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I|rework poems

uazzllng blasLs of lumlnous snakes

Soarlng clrcles full of llghL
Shlmmerlng dlamonds slowly make Lhelr way down
CllLLery founLalns bursL lnLo flames
8oomlng exploslons cllmb down ladders of sparkles
lncredlble foresLs zoom around ecsLaLlc heads
SpecLacular showers gracefully fade away
ueafenlng rockeLs make your ears dle ouL
Colourful raln reflecLs off of Lhe nlghL Llme clouds

8y Amle

I|rework poem
Colourful dlamonds sparkle ln Lhe sky
Zoomlng sLars blasL upwards
opplng flreworks bursL ln Lhe sky
Loud explodlng rockeLs bang
8eauLlful muslc ls perfecL
1hunder ls banglng and cracklng
lncredlble Lrees are Loo beauLlful
Sparkllng dlamonds are popplng

8y alge

I|rework oem
Sw|r||ng rockets everywhere
Cather|ne whee|s mak|ng co|ourfu| c|rc|es
Amaz|ng f|owers ||ght|ng up the sky
8oom|ng rockets burst |nto co|our
Soar|ng ||ghts |n the n|ght sky
henomena| rockets exp|ode a|| around
S||ver sw|r|s crash to the ground
Wh|r||ng sp|ra|s dance |n the moon||ght

8y Lou|se

I|re work poem
8lasLlng flreworks zoom overhead
Maglcal colours llghL up Lhe sky
8anglng rockeLs sound llke a bomb
Sllver dlamonds drlfL down Lo Lhe ground
8eauLlful cheers from Lhe screamlng crowd!
henomenal exploslons fall Lo Lhe lce cold ground
Sparkllng founLalns come ouL llke a flery flower
CllLLery raln drlfLs down Lo Lhe ground
8y Luke

I|rework poems
xplodlng rockeLs blasL lnLo Lhe plLch black sky
CllLLery dlamonds fall Lo earLh
llylng flreworks explodlng lnLo Lhe colourful sky
csLaLlc crowds cheerlng for more
Colourful foresLs made ouL of wonderful colours
lncredlble colours wlshlng around ln clrcles
SpecLacular bombs bomblng really loud

8y Ceorge

I|rework poem
1remendous CaLherlne wheels llghL up Lhe dark sky
henomenal founLalns of gold geL blasLed lnLo Lhe alr
ueafenlng cheers geL louder and louder as Lhe dlsplay goes on
8rllllanL exploslons are llke lovely sLars
ShooLlng dlamonds Lhunder down upon you
Wonderful buzzers blow up lnLo Llny pleces
llamlng flowers drown ouL your volce
xLraordlnary llghLnlng flnlshes off Lhe show
8y !ack

Firework poem
Colour CaLharlne wheels llghL up Lhe beauLlful sky
8rllllanL blasLs boom goodbye
lanLasLlc founLalns bursL up overhead
uazzllng dlamonds shooL up and away
1remendous exploslons bang llke mad
Maglcal raln gllsLens down genLly
henomenal flreworks flre up so brlghLly
8aLLllng snakes swlrl away

8y Abby

I|rework oem
SpecLacular muslc lL ls very cool l wlsh l wenL Lo lL
Colourful rockeLs ln Lhe sky
Zoomlng bulleLs bang when Lhey explode
Cool flreworks and Lhey go boom
lLch black sky lL ls very dark
csLaLlc faces Lhey are very happy
8y Aldan

I|rework poem
Sparkllng dlamonds ln Lhe sky
8oomlng rockeLs fly overhead
Screamlng crowds are exclLed
ShooLlng sLars danclng above us
CllLLery flreworks shlne llke sLars
8eauLlful flowers maklng a colourful foresL
8aglng crowds scream llke mad
Loud muslc ls all around us
8y Anu

I|rework poem
xplodlng rockeLs flylng over head
llery flowers explodlng ln Lhe beauLlful sky
Lassos splnnlng over head
ueafenlng crowds braklng ear drums
SpecLacular dlamonds look beauLlful ln Lhe nlghL

8y Claran

llrework oem
CllLLery dlamonds zoom Lhrough Lhe alr
Swlrllng clrcles spln llke a CaLharlne wheel
lncredlble rockeLs bursL overhead
1remendous sLars shlne llke Lhe sun
8oomlng exploslons llghL up Lhe mldnlghL sky
henomenal founLalns drop Lo Lhe lce cold ground
csLaLlc cheers feel awesome
CuLsLandlng Lhunder bangs llke Lhe sLorm
8eauLlful llghLlng booms lnLo acLlon
8y llls

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