The Future of Television: Mark Suster

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The Future of Television

Mark Suster PaidContent November 2011 @msuster

So Interactive, Digital TV is Right Around the Corner?

Nobody Believes it Because Weve Cried Wolf for 20 Years

This Has Led Our Industry to Become Frogs Boiling in Water

Metaphor: put a frog into boiling water and it jumps out, put it in cold water & slowly turn up temperature and it boils to death

We Overestimate the Impact of Tech on 3-year Horizon & Underestimate on 10-year

- Bill Gates

I Would Argue That the Massive Change in Television Will Accelerate in 2012
1. Massive decrease in costs of capturing & processing video 2. Significant penetration in broadband, increases in Wi-Fi

3. Huge advances in compression

4. Massively distributed advertising market

5. Decreasing traditional paychecks to creative talent

6. Consumer behavior has made Internet video a reality

Bundled TV Will be the Album of the Future

And The Same Forces that Killed the Album Will Kill The Bundle

1. Disruptive technology that breaks the distribution strangle hold of content

2. Massive costs reductions in capture, process & distribute

3. Consumer choice

YouTube is the New Comcast And Notice the Change in Branding

And My Bet is that The Future Distributors Are Not Who Most TV Execs Think

So Why Now?

Americans watch 5.3 hours of TV / Day

Media Patterns
5.3 Hours

3 Hours

< 1 Hour Reading Online TV

Its Not Just Dogs on Skateboards Anymore

A Disruptive Breed of Digital Content Producer Has Emerged

$50-100k $6,000-8,000

Production Costs / Minute



YouTube TV

Network TV

These 4 Companies Alone Doing > 3 Billion Video Views / Month

Costs / Minute

YouTube TV

With YouTube Content Distribution is Much More Predictable and Content Producers Have a Direct Relationship with Viewers
Producer YouTube Viewer

Subscribers Email Lists Facebook Connect

Youth Demo Already 1/3rd of Time Online Watching Video

Streaming Video

Other Surfing

And Revenue Becoming Substantive

US Online Video Advertising Revenue ($millions)

$3,090 $2,160 $1,420 $1,017







$2009 2010 2011E 2012E

How Mainstream? 86% of All Internet Watch Online Video

Aug 11

42 billion


185 million viewers 228 videos / person

17 hours

91% of Households Still Pay for TV (91%)

This Market Disruption Will Be Enormous And Its Accelerating Now

Dont Be a Frog. Get Ahead of the Curve.

</end> Thank you

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