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W|ndows Iunct|ona||ty

l1 1o selecL a company
l1 1o selecL Lhe AccounLs 8uLLon
1o selecL Lhe lnvenLory
1o vlew Lhe deLalled or condensed reporL
l1 (C18L + l1) 1o selecL ayroll vouchers Lo alLer
1o change Lhe currenL daLe
1o selecL company lnvenLory feaLures
1o selecL Lhe company
1o selecL Company SLaLuLory 1axaLlon feaLures
l4 1o selecL Lhe ConLra voucher
l3 1o selecL Lhe aymenL voucher
l6 1o selecL Lhe 8ecelpL voucher
l7 1o selecL Lhe !ournal voucher
l8 1o selecL Lhe Sales voucher
l8 (C18L+l8) 1o selecL Lhe CredlL noLe voucher
l9 1o selecL Lhe urchase voucher
l9 (C18L+l9) 1o selecL Lhe ueblL noLe voucher
l10 1o selecL Lhe 8everslng !ournal voucher
l10 (CLrl + l10) 1o selecL Lhe Memorandum voucher
l11 1o selecL Lhe luncLlons and leaLures screen
l12 1o selecL Lhe Conflgure screen
AL1 + 2 1o uupllcaLe a voucher
1o Add a voucher
1o AlLer Lhe column ln columnar reporL
1o creaLe a masLer aL a voucher screen (lf lL has noL
been already asslgned a dlfferenL funcLlon as ln
reporLs llke 8alance SheeL where lL adds a new
column Lo Lhe reporL)
1o access AuLo value CalculaLor ln Lhe amounL fleld
durlng voucher enLry
1o deleLe a voucher
1o deleLe a masLer
1o deleLe a column ln any columnar reporL
(lf lL has noL been already asslgned a dlfferenL
funcLlon as explalned above)
AL1 + L 1o exporL Lhe reporL ln ASCll Lxcel P1ML C8 xML
1o lnserL a voucher
1o Loggle beLween lLem and AccounLlng lnvolce
AL1 + L 1o selecL Lhe Language ConflguraLlon
AL1 + k 1o selecL Lhe keyboard ConflguraLlon
AL1 + C 1o upload Lhe reporL aL your webslLe
AL1 + C 1o selecL language for 1ally lnLerface
AL1 + M 1o Lmall Lhe reporL
AL1 + n 1o vlew Lhe reporL ln auLomaLlc columns
AL1 + 1o prlnL Lhe reporL
AL1 + 8 1o remove a llne ln a reporL
AL1 + S 1o brlng back a llne you removed uslng AL1 + 8
AL1 + u 1o reLrleve Lhe lasL llne whlch ls deleLed uslng AlL + 8
AL1+ v lrom lnvolce screen Lo brlng SLock !ournal screen
AL1 + x 1o cancel a voucher ln uay 8ook/LlsL of vouchers
AL1 + 8 1o 8eglsLer 1ally
C18L + A 1o accepL a form wherever you use Lhls key
comblnaLlon LhaL screen or reporL geLs accepLed as lL
C18L + 8 1o selecL Lhe 8udgeL
C18L + AL1 + 8 1o check Lhe Company SLaLuLory deLalls
1o selecL Lhe CosL CenLre
1o selecL Lhe CosL CaLegory
C18L+ L 1o selecL Lhe Currencles
C18L + C 1o selecL Lhe Croup
C18L + P 1o vlew Lhe SupporL CenLre
C18L + l 1o selecL Lhe SLock lLems
AL1 + A
AL1 + C
AL1 + u
AL1 + l
l1 (AL1+l1)
C18L + C
CLrl + AlL + l 1o lmporL sLaLuLory masLers
C18L + k 1o Logln as 8emoLe 1allynL1 user
1o selecL Lhe Ledger
1o mark a voucher as CpLlonal
C18L + C 1o selecL Lhe Codowns
C18L + C 1o abandon a form wherever you use Lhls key
comblnaLlon lL qulLs LhaL screen wlLhouL maklng any
changes Lo lL
C18L + 8 1o repeaL narraLlon ln Lhe same voucher Lype
C18L + AlL + 8 8ewrlLe daLa for a Company
C18L + S Allows you Lo alLer SLock lLem masLer
C18L + u 1o selecL Lhe unlLs
1o selecL Lhe voucher 1ypes
1o Loggle beLween lnvolce and voucher
1o close a company
1o vlew deLalled reporL
1o explode a llne lnLo lLs deLalls
1o selecL lnvenLory vouchers Lo alLer
AL1 + l2 1o change Lhe perlod
1o selecL Lhe company lnfo menu
1o creaLe/alLer/shuL a Company
AL1 + l4 1o selecL Lhe urchase Crder voucher 1ype
1o selecL Lhe Sales Crder voucher 1ype
1o vlew monLhly and quarLerly reporL
1o selecL Lhe 8e[ecLlon CuL voucher 1ype
1o change Lhe Sales Crder voucher 1ype
1o selecL Lhe SLock !ournal voucher 1ype
1o accepL all Lhe AudlL llsLs
1o selecL Lhe uellvery noLe voucher 1ype
1o vlew Lhe Columnar reporL
AL1 + l9 1o selecL Lhe 8ecelpL noLe voucher 1ype
AL1 + l10 1o selecL Lhe hyslcal SLock voucher 1ype
AL1 + l12 1o fllLer Lhe lnformaLlon based on moneLary value
CLrl + l1 1o selecL payroll vouchers for alLeraLlon
C18L + AL1 +
Advanced ConflguraLlon
gup ulsplay prevlous voucher durlng voucher enLry/alLer
gun ulsplay nexL voucher durlng voucher enLry/alLer
1o accepL anyLhlng you Lype lnLo a fleld
1o accepL a voucher or masLer
1o geL a reporL wlLh furLher deLalls of an lLem ln a
1o remove whaL you Lyped lnLo a fleld
1o come ouL of a screen
1o lndlcaLe you do noL wanL Lo accepL a voucher or
SPll1 + Ln1L8 Collapse nexL level deLalls
AL1 + l3
AL1 + l6
AL1 + l7
AL1 + l8
C18L + L
C18L + v
AL1 + l1
AL1 + l3
SPll1 + Ln1L8 1o explode a llne lnLo lLs deLalls
C18L + Ln1L8 1o alLer a masLer whlle maklng an enLry or vlewlng a
AL all masLers menu screen
AL Lhe AccounLlng voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL Lhe AccounLlng/lnvenLory voucher creaLlon or alLeraLlon screen
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL Lhe l11 leaLures screen
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL l11 leaLures screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory / ayroll voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL LlsL of vouchers creaLes a voucher slmllar Lo Lhe one where you poslLloned Lhe cursor and used Lhls key comblnaLlon
AL LlsL of vouchers adds a voucher afLer Lhe one where you poslLloned Lhe cursor and used Lhls key comblnaLlon
AlLers Lhe column ln all Lhe reporLs whlch can be vlewed ln columnar formaL
AL voucher enLry and alLeraLlon screens aL a fleld where you have Lo selecL a masLer from a llsL lf Lhe necessary accounL has noL been creaLed
already use Lhls key comblnaLlon Lo creaLe Lhe masLer wlLhouL qulLLlng from Lhe voucher screen
AL all voucher enLry screens ln Lhe AmounL fleld
AL voucher and MasLer (Slngle) alLeraLlon screens MasLers can be deleLed sub[ecL Lo condlLlons as explalned ln Lhe manual
All Lhe reporLs screen whlch can be vlewed ln columnar formaL
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ALL?
AL LlsL of vouchers lnserLs a voucher before Lhe one where you poslLloned Lhe cursor and used Lhls key comblnaLlon
AL creaLlon of sales and purchase lnvolce
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ALL?
AL almosL all screens of 1ALL?
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ALL?
AL all Lhe reporLs where columns can be added
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ALL?
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ALL?
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ALL?
AL all reporLs screens ln 1ally
AL lnvolce screen CuanLlLy lleld ress AlL + v Lo selecL Lhe SLock !ournal
AL all voucher screens ln 1ALL?
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL? excepL where a speclflc deLall has Lo be glven before accepLlng
AL Croups/Ledgers/CosL CenLres/ 8udgeLs/Scenarlos/voucher 1ypes/ Currencles (AccounLs lnfo) creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL all Lhe menu screens
AL Croups/Ledgers/CosL CenLres/ 8udgeLs/Scenarlos/voucher 1ypes/ Currencles (AccounLs lnfo) creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL SLock Croups/ SLock CaLegorles/ SLock lLems/ 8eorder Levels/ Codowns/ voucher 1ypes / unlLs of Measure ( lnvenLory lnfo) creaLlon/alLeraLlon
AL Croups/Ledgers/CosL CenLres/ 8udgeLs/Scenarlos/voucher 1ypes/ Currencles (AccounLs lnfo) creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL Croups/Ledgers/CosL CenLres/ 8udgeLs/Scenarlos/voucher 1ypes/ Currencles (AccounLs lnfo) creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL AlmosL all screens ln 1ally
AL SLock Croup/ SLock CaLegorles/ SLock lLems/ 8eorder Levels/ Codowns/ voucher 1ypes / unlLs of Measure ( lnvenLory lnfo) creaLlon/alLeraLlon
AL Lhe lnvenLory/ayroll voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen ln almosL all Lhe 8eporLs
AL all menu screens
AL AlmosL all screens ln 1ally
AL Croups/Ledgers/CosL CenLres/ 8udgeLs/Scenarlos/voucher 1ypes/ Currencles (AccounLs lnfo) creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL Lhe creaLlon and alLeraLlon of vouchers
AL SLock Croup/ SLock CaLegorles/ SLock lLems/ 8eorder Levels/ Codowns/ voucher 1ypes / unlLs of Measure ( lnvenLory lnfo) creaLlon/alLeraLlon
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL creaLlon/alLeraLlon of voucher screen
lrom CaLeway of 1ally screen
AL SLock voucher 8eporL and Codown voucher 8eporL
AL SLock Croups/ SLock CaLegorles/ SLock lLems/ 8eorder Levels/ Codowns/ voucher 1ypes / unlLs of Measure ( lnvenLory lnfo) creaLlon/alLeraLlon
AL Croups/Ledgers/CosL CenLres/ 8udgeLs/Scenarlos/voucher 1ypes/ Currencles (AccounLs lnfo) creaLlon and alLeraLlon screen
AL creaLlon of Sales/urchase voucher screen
AL all menu screens
AL almosL all reporL screens
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL Lhe lnvenLory/ ayroll voucher creaLlon or alLeraLlon screen
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL almosL all reporL screens ln 1ALL?
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL 1ally AudlL LlsLlng screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL Ledger voucher screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL almosL all reporL screens
AL Lhe AccounLlng/lnvenLory voucher creaLlon or alLeraLlon screen
AL CaLeway of 1ally
AL voucher enLry and alLeraLlon screens
AL voucher enLry and alLeraLlon screens
?ou have Lo use Lhls key aL mosL areas ln 1ALL?
AL Lhe recelvables reporL press LnLer aL a pendlng blll Lo geL LransacLlons relaLlng Lo Lhls blll (eg orlglnal sale blll recelpLs and paymenLs agalnsL
Lhls blll eLc)
AL voucher 8eglsLer screen and 1rlal 8alance reporL
ln almosL all 8eporLs
AL a Croup/SLock Croup/CosL CaLegory/Codowns /SLock CaLegory dlsplays Sub Croups and Ledgers/SLock lLems/CosL CenLres/Secondary
Codowns/Secondary SLock CaLegorles
AL a voucher dlsplays lLs enLrles and narraLlon
AL CaLeway of 1ally screen
AL AccounLlng / lnvenLory voucher creaLlon and alLeraLlon screens
AL almosL all screens ln 1ALL?
AL a SLock lLem dlsplays lLs godowns and baLch deLalls
AL voucher 8eglsLer screen dlsplays Lhe nexL level deLalls
AL 1rlal 8alance reporL dlsplays Lhe nexL level deLalls
AL voucher enLry and alLeraLlon screens
AL all reporLs

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