type Servo-Skull W S 3 B S 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 10 S V 6 Equipment

Gun skull has a Laspistol Combat skull has 2 CCW Med skull unarmed Gun skull has a Shooting attack Combat skull has 2 close combat attacks Med skull allows the inquisitor to re-roll a failed armour save (But not from weapons that ignore armour saves or Instant kill weapons) Type W S 3 B S S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 6 S V 6 Equipment A single CCW

Cherub/Psi animal

Each Cherub allows an inquisitor to have one more Psi power (over the 2 maximum allowed by these rules) Also Each cherub also allows one re-roll of a failed Psychic test (no you cant re-roll a re-roll) Type Enforcer W S 3 B S 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 8 S V 4 Equipment Shot gun or one roll table 1

S Equipment V Demon Host 6 4 4 4 D 4 None 6 (i) Fearless, May Deep-strike(summoned),Random power (D6 each turn) 1 ] Terrify 2 ]Re-knit Host form 3 ]teleport (move anywhere on the table if they are not within 1 of an enemy) 4 ]Blood boil- in shooting phase place Ordnance template hole over demon host, all models under template take S3 Ap2 hit (not demon host) 5 ] time-shift can move and assault 12 and doubles attacks before modifiers 6 ] Warp strength add +d3 to S and t Characteristics Type Death Cult Assassin W S 5 B S 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 L d 8 S V 5 (I) Equipment Power weapon & CCW


W S 4

B S 4

L d 9

Infiltrate when allowed, Fearless, Invulnerable save L S Equipment d V Arco-flagellant 4 5 1 4 D 1 4 Inbuilt power weapons 6 0 (I) Fearless, Implant injectors , invulnerable save, must be activated by an inquisitor Once activated roll D6 for attacks and roll +d6 for movement in shooting phase( not affected by difficult terrain) if you roll a 6 On either roll then remove the model after the end of the assault phase. Type W S 4 B S S T W I A

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Type Death watch Captain Type Deathwatch marine

W S 5

B S 5

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

L d 9

S V 3

Equipment Bolter or Bolt pistol & CCW Equipment Bolter or Bolt pistol & CCW or One roll table 3

Kraken rounds W S 4 B S 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 L d 8 S V 3

Heavy weapons equipped on a Deathwatch marine will be equipped with suspensors i.e. they will be Assault weapons instead of Hvy but their range is halved. Type Eldar Banshee W S 4 B S 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 L d 9 S V 4 Equipment

Shuriken pistol and power weapon Banshee masks( a banshee always strikes first in the first round of close combat) Type W S 4 B S 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 L d 9 S V 3 Equipment Shuriken pistol, chainsword & mandi-blaster

Eldar Striking Scorpion

Mandi-blasters (pg35 Eldar Codex) Type Eldar Ranger W S 3 B S 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 L d 8 S V 5 Equipment

Ranger long rifle & Shuriken pistol Difficult terrain A ranger may roll an additional dice to see how far he may move through difficult terrain. Infiltrators Cameleoline cloaks - +1 to any cover saves, if not in cover they have 6+ cover save Type W S 4 B S 3 S T W I A L d 8 S V 5 Equipment


5 4 3 3 2 Ripper gun & frag grenades (6) A ripper gun used in close combat adds +1 to an ogryns Str. Type W S 4 B S 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 L d 7 S V Equipment Kroot Rifle

Kroot Warrior

Type Assassin

W S 5

L S d V 4 4 2 5 3 1 4 0 See pg 30-31 Witch hunters codex or Pg 26-28 Demon hunters codex

B S 5

Equipment VARIES

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Type Acolyte

1 roll on the inquisitor table and 1 roll on table 1 or 2 After 6 games roll for one advancement for the acolyte, Can activate Arcoflagellant s and Servitors in the Inquisitors absence. RANGE 12 12 24 36 12 12 12 24 Template 36 12 24 Template 24 12 36 6 24 12 STR 4 3 3 X 3 7 4 4 4/5 5 8 7 5 4 4 X 8 4 4 AP 6 5 6 2 5 5 5/5 4 1 2 5 6 5 6 2 5 5 TYPE Assault 2 Pistol Rapid fire Heavy 1* Assault 2 Pistol * Pistol Rapid fire Assault 1* Hvy 3 Assault 1* Rapid fire* Assault 1* Rapid fire (counts as additional CCW for Kroot) Pistol Hvy 1* Pistol ;2D6 armour pen at 3 Assault 2 Pistol; may be fired each turn In addition to other weapons, Rapid fire

W S 3

B S 3

S 3

T 3

W 2

I 3

A 2

L d 8

S V 4


WEAPON Rippergun Laspistol Hellgun Snipers rifle Shotgun Plasma Pistol Bolt pistol Bolter Flamer Hvy Bolter Melta gun Plasma Gun Hvy Flamer Kroot Rifle Shuriken Pistol Ranger long rifle Inferno pistol Storm Bolter MIU

Lasgun 24 3 * denotes Additional rules in main 40k rule book

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Inquisitor Stats Modified Stats

WS BS 3 3

S 3

T 3

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld Sv 8 4

Advancements & Injuries


Inquisition points: OOOOOb Every 6 points allows OOOOOb Your Inquisitor to roll OOOOOb For an advancement OOOOOb OOOOOb OOOOOb OOOOOb
Inquisition points Gained





Inquisition points Remaining








Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules

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Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules
# Type WS BS S T W I A Ld SV Equipment

Special Rules

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Playing a battle Playing a battle against a Warband with a Renown 10-19pts higher than your own Taking an enemy Inquisitor out of action Winning a battle Winning a battle against a Renown Rating 10 or higher than your own Wiping out an enemy Warband (No enemy models on the table at the end of the game) Playing a battle against a Warband with a Renown Rating 20 or higher than your own Taking out a Level 2 Hireling Taking out a diametrically opposed Warband (i.e. Puritan if you are Radical) Xenos only Take out an Alien Malleus only Take out a Daemon Hereticus only Take out an enemy inquisitor
D66 Roll

2 +5 2 2 +5 +2 +8 +2 +4 +4 +4 +4

11-13 14-15 16-21 22 23 24 25-26 31 32 33 34 35 36-61 62-63

INJURY RESULT Dead. Have a nice day! Captured: The Warrior is captured by the enemy Warband, and is sacrificed to their God. The enemy Warband gains +1 Inquisition Point. Multiple Injuries: Roll a further D6 times on the Serious Injury table, re-rolling any Dead, Captured and further Multiple Injuries results. Leg Wound: Roll a D6. 1 Severe Leg wound. The Warrior gets bionics. 2-6 Light wound Miss next game. Arm Wound: Roll a D6. 1 Severe Arm wound. The Warrior gets bionics. 2-6 Light wound Miss next game. Madness: Roll a D6: 1-3 The Warrior suffers from Pinning (must roll each round). 4-6 The Warrior suffers from Blood Frenzy. Light Wound Miss next game. Blinded in one eye: Randomly determine which eye 1 BS. The warrior gets Bionics Old Battle Wound: Roll a D6 at the beginning of each game. On a 1 the Warrior must miss the battle. Nervous Condition: -1 Initiative. Hand Injury: -1 Weapon Skill. Deep Wound: Must miss the next D3 games. Full Recovery Bitter Enemy: From now on the Model Hates the following (roll a D6): 1-2 The Inquisitor of the enemy Warband. 3-4 The entire enemy Warband. 5-6 All Warbands devoted to the Path that the enemy Warband is aligned to. (re-roll if they
Follow the same path).

64 65 66
2D6 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12

Hardened: Fearless skill gained. Horrible Scars: -1 to enemies Ld in Close combat. Survives against the odds: + 1 Inquisition Point.
Advancement Skill Roll (Roll on skill table) Characteristic Increase +1 T Characteristic Increase +1 S Characteristic Increase +1 A Characteristic Increase +1 I Characteristic Increase +1 WS Characteristic Increase +1 LD Characteristic Increase +1 W Psi Power, roll on the PSI Advancement table.
(this will cost 3 points if you dont have them to spend roll again)

c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Skill Table Skill

( for descriptions see pg 74 main rule book.)

Fearless Furious Charge Counter attack Stealth Hit and Run Feel no Pain

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Pay 1 Inquisition Point to roll on this table (The special rules and characteristics of all the following models can be found Later in this booklet.) 2D6 Hireling Cost Equipment 1 roll on Psi table (no cost) 2 Penitent 3 3 Sage 1 1 Roll Equip Table 1 1 roll on equip Table1 or Table2 4 Warrior 1 5 Enforcer 2 Shotgun or 1 roll Table1 6-7 Imperial Guard D6 1 ea Lasgun or las pistol & CCW 8-9 Storm Troopers D3 1 ea Hellgun & frag grenades 10 Hierophant 2 1 roll on equip table 2 11 Chirurgeon 1 1 Roll on table 2 12 Roll on table 2 for no additional cost
Pay 2 Inquisition Points to roll on this table (The special rules and characteristics of all the following models can be found Later in this booklet.) 2D6 Malleus Hereticus Xenos Hireling Hireling Hireling 2 Demon Host (8 Points) Assassin(Varies) Death Watch Captain (6 points) 3-4 Arco-flagellants D2 (6 Points Each) 5-7 8-9 10-11 12
c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assassin Table Assassin type Culexus Callidus Eversor Vindicare Death cult None available. Table 1 Ballistic 1 point Storm Bolter Bolt pistol Bolter Flamer Plasma Pistol roll on table 3 for free Table 2 Melee 1 point Eviscerator Power Weapon CCW & Las Pistol CCW & Combat shield. Power Fist Lightning Claw Cost 11 points 12 points 10 points 11 points 4 points

Gun Servitor (5 points)

Celestian (5 points) Acolyte (6 points)

Alien (varies) /Deathwatch marine(5pts)

Death Cult Assassins D3 (4 Points Each) Free roll on any Ordos table
c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 c Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 2D6 2 3 4 5 6-8 9-10 11 12 Alien Table Alien Type Eldar Banshee Eldar Striking Scorpion Eldar Ranger Kroot Warrior Ogryn Kroot Warrior D3 Table 3 Assault 3 points Heavy Flamer Heavy Bolter Storm Bolter Plasma Gun Melta Gun Snipers Rifle Psi Advancement (Each roll is 3 points regardless of when rolled) Banishment Destroy Daemon Scourging Holocaust Sanctuary Word of the Emperor Hammer Hand Psychic Hood (re-roll if for a Penitent) Cost 3 points 3 points 3 points 2 points 3 points 2 pts each

2D6 c 1 2 3 4 5 6

Inquisitor Equipment tables 3 points per roll, Inquisitors and Acolytes only Malleus Hereticus Daemon Wpn/ Force Weapon Blessed Wpn/ Frost blade Power armour (3+ save) Power armour (3+ save) Refractor Field (5+ invulnerable) Refractor Field (5+ invulnerable) Servo skull /Cherub / Psi animal Servo skull /Cherub / Psi animal Psi ammo (Str4 AP 4) Inferno Pistol MIU MIU

Xenos Frost blade / Agoniser Power armour (3+ save) Refractor Field (5+ invulnerable) Servo skull /Cherub / Psi animal Combi Weapon MIU

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