File 1 - Recipes and Food

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My first situation of integration: Rfiss Tounsi

Your friend wants to make Rfiss Tounsi but he doesn't know how to prepare it. Use the following notes to write the recipe. Use the right time sequencers: First / then / next / after that / later / finally.

Choose / Ghars dates wash. Remove the stones. Brown semoulina mix/dates / some butter Shape/ rolls / losanges. Serve- juice / tea / milk

More Reading.

Shepherd's Pie:
Not many people, even in England, know the difference between Shepherd's Pie and Cottage Pie. The answer is that the former is made with minced lamb and the latter with minced beef. A popular pub meal, the savoury meat, often with carrots added, is baked with a covering of mashed potato until crisp.

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding:

The traditional British Sunday lunch. Crispy on the outside, rarer inside, the beef comes with a rich gravy enhanced with its juices. Yorkshire pudding is made from a batter and was originally cooked in a tin under the rotating spit on which roast beef was cooking - the juices from the meat dripped on to it, giving a delicious flavour. Nowadays it's often cooked separately in individual portions. Roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables complete the dish, and horseradish sauce and fresh English mustard provide added spice.

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