8 12 2005civicedu

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Morning assembly

Topic: Willing to Help Others

Susan: Good morning Sr. Regina, teachers and fellow schoolmates. We are the
members of Civic Ambassador Council.
Today, our topic is Willing to Help Others.

Helping others is not a compulsory work but a voluntary work. There are
many people who need our helps in the society. We should try our best to
help those in need in order to make the world more beautiful. Besides helping
those around us, we should help those poor in the developing countries.
Apart from donating money to them and joining the charity activities, we can
also support the coming World Trade Organisation meeting in Hong Kong
with the rules of world trade up for negotiation and the chance to lift millions
out of poverty.

Kathy: We are just 5 days away from the World Trade Organisation meeting in Hong
Kong. The Hong Kong ministerial marks a critical moment for a series of
talks which is aimed at bringing developing countries into the world trading
system in order to tackle world poverty. The rules of world trade are rigged
against the world's poorest farmers pushing them deeper and deeper into
poverty. A fair deal could help them earn a decent living.

On 13 December world leaders will gather in Hong Kong to discuss the rules
that govern world trade. The impact of the decisions they make will be felt
across the globe. It is a unique opportunity to make rule changes that have a
real impact on the millions of people whose poverty is caused or made worse
by unfair trade. We can support Fair Trade so as to help those in need. Thank

Kitty: Let’s ask God to give a clear mind for the world leaders to make a correct
decision in the meeting of WTO. Please turn your prayer book to P.18,
prayer no.38. For World Leaders.

Connie: Now, Let us thank God his help to the weak and poor. Please turn your
prayer book to P. 35, song no. 12. Give Thanks.

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