Advantages and Disadvantages of GMT

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Advantages and disadvantages of the Grammar-Translation Method


Translation is the easiest way of explaining meaning of words and phrases. Learners have no difficulties to understand the lesson as it is carried out in the mother tongue. Paying attention to reading and writing Students have not much difficulty in responding to questions in the mother tongue. So, the teacher can easily assess whether the students have learned what he has taught them. An effective method for application of grammar and sentence structure Teachers who are not fluent in English can teach English through this method.


What the method is good at is teaching about the language, not teaching the language. Students lack an active role in the classroom. often correcting their own work and strictly following the textbook. Very little attention is paid to is assumed that students will never use the target language No intraction between teacher and students or students and students No emphasis is given to on oral or aural skills(very little attention to attention to pronounciation) Instruction is not in the target language The meaning of the reading are mainly gained from translation into the the native language The language learnt is mainly written, not colloquial

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