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300144 - Mid-Term Exam

Held at Week 8s Lecture @ Your Enrolled Lecture Theatre.

Mandatory to pass the unit (15% of the total) Must notify the lecturer for special circumstance if you are not able to attend the test This is a Closed-Book Test Coloured pens are welcome Bring your ID (i.e. Student Card) for checking

Follow the question style at the Appendix B of the textbook (page 197) 70% Questions are similar to Appendix B
Examined materials are from lecture 1 to lecture 6 It includes two main sections: Multiple choice questions and long answer questions It uses Different Scenario and Problem Statement, i.e. you must know what to do!!! based on your learning and experience at lectures and tutorials
Test your understanding of important terminologies, concepts in Object Orientation Test you analysis skill based on your experience
Object Oriented Analysis - 300144 1

Mid-Term Exam (cont)

Sample of Multiple Choice Questions Question 1 What is a Class? A. A collection of objects B. A definition or a template for the objects C. A concrete object D. A group of different objects E. None of the above

Object Oriented Analysis - 300144

Mid-Term Exam (cont)

Sample of Long Answer Questions Q1. Identify at least FOUR Actors for the given problem statement, including one Non-Human Actor. Identify FOUR use cases corresponding to these actors. Create TWO corresponding Use case diagrams and place the Actors and Use cases you have identified. Ensure you have stereotyped use cases and notes to explain your design. (Note: you are welcome to have more actors and/or use cases for completeness) Q2. Document in detail a use case you have identified from question Q1. Ensure you write the use case in sufficient detail to enable you to identify good classes from it.

Object Oriented Analysis - 300144

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