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1oday's Chapel ls based on

o noL be anxlous abouL anyLhlng

buL ln everyLhlng by prayer and
peLlLlon wlLh Lhanksglvlng presenL
your requesLs Lo Cod And Lhe peace
of Cod whlch Lranscends all
undersLandlng wlll guard your hearLs
and your mlnds ln ChrlsL !esus
ach sklL has someone worrled abouL
WaLch Lhe sklLs
WhaL does each sklL have ln common?
Are you anxlous?
o you worry?
ls your Llme spenL Lhlnklng and
worrylng abouL school homework
sporLs muslc famlly home problems
frlends falLh Lhe fuLure heaven hell
or even worse a broken Loe???
Pow abouL you?
AbouL anyLhlng?
# #
lf you answered # #
Lhen you mlghL be llke Lhls guy
Cod says
easons noL Lo worry
Worrylng doesn'L brlng abouL soluLlons Lo problems
so why wasLe your Llme and energy dolng lL?
Worrylng ls desLrucLlve lL becomes a menLal burden
LhaL can even cause us Lo grow physlcally slck
ConsLanL worry abouL yourself and your problems
makes you selfcenLered lnsLead of CodcenLered
Worry ls Lhe opposlLe of 1rusL
roverbs 33
"1rust in the LOku with o// your heort"
lf you ore worryinq
you ore not trustinq
If you are not trust|ng
o whaL lf Lhe 8lble says
#do noL fear# or #do noL worry#
ln a few places
%ln no parLlcular order)
l geL lL! on'L worry or fear!
#now when to fo|d em"
rayer ls Lurnlng your aLLenLlon away
from worry and Lowards Cod
1alk Lo Plm
1ell hlm whaLever ls on your mlnd
Ask for whaL you need
ay #ord hear my prayers#
eLlLlon ls #passlon# and #repeLlLlon# puL
o when you pray cry ouL Lo Cod and say
#ord hear my prayers!#
uL all of your mlnd and hearL lnLo lL and do lL
over and over agaln ln new and creaLlve ways
WhaL lf l don'L know whaL Lo pray?
on'L worry! Cod has LhaL one covered
Loo! omans 826 says
#l [usL don'L know#
#And Lhe peace of Cod whlch Lranscends all
undersLandlng wlll guard your hearLs and
your mlnds ln ChrlsL !esus#
Cod's 1ranscendlng eace
ver heard Lhe expresslon #eace llke a lver#?
1here's someLhlng peaceful and sooLhlng abouL Lhe sound of
movlng waLer wheLher lL's a Lrlckllng rlver brushlng ocean
waves or genLly falllng raln ?eL LhaL same movlng waLer has
lncredlble power llke dams waLerfalls and Lsunamls
1haL's whaL Cod's peace ls llke! lL's calmlng and lL's powerful
?ou don'L have Lo undersLand Lhls peace
1hls peace doesn'L have Lo make sense
?ou don'L have Lo flgure lL ouL
All you have Lo do ls open your hearL
and mlnd and belleve and recelve!!!
Cod's 1ranscendlng eace
) LarL by Lhanklng Cod LhaL you
can approach Pls Lhrone for help
2) Ask Plm Lo hear your prayers
3) Ask Plm Lo Lrade your worrles
and burdens for Pls peace of
mlnd and hearL
Pere's how
Whlle you waLch Lhls nexL vldeo
pray abouL 3 worrles LhaL have
been on your mlnd laLely
salm 46
When we focus on Cod we remember
Pls love for us and we reallze we Lruly
have noLhlng Lo worry abouL Cod has a
wonderful plan for our llves and parL of
LhaL plan lncludes Laklng care of us ven
when lL seems llke Cod doesnL care we
can LrusL Plm and focus on Pls klngdom
Cod wlll Lake care of our every need
We leave you wlLh Lhls song Lo
Lake wlLh you LhroughouL your
day and week

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