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* Town r Going to alls Wilde lay and Laura Ing n to our p connectio (great ce unit) Marketpla * Na at Hallo te the Gre d ween rea

10/26 Ask M


our n story in non ctio t king ost recen e still loo * our m oks (wer orkbo nsion) reading w comprehe help with s to for detail

creating a venn dia gram wit Global M h my par arketplac tner to c es to our ompare Kroger M arketplac * how I e think Im doing on using coo my handw l new pen riting (so cils that me of us help with are our penc il grips!)


e About...

Monster Word Show-What-You-Know (spelling test) tomorrow

* the new hunks and chunks: EA (you take the scaredy cat E...) EE (when you see the double E...) * counting syllables by clapping and mouthing (how many syllables in YOUR name?) * unscrambling a Halloween phrase to make as many words as I could

Halloween Party/Parade tomorrow: Please have your child bring his/her costume in a bag. We will change into costumes at 1:30 for the party at 2:00 and parade at 2:30. THANK YOU to our volunteers! November 3rd and 4th: Parent/Teacher conferences No Lower School on Friday the 4th Book Fair wish lists should have come home on Monday. Please let me know if you have questions on how to purchase. There will be no Scholastic book order forms from me this month due to the Book Fair! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your involvement this week. The bake sale was a hit and were gathering lots of canned food for the food drive (running through Nov. 4th). Were in the process of adopting a family member for another aspect of the CA service project. More information to follow!

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* * *

Alexs bir thday Sadies Star o Mrs. Raiken as

Social Studie

celebration terview

f the Week in

our Mystery

Reader (than k you, Mrs. Raiken!) sh (thank you , Mrs. Walsh!)

* scrapbooki ng * * *

with Mrs. Wal

the bake sale

with my 3rd g

rade buddy

the book fair Laura Ingalls W ilder at the S outhern Thea ter

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