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The original Jack O'Lantern was not a pumpkin. The Jack O'Lantern legend goes back hundreds of years in Irish History. Jack, an irish man, grew up in a simple village where he earned a reputation for cleverness as well as laziness. He applied his fine intelligence to wiggling out of any work that was asked of him. In his whole life he never made a single enemy, never made a single friend and never performed a selfless act for anyone. Stingy Jack, a miserable and old drunk, liked to play tricks on everyone: family, friends, his mother and even the Devil himself. One day, he tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree for a juicy apple and then quickly cut the sign of the cross into the tree trunk, preventing the Devil from coming down. Stingy Jack made the Devil promise him not to take his soul when he died. Once the devil promised not to take his soul, Stingy Jack removed the cross sign and let the Devil down. Many years later, when Jack finally died, he went to the Gates of Heaven and was told by Saint Peter that he was not allowed to enter Heaven. He then went down to Hell. But the Devil kept his promise and would not allow him to enter Hell. Now Jack was scared and had nowhere to go but to wander about forever in the darkness between Heaven and Hell. He asked the Devil how he could leave as there was no light. The Devil gave him a burning coal from the flames of Hell to help him light his way. Jack placed the ember in a hollowed out turnip, one of his favorite foods which he always carried around with him whenever he could steal one. For that day onward, Stingy Jack wanders around the earth without a resting place, lighting his way as he went with his "Jack O'Lantern". Since, on all Hallow's eve, the Irish hollowed out turnips, potatoes and beets. They placed a light in them to keep Stingy Jack away. The Irish brought the tradition of the Jack O'Lantern to America. The Irish immigrants quickly discovered that Pumpkins were bigger and easier to carve out. So


Pumpkin: C. True Or False Where was Jack from? ___________________ __ The Jack O Lantern story comes from Scotland What did Selfless: __________________ Jack to prevent the Devil coming down the apple tree? __ Jack O Lanterns were always made of Heaven: pumpkins What happened when Jack went to ___________________ the Gates of Heaven? __ Jack grew up in a big city Hell: _____________________ What did theStinky give to Jack to __ Jacks nickname was Devil Jack Wander: __________________ light his way? __ Jack wet to heaven and stayed there forever Coal: _____________________ What was Jacks favourite food? __ Jack O LanternsTurnip: were used on all Hallow's eve Why did the Irish chose pumpkin to ____________________ replace turnips? Beet: _____________________

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