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BBC | British Council


Choose the best word to go in the gap in each sentence below

1. I __________ my ankle playing football. I can’t play for a week.

a. twisted
b. turned
c. bent
d. pulled

2. She cut her finger really badly and it didn’t stop __________ for hours.
a. dripping
b. pouring
c. bleeding
d. raining

3. Be careful you don’t __________ your fingers on that hot plate.

a. break
b. cook
c. toast
d. burn

4. He had a big __________ on his leg from falling over. It was black for
a. bruise
b. rash
c. spot
d. burn

5. It was a serious accident – he __________ both arms and a leg.

a. broke
b. snapped
c. bent
d. twisted

6. I was only __________ for a few minutes after the accident but had to
go to hospital for an x-ray anyway.
a. conscious
b. unconscious
c. subconscious
d. asleep
BBC | British Council

Injuries - answers

1. I _________ my ankle playing football. I can’t play for a week.

a. twisted is the right answer. The other words are not used to
describe injuries.
b. turned
c. bent
d. pulled

2. She cut her finger really badly and it didn’t stop _________ for hours.
a. dripping describes a way water moves
b. pouring describes a way water moves
c. bleeding is the right answer
d. raining describes the weather

3. Be careful you don’t _________ your fingers on that hot plate.

a. break doesn’t describe an injury from something hot
b. cook is for food
c. toast is for food
d. burn is the right answer

4. He had a big _________ on his leg from falling over. It was black for
a. bruise is the right answer
b. rash is a red mark on your skin from an allergy, for example
c. spot is a mark from an infection on your skin
d. burn is an injury from something hot

5. It was a serious accident – he _________ both arms and a leg.

a. broke is the right answer
b. snapped has a similar meaning but is not used for injuries
c. bent is not used for injuries
d. twisted is usually used for ankles, not arms and legs

6. I was only _________ for a few minutes after the accident but had to
go to hospital for an x-ray anyway.
a. conscious is when you are awake – the opposite of the right answer
b. unconscious is the right answer
c. subconscious is not a result of an injury
d. asleep is not a result of an injury

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