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Year 10

Be Creative Creating a new advertising campaign to promote copyright adherence

Develop analytical skills To create a working storyboard for your production To develop understanding of moving image analysis

What is the story of the picture?

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are neede d to see this picture.

Watch the advert three times Pick one shot, describe it in detail (denotation) and explain the meaning (connotation)
Terms to use: shot sizes and angles, mise en scene, diegetic and/or non-diegetic sound, representation, editing (what the shot cuts from and to)

Be Creative campaign
To create a positive campaign to promote use of copyrighted products (films, TV and video/DVD) to teenagers. To show innovation and creativity in both the conception and realisation

Individual to Groups
Using the storyboard paper Create a clear storyboard for your advert Ensure that you have thought about:
o Shots sizes o Sound (music, effects and dialogue/VO) o Text (if any) o Transitions

Planning and Production

5 minutes to review your idea What has gone well? What can be improved?

Home Learning
Watch an advert for a PSA (there will be some links on the blog) and analyse the pictures and sound (visual and aural language) used to tell the story. Ensure that you try and use media language. POST ON BLOG Complete storyboard

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