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Philippine Mystic Dwarfs LUIS, Armand and Angel Meet Healing and Psychic Judge Florentino Floro


Part II - 2011 First Edition

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Philippine Copyright 2011

[Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit: Name of Copyright Owner and Author Florentino V. Floro, Jr.; Date of Creation, Publication, Registration and Deposit _________________, 2010, respectively; Registration No. __________, issued by the Republic of the Philippines, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, THE NATIONAL LIBRARY, Manila, Philippines, signed by Virginio V. Arrriero, Acting Chief, Publication and Special Services Division, for Director Prudencia C. Cruz, and Attested by Michelle A. Flor, Copyright Examiner]1



Email:, #23 Saluysoy, Meycauayan City, 3020 Bulacan, Philippines, Asia - Cel. # 0915 -553008, Robert V. Floro

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First Printing, 2011

Serial No. _____________ LCCCN, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:
Floro, Florentino V., 2006, " Philippine Mystic Dwarves LUIS, Armand and Angel Meet Fortune-telling Judge", 1st edition, ____ p., FIL / ______ / ______ / 20102

ISBN ____________________3

Printed & Published by: FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR.

A chilli-hot year for whiny garbage David Pannick, QC, presides over the memorable legal appearances of 2006 The Times David Pannick QC December 5, 2006 In the Manhattan Supreme Court, Justice Jane Solomon told Liza Minnelli and her former husband David Gest to stop their whiny garbage of litigation. This year was notable for the quantity of whiny garbage to be found in courtrooms round the world. There was particularly hot competition in 2006 for the prize for judge of the year. William A. Carter, of the Albany City Court in New York, was a strong contender after being censured by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for his behaviour when presiding at a preliminary hearing of criminal charges: he removed his judicial robe, walked up to the defendant and asked: You want a piece of me?. In Washington State, Superior Court Judge Beverly G. Grant began a manslaughter sentencing hearing by asking everyone in court to join her in a Super Bowl cheer of Go Seahawks. She later explained that she was simply trying to ease tensions. Judge Donald D. Thompson was convicted by a jury in Oklahoma on four counts of indecent exposure by surreptitiously using a penis pump in Creek County Court while sitting as a judge hearing (or at least pretending to hear) trials in 2002 and 2003. The judge picks up a consolation award for the least contentious statement by a defendant in a criminal trial this year: In 20-20 hindsight, I should have thrown it away.

Those were the runners-up. The award for judge of the year goes to Judge Florentino V. Floro Jr, whom the Supreme Court of the Philippines sacked from the Regional Trial Court in Malabon City for regularly opening proceedings in his courtroom with the statement that he was a Bar topnotcher who passed the 1983 Bar examinations with an average score of 87.55 per cent; for changing from blue court robes to black each Friday to recharge his psychic powers as the No 5 psychic in the country; and for claiming to have the assistance of three dwarf friends named Luis, Armand and Angel, who, unseen by others, provided him with assistance in court. Alternative dispute resolution order of the year was made by Judge Gregory A. Presnell, of Orlando, Florida. When lawyers in an insurance dispute (whose offices were in the same building, four floors apart) were unable to agree where to hold a deposition the judge ordered the lawyers to report outside the federal courthouse to play one game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, with the winner to decide the location of the deposition. Judicial puzzle of the year was contained in the High Court judgment by Mr Justice Peter Smith rejecting the contention by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, two of the authors of The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, that their copyright had been infringed by Dan Browns bestseller The Da Vinci Code. The judge included a coded message of his own a disappointingly mundane statement about Jackie Fisher, the early 20th-century admiral. Judicial e-mail of the year was sent by the immigration judge Mohammed Ilyas Khan to his lover Roselane Driza, a Brazilian cleaner, telling her she was real chilli-hot stuff. She was imprisoned for 33 months for blackmailing a female immigration judge, Judge J, by threatening to send to the Lord Chancellor videos of Judge J having sex with Judge Khan, and another 3 months imprisonment for theft of videos.

Advocacy of the year was by David Breitbart, representing the model Naomi Campbell in New York on a charge of hitting her housekeeper on the head with a phone: I know Miss Campbell and she is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. A special mention in this whats your next point? category for the comments of Muddassar Arani, solicitor to the fundamentalist Muslim cleric Abu Hamza, jailed for seven years for incitement to murder and possessing a document useful to terrorism. The solicitor commented that Abu Hamza considers himself to be a prisoner of faith. He is subjected to slow martyrdom. Witness of the year was Gail Sheridan giving evidence for her husband, Tommy, in his successful libel action against the News of the World for alleging that he had taken part in orgies. Mrs Sheridan told the jury that her husband was so boring that his only interest on weekend evenings was to search through dictionaries to find long words to boost his scores at Scrabble. Legal mistake of the year was by Mr Sheridans junior counsel, Graeme Henderson, sacked along with the rest of the legal team after he cross-examined a witness and wrongly accused her of having a conviction for credit card fraud. In the foreign case of the year, the Iraqi High Tribunal sentenced Saddam Hussein to death after finding him guilty of crimes against humanity for his role in the killing of 148 Shia villagers from Dujail, north of Baghdad, in 1982 after a failed assassination attempt against the Iraqi President. In the domestic case of the year, the liquidators of BCCI abandoned their marathon claim against the Bank of England on Day 256 of the trial. In his judgment on costs, Mr Justice Tomlinson revealed that during the trial he had formed the view that so hopeless were the contentions of the claimants that the case was a farce based on hopeless inconsistencies and implausibilities.

The award for bizarre conduct by a lawyer in 2006 goes to the New Zealander Bob Moodie. Facing contempt proceedings in the High Court in Wellington, he appeared in womens clothes, asked the judge to call him Ms Alice and explained that this was because he wanted to draw attention to the oldboy network within the New Zealand judiciary. Legal cartoon of the year was by Leo Cullum in The New Yorker. One judge tells another: My basic judicial philosophy is Guilty. Hopeless lawsuits of the year included the plan by a French lawyer to challenge the result of the World Cup final (in which France lost to Italy) because of the way in which the officials dealt with the sending off of Zindine Zidane. A Russian lawyer is to take to the European Court of Human Rights his complaint that the cartoon series The Simpsons should not be shown on Russian television because it promotes drugs, violence and homosexuality. But even those cases have some prospect of success by comparison with the winner in this category, which is the completely hopeless litigation announced by a German lawyer, Jens Lorek. He wants to hear from people who believe that they were abducted by aliens so that he can bring, on their behalf, compensation claims against the State. The trouble is, he complained, people are afraid of making fools of themselves in court. There is no reason to doubt that there will be many people doing precisely that in 2007.1 8.ece Case of Kiwi lawyer judged most bizarre in the world Thursday Dec 7, 2006

David Philip Pannick, Baron Pannick QC (born 7 March 1956) is a leading barrister in the United Kingdom, and crossbencher in the House of Lords. He practises mainly in the areas of public law and human rights. He argued 100 cases before the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords before its replacement by the new Supreme Court in October 2009, and he has argued more than 30 cases in the European Court of Justice, and more than 30 cases in the European Court of Human Rights. He has argued more than 75 cases in the House of Lords, more than 25 cases in the European Court of Justice, and more than 30 cases in the European Court of Human Rights. Pannick was educated at Bancroft's School and Hertford College, Oxford, where he obtained an MA and a BCL. He was called to the Bar at Gray's Inn in 1979, and was a Junior Counsel to the Crown in Common Law from 1988 to 1992. He became a Queen's Counsel in 1992, a Recorder in 1995, and a deputy High Court judge in 1998. He has acted in a wide range of important and high-profile cases, including the Spycatcher case. He has been a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford since 1978, and became an Honorary Fellow at Hertford College, Oxford in September 2004. On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:02:17, "David Pannick QC" emailed Judge Floro and wrote the article on TIMES ONLINE, respectively, and hereunder:2 Dear Judge Floro Thank you for sending the material which I read with great interest. Best wishes David Pannick

David Pannick, Baron Pannick,_Baron_Pannick

AUTHORS FOREWORD A.J. + P.M [Ad Jesum Per Mariam] LUCES VIDEO I first saw the light at 1:00 a.m. of November 5, 1953. [My mother first saw the light on December 5, 1925, and she last saw it on December 5, 1995]. From November 5, 1953 until June 2, 1983, our 3 mystic friends always guided me and my brother Robert, for both of us were gifted and were destined to see the VIOLET lights [of or among 90 Million Filipinos], bestowed and solely possessed by LUIS. It was on June 2, 1983, that they whispered the sounds to Robert. Having fervently prayed to have a glimpse of these lights, I was especially privileged to have seen them/their lights (for split second, only) on March 1, 1986. Thereafter, I hoped and dreamed to see the lights. It was exactly on March 1, 1996, that I was chosen to see their lights (on my 42nd year, and on the 12th year, from their first whisper to Robert). From March 1, 1996 until this date, I had seen their lights during more than 1,720 midnights. I saw these glimmering, flashing colorless, colorful, and mysterious lights. About the last quarter of 1998, I saw a vision: I was about to lay my hands upon another On several occasions and at 12 noon of September 3, 1998, Dr. George So, psychiatrist, assistant of Dr. Pacita Salceda Ramos, of Makati Medical Center, saw the phenomenal changing of the red colors of my right hand. On April 2, 1999, Good Friday, at 9:07 p.m., Las Vegas Restaurant, BANAUE, Poblacion, Ifugao, my right hand became extremely hot, as I wrote the 29-pages memorandum Luces Video. On April 30, 1999 [RTC, Br. 73, Malabon, inside my Chambers], I first laid my hands upon another

In this first phase of the exercise of the gift of changing the form and substance of a human body by release of light (definition of Healing), my right hand emitted the extreme heat that penetrated the others body parts which were disintegrating (malfunction, in our language). I did use this privilege until May 18, 1999, when my right hand stopped releasing heat. On first Thursday, June 2, 1999, at exactly 6:05 6:07 a.m., in mystic trance-ecstasy, I spoke the 2 essential words (more than 5 times) AMEN JESUS ; simultaneously, I saw the vision of the oil being poured to I received the gift of spiritual healing. On First Friday, June 4, 1999, or on the 16th year from June 2, 1983, when they whispered the words, I offered the oil, laid my hands with coconut oil per the 2 words, upon another, at Bustos Dam, Angat, Bulacan, at 8:00 pm. This second phase of the privilege started with a sole message of Genuine Reconciliation. It was on June 2, 1983, at the wake of my father, Florentino, Sr. that LUIS, Armand and Angel first appeared to my brother Robert V. Floro at the back of our house at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines. I brought Robert to our Psychology Department Chair, Ateneo De Manila, Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. about November, 1984, to have been tested on his dwarfs claims. Fr. Bulatao tested him and they traveled to the Kingdom/castle of LUIS, Armand and Angel. The Jesuit priest informed me that subjectivelyobjectively it is true (but he was not able to see LUIS and Armand, while Robert was able to see Fathers dwarf dwendeling). From 1984 until 1999, I have had great FAITH in these Philippine creatures, as I offered them food and drinks, daily/ Fridays to remember them. It was on First Friday, March 1, 1996, midnight, that LUIS and Armand first appeared to me in VISION: they told me their names and promised me lifetime DALLIANCE, or covenant, protection and friendship.

More importantly, it is the covenants prophecy by LUIS that I and these 3 mystic dwarves would be known worldwide. On April 7, 2006, the birthday of Angel (their sister, whom I just saw on August, 2009), I and these 3 holy angels of the Lord caught unprecedented global sympathy, compassion and attention: from obscurity, we became world-famous and IMMORTAL in the indelible memory of world history. Since June 2, 1983, when LUIS and Armand appeared to my brother Robert, and since LUIS promised that he would appear to me (1984 Christmas promise), it was only on January 8, 2008 (or 24 years thereafter) that LUIS fulfilled his covenant: he appeared to me in IMAX yellow light virtual reality fashion. It was for real. THIS BOOK is written for the sole purpose of sharing to the world, their mission of exorcising the corrupt Philippine judiciary, to fight evil and promote spiritual repentance through the highest VIOLET and white LIGHTS of LUIS, the King of kings of elementals worldwide. This book is likewise published for believers and infidels alike, who for reasons, would utterly have an insight into the spiritual world of the 3 mystic dwarves vis--vis the broken world of materialism and the true-to-life world of hypocrisy, anger, bitterness, hatred and vengeance, in our crab menatlity Philippine Judicial Department. Because of these 3 holy angels of God, the landmark Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario Decision became the object of ridicule by the democratic and civilized world which compassionately defined the essence of kindness that I never found in my own country. THE AUTHOR. First Friday, October 7, 2011, 3 p.m. #23 Saluysoy, Meycauayan City, 3020 Bulacan, Phlippines, Asia. email:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Judge Florentino V. Floro Jr., graduated High School (3rd Honors) from St. Vincents Seminary, at Karuhatan, Valenzuela, Bulacan in 1970. (He finished Grade VI with 6th honors at St. Marys Academy, Poblacion, Meycauayan, Bulacan, in 1965). He obtained his A. B. PreDivinity at the Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola House of Studies, Quezon City, Philippines, on October, 1974. He obtained MBA units at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Padre Faura, Manila, in 1975, and finished Law at the Ateneo Law School, Makati, on June 13, 1982 (FULL SECOND HONORS) with 10 years unbroken record of 91% in Criminal Law Review. In the 1983 Bar Exams (one of the hardest in P.I. history, since only 21.3% passed), he was 12th place with a very high Bar Rating of 87.55% (which rating had been surpassed by only 2 incumbent Supreme Court Justices and 2 JBC applicants, out of 1,500 judges, 70 Justices and 10,000 applicants, a Philippine RECORD, so to speak). In his first attempt to become a Judge, he filed his JBC Application on his birthday, November 5, 1997. Out of more than 80 applicants to the position (Br. 73, RTC, MALABON, M.M., NCJR), he was duly nominated (upon his APPEAL) by the Judicial & Bar Council and was appointed by President Joseph Estrada on his birthday, November 4/5, 1998, at the age of 45, as youngest RTC, NCJR Judge. He took his oath on Friday the 13th, November, 1998 and fully assumed judicial powers on January 12, 1999. He considers President Ferdinand E. Marcos (as the greatest Filipino & the most brilliant mind that the Asian Race ever produced). He also predicted that he would be a Healer and aimed to be a Jockey. He predicted on December 9, 1998 and January 25, 1999 his suspension. More specifically, it was on July 18, 1999 that he saw the vision of Plaridel (Marcelo H. del Pilar) and 73 which foretold his suspension at exactly 4:50 p.m., July 20, 1999, and he left RTC, Br. 73, Malabon at 5:20 p.m.

One afternoon of the third week of June, 2000, he predicted before a JBC member and spontaneously told Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, at the JBC corridors: xxx You will be re-appointed on July 5!!! xxx. She was reappointed and served the unprecedented third term as regular JBC member, the Kingmaker. She is the mastermind of Judge Floros 68.9 months longest suspension in history and separation from service. On July 18, 2000 at 8:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. he experienced the special trance which predicted the Catmon, Malabon Halls of Justice fire that destroyed practically all the Court Offices except his sala (at exactly 5:20 a.m. of July 23, 2000, or exactly 36 hours after his 1 year anniversary preventive suspension). Judge Floro was named Youngest Filipino Achiever by WikiPilipinas: the Hip 'n Free Philippine Encyclopedia (Redirected from Youngest Filipinos in their Field): * Florentino Floro - youngest RTC NCJR Judge of the Philippines at the age of 45.3 A final word. One need not agree that the Angel of Death and the 3 world-famous unseen little friends/elementals do exist and of course, that his claim as the No. 1 Psychic has basis. Nevertheless, this book or memorandum is written for believers and infidels alike who, for varying reasons, perhaps, may wish to gain some understanding of his healing message: that there is a God who watches us from a distance; xxx genuine reconciliation/repentance; xxx to heal the wounds of corruption in the judiciary; xxx to heal the sick. A. M. + D. G. [Ad Majoram Dei Gloriam]

WikiPilipinas, Youngest Filipino Achievers, heir_Field



This Book is affectionately dedicated to LUIS, Armand & Angel, to my brothers Robert & Benjamin V. Floro, and to all those who, for one reason or another, had been victims of Filipino Injustice because of Crab Mentality and massive Corruption in the Philippine Judiciary.

Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. Will always remember the KINDNESS Of the poorest of the poor, The oppressed, and All those who are in PAIN, because of SIN.

It is the prerogative of Spirit To know the future. - Charles Fillmore4


INTRODUCTION Florentino and the three dwarves Saturday, September 02, 2006 A Filipino judge who was dismissed from the bench because of his ongoing relationship with invisible mystics meets with Sam Chambers to explain his side of the story The Philippine judiciary has oft been the butt of a joke but never before has one of its members caused so much mirth as Judge Floro Florentino and his three invisible dwarves. Judge Florentino and the dwarves - Luis, Armand and Angel - might sound like a good name for a band but they are in fact the main characters in a surreal tale from a nation famous for its superstitions. Last month, the trial judge lost his final appeal to keep his job, with the Supreme Court's 72-page ruling stating that Florentino's "dalliance" with Luis, Armand and Angel showed he had a "medically disabling condition of the mind" that rendered him "unfit to discharge the functions of his office" which in turn could "erode the public's esteem of the judiciary" and make it an "object of ridicule." Florentino and I arrange to meet at what seems the most apt of places to discuss such matters - the Hobbit Bar on Mabene St in the Manila district of Malate. Charitably offering employment for the vertically challenged, it has been a tourist attraction for more than 10 years. Florentino's three sidekicks, or "spiritual guides" as he prefers them to be called, take many different forms. Luis is the "king of kings" or "God's angel," while Armand is a beautiful boy who, like Luis, has wings. Angel is their sister. Florentino has only seen Luis once - on a rock in the middle of the Philippine archipelago. Luis communicates and uses his powers via violet and white lights.

Florentino peers over the bar and orders a bottle of Australian shiraz but shows no sign of recognition - it seems that Luis, Armand and Angel are not among the diminutive presences to serve us. Moments later a pudgy hand holding a 2003 vintage appears out of nowhere; two glasses follow, as if by levitation, from beneath the bar. Looking 10 years younger than his 53 years, Florentino comes across as remarkably lucid. For sure he rambles in a high-pitched tone, often going off on tangents, yet the psychosis the Supreme Court claims he has is not immediately apparent. Fame, or infamy, clearly is something this otherwise shy man seems to enjoy. He comes to the interview armed with 300 pages of clippings and court appeals. He says, with no small relish, that he and his three cohorts have appeared in more than 66 media titles and 1,000 blogs. One such blogger described Florentino as a Filipino X-Man for his efforts to rid the country's judiciary of corruption. In 1995 a Supreme Court commission found that more than 50 percent of judges received bribes, something Florentino has been determined to wipe out. His area of jurisdiction in Manila was Malabon, a coveted location in which to work, he says, because within a month a judge could become a millionaire, the starting price for any judicial decision being 50,000 pesos (HK$7,640). "Court starts at 11am; at 11.05am (the judges) go for golf," he quips. He shows even less mercy in his judgment of the Court of Appeals: "They say it is 85 percent corrupt," he muses, "It is 100 percent corrupt." Florentino initially trained to become a priest and was just a young teenager when he joined a seminary in 1965. He transferred to a Jesuit institution a few years later but then left to enter the legal profession. His life changed forever, he says, on June 2, 1983 - the day his father died. It was on that day that Luis, Armand and Angel made themselves known to Robert, Florentino's mentally disabled youngest brother.

"My brother, because of his innocence, can see them," he says. Floro Florentino recounts how the dwarves had revealed his healing and psychic powers. At first, he says he was sceptical. An avid gambler horse racing coupons are mixed in with his press clippings - the dwarves told him to get involved in cockfighting. He bought 13 cockerels, made 21,000 pesos and "suddenly believed them." Since then he claims to have healed many people, explaining that his hands are golden and impart heat to the afflicted. "I am not a faith healer," he says, "I am gifted." Though at times in the conversation he bristles at the term psychic, Florentino rates himself as as the country's number five seer. Number one? Ferdinand Marcos, apparently. Florentino says he predicted Joseph "Erap" Estrada's presidential downfall and prayed that present incumbent Gloria Macapagal Arroyo would survive her endless political battles. Looking ahead, he reckons Arroyo's power will end soon and the nation will suffer as a result. He'll also have you believe he is a bilocator someone who can be seen in two different places at the same time, which he acknowledges is also a trick for which the devil is known. Florentino says such powers do not come without sacrifices and that he has had to remain single or lose his gift of healing: "That's in the Book of Revelations," he adds. He glances over his shoulder at a child laughing nearby. "You know it's painful for me not to have a kid. That's why I am the Filipino martyr." Florentino was appointed on November 5, 1998, as the country's youngest judge. It was not the first time he'd tried to become one. Three years earlier the state had failed him for psychological reasons but he was allowed an independent, private mental assessment that cleared him. His reign as a judge was as bizarre as it was short.

Sessions would start with readings from the Book of Revelations; on Fridays he would change from blue robes to black to recharge his powers, and in between hearings he'd provide healing sessions, even for other judges, as well as consulting his trio of "advisers." Such unorthodoxy brought a swift end to his career and he was suspended in July 1999. So began his seven-year battle to be reinstated, with more than 100 motions tabled, finally ending with the Supreme Court decision. He was paid 1.1 million pesos in back pay, over half of which has already been used to pay debts. He lists the names of senior judges who have in the past come to him for healing and says these are the same people who turned on him for political reasons, using his paranormal "gifts" as the excuse to get rid of him. "This is a first in our judicial history - the Philippines Supreme Court has never dismissed or removed a judge because of their belief in the paranormal or religion. Other country's constitutions provide for dismissal or removal of judges, jurists and magistrates because of graft, corruption or misconduct," he insists. However, Florentino admits to having a darker mission, avenging those who corrupt the legal system. This has led him to be dubbed an angel of death, a description he does not dispute. At this point I am reminded of the fact that to be a dwarf in the Philippines, or duende as they are known, is not to possess the lovable qualities often attributed to them in fairytales. Rather they are regarded as figures full of malice and violent intent. Eight judges who Florentino has deemed corrupt have all been struck with serious illnesses, three of them dying. He has, he confesses, been psychically "inflicting illnesses" upon his tormentors, even going so far as to ensure one of them gave birth to a child with epilepsy. "Armand, Luis and Angel's role is a never-ending fight against `black' or evil; a spiritual battle - the angels versus Lucifer.

Right now Satan is winning, God is losing. All our leaders have 666 on their heads from the president down, the Supreme Court, everywhere," he says in his mild, yet animated, manner. "My mission is healing the wounds of the judiciary." His more immediate goal is to appeal the Supreme Court decision as early as next week. He intends to file a disbarment case against Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jnr for delaying his case for so long. "I am asking for a job. I am asking for justice," says the spiritual crusader. Is this just a tall tale of short people? Or is that Luis reaching up to take my credit card? Filipino judges, you have been warned.4 Creature features of the Philippines Saturday, September 02, 2006 Judge Floro Florentino is not too pleased with his three spiritual guides being referred to as dwarves or duende, as superstitious Filipinos call these elf-like beings. His brother, who first saw them, called them duende, a Spanish word of ambiguous definition. To Filipinos, they are something like tiny magical goblins who live in forested areas. There are, according to folklore, two types: black, denoting evil which can harm, and red, who are good and can heal. On the island of Mindoro, the Mangyan tribe claim to trade with the few remaining duende for forest products.
4 377&sid=9682141&con_type=1&d_str=20060902 375&sid=9641493&con_type=3 The Standard (traditional Chinese: ; Jyutping: jing1 man4 fu2 bou3) is an English free newspaper of Hong Kong with a daily circulation of 231,018. It was called the Hong Kong Standard and changed to HKiMail during the Internet boom, but it changed back to The Standard in 2001. From 10 September 2007, The Standard, which was originally sold at HK$6 each, became a free newspaper. It is now Hong Kong's first and only free English newspaper. The South China Morning Post is its main local competitor.


They are said to be extremely shy because of the violence that has been done to them in the past. Then there are the nocturnal Agta, tall black men who also hang out in the forests, while the Batibat, found in Ilocos, look like fat women who live inside posts, and suffocate people by sitting on top of them. The bovine-like Mantahungal have fearsome teeth, the Pugot are self-beheading multi-formed creatures, and the Tikbalang are centaurs in reverse. These and many more magical creatures - some invisible, some half-human, half- animal - are all said to inhabit the Philippine countryside. Sam Chambers (July 21, 1977 Living in Asia since 2000, Sam Chambers' life as a travel and transport writer keeps him on the road more often than not. His office is a laptop, his desk chair normally seat 36G onboard a CX flight to somewhere in Asia. This blog allows him to muse on some of the stuff he sees and hears out and about. Dalian is the place Sam now calls home.5 "The future is beyond knowing, but the present is beyond belief. We make so much noise with technology that we cannot discover that the stargate is in our foreheads. But the time has come; the revelation has already occured, and the guardian seers have seen the lightning strike the darkness we call reality. And now we sleep in the brief interval between the lightning and the thunder."
- William Irwin Thompson5


LUIS, Armand & Angel: Ultimate VIOLET lights; a Friend from another star; Jupiter, Osaka, Japan; time travel Since June 2, 1983, when these 3 mystic dwarves appeared to Judge Floros brother Robert, it was only after quarter of a century or in 2008, that LUIS permitted the mystic Judge to travel in time and in his 7th plane of existence, per LUIS UFOs, inter alia, specifically in his Kingdom of Peace of Christ through Mary in Osaka, Japan, Jupiter and Philippines. The scientific basis for this virtual reality and mystery is revealed from these writings, to wit: Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned. In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere. But he warned that aliens might simply raid Earth for resources, then move on. "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said. Prof Hawking thinks that, rather than actively trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials, humans should do everything possible to avoid contact. He explained: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like." An advanced spacefaring extraterrestrial civilization could end up wandering the universe in enormous spaceships on the prowl for vital materials after consuming the natural resources of their own world, Hawking explains in an episode of the show "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking," which premiered Sunday on the Discovery Channel. "Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they could reach," Hawking said.

"If so, it makes sense for them to exploit each new planet for material to build more spaceships so they could move on. Who knows what the limits would be?" In the four-part series, Hawking explores topics such as aliens, time travel, and the origin of the universe. Hawking, one of the world's most famous scientists, is a British theoretical physicist and former professor at Cambridge University in England. He gained fame through his bestselling book, "A Brief History of Time." Hawking is almost completely paralyzed from the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He communicates through an electronic voice synthesizer. In an article in the Daily Mail this week, British cosmologist Stephen Hawking outlined not one, but three, theoretically realistic ideas for traveling through time, one of which he says is even practical. The Fourth Dimension - First, though, you have to get your head around the notion that time is a dimension, just like width, height and length. Hawking uses the example of driving in your car: You go forward. That's one direction. You turn left or right, that's a second. You journey up a mountain road, that's a third. The fourth dimension is time. "Time travel movies often feature a vast, energy-hungry machine. The machine creates a path through the fourth dimension, a tunnel through time. A time traveler, a brave, perhaps foolhardy individual, prepared for who knows what, steps into the time tunnel and emerges who knows when. The concept may be far-fetched, and the reality may be very different from this, but the idea itself is not so crazy," Hawking writes. "Time flows like a river and it seems as if each of us is carried relentlessly along by time's current. But time is like a river in another way. It flows at different speeds in different places and that is the key to traveling into the future," Hawking writes. Albert Einstein first proposed this idea 100 years ago that there should be places where time slows down, and others where time speeds up, notes Hawking.


"He was absolutely right." The keys to time travel are black holes, objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravitational grip. "A black hole ... has a dramatic effect on time, slowing it down far more than anything else in the galaxy. That makes it a natural time machine," Hawking writes. "To travel in time we'll have to go more than 2,000 times faster (than Apollo 10). And to do that we'd need a much bigger ship, a truly enormous machinebig enough to carry a huge amount of fuel, enough to accelerate it to nearly the speed of light. Getting to just beneath the cosmic speed limit would require six whole years at full power. "We could, in theory, travel extraordinary distances within one lifetime," Hawking writes. "A trip to the edge of the galaxy would take just 80 years."6 Alien hunters to look for 'artificial intelligence' Mon Aug 23 2010 By ninemsn staff

Stephen Hawking's Time Machine by Irene Klotz Thu May 6, 2010 11:22 PM ET May 6, 2010, 5:38 am Do You Believe in Intelligent Alien Life? By HOLLY EPSTEIN OJALVO Stephen Hawking: Aliens may not come in peace By Clara Moskowitz, Senior Writer / April 27, 2010 Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens 09:35 GMT, Sunday, 25 April 2010 10:35 UK


A senior astronomer has said that alien hunters should take artificial intelligence into account when searching for extra-terrestrial beings. Seti, the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence, have mostly worked under the assumption that aliens would be "alive" in the sense that we know. But Seti astronomer Seth Shostak has argued that the odds now favour detecting artificial intelligence over any sort of biological life, reports BBC news. "Having now looked for signals for 50 years, Seti is going through a process of realising the way our technology is advancing is probably a good indicator of how other civilisations if they're out there would've progressed," said John Elliot, a Seti research veteran. "Certainly what we're looking at out there is an evolutionary moving target." Dr Shostak believes that artificially intelligent alien life would be likely to migrate to places where both matter and energy would be in plentiful supply. Why the alien hunt may be flawed The Seti search for intelligent aliens has always focused on worlds that may be like our own. Mr Shostak says that humans' example proves that technology can race ahead, from radio to artificial intelligence, and that we should in fact keep an eye out for "thinking machines".7


Notes 1. Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit: Name of Copyright Owner and Author Florentino V. Floro, Jr.; Date of Creation, Publication, Registration / Deposit _____________, 2011, respectively.
Registration No. _____________, issued by the Republic of the Philippines, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, THE NATIONAL LIBRARY, Manila, Philippines, signed by Virginio V. Arrriero, Acting Chief, Publication and Special Services Division, for Director Prudencia C. Cruz, and Attested by Michelle A. Flor, Copyright Examiner. Url: (First Book)

2. LCCCN, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: Book Bibliography - _____________, 2011, JUDGES DISMISSAL PHILIPPINES, Floro, Florentino V., 1953, 2008, Philippine Mystic Dwarves LUIS, Armand and Angel Meet Psychic and Healing Judge Florentino Floro", 1st ed. Malolos, Bulacan. ____ p., _____________ 2011. 3. ISBN (First Book) 4. Charles Fillmore, "Keep a True Lent (Unity Village: Unity Books, 1995), p. 46. 5. William Irwin Thompson, At the Edge of History: Speculations on the Transformation of Culture, (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), p. 230.


Table of Contents


Part II I. Biography of Gifted, Visionary and Prophet, Filipino Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. - "I Have a Dream".27 II. Diary: The 3 Mystic Dwarves Ordeal In the Eyes of Philippine Supreme Court Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., Judicial and Bar Council Member (June 22, 1997 February 10, 2006)..65 III. Memorandum - Timeline of Prophecies of LUIS, Mortis Angelus, King of kings of Elementals, the Annihilator VIOLET Lights, Per Judge Florentino V. Floro (April 7, 2006 to November 30, 2010); Related Lawsuits and Unexplained, Dire Incidents: Dying is Fun111 IV. Homeless - Timeline of Prophecies of Judge Florentino V. Floro: Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan Ancestral House and Lot .247 V. The Prophet - LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice; LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance257 VI. Who is LUIS? Marys Blue Army, Holy Eucharist: Close Encounter with a Friend from another Star; LUIS Kingdom of Peace; Violet and White Lights - Bonito, Baston, Salakot, Sombrero, Supot, UFO, Space Ship, Rocket Ship, Flying Saucer .... 265 VII. LUIS, Armand and Angel - February, 2008: Gifts of Lente and Bonito; Colorless Mystic Fires, Rainbow Lights from Judge Floros Eyes Discernment & The Violet Hat, Baston; .. 307 VIII. World Famous Mystic Armand, LUIS & Angel, the Three Dwarfs MEET the Judge --- Legend, Visionary & Healing Martyr of Filipino Justice315 IX. The Blue Madonna: Judge Floros Visions of just Heaven, the Luminous Cross, Black Nazarene, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Holy Face & Our Lady of Fatima & Lourdes; Judge Floros Travels in The Kingdom (of Peace) of LUIS at Osaka, Japan and Jupiter.321

X. LUIS, Armand and Angel: Jupiter, Osaka, Japan: Apparitions, Dalliance and LUIS UFOs, Space Ships, Rocket Ships, Flying Saucers ...395 XI. Imortl, Pinagpala Henceforth, future generations shall call me blessed! Mortis Angelus, Judge Florentino Floro...409 XII. The Black Nazarene blesses Judge Florentino Floro: Pinagpala, Powerful.431 XIII. Judge Florentino Floro meets 30 Filipino Faith Healers (Spiritual Healers) & 16 Photographers who saw the Divine-Mystic Lights in his 2 Palms & Right Eye (July 23 - September 24, 2011)551 XIV. Mystic 'Dwarf' Judge Florentino Floro's Ombudsman Curse..631 Notes: A) 150 Living Witnesses saw the Mystic-Divine Lights in Judge Floros palms from September 4, 2010 October 19, 2011, B) 18 Filipinos saw Jesus Christ in Judge Floros palms, C) 59 persons saw the Mystic-Divine Lights in Judge Floros eyes, and D) 2 persons saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floros palms.661 Appendix A Pinoy Exchange Forums Dire Prophecies of Judge Florentino Floro..717 Appendix B 2007 World Famous Mystic: Armand, Luis & Angel, The Three Dwarfs MEET The Judge --- Psychic & Healing Martyr of Filipino Justice ..737 Detailed Table of Contents ... 745 752


Biography of Gifted, Visionary and Prophet, Filipino Mystic Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. "I Have a Dream"


Prefatory Judge Floro has religious Faith in The Spinning Dancer: as 1984-1998 trial lawyer, Floro turned his opponents both ways; as 1999 Malabon trial jurist, he loved dancing amid the mystic 2004 first meeting with his counsel-of-record Rene Saguisag at Malate "Mil Nueve Cientos" ballroom dancing hall. If the foot touching the ground is perceived to be the left foot, the dancer appears to be spinning clockwise (if seen from above); if it is taken to be the right foot, then she appears to be spinning counter-clockwise. "I Could Have Danced All Night" was sung by his 3 Guardian Angels at midnight of his November 5, 2007 birthday, as Floro danced all nights, the "Last Dance," for Senator Rene AV and Dulce+ Saguisag.8 First Wikipedia editor in Knol Floro is proud to be the very first Wikipedia editor who became a registered Knol user / member / editor / contributor on July 24, 2008, just hours after the July 23 historical beta public opening of the Google project. Judge Florentino Floro on Cuil Cuil (pronounced "cool") is a search engine unveiled on July 28, 2008. ee_today 5074 =16482677


Floro's results vis-a-vis top world and Philippines people reveal the 3 dwarfs' immortality not only in Google, Gigablast, Yahoo, inter alia, but in the newest search engine, confirming Floro's celebrity status, to wit: * 1,455,606 results for Judge Florentino Floro in Cuil. Headline maker Philippine Daily Inquirer, on August 3, 2008, conferred upon Floro, this humbling humour-alias, which truly inspired his mystic hands to heal the nation's wounds of sin and anger. The 3 of 5 mystic fires glowed and purified the 4 corners of the sacred department, called "judiciary." Floro only rents a house (since 1989) but treasures his: 2 Philippine Judge's IDs, an Integrated Bar of the Philippines ID, a calling card, a passport and 2 driver's licenses: local and international. Kontrobersyal (or "Controversial," a news journal hosted by Boy Abunda on ABS-CBN in the Philippines from 2003 to 2006) signed-off after Floro sat and chat with the bald celebrity, on June, 2006. The program's 2006 anniversary special devoted 2 full segments to Floro (unprecedented in the history of the documentary). The following Wikipidia Biography of Judge Florentino Floro was created by Judge Floro and Mr. Romeo Miranda, and further edited by several Wikipedia editors and crab mentality Filipinos.9 did=16482677 1975074 &action=history (cur) (prev) 08:20, 28 June 2007 Melanie Almeria (talk | contribs) (18,199 bytes) (Created page with '2006 United Kingdom, The TIMES, "Judge of the Year" Florentino V. Floro, Jr. (born November 5, 1953) is a Filipino healing and psychic judge. He is popularly kno...') Romeo Miranda, CEO of Filgenuity, Inc. +63(2)8224839


Biography - "I Have a Dream" Florentino Velasquez Floro, Jr. was born at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital in Manila, Philippines at 1:00 a.m., on November 5, 1953.10 Florentino V. Floro, Jr. is a Filipino judge who achieved notoriety after being suspended from the Philippine judiciary in 2006 due to alleged mental illness. Floro made several statements that he was psychic and claimed to frequently communicate with invisible dwarves. He grew and lived (from birth to 1989) at Calvario, Meycauayan City, Bulacan. Florentino Floro is of Filipino and Chinese ancestry. Floro is the eldest of 5 brothers of Florentino Carreon Floro (March 10, 1904 - June 2, 1983) and Milagros Geronimo Velasquez (December 5, 1925 - December 5, 1970). His brothers are Joselito (with children Jenny and Patrice), Benjamin (and Teresita Lacson David, with adopted daughter, Elaine David Floro), Jesie (and Cynthia Sinson, with children Christian and Jarel, both having studied at the Ateneo de Manila University high school) and Robert. Genealogy *Floro's parents - Florentino Floro (March 14, 1904June 2, 1983) - Milagros Velasquez (December 5, 1925December 5, 19995). *Florentino Floro, Sr.'s parents - Ladislao Floro and Flaviana Carreon - children Florentino, Sr., Francisco Raymundo and Javier (University of the Philippines College of Medicine Doctors who died in Vienna on June 8, 1927), Simeon, and Vicente. *Vicente C. Floro (b. January 12, died on February 13, 1987) and Teodora Lim (b. April 1) (August 5, 1993 murdered) - children, Michaelma (b. October 19, 1953) and Clem - with children Michael and Noel; Maria Sagrario (b. April 30) (Maria Floro) Winifreda (b. October 20, 1956) and Domeng, Francisco (June 16, 1958) and Aimee with children Tin-Tin, Francis, JB and Kat-Kat, and Maria Venecia (b. January 12, 1960).
November 5, 1953 birth certificate of Judge Floro urrent=Untitled-Scanned-15.jpg


*Simeon Floro (b. February 22) and Angelina De Castro (b. March 30) - Baby and -Narding, Tom (b. February 1, with children - Robbie and Clarisse, b. September 22), Simeon, Jr.+ and Trippy, Renita and Atty.Rolly Tecson, Vic - with children Dra. Rowena (b. December 11, 1971) and Mr. Guevarra, Ronnie (b. April 9) and Ryan (b. May 12), and Dra. Teresita and Eboy Sta. Rosa - with child Grace. *Milagros Floro's parents - Lazaro Velasquez and Maria Geronimo - Jose, Jesus, Vicente and Milagros; Jose Velasquez and Dativa Paragas - Jose, Jr., Chit, Ruby and Yoly. *Vicente Velasquez and Monica - Tesie, Ramon, Carmen, Fatima, Pilar and Nolan. *Florentino, Sr.'s cousins - Pablo, Pedro and Bining, with children - Yolanda and Cecilia, Marciana and Benigno with Chritine, Emiliana and Patricio, and Paula; Pedro Carreon, Aling, Veronica, and During and Benito Pilongo with Ben and Baneng, Danilo and Ofie, Baby, Ruben, Purificacion and Gil. Early life and education In his youth, Floro was an accomplished student, graduating with full honors in elementary, high school and college levels. He graduated: elementary (1965) from St. Mary's College of Meycauayan (6th Honors); high school (1970) from St. Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan, Valenzuela. He finished 2 semesters (1971) of Bachelor of Arts at the Vincentian Hills Seminary at Angono, Rizal and Adamson University (under the Vincentian Family; Congregation of the Mission priests, 3rd Honors); threat, upon the hills, in 1971, Floro predicted that he would someday be made world famous and immortal in world history. Floro finished college (1974), Bachelor of Arts, predivinity and philosophy, from the Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Schools (admitted as Pre-novice / candidate for priesthood by the Society of Jesus, with Second Honors). He was the sole Bulakeno student who was admitted by the Ateneo de Manila University in 1972.


Floro was the only Bulakeno who graduated from the Ateneo in 1974. Further, Floro excelled by topping the Fr. Parissi, S.J., 2 days mental tests (only 5 of 400 candidates were admitted in 1972 to the Jesuit Pre-Novitiate, Arvisu House, Katipunan, Q.C.). He earned 18 MBA units in 1975 at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. He earned the degree of Bachelor of Laws (1982) at the Ateneo Law School, with full second honors. He made the 10 years unbroken (by 10 Ateneo valedictorians) record of 91% in criminal law review under Dean Antonio L. Gregorio. He placed 12th in the 1983 Philippine Bar Examination, with a very high bar rating of 87.55% in one of the hardest examination in Philippine history (only 21.3% passed; 65% of both Ateneo and University of the Philippines College of Law students failed because of the taxation bar subject). Floro, from 1972-1974, and 1980, sat beside his classmates - Romeo Intengan (Philippine Jesuit, former Provincial, and surgeon by training, jailed during the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos for his views against the dictatorship - List of Jesuits) and Cesar L. Villanueva (Dean, Ateneo Law School), respectively. Floro also graduated (1975) basic and intermediate Equestrianism at the Philippines D'Rossa School of Horsemanship, at Makati City, but failed in his dream to become a horse race jockey. From 1975 to 1983, he regularly rode his own American Quarter Horse "Wimps Pansy" along Meycauayan to Marilao, Bulacan. Religious belief Floro, as polymath, is a closed Roman Catholic, who has faith in St. Paul's teachings. The Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity-Eucharist are the centers of his life. By virtue of predestination, he was born a visionary, prophet, being the Philippines Angel of Death. Gifted by the Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts of prophecy, gifts of healing, gift of miracles (which include mystic levitation, exorcism and bilocation), he spiritually healed more than 10,000 patients, since April 30, 1999.

Judicial career On September 17, 1995, at 10:00 a.m., Floro, while being interviewed by Judicial and Bar Council Member Justice Jose Campos, entered into a state of full spiritual trance, and stated: "Justice, 3 JBC members, in 1996, will suffer massive stroke, heart attack, and painful accident." Floro, at that time took the mental tests required in his application for judgeship post in Guagua, Pampanga. Floro withdrew due to the floods. The 1995 prophecy came to pass with impeccable accuracy in 1996: JBC Member Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison suffered serious Myocardial infarction, while JBC Member Atty. Francisco "Tito" Santiago, husband of Consuelo Ynares-Santiago had cardiac arrest at Baguio City, and JBC Member Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. fell painfully on the Supreme Court stairs causing lingering illnesses. Spiritual Gifts of Prophecy and Bilocation On his natal day of November 5, 1997, his "gabays" or spirit guides, the 3 angels or duende ordered him to cleanse the Philippine judiciary, by applying with the Judicial and Bar Council for the position of RTC Judge. Meanwhile, on Good Friday, 1998, at exactly 12:00 noon, Floro walked along the 2.16 kilometers San Juanico Bridge, and shouted "Erap will be the 13th unlucky President, who will not finish his term, while Jose de Venecia, Jr. will loose the elections." Floro displayed this written prediction on December 10, 1998 at his Court sala, Br. 73, RTC, Malabon. At 1:00 p.m., Good Friday, 1998, Floro went to nearby Tolosa beach to buy Coral grouper (Cephalopholis miniata). About 5 natives greeted him and stated that Floro had lived with them as their attorney (ever since). Floro was surprised as he, on that very sacred day, received the gift of bilocation. Due to the foregoing triple predictions, the Judicial and Bar Council denied his application, but Floro submitted evidence of sanity or fitness. Due to a tie vote, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. convinced Chief Justice Andres Narvasa to break the tie, and Floro was made.

Per LUIS' violet lights, Floro was duly appointed RTC, NCJR Judge of Br. 73, Malabon City and Navotas, Metro Manila, on November 4, 5, 1998, his 45th birthday, at the age of 45, as the youngest RTC NCJR Judge. Floro took his oath before Justice Bernardo P. Pardo and the ceremonial oath before Joseph Estrada, on November 13, 1998 and December 8, 1998, respectively. Artemio Panganiban sent Floro a congratulatory letter. On December 9, 1998, at 2:00 p.m., Floro, on his first day in office as judge, announced before all his Br. 73, RTC, Malabon court staff that he would be suspended by the Supreme Court of the Philippines. January 9, 1999, Feast of the Black Nazarene Vision Floro, at 6:00 a.m., saw visions of a) the milenium global earthquakes, disasters and tragedies (1999 - 2012), b) the worldwide Marian apparitions and c) the physical hurting of Vice-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Spiritual Gifts of extreme heat Healing On Good Friday, April 2, 1999, at Las Vegas Restaurant, Banaue, Ifugao, at exactly 8:30 p.m. to 9:07 p.m., Floro's right hand turned red hot warm as he finished handwriting the 29-pages "Luces Video" Memorandum of dire predictions. On June 3, 1999, at 6:00 a.m., Floro was bestowed the gift of spiritual healing when in full trance, he uttered 10 times, "+Amen Jesus" (Revelation 3: 14-21), amid his vision of the oil. Floro's both hands-palms turned golden and emitted extreme spiritual heat to have healed more than 10,000 patients since then. Judicial Audit and Longest preventive suspension in history (July 20, 1999 - April 7, 2006) On July 18, 1999, at 12:00 midnight, Floro, in trance saw the visions of Plaridel (Marcelo del Pilar) and 73. Barely 6 months from his inaugural session on January 5, 1999, he was indefinitely suspended on July 20, 1999 (the longest judicial suspension in world history). Alfredo Benipayo signed Judge Floro's Memorandum of Suspension which contained the 13 administrative charges (the principal of which is dwarf consultation in writing judgments).

UST Rector Fr. Rolando de La Rosa, O.P., wrote in the Manila Bulletin: "Benipayo had chronic cough that bothered him for years. At first the doctors thought the trouble was with his lungs. They found out later that it was his heart. He was suffering from CAD (coronary artery disease). His heart was clogged." On February 21, 2001, Benipayo underwent angioplasty surgery 5 days after his appointment as Commission on Elections (Philippines) Chair [page A2, Saturday, March 24, 2001, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and March 15, 2001 Manila Bulletin, Editorial]. Benipayo was never confirmed, since he was later appointed Solicitor General. On 2006, he resigned amid 7 JBC failed nominations (for Supreme Court Justice) since 2002. On February 22, 2008, 3 p.m., Benipayo (Dean of the faculty of civil law at the University of Santo Tomas) collapsed amid massive stroke, and was hospitalized in Iloilo City's Saint Paul's Hospital (while lecturing before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines). He was later transferred to St. Lukes ICU and could not recover until 2009. On the first anniversary of Floro's (July 20, 1999) suspension, the Malabon City Regional Trial Courts, Halls of Justice, Fiscals' offices and canteen were all burned on July 22, 2000, except Floro's sala/court, Br. 73, which was fully preseved. Every First Fridays from September, 1999 until January, 2006, Judge Floro was ordered by LUIS, Armand and Angel to file Motions to Lift Suspension at about 3 pm inserting and planting 4 spiritual nails in each of the 15 chambers of the SC Justices amid the flashes of VIOLET lights to clean the corrupt judiciary by illnesses, slow and painful deaths, dire pains, fire, bad luck and accidents. On October 1999, Mr. Jaime T. Licauco asked Judge Floro to heal his patients at his Makati Prince Plaza I office. Licauco featured Floro in his 1999 A practical guide to Philippine healers and testified at Judge Floro's OCAD hearing certifying under his oath that Judge Floro is the sole healing Judge worldwide and that Floro's healing is authentic amid the extreme heat from Floro's golden palms.


On August 10, 1999, the Supreme Court denied Floro's plea to be given xerox copy of the complaint Memorandum of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo. On December 24, 1999 and November 12, 2003, JBC 4 termer SC Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. gave Judge Floro 2 letters saying "..Dec. 24 / 99 - To The Hon. Judge Floro, Judge not that ye may be judged; for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged. And with what measure you mete, it shall be measured unto you again. Martyr? Saint? or Judge? It's your choice! - Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. [6:00 p.m., December 24, 1999, Capitol Estates, Commonwealth, Quezon City.] Nov. 12, 2003 - To The Hon. Judge Floro, In the hope that ye will attain vindication by the grace of the Almighty. Sincerely, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. [6:30 p.m., November 12, 1999, 2nd Flr. Centennial Bldg., Judicial and Bar Council, Supreme Court, Manila] - Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr." Trial: The Ordeal (March, 2000 to April 7, 2001) On October 10, 2000, Floro, in the Supreme Court investigation, testified under oath, before Acting Investigator Justice Romulo S. Quimbo, that Erap will not finish his term on 2001, but will remain in power in 2000. Floro further swore that the impeachment trial would be immaterial and irrelevant to Eraps fate. From August, 1999 until February, 2006, Floro continously filed not less than 60 Motions and pleadings to lift indefinite suspension. Floro religiously filed these pleadings every first Fridays at 3:00 p.m. and upon instructions of LUIS. On November 15, 2000 Floros Motion was entitled Erap will not Finish his term amid the Malabon Fire on Floros first anniversary suspension on July 22 2000. All the Halls of Justice and corrupt offices in Catmon, Malabon were burned except Judge Floros sala.

On December 6, 2001, Floro's January 9, 1999 Black Nazarene vision of VP Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was hurt, which Floro published on February, 2001 inserted in SC pleadings, came to pass when "Gloria hurting Marcelo Scam" was published by the PD Inquirer. On May 11, 2001 Judge Floros voluminous Memorandum with Formal Offer of Evidence were merely noted by the Court. On Nov 20, 2001 Floro became excited with the Omen Murder of Comelec Benipayo's Political Director Velma Cinco amid the massive stroke of his private secretary Ching days after Floro was suspended on July 20, 1999. On July 12, 2002, Floro filed his nth Motion to Lift Suspension amid the May 19, 2002 lung cancer death of SC Justice Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez's husband NBI Dep. Dir. Diego H. Gutierrez, age 64. Floro's curse upon Ateneo Law School (and ALAFI) classes 1982, 1980 to 1990 spin-circled on Ateneo class 1982s 20th anniversary with the horrible deaths of wife and daughter of Dep. Customs Com. Gil Valera, cursed Ateneo Class 1982 classmate of Judge Floro. On February 16 and 24, 2003 Floro witnessed the twin deaths of his Ateneo professor, SC Justice Sabino De Leon, Jr., 71, and JBC ex-officio member Sen. Rene Companero Cayetano of aneurysm and liver cancer, respectively. Floro filed his June 20, 2003 Motion to Lift Suspension entitled Impeachment of Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. After a 2002 afternoon healing of fibrosis and Spanish card reading at their home at Pandacan, Manila, Floro's classmate Tonette Brion and husband SC Justice Arturo D. Brion sent Floro the August 7, 2003 letter. The letter of gratitute was signed by SC Justice Arturo and Tonette Brion for Floros hosting a dinner at Manila Polo Club for newly appointed CA Justice Brion, which proved Judge Floro's prophecy of Brion's CA and SC appointments. Floro copy furnished copies of his motions to lift 1999 suspension to all the 15 S.C. Justices at their august chambers on all First Fridays amid LUIS' flashing the violet lights to put in place the 4 spiritual nails to exorcise the corruption in the entire government.

Floro begged his Ponentes cursed Flerida Ruth Romero, cursed Bernardo P. Pardo, cursed Cainta resident, Alicia Austria-Martinez, and cursed Paoay, Ilocos Norte resident, Conchita Carpio-Morales, for mercy and compassion. From 1999 to 2004, Floro asked Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J. and Jesuit Provincial Fr. Romeo "Archie" Intengan, S.J. to intervene and write the Court so that his case would be decided. Floro's classmate (Ateneo Class'82), Mayor Jerry P. Trenas (Iloilo City), President of the Philippine League of City Mayors, joined the appeal per faxed Letter-Motion. The March 2-4, 17 and July 30, 2004 letters of classmates Mayor Jerry Trenas and Jesuit Provincial Fr. Romeo Intengan SJ and Ateneo Dean Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, SJ were received but later all denied by the Supreme Court amid the September 3, 2003 and October 15, 2004 Lettermotions of Judge Floro to SC Justice Conchita CarpioMorales which were merely noted by the Court and further amid the horrible December 17, 2004 fire death of Maria Kristina Casandra KC de Venecia, daughter of Speaker Jose de Venecia (which death was foretold in writing by Floro in his July 20, 2003, inter alia, motion). Floro also witnessed the Broken Gavel of Senator Kiko Pangilinan on June 4-17 2004 amid Pangilinan's fate of failing to be a candidate for Vice President in 2010 elections, and for again failing to get the necessary votes for the Senate Presidency, dut to Floros sacred curse. Judge Floro's Petition, Motion and JBC Letter, March 2004, to enthrone Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario, destined as the 15th S.C. Justice became a reality when she was appointed on July 2004. The Supreme Court received Floro's new counsel-ofrecord Sen. Rene AV Saguisag's 3 pages March 9, 2005 Appearance Cum Motion. Floro also received Saguisags April 30, 2005 letter amid his February 18, 2005 Article in Manila Standard Today, Love (or War) story TGIF. Floro begged Rene AV Saguisag to convince his best friend SC Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago to give Floro audience lest Floro be dismissed by her.

On December 2006, Floro gave Saguisag his book through San Beda Dean Atty. Virgilio B. Jara, because Saguisag failed and refused to grant Floro another audience, Floro having asked for work, job and trabaho from and per Saguisag to Cory Aquino and Erap, the Presidents. After the chance meeting on November 13, 1998 and on March 2004 at the Ateneo Law School Library when Judge Floro was humiliated, Sandiganbayan Justice Francis Garchitorena, 67, died of brain tumor on February 25, 2005. The judiciary and the nation also witnessed and mourned the "E. coli bacteria" death of Ciara Marie Abalos, Abril 22, 2005, 19, daughter of Rep. Benjamin Abalos Jr., son of Benjamin Abalos Sr., and the horrible murder on April 26, 2005 of Dr. Nicolo Echiverri, 40, a surgeon, who suffered four gunshot wounds in different parts of his body. He was the son-in-law of Dr. Arsenio Abalos, and also the son-in-law of the brother of Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Benjamin Abalos. Floro received the June 3, 2005 Letter of Atty. Mario E. Ongkiko who personally met and told Floro at the formers office regarding female and male SC Justices who would vote to dismiss Judge Floro amid Judge Floro's former Br. 73 Clerk of Court, Bulacan Asst. Pros. Julio Talomas murder, as he was gunned down at Meycauayan, Bulacan, on June 25, 2005, due to the sacred imprecation. On December 6, 2005 a SC Resolution denied for lack of merit Fr. Bernas, SJ, Fr. Intengan, SJ and Mayor Jerry Trenas' appeal-letters for Floro, begging to decide Floro's case with justice, mercy and compassion. Details of Moro-Moro trial, a farce so to speak Parenthetically, by May 11, 2001, the cases were all submitted for judgment amid Floro's having filed the final Memorandum, but the Court refused to decide Floro's cases. Floro repeatedly pleaded for justice and humanitarian salvation/vindication from intense sufferings - from the Philippine Judges Association, Volunteers against Crime and Corruption (where he was denied by Lauro Visconde and Dante Jimenez), inter alia.


Floros appeals were junked by Ateneo Law School's ALAFI Chairs, Presidents Renato Corona, Leighton Siazon, inter alia, amid intercessions of his classmate's husband Arturo D. Brion, who later on put the final nail to both Judge Floros judicial and home coffins. The October 10, 2000, Floro testimony in the Supreme Court before Investigator Justice Romulo S. Quimbo: "Erap will remain this year, but next year (2001), he will not finish his term!" became a reality on January 20, 2001 Floro when President Estrada's downfall in EDSA Revolution of 2001 enthroned Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. On February 27, 2001, paranormal expert witness Jaime Licauco testified in the Supreme Court (TSN, pages 1 to 133), that Floro is the sole healing judge worldwide with authentic gift of hand extreme heat (since on October 10, 2000, Floro successfully healed in a demonstration at Licauco's Makati office, 14 of 15 patients with incurable diseases). Jaime Licauco's 1999 "A Practical Guide to Philippine Healers" included Floro and his picture, healing 15 patients at Licauco's Makati office on October 10, 1999. Parenthetically, Licauco underwent angioplasty on February 8, 2007 after Licauco ridiculed Floros published dwarf book before REX bookstores Sonia Breezie Santiago and Mr. Robles. Amid great sufferings, Floro journeyed to and cursed the home of Ponente Conchita Carpio-Morales at Paoay, Ilocos Norte on 2002 and 2004. Judge Floro's January 1999 request for a judicial audit on his sala was granted and accordingly, the Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) conducted a probe from 2 to 3 March 1999. The audit team, led by Atty. Mary Jane Dacarra-Buenaventura submitted its findings to erstwhile Court Administrator, Alfredo Benipayo and to then Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. Barely 6 months from his inaugural session on January 5, 1999, the Supreme Court of the Philippines placed Judge Floro under indefinite preventive suspension, on July 20, 1999 by virtue of the Court Administrator Alfredo Benipayo's Memorandum of Suspension dated 13 July 1999, which contained the 13 administrative charges.

The principal accusation is dwarf consultation in writing judgments. The Benipayo report was considered as an administrative complaint against Judge Floro, who was ordered by the high court to be subjected to a psychological evaluation. The audit team found that Floro's behavior as a judge was considered unorthodox. He claimed that he was "the number five psychic in the country", and that he was an "Angel of Death" able to cause pain and sickness to people who appeared before him in court. Court proceedings included a reading from the Bible, after which he would answer questions on the day's scriptures. On Fridays, he changed the color of his robes from blue to black "to recharge his psychic powers". He claimed to be able to write while in a trance, and to have the ability of bilocation. He explained that he took legal advice from three invisible dwarves named Luis, Armand and Angel. 13 administrative charges and investigation The Supreme Court Resolution dated 20 July 1999, docketing the complaint as A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460, ordered Retired Court of Appeals Justice Pedro Ramirez (consultant, OCA) to investigate, and submit report and recommendation regarding the commission of the following 13 acts or omissions by or against Judge Floro: "(a) The act of circulating calling cards containing self-laudatory statements regarding qualifications and for announcing in open court during court session his qualification in violation of Canon 2, Rule 2.02, Canons of Judicial Conduct; (b) For allowing the use of his chambers as sleeping quarters; (c) For rendering resolutions without written orders in violation of Rule 36, Section 1, 1997 Rules of Procedures; (d) For his alleged partiality in criminal cases where he declares that he is pro-accused which is contrary to Canon 2, Rule 2.01, Canons of Judicial Conduct; (e) For appearing and signing pleadings in Civil Case No. 46M-98 pending before Regional Trial Court, Branch 83, Malolos, Bulacan in violation of Canon 5, Rule 5.07, Canons of Judicial Conduct which prohibits a judge from engaging in the private practice of law.

(f) For appearing in personal cases without prior authority from the Supreme Court and without filing the corresponding applications for leaves of absence on the scheduled dates of hearing; (g) For proceeding with the hearing on the Motion for Release on Recognizance filed by the accused without the presence of the trial prosecutor and propounding questions in the form of examination of the custodian of the accused; (h) For using/taking advantage of his moral ascendancy to settle and eventually dismiss Criminal Case No. 20385-MN (for frustrated homicide). In the guise of settling the civil aspect of the case, by persuading the private complainant and the accused to sign the settlement even without the presence of the trial prosecutor; (i) For motu proprio and over the strong objection of the trial prosecutor, ordering the mental and physical examination of the accused based on the ground that the accused is mahina ang pick-up. (j) For issuing an Order on 8 March 1999 which varies from that which he issued in open court in Criminal Case No. 20385-MN, for frustrated homicide; (k) For violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.01 Code of Judicial Conduct when he openly criticized the Rules of Court and the Philippine justice system; (l) For the use of highly improper and intemperate language during court proceedings; (m) For violation of Circular No. 13 dated 1 July 1987." Testimony of witnesses and the psychiatric findings Judge Floro claimed, testified at the hearings that he is endowed with psychic powers, has the ability to inflict pain and sickness on people and that he was the angel of death. From March 21, 2000 to March 2001, Floro presented witnesses including himself, psychiatrists Dr. Eduardo L. Jurilla and Dr. Eduardo Maaba, clinical psychologist, Rowena A. Reyes, who affirmed the evaluation report of Dr. Ma. Teresa Gustilo-Villasor of the Metropolitan Psychological Corporation (MPC), Dra. Dona Maria Nieves Estrella Dazo Bordador Celeste, First Lady of cursed Bolinao, Pangasinan, ordinary witnesses and Mr. Jaime Licauco, parapsychologist.

The OCAD presented as witnesses, Judge Benjamin M. Aquino, Jr. and Atty. Esmeralda Galang Dizon, among others. On March, 2001, Supreme Court Chief Judicial Staff Officer Dra. Rosa J. Mendoza, M.D. submitted a report to Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. which incorporated the psychiatric and psychological findings of Dra. Cecilia C. Villegas, M.D. (Director III, Chief SC Clinic Services), psychologists Melinda C. Grio and Beatriz O. Cruz, Celeste P. Vista, M.D. (Psychiatrist and Medical Officer IV) and Francianina G. Sanchez, Clinical Psychologist, to wit: "The findings of mental and psychological incapacity is thus substantially supported by evidence. Based on the three psychological tests and evaluation of the two psychiatrists, the undersigned has no other recourse but to recommend that Judge Florentino Floro be declared unfit to discharge his duties as a Judge, effective immediately. In 2001, Mr. Jaime Licauco, who teaches parapsychology at San Beda College in Manila, testified in the case. Mr. Licauco stated that Judge Floro is mentally fit and the former judge's beliefs, as a Roman Catholic, aren't so unusual in the Philippine context. During the high court hearing before the investigator Justice Ramirez, Judge Floro also revealed that his dwarf friend Luis did predict in 1999, that then-Philippine President Joseph Estrada would be ousted from office. Mr. Estrada was forced to step down in the EDSA Revolution of 2001. Judge Floro also claimed that he predicted the stroke of Judicial and Bar Council member Teresita Cruz-Sison, the death of Supreme Court Justice Sabino R. De Leon, Jr. and the ouster of Hernando Perez as Secretary of the Department of Justice, his teacher in Ateneo Law School. The OCAD investigator's report and recommendation On April, 2001, the appointed investigator Justice Ramirez (Ret.), found (Rollo, Vol. I, pp. 691-700):

"Upon the testimony of his own witnesses, Drs. Eduardo T. Maaba, Ma. Nieves Celeste and Eduardo L. Jurilla, respondent Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. is unfit because of insanity to remain in office as Judge xxx It is weird for respondent Judge to state in one of his pleadings in this case that President Joseph Estrada would not finish his term as President. It is unusual and queer of him to state in his calling card that he is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila, second honors, bar topnotcher with a grade of 87.55% xxx. So is it strange of him to make use of his alleged psychic powers in writing decisionsin cases. It is abnormal for a Judge to distribute self-serving propaganda. One who distributes such self-serving propaganda is odd, queer, amusing, irresponsible and abnormal. A judge suffering from delusion or hallucination is unfit to be one. So is he who gets into a trance while presiding at the hearing of a case in court. One need not be a doctor of medicine, a psychiatrist and a psychologist to determine and conclude that a person in such circumstances is mentally unfit or insane and should not be allowed to continue discharging the duties and functions of a judge. RECOMMENDATION: WHEREFORE, it is respectfully recommended that by reason of insanity which renders him incapable and unfit to perform the duties and functions of Judge of the Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Malabon, Metro Manila, Branch 73, respondent Florentino V. Floro, Jr. be REMOVED and DISMISSED from such office." 2004 Court intervention in the Minita Chico-Nazario, Fernando Poe, Jr. and Noli de Castro cases On 2004, Floro also intervened by Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus Court petitions in 3 landmark cases before the High Tribunal. In a 22-page certiorari petition, Floro ("Judge asks SC to let Nazario take oath and fill SC vacancy") on March 12, 2004 asked the Court to enthrone Minita Chico-Nazario whose appointment was recalled.

On July 14, 2004, Justice Nazario took his oath as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines before President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. According to the high court, Judge Floro successfully delayed the suspension, investigation and trial procedures before the Supreme Court of the Philippines for three years. As part of the investigation, Floro confessed he had conducted healing sessions in his chambers during breaks. Floro, on June, 2004, also intervened in the certiorari lawsuit regarding the opposition Koalisyon ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino (KNP) per Davao City Rep. Ruy Elias Lopez, to stop a joint session of Congress from canvassing the votes for president and vice president. Floro asked the Court to declare a failure of elections and order the COMELEC to conduct special presidential elections. Floro also asked the Supreme Court to declare Noli de Castro as acting President, as Solomonic solution to the political crisis. In the Fernando Poe, Jr. presidential candidate disqualification case, Floro was reported as "Espiritistang Judge Ididipensa si Da King." (Bagong Tiktik February 17, 2004), "Psychic Phenomena gagamitin sa FPJ Case." Manila Standard Today, on February 24, 2004, reported - "Poesition" papers were submitted by intervenor Judge Florentino Floro for FPJ, and by his classmate Victorino Fournier against FPJ for his disqualification. 2004 Appearance as court counsel by Rene AV Saguisag On 2004, Senator Rene AV Saguisag, in a 4-pages "Entry of Appearance cum Manifestation and Motion" formally entered his Court "Appearance" as attorney or counsel-ofrecord of Floro in this world famous dwarf case. Saguisag, in a letter, denied Floro's plea for mercy and audience of the former's best friend, Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, amid Rene's published articles on the unjust suspension. From that time of appearance of Rene AV Saguisag, Floro had called by phone (almost 3 times a week until 2006) Saguisags partner, Atty. Victoria Timbangkaya who personally met Judge Floro at her home in Capitol Estates, Fairview, Quezon City, and at her Saguisag and Carag Law Office at Makati.

She is the mother of Atty. Ma. Providencia Bibing Timbangkaya Solis, the daughter-in-law of Judge Cesar Solis. Atty. Bibing drafted and finalized the 75 pages cursed psychosis decision which was signed by Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario on March 31, 2006. From August, 1999 until February 10, 2006, Floro personally visited and lectured upon JBC Member Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. (thrice at his home, as Floro physically and spiritually healed him, and 60 times at his august JBC Faura chambers). Hermosisima, Jr. informed Floro on 2002, that his case and suspension will not be resolved until the retirement of cursed Hilario Davide, Jr. on December, 2005. Judgment As promised on March 1, 1996, Floro and the 3 duendes became immortal in history, exactly on dwarf Angel's birthday on April 7, 2006, when the infamous Minita ChicoNazario 75-pages decision was promulgated by Clerk of Court Luzviminda Delgado Puno, wife of Reynato Puno, who, accordingly died in pain 5 days later on April 12, 2006. After suffering 68 months of indefinite preventive suspension, from July 20, 1999, the Supreme Court of the Philippines on April 7, 2006, separated Judge Floro from judicial service with payment of three years' back wages and a fine of 40,000 pesos. Floro lost 23 years salaries. The court said that, while it was not within its area of responsibility to declare Floro insane, it agreed with the results of psychological testing which had identified Floro as suffering from psychosis. The high court found Judge Floro guilty of seven of the 13 administrative charges against him, thusly: "1) Charge a - simple misconduct 2) Charges c and g gross ignorance of the law 3) Charge d unbecoming conduct 4) Charge e unbecoming conduct 5) Charges k and l unbecoming conduct." The dispositive portion or fallo states: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court resolves to: 1) FINE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. in the total amount of FORTY THOUSAND (P40, 000.00) PESOS for seven of the 13 charges against him in A.M. No. RTJ99-1460.

2) RELIEVE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. of his functions as Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 73, Malabon City and consider him SEPARATED from the service due to a medically disabling condition of the mind that renders him unfit to discharge the functions of his office, effective immediately; 3) As a matter of equity, AWARD Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to three (3) years; SO ORDERED. MINITA V. CHICO-NAZARIO, Associate Justice. The ratio decidendi or dictum, states: "Equity does not demand that its suitors shall have led blameless lives." (Justice Louis Brandeis, Loughran v. Loughran (1934) 292 US 216, 229, 78 L ed 1219, 1227, 54 S Ct 684). There is no indication that Judge Floro is anything but an honorable man. And, in fact, in our disposition of the 13 charges against him, we have not found him guilty of gross misconduct or acts or corruption. Moreover, Judge Floro himself admitted that he believes in "psychic visions," of foreseeing the future because of his power in "psychic phenomenon." He believes in "duwendes" and of a covenant with his "dwarf friends Luis, Armand and Angel." He believes that he can write while on trance and that he had been seen by several people to have been in two places at the same time. He has likened himself to the "angel of death" who can inflict pains on people, especially upon those he perceived as corrupt officials of the RTCs of Malabon. He took to wearing blue robes during court sessions, switching only to black on Fridays. His own witness testified that Judge Floro explained that he wore black from head to foot on Fridays to recharge his psychic powers. Finally, Judge Floro conducted healing sessions in his chambers during his break time. All these things validate the findings of the Supreme Court Clinic about Judge Floro's uncommon beliefs and that such beliefs have spilled over to action. Lest we be misconstrued, we do not denigrate such belief system.

However, such beliefs, especially since Judge Floro acted on them, are so at odds with the critical and impartial thinking required of a judge under our judicial system. Psychic phenomena, even assuming such exist, have no place in a judiciary duty bound to apply only positive law and, in its absence, equitable rules and principles in resolving controversies. Thus, Judge Floros reference to psychic phenomena in the decision he rendered in the case of People v. Francisco, Jr. sticks out like a sore thumb. Recognition of qualification to enter government service Judge Floro's separation from the service does not carry with it forfeiture of all or part of his accrued benefits nor disqualification from appointment to any other public office including government-owned or controlled corporations. As Judge Floro s separation from the service cannot be considered a penalty, such separation does not carry with it the forfeiture of all or part of his accrued benefits nor disqualification from appointment to any other public office including government-owned or controlled corporations. In fact, the psychological and psychiatric reports, considered as the bedrock of the finding of mental impairment against Judge Floro, cannot be used to disqualify him from re-entering government service for positions that do not require him to dispense justice. The reports contain statements/findings in Judge Floro's favor that the Court cannot overlook in all fairness as they deserve equal consideration. They mention Judge Floro s assets and strengths and capacity for functionality, with minor modification of work environment. Thus: a. High intellectual assets as a result of "selfdiscipline and self- organization." b. "(I)mpressive academic achievements" with "no drastic change in his personality and level of functioning as a lawyer in private practice."

c. "(C)haracter traits of suspiciousness, seclusiveness, pre-occupation with paranormal and psychic phenomena not detrimental to his role as a lawyer." d. "Everyday situations can be comprehended and dealt with in moderate proficiency. His concern for the details that make up a total field represents his attempts at being systematic and cautious." e. "(E)quipped with analytical power." Consequently, while Judge Floro may be dysfunctional as a judge because of the sensitive nature of said position, he may still be successful in other areas of endeavor. The Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines tolerated Judge Floro's decision to conduct healing sessions in his chambers, but when he started claiming to possess supernatural powers and the ability to foretell the future, after signing a covenant with his dwarf friends, they took away his gavel and judicial robes. The high court dismissed Judge Floro for the eccentricity after he admitted to consulting imaginary mystic dwarfs, Armand, Luis and Angel. For the New Age believers, the three dwarves are considered as channelers who could relay information from realms beyond. Floro received on April 6, 2006, the Notice of Judgment, the 75-pages Psalm 109, Psalm 73 biblically cursed Decision - with imprecation of the 14 Justices' signatures which was affirmed by the cursed August 11, 2006 and July 12, 2007 Resolutions. Appeals Judge Floro timely moved to set aside the judgment against him, though the court upheld his separation from service, saying that permitting him to continue as a judge would be harmful to public trust in the judiciary as a guardian of the law, as judges were expected to resolve cases before them with judicial detachment. It further stressed that its decision had nothing to do with Floro's belief in invisible dwarves or the validity of such a belief. Judge Floro filed three Partial Motions for Reconsideration submitting 7 legal grounds.

Floro first filed a court manifestation dated 30 May 2006, informing the Court that he has already received the amount of 1,180,325.80 pesos pursuant to the Decision dated 31 March 2006. "They should not have dismissed me for what I believed," Judge Floro told local reporters after filing his first appeal on May, 2006. "From obscurity, my name and the three mystic dwarves became immortal," Judge Floro wrote in a letter to the court. The Filipino judge said he consulted imaginary mystic dwarves. The high court agreed with the psychiatric evaluation reports of its medical clinic services which declared that Judge Floro was suffering from psychosis, although the court did not pronounce him insane. The court also found he had "shown bias in a case he was trying and had criticized court procedure." Judge Floro then filed 31 pages "Verified Third Supplement" dated 23 June 2006. Resolution on three Partial Motions for Reconsideration On August 11, 2006, the Court finally ruled that Floro's claimed dalliance with duendes would eventually make the judiciary an object of ridicule. The Resolution stated "judges are expected to be guided by the rule of law and to resolve cases before them with judicial detachment to ensure the public maintained its confidence in the judicial process." The dispositive portion of the 6 pages denial Resolution states: "In denying said motions, neither the etiology of Judge Floros belief in dwendes nor the validity of such belief is being passed upon. Judge Floros claim of dalliance with dwendes, poses a serious challenge to such required judicial detachment and impartiality and would eventually erode the publics acceptance of the judiciary as the rational guardian of the law, if not make it an object of ridicule. His insistence on the existence of dwendes, among other beliefs, conflicts with the prevailing expectations concerning judicial behavior and manifests a mental state that should lay to rest any doubts about his valid removal from office for lack of the judicial temperament required of all those in the Bench.

In fine, Judge Floro himself has confirmed that he is incapable of discharging the duties of a judge free from extrajudicial influences and that he falls short of the fundamental requirements of competence and objectivity expected of all judges. WHEREFORE, premises considered, Judge Floros Partial Motions for Reconsideration as well as the Supplements thereto are hereby DENIED WITH FINALITY there being no merits. No other pleading, however denominated, shall henceforth be entertained by this Court." In his filed voluminous court pleadings in the appeal, Judge Floro argued that his life was changed on June 2, 1983 - the day his father, Florentino, Sr. died. He said it was on that night that the three dwarves Luis, Armand and Angel appeared to Robert, his mild retarded youngest brother. "My brother, because of his innocence, can see them," said Judge Floro, adding that the dwarves had bestowed his healing and psychic powers. "I am not a faith healer," he said, "I am gifted, as the number five seer, while Ferdinand Marcos is the number one, apparently," Judge Floro added. According to Judge Floro, his three sidekicks, or "spirit guides" as he prefers them to be called, take many different human and visible forms. Luis is the "King of kings" or "God's angel," Armand is a beautiful boy who, like Luis, has wings and Angel is their sister. The judge had only seen Luis once - on a rock in the middle of the Philippine archipelago. "Luis communicates and uses his powers via violet and white lights," said Judge Floro. According to Judge Floro, "Angel" is the neutral force, "Armand" is a benign influence and "Luis," as the "King of kings," is an avenger. The judge announced he would clean the judiciary amid his regular appearance on Philippine television. "They say your show will be taken off the air if you don't feature me more often," said Judge Floro to Wall Street Journal's journalist, Mr James Hookway, who interviewed him.

Judge Floro told The Standard's Sam Chambers, that he informed the investigator at the court hearing that he predicted Joseph Estrada's political downfall and prophesied that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo would survive her continuous political attacks, but he announced Mrs Arroyo's power will terminate soon and the Filipino will suffer as a result. Judge Floro also argued in his appeal, that, a Philippine judge could become a millionaire within a month, since the starting price for any judicial decision being 50,000 pesos. "Court starts at 11am; at 11.05 am (the judges) go for golf." In his judgment of the Court of Appeals, he stressed: "They say it is 85 percent corrupt. It is 100 percent corrupt," said Judge Floro. Final resolution on multiple appeals and motions for reconsideration Judge Floro disregarded the August 11, 2006 high court's directive, that "no other pleadings will be entertained by the Court. He filed several more pleadings, i.e., "Verified Letter/Omnibus Motion for Leave of Court to Admit and Grant xxx," dated 25 August 2006; Verified Another/Supplemental Complaint/Letter-Affidavit with Memorandum of Law/Authorities, and Urgent Prayer for Immediate Docketing and Early Resolution," dated 1 September 2006; and several other Motions and appeals dated - 27 December 2006, 16 January 2007, 2 February 2007, 2 February 2007 (to the JBC), 4 May 2007 and 1 June 2007. Imprecation Motion (Biblical Curse, Psalms 73, 109) On November 3, 2006, Judge Floro filed his second appeal and imprecation motion to clean the judiciary. The Philippine Daily Inquirer reported this as "Psychotic judge enlists help of dwarf-friends vs SC." "This is a first in our judicial history - the Philippines Supreme Court has never dismissed or removed a judge because of their belief in the paranormal or religion. Other country's constitutions provide for dismissal or removal of judges, jurists and magistrates because of graft, corruption or misconduct," the judge insisted.


"Armand, Luis and Angel's role is a never-ending fight against `black' or evil; a spiritual battle - the angels versus Lucifer. Right now Satan is winning, God is losing. All our leaders have 666 on their heads from the president down, the Supreme Court, everywhere. My mission is healing the wounds of the judiciary," Judge Floro explained. It shouldnt matter what I believed in, whether its Jesus, Muhammad, or Luis, Armand, and Angel, Judge Floro explained to journalists on his court appeals. What the Filipino dwarf judge stated is equivalent to self-cherishing as the fundamental concept of the Buddhist philosophy on how to enhance cherishing love. Judge Floro claimed he had the ability to write while in a trance, since he himself is "gifted" from God "to heal and to prophesy. In his November 3, 2006 appeal, Judge Floro said his three dwarf-friends -- Luis, Armand, and Angel -- appeared to him and informed him that the high court justices would suffer their wrath for dismissing him, beginning midnight of November 5, 2006, the eve of his 53rd birthday. "Voting en banc with full authority, Luis voted negative, Armand conditionally positive, upon full appointment of Judge Floro to a higher or equal position by virtue of the eliminated magistrate, while Angel voted neutral," Judge Floro wrote. Luis agreed to spare, conditionally, one justice (Leonardo Quisumbing) if the judge would annoint the house of the justice with oil before November 5. "I will devote my entire life, Fridays, until my last breath, towards the fulfillment, execution, and coming to pass of this biblical curse. With absolute faith in Luis, Armand and Angel Angels of God, I will fulfill my destiny: spell and karma upon them, stain in their bloods, upon all their loved ones, up to the 4th generation," Judge Floro inscribed in one of his multiple appeals. On July 12, 2007, the Philippines Supreme Court Justices ordered Judge Floro to stop requesting a review of his case, denying and expunging the petitions and letters filed by him with a warning that he can be held liable for indirect contempt should he persist in disregarding lawful orders of the Court. The dispositive part of the per curiam resolution warning Judge Floro states:

"In this Resolution, We wish to remind Judge Floro that the Court cannot be swayed to modify or reverse its Decision and various Resolutions by inundating the ponente with numerous pleadings avowing ungodly reprisal as well as personal letters/telephone calls seeking audience with the latter, if, as in this case, they are only in furtherance of repeating issues and arguments already passed upon by the Court En Bancs earlier Decision and Resolution. Otherwise stated, only meritorious arguments and substantial evidence can convince Us to modify or reverse our previous ruling. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby Resolved, Judge Floros ORIGINAL PETITION/LETTER WITH LEAVE OF COURT For Re-Opening of Judge Floros Separation Case xxx are hereby NOTED WITHOUT ACTION and are ordered EXPUNGED from the records. It is hereby firmly reiterated that NO FURTHER PLEADING/S WILL BE ENTERTAINED in this case. Judge Floro is hereby given a WARNING that he can be held liable for indirect contempt should he persist in disregarding lawful orders of this Court and committing acts which tend to abuse, obstruct, impede, and degrade the administration of justice." BBC front paged and reported it on August 18, 2006, as 2nd most read and emailed news worldwide: "Filipino 'dwarf' judge loses case," and quoted Floro's immortal lines: "From obscurity, my name and the three mystic dwarves became immortal - Florentino Floro." On September 26, 2006, the Philippine Supreme Court, promulgated a Resolution (released on October 5, 006), giving DUE course to Judge Florentino Floros August 30, 2006 Verified Complaint against Mrs. Marilyn Puno Santiago, sister Reynato Puno and Dep. Ed. Higher Education Chair Carlito Puno. It deals with the 3 hours Spanish card reading at the Supreme Court conference hall. In A.M. No. 2006-24SC (Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. v. Mrs. Marilyn Puno Santiago and Jasmin Mateo), the Court finally dismissed Floro's complaint on November 14, 2006.

2006 "Judge of the Year" On December 5, 2006 Floro was awarded "Judge of the Year" by The Times - "A chilli-hot year for whiny garbage, David Pannick, QC, presides over the memorable legal appearances of 2006." Pannick, Queen's Counsel, silk Barrister in England and Wales, first wrote on Floro's dwarfs in UK The Times Online: "I used to be a judge but I'm all right now . . . " (June 06, 2006). The Times also published Floro's appeal in World in Brief, "Law unto himself." Floro defeated - Manhattan Supreme Court, Justice Jane Solomon, who told Liza Minnelli and her former husband David Gest to stop their whiny garbage of litigation; Justice William A. Carter, of Albany, New York; Washington State, Superior Court Judge Beverly G. Grant; Judge Donald D. Thompson, penis pump judge in Creek County Court. On December 6, 2006, Floro testified in the Senate of the Philippines to oppose the confirmation of former Philippines Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. for the post of permanent representative, United Nations. Davide was by-passed, that is, he failed to be confirmed but was issued an ad interim appointment. On January, 2007, the Supreme Court of the Philippines dismissed with finality the August 30, 2006 landmark Disbarment administrative suit filed by Floro against Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. and 9 other top court officials. Davide, Jr., therefore, earned not less than P 1.8 million per month form his UN post. But 3 duendes sweet revenge materialized, when Davide, Jr. resigned about January, 2010, and gambled more than P 15 million for his cursed and defeated son, Hilario Davide III, who bowed down before the winner of the 2010 Cebu Gubernatorial elections, Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia. Jobless judge (since July 20, 1999 to 2010) due to pretend world Attorney no case, no work, no trabaho, no business, no occupation: poor dwarf magistrate Faithful as a dog and meek as a lamb, jobless Judge Floro roamed around Manila streets to hunt for work.

Floro physically knocked at the doors of the offices of the most powerful, since the Justice Nazario decision recommended that Floro could apply in government positions which do not require judging cases. Floro failed and failed. Filipino dwarf Judge Florentino Floro is fully reinstated by the Supreme Court of the Philippines, as Br. 73, Malabon-Navotas, Metro Manila, NCJR, RTC, Judge, April 12, 2011 after 12 years from July 20, 1999 and 4 Appeals April 1, 2011 Motion for Reinstatement by Jobless Mystic Judge Florentino Floro April 1, 2011, The Black Nazarene, The Holy Eucharist, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - 17 pages Supplemental Omnibus Motions Download Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala, Powerful LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance Download Judge Floro's 4 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 1 Download Judge Floro's 15 pages, Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 2 April 1, 2011

July 1, 2011 Supreme Court of the Philippines LettersMotions of Judge Floro to be paid 9 years back wages, etc. 56 pages, 80 pages Annexes

I. Notices of Change of Address & Receipt of Resolution (4-12, 2011), II. Entry of Appearance by Felimon Fernandez, (as Counsel of Record for Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., the respondent), III. 1 July 2011 Judges Oath of Office (New & Renewal), (Bagong Panunumpa sa Katungkulan bilang Regional Trial Court Judge, Br. 73, RTC, Malabon-Navotas, NCJR, M.M., and as Renewal of 13 November 1998 Judges Oath before SC Justice Associate Bernardo P. Pardo), IV. Certificate of Full Assumption to Duty/Office, (as Incumbent/Reinstated De Jure Judge of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon with Formal Notices to the Court Administrator, Malabon RTC Executive Judge & Br. 73, RTC, Malabon), V., VI. Letter-Requests to Atty. Caridad A. Pabello (Chief, OAS) & Atty.Lilian Baribal-Co (Chief, FMO) [ a) to issue New I.D. Number: RTCJ-317 / EDP Number: 38676300 to Judge Floro, & b) to Process, Sign and Release (in the name of Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.) the checks for payment of back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to 9 years, July 20, 1999 to July 20, 2011, less 3 years paid, under the Custody of the Ponente pending Court Approval for Delivery to Judge Floro (under the Chief, FMOs Ministerial Duty under the Constitution, Laws & Settled Jurisprudence, to Implement/Execute the Final Resolution dated April 12, 2011; and to Reimburse Judge Floro of the deleted P 40,000 fine, due to a) repeal of laws violated and b) Fallo of the S.C. Res. Dated 12 April, 2011) ], respectively, and VII. Letter-Requests to --- a) Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., and b) Chief Justice Renato C. Corona & the Members, En Banc, Supreme Court of the Philippines id=E76BFFF86F9A213F%21240&page=view!/view.aspx/.Public/jfsc7.doc?cid =e76bfff86f9a213f&sc=documents id=E76BFFF86F9A213F%21240&page=view


The Supreme Court released the Resolution dated July 12, 2011, on July 22,2011. It NOTED, meaning no action yet, or for further study, the 79 pages July 1, 2011 Letter-Requests filed by Judge Floro. 4 SC Justices were on leave, that July 12, while Justice Abad did not take part since he is counsel of Justice Benipayo. DOWNLOAD: First Friday, October 7, 2011, Verified Supplemental Omnibus Motions, 40 pages, "OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 DOWNLOAD: First Friday, October 7, 2011, Verified Supplemental Omnibus Motions, 40 pages, "OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 First Friday, October 7, 2011, Verified Supplemental Omnibus Motions, 40 pages, "OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 F&resid=E76BFFF86F9A213F!242 F&resid=E76BFFF86F9A213F%21242 Verifiable Links:
TSN Ateneo Law School and LHS 1982 1974 of Judge Floro SC Certificate 12th Place 1983 Bar Exams grades Judge Floro 2nd HONORS Cards Judge Floro Ateneo 1978-1982 April 7 1984, Daily Express placed 12th Bar exams March 1 1996 Dalliance Covenant handwriting of Judge Floro Nov 5 1997 JBC Nov 45 1998 application and appointment of Judge Floro Nov 5 1953 birth certif of Judge Floro Good Friday 1998 Erap Will not finish his term San Juanico Bridge Dec 8 1998 Typewritten prediction Erap will not finish his term displayed by Judge Floro at his court sala, Br. 73, RTC Malabon on Dec 20, 1998 2 oath-takings by Judge Floro before Erap and J Pardo 1998


Sept 3 1998 Psychiatric Evaluation Certificates of Dra. Pacita Salceda and Dr. Jurillla and Psychological Evalutation by Dra Ma Theresa Villasor Signature of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo on Recommendation of Judge Floro's July 20 1999 suspension and PD Inquirer Reports on his angioplasty Feb 21 2001 and Picture of J Benipayo Dec 14 1999 Motion to lift suspension 1999 Book of Mr. Jaime T. Licauco, A practical guide to Philippine Healers which featured Judge Floro and his picture healing Licauco's patients at his office on Oct 20 1999 2 letters of Justice Hermosisima, Jr. 12-24-1999 and Nov 12 2003 Oct 18 2004 Birthday Invitation, Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. August 10 1999 SC Resolution Denying Judge Floro's motion to be given copies of the complaint 3 pages Cursed July 20, 1999 Suspension and Recommendation of J Benipayo July 13-16, 1999 Oct 10 2000 TSN SC OCAD Erap will not finish his term Malabon Fire July 22 2000 Inquirer and Taliba Nov 15 2000 Motion entitled Erap will not Finish his term On December 6, 2001, Floro's January 9, 1999 Black Nazarene vision of VP Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was hurt, which Floro published on February 2001 inserted in SC pleadings, came to pass when "Gloria hurting Marcelo Scam" was published by the PD Inquirer. May 11 2001 Memorandum Nov 20 2001 Murder of Comelec Benipayo's Political Director Velma Cinco July 12 2002 Motion to lift suspension Diego H. Gutierrez, May 19, 2002, 64 Nov 21 2002, deaths of wife and daughter of Dep Customs Com. Gil Valera, cursed Ateneo Class 1982 Deaths of Justice Sabino De Leon, Jr., 71, and Sen Rene Companero Cayetano


June 17, 2003 Manila Bulletin Rene Cayetano, 68. Fri 28 Feb 2003 June 20 2003 Motion to Lift Suspension Impeachment August 7 2003 handwritten letters of gratitute by SC Justice Arturo and Tonette Brion for hosting dinner at Manila Polo Club which proved Judge Floro's prophecy of Brion's CA and SC appointment. Oct 18 2004 Birthday Invitation, Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. July 30, 2004 letter of Mayor Jerry Trenas to SC Judge Floro's Petition, Motion and JBC Letter, March 2004, to enthrone Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario, destined as the 15th S.C. Justice appointed on July 2004, G.R. 162285 FPJ Intervention Feb 17-24 2004 March 2-4 2004 Motion Letter of Fr Romeo Intengan SJ March 17 2004 Letter of Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, SJ Sept 3 2003 and Oct 15 2004 Letter motion of Judge Floro to SC Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales Broken Gavel of Sen Kiko Pangilinan June 4-17 2004 Sen Rene AV Saguisag's 3 pages March 9 2005 appearance cum motion for Judge Floro and his April 30 2005 letter and Feb 18 2005 Article Manila Standard Today, Love (or War) story TGIF with Calling Card of Atty. Virgilio B. Jara, Dean of San Beda, Dec 2006 Francis Garchitorena, 67 Feb 26 2005 PD Inquirer, and Feb 27 Manila Bulletin Nov 24 2005 Motion to Lift suspension Br 73 Clerk of Court, Bulacan Asst. Pros. Julio Taloma was gunned down at Meycauayan, Bulacan, June 25, 2000 972.php Dec 6 2005 SC Res Denied for Lack of Merit Fr. Bernas Fr Intengan and Mayor J Trenas letters for J Floro June 3 2005 Letter of Atty Mario E. Ongkiko to Judge Floro regarding a woman and man SC Justice voting to dismiss Judge Floro


April 26, 2005 Dr. Nicolo Echiverri, 40, a surgeon, suffered four gunshot wounds in different parts of his body. He was the son-in-law of Dr. Arsenio Abalos, ... son-in-law of the brother of Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Benjamin Abalos "E. coli bacteria" Ciara Marie Abalos, Abril 22, 2005, 19 daughter of Rep. Benjamin Abalos Jr. son of Benjamin Abalos Sr., 05bacteria.htm Flickr 1 Flickr II angel_of_death_philippines Flick III judgefloroluis IV - - judgefloroluisarmandangel Flickr V VI VII: Judge Floro photos on Flick VII, DuendeLUIS' photostream Flickr IX Flickr X Flickr XI laajfvf's photostream


The Light In The Lord By judgefloro (1 stories) (0 posts) (the author is a middle age adult) Date: 2011-08-31 Country: Philippines Category: Miracles / Healing I am Philippine Judge Florentino Floro and in the past years I have started having mystic or spiritual experiences. My first spiritual experience was on January 9, 1999, the feast of the Black Nazarene of Quiapo, Manila, when I saw an ecstatic vision of scattered global apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and massive earthquakes from 1999 until 2012. About five months later, I received the gift of spiritual healing when I uttered the words "Amen, Jesus..." ten times amid the clear vision of a healing oil. As sole healing judge, more than 10, 000 patients visited me since that blessed moment when my hands changed colors. My spiritual experiences have started again and again beginning September 13, 2008 when I was blessed or bestowed to have seen the mystic or ultimate violet and white lights, including not less than thirty-five Marian, Eucharistic and Black Nazarene apparitions and visions until last month. I gained new strength from these mystic lights in what I was then and now witnessing, and Our Lady of Lourdes even opened up deeper depths of my understanding that the love of God compels me to give to the poorest of the poor, the hungry and the forsaken. On July 9, 2009, in a vision of "just heaven", I saw with greatest clarity the biggest Cross with the white linen amid the sounds of angelic harps. This mystic event compelled me to distribute about 20 food (adobo and rice) packs to Bulacan scavengers and beggars beginning August, 2010. What happened afterwards is very hard to explain, but I was pre-destined to share to the world my extra-ordinary gifts of the divine light. When I was (daily) distributing foods to the hungry, I was asked to heal some beggars.

From September 4, 2010, most of them, inter alia, began to have seen the red, white, orange, yellow and even violet lights from my palms at the moment of spiritual healing. More strange is the fact that not less than seventeen living witnesses had seen Jesus Christ for not less than five minutes in my palms. In addition, my right eye began displaying or emitting blue, green and white lights visible to not less than thirty living Filipinos, including a total of ninetyfive persons who had seen the mysterious lights in my palms until this week. On August 13, after more than 4 famous Filipino spiritual healers confirmed the authenticity of my mystic claims, a Nikon D3000 captured a clear picture of the blue and green lights emanating from my right eye's pupil, retina and cornea. Even after the first picture, more than 15 photographers had seen the lights from my right eye before the photo sessions. In fine, I conclude that I was chosen by God to be an instrument against darkness: "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." I began publishing this spiritual experience to the world in my blog The Black Nazarene blesses Judge Floro since I ardently desire that nonbelievers and sinners may be converted and repent because of the Light of the Lord.

Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM is the 143rd living witness who saw the mysticdivine lights in Judge Floro's 2 palms;


Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM is the 74th who saw the multi-colored lens & mystic-divine lights in Judge Floro's right eye; world-famous (20 years) Spiritual Healer Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM is the 1st who saw the mysticdivine lights in Judge Floro's left eye, Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 20th person who saw Jesus Christ & Mark John Tayangona is the 1st to see the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms from September 4, 2010 to September 29, 2011. Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 1st person who saw both Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms on September 29, 2011. Judge Florentino Floro


II. Diary: The 3 Mystic Dwarves Ordeal In the Eyes of Philippine Supreme Court Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., Judicial and Bar Council Member (June 22, 1997 February 10, 2006)


Diary September 17, 1995: Prophecies of Death, Accident and Major Stroke11 It was in 1995 that Atty. Florentino V. Floro, Jr. first applied for judgeship. A pre-requisite psychological evaluation on him then by the Supreme Court Clinic Services (SC Clinic) revealed (e)vidence of ego disintegration and developing psychotic process. Judge Floro later voluntarily withdrew his application. In June 1998, when he applied anew, the required psychological evaluation exposed problems with selfesteem, mood swings, confusion, social/interpersonal deficits, paranoid ideations, suspiciousness, and perceptual distortions. Both 1995 and 1998 reports concluded that Atty. Floro was unfit to be a judge. Because of his impressive academic background, however, the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) allowed Atty. Floro to seek a second opinion from private practitioners. The second opinion appeared favorable thus paving the way to Atty. Floros appointment as Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge of Branch 73, Malabon City, on 4 November 1998. The Judicial and Bar Council On September 17, 1995 at 10:00 a.m., Judge Floro was interviewed by JBC Member (Ret.) Supreme Court Justice Jose C. Campos. Judge Floro was surprised that, instead of asking him regarding qualifications, Justice Campos was cursing his colleague JBC Member, Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, thereby exposing the massive corruption in the judiciary.

Ocad v. Judge Floro, 0RTJ-99-1460.htm



Considering that Judge Floro had to take the mental tests, soon, he (in full mystic trance per guidance of LUIS), remarked: Justice (Campos), she (Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison) will suffer a massive stroke, while a JBC Member (Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.) will soon suffer a major accicent, and your neighbor JBC Member (Atty. Francisco Tito Santiago, husband of SC Justice Consuelo YnaresSantiago) will die.! Prefatory On March 31, 2006, while the Philippine Supreme Court was deliberating on whether or not Judge Florentino Floro should be dismissed, reinstated or separated from judicial service with pay, mystic dwarfs LUIS, Armand and Angel were playing the circle game (ikot-ikot-takbo-takbo) in the very En Banc Court Conference room. All the elementals or spirit guides in the entire universe, with bated breath, were present in the august deliberation chamber, awaiting the landmark judgment. On April 7, 2006, the entire planet earth was suddenly told by the Clerk of Court, Luzviminda D. Puno Office that Judge Floro was dismissed from service due to psychosis in the 76-pages Decision written by Justice Minita Viray ChicoNazario per an overwhelming vote of all the members of the cursed Supreme Court.12

(the birthday of Angel, and exactly 22 years when the Daily Express newspaper on April 7, 1984 published the results of 1983 Bar Exams, where Judge Floro placed 12th with bar a very high bar rating of 87.55%, with only 21.3% having passed, one of the lowest in bar history) Javellana v. Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA 30, 141 (1973).

Northern Securities Co. v. United States, 193 U.S. 197, 400 (1904)


Many could not and would not believe the news. Some wanted but would not dare to ask the Supreme Court to say that it was not so. On June 2, 2008 (exactly 25 years from the destined night that LUIS, Armand and Angel first appeared to Judge Floros brother Robert during the wake of their father, Florentino, Sr. on June 2, 1983) a unanimous Supreme Court with its Benjamin SC Justice Arturo D. Brion (husband of Tonette Brion, classmate, seatmate from 1978-1982 of Judge Floro at the cursed Ateneo Law School) ruled that: In this Resolution, We wish to remind Judge Floro that the Court cannot be swayed to modify or reverse its Decision and various Resolutions by inundating the ponente with numerous pleadings avowing ungodly reprisal as well as personal letters/telephone calls seeking audience with the latter, if, as in this case, they are only in furtherance of repeating issues and arguments already passed upon by the Court En Bancs earlier Decision and Resolution. Otherwise stated, only meritorious arguments and substantial evidence can convince Us to modify or reverse our previous ruling. Judge Floro is hereby given a WARNING that he can be held liable for indirect contempt should he persist in disregarding lawful orders of this Court and committing acts which tend to abuse, obstruct, impede, and degrade the administration of justice. The import of the Supreme Court decision will be examined in its proper place. Suffice it here to recall the oftquoted observation of Holmes that Great cases like hard cases make bad news. History will judge whether Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge Florentino Floro is a great case. But to judge by the splintering of Supreme Court Justices a total of 8 medical surgeries before the promulgation of the judgment and successive unexplained deaths, dire accidents, illnesses and 5 mystic court fires, after rendition of the decision it is a hard case.


Whether Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge Florentino Floro makes good or bad law, four facts remain: (1) the Supreme Court has ruled to RELIEVE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., of his functions as Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 73, Malabon City and consider him SEPARATED from the service due to a medically disabling condition of the mind that renders him unfit to discharge the functions of his office, effective immediately;; (2) As a matter of equity, AWARD Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to three (3) years; (3) FINE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., in the total amount of FORTY THOUSAND (P40,000.00) PESOS for seven of the 13 charges against him in A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460; (4) meanwhile, ordinary mortals must live and find their fortunes (or misfortunes) under the Biblical Imprecation of the entire judiciary under Psalms 109 & 73 decreed by Judge Floro on November 5, 2006. One need not agree with Justice Nazarios opiate that Judge Floro has a medically disabling disease, legally called psychosis due to dwarf consultation, for at bottom of the divergent worldwide views in the Floro case is the degree of ones faith in the nations corrupt judiciary and in the maturity of judgment of crab mentality Filipino people. This dwarf book nonetheless is written for believers and infidels alike who, for varying reasons, perhaps, may wish to gain some understanding of what the Living Curse of the 3 mystic dwarfs means. Justice Nazario lost her husband Rod Nazario (who fought the lung cancer battle for a year, after a painful heart by-pass) on September 23, 2008, barely 2 years she penned the cursed judgment which she will never forget even at her last breath. The author of Judge Floros 69 months preventive suspension, Justice Alfredo Logronio Benipayo suffered massive stroke on February 22, 2008 (barely 2 years Justice Nazario wrote the cursed decision). These dire events, inter alia, reveals the duende supremacy in the entire universe due to the violet lights which LUIS solely possess, as the most powerful annihilator.

November 5, 2009 The Angel of Death, Judge Florentino Floro, at The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel, at Osaka, Japan and planet Jupiter: the Violet lights LUX IN DOMINGO: Light from his JBC Chambers --xxx. Living in the Light. You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lords people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who belong to the light, for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth. xxx. (Ephesians 5: 8-9) xxx. Walang sinuman sa atin ang nabubuhay o namamatay sa kanyang sarili lamang. Kung tayoy nabubuhay, nabubuhay tayo para sa Panginoon, at kung tayoy namamatay tayo para sa Panginoon. Kaya nga, sa mabuhay o sa mamaytay, tayoy sa Panginoon. xxx. (Roma 14: 7-9) She (Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison) Started it all! (Statement of Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., August 8, 2003, 4:30 p.m., 2nd Floor, Centennial Bldg.) US SC Justice William Joseph Brennan, Jr. (April 25, 1906 July 24, 1997) (quoted in the case of Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, 301 SCRA 96, 120, January 19, 1999) opined: It is the very purpose of the Constitution and particularly the Bill of Rights to declare certain values transcendent, beyond the reach of political majorities (Eisler, A Justice For All, p.268). MAN HAS YET TO INVENT A BETTER HATCHERY OF JUSTICE THAN THE COURTS. It is a hatchery where justice will bloom only when we can prevent the roots of reason to be blown away by the winds of rage. The flame of the rule of law cannot be ignited by rage, especially the rage of the mob which is the mother of unfairness.

The business of courts in rendering justice is to be fair and they can pass the litmus test only when they can be fair to him who is momentarily the most hated by society. Natural Law and Natural Rights These fundamental rights were defined for the first time by the Honorable Court in a landmark case. JOHN LOCKE, in his SECOND TEATISE OF GOVERNMENT, 1690, wrote the famous LINES: xxx through reason, xxx each person can realize that he has a natural right and duty to ensure his own survival and well-being in the world and a related duty to respect the same right in others, and preserve mankind. xxx In addition, EVERY INDIVIDUAL HAS A NATURAL RIGHT TO DEFEND ONESELF FROM AND PUNISH THOSE WHO VIOLATE THE LAW OF NATURE. [Vide: REPUBLIC VS. SANDIGANGBAYAN, 407 SCRA 63]. The prophet Isaiah spoke (62: 1, 7 & 10): xxx. I will speak out to encourage Jerusalem; I will not be silent until she saved, and her victory shines like a torch in the night. xxx. They must give him no rest until he restores Jerusalem. Xxx. People of Jerusalem, go out of the city and build a road for your returning people! Preparing highway; clear it of stones! xxx. SUMPA (Curse, Imprecation) Judge Floro wrote and published the following Biblical Curse, inserted in Court pleadings. Bilang Anghel ng Kamatayan na inakusahan ninyong BALIW, mararatay kayo sa kama ng karamdaman, gagapang kayo sa malas, malas dilang malas at sakit sampu ng lahat mg iyong pinakamamahal sa buhay hanggang ika-7 henerasyon.

Matakot kayo sa Diyos, isauli ninyo lahat ang hindi sa inyo; ihayag ninyo sa Kataas-Taasang Hukumang ito ang Katotohanan; huwag ninyong ilibing ito sa iyong mga hukay. Maghunos dili kayo hanggat hindi pa huli ang lahat. Tuwing gabi (araw-araw) uusigin kayo ng budhi ninyo. Maaaring dahil sa kapangyarihan at impluwensya ninyo, naniniig ang kabuktutan at kasamaan. Ngunit walang bisa ang lahat ng iyan dahil sa aking ganap na PANANAMPALATAYA sa Kataas-Taasang Hukauman ito at sa Poong Maykapal! Ika-7 ng Disyembre, 2003, Malolos, Bulacan. Anghel de la Muerte Divine law under the Old Testament --- an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, the merciless God of Justice vis--vis the new commandment under New Law --- has been reformulated in the New Testament: God is a righteous judge and always condemns the wicked. See how wicked people think up evil; they plan trouble and practice deception. But in the traps they set for others, they themselves get caught. So they are punished by their own evil and are hurt by their own violence. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times I have to forgive him? Seven times? No, not 7 times, but 70 x 7 (Psalm 7; Mat. 6:12; 18:21) The November 21, 2003 massive stroke-death of Chief Justice Pedro Yap, who suffered the vegetative massive stroke days days after Judge Floros July 20, 1999 preventive suspension (4 Years in vegetative stroke condition in Wittier, California) was preceded by the Omen.

The judiciary witnessed the most painful death of Atty. Gerry Buenaventura, father-in-law of Atty. Mary Jane Dacarra-Buenaventura, who, on March 2-3, 1999 Judicial Audit of Judge Floros Br. 73, RTC, Malabon, did fabricate 13 charges including dwarf consultation. Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo signed the cursed recommendation of suspension. xxx. Death of the First Born Moses then said to the king, The Lord says, At about midnight I will go through Egypt, and every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the kings son who is heir to the throne, to the son of the slave woman who grinds grain. The first-born of all the cattle will die also. There will be loud crying all over Egypt, such as there has never been before or ever will be again. But not even a dog will bark at the Israelites or their animals. xxx (Exodus 11:4-7) The Passover You may choose either a sheep or a goat, but it must be a one-year-old male without any defects. Then, on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, the whole community of Israel will kill the animals. The people are to take some of the blood and put it on the doorposts and above the doors of the house in which the animals are to be eaten. It is the Passover Festival to honor me, the Lord. On that night, I will go through the land of Egypt, killing every first-born male, both human and animals, and punishing all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. The blood on the doorposts will be a sign to mark the houses in which you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and I will not harm you when I punish the Egyptians. You must celebrate this day as a religious festival to remind you of what I, the Lord, have done. Celebrate it for all time to come. (Exodus 12:5-7, 11-14)

Reconciliation, Justice and Forgiveness Wild Justice: The Seductive Pleasure of Getting Even The Omen xxx. Many Yap, a moderate activist who became a radical after the declaration of martial law, was to graduate summa cum laude in Economics in Ateneo but he was picked up by the military on February 14, 1976, one month before his scheduled graduation. He has not been found up to now. His father Pedro L. Yap, had a massive stroke in 1999 (days after the CURSE: my July 20, 199 Benipayo Suspension) which kept him bedridden and speechless. Chief Justice Yap passed away in Whitter, California last November 21, 2003 (Judge Floros 52nd month under suspension). His wife, Mrs. Flora R. Yap, is afflicted with the Alzheimer disease and has no recollection of what happened to her son Manny. No one has accountable for Mammys disappearance. xxx [Jovito R. Salonga, pg. 12, The Philippine Star, December 28, 2003; Rabbi Kushner, Why Bad Things Happen to Good People, Living a Life that Matters.] No Pain, No Gain, No Cross, No Glory Why is life so unfair? Why do some people get everything they want, no sweat, while I have to struggle to enjoy a little of what they have in abundance? Why do my 3 mystic dwarfs and I seem to have all the misfortunes in life, while others are blessed with all the good luck? Why is my life so beset with problems, while others simply enjoy the bliss and the blessings of living? In a certain town there was a judge neither feared God nor people. In the same town was a widow who kept coming to him, saying: Defend my rights against my opponent. For a time he refused, but finally the thought: Even though I neither fear God nor care about people, this widow bothers me so much I will see that she gets justice; then she will stop coming and wearing me out.

And Jesus explained, listen to what the evil judge says. Will God not do justice for his chosen ones who cry to him day and night even if he delays in answering them? I tell you, he will speedily do them justice. [Lk 18:1-18] Judge Floros own life experiences attest to this truism: There is no triumph without trial, no victory without battle. In fact, the more difficult the trial, the sweeter the triumph and the more bruising the battle, the greater the victory. xxx. Present your evidence and dont be nervous -Alice in Wonderland [This gets] curioser and curioser -Through the Looking Glass. I.Q. Tests: 110 Bright Normal On September 19, 1995, Judge Floro finished the psychological tests and psychiatric evaluation conducted by Ms. Beatriz O. Cruz and Dr. Cecilia Villegas, respectively. After the tests, Judge Floro requested both JBC officers to read to him the final results. And both officers stated that Judge Floro had good and above fair (bright normal) psychological and mental conditions, inter alia. Impeccable Prophecies 1996 Massive Stroke of Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, Supreme Court stairs accident of JBC Member Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. and Cardiac Arrest of JBC Member Atty. Francisco Tito Santiago The Philippine Judicial and Bar Council was haunted by Judge Floros-LUIS Biblical curse to clean the King Maker Halls of Injustice which made the most corrupt jurists in Philippine History since its creation in 198813.




Amid the massive stroke suffered by Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, Judge Floro ascended to the summer capital of the Philippines to trace the steps of JBC member Francisco Tito Santiago the husband of Supreme Court Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santaiago. Justice Ynares-Santiago is a multi-awarded jurist because of alleged integrity, honesty, academic excellence and a Filipina icon. She rose from the ranks. She started as municipal judge of Cainta, Rizal with a monthly salary of less than P 1,000 pesos. She retired on 2009 as one of the richest real estate tycoon in the Philippines. Her vast Philippine real estate empire (as featured once in front cover of Panorama Manila Bulletin, "Unrobed") is presently held by her daughter Atty. Pura Angelica Y. Santiago (who hosted the No. 1 Philippine Legal Television show "Legal Action" with magnate Howard Calleja); Consuelo is the daughter of Casimiro Ynares, Sr, and Consolacion Y. Martin (both deceased). She was married to Atty. Francisco B. Santiago (founder of law firm, "FB Santiago, Nalus and Associates") who died of heart attack (Myocardial infarction) at Baguio City, on July 1996. Her daughter, Atty. Pura Angelica Y. Santiago is the managing partner of the Santiago, Cruz, and Sarte Law Offices. As corporate secretary of PRIMEX, PJB Pacific Securities (Phils.), Manila Luxury Condominium Association, Champagne Edition Condominium Association, YS Properties, Inc., Nippon Credit, Inc. and others, she is the trustee or title holder of the vast Philippine YnaresSantiago family real estate empire. Her other children are Dr. Jonas Francisco, Regina Carmela and Jennylind Allison. On the first quarter of 2003, her son Dr. Jonas Santiago (St. Luke's Hospital, Quezon City), supervised the surgery removal of one of her kidneys at the Philippine Kidney Center. Judge Floro was present per bi-location at Baguio City, 2 inches beside JBC member Tito Santiago when he was summoned beautifully by the Angel of Death on July, 1996. It was a mystic fate, and on April 6-7, 2006, the birthday of Angel, it was a day of great fulfillment.


The sweet vendetta materialized when Justice YnaresSantiago signed the decision which separted Judge Floro from service due to dwarf consultation14. Meanwhile, circa the 1996 stroke of Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison and death of Atty. Francisco B. Santiago, the Judicial and Bar Council was hounded by another curse: JBC member, S.C. Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. fell and suffered shoulder injuries at the Supreme Court marble stairs (appointed in 1997). Until today, he undergoes theraphy sessions amid his painful prostate illness. I.Q. 68 JBC Application and Mental Tests On his November 5, 1997 birthday, Judge Floro15 was instructed by LUIS to clean the judiciary by applying for the vacant position of Regional Trial Court Judge. Judge Floro first met (on June 22, 1998), Supreme Court (Ret.) Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.16, who is an incumbent 4 termer, Judicial and Bar Council Member, since 1997. He interviewed Judge Floro regarding the application for nomination to the vacant post of Regional Trial Court Judge, Br. 73, Malabon / Navotas, Metro Manila, National Capital Judicial Region. Judge Floro took the tests, but the JBC and Supreme Court medical clinic released falsified results. Approximately three years later, in June 1998, Judge Floro again presented himself to the Supreme Court Clinic when he applied anew for judgeship, this time of RTC Malabon. Psychologist Beatriz O. Cruz and Celeste P. Vista, M.D. (Psychiatrist and Medical Officer IV) did the interview and evaluation.
14 view&id=4095&Itemid=88889349


Dr. Vista observed. Atty. Floros current intelligence function is along the mild mental retardation (68) which is below the expected cognitive efficiency of a judge. Despite his impressive academic background and achievements, he has lapses in judgment and may have problems with decision-making. It would seem that the JBC disregarded the above-quoted report as it allowed Judge Floro to seek a second opinion from private practitioners. A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460, however, resurrected the issue of his mental and psychological capacity to preside over a regional trial court. Thus, the Resolution of 20 July 1999 specifically ordered Judge Floro to submit to appropriate psychological or mental examination.17 Judge Floro, however, submitted to the JBC the positive mental test results and evaluations from the Philipines top hospital Makati Medical Center: Dr. Eduardo L. Jurilla, Dr. Ma. Theresa Villasor and Dra. Pacita Salceda, eminent practitioners on these fields.18 Gift of the Robes and Birthday Gift of the Gavel Chief Justice Andres Narvasa broke the tie in the September, 1998 deliberation, and Judge Floro was nominated Judge. Many blocked the appointment, but LUIS bestowed Judge Floro the post on his November (4 and) 5, 1998 birthday, age 45, as youngest NCJR RTC Judge. 80 Personal Visits, Audiences and Pleas for Mercy Judge Floro visited Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. and begged for mercy (from this most powerful man in Philippine judicial history).




Judge Floro visited him and healed him physically and spiritually, 3 times in his house (August-September 1999) and more than 80 times in his august JBC chambers, Manila, from June 22, 1997 to February 10, 2006. The following is a DIARY (in the form of a Supreme Court pleading -Motion, which was not filed, for reasons) written by Judge Floro, on the ordeal of the 3 Philippine dwarves who did spiritual cleansing of the most corrupt judicial corridors of injustice: Atty. Solis and Judge Cesar Solis January, 1999 Judge Floro was notified by a counsel who appeared before his Malabon sala. Atty. Solis suggested that Judge Floro must see Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. regarding a circulating Memorandum of Suspension. It was Judge Cesar Solis (1999 RTC Judge of Br. 21, Malolos City, Bulacan), a Capitol Estate, Fairview, Quezon City neighbor of Justice Regino, that heard the news, while he attended Mass at St. Peter the Apostle Church, and Justice Regino was lay minister thereat. Judge Floro went to the august chambers of Justice Regino: it was the 3rd meeting, audience and visit of the Filipino dwarf judge to this most powerful jurist. It was JBC Member CA Justice Alfredo Marigomen who broke the new in front of Justice Regino: There is a circulating memo about your suspension you were accused of consulting dwarves, of conducting one hour incense rites before court sessions . Judge Floro denied the accusation, and pointed to Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison as the author of the memorandum based on a confidential complaint regarding her predicted massive stroke by Judge Floro. July 20, 1999 Longest Suspension in world history It was at 4:45 p.m., that fatalistic afternoon, when Peter, the Supreme Court Sheriff, served upon Judge Floro the 3 pages cursed pink Supreme Court Resolution (based on the Recommendation of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo) which made the dwarves jobless in pretend world.

The cursed Resolution caused dire pains, slow, painful and horrible deaths, suicide, fires, illnesses, medical surgeries and car accidents of Justices, lawyers, judicial officers and court personnel. Judge, hindi na ako magiging lawyer!, said Aina Talag, the legal researcher of Br. 74, RTC, Malabon, who suffered a) a minor head accident at Obando, Bulacan, a day after, and b) permanently failed to pass the bar exams, burying 6 feet below the ground her dream to become an attorney-at-law. Despite repeated demands, the High Tribunal denied all pleas of Judge Floro to receive copies of the any complaint, accusation and the memorandum of suspension. It was total absence of due process of law. Judge Floro was placed under indefinite suspension without any private complaint. It was the first ever, since 1901, when the Philippine Judiciary was created under American rule of law. Reconcile with Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison Tasters Choice, Biscuits and Misery The Healing Judge YouTube Magandang Gabi Bayan, August 21, 1999 Because of the destined impact on Philippine viewers of Healing or Hearing, the August 21, 1999, 45-minute prime time interview-documentary of the extreme hand heat healing of Judge Floro (Abs-Cbn, where a 30-seconds commercial therein did cost P 200,000 $ 1 = P 48), Judge Floro was mobbed by more than 120 patients a day. Of the 10,000 ailing Filipinos and some foreigners he healed, Justice Regino was healed by Judge Floro, 3 times, for 3 hours, at his home in Capitol Estates, Fairview, Quezon City from August to September, 1999. The healing was done for this most pious lay minister (of the P 68 million, he helped built, St. Peter the Apostle Church) fed the flock with Chirsts body, per the sacred host, Holy Eucharist. His mentor was healer Fr. Gerry Tapiador, Parish Priest, Doctor of Sacred Scriptures. Justice Regino was suffering painfully from the predicted 1996 stairs accident (predicted on September, 1995 by Judge Floro).

Regino stated he had to undergo daily theraphy of the shoulders. During the 3 hours body healing sessions, he served Tasters coffee and biscuits to Judge Floro. March 5, 2004 First Friday Mr. Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR. most sincerely promised to me once you are a judge, you will always be a judge. LUX IN DOMINO: Light from His Chambers19 68 months longest preventive suspension Mr. Justice Regino C. Hermosisima Jr. emotionally clarified that he will be pray for Judge Floro in 2 churches. Dwarfs Regal Destiny We are here for a reason 31 years of judicial statesmanship. The AquinoGalman (Sandiganbayan) case the ATOK mining case The estate of Don Mariano San Pedro case Lay minister & Patriach of the P 68 Million St. Peter the Apostle Church, Commonwealth, Q.C. 4 terms JBC member at the corridors of Power astute, shrewd, so brilliant, but softspoken a man of a few words and no one for sure can be utterly close to the most powerful GODS of PADRE FAURA than their King and Master, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. It may be off-tangent to note that Fr. Gerardo R. Giovanni "Gerry" Tapiador, Licentiate of Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) an expert in the Sacred Scriptures (now Rector of the Cathedral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shepherd, Regalado Ave., Fairview Park 1, 1118 Quezon City; Tels. 430-8840; 939-4720; Fax: 430-8435) envisioned the Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle.


Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.s card and letters


It is located at St. Peter Parish, Commonwealth Avenue, 1119 Quezon City Pasong Tamo, 1107 Quezon City, Philippines), but it was through the efforts of the jurist, its co-founder and principal donor, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. that the structure became a reality. Prefatory Statement Mr. (Philippine Judges Association) President Judge Romeo Fantone Barza sadly announced the removal of one breast and chemotherapy of Judge Victoria Paredes, the former Secretary General of the PJA. Judge Apolinario D. Bruselas, Jr. (PJA Executive Vice President) and Judge Estela P. Bernabe (PJA treasurer) helped Judge Floro Even if the Board Meeting was adjourned, it was reopened so that Floro could have delivered his message to the 15 cursed PJA Officers and about 14 Directors who attended the first Board Meeting of the PJA at the 22nd Floor, Penthouse, Makati City Hall, on December, 2004. Judge Raul De Leon (VP, Administration), after Floros short speech, rose and observed that filing of multiple Motions to Lift Suspension would only delay the Resolution of the case. Judge Amado S. Caguioa (Director, Region I, Baguio City, RTC, Br. 4) also stood up and exclaimed, objected to Floros plea saying that arrogance is a ground for dismissal of Judges. He cited one case where a judge was dismissed due to this ground. Floro first filed his plea to this PJA at 12:25 noon, September 10, 2003, Br. 124, Kalookan City. Floro filled his first appeal with the PJA Secretary General Judge Victoria Isabel Paredes. Contained in the first Appeal to her-PJA is Floros predicted first death in CAMANAVA: The aneurysm attack of Edmundo Amisola Acua, the Ateneo-UP son of Judge Ed T. Acua, Br. 123, Kalookan City. Eds vessels did burst in the hands of the Director of PGH, on December 21, 2002, 3 days after Floro gave the Judge, the DOS MIL TRES prophecy of death and illnesses: Doctora (Acua-Amisola) bakit po kayo nakaitim?


At the wake of Bulacan MTC Pulilan Judge Boy Viola, she was there, after the Judge Paredes breast cancer surgery after New Year, 2004 and barely 3.8 months after Floro pleaded with the PJA. (Judge now) Justice Apolinario D. Bruselas (phone conversation) sadly informed Floro that the majority of the PJA Officers-Directors were convinced by Floros detractors not to intervene in the case. Bruselas, however, promised Floro that he would try his best. Judge Manuel Victorio (Br. 141, RTC, Makati City; former Diretor, Pasig-Pasay-Makati), of cursed Binmaley, Pangasinan, promised Floro to convince the PJA (that was last September, 2003) but he miserably failed. Floro healed Judge Victorio of heart ailment last 1999. Judge Victorio admitted that not even one OfficerDirector of the 2003 PJA would sign a Resolution on Floros filed APPEAL FOR JUSTICE. Mr. President (PJA, 2003) Judge Marino dela Cruz intentionally failed to answer Floros more than 20 phone calls and literally threw his APPEAL FOR JUSTICE in the trash can (after Floros IBP Letter-Appeal dated 19 September, 2003 was denied by the cursed IBP President. The Denial Resolution was issued based on their stance that they-IBP do not know Floros case). Lest Judge Floro be misinterpreted, he thereby clarifies his VISION and MISSION, which his GABAYS (spirit guides-protectors) revealed to the Prophet. Essentially the DOS MILL TRES PART I & II Prophecy containing this Mission and Vision had been inscribed in the MORTIS ANGELUS and in the July 20, 2003 Motion to Lift Suspension, and conveyed more than 80 personal visitsaudiences (more than 100 hours) with Mr. Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. (3 at his home, Commonwealth, Capitol
Estates, Q.C. and 77 in the Light of his Old and New JBC Chambers).

In the very memorable 80 moments with him, Judge Floro shares with readers and the world, how this great jurist treated him, more than a friend, more than a Judge, more than a son, and as he aptly said ALLY against EVIL.

With compassion he wielded his power to sway the votes of all the magistrates he never nominated, and influenced the Justices he nominated to save Floros judicial career against ATTY. Teresita Cruz-Sison, the mastermind of Floros cursed case and against his detractors. [60 Motions to Lift Suspension, all NOTED (without action); 60 Pink S.C. Resolutions, 1999 2003]. February 23, 2004, 1:30 p.m. Kamayan, EDSA: At the Second PJA Board-Officers Meeting, Judge Apolinario D. Bruselas Jr. texted (SMS) Floro that the venue was changed to KAMAYAN, Edsa. Amid the heavy downpour (Floro was wet all over; he came from the Supreme Court, where he filed the Intervenors Position Paper in the FPJ case at 11:00 a.m.), and rushed to the Board Meeting. Judge Marino dela Cruz and Raymond (PJA Secretariat) offered Floro some food but he refused, due to the curse. Judge Marlene G. Sison (Br. 85, RTC, Q.C.), secretary general told Floro that she could not place in the Agendum Floros September 9 & October 23, 2003 APPEAL FOR JUSTICE to the PJA, since only the cursed PJA President Romeo F. Barza could. Judge Jane Aurora C. Lantion, Senior Vice President, RTC, Br. 13, Lipa City suggested that Floro should wait for July 9, 2004, after cursed Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison retires. Judge Ulysses R. Butuyan, VP-Research, RTC, Br. 51, Tayug, Pangasinan, exclaimed (in a sarcastic tone) to the President, Judge Romeo F. Barza, RTC, Br. 61, Makati City: O! Bakit hindi mo inaAGENDA ang kay JUDGE FLORO!!! Judge Barza, PJA President, who was inches beside Floro, looked at another PJA Officer who said: xxx Gusto ka yatang makausap ni JUGE FLORO! Mr. President Judge Barza whispered: Hindi namin pinapatulan yan! xxx. The PJA (Oct. 23, 2003) is the Anti-Christs Machinery, according the the 3 mystic dwarfs and Judge Floro cursed the same and the entire judiciary lest Satan devour all of them to Hades. The Philippine Judges Association is truly responsive to the corrupt needs of the bad eggs in the judiciary that tarnished its image.

Its fundamental aim is to swiftly, expeditiously and effectively cover-up their corrupt abuses of power; these corrupt officers-directors envisioned a group which would, in their stance, be a channel to enhance their chances for promotion in the Court of Appeals-Sandiganbayan, despite their very low bar ratings, very low grades in law schools and worst, their corrupt reputations. N.B. Atty. Hessie Hesiquio R. Mallillin: Manila Hotel; 2 Hours Meeting: It was a 2:30 4:30 p.m. merienda at the Manila Hotel Coffee Shop with Floros classmate, Atty. Christine A. Tomas Espinosa, proximate to the table where Mr. Justice Josue N. Bellosillo also had merienda with a court employee. Atty. Christine A. Tomas Espinosa set this conference as condition or prerequisite to the arranged (but failed) meeting with Atty. Maria Teresita C. Sison-Go (daughter of Atty. Tesie Cruz-Sison; she works at the cursed Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & de los Angeles Law Office, Pasong Tamo, Makati City, where Ateneo Dean Cynthia del Castillo also works, both as Partners; due to the curse, Anna Patricia Castillo, daughter of SC Justice Mariano and Cynthia del Castillo jumped to her suicide death on June, 2008). In the 2 hours talk, in a confidential tone, Floro narrated to former Commission on Human Rights Hessie, the medical surgeries and untimely deaths of very powerful magistrates-loved ones. Judge Floro had a a sole purpose --- to convince Atty. Tesie Cruz-Sison to put in writing a desistance and/or to tell the High Tribunal, the TRUTH that she was the mastermind of Floros suspension. After 2 weeks, Atty. Hessie Mallillin (0917-8908168) texted Floro that the audience with his former girlfriend Maritess Sison-Go was cancelled. Previous to the hotel meeting, Floro and Atty. Hessie Mallillin, (cellphone call) talked about Floros prophecy, which is but a tip of the iceberg.

LUIS-Judge Floro inflicted the a) P 1.5 million heart surgery (August-October, 2003; 3 weeks in the Coronary Care Unit) of Floros cursed Investigator, (Ret.) Justice Pedro A. Ramirez, who was ordered by b) Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo (who also underwent heart angioplasty surgery on February 21, 2001 and suffered devastating massive stroke on February 22, 2009) per Atty. Tesie Sisions instructions to recommend Floros suspension and dismissal from service in view of insanity. Floro also discussed the November 21, 2003 death of Chief Justice Pedro Yap who suffered massive stroke days after Floros July 20, 1999 suspension. N.B. Judge Floros classmate Christine A. Tomas Espinosa appeared as counsel in a SC case, for Hesiquio R. Mallillin (Hessie, Birthdate: 3 October 1952, Tuguegarao, Cagayan; April 21, 1978 ; Attorneys Roll No. 28733; 110th Flr. U-1 Gacu Unjieng Center 208, 1017 Cor. Q Paredes & Dasmarinas Sts., Binondo, Manila City, Metro Manila; UST Artlets Alumni Foundation, Inc. last August 14, 2003, Com. Hesiquio Mallillin as president; PIAT Legacy Foundation is headed by lawyer Hesiquio Mallillin, president), who was appointed by President Cory Aquino, as Acting Commission on Human Rights Chairman in 1989). Atty. Tomas, Ms. Leila Aricheta OIC of Br. 14, RTC Malolos, Bulacan and Atty. Hessie worked with former Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Commissioner Bienvenido Tan Jr. Atty. Hessie was the boyfriend of Atty. Maria Teresita "Maritess" Sison-Go. They separated ways before Atty. Sison-Go took the Bar Exams. Her mother, Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison who was the mastermind of Floro's suspension, was Philippine Bar Association President (1991-1992).20

20 uio-r-mallillin-law-office


During the Manila Hotel meeting between Floro, Christine Tomas and Mallilin, Tomas wedding ring which she always wore for more than 25 years of marriage with Ray Espinosa, was allegedly lost. She searched in the toilet but failed. Mysteriously, she found it left in her house drawers. She wept for 2 years after Ray Espinosa separated from her about 2006, according to Ms. Leila Aricheta of Br. 14, RTC, Malolos Bulacan (who told Floro). Ang Pagpapahayag (The Prophecy) Judge Floros GABAY, LUIS (the most powerful King of all kings of elementals-GABAYS on earth) instructed him to clean the judicial department and the JBC, inter alia: Hilumin mo ang SUGAT - maraming mga Hukom ay tumatanggap ng SUHOL, umaabuso sa kapangyarihan, mga BALATKAYO dahil dito kami ay nadadaig ng kasamaan tanging ang mga Kamay mo lamang ang maaring makapagligtas sa kanilang mga kaluluwa lalagyan namin ng SAKIT at KAMALASAN ang mga mahal nila sa buhay KANSER, ISTROK sa pamamagitan ng iyong mga mata maghain ka ng apelasyon at daing sa Kataas-Taasang Hukuman tuwing Primer Byernes, mula 2000 hanggang 2003. Ipapako mo/namin ang mga silid nila, at pagkislap ng Lilang Sinag, masasaksihan mo ang mga hingapis, pagtangis at kamatayan ng pinakamakapangyarihan. Maghain ka rin ng apelasyon sa mga abogado at hukom, dahil napakarungis na ng kanilag mga sala at opisina buhay pa sila amoy sunog na ang kanilang mga katawaan huwag kang matakot bibigyan ka naming ng kaagapay, kakampi hindi kami papayag na manilbihan ka hanggat hindi mo sila NILILINIS sa pamamagitan ng SAKIT Ako ang iyong GABAY na walang tawak at walang patawad. 9.html


This message had been repeated every 12 midnights of first Fridays, 2000-2003. The following MEMORANDUM-DAIRY, therefore, is inscribed - a) to deliver their message and b) to share with the Filipino nation and the world, the precious moments Judge Floro had with the most powerful Philippine jurist, ever. Floros GABAYS made him an instrument of humility, compassion and charity. They promised that until his last moment, the VIOLET LIGHT (the highest gift) will envelope his existence and protect him-his family from evil, but he buried the truth keeping it in his grave. 2004 DIARY Of his kindness Judge Floro writes 3 lights from his JBC chambers which continuously enlightened my judicial career. In the most painful days of the 55 months longest suspension in history, he compassionately bestowed upon my soul hopes brilliant star. This is a Memorandum of: a) my first visit (2 hours) at his home, 3:00 5:00 p.m., on August 14, Sunday, 1999, b) my second & third visits at his Commonwealth, Capitol Estates, condominium (and the 6:00 p.m. Mass, where I watched this Lay Minister at the P 68 Million St. Peter the Apostle Church, he principally built, and c) the more than 80 personal visits, more than 100 hours I had been with him, in the light of his old and new JBC chambers, from August 22, 1999 until February 25, 2004. He loves Banilad, Cebu and Basilan. He loves the rare and expensive fishes (P 4,000 in Hong Kong, very tasty according to his tongue buds, from Cagayan; and Mameng, he buys from Farmers market, Cubao, Quezon City). He had been in this (judicial) business for 31 years. His best ponencia is the Judgment in the Intestate Estate of Don Mariano San Pedro and the Aquino-Galman Sandiganbayan cases.


On September 28, 1990 16 defendants were convicted by the Sandiganbayan-Regino and sentenced to life imprisonment; on December 2, 1985 the SandiganbayanJustice Manuel Pamaran, acquitted all the accused (who were featured in Ch. 2s PIPOL). He worked Saturdays and Sundays to scholarly pen this landmark case. But I said: My suspension case is more difficult for you [On November 22, 2007 After more than 21 years, one of the convicts, Pablo Martnez, was released after President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo pardoned him for humanitarian reasons. Martnez said: "Kung nakikinig man kayo Madam Cory Aquino patawarin ninyo ako sa nagawa kong pagkakasala noon." * On March 14, 2008 Former Cpl. 1st Class Mario Lazaga one of the 16 convicted soldiers died of hypertension in prison. Two other convicts had already died in detention since M/Sgt. Pablo Martinezs pardon. *On February 2009 A1C Felizardo Taran and Sgt. Rolando de Guzman, whose sentences were commuted by former President Fidel V. Ramos and President Arroyo respectively, completed their prison terms and were released. * On March 4, 2009 The remaining 10 convicts, Rogelio Moreno, Rubn Aquino, Arnulfo Artates, Romeo Bautista, Jess Castro, Arnulfo De Mesa, Rodolfo Desolong, Claro Lat, Ernesto Mateo, and Filomeno Miranda, were released.] As a result --He received the hypocricy Nobel prizes: Supreme Court Justice and 4 terms JBC appointments. He will be remembered as the only most cruel magistrate in judicial-political history who convicted by final judgment (legally-constitutionally placing in double jeopardy) the 16 accused, who were formerly acquitted by entry of final decision by the Marcos Sandiganbayan, due t mere change of government, thereby, burying the truth in his rotten grave. A Man of Few Words He is so brilliant, but soft-spoken. Mabibilang mo ang mga salita niya matipid ang poagbigkas niya (his staff Benedicta Sorilla noted).

He wielded and wields his power in a monarchial manner. He knows how to rule. Nobody can dictate him. His imperial pen, when it writes, puts FINIS to an argument. His influence is so pervasive at the corridors of injustice-power. Were it not for him, I would have been dethroned last 1999, and could not have suffered the immense trauma and unimaginable persecution. But he made me world-famous, since my 3 duendes bestowed upon me immortality Pinagpala (henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed). He is so dignified in his AMERKANA, much like the kagalang-galang ng mandarambong; many applicants and even magistrates literally knelt for his nomination. He once told me: if your get 4 votes, you are made. So Compassionate He remarked: Sayang, kung hindi lang nagkakaso yan! (February 6, 2004, 3:00 p.m.; S.C. Justice Antonio Martinez, CA Justice Veloso and Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison visited him, since my cursed classmate Judge Nimfa CuestaVilches was there, praying for his vote; and so was Judge Lopez & Judge Syncianco, Malolos, Bulacan). He sincerely worked and prayed so hard for me, for justice, for reconciliation, for my 1998 nomination and for my CA-Sandiganbayan promotion. His one JBC vote may not be sufficient, but his influence saved by judicial career. It is sad to comprehend that on the one hand, all JBC applicants fervently prayed and even used pardinos to get his crucial ONE VOTE; while on the other hand, he tried his best and always failed to get 4 votes to at least place me in the CA JBC panel interview. Last month, he sadly told me: Sayang, if you were only included in the CA Panel Interview List. He is fascinated with bar rating and honors. He is a subscriberreader of the SCRA (he paid P 25,000.00 for several volumes). Humanly Sarcastic He once told the Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr.: It will be a feather on your cap, if you could put bar placers, like BRION, and Floro in the bench.

He advised me: The Chief Justice is hypercritical because of your healing I often told you choose be a judge or a healer Shrewd, Astute and Cleverly Discerning He asked Chief Justice Andres Narvasa to break the tie: I am the only judge in JBC history who was nominated with only 4 votes: his and Justice Alfredo Marigomens with the neutral votes of the other ex-officio JBC Members; that was September, 1998. He and Justice Alfredo Marigomen told me that there was a circulating memorandum of my suspension; that was April, 1999, when Atty. Solis and Judge Cesar Solis instructed me to visit this Emperor of Gods of Faura. [4:00 6:00 p.m., Sunday, August 14, 1999, Capitol Estates, Commonwealth, Quezon City: the first suspension meeting-audience-healing (of my more than 80).] A Father, A friend He was so candid and his enduring patience made me felt at home. He gave me Tasters Choice coffee and biscuits as he listened attentively to my lectures. The two long hours at his home made me so comfortable. He told me: File a motion for reconsideration (his reply to my query: My counsel, Atty. Gregorio Batiller Jr. said the Supreme Court will DISMISS me! (that was December 5, 2000, when the Supreme Court En Banc Resolution ordered my conditional arrest and incarceration in the NBI jail for my continued refusal to take the mental tests, ordered by Eraps neighbor, Justice Bernado P. Pardo). He almost convinced the Chief Justice to accept my tender of resignation as an honorable exit, but the latter failed to grant our request for personal audience (that was the 3rd week of December, 2000). The Ateneo Law School Gods --- Fr. Joaquin Bernas, S.J., Atty. Sedrey Candelaria and Atty. Cesar Villanueva, my classmate, both Assistant Deans advised me to resign, as they denied my appeal for intervention.

He urged me to reconcile with Atty. Teresita CruzSison: that was August, 1999; and I obeyed by having visited her for more than 20 times, giving her a Miraculous Medal Certificate; the last visit was last year. A Counselor He told me to be patient, to wait Atty. Felimon Fernandez (former law partner of Chief Justice Davide, Jr., 7th Floor, Banco Filipino, Main office, principal stockholder, tendered a dinner for them-JBC Members, to help me) confided that the Chief Justice did not want to offend the Ponente, Justice Bernardo P. Pardo. King Maker He told me to pray hard for the Presidents appointment of Sandiganbayan Justice Sabino Roman De Leon, Jr., to the High Tribunal. I replied: I predicted his ascension at Dulcinea, Greenbelt, 1995. When Justice De Leon, Jr. made it, he asked me - what is that Korean Red Ginseng that Justice De Leon, Jr. gave him. He told me that he convinced Justice de Leon (my 1979 Ateneo legal philosophy professor, who was hypercritical of me due to his three neighbors, Philam Judges), the closest magistrate to Justice Bernardo P. Pardo to but it was too late I prophesied the death of four (4) Supreme Court Justices (Justice Ricardo Francisco, C.J. Querube Makalintal, 2002, Justice Sabino de De Leon, and C.J. Pedro Yap, 2003). He carefully listened to my surgery operations prophecies: the cataract-glaucoma of Justice Arturo Buena; abdominal procedure of Justice Minervaz GonzagaReyes; twin angioplasty heart operations of Justice Alfredo Benipayo and Justice Pedro Ramirez. Faith, Prayer and Psychic Phenomena He said: pray very hard for the appointment of Corona I replied: He is long overdue After the appointment, he asked me who is the ponente? But he already asked me in 1999 who is the ponente I told him that a mere private secretary has access to the per curiam writer.

Humility He bluntly said: It is not within my power to reinstate you go to Atty. Tessie Sison! I told him that Atty. Tesie Sison repeatedly told me that as Cebuano he is the closest to the Chief Justice. Atty. Sison corrected me, when I said that she nominated thirteen Justices: She brusquely countered: I nominated all fourteen including Puno except the Chief Justice. I therefore asked her to intervene, but she categorically denied me: Your case is in the Supreme Court already. And I noticed him, shaking his head in disbelief. Utmost Sincerity He said: SHE STARTED IT ALL! (4:00 p.m., August 8, 2003, 2nd Floor, Centennial Bldg., Supreme Court, Manila). This, inter-alia, proves his sincerity and unselfishness. HINDI SITA MARAMOT! He breaks protocol; he is undaunted. Supreme Power and Charity He never worked for his re-appointmentconfirmation; I even prayed that he should instead retire and savor the Cebu Lapu-lapu and Maya-maya. But Benedicata Sorilla, his private secretary emotionally told me that he loves them so much for which reason he accepted the reappointment. She exclaimed: He wanted to rest but he LOVES us, as his family he accepted the re-appointment because of his concern for us. He is so powerful he was never worried about his July 9, 2001 re-appointment when I asked him if he would be re-appointed, he instead surprisingly remarked: You are worrying about me, I have very strong backers in Malacaang we (I and Justice Alfredo Marigomen 1952, 7th place, Bar Exams, 92.55%) are praying very hard for you we are very worried because of you! When he was confirmed (September, 2001), exclaimed: The Supreme Court will not dismiss me! He vaguely defined the essence of hope: Wait for 2005!

Last Christmas, 2003, when his lamentation seems apparent, my soul never had any extreme illusion that I will still obtain even the elusive quality of justice. He painfully focused his eyes upon a distant horizon when at point blank I queried: Will I be reinstated this 5th Christmas? He replied: No He already (first) predicted that I would have to very patiently wait until 2005. He uttered that painful prophecy last December, 2002. I thought he was joking, but I was shocked and awed when he held my hand and queried: What do you predict about my health! I replied: Love is patient, is kind For this reason, I exhausted all legal and extra-legal- paranormal remedies. I begged for mercy with I filed LETTERS-APPEALS with: a) the PJA, Judge Marino dela Cruz, who literally threw my appeal in the waste can/did not answer my 20 phone calls. Next, I filed the appeals with b) the IBP, cursed Atty. Anselmo Cadiz who signed the IBP Resolution denying my APPEAL for Justice; c) the cursed ALAFI (Ateneo Law School, with Fr. Joaquin Bernas, SJ, Asst. Deans Atty. Sedrey Candelaria & Atty. Cesar Villanueva, my cursed classmate) denied my December, 2000 letter-appeal; now they and Fr. Bernas, SJ failed to (no show) act on my APPEALS for Justice; Fr. Romeo Intengan, S.J., Provincial of the Jesuits, and my classmate in 5 subjects, granted me an audience on December 13, 2003. The PBA, through Atty. Conrado J. Castro, JBC Member, politely denied by APPEAL based on conservatism; e) the Court of Appeals (Justices Pine & Magtolis also merely noted my verbal appeals). The OCAD Administrator granted me audiences while DCA Justice Christopher Lock denied my APPEAL. He had been closest to me more than any JudgeJustice he nominated I had been closer to him than his staff He made me felt the meaning of true compassion and stark justice: essence of power and humility vis--vis hypocrisy. He has never been angry he has never been mad or furious, according to his staff.

He never raised his voice except in only one instance when the good Justice expressed his annoyance (but not against any of his staff). He showed his extreme concern for me. I remember a single moment when he was outraged when a lady magistrate he nominated (Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago) wittingly whispered to him: Maghinete na lang And he scolded me he stood up Not even CJ Davide can hold the candle that you and you are proud of horses, predictions and healing just put in your pleadings your honors, bar rating and the certificate-testimony of Dr. Jurilla!... I obeyed but I could not resist inscribing the prophecies. Desperate Attempt To Argue Against Destiny He ordered me to submit to him a draft of Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr.s memorandum duly signed by him instead of my NOTED prophetic pleadings. I first obeyed (December, 2002), and my counsel also wanted me not to inject predictions in my motions. But, later, I disobeyed their mandates. He later asked me: Pray very hard for the reappointment of Justice Marigomen so that you will have more allies . But I told him that my Gabays confided to me that it is only he whom they trusted. He promised (last two weeks; January, 2004) to pray for me in two [2] churches. He confirmed this, last week. He even clarified that the other church is the small chapel beside his house and that he will not build anymore another church; one church is enough, according to him. He sincerely prayed and did everything within his power to help me [my classmate (Tonette Brion, wife of a C.A. Justice) comforted and assured me per text messages]. She has the 666 on her forehead. Persistence and Determination Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; education will not; persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. [Calvin Coolodge]

His power of the pen saved my judicial career. I replied and succinctly conveyed him the message of the 5th 2003 Season: I asked the help of my classmate TONETTE Brion. I pleaded her to ask her husband, C.A. Justice Arturo D. Brion to call the JBC Member: Sana tapatin na talaga ako ni Justice Hermosisima kung hanggang kalian talaga ako I emotionally told her, that a lay minister seeing my situation will not crack a joke; he seriously knew and stated to me at point blank that I will not only wait for 2005 but I will not be reinstated this Christmas. Would a soft-spoken Jurist, a man of few words dare to utter those words of judgment? My classmate, Tonette Brion, wife of Labor Usec. Arturo D. Brion, said that he had been sincerely helping me but he has no direct authority over the case! I know! But I replied to Tonette: The Chief Justice (December, 2000) agreed to have granted me audience (per Justice Hermosisimas request) on the condition that I would tender my RESIGNATION. But because the mastermind knew that resignation meant I would be able to work (apply for a job, like his son at the PNB, earning more than P 40,000 a month), the granted audience did not push through. When the good Justice was elected YMCA President, Justice Arturo Brion talked to the former at the Manila Hotel; on November 27, 2004, 5:30 p.m., in his August Chamber, Justice Brion said: Bakit hindi pa idismiss na lang para makakuha ng trabho? ... Justice Brion also approached President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyos closest relative, Carlos de Leon and his wife, Erlinda Macapagal Bautista de Leon, both lawyers and special assistants to President Arroyo. Erlinda, who also holds the title of confidential secretary is a cousin of the President; her mother is the sister of former President Diosdado Macapagal. She is the Presidents liaison to the judiciary and is said to even visit some of the SC justices in their homes. Formerly, she was a court researcher for a judge in Pampanga. Before he was hired in Malacanang, Carlos, a former Quezon City fiscal, worked in the Supreme Court as assistant court administrator and was also a board member of the Philippine National Oil Company Exploration Corp.

In 2005, the couple endorsed Sandiganbayan Justice Diosdado Peralta to the Ombudsman to replace Simeon Marcelo. Their bet lost to Merceditas Gutierrez. Oo, maghihintay siya (Judge Floro) hanggang 2005! ... Judge Floro and Justice Hermosisma, Jr. literally shouted at each other, at 3:30 p.m. of February 10, 2006. Judge Floro denounced Justice Hermosisima, Jr.s having settled Judge Floros case upon request of Ponente, Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario, in view of the vengeance by 8 Supreme Court Justices who were medically operated due to Judge Floros predictions. Judge Floro cursed under Psalms 109 and 73, the entire family and offspring of Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. up to the 4th generation, staining their bloods with the lights of LUIS, Armand and Angel. Judge Floro created Hermosisima, Jr. WikiPedia Article: Regino C.

Judge Floro as former WikiPedia editor-user, created the Biography of this most powerful magistrate in Philippine history21. The Filipino Magistrate who Changed History From Banilad Cebu, and Basilan, Mindanao, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. is the only justice in the world who incarcerated the 15 accused who were already acquitted by final judgment by the Marcos Sandiganbayan, thereby making history in world criminal jurisprudence on double jeopardy. His ponencia is now 26 years old final and the 14 accused had been in jail for 26 years. They were only released on 2009 after suffering the punishment they do not deserve. --Florentino floro 15:54, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

WikiPedia, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.,_Jr.


2 Rare Handwritten and Signed Letters of Justice Hermosisima, Jr. These 2 letters are the only LETTERS handwritten by Justice Hermosisima,Jr.,and NONE can be found elsewhere, so I uploaded these to show the very elaborate handwriting and signature of this most powerful jurist. --Florentino floro (talk) 07:41, 8 December 2007 (UTC) Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; Associate Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court; In office - January 10, 1995 October 18, 1997; Appointed by - Fidel Ramos Regino Campos Hermosisima, Jr. (born October 18, 1927) of Banilad and Sibonga, Cebu, Philippines is the incumbent 4-termer regular member of the Judicial and Bar Council. Appointed on December 17, 1997 by Fidel Ramos, he was reappointed on September 12, 2001 and on October 4, 2005, and on July, 2009, by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Hermosisima, Jr. had initially been appointed to the Supreme Court as an Associate Justice on July 10, 1995 and retired on his 70th natal day on Oct. 18, 1997. Hermosisima, Jr. graduated Valedictorian at the Sibonga Elementary School (1933 1940) and Salutatorian at the Cebu Provincial High School (1940 1941). He earned his Associate of Arts and his law degree with cum laude from the University of Visayas (1948 1952). He passed the Bar Examinations in 1953 with a fair rating of 83.45%. Hermosisima, Jr. started his career as Law Professor, Criminal Law and Criminal Law Review at the University of Visayas, Cebu City. He taught Evidence at the Far Eastern University, Manila and Trial Technique and Moot Court at the San Sebastian College. He was a Bar Reviewer in Criminal Law at the University of Visayas and FEU, and Bar Examiner, Criminal Law, 1999 Bar Examination.


Hermosisima, Jr. attended post graduate studies of Program for Executive Development at the Development Academy of the Philippines (1975) and at the University of the Philippines Law Center, Institute and Seminars. Hermosisima, Jr. began his legal career in private law practice (1953; 1955 1966) by establishing the famous Hermosisima Law Offices at Cebu, Basilan City, and Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur. He was Technical Assistant in 1954 of the House of Representatives, Manila, City Councilor, Basilan City (1960 1963), Vice-Mayor, Basilan City (1963), Chairman, Eighth Amnesty Commission in 1973 at Mindanao (appointed by the then Secretary of Justice Vicente Abad Santos, while serving as CFI Judge of Basilan City). Hermosisima, Jr. rose from the ranks. He had 31 years in the judiciary, starting as trial judge (20 YEARS): Judge, Court of First Instance (1966 1976) Basilan City and Province. He was Judge, CFI of Cebu (1976 1979), Branches IX and XI; Judge, Circuit Criminal Court (1983 1986), Cebu City. Hermosisima, Jr. was appointed by Corazon Aquino as Sandiganbayan Justice (9 years) (May 16, 1986 July 18, 1995), and promoted as an Associate Justice on July 10, 1995 and retired on his 70th natal day on Oct. 18, 1997. He is incumbent Chairman of the Board of Trustees, University of Cebu. He was awarded a Medal of Honor as the most distinguished alumnus of the University of Visayas. Aquino-Galman Case On December 2, 1985, Justice Manuel Pamaran of the Sandiganbayan rendered judgment in Criminal Cases Nos. 10010-10011 acquitting all the 16 accused, who allegedly killed Benigno Aquino, Jr. However, the High Court nullified said proceedings and ordered a re-trial of the cases before the Sandiganbayan (Galman vs. Sandiganbayan, 144 SCRA 43). In his 177 pages decision dated September 28, 1990, Hermosisima, Jr.'s Sandiganbayan found the said accused guilty as principals of the crime of murder in both Criminal Cases Nos. 10010 and 10011, and he sentenced them to reclusion perpetua in each case.

The judgment became final after this Court denied petitioners petition for review of the Sandiganbayan decision for failure to show reversible error in the questioned decision, as well as their subsequent motion for reconsideration. In August 2004, the said accused asked the High Tribunal to reopen the case, but the last appeal was denied. On August 21, 2007, (Aquinos 24th death anniversary), Enrile stated that the case of the 14 soldiers incarcerated for 24 years now, due to the assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr. should be reviewed for clemency. Enrile paid for the legal services of the soldiers during their trial, and said the soldiers and their family have suffered enough. 15 soldiers of the Aviation Security Command were sentenced to double life imprisonment for the double murder of Aquino and his alleged lone communist gunman, Rolando Galman, and one of them had died. They were all acquitted on December 1985, by the Sandiganbayan' Manuel Pamaran, but the Sandiganbayan's Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., (promoted to Supreme Court Justice and incumbent 3 termer Judicial and Bar Council regular member) convicted them on Sept. 28, 1990. On the 24th Anniversary of the death of Benigno Aquino, Jr., Cory stated that she had forgiven the 14 incarcerated soldiers for the assassination of her husband but she would not ever nod to appeals for their release. On the other hand, Andres Narvasa stressed that there was no direct evidence linking Ferdinand Marcos and Fabian Ver to the murder. Narvasa further pleaded for the release of the 14 soldiers since they have suffered enough, and warned that Mrs. Aquino is not a vengeful person. November 22, 2007- After more than 21 years, Pablo Martinez, one of the convicts in the Aquino-Galman double murder case in 1983 was released from the National Bilibid Prisons after President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo pardoned him for humanitarian reasons. Martines stated: "Kung nakikinig man kayo Madam Cory Aquino patawarin ninyo ako sa nagawa kong pagkakasala noon." ("If you are listening Madame Cory Aquino, forgive me for the wrongdoings that I did before.") March 14, 2008- Former Cpl. 1st Class Mario Lazaga one of the 16 convicted soldiers died of hypertension at the National Bilibid Prisons (NBP) in Muntinlupa City.

Two other convicts had already died in detention since M/Sgt. Pablo Martinezs pardon. February 2009 - A1C Felizardo Taran and Sgt. Rolando de Guzman, whose sentences were commuted by former President Fidel V. Ramos and President Arroyo respectively, completed their prison terms and were released. March 4, 2009 - The remaining 10 convicts, Rogelio Moreno, Ruben Aquino, Arnulfo Artates, Romeo Bautista, Jesus Castro, Arnulfo De Mesa, Rodolfo Desolong, Claro Lat, Ernesto Mateo and Filomeno Miranda walked out of the National Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City Wednesday, more than two decades after they were found guilty of the Aug. 21, 1983 killings at the former Manila International Airport. On August 1, 2009, after one and a half year battle with colon cancer, the 76 year-old Aquino peacefully passed away at the Makati Medical Center at around 3:18 a.m. due to complications of cardiorespiratory arrest. Judicial and Bar Council On April, 2004, Hermosisima, Jr. was duly appointed Chair of The Change Management Committee's Technical Group, with the function of restructuring and strengthening of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) and the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA). On March 10, 2006, Hermosisima, Jr. delivered a brilliant speech on the Judicial and Bar Council STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONS PLANNING WORKSHOP at The PAN PACIFIC HOTEL, Adriatico, Manila. Likewise, he stated in his JBC message that the Council aims to nominate the "best and the brightest" among the applicants. In support, he cited Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., justice of the Supreme Court of the United States - (T)he
rectitude and the fairness in the way the courts operate must be manifest to the members of the community, particularly to those whose interests are affected by the exercise of their functions.

YMCA Hermosisima, Jr. was past President of the Councils of YMCA movements in Asia and Pacific countries and Territories and incumbent Member of Executive Committee, Standing Committees and Task Groups.

The term is for the Quadrennium: 2004-2007 and Member also of the CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS, YMCA. On November 27, 2005, the feast day of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Hermosisima, Jr. had been reelected national President of the YMCA, Philippines (established in 1911, 94 years ago). Hermosisima, Jr. was also: Past President, Philippine Columbian Association Past President, Rotary Club of Cebu Past President, Rotary Club of Basilan President, YMCA of Cebu Past President, Cebu Capitol Tennis Club Past President, Basilan JAYCEES Past President, Cebu Tennis Club Charter Member, Community Chest President, Parish Pastoral Council, St. Peter Parish, Quezon City; Special Minister of Holy Communion - Roman Catholic Lay Leader Hermosisima, Jr. wrote brilliant ponencias: Sombongh v. Court of Appeals, Atok Big Wedge Mining Company v. Intermediate Appellate Court, Catholic Bishop of Balanga v. Court of Appeals, Equatorial Realty Development Inc. v. Court of Appeals, Estate of Mariano San Pedro vs. Court of Appeals, GMRC, Inc., et al. v. Court of Appeals, Islamic Directorate of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, De Santos v. Hon. Angeles, Defensor-Santiago, et al. v. Comelec, inter alia. Family Hermosisima, Jr. lives at a small condominium at the Capitol Estates, Fairview, near the St. Peter Parish and Ever Gotesco, Fairview, Quezon City, and has a mansion in Cebu City, with large estates in Basilan, Mindanao. Papa Ino to his grandchildren Regino is married to Rosemary P. Navarro of Alaminos, Pangasinan, and Lamitan, Basilan Province. They were blessed by God with very good children: Atty. Marceliano Hermosisima, Assistant Vice-President, Trust Department, Philippine National Bank; Mr. Mario Hermosisima, businessman; Dr. Carol Hermosisima-Carabaa, Asst. City Health Officer, Zamboanga City.

Dr. Monalisa Hermosisima-Chua, Consultant Physician, Chong Hua Hospital, Cebu City; and Dr. Beverly Ann Hermosisima, Consultant Physician, Chong Hua Hospital, Cebu City.22 Confidential Letter of Judge Floro to SC Associate Justice Minita Viray-Chico Nazario: Death Warrant Re: February 10, 2006, 3:00 p.m., at the JBC chamber of (Ret.) Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR. Judge Floro reproduces the February 18, 2006 letterpleading he filed with Justice Nazario: Peace of Christ, the King of Peace! Mula po sa PUSO ko, nang malaman ko (noong Nobyembre, 2005) mula sa kapangyarihan ng aking mga GABAY, per J. SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, na kayo na po ang PONENTE (successor, of my PONENTES PARDO, 1999, then, AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, 2001, & CARPIO-MORALES, 2003), batid ko po, na IGINUHIT ng TADHANA na (gaya ng PANGAKO na aking GABAY, na si LUIS, na TINAKDA ng MAYKAPAL, na kayo ang nakaGUHIT na maging 15th Supreme Court Justice) kayo rin po ang NAPILI ng DYOS, na LUMAGDA at GUMUHIT ng aking KALAYAAN sa 6 na taong pagkakapiit ko sa napakadilim na SELDA ng SUSPENSYON (VENDETTA ni Justice VELASCO, JR., J. BENIPAYO, ATTY. TESIE SISON, at iba pa). [On July 2005, ISINUMPA ko po na "Huling Apak"' ko na iyon sa silid ni Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA,JR.; after more than 100 visits to his office and 3 at his house at Capitol View, Q.C.. I was so much INSULTED.

22 and_Death _murder_case


After begging for his MERCY, I asked him to TELL the TRUTH in writing to the Court, that Atty. Tesie C. Sison caused my suspension and Justice VELASCO,JR. continued to DELAY my case; Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA,JR. repeatedly asked me to PREDICT that J. VELASCO,JR. be APPOINTED S.C. Justice. After BEGGING, again for his KINDNESS, he refused to tell me the name of the PONENTE. Instead, he asked me to see Atty. Ting ANAMA; and the latter's wife, Atty. PEPAY ANAMA refused to tell me; hence, he asked me the INSULTING WORDS: "What had your GABAYS TOLD YOU?"; I LEFT HIS ROOM, and I CURSED the days I went to his Chambers and house; I asked my GABAY, and the latter promised me that soon I would know the PONENTE; CIRCA my November 5, 2005 birthday, I accidentally met J. SANDOVAL GUTIERREZ (when I filed a copy of my pleading at her 7th floor Office); I asked her to help me lift my suspension; she asked me who is the PONENTE, and I said, that I didn't know; she ordered a staff, Gemma Castillo, to open the computer, and I knew from the COMPASSIONATE JUSTICE that you had been assigned to be the FONENTE. that was about September-November, 2005; hence, I informed my ONLY COUNSEL that I trust (since my counsels of record are Atty. GREGORIO M. BATILLER. JR., and Atty. RENE A.V. SAGUISAG), Atty. Ma. Victoria TIMBANGKAYA (a 6th placer in the Bar Exams, the mother of your p.s. Atty. BIBING SOLIS, who was so concerned about me-my case; she is now a partnerassociate of my counsel of record in this case, Atty. RENE A.V. SAGUISAG); she TOLD me NEVER to ask for your audience, NEVER to go to your office, since my case would or might be UNLOADED, again; I HAD BEEN calling and asking for LEGAL ADVICE from
ATTY. TIMBANGKAYA, since about year 2003 until this date, and I called her almost every week, since then.]

February 9, Thursday, 2006: PHONE CALL


Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR. surprisingly CALLED me by phone, at Malolos, Bulacan. He wanted to personally talk to me. February 10, Friday, 2006: at his JBC Office DIRECT TO THE POINT: Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR. asked me, if I would like to know the PONENTE. I replied, NO; since, I told him that I leave the matter to GOD. SURPRISED, he pondered ... He INFORMED me that my case was UNLOADED. And quickly, I said: I know! SURPRISED again, he said: Minita Nazario is your PONENTE. Quickly, I said: I know! DISGUSTED, he said: "THERE WILL BE NO REINSTATEMENT!" And, being so much SURPRISED, I stopped him, and I asked: "E, di DISMISSED na po ako, kelan po ang Desisyon? SMILING, he replied: "NO! Not Dismissal J. NAZARIO will issue an ORDER, and you will have to CHOOSE between 3 proposals ... Let your lawyer ATTY. BATILLER, NOT ATTY. SAGUISAG, tell you ... J. NAZARIO will personally TALK to your lawyer, ATTY. BATILLER, then, the latter will tell you the 3 choices, and you will select by FILING your REPLY to the ORDER, and thereafter, only, J. NAZARIO will release the DECISION. CONFIDENTIAL ito, kasi, if CJ PANGANIBAN knows of this, mabalewala lahat ito, you know ..." POLITELY, I asked him: "I CANNOT UNDERSTAND; my lawyer, Atty. TIMBANGKAYA advised me to WAIT, and be patient!" SUDDENLY, Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA bursted in ANGER, scolded me: Ako lang kausap mo, bakit, sasali mo po ang iba, SUS! TAPATIN NYO PO AKO, WHY DO I HAVE TO SELECT, DI BA MAGBOBOTOHAN SILA, 14 na Justices, at DISMISSAL O REINSTATEMENT LANG, BAKIT MAY SELECTION PA, AT DELAY? I begged of him. VERY ANGRY, he said: "It was J. NAZARIO who opened this up, to me, yesterday ... she is very favorable to you, and the 3 proposals are in your favor!"

Justice Hermosisima explained to me. I replied: I cannot really understand... where is the Order ... and why will my lawyer have to go to the Office of J. NAZARIO? And when and where will I get the Order? Justice Hermosisima explained: Wait for the Order, then, your lawyer will tell you what J. NAZARIO would tell him, and after you SELECT, the DECISION would be released to you! SUMMATION: I LEFT his room, and again. I CURSED that day. He repeatedly told me that he has no power to reinstate me. And that I should predict VELASCOs appointment. I repeatedly BEGGED J. Hermosisima, TO INSTEAD, tell the TRUTH. All I begged of him. is that J. VELASCO. JR. should complete the records, NOT TO DELAY the completion of my case. P.S. I could not really understand why J. Hermosisima, Jr. should prolong my sufferings. (Sa kalagayan niya vis-a-vis sa akin, po, dapat, sana, ay, bilang JBC Member, hayaan na lang niya ang CORTE SUPREMA na hatulan ako. HINDI KO MAUNAWAAN KUNG BAKIT KAPAG NAKATALIKOD, IBA ANG KANIYANG GALAW, AT KAPAG KAHARAP AKO, IBA RIN ANG KANIYANG SINASABI. TALIWAS PO SA KATOTOHANAN. Ako po ay umuupa lang ng BAHAY at nanghihingi sa aking kapatid ng pangtustos, dahil, naubos na lahat ang aking pera dahil sa haba ng 6 1/2 taong suspension. MARAMI ang nakaABANG at nais na ang kaso ko ay TUMAGAL pa. Panalangin ko po, na DAHIL, it is the will of God, that you were DESTINED to be assigned for my case, to end my 6 1/2 years sufferings; I beg that, please, do not believe any of my detractors, that I am influencing the outcome of this case; PLEASE, never unload my case, there will be PRESSURES; and DESTINY will PREVAIL. Senator JOVITO SALONGA: He called me to give due course to my request to an audience.

Last month, I met him at his home at 8 Acacia St. Valle Verde III, Pasig. He told me that he sympathizes with my sufferings. But since 1995, CJ Panganiban, who calls him MENTOR (FEU Dean), INHIBITS in all his cases, and was "ETHICALLY CORRECT". He suggested that I should not mention his name in the pleadings, since, the C.J. would inhibit. Senator SALONGA, was the most BRILLIANT lawyer, I ever talked to. However, he FAILED to answer my question, twice: "MAY PUSO PO BA SILA?" (The 13 S.C. Justices). DOJ SEC. RAUL GONZALEZ: For one full hour on August 22, 2005, I talked to him (before I knew the PONENTE). I asked him to help me get an appointment with the President, so that I could transfer and have another job, due to my extreme financial difficulties. I came back last month, but, sad to say, he was quite antagonistic, and perhaps, my detractors talked against me. Justice Apolinario Bruselas: Upon his appointment to the CA, at Cebu, he promised me to bring the matter of my pleas to the Chief Justice. On January 11, 2006, when he had a chance, he pleaded my case. C.J. Panganiban said that he could not give an audience for me, but, he promised J. BRUSELAS, that, he would talk to the PONENTE so that my case would be EXPEDITED. SC Justice LEONARDO QUISUMBING: 1 l/2 hours cursed meeting, Jan. 24, 2006 UNEXPECTEDLY, he allowed me to be in his chambers. I thought that I would be discussing legal matters. But he was interested in my honors and 12th place in the bar since he was also 12th placer. He talked about Mr. Jaime T. Licauco and for 30 minutes, I replied to his query.

He asked on BUDDHA, SIDDHARTA's meditation vis-a-vis the ILLUSTROUS ONE, the void, and gap, the light. I told him only ONE THING: "AWA", "Parang AWA, nyo na PO", because, MERCY and COMPASSION are not accurate. I beg money from my brother, and they are DELAYING my case. Dean DE LOS ANGELES, ATENEO: VALENTINES DAY, February 14, 2006, S.C. JBC Panel interview of J. BENIPAYO. After I witnessed the PANEL INTERVIEW OF J. BENIPAYO (where all laughed, when the C.J. asked: You were nominated 5, 6 times, now 7th? And why were you not appointed? The Solicitor General is the 16th S.C. Justice, they say.) I then visited my waiting (to be interviewed) Prof. Dean De Los Angeles, beside, Presiding Justice TERESITA Leonardo-DE CASTRO. I TOLD HIM THAT J. BENIPAYO AND J. VELASCO DO NOT HAVE HEARTS. WALA PO SILANG PUSO ANYONE OF THE 14 applicants except them, except the 2! I repeated to my professor, HOW I FOUGHT and studied so hard in law school for 2nd HONORS, 12th place in the Bar Exams, and I obtained in 1981 the --HIGHEST 91% GRADE in CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW unbroken in 10 years by 10 Ateneo Law School Valedictorians! And all these are GONE, in 6 1/2 very long years! I felt the ease of PAIN, when J. De Castro did comment, that she read my pleadings, and that they were written well, according to her. I ASKED her, if she received my healing oil, and I told her that my classmate Jay Flaminiano appears before her in the Erap case. SUMMATION II: 'THERE WILL BE NO REINSTATEMENT!" February 10, Friday, 2006: At his JBC Office HINDI PO ako makapaniwala na: kapag kaharap ko si Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR., since 1999, until July, 2005, when I cursed that day, parang SINCERE po siyang tulungan ako at SABIHIN ang KATOTOHANAN.

Subalit, kapag NAKATALIKOD, iba na ang kaniyang pananaw! The following words summarize this man: "Don Miguel, ang BUWAYA, kahit magNOVENA BUWAYA pa rin!" (The immortal lines of RONALD ALLAN KELLY POE, FPJ, in a movie; his reply to the long sermon of Eddie Garcia). LUIS final message to Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.: You will reget it! A brilliant and highly respected jurist, Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. has had 43 years of service in the judiciary. The Sandiganbayan, composed of Justices Regino C. Hermosisima Jr., Jose S. Balajadia and Cipriano A. del Rosario, conducted full-blown trials in which the accused were given all the opportunity to present witnesses, including forensic experts of their choice. A panel of no-nonsense trial lawyers, including Rodolfo U. Jimenez, represented them. The 177-page decision, dated Sept. 28, 1990 and written by Justice Hermosisima, dissected this Galman-didit defense but chose to believe the expert forensic testimonies of Dr. Pedro Solis, Dr. Ceferino Cunanan and others as well as the many credible eyewitnesses who testified that CIC Rogelio B. Moreno (who was behind Ninoy Aquino on the ramp stairway) pulled the trigger. In judicial history of this planet earth, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. becomes the sole magistrate who broke the sacred Constitutional rule of double jeopardy. Known in legal circles, as the most pious corrupt SC Justice and JBC Member who washes his sins by donning the Lay Minister sacred vestments Sundays, Hermosisima, Jr. forgot that there is only one mortal sin that cannot and will never be forgiven on earth and in any other dimension: burying the truth. Because of following the orders of Corazon Cojuanco Aquino and Doy Laurel, inter alia, Hermosisima, Jr. incarcerated the acquitted innocent Aquino-Galman accused.


The reward was ominous: Regino was appointed Supreme Court Justice and 4 times JBC Member, becoming the most powerful magistrate, ever, in Philippine history. Facing Judge Floro and LUIS - the Angel of Death, Annihilator and Destroyer - Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., with bated breath, gazes at the stains on the bloods of his offspring up to the 4th generation. Regino faces No Exit from a slow and painful death of his loved ones, as Cory and Doy direly suffered metastasis.+


III. Memorandum - Timeline of dire Prophecies of LUIS, Mortis Angelus, King of kings of Elementals, the Annihilator Ultimate VIOLET Lights, Per Judge Florentino V. Floro (April 7, 2006 to November 5, 2011); Related Lawsuits and Unexplained, Dire Incidents: Dying is Fun; Dwarf Supremacy; Aftermath and Unusual Circumstances: 5 Court Mystic Fires, Series of Car Accidents, Illnesses (Cancer, Massive Strokes), Surgeries, Horrible, Slow and Painful Deaths, and Suicides of Philippine Jurists Loved Ones; Stain in their bloods up to the 4th Generation.


Injustice in this world 1 So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter. 2 Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead, more than the living which are yet alive. 3 Yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 4:1-3) All Is Vanity 1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 3 What profit hath a man of all his labor which he taketh under the sun? (Ecclesiastes 1: 1-3) The Inequalities of Life 10 And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done: this is also vanity. 11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. 12 Though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: 13 but it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God. (Ecclesiastes 8: 10-13) 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14)

Amen, Jesus [14] And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; [15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. [17] Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: [18] I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. [19] As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. [20] Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. [21] To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. [22] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. (Rev.3:14-22) A Time for Everything 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 7 a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: xxx. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-20)


Coincidence or Pre-Cognition (Pre-destined Events) ? When Judge Floro shouted at and warned Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.23 (on February 10, 2006), regarding the dire events (foretold by LUIS) that would be fulfilled upon the release of the world-famous Psychosis decision, skeptics, agnostics and the most powerful in the judiciary never ever imagined the devastating consequences of LUIS vendetta per his sole and ultimate Violet lights. Some quotations ...The essence of prediction is pain, and the ultimate goal of prophecy is its final injunction. - Florentino Floro, the Philippine Angel of Death ...From obscurity, my name and the three mystic dwarves became immortal. xxx Truth is the greatest bomb. I failed to find kindness in my own country! I suffered the 7 years longest suspension in world judicial history because of a "Mortal Sin": the refusal of an incumbent magistrate to tell the truth to this Court. I asked for justice but I was instead paid equity. However, I found kindness and sympathy from the far, far other side of the earth: from the hearts - of more than 1,000 bloggers 5,000 forum members / users and more than 100 international journalists' reports/wires, headlines or articles (unprecedented in the chronicles of the earth) - that made me and these 3 holy angels / "spirit guides," immortal in the indelible memory of world history. - Florentino Floro (October 30, 2006 2nd Appeal) I will devote my entire life, Fridays, until my last breath, towards the fulfillment, execution, and coming to pass of this curse.


WikiPedia, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.


With absolute faith in LUIS, Armand and Angel -Angels of God, I will fulfill my destiny: spell and karma upon them, all their loved ones, up to the 4th generation. - Florentino Floro, Psychotic judge enlists help of dwarf-friends vs SC," 11/03/2006 ...August 7, 2003 - Dear Jun, Thank you very much for the dinner you hosted in my honor. It was a very touching gesture that Tonette and I will always remember. (Justice Arturo D. Brion). Thank you, Judge Jun, Good luck! - Tonette (Antonietta C. Articona Brion), Manila Polo Club. Art says see him thursday april 1 p.m. he believes your case will be resolved in 3 months. (SMS, TXT message of Tonette - Antonietta C. Articona Brion to Florentino Floro, March 9, 2004, 16:21:21 to 0916-5766247 - Florentino Floro Mobile phone). ..."LUIS and Armand, wearing light yellow and green bonitos (dwarf's hat-Bonnet-Headgear), Angel, and others, appeared to me on March 1, First Friday, 5:00 - 5:25 a.m. The reason that they did appear is that their power to be invisible was destroyed by my power. Message: 'Just call our names and whistle 3x.' They will never abandon me. Need for material things, LUIS prevented ... Armand - stone - diamond ... Blanco. I saw 3 wooden boxes, the paper contents - taken out - the boxes taken from me - but the paper, I put in my drawers. - Judge Floro, the Angel of Death A Time for Everything 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

7 a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: The Injustice of Life 16 And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there. 17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. 20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-20) Vitriol and invective stain Philippine judicial history, but falsehoods, half-truths and innuendo now spread with the speed of light across the corridors of power and the Halls of Justices - the din drowning out the country's bulwark of democracy. Countless corruption deals have taken on the judicial department from the Municipal Trial Courts to the Supreme Court, claiming - falsely - that Courts are temples of justice amid the darkest hours in a nation that has not yet tasted Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban's "Liberty and Prosperity." "The environment is much more extreme today because of the level of court personnel and officers' involvement, the level of incivility among both the lowest aide to the very corridors of power in Padre Faura, Manila," said LUIS, the King of kings of elemental, a mystic dwarf with sole ultimate Violet lights. At the same time, a series of unfortunate incidents have befallen the supreme court justices or their families, including serious illnesses and car accidents," the American Bar Association (ABA), an 1878 voluntary bar association of 410,000 members, lawyers and law students, with national headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, with a significant branch office in Washington, D.C., in its Jounal, said.

"Floro says the person to blame for the mishaps is one of the elves, 'Luis,' a 'King of kings' who is an avenger. He told the newspaper that the elves help him predict the future, but he has never consulted them when issuing judicial decisions," the ABA added. In an interview, on August, 2006, by The Standard, Hong Kong's first English and free newspaper, the main local competitor of the South China Morning Post, journalist Sam Chambers met Judge Floro at the famous Hobbit Bar on Mabini St, in Malate, Manila, amid a bottle of Australian shiraz. "One such blogger described Florentino as a Filipino X-Man for his efforts to rid the country's judiciary of corruption. However, Florentino admits to having a darker mission, avenging those who corrupt the legal system. This has led him to be dubbed an angel of death, a description he does not dispute," wrote Chambers of The Standard. "Eight Justices who Florentino has deemed corrupt have all been struck with serious illnesses, three of them dying. He has, he confesses, been psychically "inflicting illnesses" upon his tormentors, even going so far as to ensure one of them gave birth to a child with epilepsy," Chambers added. In a special interview, on August, 2007, by The Wall Street Journal, an English-language international daily newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company (acquired by News Corp) in New York City with a worldwide daily circulation of more than 2 million, and with approximately 931,000 paying online subscribers, as of 2007, journalist James Hookway, on September 17, 2007, wrote that "Mr. Floro, 54 years old, has become a media celebrity; he is now wielding his new clout to campaign for the return of his job -and exact vengeance on the Supreme Court of the Philippines." Mr. Hookway explained that Judge Floro become a regular on Philippine television.

"They say your show will be taken off the air if you don't feature me more often, Mr. Floro's told one interviewer. Even so, a series of dire incidents appear to have the nation's top jurists rattled; according to local newspaper reports, a mysterious fire destroyed the high court's crest in its session hall on January 16, 2007. And a number of members of the court and their close family members have developed serious illnesses or have fallen victim to car accidents," Mr. Hookway added. Judge FLORO graduated Full Second Honors, Ateneo de Manila University and Ateneo Law School, 87.55%, placed 12th in the 1983 Bar Exams (21.3% passed, one of the hardest in history). His 91% criminal law review ATENEO grade by Dean Antonio L. Gregorio was the 1978-85 unbroken record, not duplicated by the 10 Ateneo Valedictorians. His 86% in Taxation and 96% in Labor Law stand until today amid the literal weeping and crying of 70% Ateneo, UP and San Beda 1983 Bar Flunkers. No Supreme Court Justice from 1901 until 2010 can ever, ever hold the candle that Judge Floro did lit and used to burn per LUIS ultimate Violet lights, the 5 mystic and corrupt courts in 2007. Judge Floro lost all these, was and is jobless Judge in a pretend world from July 20, 1999 until 2011, since LUIS decided that Judge Floro would be jobless, without work, trabaho, occupation, business and visible means of support. This is the only way that Judge Floro could have traveled to LUIS Kingdom of Peace of Christ through Mary, to experience with ecstatic joy and serenity, the 38 Visions of the Holy Eucharist, Black Nazarene, Our Lady of Fatima and Lourdes, the Blue Madonna, including LUIS Enchanted Kingdom at Osaka, Japan, Jupiter and Bulacan. As youngest RTC, NCJR, judge at the age of 45, appointed on November 4 / 5, 1998, he applied on with the JBC on his birthday on November 5, 1997.

Judge Floro holds the JBC record of having been nominated with only 5 votes (C.J. Narvasa broke the tie.) amid the literal paglulupasay on the floor, by JBC 3-termer Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison who suffered the 1996 massive stroke due to Judge Floros September 17, 2010 predictions. The JBC En Banc reconsidered with finality, by dismissing for lack of merit the psychological and psychiatric tests by the Supreme Court Medical Clinic. It confirmed the validity of the Makati Medical Centers psychiatrists / psychologists evaluation reports of Judge Floros mental fitness (Dr. Eduardo Jurilla+, Dr. Pacita Salceda and Dr. Ma. Therasa Villasor, Ph. D.). Judge Floro accurately predicted the CA and SC Justice appointment of his classmates (Tonette) Brions husband Arturo Brion, who could not be appointed due to several oppositions. In exchange, Justice Arturo and Tonette Brion gave Judge Floro 2 cards which indubitably showed their respect and gratitude to Judge Floros prediction. Further, both spouses personally promised Judge Floro, that his case would be decided on 2004. Here is the evidence: March 29, 2004: 16:59:21 0918-9412923 (old SIM-cel phone number of Antonietta ArticonaTonette Brion) Art says see him thusday april 1 p.m. he believes your case will be resolved in 3 months. (Tonette Brion). However, Tonette pressured Judge Floro to conduct Spanish card reading (to detect if Justice Brion was involved in girls gallivanting). Judge Floro begged Tonette but she insisted. This matter caused her to have traveled away to Ontario, Canada. And Justice Brion was so angry that he told Judge Floro, at point blank: Nakakarating na kay Justice Corona ang mga predictions mo, galit sa iyo!

Judge Floro wondered how their marital problems would cause the formers sufferings and eventual separation from service, including the loss of his only ancestral house and lot at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, where LUIS, Armand and Angel did establish their Golden Castle on June 2, 1983. Despite all these dire events, both spouses Brions gave Judge Floro, the December, 2006 personalized Christmas card duly signed by them. Such card was returned by Judge Floro to the cursed Supeme Court of the Philippines. Even if Judge Floros appeals were expunged from the records, God and his 3 unseen Gabays had, at all times, been on his side. The Broken Gavel is Omen and Dire Prophecy of Judge Floro against Senator Francis "Kiko" Pangilinan and loved ones On June 17, 2004, Pangilinans broken gavel was published in the Daily Tribune, which states: "But without any proof of the unjustified cause for delay, there is no impeachable offense," Pangilinan said. Meanwhile, Floro also asked the Supreme Court to nullify the JBCs nomination of Solicitor General Alfredo Benipayo to the "short list" of SC candidates. He cited as grounds for his request the disbarment case he filed against Benipayo, whom he alleged is lacking in integrity. According to Floro, Benipayo is corrupt and psychologically and mentally unfit to be in the high tribunal. Benipayo, as former court administrator, was the one who recommended the indefinite preventive suspension of Floro for various offenses, including predicting former President Joseph Estradas downfall and illnesses among his staff, believing in dwarves and the "angel of death" and for wearing dark blue robes instead of the traditional black robes worn by judges. (Vide: Floros Court Intervention of Judge Floro in G.R. No. 163556, Davao City Rep. Ruy Elias Lopez vs. Senate of the Philippines, and Court Intervention of Judge Floro in G. R. No. 163783, Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr. vs. Joint Committee of Congress).

Because of the curse, Sen. Pangilinan miserably failed to have been anointed 2009-2010 VP Candidate by the Liberal Party. Sen. Pangilinan as ex-officio JBC Member threw in the waste can, all LUIS and Judge Floro bended knees appeals for justice and for work, job and trabajo. Sweet vengeance is defined as the black failure of Sen. Pangilinan to clinch the necessary votes to make him Senate President amid the greatest anger of Mrs. Sharon Pangilinan against all her Artista-Friends detractors. Floro cursed the Vice-Presidency of Noli De Castro vis-vis KPM spokesperson Francisco Isko Catibayan III. About March, 2004, Judge Floro and Francisco Isko Catibayan III met several times at Noli De Castros EDSA Headquarters and at Jollibee, personally, by SMS or text messages, including emails, later on. Floro fought for Noli, but after being sworn to office, Vice President Noli de Castro and Isko Catibayan miserably failed to fulfil the latters promise to give a DSWD post to Floro after the elections. Tons of enemies, detractors and persecutors of Floro blocked any and all attempts to grant, bestow and give Floro job, work and trabajo. Shortchanged, the deities fired and flashed the Violet lights of mystic curse upon the political fates of Noli and Isko. Noli de Castros political ratings plummeted fom No. 1 to Zero prior to the 2010 election campaigns surveys. In the FPJ disqualification case, Floro intervened for FPJ, the nations true and real 14th President who was cheated but failed to prove the evil due to his death and burial of truth by the 666 jurists. In the aftermath of the celebrated case (EN BANC - [G.R. No. 161434. March 3, 2004] MARIA JEANETTE C. TECSON and FELIX B. DESIDERIO, JR., petitioners, vs. The COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, RONALD ALLAN KELLY POE (a.k.a. FERNANDO POE, JR.) and VICTORINO X. FORNIER], on September 28, 2007, 8:30 p.m, Senior Superintendent Francisco Uyami, Pasig police chief stated that Lawyer Maria Tecson, 40, was found dead. She was (in a state of rigor mortis) inside room 204 at the Richmond Hotel, San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City (with her throat slit and with cuts on her wrist).

Maria Jeanette Tecson, Zoilo Velez (promoted to Court of Appeals Justice) and Victorino Fornier filed the disqualification case against Fernando Poe, Jr. She claimed Poe was born out of wedlock and that while Poe's birth certificate was dated 1939, his parents Allan Poe and American mother Bessie Kelly did not marry until 1940. To date there is no evidence or any reason to believe that Poe or his supporters may have personal vendetta that could have led to the sudden demise of Tecson. SWS survey: Lawyers say judiciary more corrupt First posted 08:31am (Mla time) Jan 26, 2005 - By Donna Pazzibugan "MORE lawyers nowadays complain of corruption in the judicial system compared to 10 years ago, according to the Social Weather Stations. One out of two lawyers knows of a trial judge in their city or province who has taken a bribe but they did not report it because they could not prove it, said the SWS. In a briefing among lawyers Tuesday night, SWS president Mahar Mangahas said the perception of corruption in the various courts -- from the municipal trial courts all the way up to the Supreme Court -- has risen among lawyers in the last 10 years. "Our lawyers are more critical now than before," Mangahas told the lawyers as he presented the survey findings for the first time. The SWS polled 889 trial judges -- or 61 percent of all trial judges in the country -and 400 lawyers from November 2003 to July 2004 to get their perceptions on various aspects of the judicial system. The last such survey was undertaken by SWS from 1994 to 1996. "Corruption remains a major problem," the SWS said in a press statement." As in 1995, one-fourth of present lawyers say that many or very many judges are corrupt. Although half or 49 percent say they know a case in their own city or province where a judge took a bribe, only 8 percent said they reported the bribery. The main excuse of those who kept silent is that they could not prove it," the SWS said.

Among judges, only 7 percent said that many or very many judges were corrupt.The SWS said the judges' perception of the extent of corruption among court personnel was the same as in 1996. "What has increased is the proportion of judges seeing many lawyers as corrupt," it said. Mangahas said the survey showed that corruption "remains a serious problem in the judicial system but it is not cultural. "They're saying there's nothing to be done about (corruption) but it's not accepted. There's still the idealism," he said."24 St. Paul teaches If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? Who will bring a charge against God's chosen ones? It is God who acquits us. Who will condemn? It is Christ (Jesus) who died, rather, was raised, who also is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? As it is written: "For your sake we are being slain all the day; we are looked upon as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. [Romans 8: 31-39].



In full mystic trance (this sacred, spiritual and religious Gift is below the ecstasy of the saints, and is not the psychic trance which is so low and imperfect), Judge Floro received the divine message of LUIS, Gods Angel of Death. As white and holy Angel of God, he asked the Supreme Court to re-open Judge Floros case on 2006, 2007 and 2008, to reinstate Judge Floro on the following additional or supplemental religious, legal, constitutional and extraordinary GROUNDS: HYPOCRISY: The BITTERNESS, BETWEEN JBC MEMBERS JUSTICE REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR. AND ATTY. TERESITA CRUZ-SISON IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF JUDGE FLOROS 7 YEARS SUSPENSION SUFFERINGS. JUDGE FLORO BLAMES JUSTICE JR.S UNJUST, IMMORAL AND BURRIAL OF THE TRUTH THAT SEPARATION FROM SERVICE. THIS AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT EVEN AFTER HIS DEATH. HERMOSISIMA, PERSECUTORY CAUSED HIS PRESUMPTION BE PARDONED

JUSTICE HERMOSISIMA, JR. KNEW THAT IT WAS JUDGE FLOROS 1995 PREDICTION OF ATTY. TERESITA CRUZ- SISONS 1996 MASSIVE STROKE WHICH CAUSED THE LONGEST SUSPENSION IN JUDICIAL HISTORY. More specifically, what sins offend the Holy Spirit? There are 6 sins that offend the Holy Spirit. These are: xxx Impugning the known truth (Clarification: To "impugn" the known truth means to attack it by word or argument, to resist it, to contradict it, or even to oppose the known truth or to challenge it as false.) [John Paul II, DeV 46] Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss." ON FEBRUARY 10, 2006, JUSTICE HERMOSISIMA, JR. CALLED JUDGE FLORO IN HIS JBC CHAMBERS (3 PM).


HE TOLD JUDGE FLORO THAT IT WAS JUSTICE NAZARIO WHO APPROACHED HIM (AT A DINNER, WHICH FACT WAS CONFIRMED BY JUSTICE NAZARIO, THROUGH HER PRIVATE SECRETARY, ATTY. PROVIDENCIA TIMBANGKAYA). JUSTICE NAZARIO IS FAVORABLE TO YOU! HE SAID. AT THAT POINT, JUDGE FLORO SHOUTED AT HIM, AND DEMANDED THAT HE SHOULD INFORM THE COURT IN WRITING, THAT JUDGE FLORO WAS SUSPENDED BECAUSE OF THE PREDICTION OF ATTY. TERESITA C. SISONS 1996 MASSIVE STROKE, HER VENGEANCE. Eraps Downfall Predicted Judge FLORO was suspended for predicting in writing the downfall of ERAP as the 13th unlucky President, on Good Friday, 1998. His ouster on January 20, 2001, resulted in PGMAS enthronement, and indirectly, the consequential appointment of the present incumbent and retired PGMA appointed Supreme Court Justices. By filing 7 Verified Oppositions to Justice Benipayos 7 applications and nominations, Judge Floro traveled to 7 Philippine tourist spots on 7 First Fridays, to predict the DISAPPOINTMENT of Justice Benipayo who signed his 7 years longest suspension due to the Order of Atty. T. C. Sison. Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario, in her cursed Decision, wrote: "Based on the foregoing, the OCA, thru Justice Ramirez, reported that: Upon the testimony of his own witnesses, Drs. Eduardo T. Maaba, Ma. Nieves Celeste and Eduardo L. Jurilla, respondent Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. is unfit because of insanity to remain in office as Judge of the Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Malabon, Metro Manila, Branch 73. It is weird for respondent Judge to state in one of his pleadings in this case that President Estrada would not finish his term as President.

It is unusual and queer of him to state in his calling card that he is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila, second honors, bar topnotcher with a grade of 87.55% and include in his address the name Colonel Reynaldo Cabauatan who was involved in a coup detat attempt. So is it strange of him to make use of his alleged psychic powers in writing decisions in the cases assigned to his court. xxx So is he who gets into a trance while presiding at the hearing of a case in court. One need not be a doctor of medicine, a psychiatrist and a psychologist to determine and conclude that a person in such circumstances is mentally unfit or insane and should not be allowed to continue discharging the duties and functions of a judge. The life, liberty and property of the litigants in the court presided by such judge are in his hands. Hence, it is imperative that he is free from doubt as to his mental capacity and condition to continue discharging the functions of his office. RECOMMENDATION WHEREFORE, it is respectfully recommended that by reason of insanity which renders him incapable and unfit to perform the duties and functions of Judge of the Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Malabon, Metro Manila, Branch 73, respondent Florentino V. Floro, Jr. be REMOVED and DISMISSED from such office."25 June 3, 1983 - June 3, 2008: The Saga Exactly 25 years from the the night that LUIS and Armand first appeared to Floro's brother Robert, destiny's mighty pen allowed the Supreme Court of the Philippines, En banc, to promulgate the dire and horrible Per curiam decision (resolution) on June 3, 2008, per landmark expungement, burrying of the truth in the graveyard of the Justices towards immortality. Floro's April 4, 2008 final appeal was expunged from the records.


Floro stresses that it was his 1978-1982 classmateseatmate, Tonette Brions spouse, SC Arturo D. Brions signature which became the last nail upon Floros judicial coffin and career. As if that is not enough, Arturo D. Brion dismissed Judge Floros 350 pages Complaint against Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz on October, 2008, depriving Judge Floro of his very own ancestral house and lot. The 12 Justices (3 on leave), including SC Justice Arturo D. Brion (the husband of Judge Floros 4 years Ateneo Law School cursed classmate-seatmate, Tonette Brion, who, in 2002 was healed by Judge Floro, who even predicted the CA and Supreme Court appointment of Justice Brion) denied Floro's "bended knees" pleas to enthrone the Holy Eucharist and consecrate the entire nation and judiciary to Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of Fatima as Pope John Paul II did for Russia. 5 Mystic Fires and Malabon Curse After the April 7, 2006 release of the dwarf judgement, LUIS burned the logo and seal of the Supreme Court and Comelec, respectively. LUIS curse displayed Judge Floros ruthless thirst for vengeance: Malabon RTC, Judge Rosas Reyes died of cancer and Judge Benjamin Antonio forcibly retired due to permanent total disability (destruction of ear drums; they are the 2 Judges beside and in front of the sala of Judge Floro). "The fire (January 15, 2007) gutted the Supreme Court en banc session hall, with the flames reaching the ceiling and perimeter wall. The Court logo was halved by fire. It started when we were having a meeting. The smoke came from one of the conference rooms. Thick smoke billowed out of the third floor of the main building, said Chief Justice Reynato Puno. On July 22, 2000, one year and two days after Judge Floro was suspended, the Catmon, Malabon City Halls of Justice was burned, destroying 5 million pesos worth of court properties. The one hour dawn fire reached 5th alarm and fully destroyed the Fiscal's and Clerk of Court's Offices, the court salas, offices of Judges, canteen and stockroom, except Judge Floro's mystic court.

According to Mr. Hookway, enough bizarre events came to pass that in July, 2007 the Supreme Court issued an en banc resolution warning Judge Floro to stop in his threats of "ungodly reprisal." Judge Floro told Mr. Hookway that he is not suffering from psychosis, and that he's not to blame for the dire disasters. "He points the finger squarely at 'king of kings' elf Luis, who Mr. Floro says is bent on cleaning up what he says is the Philippines' corrupt legal system, and who had taken vengeance. During the court hearing, Mr. Floro revealed that Luis predicted that then-Philippine President Joseph Estrada would be ousted from office. Mr. Estrada was forced from power by a popular revolt two years later in 2001 and was sentenced last week to life in prison for corruption," Mr. Hookway elaborated. The third mystic fire also halved the Commission on Elections's seal on March 12, 2007. The fourth fire almost obliterated the entire fourth floor of the Philippine Court of Appeals on July 26, 2007, eating the entire office of CA Justice Edgardo Sundiam, who later on died of extreme pain due to organ failures on February 3, 2008, a year after Justice Sundiam denied Judge Floros CA Writ of Amparo Petition. The fifth mystic fire burned the Muntinlupa City halls and Metropolitan Trial Court on August 4, 2007. These 5 courts are the most corrupt, ever. Historic and Mystic Details Fiery Justice: November 3-5, 2006 Imprecation-Curse (Psalms 109 & 73) of the 3 Mystic Dwarves-Angels LUIS, Armand & Angel a Milestone in Philippine Mystic and Healing Judge Floros Vendetta against evil-666 4:20 p.m. Monday, January 15, 2007. 24 hours after Mr. Hilario G. Davide, Jr. was illegally sworn as Ambassador to the UN without Senate Commission on Appointments confirmation, after he was twice bypassed and rebuffed.

This is the first time that the high court's session hall had caught fire since 1901. [The Supreme Court of the Philippines was officially established on June 11, 1901 through the passage of Act No. 136, otherwise known as the Judiciary Law of the Second Philippine Commission.] 26 DIRE PROPHECY OF DEATH AND ILLNESSES BY JUDGE FLORO THE VENDETTA, OMEN: The Supreme Court LOGO cut into equal HALVES GMA News Channel 7 24 Oras-Saksi and Channel 2 TV Patrol-Bandila vividly portrayed the (almost stampede) rushing of all staffs, employees and 14 Supreme Court Justices from the 7th Floor to the ground floor towards the park area, screaming, shouting and utterly nervous; Channel 7 Saksi focused on Supreme Court Justice Minita VirayChico Nazario, ponente of Judge Floros April 7, 2006 psychosis decision, beside the trembling Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, while the firemen were destroying the highest glass windows of the new Supreme Court Building. Philippine Star Metro page 18 news, showed the pictures of the Supreme Court Logo cut into equal Halves, thereby depicting the New Testaments landmark moment of Christs 3 p.m. death on the cross resulting to the breaking of the Ark of the Covenant or 2 Moses 10 commandments stones, breaking or splitting to halves, also. About 2:30 p.m., January 16, Tuesday, 2007, Info was received that a) Chief Security or Maintenance Officer and b) an Officer of a Supreme Court Justice (instructed by the Justice) plus 2-3 employees marched as early birds to approach the Oracle of Delphi.

A Brief History of the Supreme Court


The new Oracle or a false prophet, Geno Guinintuan, who collects sums from gullible clients, is beside the Gods of Fauras Court to listen to the Court employees, specifically to determine if the mystic dwarfs caused the mind-boggling ignition or sparking of lights that pierced the most important tabernacle of the Court, the Supreme Court logo, cut into equal halves. Judge Floro filed at around 2:00 p.m. his one-page handwritten 4th Appeal for Reinstatement based on the unprecedented mystic court fire. Surprisingly, 2 wellinstructed Supreme Court security guards booked and questioned Judge Floro for interrogation and questioning (light only). Candidly, Judge Floro replied that he never predicted the FIRE since it was the long-delayed 2001 birthday-gift of LUIS (for Judge Floros November 5, 2002 birthday, at that time; Judge Floro asked LUIS to block Investigator (Ret.) Justice Pedro Ramirezs heart vessels at a hearing; and his brother Robert said that LUIS would timely cause Justice Ramirezs heart attack which did happen on September, 2002, when he was rushed almost dead at St. Lukes hospital; Robert Floro, the ward of LUIS, Armand and Angel, predicted and said that LUIS gift to Judge Floro is that LUIS will burn the Supreme Court main building, session hall, but Judge Floro pleaded for modification to spare his records or Rollo. LUIS granted Judge Floros plea, hence, the mystic fire. Trio Merciless Deaths and another Loved Ones of the Most Powerful Slow and Painful death, dire pains LUIS annihilated by most painful deaths, 2 parents of 2 Philippine Chief Justices Hilario Davide, Sr. and Narcisa Puno (mothers of Chief Justice Davide, Jr. and Chief Justice Puno). As triangular curse, LUIS, as Angel of Death, caused the most painful heart surgery of Luzviminda D. Puno, wife of Chief Justice Puno. Edon Brion, father of SC Justice Arturo died also died in extreme pain, later.

All the 3 + 1 loved ones died of merciless pains, suffering blocking of their merciless hearts, as LUIS repeatedly asked: May puso ba sila? (Are they heartless?). Edon Brion, father of SC Justice Brion also died on November 2007 amid 5 times jumping of joy by Judge Floro. Timeline This Timeline - Philippine Dire Events (April 7, 2006 - 2010) is a chronology of dates and mystic events, fully documented by Philippine media outlets that includes disasters, accidents, suicides, deaths and dire illnesses, which were all foretold by Judge Floro (in writing, inserted in court pleadings and published on his blogs, e-forums and internet links-Urls). * April 12, 2006 - Philippine Chief Justice's wife Atty. Luzviminda Delgado Puno's died of heart surgery, at St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City * August 5, 2006 Lirio "Lily" Bautista Victorino died of most painful cancer death (wife of Judicial and Bar Council Member Justice Raoul Victorino;, Church concert features PPO and Bautista Philippine Daily Inquirer, August 6, 2006) * June 17, 2006 - The father of Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr., Hilario P. Davide Sr., died, after sufferings, lingering illnesses (Jose, a lawyer-engineer, and Jorge, a doctor in soil, both died in 2004) [On February 2006 and April 7 2006, SC Justice Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez (whose husband NBI Dep. Director Diego Gutierrez died of lung cancer on 2002) and SC Finance CEO Lilian Co suffered gall bladder surgery]. * November 11, 2006 James Bersamin, Provincial Board of Abra, cousin of Congressman LUIS Bersamin was shot dead by two men. LUIS, Armand and Angel, 3 Angels-Dwarves: LUIS, Lucas and James Bersamin Dire OMEN


Filipino legislator gunned down Police have launched a massive hunt for the killer - A Philippines' congressman and his bodyguards have been shot dead as they left a wedding near the capital Manila. Luis Bersamin from northern Abra province was shot twice in the head at point blank range by a man who then escaped on a motorcycle. Mr Bersamin, 62, a vice chairman of political committees on dangerous drugs and trade and industry, had been attending his niece's wedding. Solon shot dead at church - Aide also killed in brazen attack By Philip Tubeza, Nancy C. Carvajal, Inquirer, Last updated 01:34am (Mla time), 12/17/2006 ABRA Rep. Luis Bersamin Jr. and his police bodyguard were shot dead by two gunmen yesterday after the lawmaker attended a nieces wedding at Mt. Carmel Church in New Manila, Quezon City. The 62year-old Bersamin, a member of President MacapagalArroyos party (Kampi), had just left the church on Doa Juana Rodriguez Avenue and was walking back to his car when attacked. CA (now SC) Justice Lucas Bersamin, the lawmakers younger brother, declined a TV crews request for comment. Bersamins murder came more than a month after a relative, Abra provincial board member James Bersamin, 66, was shot dead in the capital Bangued. Family members said the lawmaker had just stood as a sponsor at the marriage of his niece Pia, daughter of Justice Bersamin, to Nio Embuscado and was on his way to the reception when he was gunned down at around 5:25 p.m. It was the recessional and everyone was going out of the church when we heard gunshots, said Alvin Salonga, a guest at the wedding. Judge Floro met Judge Apolinario Bruselas, as PJA 2nd highest officer, on 2004.

As RTC Judge of Quezon City, Philippines, the latter apologized to Judge Floro per text message, on Judge, now Justice Romeo F. Barzas humiliation of Judge Floro. The latter prayed for and predicted the appointment to the Court of Appeals of Judge Bruselas. When Justice Bruselas was appointed CA Justice, the latter introduced Judge Floro to the most powerful CA Justice Lucas Bersamin. The agenda was for the latter to help Judge Floro find a job thru Malacanang. Judge Floro also begged for mercy to Justice Lucas for the latter to intervene and convince his S.C. Justice friend then ponente Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales to decide Judge Floros 6 years case. Surprisingly, in about 3 meetings between Judge Floro and Justice Lucas Bersamin, the latter discussed instead (of job) the talk between him and a staff of Justice Nazario, as ponente, circa January, 2006, and the developments of Judge Floros case. The last accidental meeting was at the CA ground floor, where Justice Bersamin hurriedly went up but signaled his thumbs up right hand to Judge Floro, saying that Justice Nazario is favourable to Judge Floro. Justice Bersamin and Justice Minita Chico-Nazario met and talked about Judge Floros case, and she read the internet posts of Judge Floro. After that meeting, Justice Bruselas and Judge Floro talked for about 20 minutes regarding a) the filing of disbarment case against C.J. Davide, and b) Judge Floros plea to Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr., Atty. Rene AV Saguisag and Justice Bruselas, for mercy and help regarding job, work, occupation and trabajo lest the loved ones of Justices be annihilated, with stains in their bloods up to the 4th generations. Judge Floro candidly informed Justice Bersamin of the biblical imprecation or curse upon the judiciary, and specifically added, is the curse upon Ateneo Law School classes 1982, 1980 to 1990, where Judge Floro accurately predicted the fire roasting death of the wife and daughter of Deputy Customs Commissioner Gil Valera, 1982 classmate of Judge Floro.

Judge Floro finally told Justice Bruselas that Justice Nazario instructed both her p.s. Marisa and lawyer-staff Atty. Tolentino to relay to Judge Floro that the very kind and compassionate Justice Nazario would never give audience to Judge Floro even after the case appeal is finally thrown by her in the waste can. Thus, the 3 angels made the ultimate plea (for Judge Floro) to Atty. Rene AV Saguisag, Justice Bruselas and the most Kind of Heart Justice Lucas Bersamin - that fateful day of August 29, 2006, CA job, work, trabajo, occupation, justice and kindness. Floro and his 3 duendes found none, nada and nothing due to a pretend world. JUDGE FLORO, ON AUGUST 29, 2006, (11:40 a.m. CA ground floor room) WARNED JUSTICE APOLINARIO D. BRUSELAS THAT IF THE JBC, THROUGH JUSTICE HERMOSISIMA, JR. WOULD OPEN BR. 73, RTC, MALABON, FOR APPLICATION, THE SUPREME COURT- JUDICIARY AND JBC (ACCORDING TO THE 3 WORLD-FAMOUS DWARVES) WOULD WITNESS THE HORRIBLE PAINS AND DEATHS AKIN TO THE PAINFUL DEMISE OF LIRIO LILY BAUTISTA VICTORINO, AUGUST 5, 2006 (6 DAYS BEFORE THE AUGUST 11, 2006 DENIAL RESOLUTION DISMISSING JUDGE FLOROS APPEAL). AND THIS DEATH PROPHECY BY LUIS WAS CONVEYED TO JAY REMPILLO AND ATTY. ISMAEL KHAN FOR THE PIO AND JBC, WHO OPENED THE SALA OF JUDGE FLORO ON AUGUST, 2006 PER MANILA BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT, EVEN IF JUDGE FLOROS APPEAL WAS STILL PENDING. ON DECEMBER 6, 2006, STUBBORN, MR. HILARIO G. DAVIDE UNDER OATH STATED TO THE SENATE CA HEARING PANEL THAT JUDGE FLOROS 3RD APPEAL IS STILL PENDING. YET, WITH BRAZEN DISREGARD OF THE 3 DWARVES WARNING, THE JBC PER MR. JUSTICE HERMOSISIMA, JR., INTER ALIA, PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER 14, 2006 (P.D. INQUIRER PAGE A-4), THE DECEMBER 12 JBC ANNOUNCEMENT, OPENING BR. 73, RTC, MALABON FOR APPLICATION.


JAMES BERSAMIN DIED FORTHWITH ON DECEMBER 11, 2006, WHILE CONG. LUIS BERSAMIN, BROTHER OF JUSTICE LUCAS DIED A HORRIBLE DEATH, AND THE PROPHECY OF LUIS CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN AND JUST IGNORED: DECEMBER 16, 2006. THIS IS ANATHEMA NOT ONLY TO THE CONSTITUTION BUT TO THE CANONS OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT: MORTAL SIN. IS THE IMPRECATION (PSALM 109) BY JUDGE FLORO, VERILY A NEWLY DISCOVERED AND SOLE REMEDY TO EXORCIZE THE MOST CORRUPT JUDICIARY BY THE 3 ANGELS? LUIS, Armand and Angel flashed their ultimate Violet, yellow and brown lights, inter alia, striking the main vessels of the merciless hearts of the Supreme Court Justices and Judges, including lawyers and corrupt journalists. As prophesied that he would be reinstated on 2006-7 (at Podium, Ortigas, on his birthday, November 5, 2004, by his Angel, LUIS), Judge Floro made world judicial historys first, when he defeated all the worlds Chief Justices and high-profile barristers or lawyers, when The Times, UK, unanimously Voted him as Judge of the Year - on the very birthday of Justice Nazario, and on the natal and death day of his mother Milagros, on December 5-6, 2006. World-famous and Immortal in World History Not even the past and present foreign Chief Justices could equal the immense publicity, sympathy and world recognition of Judge Floro as Immortal in judicial history. Why? Not only New York Times, BBC, Reuters, AFP (more than 100 world news reports, all front pages), Ripleys, 250 Chuck Shepherds News of the Weird newspapers worldwide, but more than 1,000 blogs and hundreds of forums discussed his world-famous case with emotions, intelligence and sarcasm. Krusada at Banal na Mensahe ni LUIS at Judge Floro LUIS, on December 16, 2006, at 8:00 a.m. appeared to Judge Floro and told him that he is an Angel of God, as part of the 9 choirs of Angels and specifically the Angel of Death.

[Vide: Exodus 12:23 as King of kings of all the 4 elementals in the entire universe]. LUIS ordered Floro to write the following quoted motionletter and submit it to the Supreme Court, to the entire Judiciary, for the greater glory of God. HOW CAN GOD BESTOW JUSTICE UPON LUCAS (LUIS AND JAMES) BERSAMIN, IF HE NEVER EVER GAVE JUDGE FLORO KINDNESS, COMPASSION AND SYMPATHY: MAY PUSO PO BA SILA? Abra, wake up. You know the face of agum (greed) and apal (envy), said (Court of Appeals Associate now) Supreme Court Justice Lucas Bersamin. Justice Bersamins call was met with applause from about 6,000 people who attended the lawmakers necrological services and burial. I myself vowed to keep my mouth shut but I can no longer be silent, said Justice Bersamin. Human, divine justice He said he prayed for justice to take its course. I prayed for divine justice and human justice even if the latter is slow and difficult and may be hopeless that leads to despair. But I am a judge who knows human justice. Justice Bersamin said divine justice came in the motorcycle that was left by the killers. It eventually led to Panday, who led investigators to Valera. [P. D. INQUIRER, Dec. 28, 2006, p. 1)27

27 ticle_id=40501 Page One, Inquirer:,8599,1842179,00.html


People believe Angels are real, survey says. 97% of Americans per recent survey believed in the existence of angels and other spirits. WASHINGTON - A BLUEBIRD IN the garden, a spirit in a house, a kind man on the side of the road. Americans are believers in the angels, although not necessarily the ones with halos and wings. An overwhelming majority, almost regardless of religious convictions and backgrounds, think angels are real, according to an AP-AOL News poll. Belief in angels, however people define them, is highest - almost universal - among white evangelical Christians, 97% of whom trust in their existence. But even among people with no religious affiliation, well more than half said angels are for real. Half of all Americans believe they are protected by guardian angels, one-fifth say they've heard God speak to them, one-quarter say they have witnessed miraculous healings, 16 percent say they've received one and 8 percent say they pray in tongues, according to a survey released Thursday by Baylor University. The wide-ranging survey of 1,648 adults, who were asked 350 questions on their religious practices last fall, reveals a significant majority who are comfortable with the supernatural. Mystical experiences are widespread, said Rodney Stark, co-director of Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion. I'd have guessed 15 percent instead of 55, he added, referring to the 55 percent who claimed angelic protection. This is the taboo subject in American religion. No one studies it, but there is a lot of it out there. The Twin Executions of LUIS and JAMES Bersamin: November 11 and 16, 2006 Fatalistic Events, 2006 6 Days after the 53rd natal day on November 5, 2006 of mystic Judge Floro, who on November 3, 2006 Imprecated by Curse under Psalm 106-109, 73, Justices and Judges who receive bribes, as sternly commanded by LUIS, the Angel of Death.

"It is a testament to the spiritual mission of Judge Floros 3 most holy dwarves-angels to heal the extreme corruption in the Philippine judiciary, (more particularly in the Court of Appeals, inter alia) and their transcendental resolve to imprecate by the Psalm 109 curse, Justices, Judges and Magistrates who receive bribes. This milestone was impeccably predicted after decades of oppression, graft, extortion and abuse of power due to anger, hatred and vendetta in a true-to-life broken world of materialism and sheer hypocrisy. All these transpired, for despite his terrible and unforgivable mortal sins and crimes against the Filipino nation, Mr. H. Davide, Jr. received a fair CA Senate trial. This would not have been possible without LUIS determination to create a judicial society governed by rule of law and holiness, instead of hypocrisy, and under Gods omnipotent guidance, divine inspiration and invisible hand. LUIS, Armand and Angel, HOLY ANGELS of GOD appeared to Judge Floro: Via Full Mystic Trance Prophesied the dire, horrible deaths WHY JAMES ON NOVEMBER 11 and LUIS BERSAMIN ON DECEMBER 16? SPIRITUAL ANSWERS: The Imprecation (that included, inscribed the name of LUCAS on the 53rd natal day of the Prophet Judge Floro on November 5, 2006), resulted in the the 3rd death of loved ones of the most powerful. James: 6 days thereafter, as it happened on November 11 - THE DAY BEFORE THE JBC SIGNED THE DECEMBER 12, 2006 RESOLUTION OPENING JUDGE FLOROS BR. 73 SALA FOR APPLICATION; resulting to the feared, dreaded, demonic TRIPLE SIX, 666 = after the prophesied TWIN DEATHS - before and after the release of the April 6 and August 11, 2006 Psychosis Decision and Cursed Resolution.

The November 3, 2006 Imprecation or Curse, specifically stated that, if the JBC would again (as it did on August, 2006) open the sala of Judge Floro, Br. 73 for application without the truth coming out first from the mouths of Justices Nazario, Hermosisima, Jr., Apolinario Bruselas and Lucas Bersamin, right then and there, the judicial department would witness the several or rather the 4th mourning: The prophet and the 3 angels dared the JBC (as it did publish the Br. 73 opening for application on December 12, 14 - P.D. INQUIRER); thus the dire, horrible death foretold by the 3 Angels, Resbak on December 16, 2006: Angel LUIS foretold the Death of LUIS, brother of SC Justice Lucas, the greatest Bersamin. ONLY THE 3 ANGELS KNOW WHILE THE MYSTIC JUDGE SHOULD COMPREHEND THE NEXT TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCE OF THE IMPRECATION UNDER PSALMS 109, 73, THE CURSE AND STAIN UPON THEIR BLOODS UP TO THE 4th GENERATION - KARMA, SPELL. the morning that Justice LUCAS Bersamin refused to talk to Judge Floro, (August 29, 2006, 1:45 a.m. Court of Appeals, g/f), who, with BENDED KNEES, asked not only for kindness but even for mercy to a poor Judge - just to have a job, work, trabaho, occupation, business, visible means of support); but the ruthless Justice LUCAS nurse drove away Judge Floros reaching hand from the most powerful CA Justice Lucas who repeatedly refused to tell the truth to the Court: a) why did he talk to the staff of Justice Nazario and b) why did he talk to Justice Nazario, and what did he and Justice Nazario talk about concerning the case of Judge Floro. LUCAS Bersamin is a Jurist, Magistrate, who does not know Justice, Kindness, Fairness and Truth. All he knows is hypocrisy and he will never ever know why the Court of Appeals is most corrupt per SWS 1995 and 2005 surveys. Is he willing to clean it, before he gets the elusive quality of justice that he calls Divine?


No way, says LUIS, Armand and Angel, since these Holy Angels did put a stain in his blood up to the 4th generation, it is called in Abra, ubusan ng lahi. Politics: Update 2: 20 Hours of Bloodshed, SP James Bersamin, village chief and 2 farmers killed in Abra CAMP DANGWA, Benguet (Nov. 12, 2006) A provincial board member, a barangay captain and two farmers were killed in Abra in Abra in a span of 20 hours in Abra province on Nov. 11, sending a new wave of violence and fear among Abrenos, specially politicians. But policemen, for the first time in recent memory, arrested after couple of hours the two suspected gunmen of slain board member James Bersamin, 56 years old, who was shot to death at around 5:10 a.m. It was learned that Bersamin, a former bank manager, is a distant relative of Abra Rep. Luis Chito Bersamin. A much updated report released by the Cordillera regional police office said that Bersamin died due to multiple gunshot wounds on his chest. Police have recovered empty shells of .45 caliber pistol from the crime scene.28 EVERSON v. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EWING ET AL. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 330 U.S. 1 February 10, 1947, Decided MR. JUSTICE BLACK delivered the opinion of the Court. The "establishment of religion" clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church.


on 2006/11/10 17:50:00 (1826 reads)


Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church attendance or non-attendance. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect "a wall of separation between church and State." Omen For Madame Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario, Marilyn Puno Santiago, Jasmin Mateo, Justice Lucas Bersamin and Justice Apolinario Bruselas From LUIS ARMAND & ANGEL --Our instrument and prophet Judge Floro suffered the 7 years suspension because of Atty. Teresita CruzSison, inter alia, but we principally blame Mr. Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. who committed unpardonable MORTAL SIN of refusing to tell the truth to this Court resulting unto sufferings of many Justices and yourselves. He never found KINDNESS in his own country. He never found compassion from you. You deeply KNOW the truth, (AS YOU WROTE AND SAID THAT HE IS AN HONORABLE MAN, NEVER A LIAR) and you all know that he is just a poor Judge renting a house, who is now declared by the World and International Circles of Jurists, inter alia, Martyr of Filipino Justice. All we ask of you is to tell the truth for it is the greatest bomb. Magiging puwing kami sa inyong mga mata, sa dulo ng walang hanggan, magiging tinik kami sa inyong lalamunan, SAMPU ng inyong mga mahal sa buhay hanggang ika-4 na henerasyon, ito ang banal naming SUMPA.

LUIS, Armand & Angel, mga mu-munting Angel ng ating Panginoon, na mga Gabay, at hinirang siya upang linisin ang inyong napakaruming hudikatura. Naway manalangin kayo, magnilaynilay, at humingi ng ILAW sa Panginoon, upang kayo ay magkaroon ng banal na pagtitika. BUHAY PA KAYO SINUSUNOG NA ANG INYONG MGA KALULUWA SA APOY, MATAKOT KAYO SA PANGINOONG DIYOS, SA AMING MGA SUMPA. LUIS, ARMAND & ANGEL: EVERYTIME J. NAZARIO & J. HERMOSISIMA, JR. WOULD RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION, THEY EAT NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST BUT FOREVER DAMNATION, UNTIL THEY TELL THE TRUTH TO THIS COURT THAT JUDGE FLORO IS THE PSYCHIC AND HEALING MARTYR OF FILIPINO JUSTICE MADE WORLD-FAMOUS, IMMORTAL & 2006 WORLD, INTERNATIONAL JUDGE OF THE YEAR ON THE VERY NATAL DAY OF MINITA VIRAY CHICO-NAZARIO, DECEMBER 5, ON THE NATAL AND DEATH DAY OF MILAGROS FLORO, MOTHER OF JUDGE FLORO, DECEMBER 5: ON DECEMBER 5, 2006, BY THE TIMES, UK, PRESIDED BY DEPUTY HIGH COURT JUDGE DAVID PANNICK, QC, WITH THE VISIBLE HAND OF GOD WRITING JUDGE FLOROS DESTINY CRUSHING EVIL BY IMPRECATION / CURSE UNDER PSALMS 109 & 73. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26) Judge Floro had already suffered to the limits because of you, what more can we and he do to make you more happy, free and prosperous in this imperfect world of pretend people who forever await their eternal damnation? I C U, Hospital, Jaime T. Licauco vis-a-vis Brutal Murders of 13th Judge, LUIS and JAMES BERSAMIN The SUPREME COURT MYSTIC FIRE


LUIS: ANG UTOS NG PANGINOONG DIYOS SA HUDIKATURA PRIMER VIERNES DE FEBRERO, 2007: JUDGE FLORO Ako si LUIS, Anghel ng MayKapal, na inutusang Linisin ang Hudikatura sa pamamagitan ng paglalagay ng SAKIT at KAMALASAN sa mga tiwaling mga mahistradong tumatanggap ng SUHOL. Inutusan namin si Judge Floro, aming Prophetang Mensahador, at instrumento, upang tuparin ang banal na kautusan, sa pamamagitang ng: LILA at BUSILAK na LIWANAG, SINAG at KISLAP LUX IN DOMINO - Mula sa Aking Bonito at Baston, bilang paggalang sa AMEN MORTAL SIN OF JUSTICE REGINO C. HERMOSISMA, JR. 1. Kasalanang Mortal na walang kapatawaran sa Trono ng Diyos Ama ang pagpatay sa Katotohanan, ni Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. noong Ika-10 ng Febrero, 2006, nang kausapin siya ni Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario. ISANG KASINUNGALINGAN ang paratang na KINOKONSULTA kami bilang Dwende ni Judge Floro sa mga Desisyon. CURSED PERSONALLY SIGNED 2006 CHRISTMAS CARD OF SECRETARY ARTURO D. BRION, ANTONNIETA TONETTE BRION TO JUDGE FLORO OMEN OF DEATH 2. Inutusan namin si Judge Floro na isumite sa Korteng ito ang mga sulat kamay at LAGDA ni Labor Secretary at Mrs. Arturo at Tonette Brion, kay Judge Floro; Alam nila ang katotohanan at nilibing nila ito sa kanilang mga Hukay; hindi namin matatanggap ang kanilang mga LAGDA SinUMPA na sila. SUCCESSIVE DEATHS, S.C. LOGO HALVED - FIRE GODS HAND LILY BAUTISTA VICTORINO+; LUIS AND JAMES BERSAMIN+, PATTUGALAN+, 13th JUDGES MURDERS MYSTIC SIGNS OF ILLNESSES TO THE JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL MYSTIC FIRE, LOGO HALVED JAIME T. LICAUCO, I C U, HOSPITAL ATENEO, LEX ATHENIA FOUNDER ATTY. EMILY REYES+, CLASS 82, P 5 M CANCER DEATH PERFECT IMPRECATION, PSALM 109

3. PATIKIM pa lamang namin ito, mula ng pinaSUMPA namin kay Judge Floro ang Hudikatura noong ika-53 kaarawan niya noong ika-5, Nobyembre, at mula ng ilabas ang Desisyon na tinanggal siya LABAG SA UTOS NG MAYKAPAL noong ika-6-7 ng Abril, 2006, kung saan, ang buong Mundo ay nagalit, nagtawa at nagtaka kung bakit dahil sa aming mga ANGEL na kinutyang mga DWENDE ay nagDUSA ang aming instrument. Ang prophetang si Judge Floro ay hinamak nila at sukdulan na ang mga kasinungalingan, katiwalian, pagtakip at pagpatay sa katotohanan upang magalit nang tuluyan ang LANGIT. 4. Inutusan naming si Judge Floro na ilathala ang aming AKLAT, upang mabasa ng Mundo ang aming Mensahe sa pamamagitan ni Atty. Buhain, Sonia Santiago at Robie Robles ng Rex Bookstore. Subalit, dahil sa AGAM at APAL (Inggit at Ganid), pakikialam ni Mr. Jaime T. Licauco, inutusan namin si Judge Floro na ilathala sa INTERNET ang laban kay Licauco, nilagyan namin siya ng Sakit, at may 3 araw na sa I C U. 5. Inutusan namin si Judge Floro na pumunta kay Geno Ginintuan na nanghuhula sa tapat ng DOJ at Korte Suprema, upang aming harapin, at ipaabot sa Hudikatura ang kalupitan at galit ng langit. Isinulat ni Judge Floro sa Internet ang KOMERSYO ni Geno, na nanghuhula at kumikita ng di bababa sa P 2,000 bawat araw mula 1997, nang HINDI hinuhuli ng DOJ at ng Korte, datapwat labag sa batas ang kaniyang ginawa. 4 na beses naming inutasan si Judge Floro na kausapin siya upang ipaabot sa Korte at mga mahistrado ang KATOTOHANAN. Ang paglalagay ng sakit at kamalasan, SUNOG, dahil sa SUMPA namin, sa pamamagitan ni Judge Floro. Dahil dito, nagpakita kami ng mga BABALA gaya ng APOY, SUNOG, at mga KAMATAYAN na SUNOD-SUNOD. BAKIT HINDI SI Geno HULIHIN AT IPAKULONG NG KORTE AT DOJ:


Revised Penal Code - Art. 318. Other deceits. xxx Any person who, for profit or gain, shall interpret dreams, make forecasts, tell fortunes, or take advantage of the credulity of the public in any other similar manner, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos. 6. Bakit pa ginamit ni Marilyn Puno at Jasmin Mateo si Judge Floro, na GINAMIT kami upang ipagdasal si Justice Puno na maging Chief Justice? Matapos maupo, at mapagbigyan namin si Marilyn, ano ang ginawa kay Judge Floro? 7. Bakit pa ginamit ni Tonette at Arturo Brion at Justice Hermosisima, Jr. si Judge Floro, na GINAMIT kami, upang ipagdasal ang pagkakaappoint nina Justices BRION sa CA, ni Justice Corona sa S.C., pagkatapos ibinaon nila ang katotohanan sa kanilang mga hukay ? DAHIL sa 7 ito, Ako si LUIS ay inutusan ng Diyos Ama, AMEN at Banal na Espiritu na ihain ang liham na ito sa inyong 15, sa Korteng ito, upang tuparin ang banal na UTOS at kagustuhan ng 3 Persona: Ibalik sa pwesto si Judge Floro at ipagpatuloy ang paglilinis sa Hudikatura upang ang mga mahistrado ay hindi matuluyang maanod sa kumukulong APOY. LUIS, Angel ng Kamatayan, Ex. 12:23 Judge Floro (at the Senate Hearing on December 6, 2006, 12:00 noon) faced Mr. Davide, Jr., and courageously stated before Senators Santiago, Jinggoy Estrada and Enrile, that Mr. Davide intentionally, vindictively sat upon Judge Floros case for 6.7 years until his birthday on December 20, 2005, for which REASON, the 3 Angels of God, LUIS, ARMAND and ANGEL made a dramatic RESBAK. These Vendetta consists of - carotid operation of Davide, Jr. by Jorge Garcia, 6-16, 2002, massive strokes of his brothers Atty. Jose Davide and Engr. Jorge Davide; extreme pains and lingering illnesses of his father Hilario, Sr. who was predicted by the 3 dwarves to die only after the release of the Decision of Judge Floro on april 7, 2006.


On April 7, 1984, the birthday of dwarf Angel, Judge Floro placed 12th, 87.55%, in the hardest Bar Exam of 1983 where only 21.3% passed. Added prize is the diabetic foot accident, 2 months wheelchair of Davide, Jr. on December 16, 2004. LUIS, Armand and Angel: THEY WILL REGRET IT! Even a 5 or 6 years old rape victim or a retarded child 7 or 3 years old, could or is allowed by the Rules to testify on murder, rape and other crimes as long as they have senses, according to local and foreign jurisprudence, such that we regularly witness the conviction of accused based on sole testimonies of children or those of unsound mind. Judge Floros religious beliefs are not weird; it is just that the decision said so, but the prose or ponencia was adjudged object of world ridicule by the international community (as discussed intelligently in several pleadings thrown by the Court). But Judge Floro was thus vindicated by God, destiny and international jurists, inter alia. This is his plea Give me dignity, the Truth, and respect my religion and its credo. Judge Floro dares Justice Hermosisima, Jr., (a lay minister at St. Paul Parish Church) to confess to Fr. Jerry Tapiador all his sins, to repent, to leave everything to the poor and FOLLOW CHRIST, and go back to God; but he must ask forgiveness from Judge Floro by telling the Court that Justice Nazario who receives communion daily and prays at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine Baclaran, approached him at a dinner, to fix and settle the case of Judge Floro, against the latters, the dwarves and Gods wills, as he and Judge Floro shouted at each other on February 10, 2006, JBC at his chambers, 4 p.m. witnessed by Vic, his executive assistant. Without such telling of the truth, the dwarves imprecation upon his family stains his / their blood up to the 4th generation thereby making worse his prostate condition caused and inflicted by the 3 Angels of God. This is Judge Floros spiritual belief, protected by Justice Hugo Blacks ponencia in Everson v. Board (1947).

The Fact Bill of Particulars: Judge Floro meets Jasmin Mateo, First Lady of the Philippine Supreme Court and Marilyn Puno Santiago, Sister of Chief Justice Puno UNSELFISH, JUDGE FLORO PREDICTED (BEFORE MARILYN PUNO SANTIAGO AND ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE QUISUMBING) 1) THAT LUIS WILL HELP JUSTICE PUNO BE APPOINTED AS 22nd CHIEF JUSTICE, AND 2) THAT SEN. MYRIAM DEFENSOR-SANTIAGO WILL NOT MAKE IT. St. Pauls GIFT OF PROPHECY, in his letter to the Corinthians, inter alia, is a blessing (1 Cor 12:10, 1 Cor 12:28, Rom 12:6, Eph 4:11) or endowment, spiritual or divine in nature. It knows no bounds except the limits set by the Holy Spirit. Perforce, or accordingly, Judge Floro must be vindicated, despite his NEGATIVE predictions (which are also GODs ways of cleansing the spirits in the judiciary - gifts of healing, 1 Cor 12:9, 12:28). With all sincerity, and in GOOD FAITH, he tried his best to predict also the appointment of Justice Quisumbing, but nonetheless, the latter had repeatedly been shared this blessing as ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE (gift of faith, 1 Cor 12:9). Marylin Puno and Jamin Mateo (sister and 25 years private secretary of SC Justice Reynato Puno) asked Judge Floro to help them about phone bugging. And the latter suggested NBI study but they refused since they allegedly chose psychic phenomena or HULA. Judge Floro agreed on the conditions that he would use Spanish cards or spirituality based on Catholic tenets and teachings, and provided further, that the Acting Chief Justice R. Puno at that time would agree (in confidence). So, Judge Floro gifted these 2 respondents about 3 sbarro pizzas and the staff & about 5 security guards ate the pizzas. Both respondents and Judge Floro proceeded to the 2nd Flr. Conference Room beside the room of J. Puno and the psychic reading thereat took about 2 hours. The subject is both respondents asked Judge Floro to predict and pray for the appointment of Justice Puno as 22nd Chief Justice on December, 2006.

Jasmin Mateo was the first who opened the cards and was read by Judge Floro, while Marilyn Puno Santiago asked detailed questions to Judge Floro about her family and specifically about her childrens futures, educations, careers and jobs. CRUCIAL was the question thrown by Marilyn Puno: Judge magiging Chief Justice ba Kami, and Judge Floro said that he would pray for it / him with the intercession of his 3 angels of God, provided it is the will of God, since even the President had not yet made up her mind at that time. So, the MORE CRITICAL fact is the statement of Marilyn to Judge Floro that MAKAKAGANTI RIN KAMI JUDGE, and it did happen but negative. On August 11, Judge Floros appeal was dismissed and it was signed by Justice Puno. Hence, Judge Floro complained to this Court asking the Court to apply the law, the rules, and the code of conduct for court personnel and apply the proper punishment if warranted, in short, TRUTH, JUSTICE and RULE of LAW that was defined, by C.J. Puno, her brother, thus: I thank Her Excellency, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for extending to me this appointment to be the 22nd Chief Justice of our country. Above all else, I thank the Almighty for this extraordinary gift, more accurately, this trust which is heavily laden with responsibility. I accept the appointment with a clear awareness of the defining role of the judiciary as our people confront turning points after turning points in life. With this acceptance, I pledge to do what is expected of me: to espouse no ideology but constitutionalism; to uphold no theology but the rule of law. The Judiciary has but one constituency and it is a constituency of one - - the blindfolded lady with a sword unsheathed. She represents justice, fair justice to all, unfairness to none. I hope to be an instrument of this kind of justice. In God, I put all my trust.

LUIS ARMAND & ANGEL, 3 ANGELS OF GOD, ASKED C.J. REYNATO PUNO TO GIVE JUDGE FLORO NOT ONLY JUSTICE & FAIRNESS, BUT TRUTH & KINDNESS, ALSO, VIS--VIS THE PROMISE OF HER SISTER MARILYN, JUDGE MAKAKAGANTI RIN KAMIN SAYO AS GRATITUTE TO JUDGE FLOROS REPLY TO HER QUESTION JUDGE MAGIGING CHIEF JUSTICE BA KAMI I CANNOT PREDICT BUT I AND THESE 3 ANGELS WILL PRAY IF IT IS GODS WILL. LUIS ARMAND & ANGEL ASKED C.J. PUNO TO DECLARE NULL & VOID THE 75-PAGES J. NAZARIO DECISION, TO REINSTATE JUDGE FLORO BASED ON JUSTICE THAT HE PROMISED AS INTRUMENT OF THIS KIND OF JUSTICE, LEST THE IMPRECATION CREEPS FURTHER UPON HERMOSISIMA, JR. & NAZARIO, THEIR FAMILIES UP TO THE 4th GENERATION, INTER ALIA. ACCORDING TO THE TRIUMVIRATE OF ANGELS OF GOD, THE MOST HOLY, THIS IS NOT A THREAT BUT THE NEW YEAR 2007 FIRST FRIDAY IMPRECATION BY LUIS ARMAND & ANGEL DIRELY INFLICTED UPON JUSTICES NAZARIO, HERMOSISIMA, JR. BRUSELAS, BERSAMIN, THEIR SEEDS AND LOVED ONES, UP TO THE 4Th GENERATION, INTER ALIA. Judge Floro was told by the 3 Angels to approach an incumbent Supreme Court Justice, Leonardo Quisumbing. And in confidence, the 3 Dwarves told the Justice that Sen. Santiago will not make it, because of anorexia, the death of A.R. Santiago that Judge Floro predicted, and that she is not the one destined to be the 22nd Chief Justice: THAT MEETING TOOK PLACE 4 TIMES, THE LAST, ON NOVEMBER 3, 2006. One was a 2 hour meeting inside the Chambers. Judge Floro was prohibited from divulgin the name of the incumbent Supreme Court Justice. But Judge Floro relayed to this jurist the dire prophecy about the forthcoming deaths once the JBC opens the sala of Judge Floro as it opened and closed it due to the death of Lily Victorino August 5, 2006. ALL THESE WERE WITNESSED BY THE FORMER MASBATE MAYOR before the incumbent S.C. Justice.

Parenthetically, Judge Floro never filed any opposition against Justice Puno in the JBC, to pave the way for respondent Marilyns statement na JUDGE MAKAKAGANTI rin KAMIN SAYO and they did on August 11, 2006, TRUETO-LIFE PROPHECY AND PROMISE OF VENGEANCE BY MARILYN PUNO. The Resolution on page 2 states that Justice Puno took no part. Judge Floro objects, since he never filed any motion to disqualify J. Puno, even if the respondent is her sister, since it would be the same: JUDGE MAKAKAGANTI RIN KAMI SAYO. During the 2 hours card reading, Judge Floro asked Marilyn to convey to J. Puno before his vote, the fact that Justice Hermosisima, Jr. asked Judge Floros 3 Gabays to predict the appointment of Justice Velasco, Jr. who called him Boss. Judge Floro stated that the 3 Gabays objected since J. Velasco penned the OCAD report recommending Judge Floros dismissal on 2002, internal resolution, and Judge Floro told J. Hermosisima, Jr. that J. Velasco, Jr. would sign Judge Floros dismissal if appointed Justice as revenge. And as complainant, OCAD Administrator, J. Velasco, Jr. submitted the OCAD final report that detailed the facts and law upon which Judge Floros dismissal was based upon. And the Court sustained Justice Velasco in the March 31, 2006 Decision, while Justice Velasco, Jr. not as accuser/complainant but as Justice/Judge, on August 11, 2006, signed the August 11, 2006 Resolution dismissing the Appeal of Judge Floro. This not only a violation of the 1987 Constitution prohibiting a fiscal, accuser, or complainant from being the judge at the same time, but it is ANATHEMA to the RULE OF LAW and the CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT. And Judge Floro thrice predicted the disappointment of J. Velasco, Jr. in favor of J. Tinga, Nazario & Garcia. But since Sen. Jovito Salonga fought versus PGMA after the appointment of J. Cancio-Garcia, J. Velasco, Jr. made it.


Note: On December 5, 2006, a Text-SMS message was received by Judge Floro from a cursed classmate: hi judge si Atty Boy guevarra ito. got your number from benny. Is it a good time to call? [+63917-3292244, December 5, 2006, celphone of Menardo Ilasco Guevarra]. 13:06:45,

Recognition of the Ego; Batang Riles; Cursed Menardo Ilasco Guevarra Art of Vengeance 1. Judge Floro did return the call to Guevarra; the latter asked Floro to join the Grade VI, St. Marys Academy of Meycauayan, Bulacan Alumni Reunion to have been held at Max Restaurant, McArthur Highway, Banga, Meycauayan, Bulacan, which was later on cursed by Judge Floro; Robert Alarilla was later on abducted, tortured and released at the same spot or near thereat, the Rainbow Cable Office; Floro asked Guevarra a) to buy about 100 pieces of his 2006 Books, and b) to help Judge Floro move on by joining a small law firm, etc. 2. Menardo Ilasco Guevarra asked Floro to call the former before the Reunion; Floro called a day before the Reunion; Menardo stated: Wala kang takers! 3. Menardo was Judge Floros classmate from Grade I to Grade VI, at St. Marys Academy of Meycauayan, Bulacan (1959-1966); Judge Floro was Salutatorian, Valedictorian, 3rd Honor and 4th Honor, respectively, from Kinder to Grade III, and sat near Menardo, who is just one of the poor children of Mr. and Mrs. Guevarra, who lived as squatters beside the MRR railroad; as Batang Riles, Menardo was assisted morally and financially, by Meycauayan Institute teacher, his aunt, Ms. Doreen Gueverra; Menardos parents granted a P 50 loan to Mrs. Costales, the Grade IV teacher of Floro and Menardo; because of such sum of money, Menardo was catapulted to 4th Honor, while Floro was demoted to 5th Honor.

4. Menardo graduated Valedictorian at Meycauayan, Institute and later at the Ateneo de Manila University as NEDA working student and scholar. Menardo studied law at the Ateneo Law School again as working student. He met Judge Floro at the Ateneo Library. Menardo asked Floro to buy a complete set of SCRA, since Menardo has too many children and could hardly afford to spend for his research and law studies. Floro denied for utter lack of merit Menardos request, since, Floro never read SCRA cases in the Originals, but just browse at the cases syllabus. Humiliated, Menardo marked Floro in his small brain. 5. Menardo met cursed Serapio, Ochoa, Jr. and Medialdea at the Law School. They later broke away from a big law firm to form the cursed De Borja, Medialdea, Guevarra, Serapio, etc. law firm. 6. During Judge Floros July 20, 1999 suspension, Floro called Menardo, asking for audience with his partner Serapio. Menardo stated that Floro was the 11th who called, but Serapio was appointed by Erap, as JBC Member. Fate hath not been kind, for Serapios appointment was recalled in favor of Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sisons Floro predicted 3rd term as JBC Member, upon request of Senate President Franklin Drillon. Due to the curse, Serapio was incarcerated beside Erap and Sen. Jinggoy Estrada. Worst, Serapios father, the former Valenzuela Fiscal Serapio (that Floro met beside Fiscal-Judge Benjamin M. Aquino, Jr, about 1976 at Valenzuela, Bulacan Prosecutors Office) died a horrible vehicular accident as Congressman of Valenzuela. 7. Still haunting, the curse creeps and Executive Order No. 1 created the Philippine Truth Commission of 2010. It was tasked to investigate corruption scandals in the Arroyo administration.

Its members retired Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr., former Supreme Court Associate Justices Romeo Callejo Jr. and Flerida Ruth Romero, Ateneo Human Rights Center head Carlos Medina Jr. and Ateneo law professor Menardo Guevarra took their oaths on September 13, 2010. Floro predicted that the appointments of cursed Members of the Truth Commission - Davide, Jr. Romero, Medina, Jr., Callejo and Menardo - puts to finis the Aquino Presidency which had been and will continously be haunted by the curse and national tragedies, unprecedented in Philippines History. Floro wrote Prophecy the Davide, Jr.-Menardo Guevarrra

Truth Commission-Davide, Jr. puts to finis the NoyNoy Presidency by judgefloro on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 16:20 The Truth Commission of Hilario G. Davide, Jr. puts to finis the Noynoy Presidency! As Angel of Death, Judge Floro, per LUIS Violet lights clearly sees the 666 on the forehead of Hilario G. Davide, Jr., who, after having been appointed CJ by Erap, did then and there feloniously swore PGMA. As prize, Davide, Jr. earned about P 1.8 M per month due to the COA unconfirmed UN post. Davide resigned to invest almost all his retirement benefits, UN salaries for his 2010 elections defeated son, Hilario III. Fresh from more than P 15 million financial loss due to stunning defeat of his son, Hilario III, in the Cebu elections to Gov. Gwen Garcia, NoyNoy pays Davides Cebu blessed votes for LP with the fatalistic appointment of Davide to the Kangaroo Commission, on August 30, 2010. Mystic Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. predicts that NoyNoy Aquinos appointment of Davide, Jr. as Chair of this Moro-Moro Truth Commission, forthwith puts to finis the NoyNoy Presidency.

The Hongkong tragedy at the very spot NoyNoy took his June 30, 2010 oath vis--vis the unprecedented Hong Kong 80,000 peoples march-outrage on August 29, 2010, proves in no uncertain language that the political fate of Noynoy is sealed with the kiss of death. The HK tragedy is a dire Omen pointing to prophecy: "Benigno Aquino III will not finish his term!" NB 17 June, 2006 - Judge Floro predicted the painful death of Hilario P. Davide Sr., father of CJ Davide Jr., after suffering lingering illnesses (together with his sons Atty. Jose and Jorge Davide, who both died with extreme pains on 2002 and 2004, respectively); 7 years of dire sufferings, making parallel the pains of Judge Floro's 7 years suspension, 71 days after the release of the dwarf decision on April 6, 2006. On 16 July, 2002, Davide underwent a successful Carotid surgery by Dr. Jorge Garcia, who operated Fidel Ramos in 1997, while on December 2004, Davide's diabetic foot met an accident where he suffered 2 months sitting on wheelchair. Statements of Atty. Felimon Fernandez to Judge Floro: RE CJ Hilario G. Davide, Jr. Atty. Felimon Fernandez is the Law Partner of Mr. Hilario G. Davide, Jr. (with Abella) for one year in Cebu. He declined the appointment of Sandiganbayan Justice and Supreme Court Justice offered by Pres. Cory Aquino & V.P. Doy Laurel, respectively, for reasons, thus: CONFRONTATION BETWEEN DAVIDE & FERNANDEZ RE: JUDGE FLOROS SENATE TESTIMONY-ACUSATION VERSUS DAVIDE (CORRUPTION & 7 YEARS VENGEANCE AGAINST JUDGE FLORO KEY TO UNJUST VENDETTA DISMISSAL IN A PRETEND WORLD) I was confronted by C.J. Davide last week, during a meeting at and he said that you (Judge Floro) testified at the Senate that he bribed Judges at Cebu

He also asked me if you (Judge Floro) asked me to handle your suspension case last 2000, and I said, I refused, since matatalo ako At that time, Davide took vengeance upon Atty. Felimon Fernandez when the latter lost his 5 cases because of Davide, and he also lost the Justice Demetria Demetria case, because of the vendetta of Davide. The enmity, hatred and grudge between the 2 were a rather long story according to Atty. Fernandez. At point blank, Judge Floro asked Atty. Fernandez if Davide, Jr. was really corrupt according to many lawyers and via trance info from the 3 angels, LUIS, Armand & Angel. Atty. Felimon Fernandez candidly stated to Judge Floro that medyo corrupt, specifying that Davide quietly and carefully made money. And what Atty. Fernandez could not understand is: when Davide would accidentally meet Fernandez, the former would repeatedly greet him: Oh, mayaman ka na pala! (translated from Cebuano). Judge Floro approached Atty. Fernandez to handle the formers case on 2000; he tried his best to accept it, however, because of Davide, he politely advised on the dire consequences. So Atty. Fernandez tendered a luncheon for all JBC Members, 2000 last quarter to help Judge Floro so that his case would be decided at that time. Justice Hermosisima, Jr., Atty. Tesie Sison, Atty. Alfredo Marigomen inter alia ate with him. They discussed Judge Floros case. And Justice Hermosisima, Jr. said: The Chief Justice (Davide) would not want to offend Justice Pardo, the Ponente ... (who did retire March, 2001) so he has to wait! 767

Hong Kong Tragedy: Omen by judgefloro on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 14:22 Just because of a minor felony, South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan on Saturday offered to resign due to alleged nepotism (hiring of his daughter). NoyNoy and PGMA could and would never cease and desist from clinging to power due to crab mentality and what FPJ once stated "Sakim at Gahaman sa Kapangyarihan!" But borrowing philosopher Jean Paul Sartre's immortal "No exit", I prophecy, that, if PGMA was haunted (by cursed and unlucky 13th Erap Presidency that she inherited through Biblically cursed Hilario G. Davide, Jr.), NoyNoy was and is not only surrounded not only by the a) horrible LUISita massacre and the b) most unjust incarceration of the 20 innocent acquitted (by Justice Manuel Pamaran) Aquino-Galman accused (convicted by Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., the most crue jurist in world history that discarded Constitutional double jeopardy in exchange of SC Justice appointment and 4 termer JBC Member), but more importantly, c) by the cursed Moro-Moro Truth Commission under the 666 marked Hilario G. Davide, Jr. (who is politically paid by NoyNoy for Cebu votes, to recover the vast sums of money lost for his son Hilario Davide III who lost to Gov. Gwen Garcia). The confluence of events prophetically points to the causa of the HK tragedy and fiasco 29


Marcos also wants Davide out of Truth Commission 08/18/2010 Abunda: Filipinos 09/03/2010 not insane, dangerous


Omen - Palace: Kill-Noy plot no diversionary ploy; AFP to look into DND chief's claim about slay plot vs Aquino MANILA, Philippines"Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Ricardo David Jr. said he is seriously taking into consideration Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin's suspicion about an assassination plot against President Aquino. Cagayan De Oro City Mayor Vicente Emano, in an interview on Bombo Radyo Wednesday, said Gazmin had told him about a supposed assassination plot against the President allegedly being planned by former Ozamiz City Mayor Reynaldo Aldong Parojinog, who is linked to the notorious criminal syndicate "Kuratong Baleleng." Malacaang on Saturday brushed aside claims that talk of a supposed assassination plot against President Benigno Noynoy" Aquino III is part of a ploy to divert public attention from controversies hounding the administration. Besides, Coloma said the Armed Forces of the Philippines intelligence operatives will immediately verify any such plot to kill the president. We go by the principle that the presidents security enjoys the highest priority," he said in Filipino.30 5 December, 2006 Judge Floro was named Judge of the Year by Deputy High Court Judge David Pannick QC, Times Online, UK The award for judge of the year went to Judge Florentino Floro Jr, whom the Philippines Supreme Court sacked.

AFP to look into DND chief's claim about slay plot vs Aquino By Dona Pazzibugan Philippine Daily Inquirer 17:01:00 09/24/2010 Palace: Kill-Noy plot no diversionary ploy 09/25/2010 | 02:02 PM


Floro was dismissed for regularly opening proceedings with the statement that he was "a Bar topnotcher" who passed the 1983 Bar examinations "with an average score of 87.55 per cent"; for changing from blue court robes to black each Friday "to recharge his psychic powers" as "the No.5 psychic in the country"; and for claiming to have the assistance of three invisible dwarf friends named Luis, Armand and Angel, who provided him with assistance in court. * December 16, 2006 Congressman Luis Bersamin, brother of Philippine Court of Appeals Justice Lucas Bersamin was murdered (shot twice in the head) as he left the wedding at a Quezon City church * December 27, 2006 - A 7.1 magnitude Taiwan earthquake caused a "fiber break" in major submarine cables linking Philippines to international network resulting to major nationwide disruption in Internet and telephone services, local telecommunications company (Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, Smart Communications and Bayantel, inter alia). Floro met Ray and his Exec. Sec. Catherine C. Talattad at his ePLDT office, Makati City. The Omen: Judge Floros classmate Ray (& Christine Tomas) Espinosa is CEO and owns major shares in ePLDT-PLDT. In 2009, major earthquakes in Taiwan also destroyed PLDTs cables. 27 December, 2006 - Taiwan quake disrupts RP Internet, PLDT telephone connections By Erwin Oliva - - Last updated 03:40 pm, 12/27/2006 (UPDATE) "A fiber break" in the major submarine cables linking the Philippines to the international network caused a nationwide disruption in Internet and telephone services, local telecommunications company said Wednesday.


The Philippines' links to the Internet were damaged following a 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Taiwan early Wednesday. The Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. and Smart Communications also confirmed the impact of the Taiwan earthquake on their own Internet and telephone services in a joint statement. "The international cable facilities being utilized by PLDT and Smart have suffered major cable breaks due to the recent earthquake that took place near Taiwan. As a result, IDD (international direct dialing) and broadband Internet services are currently intermittent. Domestic PLDT & Smart voice and data services are operating normally," the companies said. 27 June, 2007 Throat surgery of Antonio Tonyboy Cojuangco. One late night earlier this week, this text message, purportedly coming from Gretchen Barretto, was passed around: Please have Mass [said] for Tony for throat surgery, 12:15 p.m. Boston time. The SMS was dated June 27; shes referring to partner Tonyboy Cojuangco. It was earlier reported that he had undergone surgery last week at the Manila Doctors Hospital. An entrepreneur close to the businessman whispered to us that the checkup was part of Tonyboys regular examination for throat nodulesa condition that runs in the family. Tonyboy will be back to USA for another surgery treatment to remove the remaining noncancerous tumor in his throat. Barreto affirmed this in her Buzz interview on July 8, 2007 at ABS-CBN. Barreto informed GMA NEWS (July 3, 2007) that her
partner TonyBoy Cojuanco was out of danger, after the removal of 80% of the papilloma to clear his airway (which surgery needed another corrective one after 4 weeks).

N.B. Days before the December Taiwan quake which destroyed the PLDT cables, Judge Floro ascended the ePLDT office of its CEO Ray Espinosa, classmate of Judge Floro, begging for mercy, work, job and trabajo. Espinosa handed, instead, a P 75,000 check to Floro.

Thereafter, Ms. Leila Aricheta (wife of Fiscal Aricheta; Leila suffered a stroke that affected her speech, during the cursed times, that her boss, Judge Petrita Braga Dime died in pain, while Ms. Susan Garcias son suffered unexplained illness before passing the Bar Exams) of Br. 14, RTC, Malolos Bulacan informed Floro, that Christine Tomas Espinosa and Ray parted ways and in pain after long long years of happy marriage. Christine allegedly lost but found her wedding ring when she met Judge Floro at the Manila Hotel with former CHR Chair Hezzi Mallilin. This triggered the destruction of their happy family, allegedly by a beautiful lady, now, a FaceBook added plastic friend of the dwarf Judge. Antonio Tonyboy Cojuanco, PLDT Board Member, had undergone on July, 2007, another USA surgery treatment to remove the remaining 80% of the papilloma (non-cancerous throat tumor) to clear his airway. The surgery needed a corrective one after 4 weeks. Gretchen's US travel therefore triggered the John Estrada "kisscandal." Antonio "Tonyboy" Cojuangco, owner of ABC 5, however, on October 22, 2008, officially denied the separation issue and said his relationship with Barretto is doing fine. Cojuanco announced Gretchen will have a show on ABC 5, and he denied reports he ousted her off their Forbes Park home due to her alleged relationship with Dody Puno. "80 to 90% of the papilloma removed. Tony's airway is clear. He will need surgery in four weeks. All is well with Tony. Ur prayers warm our hearts. Will be flying home to Manila in due time," were Gretchen's exact words. Ray C. Espinosa (cursed Ateneo Law School Class 1982) is the Chairman of ePLDT Ventus, President of ePLDT and a Director of PLDT. Prior to joining the PLDT group he was a Partner in the Sycip 5F LV Locsin Building, Makati Avenue, Makati City. Tel: 632 8936618. Fax: 632 8150617. Mr. Ray C. Espinosa, 50, Director, is Member of Technology Strategy Committee, Chairman of Vocativ Systems Inc., Chairman of Parlance Systems Inc., ChiefExec. Officer of Parlance Systems, Inc., Chief Exec. Officer of Vocativ Systems Inc., Pres of ePLDT Inc.

Ray is also a Managing Director of ePLDT Inc. / Anna V. Bengzon. Judge Floro further begged mercy from his classmates Patrick Macamay, Angerico Paras, Customs officers, Susan Calvez and Roma Valdez, who both denied Judge Floros pleas. Judge Floro also begged mercy from his most powerful classmates Ricardo Paras III, State Counsel, and Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs, Manny Gaite and Jay Flaminiano, counsel of President Joseph Estrada (and Menardo Ilasco Guevarra, partner of Edward Serapio in De Borja Medialdea Guevarra Serapio Law Office). In front of Et Montecastro, Francis Lim and Betty Medialdea, Judge Floro was set-up and humiliated by Manuel Gaite at the wake of Emily Reyes. Judge Floro also begged the mercy of Justice Raul M. Gonzales, Engr. Homer Ortega and Justice Leonardo A. Quisumbing (January 24, 2006, and 4 other times). Judge Floro also begged the mercy of Senator Aquilino Pimentel, who merely set up a joke when Judge Floro was interviewed by his director and 3 lawyers. Judge Floro was humiliated by Court of Tax Appeals Justice Cesar Casanova in conspiracy with his cursed classmate Justice Lovell Bautista, who offered to give Judge Floro, P 500 ($11) transportation expense, denying Floros bended knees plea for mortgage contract. Judge Floro talked to Justice Angelina Sandoval Gutierrez, 3 times from September, 2005, at her most corrupt cursed chambers, and Floro succeeded in having held and touched her hand (allowing LUIS to spark the Violet lights enveloping here cursed body) and she was operated gall bladder on February, 2006. Justice Gutierrez was married to the late NBI Assistant Director Diego H. Gutierrez (64, who died in pain due metastasis, lung cancer on May 19, 2002). They have three children: Aileen is a State Prosecutor in the Department of Justice, whose husband, Robert Victor C. Marcon, is a law practitioner; Francis, an Esquire (attorney-at-law), is a graduate of the American University George Washington College of Law.

He works in the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.; James, also an Esquire, is a graduate of the Boston University. He is connected with the Stroock and Stroock and Lavan Law Firm in New York City. 10 January, 2007 Atty. Emily Reyes died of 2 years battle with cancer; as cursed classmate of Judge Floro; her death was predicted before Mayor Jerry Trenas at Heritage Hotel, last quarter 2005 - We saw her again in Xmas 2006 in an intensive care room at the Capitol Medical Center. She died on January 10th 2007 from an advanced stage of cancer five days after we last visited her. She was courageous till the end. Jerry Trenas later texted Floro: "Kamusta kana?" [Trenas, Jerry +63917-3021424 10-July-2007 08:08:42] Let it be remembered that Emily Reyes+, Gil Valera, Francis Lim+ and other cursed classmates of Floro sat and drunk wine at the cursed table and Pioneer office of Betty Medialdea about June, 2002, prefatory to the cursed November 22, 2002 20 years Alumni Reunion of cursed Ateneo Law School Class 1982. Emily Reyes asked Floro to lift the curse upon her office mate Medwin Dizon, husband of cursed Atty. Esmeralda Galang-Dizon. Their child Gelay suffered 2 times weekly attacks of epilepsy. That was June 28, 2002. Floro denied, for utter lack of merit the plea. Forthwith LUIS punished Emily Reyes, who, in 1999 was removed as Register of Deeds of Malabon after being entrapped for a grave felony. Death threats: Omen for Jerry Trenas and offspring MANILA, Philippines - "The ancestral house owned by the family of incumbent Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Trenas in a grenade explosion in Molo district, before dawn Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Police said the blast, that took place around 3 a.m., damaged the windows of the ancestral house in Barangay Taal. The house is being occupied by the mayor's brother, Francis Trenas. Seized by the city police's bomb disposal unit inside the compound was a safety lever for an M26 A1 hand grenade.

Police said the grenade type is exclusively issued by the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Police investigators said that it was the 2nd time that a grenade was hurled into Trenas property. A grenade was also lobbed last March 6 into the Carlos Bakeshop owned by the mayor himself. Police said that the Trenas family has also reported that Mayor Trenas's nephew, local youth leader Jay Trenas, has also been receiving death threats. The Trenas family believes that the grenade-throwing incidents and the death threats being received by the younger Trenas are politically motivated. The mayor is running for congressman of the lone district of Iloilo City. He is running against incumbent Rep. Raul Gonzalez Jr. and former city mayor Mansueto Malabor.31 LUIS, the Annihilator; Judge Floro, the Angel of Death By virtue of the November 23, 2006 Malacanang Reply Letter of Usec. Enrique D. Perez for the OP Search Committee to Judge Floro's November 17, 2006 letter begging for work, job and trabaho, endorsing Floro to Department Secretaries or Heads of Offices, Floro, therefore begged by filing the following letters, personally to the most powerfuls private secretaries: *Dec 14 2006 Letters of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho from Sen. Aquilino Nene Pimentel and Cerge Remonde, Manuel Villar, Jamby Madrigal, Mar Roxas *Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho to DOJ Sec. Raul M. Gonzales; and *Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho to Finance Sec. Margarito Teves.

Grenade lobbed at Trenas ancestral home in Iloilo City 03/23/2010 11:06 AM


Floros bended knees letter-appeals were all thrown in the waste can, even if Eduardo Ermita denied Floros plea for audience.32 By virtue of the Biblical curse upon RTC Malabon on July 20, 1999, when Judge Floro was suspended for 7 years, and by virtue of the Imprecation or Sumpa sa Hudikatura under PSALMS 109 / 73 on November 3/5, 2006 Judge Rosa Reyes, Br. 74, RTC, Malabon, (beside Br. 73, of Judge Floro), began to have suffered lung cancer on 2004, and she died on March 9, 2007, while Judge Benjamin Antonio, at the time and day of the Supreme Court Logo fire on January 15, 2007, forcibly retired due to permanent total disability; his ear drums were damaged beyond repair. As if these dire events were not enough, LET it be remembered that the entire Malabon Halls of Justice, canteen and offices were burned by LUIS Violet lights fire on July 22, 2000 (first anniversary of suspension of Judge Floro) except Floros 100% preserved sala. The Fun is complete when Gelay, the daughter of Atty. Esmeralda Galang-Dizon suffered on June, 2002 a two times weekly 10 minutes seizures (lifetime) of incurable epilepsy, due to fabrication of the 13 charges and insult to LUIS, as Angel of Death. * January 19, 2007. The National Bureau of Investigation has taken the lead in the parallel probe of the slaying of Quezon City Judge Nathaniel Pattugalan. He is the father of Peoples Journal reporter Leeann Ducusin; he was ambushed by two armed men on a motorcycle in front of the Department of Agrarian Reform building near the Quezon City Memorial Circle.


Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work from Sen. Aquilino Nene Pimentel Nov 23 2006 Malacanang Reply Letter of Usec. Enrique D. Perez for the OP Search Committee to Judge Floro's Nov 17 2006 letter Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho to DOJ Sec. Raul M. Gonzales Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho to Finance Sec. Margarito Teves


He was on his way home around 6:30 p.m. last Friday on board a passenger jeepney. The gunmen, unidentified until now, were on board a green Pajero when they strafed the judges car resulting in the death of his driver, Alfonso de la Cruz. * January 20, 2007. The son of former Bulacan Gov. Roberto Pagdanganan died Sunday afternoon at St. Lukes Hospital in Quezon City from injuries he sustained in a vehicular accident. Supt. Manuel Lukban, city police chief, said Raymond Pagdanganan, 26, was driving his Nissan Frontier pickup at about 3 a.m. along the MacArthur Highway in San Pablo village here on Sunday when he hit a tricycle that he was tailing. * February, 2007 Both Philippines Supreme Court and Court of Appeals mourned on same day, Sunday, the twin deaths (first since 1901, 1936) of S.C. Justice Vicente Ericta and CA Justice Roberto Barrios. * February 5-8, 2007 Angioplasty operation of Philippine paranormal expert Jaime Licauco, nemesis of James Randi About the second to third week of December, 2006, Mr. Jaime T. Licauco ridiculed Judge Floro's 400 pages dwarves' book, when the latter asked him to endorse the same so that Rex Bookstore would publish it, saying: "I DO NOT LIKE THAT BOOK!" (Licauco told Rex Bookstore on December 20, 2006, per Ms. Sonia Breezee Santiago and marketing director Robie Robles). Forthwith, Judge Floro, as instructed by LUIS, wrote the prophecy in 3 e-forums that LUIS will punish him (Jaime T. Licauco). Inner Awareness February 8, 2007 Angioplasty When signs are ignored By Jaime Licauco Inquirer 03/06/2007 On the evening of Jan. 26, I almost died! I did not know how serious my condition was until a few days later. Like most people, I ignored all warning signs and almost succumbed to a heart attack. That evening I went to see a movie at Greenbelt Cinema in Makati, which was just a few minutes walk from my office. Since I was already late, I walked faster than usual.

Emergency As I left the building, I felt bad again, weak and nauseous. I told my wife I wanted to go to the hospital and drove to the emergency room of the Makati Medical Center. My wife followed. It took less than five minutes to reach the hospital, as I ignored all traffic rules and red signals. I was back at the MMC emergency room the next day. My new cardiologist, Dr. Dy Bun Yok, was contacted. He prescribed emergency medication and had me transferred to the Chinese General Hospital in Manila so he could attend to me. I learned he was considered one of the best intervention cardiologists in the country. He supervised a team that did a successful multiple heart bypass operation on my older brother barely a month earlier. I was transferred by ambulance to Chinese General that Sunday afternoon and brought to the Intensive Care Unit for heart patients, the Coronary Care Unit. I stayed there for four days because I could not decide whether or not to have an angiogram (X-ray examination of blood vessels) and possible angioplasty (surgical reconstruction of narrowed or obstructed arteries). I was afraid of surgery of any type. But Doctor Dy, despite his long list of patients and a busy schedule, explained to me patiently there was no other way he could find out what artery was blocked. And how serious the blockage was unless he did an angiogram. Doctor Dy found one of my arteries was 70 percent blocked. In angioplasty, using the same incision made for angiogram, the doctor inserts and positions a balloon in the blocked artery. That inflates it and leaves a stent (some kind of a splint) to keep the artery open. Then the wire or catheter is pulled out. The two procedures lasted no more than 30 minutes. I did not even know it was over because I felt nothing at all. The opening is then pressed by 6 pounds of sand bag and left taped for 24 hours to prevent bleeding. This is the most uncomfortable part of the procedure.

The angiogram and angioplasty are considered generally safe. But, still, the fear of being opened up kept me tense while the procedure was going on. After two days, I left the hospital. Next week, I shall discuss the insights and lessons I learned during my illness.33 * February 20, 2007. Cong. Antonio Serapio (1937 19 February 2007) was a lawmaker from the district of Valenzuala, Philippines. He died when his car collided with an oncoming bus, he was rushed Cabanatuan City Doctor's Hospital and his accident then turned into a cardiac arrest and then died at the age of 69. As cursed, Judge Floros prophecy effected the incarceration of his son, Edward Serapio, the classmate of cursed Menardo Ilasco Guevarra. * March 3, 2007 Gregorio Gaite, father of Dep. Exec. Sec. for Legal Affairs, Manny Gaite, died of lingering illness. Judge Floro received a text SMS message from his cursed classmate: below is message from our classmate Manny Gaite wake in Bicol n burial on Wednesday. let us pls offer prayers fro the soul n eternal piece of his father, Mr. Gregorio Gaite. Pls pass to our other batchmates. Thanks n God bless... bett M..... Pls pray 4 my father Gregorio who just passed away dis morning." [betty medialdea +63917-8499998 March 3, 2007] As if Judge Floro hath not suffered to the limits, Betty Medialdea, still hoped and hopes, until today, to gaze at, how jobless Judge Floro is munching the pain pills that Ateneo Law School Class 1982 forced-fed the dwarf Judge: "Gud p.m. Sir/Mam tis s armie from d ofc of atty. betty dizon-medialdea.



she s reequesting if u cud block-off from ur calendars nov 28 6 p.m.4 ur get 2 gether/christmas reunion venue s not final yet but it will be somewhere makati. Pls reply by text 2 tis number/e-mail ( if u will attend. tnx." [+63917-7944160 25-Nov-2007 11:53:05] N.B. Judge Floro visited his classmate Manny Gaite, on December 2006, begging for a job, work and trabaho. Floro gave Gaite about 5 of his books since Gaite would give some to their classmates. Gaite asked Judge Floro to have a meeting with classmate Jay Flaminiano at the wake of deceased classmate Emily Reyes. However, it turned to be a set-up, drama and joke, since Jay never appeared and Judge Floro became a laughing stock at Funeraria Paz. LUIS said: They will regret it! Judge Floro cursed that day-night and Ateneo Law School Classes 1980 to 1989, especially Class 1982, and demanded that Gaite should return all his books, but Gaite returned only one, alleging that he gave the rest to the cursed Ateneo Law School 1982-83 classmates. Since 2002, Judge Floro sent text messages informing Ateneo Law School, of the living curse of the 3 mystic dwarves, including their vendetta upon the cursed loved ones up to the 4th generation. P.S. About February, Nonoy, the close friend of Celita and Librado de Guzman, and confidante of Dr. Arsenio Abalos, submitted the resume or biodata of Judge Floro to Chair Benjamin Abalos. The latter feared the Imprecation, and sent back the resume. Judge Floros plea was denied, prompting the dwarves to curse the most corrupt COMELEC. Vengeance and wrath caused the cleansing of the dirtiest office of the government by 2nd fire, per LUIS VIOLET lights. * March 11, 2007 Commission on Elections (Philippines) old building and seal burned by fire, Fire razes Comelec office * March 17, 2007 S.C. Justice Antonio Martinez died due to kidney failure

On 2005, Judge Floro by chance met Justice Martinez (with cursed classmate OCAD Asst. Administrator Nimfa Cuesta Vilches who failed to be nominated CA Justice) at the JBC office of Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. Justice Martinez asked the JBC Members to nominate CuestaVilches. Forthwith LUIS VIOLET lights struck Justice Antonio Martinez and DCA Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches. On September, 2011, DCA Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches DCA Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreas Cancer. Fridays Healing Masses were scheduled on the 3rd Flr., Session Hall of the Old Supreme Court building for Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches. * April 9, 2007 First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo's surgery for aortic aneurysm. The Manila Times, on April 23, 2007, published full frontpage "Ex-judge charges CA Dirty Dozen" - Floro's 23page Verified Disbarment Complaint. On November 20, 2007, the Court of Appeals (Philippines) dismissed Floro's disbarment case against the Court of Appeals Dirty Dozen and Justice Romeo Barza. On March 27, 2007, Atty. Carlos M. Flores was appointed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as new Judge of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon to replace Judge Floro. On April 4, 2008, Judge Floro appealed to the Supreme Court of the Philippines to annul the appointment on constitutional grounds since it was issued more than 90 days from November 20, 2007. * April 14, 2007. Complainant Judge Crispin Bravo, of Manila Trial Court Branch 16, told Orante that his two sons Lakas Diwa, 28, and Sumilang, 27, were victims of a group that was allegedly under the influence of illegal drugs. They took fancy on my two boys just for fun. Investigation showed the incident took place April 14, Saturday dawn, while the siblings were on a motorcycle, cruising the stretch of MacArthur Highway on their way home to Caloocan City. The Bravos said the six attackers ganged up on them. They took turns in hitting my sons with baseball bat, wood, and
steel pipes. The others punched and hit my sons in different parts of their body. Sumilang sustained the most injury, the magistrate fumed, adding that the group cannibalized the victims motorbike.


* April 25, 2007 Narcisa Puno, mother of C.J. Reynato Puno died of heart disease * May 25, 2007 - Edwin Ermita, son of Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita lost to Vice-Governor Mark Leviste Sec. Ermita denied Judge Floros request for audience before the incident. Ermita and his son both lost in the 2010 elections. For non-payment of docket fees, the High Court, on June 5, 2007, dismissed Floro's intervention petition dated May 30, 2007, and his Supplement dated June 1, 2007, in the Gregory S. Ong citizenship case, filed by Jovito Salonga. Salonga, a mortal enemy of Judge Floro, lost the SC case to wit: SC Denies Petition Questioning RTC Ruling Recognizing Justice Ong as Filipino Citizen The Supreme Court has denied the petition of Kilosbayan Foundation (Kilosbayan) and Bantay Katarungan Foundation (Bantay Katarungan) questioning several rulings of a Pasig City Regional Trial Court (RTC) judge, including that recognizing Sandiganbayan Justice Gregory S. Ong as a naturalborn citizen of the Philippines. Ongs birth certificate purportedly indicated he was Chinese. In a 20-page decision penned by Justice Conchita Carpio Morales, the Court also found no grave abuse of discretion on the part of Pasig City RTC, Branch 264 Judge Leoncio M. Janolo, Jr. when he did not inhibit
himself from hearing the case and when he issued default orders against petitioners. On July 9, 2007, Ong filed a petition for the amendment/correction/supplementation or annotation of the entry on citizenship in his birth certificate which was raffled to Judge Janolos sala following the July 3, 2007 decision of the SC enjoining him from accepting an appointment to the position of Associate Justice of the High Tribunal until he proves that he is a natural-born Filipino citizen and correct the records of his birth and citizenship. (GR No. 180543, Kilosbayan Foundation v. Judge Janolo, Jr., July 27, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010; By Jay B. Rempillo 08/08201001.php) 170

*June 15, 2007, Senate Minority Floor Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. underwent spinal surgery (spinal stenosis pinched lumbar nerves), at the Asian hospital, while his son Koko Pimentel lost to Migs Zubiri in the Senatorial Elections. Dwaves LUIS, Armand and Angel cursed the Pimentel family, when Senator Pimentel denied Floro, not only audience, but made fun of him when his lawyers and Director interviewed Floro, making it appear that the Prophet would be given trabajo. Aquilino Pimentel III has as yet never held an elective post. He had run for mayor of his native Cagayan de Oro City in the 2001 elections but was defeated by then-Mayor Vicente Emano. Running in only his second race in the May 14, 2007 senatorial elections, Pimentel was narrowly defeated by Bukidnon Congressman Miguel Zubiri for the 12th and last slot in the Philippine Senate. The margin of some 18,372 votes was hotly contested, particularly the votes from the southern Philippine province of Maguindanao, where Pimentel had lost heavily to Zubiri. On March 14, 2008, the Supreme Court in a 40-page decision penned by Associate Justice Minita Chico-Nazario, dismissed Aquilino Pimentel III's petition to stop the Commission on Elections from canvassing votes from the province of Maguindanao, a definite morale booster for Senator Zubiri. N.B. Judge Floro begged for mercy, job, work and trabaho, and was interviewed for 2 hours by Sen. Pimentels director. Judge Floro even gave Pimentel his books. Nene Pimentel never allowed Floro to come back to his office. In the same manner, Judge Floro was also turned down by Chair Abalos. "The Sandiganbayan on Tuesday (09/07/2010) summoned former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as a witness to the graft case surrounding the $329million National Broadband Network (NBN) project.

The summons ordered Arroyo attend the hearings scheduled for Oct. 13 and 28 and Nov. 11, 2010. Romulo Neri and former Commission on Elections chair Benjamin Abalos are facing graft charges in separate divisions of the Sandiganbayan for their alleged involvement in the anomalous deal." [Sandiganbayan calls ex-President Arroyo on botched ZTE deal AMITA O. LEGASPI, GMANews.TV 09/07/2010 an-calls-ex-president-arroyo-on-botched-zte-deal] * July 25, 2007 14th Judge killed (since 1999): Orlando Velasco of the Bayawan City Regional Trial Court, Negros Oriental N.B. Due to the mystic curse, 19 Filipino judges have been killed since 1999 suspension of Judge Floro, forcing the Philippine Supreme Court to exploit human greed in helping solve the murders. July 28, 2009 Erasto Salcedo, 70, a retired judge, was about to leave the Tagum City Sports Complex around 4:30 p.m. last Sunday, when attacked by men onboard a motorcycle. 17 September 2009 Shariah court judge Edimer Gumbahali, 37, was killed by two gunmen Wednesday in Patikul town on Jolo Island, 1,000 kilometres south of Manila. Judge Philip G. Labastida of the San Juan Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) was found dead with several stab wounds in his Quezon City house on December 7, 2007. Judge Roberto A. Navidad of the Calbayog City RTC, Branch 32, was shot dead by still unidentified suspect in January 2008. On May 19, 2010, a regional trial court judge in Aparri was shot and killed by two motorcycle-riding men at 6 p.m. on Tuesday in Aparri, Cagayan, police said Wednesday. Chief Superintendent Benedict Michael Fokno, Cagayan Valley police director, said Judge Andres Cipriano of regional trial court Branch 9 was on his way to his
apartment at St. Patrick Hotel in Barangay (village) Macanaya when he was shot by unidentified men. He died before reaching the hospital from two bullet wounds in the head and body.


* July 26, 2007 Court of Appeals 4th floor was burned, 5th alarm. The offices of Justice Rey Sundiam and Bienvenido Reyes, who were both celebrating their birthdays, were burned by the 2nd mystic fire. Health Curses in Malacanang When Eraps neighbor SC Justice Bernardo P. Pardo suspended Floro on July 20, 1999 after predicting in writing on April, 1998 that Erap will not finish his term and will become the 13th unlucky President, Malacanang Palace was cursed by the 3 duendes. * August 8, 2007 Gabriel Claudio underwent surgery for scoliosis and compressed nerves operation (severe back pain is congenital). His predecessor Secretary Jose Joey Rufino succumbed to multiple organ failure in 2006 while former Labor Secretary Blas Ople died of a heart attack in 2003; 2 former executive secretaries of President Gloria MacapagalArroyo underwent serious bypass operations: Renato de Villa and Alberto Romulo; former Budget Secretary Emilia Boncodin underwent a kidney operation. National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales had a low sugar level while Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye has a slipped disc. * August 3, 2007 Muntinlupa City Hall and Metropolitan Trial Court were burned * August 3, 2007 DOJ Secretary Raul Gonzalez (Philippines) vomitted blood, rushed to hospital, battled with bleeding from ulcer. Gonzalez had a kidney transplant on September 14, 2007. He and his son both lost in the 2010 elections. His Iloilo Mayor Jerry Trenas was sued the Ombudsman regarding the coal plant trip by the Taiwan company. Gonzalez says he and his wife plan to bring (07/29/2009) their 38-year-old son Jose Mari, who is suffering from cerebral palsy, to Lourdes, France, a pilgrimage site for the sick and disabled.

Like Koko Pimentel, former senators Vicente Sotto III, Tessie Aquino-Oreta and Sonia Roco, widow of former senator Raul Roco miserably lost in the Philippine general election, 2007, as predicted by Judge Floro in the Pinoy Exchange eforum. * September 24, 2007 - the P 10 million bribery controversy involving S.C. Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago. Her kidney was removed on 2003 while her husband JBC member Francisco Tito Santiago died of heart attack in 1996 after Judge Floro faced the panel and predicted the triple fate; these triple dire pains were LUIS advanced gifts to Filipino canonized dwarf Saint Judge Floro. N.B. On 17 September, 1995, Judge Floro predicted the a) massive stroke of JBC Member Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, 1996-7, which caused his 7 years suspension and removal from service, b) the cardiac attack at Baguio City of JBC Member Francisco Tito Santiago, wife of S.C. Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, and c) the 1996 Supreme Court stairs accident of JBC Member Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. Floro also predicted his December, 2002 prostate treatment plus the enlargement of the prostate of Dr. Sison, husband of Atty. Tesie Sison. Incidentally, and as surprise, the cursed Romulo, Mabanta, De Los Angeles Law Office, where the daughter of Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, Marites Sison-Go works as partner, caused the suicide tradedy, when on June 21, 2008, Anna Patricia del Castillo (only daughter of SC Justice Mar del Castillo and Romulo Mabanta Law Office partner Dean Cynthia del Castillo) jumped to her death from 4th floor hotel. Department of Justice Secretary Raul Maravilla Gonzalez suffered from acute renal failure and in September 2007 he received a successful kidney transplant. * September 28, 2007 - Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago apologized for saying China invented corruption reasoning and admitting that she suffered anorexia (symptom) and the decreased sensation of appetite.

The dwarves were insulted at the December, 2006 Senate hearing on Hilario G. Davide, Jr.s confirmation, resulting to her present (2010) grave and unexplained illness of hyperthyroidism (the term for overactive tissue within the thyroid gland causing an overproduction of thyroid hormones (thyroxine or "T4" and/or triiodothyronine or "T3"). Hyperthyroidism is thus a cause of thyrotoxicosis, the clinical condition of increased thyroid hormones in the blood. It is important to note that hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis are not synonymous). * September 28, 2007 - Lawyer Maria Tecson, 40, was found dead (in a state of rigor mortis) inside room 204 at the Richmond Hotel, San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City (with her throat slit and with cuts on her wrist)., Lawyer found dead in Pasig hotel Maria Jeanette Tecson, Zoilo Velez (promoted to Court of Appeals Justice) and Victorino Fornier filed the disqualification case against 2004 Presidential candidate Fernando Poe, Jr. She claimed Poe was born out of wedlock and that while Poe's birth certificate was dated 1939, his parents Allan Poe and American mother Bessie Kelly did not marry until 1940. Tecson suffered balis, when at the FPJ oral argument on March, 2004, she passed 1 meter off Judge Floro, whose mystic violet fires from the latters lente and salamin struck the brain of the lawyer causing her to plunge into the hotel tragedy which, until today, has never been explained. * September 30, 2007 President Gloria MacapagalArroyo was rushed to Asian Hospital and Medical Center (AHMC) in Alabang for emergency ultrasound due to bleeding in the organs located in the pelvic area. Arroyo was attended by her Ob-Gyn, Dr. Lopez. Brig. Gen. Romeo Prestoza, chief of the Presidential Security Group (PSG). On July 3, 2009, it was announced that Arroyo had undergone a biopsy to examine lumps discovered in her breast and groin. Press Secretary Cerge Remonde stated that the results of the biopsy were negative. Remonde also denied reports published in 3 July 2009 editions of the Manila Bulletin and the Philippine Star that Arroyo had undergone surgery for the removal or repair of breast silicone implants.

* October 1, 2007 - Benjamin Abalos, Philippine Commission on Elections Chair resigned amid bribe issues. * October 26, 2007 Judicial vindication, amnesty and release from detention of Joseph Estrada. Judge Floro visited Joseph Estrada at Veterans Memorial Hospital on 2002 and predicted that he will be judicially but not politically vindicated (witnessed by visitor Sanlakas Cong. JV Bautista). After the coming to pass of the prophecy, Judge Floro and Cong. JV Bautista talked at Metro Gate Mall, Pasig City, Metro Manila. Floro did beg Bautista to ask Erap to help the jobless Judge move on even as a turtle. Bautista denied Floros request since Erap already had made up his mind. Erap turned down the dwarf Judge. In LUIS vindictive flash of violet lights, both Erap and JV Bautista lost in the 2010 elections. On November 5, 2007, Floro issued his second biblical curse amid the first November 3-5 2006 first curse, and asked the Court to order its Clerk to issue entry of judgment or the certificate of finality on the nonreinstatement of the jobless dwarf judge. 3 days later or on November 8, 2007, Floro's counsel of record in the dwarf case, Rene Saguisag suffered dire car accident with 7 broken ribs, staying in the ICU for 20 days, while his wife former DSWD Secretary Dulce Saguisag died. It was her Last Dance. After a month, or on December 8, 2007, Senator Saguisag was released from the hospital, freed from tubes, but still needs assistance by a hired a private nurse". He lost lots of weight. He was out of the ICU on November 28, or 20 days from the fatalistic accident. Their youngest daughter 16-year old gymnast Kaissa Saguisag's knee injury ended her quest for gold at the 24th Southeast Asian Games. "Jobless judge in pretend world" - The Sunday Times (South Africa) The Court denied Floro's November 8, 2007 petition for contempt and to intervene in the indirect contempt case against The Daily Tribune editor, Jake Macasaet (regarding the P 10 million bribery scandal, re - Consuelo YnaresSantiago).

On November 9, 2007, and March 24, 2008, respectively, Commission on Elections legal division chiefs Aleoden Dalaig and his successor, Winnie Asdala, were gunned down. The Court, on November 13, 2007, dismissed Floro's motion for reconsideration. The March 13, 2007 SC Resolution in Allan Paguia vs CJ Davide denied Floros Intervention against Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. * November 13, 2007 Batasang Pambansa bombing - 6 died and Cong. Pryde Henry Teves' face was badly burned. After 35 days or on December 18, 2007, Negros Oriental Rep. Pryde Henry Teves was moved out of the intensive care unit of St. Lukes Medical Center in Quezon City to a private room thereat, and recuperated from destroyed eardrum, fractured leg and sustained deep burns in his arms from the Batasang Pambansa bombing. Before the fate, Judge Floros plea for audience, work, job, trabaho, was denied by Sec. Margarito Teves, Prydes close relative. * November 18, 2007 Former justice chief Sedfrey Ordoez, 86, suffered stroke and died (former justice secretary and ambassador to the United Nations and managing partner of Jovito Salonga, who humiliated Floro inside the formers mansion at Valle Verde 3 times. On November 20, 2007 the court noted without action or did not act on Floro's final motion. * November 29, 2007 - Manila Peninsula rebellion, where former Vice President Teofisto Guingona, Jr. et al were incarcerated. N.B. About 2001, Guingona per his private secretary Agnes Hibonhua asked Judge Floro to wait for 3 hours due to Guingonas talks with CAVs Gerarda Villa and Thelma Chiong. Due to the insult, the 3 mystic dwarves cursed all those who caused the pain upon Floro. Gerarda Villa (the mother of hazing victim Lenny who was a neophyte of Aquila Legis, a fraternity in the Ateneo de Manila University Law School, who died after three days of bloody hazing rites in February 1991) is president of the Crusade Against Violence (CAV).

Grandson of ex-VP Guingona falls 31 stories to death in Muntinlupa 10/27/2011 | 07:52 AM A grandson of former Vice President Teofisto Guingona fell to his death from the 31st floor of a hotel in Muntinlupa City before dawn Thursday. Police are gathering leads on the death of Marc Guingona Lamb, 20, radio dzBB's Sam Nielsen reported. Lamb fell from the 31st floor of the Vivere Suites Hotel in the Alabang-Filinvest area in Muntinlupa City and landed on the pavement, the report said. Gerarda Villa suffered the painful acquittal of most of the accused, while Thelma Chiong lost the high profile case of extradition of the accused who killed her daughter. Convicted killer-rapist Juan Francisco "Paco" Larraaga arrived in Madrid on October 7, 2009 and was transferred to a maximum security Spanish prison, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said. The DFA said Larraaga - convicted in 2004 along with six others for raping and killing sisters Jacqueline and Marijoy Chiong in 1997 in Cebu City. The Supreme Court has also upheld an order barring the public screening of Butakal: Sugapa sa Laman," a movie that Thelma Chiong of the Crusade Against Violence says is based on the abduction and rape of her two daughters. Butakal" was scheduled for screening in 1999, while the Chiong case was still being reviewed by the SC. * December 25, 2007, Abra Representative Cecilia Luna was brought to a safehouse after she survived an attack when a homemade bomb exploded and hit her family's compound. In Barangay (village) Dangdangla Bangued, Abra, hurting 7 residents, including Luna's 3 sons: Lagayan Mayor Jendricks Luna, 36; Dangdangla barangay captain Ryan Luna, 30, president of the Association of Barangay Captains in Bangued suffered second degree burns; and Cromuel Luna, 35 -- (all rushed to P.V. Seares Hospital) The Omen, revisited

On April, 1999, Judge Floro visited Apo Rupeng (now deceased Rufina Resurrection, a well-known faith healer for 30 years from Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan). Judge Floro asked her to interpret the his vision of 3 Coffins Davide, Jr., Panganiban & Puno Moral Farce Apo Rupeng predicted that these coffins would be the death beds of those who would persecute Judge Floro. Specifically, Rufina prophesied that LUIS will curse the ROLLO (2 push carts which contained the 7 years suspension
case of Floro); she said that LUIS will show to the ponente (Justice Nazario) the horrible pains and deaths as Floro saw the 3 coffins, upon release of any judgement which would dismiss or separate Judge Floro from the judiciary.

Coffin No. 1 On April 11, 2006, 4:30 p.m. (14 hours before the death of Atty. Luzviminda Puno) Judge Floro visited Bibing at their house (she would go to Palawan). Atty. Ma. Isabel Providencia Bibing Timbangkaya Solis, showed to Judge Floro her youngest son who was bitten by a dog, and her first born who also met a swing accident with 7 big lifetime stitches on his right forehead (incorrectible by plastic surgery). Her father-in-law's office, RTC Manila, Judge Cesar Solis' court was ransacked by robbers, that April 7, 2006. [On November 8, 2007, the left lung of Judge Floros counselof-record Rene A. V. Saguisag, was crushed and he had 7 broken ribs, while his head suffered clots; his wife Dulce died due to the horrible accident, which was predicted by LUIS on the 54th birthday of Judge Floro, on November 5, 2007, 8:00 p.m., when a Violet flash as big as a car wheel glimmered when Judge Floro conversed with Fr. Constancio S. Gan, C.M., at Adamson University]. 12 April, 2006, Atty. Luzviminda Delgado Puno's heart surgery-death, 6 days after the release of the cursed Psychosis decision - April 6 (wife of S.C. C.J. Reynato S.
Puno) The (Ponente, Justice) Minita Viray Chico-Nazario 6 pages Dalliance Resolution, August 11, 2006 - ignited the 2nd FIRE from Judge Florentino Floro's EYES. 179

The fire which emitted the VIOLET and WHITE LIGHTS of LUIS exploded upon the inner organs of the Philippine Judicial and Bar Council ---- 6 days before its promulgation --Coffin No. 2 Judicial and Bar Council, (Ret.) Sandiganbayan Justice Raoul Victorino's wife LIRIO "Lily" BAUTISTA VICTORINO most excruciatingly and with supreme pain, expired on August 5, 2006 at the age of 76, leaving also her only daughter Lillie, after Justice Nazario denied entry to Judge Floro who begged to enter her Paranaque house on that fateful night of August 4, 2006. 5 August, 2006 Lirio Lily Bautista Victorino suffered most painful cancer death, 6 days before the release of the denial (of Judge Floros appeal) Resolution, on August 11, 2006 (wife of JBC Member Justice Raoul Victorino). August, 2005 and August, 2006 pleas for mercy Judge Floro was sadly informed by his counsel Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr. that he would not find any job at the age of 53, whether with the government or with the private sectors. Judge Floro begged mercy from his alma mater, Ateneo College of Law, through: Human Rights chair Carlos Medina (48, the executive director of the Ateneo Human Rights Center and a co-convenor of the Legal Network for Truthful Elections, Lente). Lente was formed in May 2006 in order to enable lawyers, law students, and trained paralegals to monitor the canvassing process), classmate Dean Cesar Villanueva, Dean Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J., school mate, Assistant Dean, Sedfrey Candelaria, ALAFI President and GSIS chief legal counsel Leighton R. Siazon, and ALAFI Chair, Supreme Court Justice Renato C. Corona (who dismissed Judge Floro). Like Job in the Old Testament, but with the guide of LUIS, Judge Floro begged for mercy from almost all his (Ateneo Law School Classes 82, 83, and 84) classmates.

Judge Floro asked the help of: Tonette and husband Labor Secretary Arturo D. Brion, and Ray Espinosa. LUIS ordered Judge Floro to curse all those who denied him including the Biblical Curse upon Ateneo Law School Classes 82, 83 and 80 to 90 At the Heritage Hotel, Makati meeting, Judge Floro lectured on his 7 years jobless case, to his most powerful and wealthy classmates as he begged them for help; Judge Floro texted the curse upon Class 82, inter alia; and Christine Espinosa, Mayor Jerry P. Trenas, Cynthia, RCBC Manager, representative of S.C. Justice Renato C. Corona, Fiscal Imelda Portes (ill with Bells Palsy) denied his pleas, even if they also begged Judge Floro to heal the cancer stricken Atty. Emily Reyes, founder of Lex Athenia; LUIS denied their requests. Judge Floro, on August 22, 2005, after the Heritage meeting, lectured for one full hour, on until 5:15 p.m. to DOJ Secretary Raul M. Gonzalez. Gonzales refused to give any commitment to Judge Floro. As Judge Floro held his right hand, LUIS flashed the violet lights which caused his kidney transplant on September, 2007. Desperate Judge Floro later begged his counsel-ofrecord Atty. Rene A.V. Saguisag, to give him a job or to help him in private practice. Saguisag denied Judge Floros plea. Judge Floro asked Rene to call President Corazon Aquino and President Joseph Estrada, his clients. Rene denied Judge Floros pleas for audience. Judge Floro further begged the help of and talked to Justice Apolinario D. Bruselas (for the 5th time, at the Court of Appeals ground floor room), who introduced him to Justice Lucas Bersamin. The latter met Judge Floro 3x, talked to Justice Minita Chico-Nazario about the case, and denied Judge Floros plea for mercy. November 3/5, 2006 53rd birthday of Judge Floro, the IMPRECATION under Psalms 73 / 109, to cleanse the judiciary. Psychotic judge enlists help of dwarf-friends vs SC


On 7 July, 2006 Hazel (maid of Justice Minita Viray-Chico Nazario) gave Judge Floro her cellphone number (0920-7726643), but Justice Nazario refused to let Judge Floro come inside her house. Judge Floro was told by Atty. Bibing Timbangkaya, p.s. of Justice Nazario that she wants to see you some day. Thus, Judge Floro knocked at the magistrates cursed door and house. 11 August, 2006 release of the Denial (of Judge Floros Appeal) Resolution Coffin No. 3 17 June, 2006, painful death of Hilario Panerio Davide, Sr., the father of retired Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr., after suffering lingering illnesses (together with his sons Atty. Jose and Jorge Davide, who both died on 2004), for 7 years making parallel the pains of Judge Floro, 71 days after the release of the decision on April 6, 2006. On 16 July, 2002, Davide underwent a successful Carotid surgery by Dr. Jorge Garcia, who operated Fidel Ramos in 1997. The procedure Carotid endarterectomy, was used to remove Atherosclerotic plaque from the wall of his carotid artery to prevent Transient ischemic attack (TIAs) or ischemic stroke) Davides of Argao Josefa Gelbolingo Davide and Hilario Panerio Davide, Sr., Papa Undo - Colawin in Argao, Cebu, born to farming couple Pablo Davide and Teodora Panerio. The Davide family of Argao traces its roots to Esteban Davide and Nepomucena Ortega, both Argawanon natives who married during the middle of the nineteenth century, in the mountain barangay of Colawin. One of their children was Pablo O. Davide, born on June 26, 1875. This man is considered by the family of the Chief Justice as the founder of the present Davide line in Colawin. Pablo Davide later married another Argawanon by the name of Teodora Panerio. The couple, known as "Tatay Amboy" and "Nanang Doray" by their grandchildren, lived a simply life with strict working codes.

He died in 1946 in Argao, Cebu. Pablo Davide and his wife had 10 children. One of these is Hilario, the father of the CJ. After graduating from high school he was assigned as a teacher to another barrio in Argao. It was in the barrio of Talaga where Hilario met his future wife Josefa Gelbolingo, who was also a teacher. Both were ambitious and driven to succeed, and soon, in December of 1925, they decided to tie the knot. Their eldest son, Jose, was born in 1926. When their second child, Jorge, was born in 1928, Hilario decided that his wife better stop from teaching so she could take care of the kids. Pretty soon, five more children followed. The Chief Justice, the sixth in the family, is the youngest son. Hilario Davide was later appointed as district school supervisor, and one of his first contributions to Colawin was the building of an elementary school in the area. Davide, known by ordinary folks as Noy Undo, was 101 years old when he passed away June 17, 2006, (2 months after Judge Floro was adjudged by the CURSED decision) on the eve of Fathers Day in his home in Sitio Waling Waling, Barangay Capitol Site, here. In the last two years of his life, Hilario Sr. had been in and out of the hospital and was very weak. Last May, he was confined in the intensive care unit for two weeks and was later transferred to a room where he stayed for a few days. He was brought home last week, his breathing being aided by an oxygen tank until he passed away last Saturday. Hilario Sr. was a teacher at the Talaga Elementary School in Argao in the 1920s when he met his future wife Josefa, also a teacher in the same school. Noy Undo was later appointed as district school supervisor. One of his achievements during his stint was the construction of primary schools in the municipality. He retired in 1969 as school superintendent in Lapu-Lapu City. Shortly after, he founded the Colawin Education Foundation which he headed until 1990.


1) Eldest son Jose was an engineer and a lawyer who served as municipal councilor in Argao. 2) Jorge was a retired soil scientist and was connected with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 3) Eldest daughter Paz is a retired public school teacher, while 4) Oscar is a doctor of medicine. 5) Romulo is a doctor of plant pathology in the University of the Philippines in Los Baos, while youngest child 6) Lina is teaching at a university in Illinois. 7) Hilario Jr., became chief justice and is now the Philippine Ambassador to the United Nations. The union of Hilario Davide Sr. and the former Josefa Gelbolingo was blessed with 7 children, all of whom became professionals. The eldest Oscar served as a surgeon at the Don Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu and the first daughter, Ma. Paz, followed her parents footsteps by serving as a schoolteacher. Romulo became a scientist with the University of the Philippines-Los Baos and Ma. Lina, the second daughter, earned a doctorate in drama and speech and continues to serve as an officer in a training unit of a university in the United States. Jose, a lawyer-engineer, and Jorge, a doctor in soil, died in 2004 and 2002, respectively. Hilario Jr. graduated with a degree in laws, served in various capacities in government before retiring as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. [On 17 September, 1995, Judge Floro predicted the a) massive first STROKE of JBC Member Atty. Teresita CruzSison, 1996-7, which caused his 7 years suspension and removal from service, b) the cardiac attack at Baguio City of JBC Member Francisco TITO Santiago, wife of S.C. Justice Ynares-Santiago, and c) the 1996 Supreme Court stairs accident of JBC Member Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. Judge Floro also foretold his December, 2002 prostate treatment plus the enlargement of the prostate of Dr. Sison, husband of Atty. Tesie Sison]. LUIS: Whoever will deny our instrument Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. would be deemed cursed forever, up to the 4th generation.

24 October, 2006 Ms. Celita Cel De Guzman and partner Librado de Guzman,, asked Judge Floro to conduct Spanish card reading; she was so greedy regarding a hidden treasure. After a month, her sister Mayla with 3 kids were sent from Mexico to the Philippines by (8 years) Italian husband, allegedly due to a gayuma or spell by a Mexican witch. Celita offered Judge Floro to see Nonoy, the best friend and neighbor of Dr. Arsenio Abalos, brother of Chair Benjamin Abalos. Judge Floros resume was read by Comelec Chairman Abalos but Judge Floros plea for JOB, Work, Trabaho - was utterly denied allegedly due to Supreme Court Justices anger / wrath / rage against the Dwarf Judges Imprecation of November 3 / 5, 2006. All the Rage Why everyone is so angry and why we must calm down [snippets] So is there any hope for you and your anger? Is there any reason to believe that someday you will be able to survive the afternoon commute without screaming or tailgating or displaying choice fingers? One option, of course, is to seek out some help with anger management. The very phrase has become such a familiar part of our liveshow often does a day pass without hearing of some offender being sentenced to attend anger management sessions? that its easy to forget that it is a relatively recent coinage. Raymond W. Novaco may have been the first to use the term, in his seminal 1975 work Anger Control (Lexington), but the term didnt begin appearing in the popular media until well into the 1980s. One of the first and most influential popular books on anger was Carol Tavris 1982 Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion (Simon & Schuster).


Her book was a response to the then-popular ventilationist strategies that suggested that loudly articulating our anger would free us emotionally. Tavris insisted on a more subtle and complex approach to anger, one that even acknowledged its constructive aspects. Abalos's brother faces charges of electoral fraud The elder brother of Benjamin Abalos Sr., former chairman of the Commission on Elections, is facing charges of electoral fraud. His defeated political rival in barangay election filed a complaint against him before a local poll office in Mandaluyong City Monday. Radio dzMM reported that barangay chairman candidate Luis Philip Tolentino, who lost to Dr. Arsenio Abalos, asked the COMELEC to declare a failure of elections in Barangay Hagdang Bato Itaas. Abalos kin shot dead in Mandaluyong. From Manila Bulletin, April 26, 2005 MANDALUYONG CITY A son-in-law of the brother of Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Benjamin Abalos was shot and killed inside his car by three unidentified assailants in Mandaluyong City yesterday morning. Dr. Nicolo Echiverri, 40, a surgeon, suffered four gunshot wounds in different parts of his body. He was the son-in-law of Dr. Arsenio Abalos, brother of the Comelec chairman and a distant relative of Caloocan Mayor Enrico "Recom" Echiverri. The victim was the general surgeon of Fortune Care Clinic and one of the... Details of Jaime T. Licaucos contempt of the 3 Duendes On the December, 2006, Judge Floro begged mercy from the Number ONE Philippine alleged Psychic and Paranormal expert Mr. Jaime T. Licauco; Judge Floro asked him to endorse and publish LUIS Book; Judge Floro then
went to REX Bookstore, and asked the help of Atty. Dominador D. Buhain, Vice President of the ASEAN Book Publishers Association and owner of Rex Bookstore thru Ms. Sonia Breezee Santiago and its Marketing Manager, Mr. Robles / Atty. Hector de Leon.


REX, according to Ms. Sonia Santiago asked Mr. Jaime T. Licauco to endorse Judge Floros Book, since REXs Licaucos Dwarf book (P 1,050 and P 650 per piece, were sold out). Licauco stated that: I do not like that (Judge Floros) book! It was due to professional jealosy, according to Sonia, since Licauco was writing the manuscript of his 3 books for REX. Further, Mr. Licauco, due to greed, wanted a monopoly of paranormal books authorship and did not want Judge Floro to have a share in the market. 01-08-2007, 9:07 PM Judge Floro predicted in 3 eForums, the February 8, 2007 angioplasty of Jaime T. Licauco, duplicating the February, 2006 angioplasty of James Randi (who both ridiculed the 3 mystic dwarves) Wasting no time, Judge Floro was instructed by LUIS to post in e-forums (PinoyExchange, Sun Star, and Abs-Cbn) on January, 2007, the predictions of blocking Licaucos vessels, as James Randi was also operated angioplasty as predicted by LUIS, on February 8, 2006, after ridiculing LUIS, Armand and Angel in his JREF newsletter, as 3 Stooges. February 5-8, 2007 ANGIOPLASTY operation of JAIME T. LICAUCO for defaming JUDGE FLOROS BOOK before REX Officers Judge Floro received Jaime T. Licauco and marcialmabinis email communications. There, Mr. Licauco released a statement of high respect for Judge Floro: July 28, 2009 From: Jimmy Licauco <> To: Dear Mars, I have no comment to make about former Judge Florentino Floro. The testimony I gave to the Supreme Court was merely on whether there is such a thing as psychic healing, psychic powers and elementals, and what the science of Parapsychology has to say about these things.

The less I say about ex-judge Floro, the better. People can think and judge for themselves anyway. And I have been misquoted many times. In fact it was because of such misquotation that got ex-judge Floro to turn against. I meant him nor his little friends no harm, in fact I have even defended them. JAIME T. LICAUCO (sgd.) July 21, 2009 From: Marcial Mabini <>;; Sir, I had been reading some of your opinions in the Inquirer Tuesdays Is mental power a gift or curse? And in some forums or message boards abroad and here, I had come accross the psychotic judge Florentino Floro who was ousted by the Court. In Google search "Florentino Floro" and with some personal but reliable INFO from my peers, I found that Floro posted in one or 2 forums about December 2006 musings or rants against you. Floro claimed he blocked your vessels through the 3 mystic dwarves which he claimed LUIS as the King of kings of all elementals in the universe. Also, he claims that your Maria Frances had cancer at that time when you were in Chinese General Hospital Feb 8 2007 angioplasty. Floro had written a very long account of the Kingdom of the dwarves, which was posted can copy pasted in many forums according to Google. I browsed the same, and tons of links follow showing that you testified for him the Supreme Court. An AsiaFinest Forum member PM me that you and Tony Perez had the chunk of paranormal in bookstores, and some bookstore owners are afraid that entry of Floro's books might bring them diseases or accidents.


Finally, it is appalling that Floro is spreading forum posts even abroad that he claims he caused the colon cancer of Corazon Aquino if you read his posts in Pinoyexchange forum his user name is Judge FV Floro. hp?t=24555 Can you enlighten me and our group on Floro? What can you say about him and his dwarves are they real and is he fake, is he more powerful than anyone as he claims? Sincerely, Mars 14 February, 2007 Mark Jimenez, per General Gamit (0918-4210883), denied Judge Floros request or application for JOB, WORK and TRABAJO. Mark Jimenez and Judge Floro talked over the phone, and Mark promised Judge Floro HELP. Mark Jimenezs sister withdrew from the Manila Mayoralty race, while Mark and his family filed family suits and countersuits against each other. February 14, 2008 - Senator Ana Consuelo Madrigal announced that she will file before the Ombudsman on Friday charges of obstruction of justice against Malacaang officials, including Manuel Gaite. The indictment was for the alleged kidnapping of Rodolfo Noel Lozada Jr., key witness in the Senate inquiry into the national broadband network (NBN) deal. 12 March, 2007 The Comelec Seal was burned 9 April, 2007 First Gentlemans Mike Arroyo surgery for aortic aneurysm. 25 April 2007 Narcisa Puno, mother of C.J. Puno died of heart disease. 16 June, 2007 Sen. Nene Pimentel was operated spinal surgery (spinal stenosis - pinched lumbar nerves), after he denied Judge Floros audience / application. Judge Floro
predicted in PinoyExchange Forum Koko Pimentels painful election loss. His son "Koko" lost to Sen. Migs Zubiri, as Judge Floro predicted in PinoyExchange Forum; Koko was later proclaimed Senator on 2011. 189

10/11 July, 2007 Kamusta Ka Text message of Judge Floros classmate, Mayor Jerry Trenas (0917-3021424), Iloilo City, President of the League of City Mayors. Judge Floro per celphone predicted the August 3, 2007 hospitalization of DOJ Sec. Raul Gonzales (who vomited blood, and whose lingering illness was first predicted by Judge Floro on September, 2006, in PinoyExchange Forums LAFI section) Raul and his son both lost so painfully in the 2010 elections. Iloilo mayor sued over Taiwan trip Environmental groups and anti-coal plant advocates on Wednesday filed criminal and administrative charges against Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treas for going on a trip to Taiwan sponsored by a company that wants to build a coal-fired plant in the city. 12 July, 2007 S. C. denied all appeals of Judge Floro, and issued contempt warning Prohibition to File Further Pleadings NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby Resolved, Judge Floros ORIGINAL PETITIONLETTER WITH LEAVE OF COURT [For Re-Opening of Judge Floros Separation Case based on G.R. No. 72670, 12 September 1986 - Saturnina Galman v. Sandiganbayan] with Conjunctive Omnibus Motions
and his VERIFIED SUPPLEMENT TO THE ORIGINAL PETITION/LETTER, WITH LEAVE OF COURT [For ReOpening of Judge Floros Separation case based on G.R. No. 72670, 12 September 1986, Saturnina Galman v. Sandiganbayan] with Alternative Urgent Petition to assign i) a New Docket Number to this Original Petition, and ii) to Designate Acting Chief Justice Leonardo A. Quisumbing or S.C. Associate Justice Gregory S. Ong, as New Ponente of this New Case,[16] are hereby NOTED WITHOUT ACTION and are ordered EXPUNGED from the records. It is hereby firmly reiterated that NO FURTHER PLEADING/S WILL BE ENTERTAINED in this case. Judge Floro is hereby given a WARNING that he can be held liable for indirect contempt should he persist in disregarding lawful orders of this Court and committing acts which tend to abuse, obstruct, impede, and degrade the administration of justice. SO ORDERED.


16-17 July, 2007 Manila Hotel S.C. Summit on E-J Killings 20 July, 2007 8th year anniversary of Judge Floros July 20, 1999 longest indefinite preventive suspension 25 July, 2007 14th Judge Killed (Orlando Velasco of the Bayawan City Regional Trial Court, Negros Oriental) 26 July, 2007 Court of Appeals 4th floor burned, 5th alarm, especially the office of CA Justice Edgardo Sundiam, who died on February 3, 2008. 27 July, 2007 S. C. gives due course to Judge Floros Disbarment Case against CA Justice Romeo F. Barza and the CA Dirty Dozen 3 August, 2007 Gabriel Claudio will undergo scoliosis and compressed nerves operation (severe back pain is congenital) anytime next week. Health curse in GMA Cabinet strikes anew, Claudio goes under the knife: His predecessor Secretary Jose Joey Rufino succumbed to multiple organ failure in 2006 while former
Labor Secretary Blas Ople died of a heart attack in 2003. Two former executive secretaries of Mrs. Arroyo underwent serious bypass operations: Renato de Villa and Alberto Romulo; the former Budget Secretary Emilia Boncodin underwent a kidney operation. National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales has a low sugar level while Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye has a slipped disc.

24 September, 2007 - P 10 million bribery controversy S.C. Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago Supreme Court of the Philippines Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago denied charges that she received P10-million (US $ 224,000) bribe money (as published by The Daily Tribune, Malaya newspaper's Amado Macasaet and Newsbreak (magazine), last week). A. M. No. 07-09-13-SC In the promulgated resolution dated September 26, 2007, the high court ruled: "Upon evaluation of the column Business Circuit, of Amado Macasaet in the September 18, 19, 20, and 21, 2007 issues of Malaya, it appears that certain statements and innuendoes therein tend, directly or indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of justice within the purview of Section 3(d), Rule 71 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure."


Justice Ynares-Santiago rose from the ranks, that is, from mere municipal judge of Cainta, Rizal with a measly salary of less than P 1,000 pesos a months, she is one of the richest in real estate holders in our nation. Her vast Philippine real estate (as featured once in front cover of Panorama Manila Bulletin, "Unrobed") is presently held by her daughter Atty. Pura Angelica Y. Santiago (who hosts the No. 1 Philippine Legal Television show "Legal Action" with magnate Howard Calleja). Consuelo is the daughter of Casimiro Ynares, Sr, and Consolacion Y. Martin (both deceased). She is married to Atty. Francisco B. Santiago (founder of law firm, "FB Santiago, Nalus and Associates") who died of heart attack (Myocardial infarction) at Baguio City, on July 1996, as predicted on September 17, 1995 by Judge Floro. Her daughter, Atty. Pura Angelica Y. Santiago is the managing partner of the Santiago, Cruz, and Sarte Law Offices. As corporate secretary (of PRIMEX, PJB Pacific Securities (Phils.), Manila Luxury Condominium Association, Champagne Edition Condominium Association, YS Properties, Inc., Nippon Credit, Inc. and others). She is the trustee or title holder of the vast Philippine/Ynares-Santiago family real estate empire. Her other children are Dr. Jonas Francisco, Regina Carmela and Jennylind Allison. On the first quarter of 2003, her son Dr. Jonas Santiago (St. Luke's Hospital, Quezon City), supervised the surgery removal of one of her kidneys at the Philippine Kidney Center. Judge Floro bi-located, was present at Baguio City, 2 inches beside her father JBC member Tito Santiago when he was summoned beautifully by the Angel of Death on July, 1996. It is a mystic fate which this article could not at the very least impress upon. - --Florentino floro (talk) 08:30, 10 April 2008 (UTC) On 2003, Judge Floro begged for mercy, by filing multiple pleadings and letters to JBC ex-officio member Sen. Miriam Santiago, but she threw all the pleas in the trash can. Santiago is married to Narciso Yap Santiago Jr., her former classmate at the University of the Philippines.

Narsing, as he is known to many, was once an undersecretary for Interior and Local Governments, and is currently a presidential adviser for revenue enhancement. He is also a businessman. The Santiagos have two biological children, Narciso III and Alexander Robert (AR), who committed suicide at the age of 22 on November 20, 2003. Miriam has adopted two girls, Megan and Molly, born in 1996 and asked then President Joseph Estrada to stand as their godfather. 27 September, 2007 - Chinese embassy, Filipino-Chinese group slam Santiago slur - On September 27, 2007, Santiago apologized for publicly berating China as she accused that it "invented corruption" (in a televised hearing): "I will write a formal letter of apology to the Chinese ambassador." Also, Senator Defensor-Santiago accused another Supreme Court of the Philippines justice of smear campaign against Consuelo Ynares-Santiago (to urge her to inhibit from a multi-billion peso 34-hectare Maysilo-Araneta University land case). Health - chronic fatigue syndrome and anorexia On September 28, 2007, Miriam Defensor-Santiago stating that she is sick of chronic fatigue syndrome. (CFS) is highly debilitating disorder marked by chronic mental and physical exhaustion, often severe, and by other specific symptoms, arising in previously healthy and active persons. She also suffered from Anorexia (symptom), the decreased sensation of appetite. Environmentally induced disorders such as altitude sickness can also trigger an acute form of anorexia. Anorexia may also be seen in congestive heart failure, perhaps due to congestion of the liver with venous blood. On 2010, Santiago suffered hypothyroidism, and is in pain, hence, she could not go to office, often. 30 September, 2007 - Health - Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was rushed to Asian Hospital and Medical Center (AHMC) in Alabang for emergency ultrasound due to bleeding in the organs located in the pelvic area. Arroyo was attended by her Ob-Gyn, Dr. Lopez. Brig. Gen. Romeo Prestoza, chief of the Presidential Security Group (PSG), confirmed Mrs Arroyos check-in at the hospital and she left past 10 p.m. Arroyo had been hospitalized 3 times.

1 October, 2007 - Benjamin Abalos, Philippine Voting Chief Quits Amid Bribe Queries The Philippine elections chief announced his resignation amid allegations he tried to bribe a cabinet official and a businessman to approve a broadband contract with a Chinese company. With his resignation, Benjamin Abalos, head of the Commission on Elections, avoided possible impeachment in the House of Representatives. The impeachment complaint stems from a Senate hearing at which former Socioeconomics Secretary Romulo Neri said Mr. Abalos offered him $4.4 million to endorse a Chinese company's bid. The $330 million contract with Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment Corp. of China has been suspended. The company has denied any irregularities. 7, 7, 7 R O P E In the 76 pages judgment, Floro was indicted of displaying on December 20, 1998, in his Court sala, the picture of Erap with typewritten and signed note predicting his election and downfall. Just as foretold, Erap was ousted in EDSA Revolution of 2001 and, as predicted by dwarf prophet (by his Veterans memorial hospital visit on 2002), Erap was released from Tanay detention after almost 7 years (69 months). In the same manner Judge Floro suffered 68.9 months of indefinite preventive suspension, from July 20, 1999 to April 7, 2006, the natal day of spirit guide, Angel: on October 26, 2007 Joseph Estrada was finally released by the Sandiganbayan. On July 25, 2008, the FSGO emotionally delivered its own State of the Nation Address vis-a-vis Gloria MacapagalArroyos 7 years of governance, 7 SONAs amid the FSGO's specified 7 curses. Floro, on July 26, 2008, fervently prayed that with Faith, the dire sufferings would be more intense to heal the nation's wounds of sin. On January 4 and April 4, 2008, Floro filed his Blue Madonna Motion in the Supreme Court begging for the enthronement of the Sacred Heart, Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Cross and Eucharist in the 5 mystic court fires and the consecration of the judiciary and nation to Mary and the Eucharist.

The Court later denied these motions and the whole judiciary, all the justices and judges including court personnel were duly cursed. Because of this greatest judicial sin, Rod Nazario died amid the Ondoy Pepeng tragedy and the Ampatuan Massacre, which were all predicted in writing by Judge Floro and submitted to the Supreme Court in the above-dire waring pleadings.34 26 October, 2007 Vindication, Amnesty and Release from Detention of ERAP As predicted by Judge Floro to Erap before cursed Sanlakas Cong. JV Bautista at Veterans Hospital, afternoon of 2002, Erap was judicially VINDICATED: He was detained in his Tanay, Rizal resthouse but then pardoned by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on October 25, 2007. On October 26, 2007, after almost 7 years of detention, Joseph Estrada was finally released after the Sandiganbayan promulgated the historical Resolution. The Ultimate Curse upon the Judiciary 2nd Biblical Imprecation, Psalms 109 / 73 5 November, 2007 - birthday - Judge Florentino V. Floro's (November 5, 2007) filed the S. C. Motion for Entry of Judgment - The ULTIMATE CURSE Judge Floro challenged the Supreme Court Justices to SEAL and CLOSE the case of Judge Floro, to BURY the Truth, so that successive deaths would come to pass as predicted by LUIS, forthwith. Car accident of Attorney Rene A.V. Saguisag, Counsel-ofrecord of Judge Floro - Best evidence of LUIS heartless, ruthless and supreme thirst for vengeance Here is what all creatures, both human and animal, must face but it is seven times worse for sinners: death, violence, conflict, murder, disaster, famine, sickness, epidemic. All these things were created because of the wicked; they are the ones who have caused destruction. Everything that comes from the earth goes back to the earth, just as all water flows into the sea. xxx. [Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 40:1-6, 811].


8 November, 2007 - Death of Dulce Maramba-Quintans Saguisag, 64, and Serious Toyota Grandia Car Accident of Rene A. V. Saguisag. A doctor said Thursday morning that the next 24 hours will be critical for former senator Rene Saguisag after he and his wife figured in a road crash in Makati City before dawn. Saguisag's wife died in the accident. Judge Floro knelt before Atty. Rene Saguisag and his best friend San Beda Dean Virgilio JARA, as Judge Floro personally talked to Rene begging an audience from S.C. Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, his best friend, but LUIS was turned down by RENE. Judge Floro was denied by Dean Virgilio Jara and Atty. Rene Saguisag - Jobless Judge since July 20, 1999 The November 5, 2007 Judge Floro's 54th Birthday Court Pleading containing the Prophecy of Accidents, Deaths, Lingering Illnesses and Dire Pains 7 7 7: 7: 7 Stitches, 7 Broken Ribs and 7th Blog The Final Judgment Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sits on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence and were seen no more. And I saw the dead, great and small alike, standing before the throne. Books were opened, and then another book was opened, the book of the living. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. Then the sea gave up its dead. Death and the world of the dead also gave up the dead they held. And all were judged according to what they had done. Then death and the world of the dead were thrown into the lake of fire. (This lake of fire is the second death.) Those who did not have their name written in the book of the living were thrown into the lake of fire. [Rev. 20: 7, 8, 11-15] Senator Rene A.V. Saguisag: Mil Nueve Cientos, Malate, Manila: July, 2003

LUIS and Judge Florentino V. Floro were granted the first meeting by the most powerful Philippine lawyer Rene. He arrived at 8:30 p.m. at this Malate restaurant, dressed all black, so dignified. Judge Floro summarized the PLEA for mercy and compassion, since the poor Judge was JOBLESS since he was suspended on July 20, 1999. Judge Floro informed the former Senator that the Kilosbayan of his Uncle Jovito Jovy Salonga and Atty. Romeo Capulong refused to consider the landmark case when Judge Floro filed (on August, 1999) several letters and pleas for justice and reinstatement or to get another JOB. Judge Floro asked Rene to convince Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison (who caused the suspension due to Judge Floros prediction of her massive stroke in 1996) to reconcile and ask the Justice whom she nominated in the JBC, to decide the hard case. Rene remarked that he helped her brother Judge Sison to be appointed by the President. On July 20, 2003 (4th year suspension anniversary of Judge Floro) Rene failed to convince Atty. Sison, since the latter repeatedly stated that Judge Floros case is already with the Supreme Court ENTRY OF APPEARANCE AS CO-C0UNSEL OF RECORD: 2005 On 2005, Rene filed a 3-pages Appearance with Motion cum Manifestation in Judge Floros case. After Judge Floros appeal was denied on August 11, 2006, Judge Floro DISMISSED Rene and Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr. as attorneys-of-record in the case, because of total failure of JUSTICE. Judge Floro begged mercy from Rene, to talk to his best friend Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago to have MERCY on the JOBLESS Judge Floro, but RENE, as a man of principle and integrity, refused and denied by fax letter, the last plea of Judge Floro. LAST SUPPER with Rene at a HOTEl: August 28, 2006 Rene gave Judge Floro the last opportunity to present his LAST plea for MERCY: Judge Floro went to the San Beda class of Rene and both proceeded to a Hotel to wait for his client. Judge Floro begged Rene to answer the 2 questions.

X a) Sir, will I push go ahead to file forthwith my DISBARMENT case against C.J. Davide and 8 others who caused my 6 years sufferings? b) Sir, Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr., my lawyer and President of the ALAFI, CA Justices Apolinario Bruselas and Lucas Bersamin personally told me that I will never be able to have a JOB, work and TRABAJO since I am already 53 years old and the government will not hire me. Can you help me get clients in private practice and can you please help me get an audience to President Cory Aquino? Rene tersely replied, and I almost drowned: Alam mo masyadong world-famous kana mas mahirap sagutin yung ika-lawang tanong mo. And he paid the bill of the last SUPPER. Judge Floro called his 2 secretaries at Bigasan, Palanan, Makati City Malen and Glenda, and Floros maid Belen repeatedly called Rene since he begged that he be granted the last appointment, since he could not find a JOB. On December, 2006, since Floro could not get in touch
with Rene even by phone, poor Floro went to San Beda, and personally talked to the Dean. Jobless Floro gave the latter 2 pieces of his 400 pages book for both. And he promised me to give it to Rene.

6 - 8:00 p.m.: LUIS, Judge Floro and Spiritual Director Fr. Constancio S. Gan, C.M., November 5, 2007 After Floro filed his LAST CURSED COURT PLEADING on his 54th Birthday with the Supreme Court at 4 p.m., he lectured for 2 hours upon his1966-1969 spiritual director Vincentian Priest Fr. Constancio S. Gan at the swing beside the Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, San Marcelino, Manila, Adamson University. There he discussed the 21 pages CURSED PLEADING, and the forthcoming DEATHS, accidents, illnesses, fires and pains that would be INFLICTED by LUIS. Floro told Fr. Gan the 8 a.m. vision of the FIRE and the charcoal which burned. At 8:00 p.m., while he confided to Fr. Gan the truth about RENE, his lawyer, his partner Atty. Vicky Timbangkaya and her daughter Atty. Bibing Timbangkaya who drafted and finalized the 75-pages decision which caused Floro and LUIS pains.

Suddenly, since and from November, 1984 when he accepted LUIS in full Faith, as large as a car wheel fiery VIOLET LIGHT flashed. And Floro knew that it was the: Dulces LAST DANCE with the Angel of Death: LUIS Pages 3 and 12 of the November 5 pleading containing the PROPHECY OF DEATH is quoted: Xxx. b) On April 11, 2006, 4:40 p.m., I visited the lawyer who drafted the decision. Atty. Bibing Timbangkaya specifically told me that a) Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario would like to meet you some day (and I replied, LUIS told me to wait for the 3 deaths); b) I can fight through the media (and I replied that I have no money). So, I went to the house of Justice Nazario on August 4, 2006, 9:00 p.m. but I was not allowed to enter. So, I finally clarified the matter with Atty. Bibing Timbangkaya. She said that I had to call Marissa or Atty. Tolentino. I called both, and Marissa told me that Justice Nazario will never meet me, PERIOD, even after the case. That was the last time that I asked audience, due to honest belief based from Atty. Bibings own mouth (that was the day before I filed the disbarment case against Chief Justice Davide, Jr.). Technically, there was no need to drop the cases since they would be dismissed anyway as I was officially told. The entire decision, 75 pages, that you read, was drafted, finalized and initialed by - Atty. Ma. Isabel Providencia BIBING Timbangkaya (the private secretary of Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario. And she is the daughter of ATTY. Victoria Timbangkaya, the senior partner of Senator Rene A.V. Saguisag, my counsel or attorney of record (with Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr. top Ateneo lawyer, whom I both dismissed as counsels); you know, when I fought for Justice Nazario
in her most difficult moments, I was promised by Atty. Bibing that Justice Nazario would do everything, but she failed since there were 8 Justices who were medically operated and this was the subject of my loud SHOUTING to Justice Hermosisima, Jr. last February 10, 2006. So, I had to dismiss all the cases to prevent any technicality.


Pages 101 103 & 172- 175 of Judge Floros 2006 Book which contained the specific LAST DANCE with DEATH: Atty. Ma. Isabel Providencia Bibing Timbangkaya Solis Drafted the Psychosis 75 pages cursed Decision This private secretary of Justice Nazario worked with her at the Sandiganbayan since she was law student. In 1992, Judge Floro met his father-in-law Judge Cesar Solis (her neighbour at Capitol Estates, near Ever Gotesco), whose wife died of cancer. Her mother, Atty. Victoria Timbangkaya had known Judge
Floro through their neighbour, Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. JBC Member and Lay Minister of their Parish. When Judge Floro hired as co-counsel of record, Senator Rene A.V. Saguisag, 2003, Atty. Vicky Timbangkay was senior partner of Atty. Saguisag, and Judge Floro communicated with her almost weekly if not daily through telephone, regarding the 7 years suspension case. Atty. Bibing Solis gave Judge Floro certified copies of Justice Nazarios pre-trial Orders (which became the ANNEX A, of the Petition) days before the filing of the March 12, 2004 Mandamus case to enthrone Justice Nazario.

AT THE SANDIGANBAYAN, ATTY. BIBING SOLIS RELAYED TO JUDGE FLORO THE COVENANT: UPON HER ENTHRONEMENT, JUSTICE NAZARIO WOULD FIGHT FOR JUDGE FLORO TIL THE END. Atty. Bibing Solis talked to Judge Floro 2 times at the Sandiganbayan and about 2 hours at her house before the 2004 elections, regarding the case and Justice Nazarios appointment. Atty. Vicky Timbangkaya confided to Judge Floro,
that: a) she suffered malaria, pneumonia and flu, b) her son, brother of Atty. Bibing Solis was in and out of the drug rehabilitation at Dumaguete and from the Siliman University Law School, she transferred he to the Adamson University Law School (taking just one or 2 subjects irregular last semesters) through the grace of its Dean Antonio Abad, friend of Atty. Vicky Timbangkaya and further, c) Atty. Bibing Timbangkaya resigned from Justice Nazario and transferred to the Office of Justice Gesmundo. She transferred on the day that Judge Floros case was released on April 6/7, 2006, since Justice Nazario asked Bibing to finish drafting the Decision of the case of Judge Floro.


The Omen On April 11, 2006, 4:30 p.m. (14 hours before the death of Atty. Luz Puno) Judge Floro visited her at their house (she would go to Palawan). Atty. Ma. ISABEL PROVIDENCIA BibingTIMBANGKAYA SOLIS, showed to Judge Floro her youngest son who was bitten by a dog, and her first born who also met accident at a swing with 7 BIG LIFETIME STITCHES on his right forehead (incorrectible by plastic surgery). Her father-in-law's office, RTC Manila, Judge Cesar Solis' court was ransacked by robbers, that April 7, 2006.

Who is LUIS?
Saguisag taken off respirator Former Senator Rene Saguisag was taken off a respirator Friday morning more than a week after the road accident that killed his wife, physicians at the Makati Medical Center said. Since Judge Floro cursed the COMELEC, due to Chair Benjamin Abalos, denial of LUIS and Judge Floros plea for JOB, as Judge Floro pleaded Rene Saguisag, its own highest officer was shot dead. 9 November, 2007 - Election chief gunned down in Philippines MANILA (AFP) - The chief legal officer of the Philippines' elections commission has been shot and killed outside a hotel in Manila, a report said Sunday. Alioden
Dalaig, 64, was found slumped on the ground with a gunshot wound in the chest Saturday evening and was already dead by the time he was taken to hospital, the Philippine Star reported.

Judge Floro begged mercy from Secretary of Finance Margarito Teves, by filing a Job application on December, 2006. He turned down Judge Floros request: 13 November, 2007 Batasan blast: Teves still in ICU; Ilagan may undergo surgery Negros Oriental Representative Pryde Henry Teves Congressman Henry Teves was one of the 3 Philippine representatives; others were Luzviminda Ilagan of GABRIELA partylist and Wahab Akbar of the lone district of Basilan that were victimized by the explosion.

Congressman Wahab Akbar of Basilan was killed in the incident while both Congressman Pryde Henry Teves and Congresswoman Luzviminda Ilagan experienced severe injuries. In earlier reports, Doctors announced that Teves' legs would be amputated, but later decided that some medicines could help cure the wounded legislator. Vercita Garcia, staff member of Rep. Pryde Henry Teves died at 6:30 p.m. due to cardiac arrest at St. Luke's Medical Center in Quezon, City on December 17, 2007. After 35 days or on December 18, 2007, Negros Oriental Rep. Pryde Henry Teves was moved out of the intensive care unit of St. Lukes Medical Center in Quezon City to a private room thereat, and recuperated from destroyed eardrum, fractured leg and sustained deep burns in his arms from the Batasang Pambansa bombing. On January 31, 2008, Pryde Henry Teves, 35, reported for work at the House of Representatives, against doctors' advises. Teves, still in a wheelchair, wears black cotton gloves to protect his burned hands, and he could not shake hands or use his cellular phone. He stated: "I feel all the senses in my body that I dont want to feel, all the unwanted pain. I really got depressed. And my (burned) skin (including face) is extra sensitive. When its hot I feel the heat and when its cold I also feel very cold. My left foot was shattered in 10 places. Its all held together by screws. Hopefully, after 20 weeks (since Nov. 13) the bones will heal; Im still under heavy medication. And I still take pain
relievers. The pain is terrible.Three days ago (Jan. 26), I had two shrapnels removed from my body. They were all concrete nails." 62% of his body sustained 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and his left foot was badly fractured.

Judge Floro CURSED (Biblical imprecation) the Batasan / Congress when he appeared thereat as Intervenor in the FPJ case, with special pass in the canvassing of the votes. Floros cursed Ponente stated: Natitiyak ko batay sa malinis na buhay at angking katapangan ni Marcelo H. del Pilar na siya ay maninindigan laban sa katiwalian at kabulukan na sinasabi ng marami na laganap sa alin mang sulok ng Pilipinas.

Kamakailan lamang ay ipinahayag na walang pangimi ng Embahador ng Amerika na ito ay laganap maging sa ating mga hukuman. Nakalulungkot na ang isang panauhin ang magsabi nito sa mga taong sinasabi ng kanyang bansa na mga kaibigan. Marami at sari-sari ang hugis at itsura na katiwalian sa ating bayan. x x x. Kailangan natin na manumbalik ang tunay na takot sa Dios, isang buhay na matuwid at handang magtiis sapagkat hindi sa tinapay lamang nabubuhay ang tao. Kailangan ang isang mabisang criminal justice system na gagarantiya na ang isang nagkasala, malaki man o maliit, sa loob ng takdang panahon ay tatanggap ng parusa kung nagkasala at pawawalang sala kung wala. Kailangan natin ang isang judicatura na hindi lamang mukhang malinis kundi sadyang malinis na tunay. (Aug. 30, 2002, Talumpati na binigkas sa Bulacan State University, sa Ika-152 Kaarawan ni Gat. MARCELO H. DEL PILAR, ni Madame Justice MA. ALICIA AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, pp. 5, 7 and 8). Cruel and unusual punishment Unimaginable injustice! Since the 1935 and 1973 (Marcos) Constitutions, (and even under the Cory 1987 Constitution), the Honorable Supreme Court, as bulwark of democracy, consistently
prevented the imposition of cruel or unusual punishment (Sec. 21, Art. III, Bill of Rights, 1973 constitution, 30 years ago). FIFTY years ago, on Floros NATAL YEAR (1953) the Court of last resort


xxx the punishment must be fragrantly and plainly oppressive wholly disproportionate to the nature of the offense as to shock the moral sense of the community. (People v. Estoista 93 Phil 647 (1953).


On November 23, 2007 Malacanan Palace, per office of Exec. Eduardo Ermita wrote jobless Judge Floro asking him to apply with the Department Secretaries / levels; hence Judge Floro, on December, 2006, applied with and asked personal audiences with Cerge Remonde, Secretary of Finance Margarito Teves, DOJ Secretary Raul Gonzales, Nene Pimentel, Senate President Manuel Villar, Senator Jamby Madrigal, and First Gentleman Mike Arroyo per Atty. Jesus I. Santos, personally, at Marilao, Bulacan, and thru her daughter Atty. Tricia Santos. Judge Floro begged Pat Habulan for audience with Sec. Eduardo Ermita, but failed. Jovito Salonga, on August 4, 2006, at his mansion in Valle Verde III, told Judge Floro: Tell Chief Justice Panganiban, gusto mong mag-Janitor. Or or, tell him that you want to apply as CLERK baka MAAWA pa sa iyo (mercy)! Go to his secretary, Vilma, mabait iyan. Manuel Villar, Jamby Madrigal, Eduardo Ermita and his son, Raul Gonzalez and his son, all lost in the 2010 Elections. 18 November, 2007 Managing Partner of Jovito Salonga law office Sedfrey Ordoez, suffered stroke and died. Former justice chief Ordoez dies, 86 November 19, 2007: Sedfrey Ordoez, former justice secretary and ambassador to the United Nations, died at the Makati Medical Center Sunday afternoon, almost two weeks after suffering a stroke. Ordoez, born on Sept. 1, 1921, was elected as delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1970, representing the second district of Nueva Ecija. Ordoez was managing partner of Salonga, Ordoez & Yap Law Office, from 1953 to 1986, and was a lecturer in Remedial Law from 1950 to 1986 in various universities. Faith and Justice In view of all this, what can we say? If God is for us, who can be against us? Certainly not God, who did not even keep back his own Son, but offered him for us all! He gave us his Son will he not also freely give us all things? Who will accuse Gods chosen people? God himself declares them not guilty! Who, then, will condemn them?

Not Christ Jesus, who died, or rather, who was raised to life and is at the right side of God, pleading with him for us! Who, then, can separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble do it, or hardship or persecution or hunger or poverty or danger or death? Xxx. No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world

above nor the world below there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord. (ROMANS


At present, xxx the art of psychic prediction is an enigma beyond our rational understanding. The accuracy of prediction extends beyond any pseudo-scientific lucky guess. Judge Floros cursed nemesis Jaime T. Licauco. My darling, said Valentine, the count just told us that all human wisdom was contained in these two words: Wait and hope. (THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, by Alexander Dumas, Lowell Blair translation, Bantam Classic, 1988, p. 441). Floro, on April 2, 2008 received the Supreme Court of the Philippines Resolution in A.C. No. 7663, which dismissed his disbarment administrative case against Senator Miriam
Santiago. On April 14, 2008, Miriam Defensor-Santiago was injured when she slipped and bumped her head during the birthday party of her husband. Narciso, her husband was celebrating his birthday in Mandaluyong City. She underwent surgery requiring 3 stitches on her head. On August 8, 2008, Floro received the Court Resolution

dated June 10, 2008 which NOTED his Motion for Entry of the Denial Judgment on his Disbarment case No. 7663 against Miriam Defensor Santiago. On August 28, 2008, Adelina Palma-Bermejo, sister of Miriam Defensor Santiago's mother, Dimpna Palma was stabbed dead inside her Kahirup, Jaro, Iloilo City house.

This dire fate impeccably came to pass 40 hours after the appalling fire - ill-fated Philippines C-130 was allegedly struck by lightning on August 26, 2008 in the heat of the "Kadayawan 2008 Float Parade" Davao City Fiesta, and plummeted 2.5 nautical miles southwest of Samal island, Davao City gulf. Floro had prayed Psalms 109 and 73 for Ateneo de Davao to cleanse Davao City, due to immense pollution by
blue crab-crab mentality Wikipedia-Wikinews cursed editors and administrators. Floro thereafter cursed all the editors and administrators of the said Encyclopedia and Wikinews, including all Ateneo Law School Alumni, Classes 1980-1989, including cursed Class 1982. On August, 2010, Miriam Defensor Santiago, who has yet to officially attend a single session of the 15th Congress, told Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile in a letter that she will be on sick leave for at least a few weeks or at most six months.

She was suffering from hypothyroidism. She said hypothyroidism produces extreme tiredness," which can be
cured by medication. On September 5, 2008, Floro filed a Motion for New Trial and Reconsideration of the Jake Macasaet indirect Contempt S. Court A.M. No. 07-09-13-SC. Macasaet was punished for indirect contempt by the Supreme Court in a decision dated 8 August 2007 and ordered to pay a fine of P 20,000 $ 433.74) for his columns in September 2007 alleging a P10-million bribery incident involving Consuelo Ynares-Santiago., who amassed tons of real estate per her daughter Pura Angelica Ynares-Santiago.

Artemio Panganiban's "WITH DUE RESPECT, How to address Filipino magistrates" confirms that Floro is entitled to use the title "Judge" since he had not been fired, dismissed or disbarred, but separated due to dwarf consultation (See JBC Nos. 001, and JBC-007, Re: JBC Emoluments, July 9, 1996). Judge Edon Brion, 88 Passes Away November 16, 2008 By Helen D. Santos, Court News Flash Just 5 months after SC Justice Arturo D. Brion,
dismissed with finality, Judge Floros dwarf case, on June 2, 2008, or exactly 25 years from the night that LUIS, Armand and Angel first appeared to Robert V. Floro, on June 2, 1983, retired

Regional Trial Court Judge (RTC) Edon B. Brion, father of Supreme Court Justice and former Labor Secretary Arturo D. Brion, passed away on Sunday, November 16, 2008. He was 88.

The late judge is survived by his wife, Laura S. Dizon; children and in-laws Arturo and Antonietta, Erasmo and Fe,
Job and Chiqui, and grandchildren Dennis and Nella; Penny, Noel, and James; Donna and Dessa. His remains lie in state at the family residence at 81 Col. Lauro Dizon St., San Pablo City, Laguna. Interment will be on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 8:00 a.m. after the Holy Mass at the San Pablo Cathedral. A native of San Pablo City, Laguna, the late Judge Brion devoted 41 years in government service, more than 31 years of which in the judiciary. Judge Brion optionally retired in 1987 as RTC Judge of Branch 56, Lucena City. He had previously been the Executive Judge of the 4th Judicial Region, Branch 65 in Infanta, Quezon.

Edon was District Judge in the Court of Agrarian Relations (CAR), 9th Judicial Region, Branch 2 in Gumaca, Quezon. Judge Brion was likewise appointed in 1955 as Justice of the Peace under the Department of Justice (DOJ). He was transferred to the CAR. At the young age of 21, Judge Brion joined the Philippine Army as a clerk, and later rose to be lieutenant. After World War II, he briefly worked as
a clerk in the Bureau of Animal Industry, then joined the DOJ as a parole officer.Judge Brion was also an active practitioner of law and instructor in commencement law subjects for 18 years. Judge Brion was born on July 6, 1920 to Urbano Brion and Petra Bienvenida. A consistent honor student, Judge Brion reaped honors during his elementary and high school days in San Pablo Elementary and Laguna Colleges, respectively. He graduated with honors both in his pre-law course at Far Eastern University in 1940, and in law at Arellano University in 1949. In the same year, he passed the Bar

examinations with a grade of 89%. Later, his son, Arturo would top the same examinations with a 91.65% rating. January 13, 2009 Mara Marcelo-Ejrcito, also known as Mary Ejercito or simply Doa Mary Ejercito died on January 13, 2009 from a heart seizure and stomach aneurysm. She joined Luz and Narcisa Puno, Lily Bautista Victorino, Hilario Davide, Sr. and Edon Brion. The former President and his surviving siblings were at her side when she died, as were some of her grandchildren. She was survived by eight of her ten children (Dr. Pilarica, Emilio Jr., lawyer Paulino, Petrocinia E. de Guzman, Antonio, Connie, Marita, Joseph, George and Jesse Ejercito).


HYPOCRISY God is going to judge everything we do. Whether good or bad, EVEN THINGS DONE IN SECRET. You never know when your time is coming. Like birds suddenly caught in the trap, like fish caught in the net, we are trapped at some evil moment when we least expect it. No one can keep from dying or put off the day of death. THAT IS THE BATTLE WE CANNOT ESCAPE; WE CANNOT CHEAT OUR WAY OUT. (ECCLESIASTES 12:14; 9:12 & 8:8) Walang sinuman sa atin ang nabubuhay o namamatay sa kanyang sarili lamang. Kung tayoy nabubuhay, nabubuhay tayo para sa Panginoon. Kaya nga, sa mabuhay o sa mamatay, tayoy sa Panginoon. xxx. Ikaw, bakit mo hinahatulan ang iyong kapatid? xxx. Tayong lahat ay haharap sa hukuman ng Diyos. xxx. Kayat lahat tayo ay magbibigay-sulit sa Diyos. Huwag na tauong humatol sa isat isa. xxx. [ROMA: 14, 7-13] The mind knows no limits aside from those it accepts. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep or taste not the pyrean spring. (Alexander Pope)
[Death gets it power to hurt from sin and sin gets its power from the Law: 1 COR. 15:51-57. Under the GOLDEN PHAROAH rule, the sinner (bribe-taker and hoodlum-inrobes, inter alia) suffers the irreversible FATE of KARMA (of LOVED ONES; Exodus 12:23, Angel of Death).

This is only possible if a PRE-DESTINED Messenger/Prophet should wield the TWIN (endowed) GIFTS of PROPHESY and SPIRITUAL HEALING (the
wounds of division and corruption in the judiciary, Government/its Branches) via the SOLE WEAPON versus EVIL, the VIOLET lights: SAKIT AT KAMALASAN sa kanyang mga kaaway...!] 208

We do not live for ourselves only, and we do not die for ourselves only. If we live, it is for the Lord that we live, and if we die, it is for the Lord that we die. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For Christ died and rose to life in order to be the Lord of the living and of the dead. (ROMANS 14:7-9) May 23, 2009
At Capitol View, Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines - Judge Saint Florentino Floro, Filipino Martyr-Patron Saint of PsychoticCrab Mentality Justices was duly canonized: the living CURSE of the 68 months July 20, 1999 Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo, indefinite preventive suspension glowed upon the entire Philippine Judiciary, Ateneo Law School Classes '80 to '90, especially, focusing on Class 82, Wikipedia-Wikinews editors-administrators, and upon all the enemies, detractors, persecutors and nemesis of canonized Saint Florentino Floro, Philippine National Hero and martyr with holy angels LUIS, Armand and Angel!

Judge Florentino Floro, Moral Farce: Rule of Law Corruption in Philippine Judiciary
Canonized Saint Judge Floro (with holy angels LUIS, Armand and Angel), A.B., LL.B., J.S.D. (Scientiae Juridicae Doctor), Ph.D., Parapsychology, UFO, Extre-terrestial and Planetary Sciences, M.D., Bachelor of Medicine, Master of Surgery (ChM, MS, MBBS, BMBS, MBChB), and Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.).

Judge Floro was conferred the honorary degrees of

Doctor of Laws (J.D., Juris Doctor, LL.D.), Doctor of Canon Law (Juris Canonici Doctor; J.C.D.); J.U.D. (Juris Utriusque Doctor), U.J.D. (Utriusque Juris Doctor) on Scientology, Annihilation, Bilocation, Mystic Levitation, trance writing, prophecy, spiritual healing (also conferred by Osaka, Japan Dwarf Elementary School); Floro is the Dean Emeritus of Dwarf Schools, a living Filipino Martyr, a Dwarf Canonized Saint, a Philippine National Hero & dwarf Artist. Judge Floro was conferred by LUIS, the highest Philippines-Japanese Dwarf awards of Orders Sikatuna, of the Golden Kite, of the Sacred Treasure, of the Rising Sun with highest US & Japan dwarf Military Medals of Honor & Nobel Peace Prize, as Philanthropist -supreme annihilator of judicial corruption, hypocrisy anger, bitterness and vendetta-Philippine crab mentality.


The Misery of human Life Every person has been given a great deal of work to do. A heavy burden lies on all of us from the day of our birth until the day we go back to earth, the mother of us all. We are confused and fearful, dreading the day of our death --- all of us from the King on his splendid throne wearing royal robes and a crown, to the humblest person dressed in burlap and living in poverty. All through our lives we meet anger, jealousy, and trouble. Things disturb us; we live with furious conflicts and with the fear of death. Even when we go to bed, we think up new troubles in our sleep it as if we were awake, disturbed by our imaginations. xxx. Here is what all creature, both human and animal, must face but it is seven times worse for sinners: death, violence, conflict, murder, disaster, famine, sickness, epidemic. All tehse things were created because of the wicked; they are the ones who have caused destruction. Everything that comes from the earth goes back to the earth, just as all water flows into the sea. xxx. [Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 40:1-6, 8-11]. Do not let others have their way at your expense; do not bring on your own ruin by giving up your rights. Never hesitate to speak out when the occasion calls for it. Dont hide your wisdom. Your wisdom and education can be known only by what you say. xxx. Dont allow yourself to be dominated by someone who is stupid or show partiality to influential people. Stand up for what is right, even if it costs you your life; the Lord God will be fighting on your side. [Ecclesisasticus (Sirach) 4:22-24, 27-28].35



August 11, 2009 - Karma Ex-SC justice banned for life to practice law By Dona Pazzibugan Philippine Daily Inquirer 08/14/2009 MANILA, Philippines For leaking an unpromulgated decision, retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruben T. Reyes has been banned by his former peers from practicing law indefinitely. It was the first time in memory that a former member of the highest court of the land was barred from law practice indefinitely, which is akin to disbarment. The sanction of barring Reyes from law practice was added to the high courts earlier penalty of a P500, 000 fine and perpetual disqualification from holding any government post.
banc found Reyes guilty of gross misconduct for leaking a draft decision that he had penned in the election disqualification case against Negros Oriental Rep. Jocelyn Limkaichong. In its decision, which was upheld by a majority of eight out of the 15 justices, the Supreme Court said members of the judiciary should be living examples of uprightness. But the high court en banc recalled the case of former Supreme Court Associate Justice Fidel Purisima who was fined P250,000 and censured by the court en banc in March 22, 2000, for not disclosing that his nephew, the son of his eldest brother, was one of the bar examinees. [Justice

In a resolution dated Aug. 11, the high court en

Ruben Reyes signed the March 31, 2006 Dismissal Judgment of Judge Floro].

2009 Global Corruption Barometer: Judicial corruption Bulacan-Olongapo Judges Dismissed An earlier survey showed that only seven percent of Filipinos believe that the Judiciary is affected by corruption, according to the 2009 Global Corruption Barometer, which had conducted survey among 73,132 respondents across 69 countries. On January 25, 2005, and on December 10, 2006, Philippines Social Weather Stations released the results of its 2 surveys on corruption in the judiciary.

It published that: a) like 1995, 1/4 of lawyers said many/very many judges are corrupt. But (49%) stated that a judges received bribes, just 8% of lawyers admitted they reported the bribery, because they could not prove it. [Tables 8-9]; judges, however, said, just 7% call many/very many judges as corrupt [Tables 10-11] ;b) Judges see some corruption; proportions who said many/very many corrupt judges or justices: 17% in reference to RTC judges, 14% to MTC judges, 12% to Court of Appeals justices, 4% to Shari'a Court judges, 4% to Sandiganbayan justices and 2% to Supreme Court justices [Table 15]. Dire Prophecy and Administrative Charge On July 20, 1999 Judge Floro's Justice Alfredo Benipayo's Indefinite preventive suspension memorandum of charges stated that Judge Floro berated the judiciary. Judge Floro allegedly said that the Judiciary is 85% corrupt. On July 20, 2002 2004 2005, Judge Floro in writing submitted to the Court CURSED Ateneo Law School classes 1980 to 1989, the entire judiciary including Malolos Regional Trial Court Judges, among others. On August 2005 Judge Floro filed an anonymous complaint called "Concerned Lawyers of Bulacan vs Judge Pornillos." The Supreme Court sustained Judge Floro's charge that Judge Pornillos borrowed money from her litigants. Judge Floro's classmate Judge Ramon Caguioa was dismissed also, hereunder: Cash-strapped judge sacked for borrowing money Court News Flash CONCERNED LAWYERS OF BULACAN, Petitioners, - versus PRESIDING JUDGE VICTORIA VILLALON-PORNILLOS, RTC, BRANCH 10, MALOLOS CITY, BULACAN, Respondent. A.M. No. RTJ-09-2183 [formerly A.M. OCA IPI No. 05-2346-RTJ] July 7, 2009 SC Dismisses Borrower Judge Posted: July 8, 2009 By Jay B. Rempillo A judge shalt not borrow cash or property from a subordinate nor from lawyers or litigants in ones sala or face the severe penalty of dismissal from service.


The Supreme Court yesterday dismissed a Regional Trial Court judge for borrowing P5,000 from a lawyer who had at least two cases pending before her sala. It was also found that the said judge had also obtained loans from court personnel. In a 22-page per curiam decision, the Court found Judge Victoria VillalonPornillos of Malolos City Regional Trial Court, Branch 10 guilty of violating paragraph 7, section 8, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court (borrowing money from a lawyer in a case pending before her court). Her act also constitutes a gross misconduct for violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct, aggravated by, inter alia, undue delay in rendering decisions or orders and violation of Supreme Court rules, directives, and circulars. The High Court also ordered the forfeiture of all her retirement benefits except accrued leave credits and her perpetual disqualification from re-employment in the government. Some Concerned Lawyers of Bulacan, denominating themselves as such, filed a five-page Anonymous Administrative Complaint of August 31, 2005 against Presiding Judge Victoria VillalonPornillos (respondent) of Branch 10 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Malolos City. Complainants charged respondent with having violated Republic Act Nos. 3019 and 6713, xxx and furnished details synthesized as follows: Respondent has a notorious history of committing graft and corruption by fixing cases and selling decisions or orders, such as receiving P5 million from Lorna Silverio, extorting P6 million from Romeo Estrella, and obtaining P200,000 from Leonardo de Leon and asking him to pay her electric bills while simultaneously extorting from de Leons detractors, all relative to the election protests involving the mayoralty race at San Rafael, Baliuag and Angat, respectively. Respondent is maintaining amorous relationships with her driver and bodyguards, borrowing money from her staff and other court officers to cover up her corruption, vindictively detailing almost all of her staff to other offices.

She was bragging about her associations with former classmates now working in the judiciary. Respondent has ostentatiously displayed ill-gotten wealth. She rented a taxi for P2,000 a day for almost six months. She maintains and enrolls her four children in first-class schools. And she acquired a new Ford Lynx car. Respondent reports to court only twice a week. She became mentally ill when her husband passed away in 1993 and experienced mental trauma when her alleged lover was killed. On January 15, 2008, respondent filed her 34page Comment, devoting the first five pages thereof to imputing to former Judge Florentino Floro the malicious filing of the anonymous complaint. She prayed for the immediate dismissal of all the false charges engineered by petitioner herein for lack of merit, with costs against him [sic]. WHEREFORE, Judge Victoria Villalon-Pornillos, Presiding Judge of Branch 10 of the Regional Trial Court of Malolos City, is found guilty of violating paragraph 7, Section 8, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court (borrowing money from a lawyer in a case pending before her court) which is also a gross misconduct constituting violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. Aggravated by, inter alia, undue delay in rendering decisions or orders, and violation of Supreme Court rules, directives and circulars. She is DISMISSED from the service, with forfeiture of all retirement benefits, except accrued leave credits, with prejudice to re-employment in any government agency or instrumentality. Immediately upon service on her of this decision, she is deemed to have vacated her office and her authority to act as judge is considered automatically terminated. SO ORDERED." (AM No. RTJ-09-2183, Concerned Lawyers of Bulacan v. Judge Villalon-Pornillos, July 7, 2009) Judge Floros CURSE upon Ateneo Law School Class 1982: SC Dismisses Judge Posted: June 29, 2009 By Jay B. Rempillo - Court News Flash June 2009

The Judiciarys relentless effort to purge its ranks has claimed another casualty in the person of an Olongapo City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge. The Supreme Court has dismissed the Judge Ramon S. Caguioa, presiding judge of the Olongapo City RTC, Branch 74, for gross ignorance of the law and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service. In a 31-page per curiam consolidated decision, the Court also ordered the forfeiture of Judge Caguioas retirement benefits, except accrued leave credits. Judge Caguioa was faulted for his erroneous issuances of writ of preliminary injunctions in cases pending before his sala. Ignorance of the law is the mainspring of injustice. Judges are called upon to exhibit more than just a cursory acquaintance with statutes and procedural rules. Basic rules should be at the palm of their hands their inexcusable failure to observe basic laws and rules will render them administratively liable, the Court said. The first administrative case stemmed from the civil case Indigo Distribution Corp. Inc v. Secretary of Finance filed before Judge Caguioas court. Indigo, et al. Thus, his order to place private respondents in possession of the disputed property is not necessarily included in or necessary to the judgment of the dismissal of the case on the ground of prescription. The High Court said that the execution was highly improper because of the fact that Judge Caguioa has been apprised of the pendency of the reversion suits filed by the Republic involving the same parcels of land in another Olongapo RTC. (AM No. RTJ-07-2063, Republic v. Judge Caguioa; AM No. RTJ-07-2064, CIR v. Judge Caguiao; AM No. RTJ07-2066, Burns Jr. v. Judge Caguioa; AC No. 7036, Judge Laquindanum v. Atty. Quintana, June 26, 2009) 13 August 2009 +Justice Edgardo Sundiam died of lingering illnesses, on February 1, 2008, a year after he denied Judge Floros Writ of Amparo Petition.

Fraternal Order of Utopia, Court of Appeals Justice Edgardo Sundiam '68 died on 1 Febrauary 2009, he succumbed to dialysis. +Cursed Ateneo Law School Class 1982 Christopher L. Lim Utopia Batch 1978, passed away on 13 August 2009 (Capilla dela Virgen, Santuario de San Antonio, Forbes Park, Makati City). Floro sat half meter away from Lim and Pearl T. Liu, from 1978 to 1982. Both classmates and Antonietta Articona Brion, inter alia, Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches and her cohorts, experience the CJ Artemio Panganiban Liberty and Prosperity while Floro dived into immensed pain in a jobless judge pretend world since July 20, 1999 until 2010. Floro and the 3 duendes, however, continuously danced, jumped Ikot-ikot and laughed takbo-takbo, when Lim, Reyes, Caguioa, Valera, and all cursed Ateneo school mates suffered dire pains, accidents, slow and painful death: Dying if Fun, for Floro to gaze at these terrific spectacles of pain. Tuesday, February 03, 2009 CA mourns death of peer THE Court of Appeals will have a sad day when it celebrates its 73rd Anniversary owing to the sudden death of one of their most respected magistrates, Justice Edgardo Sundiam, due to lingering illness. Sundiam, 61, is survived by his wife Lourdes Cabrera and their two daughters, Samantha Marie and Danica Isabelle. Sundiam, chairman of 16th Division of the appellate court at the time of his death, earned the respect of his peers because of his untarnished integrity, probity and independence. He was born on February 28, 1947 in Guagua, Pampanga, to spouses Carlos. Mariano del Castillo-Roberto Abad: quintuple heart bypass; twin CURSED Ateneo SUICIDES, jumping of 3 dwarves ikot-ikot, takbo-takbo

Judge Floro met QC RTC Judge Mariano del Castillo when he was newly appointed RTC Judge of Malabon at the PJA convention 1999. When he cursed the Ateneo Law School Class 1982 in 2002 and later cursed Ateneo Law School Classes 1980 to 1989, on 2008, several deaths and accidents transpired; for skeptics, they are part of the world's routine. Last November 2008, Floro beg mercy nth time from 1999, asking his counsel of record Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr. for a personal audience with CA Justice Mar, but after 10 phone calls, he was denied. Floro always repeated that instead of asking for prayers, he decided to endure his sufferings as jobless judge in apretend world of Philippine crab mentality jurists and ruthless Filipinos amid the CURSE of LUIS, Armand and Angel. Here is the story of SANITY and lust for fame, excellence, wealth, power and of course HYPOCRISY. Injustice in the World In addition, I have also noticed that in this world you find wickedness where justice and right ought to be. I told myself, God is going to judge the righteous and the evil alike, because everything, every action, will happen at its own set time. I decided that God is testing us, to show us that we are
no better than animals. Whatever happens or can happen has already happened before. God makes the same thing happen again and again.

Destiny of choice: Even if my Faith is so great that I can PREDICT the downfall of Presidents, even if my HOPE is utterly PURE, such that there can be no more distinction

between the present and the future, or space and time, even if in my heart the power of LOVE is so unqualified or absolute that PEACE of mind and tranquility of reason reign upon my soul, even if I possess the POWER to HEAL the sick, and even if I am fully clothed with the Supreme Power to cast off demons (power of Exorcism), if I do not have the --SUPREME POWER TO ANNIHILATE, I am nothing, nada and inutil.

Using J. Alfredo L. BENIPAYOs words::


THE POWER TO INFLICT SICKNESS which includes ACCIDENTS & KARMA upon the LOVED ONES of my DETRACTORS, PERSECUTORS, RESPONDENTS, INVESTIGATOR in this case, THEN, I will remain forever, a LAMEDUCK Psychic who is not worth his salt. [Floros court pleading filed on December 30, 2002, 10:00 a.m., the time GM Arroyo bowed out of the 2004 Race] In the laconic message of REY LANGIT, Judge Floro, Jr.s legal battle was suitably prophesied, to wit: Sakit ay kamalasan ang kanilang parusa sa kanilang mga [Exhs. 39 & 44, VHS tape, KASANGGA MO ANG LANGIT, 11;30 p.m. August 30/Wednesday, 2000, RPN Ch. 9, replayed on May 16, 2001]. Put differently, Judge Floro, Jr.s PSYCHIC message can be brusquely proclaimed, thusly: xxx. Malay mo baling araw, DUMATING din iyon! xxx. [PAGDATING NG PANAHON, by Ms. Aiza Seguera, multi-platinum awarded song]. September 7, 2009 President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on Friday appointed University of Santo Tomas law dean Roberto A. Abad as associate justice of the Supreme Court. Abad is the 165th magistrate to be appointed to the high court. The short list also included Court of Appeals Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo, who was appointed to the high court on Thursday. The appointment of Del Castillo and Abad came amid a controversy over a perceived attempt by the Palace to sneak in more nominees even though the JBC had already submitted its short list. Del Castillo, Mariano C., A.B., LL.B.


Justice del Castillo obtained his basic education from the Ateneo de Manila, graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Arts, Major in Political Science (Second Honors) from the San Beda College in 1971, and in 1976, graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University College of Law with a degree of Bachelor of Laws. He passed the Bar Examination in the same year. He joined the Judiciary in 1989 as Municipal Trial Court Judge of San Mateo, Rizal, was promoted to Regional Trial Court Judge of Angeles City in 1992, and in 1995, was named Regional Trial Court Judge of Quezon City where he was appointed First Vice-Executive Judge until his appointment as Court Of Appeals Justice in August 2001. He has held various positions in religious, civic, community, and non-governmental organizations. He was also active in the Philippine Judges Association where he became Director, Vice-President for Administration, Senior Vice-President and Executive Vice-President prior to his promotion to the Court Of Appeals. At present he teaches Practice Court II to senior students at the Ateneo Law School and lectures at MCLE and PhilJA Seminars. He is also a member of the PhilJA Corps of Professors, Ethics Department. On November 17 2005, he was chosen as the best performing Court of Appeals Justice for the year 2004 by the Rotary Club of Manila and was conferred the Justice George A. Malcolm Award (First Place). At present, he is the Chairman of the Seventeenth Division of the Court of Appeals and the Editor-in-Chief of the Court of Appeals Journal. Born to the late Demetrio del Castillo of Mandaue City, Cebu and the late Felicidad Cairo of Cebu City, he is married to Former Ateneo Law Dean, Atty. Cynthia Roxasdel Castillo, a partner of the cursed law firm: Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & de los Angeles, where the supremely cursed daughter of Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sion, the omnipotent, blessed and holy Atty. Marites Sison-Go, works, reigns and is bowed down upon. They are blessed with two children: Anna Patricia, who graduated from her law course at the Ateneo Law School and is now preparing for the Bar exams, and Xavier Paolo, a second year law student, at the Ateneo de Manila College of Law. He resides at No. 27, Saturn St., Bel Air II, Makati City.

Accidental lawyer finds true path to her soul By Anna Patricia R. del Castillo Philippine Daily Inquirer 09/07/2008 Anna Patricia R Del Castillo, a bar two timer (that means she took the exams twice). ... (The author took the bar exams for the second time in September 2007. She wrote this article right after she took her oath last April. But the Inquirer timed its publication for the bar exams taken during the four Sundays in September (the first one starts today). We are running the article with the 2008 bar examinees in mind and in memory of the lawyer who excitedly found the road less taken. Atty. Del Castillo died on June 21.) MANILA, Philippines In the Philippines, when you say youre a lawyer, people react in different ways. You sometimes get respect or deference, sometimes a bit of awe. There are of course those who treat you with suspicion, or even hate. Remember that most popular of all Shakespearean quotations? The first thing we do, lets kill all the lawyers. (Henry VI, Part II, Act IV) Armed with the required degrees and other eligibility requirements, you then embark on an unimaginable number of hours of reading and preparing for the test itself. If you are not dedicated to the law, or at least interested in it, passing the bar might be one big and difficult hurdle. That is what happened to me. I studied law with apathy and nonchalance. In college, I acted as if it was not the beginning of my real life as an adult, or that it would spell out my future. Of course, I know better now. But in those days, I was just into partying, partying and partying. The only reason I took up law was because both my parents are lawyers. I took up political science in college as a pre-law course. I had a little interest in the law in the beginning, but the path towards fulfilling my dreams through being a lawyer was not that clear.

In hindsight, I see now that to go into law, you need a well-defined, clear-cut desire to do so. You have to want it passionately. Eight years ago there werent any interactive websites where you could research and choose your course from any educational institution. As I found out, there isnt enough time and there arent enough resources in the world to help you find that perfect course. After college, I took up law in one of the finest law schools there is, the one where my parents also obtained their law degrees. A born crammer My basic attitude didnt really change that much in law school. I went out a lot hanging out with friends on so-called gimmicks. But of course, I had to work hard, working myself to death during exam time. I also had to put it together, just enough to make it through the roasts (or those massacre recitations). Allergic to failure However, I couldnt resist a second try at the bar exams. First of all, I had all this knowledge and facts swimming around my head from taking the bar exams. Second, I knew that being allowed to take the bar again would be some sort of blessing. I already had the advantage over the others since I would have studied twice, thrice, or even four or five times more than those taking it for the first time. Third and most important of all, I was allergic to failure, and I knew I had to redeem myself by passing the second time around. So I took the bar again. One with my soul Everyone says later that it was meant to happen. But do I really believe that? It does mean that I had a lot more to learn before getting to where I am now. All the reasons and the confluence of events, all the whys and wherefores of Robert Frosts road less taken would eventually reveal itself in time. I do realize now that being a lawyer creates a peculiar and unique sense of power and responsibility that I wouldnt have had in any other career. Its really the beginning of a new life.

Now that Im a lawyer, I want to express a very special thanks to my parents. I also want to thank everyone who helped me along the way. I could never imagine I would be so excited to embark on this new voyage, to begin my life again and change the world. July 1 2008 Ateneo grieves two suicides in two weeks By Joel M. Sy Egco TWO students from Ateneo de Manila University one from its main campus in Quezon City and another from its law school in Makatiwere reported to have committed suicide a week apart. The latest fatality, 24-year-old Chinese-Filipino student Jose Lorenzo Tan, was found dead yesterday inside a faculty office of Ateneos Katipunan campus, where the victim attended masteral courses in philosophy and worked as a teaching assistant. Tans death came in the wake of the June 21 suicide of a recent Ateneo law graduate, Anna Patricia del Castillo, a daughter of former Ateneo law dean Cynthia Roxas-del Castillo and Court of Appeals Justice Mariano del Castillo, who jumped from a hotel building. Justice Mar del Castillo also asserted that his independence as a magistrate would not be clouded by his appointment, even as he admitted that he had sought help from Arroyo when he had undergone a quintuple heart bypass operation in July 2006. He said the following year, when he and Arroyo had a chance meeting at St. Lukes Hospital where First Gentleman Mike Arroyo was then undergoing operation himself, the President had wanted to find out how healthy he was and she volunteered her husbands physician. But that was it. There was no procedure the doctor did on me because he found me to be okay. You cannot readily cut the umbilical cord connecting you to Malacaang, but you just have to be independent, he said.

In May 2007, the broadsheet newspaper Philippine Star published del Castillo's letter, wherein he thanked President Arroyo for helping him get the services of Dr. Alex Yap, following his (del Castillo's) heart bypass operation. Yap had served as a cardiovascular surgeon of First Gentleman Jose Miguel Mike Arroyo. He acquired his law degree from Ateneo de Manila University in 1976 and passed the bar exams in the same year with a grade of 77%. I was not really that close to her. Ive been more than 20 years in the judiciary, and my record will bear me out that Ive always discharged the mandate of my office and the only pressure that I would succumb to is the pressure of the dictates of my conscience. I think that is the mandate of every jurist; to dispense justice, not to dispense with justice, in the best light that God has given us, added del Castillo.36 April 30, 2009 - Resignation of Cainta, Rizal, SC Justice Alicia Austria Martinez, 3rd Ponente of Judge Floro's dwarf case, due to health reasons (the dreaded Alzeimer's Disease): First in Supreme Court History Judge Floro cursed Cainta and Rizal, Metro Manila On September, 2008, Austria-Martinez, citing health reasons, filed a letter to the Supreme Court of the Philippines thru Reynato Puno, tendering her resignation effective April 30, 2009.
36 0907-159161/Accidental-lawyer-finds-true-path-to-her-soul 0701-145709/Ateneo-teaching-assistant-found-dead-inschoolroom


It was 15 months before her compulsory retirement on December 19, 2010. In the October 1 Judicial and Bar Council's en banc deliberations, Reynato Puno ruled: The court merely noted it. We dont have to approve it... it is her right. During the JBC hearing, a JBC member said "AustriaMartinez had wanted to retire earlier because of health reasons. We were told she had health problems even when she was in the CA. Retired Chief Justice of the Philippines Artemio Panganiban stated: "I am saddened that Justice Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez has opted to retire early from the Supreme Court due to 'health reasons.' She is not bedridden. Neither is she physically or mentally incapacitated, but she has chosen to retire on April 30, 2009 because she felt she could no longer cope with the heavy caseload." The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provides that: "Section 11, Article VIII. The Members of the Supreme Court xxx shall hold office during good behavior until they reach the age of seventy years or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office." Barely hours before Justice Minita Chico-Nazarios husband, Rod Nazario died in pain of lung cancer on September 24, 2009, Typhoon Ketsana (International designation: 0916, JTWC designation: 17W, PAGASA name: Ondoy) formed early on September 23 2009, about 860 km (535 mi) to the northwest of Palau. Typhoon Parma (International designation: 0917; JTWC Designation: 19W; PAGASA designation: Pepeng) was the second typhoon to affect the Philippines within the span of a week during September 2009. Pepeng death toll now at 419, surpasses Ondoys October 16, 2009 The death toll from typhoon "Pepeng" (Parma) has surpassed that of tropical storm "Ondoy" (Ketsana), according to figures from the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) Friday. In its 6 a.m. report, the NDCC said Pepengs death toll was at 419, mostly buried by landslides in Baguio City and the provinces of Benguet and Mt. Province. Ondoys death toll has been placed at 341, mostly from floods.

NDCC said Pepeng killed at least 333 in Cordillera region - 288 in Benguet alone - and 71 in Ilocos, 10 in Central Luzon, and four in Bicol.Most of the deaths in Cordillera were due to landslides while the rest in other regions were due to drowning, it added. At least 51 were still missing while 184 were reported injured. Pepeng, which made landfall thrice in northern Luzon starting Oct. 3, affected at least 662,274 families or 3,106,978 people in 4,585villages in 361 towns and 35 cities and 27 provinces. Of these, 15,629 families or 74,868 people are still staying in 168 evacuation centers. Some 4,040 houses were destroyed while 34,843 were damaged. Damage to property was estimated at P10.437 billion, including P3.402 billion in infrastructure and P7.032 billion in agriculture. The town of Cainta suffered losses of up to P100 million, particularly in infrastructure, after Tropical Storm Ondoy ... Cainta Mayor Mon Ilagan told ANC's On the Scene on Thursday that he expects rehabilitation to take 6 months to 1 year. "We would need P300 million in order ...37

37 004-164632/A-libertarian-decision-a-decent-jurist ppines_2 te_of_calamity


The Wicked and the Righteous I saw all this when I thought about the things that are done in this world. A world where some people have power and others have to suffer under them.There is a right time and a right way to do everything, but we know so little! None of us knows what is going to happen, and there is no one to tell us. Why do people commit crimes so readily? Because crime is not punished quickly enough. A sinner may commit a hundred crimes and still live. Oh, yes I know what they say: If you obey God, everything will be all right, but it will not go well for the wicked. Their life is like a shadow and they will die young, because they do not obey God. But this is nonsense. Look at what happens in the world: sometimes the righteous get the punishment of the wicked, and the wicked get the reward of the righteous. I say it is useless. Vegetative Massive Stroke Case: 3 Duendes Gift of Vendetta: Jumping, Rejoicing and Endless Laughing On February 22, 2008, 3 p.m., Alfredo Benipayo (Dean of the faculty of civil law at the University of Santo Tomas) was hospitalized in Iloilo City's Saint Paul's Hospital. At the middle of his lecture before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Iloilo Chapter in a hotel, he collapsed due to massive stroke. He was later transferred to St. Lukes ICU and could not recover until 2009, since he could not sign with his right hand but had to thumb mark instead. It was just 20 days after CA Justice Edgardo Sundiam died on February 1, of lingering illness (dialysis) after he denied for lack of merit, Judge Floros CA Petition for Writ of Amparo on 2007. To repeat, lest Judge Floro, fails to jump again with joy, on June 21, 2008, Anna Patricia del Castillo, only daughter of SC Justice Mariano del Castillo and cursed Ateneo Law School Dean Cynthia del Castillo, jumped to her death from a hotel.

On July 10, 2008, UP Class 62 Malolos RTC Judge Petrita Braga Dime died amid the cancer death of the spouse of UP Class 62 Malolos RTC Judge Thelma PineroCruz. The 3 duendes continuously cleansed most corrupt branches of RTC, Malolos, Bulacan: Dimes OIC, legal researcher, Ms. Leila Aricheta, wife of Fiscal Aricheta, suffered a grave stroke, while the only son of embattled stenographer, Susan Garcia suffered mysterious ailment for one week. Susan also witnessed some painful deaths in her family before since 1999 suspension of Judge Floro. CA Associate Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes, who served as RTC Judge, in Br. 74, Malabon City, the neighbor of Judge Floro and precedessor of deceased Judge Rosa Reyes, suffered a heart attack (seizure) on August 8, 2008 and stayed in the intensive care unit of the Capitol Medical Center, Quezon City for "valvular heart disease, secondary to rheumatic heart disease; mitral regurgitation; and aortic valve stenosis (AS)," Reyes's physician, Dr. Francisco Lukban said. Judge Floros neighbor, Dra. Bacolod died in pain due to 2 years battle with lung cancer on 2009. To repeat, lest Judge Floro would fail to jump with joy, on November 16, 2008, Edon Brion, the parent of Supreme Court Associate Justice Arturo D. Brion died. Brion is married to Antonietta C. Articona. The couple has two children. His wife, Antonietta, is a chemist-lawyer (B.S. Chem, College of the Holy Spirit, and LL.B., Ateneo Law School, Class '82), while his son, Arturo, Jr., is a computer engineer-lawyer (Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Ontario; LL.B., University of New Brunswick School of Law) engaged in Intellectual Property Law practice in Ottawa. His other child, Antonella, is a B.S. History graduate at York University (Toronto), an interior designer (International Academy of Design and Technology) and also a published poet and Toronto-based book designer.

On July 04, 2009, the Supreme Court (SC) has tapped the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in the probe on the reported death threat on the life of Associate Justice Arturo Brion, the Courts spokesman lawyer Jose Midas Marquez said. To repeat, lest Judge Floro fails to munch the cookies due to laughter, cursed Ateneo Law School Class 1982, Christopher L. Lim Utopia Batch 1978, passed away 13 August 2009 (Capilla dela Virgen, Santuario de San Antonio, Forbes Park, Makati City). To repeat and repeat, lest Judge Floro would again fail to jump 5 times before Mr. and Mrs. Noel Pablo Torralba, on September 24, 2009, Pacquiaos manager, Rod Nazario, husband of SC Associate Justice Minita Chico-Nazario, died of lung cancer after he also suffered a 2006 heart by-pass. It was just 2 days after Philippines was devastated by typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng amid horrible landslides burying hundreds of Filipinos. On January 19, 2010, Cerge Remonde was found slumped at his residence in Makati City and was rushed to Makati Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead at 11:51 a.m. It was determined that his death was due to cardiac arrest secondary to myocardial infarction. His remains laid in state at the Heritage Park in Taguig City until Thursday, when they were taken to Malacaang Palace, before finally being flown home to his native Cebu on Friday. He was buried on January 24, 2010 at Argao Catholic Cemetery, Argao, Cebu. Earlier, due to the curse on PMS, when Remonde turned down a job audience application of Floro on December, 2006, the 3 duendes got mad: on April 7, 2009, BEL 412 helicopter, Philippine Air Force, crashed at Mt. Pulag, Benguet. Police officials said that all of the remains -"mangled and burned" -- have been identified, including those of Brigadier General Carlos Clet, President Arroyo's senior military assistant.


Also included in the cursed plane are Press Undersecretary Jose Capadocia Jr.; Marilou Frostrum; the President's appointments secretary; and two other palace officials Demy Reno and Perlita Bandayanon. Two pilots, identified as Ronaldo Sacatani and Alvin Alegata, and another crew member Roe Gem Perez were also on the air force Bell 412 -- part of the presidential fleet -- that crashed on its flight to Banaue in Ifugao province a day before Arroyo's visit to a road project there.38 Judge Floro-LUIS vengeance upon Justice Ruben T. Reyes: Karma and Curse After Floro filed cases against corrupt Court of Appeals Justice, and after SC Justice Ruben T. Reyes dismissed Judge Floro on April 7, 2006, the magnitude of the dwarf curse sound surrounded: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing,
the Court ADOPTS the findings and APPROVES WITH MODIFICATION the Recommendations of the Investigating Committee as follows: (1) Justice Ruben T. Reyes (Ret.) is held liable for GRAVE MISCONDUCT for leaking a confidential internal document of the Court and he is FINED P500,000.00, to be charged against his retirement benefits, and disqualified to hold any office or employment in any branch or instrumentality of the government including government-owned or controlled corporations; furthermore, Justice Ruben T. Reyes is directed to SHOW CAUSE within ten (10) days from receipt of a copy of this Decision why he should not be disciplined as a member of the Bar in light of the aforementioned findings. (2) Atty. Rosendo B. Evangelista and Armando Del Rosario are held liable for SIMPLE NEGLECT OF DUTY and are ordered to pay the FINE in the amount of P10,000.00 and P5,000.00, respectively. This Decision shall take effect immediately. SO ORDERED.39

Floro also intervented in the HR 1109-CON-ASS, S.C. G.R. NO. 187883, Lozano vs Nograles - Legal Exorcism: Intervention Complaint. Floro bitterly fought Lozano and the SC ruled.
Supreme Court taps NBI in probe on Brion's death threat 190801.php Chopper wreckage, 7 bodies found in Kabayan, Benguet 04/08/2009 | 03:22 PM April 7, 2009 Aircraft Type: BEL 412 helicopter Operator: Philippine

Air Force Fatalities: 8 Crash Location: Mt. Pulag, Benguet 914.php 9-2-19-SC.htm


Moreover, while the Court has taken an increasingly liberal approach to the rule of locus standi, evolving from the stringent requirements of personal injury to the broader transcendental importance doctrine, such liberality is not to be abused. It is not an open invitation for the ignorant and the ignoble to file petitions that prove nothing but their cerebral deficit. SC Suspends Lawyers, Atty. Oliver Lozano and his daughter Atty. Evangeline Lozano-Endriano Due to the dwarf curse, on June 22, 2010, the Court has indefinitely suspended from the practice of law Atty. Oliver Lozano and his daughter Atty. Evangeline LozanoEndriano for grave professional misconduct. It found the lawyers to have misquoted and misused constitutional provisions and showed a reckless lack of respect and disregard for our system of justice. In a 14-page resolution, the Court En Banc held the Lozanos unfit to continue to be entrusted with the duties and responsibilities belonging to the office of an attorney. The suspension took effect immediately. The Court also held that any proven violation of the said suspension order would result in the Lozanos outright disbarment.40 Lozano son murdered By Ding Cervantes (The Philippine Star) Updated January 18, 2011 A charred body found by a scavenger in a grassy lot in Barangay Mancatian here last Friday afternoon was confirmed to be that of the missing son of Marcos loyalist lawyer Oliver Lozano, according to local police. Police investigators said the body of 44-year-old Emerson Lozano, a car trader, was found at about 1 p.m. last Friday near the anti-lahar megadike in the barangay.

40 221001.php


Judge Floros Senate Commission on Appointments Opposition to Hilario G. Davide, Jr.s Nomination as Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations the 666 on his forehead Davide withstands grilling by Estrada allies in CA SEEKING confirmation for the post of permanent Philippine representative to the United Nations, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr. on December 7, 2006, faced stiff opposition in the Commission on Appointments from former allies of President Joseph Estrada as well as a judge who claims to be communicating with dwarfs. Floro, who claimed he was still an incumbent judge of the Malabon Regional Trial Court even though he had been dismissed by the Supreme Court in March this year for psychological incapacity, blamed Davide for his suspension. Floro moved to defer Davides nomination for involvement in graft, which he said he had learned through Davides partner Filemon Fernandez, and from talking to dwarfs. 2010 Elections; Dwarves Sweet Revenge Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr.s son, LP gubernatorial candidate Hilario Davide III lost to G. Garcia, and his statement of expenditures sent to the Comelec provincial office showed that he spent P5.9 million for his campaign P1.75 million of which was allocated by the LP. DAVIDE , Hilario III P. 453,735 GARCIA, Gwendolyn F. 535,696 Davide lost huge sums of election money; Karma and Curse: Hilario Davide III lost to Gwendolyn Garcia.41

41 609-274671/Davide-One-Cebu-BO-PK-submit-expense-reports


JOHN BROWNING, CNHI, on August 17 and 22, 2010, wrote in the Dallas Blog and Rockwall County Herald Banner: Sometimes, the weirdness in the court originates with the judges. In 2007, the Philippines Supreme Court fired Judge Florentino Floro, Jr. because of his rather unconventional beliefs (a medical clinic later determined that the jurist was suffering from some form of psychosis). It seems that Judge Floro believes that three elves communicate with him and even help him predict the future. This includes an elf named Luis, who, according to Floro, is an avenger who has caused illnesses and car accidents to befall some of the Supreme Court justices who fired him. For those of you who think that wed never have to worry about such silliness in American courts, well, maybe you need to meet Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin.42 LUIS STATEMENT PROPHECY: 2007 "Fair trials were unimaginable under Mr. Davide, Jr.s vendetta rule," LUIS, the King of Kings of Elementals said.

42 &article=20100805-285075 ril/21/news1.isx&d=2010/april/21 =291975074


His very own law partner and Cebuano legal luminary Felimon Fernandez lost 6 cases in the Davide Court solely because of GRUDGE, GREED, ENMITY and ENVY = APAL & AGUM. These twin verbi were utilized by J. Lucas Bersamin (trembling in anger, bitterness, and vendetta to curse the Valeras, in the very house of God that he desecrated via unpardonable sacrilege). Verifiable links, References:
ATTY. LUZVIMINDA D. PUNO, SC RETIRED CLERK OF COURT PASSES AWAY, Davide patriarch interred today;, Farewell to an exemplary father, and a dedicated public servant: Superintendent Hilario P. Davide Sr., Church concert features PPO and Bautista; Philippine Daily Inquirer, August 6, 2006, Abra board member gunned down; INQ7 TOP STORIES - TOP STORIES, November 11, 2006, Artha Kira Paredes Frank Cimatu, Inquirer /20061111-31962-xml.html, Filipino legislator gunned down, Filipino legislator gunned down; Abs-Cbn Interactive, Bersamin slay suspect turns down P2-M bribe Inquirer, First Posted 10:33pm (Mla time) 07/01/2007, Wanted: Shaolin kid, baby maker, Medical checkup w_article.php?article_id=74107 Atty. Emily Reyes


Inquirer, First Posted 10:33pm (Mla time) 07/01/2007, Wanted: Shaolin kid, baby maker, Medical checkup rticle.php?article_id=74107 hens-Tonyboy-C-to-have-another-operation Fire hits Court, When signs are ignored, By Jaime Licauco Inquirer, First Posted 00:44am (Mla time) 03/06/2007 icle_id=53057 NBI leads probe of judges killing Ni Grace Dela Cruz - Ang Pilipino STAR Ngayon 11/04/2006, Bansa, Branch of The Philippine STAR, agenumber_1.html?s=c64e1565ce618e87be9d7e09d806c663 103-30439-xml.html By Tetch Torres, , Posted date: November 03, 2006 Cong. Serapio, nasawi sa vehicular accident sa NE article_id=44727 Ex-Bulacan governors son dies in car accident By Carmela Reyes - Last updated 07:58pm (Mla time) 01/21/2007 Suspect in mugging of judges sons nabbed Judge Bravos 2 SONS HUDIKATURA NAGLULUKSA SA PAGPANAW NG 2 MAHISTRADO Admin. Order, Re, Judge Rosa Reyes, Fire razes Comelec office, March 12, 2007 In Memoriam: Associate Justice Antonio M. Martinez


Mike Arroyo undergoing surgery for aortic aneurysm By Lira DalanginFernandez,,04/09/2007 tion/view_article.php?article_id=59396, Narcisa Puno, mother of Chief Justice Puno, passes away at 92, Inhibition of poll exec in Batangas case sought, By Marlon Alexander Luistro, Southern Luzon Bureau, 12/18/2007 Zubiri proclaimed 12th senator, By Veronica Uy,, 07/14/2007 e_id=76622 07/26/2007 -, Judge shot in Negros Oriental Priest, judge slain, as spate of RP killings remains unsolved 01/16/2008 Aparri judge killed By Villamor Visaya Jr. Inquirer Northern Luzon 05/19/2010,muslim-judge-killed-insouthern-philippines.html, Fire hits CA building urt.building.html,muslim-judge-killed-insouthern-philippines.html, Arroyo political adviser now left-leaning, crooked, By Michael Lim Ubac, Inquirer, 08/19/2007 ticle_id=83406 Muntinlupa City Hall blaze contained, By Thea Alberto,, 08/03/2007 _id=80362, Gonzales battling with bleeding ulcer, Justice chief Gonzalez to undergo kidney transplant

235 p?article_id=88505, Iloilo mayor sued for trip paid for by Taiwan firm hp?article_id=93750, Trillanes caper tops most read stories ?db=1&article=20071231-109536, election results, 2007 orial_rep30.html Abs-Cbn Interactive, Payoff allegation hounds Supreme Court Malaya, High Court takes up reports linking member to payoff, SC to investigate bribery allegations vs one of its justices p?article_id=90447 AHN, Philippine Senator Apologizes To Chinese-Filipinos For Racist Remark Carruthers BM, et al., Myalgic encephalomyalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: Clinical working definition, diagnstic and treatment protocols, Lawyer found dead in Pasig hotel p?article_id=91497 GMA NEWS.TV, Laywer who filed DQ case vs FPJ found dead in Ortigas hotel Abalos resigns, By Erwin Oliva,, 10/01/2007 p?article_id=91762 Sandigan approves Estrada release, By Tetch Torres,, 10/26/2007 p?article_id=96897, 'Next 24 hours critical for Rene Saguisag', Ex-senator Saguisag leaves hospital, By Tarra Quismundo, DJ Yap, 12/08/2007 p?article_id=105676, Knee injury ends gymnast Saguisags quest for SEAG gold

236 php?article_id=106603, Comelec law dep't head Dalaig killed in Manila ambush't-headDalaig-killed-in-Manila-ambush, Negros Or solon recovers from injuries after Batasan blast Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho from Sen. Aquilino Nene Pimentel Nov 23 2006 Malacanang Repy Letter of Usec. Enrique D. Perez for the OP Search Committee to Judge Floro's Nov 17 2006 letter begging for work, job, trabaho endorsing Floro to Department Secretaries or Heads of Offices Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho to DOJ Sec. Raul M. Gonzales view&current=Untitled-Scanned-33.jpg Dec 14 2006 Letter of Judge Floro begging for work, job, trabaho to Finance Sec. Margarito Teves view&current=Untitled-Scanned-32.jpg, Justice Secretary Ordonez died DFA: Rape-slay convict Larraaga now in Spain JOSEPH HOLANDES UBALDE, GMANews.TV 10/07/2009 SC bars film on Chiong case 12/27/2007 0902-86086/D%E9j%E0_vu_for_Lenny_Villa%92s_ma Dj vu for Lenny Villas ma By Delfin Mallari Jr. Inquirer 09/02/2007, Abra solon survives bomb attack in home, taken to safehouse hp?article_id=108853 Hoax Forum post Ocad v Judge Floro by Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario


WikiPedia, Rene Saguisag, Luzviminda Puno, In Memoriam

http://photos- Painful Death, Relolution, Ocad v Judge Floro, %20No.%20RTJ-99-1460.htm Hilario Davide, Sr., 56.html 56.html 8.html,_Jr.,_Jr.&old id=224765854 ^ Manila Bulletin, front page, "Chief Justice undergoes cartotid operation", July 17, 2002 Rage, -11-01/anger_1.jpg -11-01/anger_1.jpg High Beam, INQ7 BREAKING NEWS - METRO REGIONS, Psychotic judge enlists help of dwarf-friends vs SC, November 03, 2006, INQ7 BREAKING NEWS - METRO REGIONS, Tetch Torres,

238 061103-30439/%91Psychotic%92_judge_enlists_help_of_dwarffriends_vs_SC icle.php?article_id=30439 tml/20061103-30439-xml.html Carlos Medina, WikiPecia, Joaquin G. Bernas, WikiPedia, Raul M. Gonzalez, AAIY/WwGQmKPlgnA/s1600-h/judge004.jpg The November 5, James Bersamin tml/20061111-31962-xml.html 2007 Judge Floro's 54th Birthday Court Pleading containing the Prophecy of Accidents, Deaths, Lingering Illnesses and Dire Pains NZ, news Luis Bersamin, BBC news, hp?article_id=40391 Grethen Barreto /view_article.php?article_id=74107 Ray Espinosa,

239 Ray Espinosa, s/people/person.asp?personId=1099578&capId=296642&previous CapId=296642&previousTitle=Philippine%20Long%20Distance%20 Telephone%20Co 153421 AAHs/xR4giyIzFiY/s1600-h/ff.jpg Manila Bulletin Monday, May 20 2002 Emily Reyes, Supreme Court Fire ges/SCfire_nsh.gif 702.php ges/SCfire_nsh.gif Rex Bookstore http://www.rexinteractivAbs Cbn Forums, James Randi Versus Jaime T. Licauco: Who Is The Fool? icauco:+Who+Is+The+Fool%3F&cd=1&hl=tl&ct=clnk&gl=ph&client= firefox-a WikiPedia, James Randi, .html

240 php?article_id=53057 Mark Jimenez, p?article_id=67419 p?article_id=71591 Court News Flash, Madrigal to charge Ermita, other execs before Ombudsman, By Veronica Uy,, 02/14/2008; Obstruction of justice rap filed vs Arroyo at Ombudsman, 13 others face same charge in senators complaint, By Tetch Torres,, 02/15/2008 4-118896/Madrigal-to-charge-Ermita-other-execs-beforeOmbudsman 5-119126/Obstruction-of-justice-rap-filed-vs-Arroyo-atOmbudsman Administrative Order, Comelec burned, 43_03-12-2007.jpg Antonio Martinez, tonio.jpg 719.php Miguel Arroyo, p?article_id=59396 Manila Standard Today,

241 7 Narcisa Puno, 2.html l hp?article_id=67769 Eduardo Ermita, _Ermita.jpg/170px-Eduardo_Ermita.jpg _Ermita.jpg/170px-Eduardo_Ermita.jpg Nene Pimentlel, p?article_id=71563 Jerry Trenas, Cebu Daily News, 10/11/2007, ILOILO CITY, Philippines le.php?article_id=93820

Ocad vs. Judge Floro, Resolution, Manila Hotel Summit on Killings, 14th Judge killed, Fire hits Court of Appeals - VIDEOS: 07/26/2007 | 05:08 PM

242 llate.court.building.html CA Dirty Dozen, /20070730met1.html ces es&x=86 Health Curse in the Cabinet, p?article_id=80362 Muntinlupa Court burned, p?article_id=80362 Raul M. Gonzalez, Inquirer- Last updated 03:17am (Mla time) 08/19/2007 p?article_id=84482 .php?article_id=83406 Kidney transplant, p?article_id=88505 Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, p?article_id=90447 p, Atty. Miguel Nalus, A Lawyerful Life

243 sk=view&id=4095&Itemid=88889349 Newsbreak, Book Excerpts, From the Academe to the Supreme Court, By Justice Jose C. Campos Jr.Inside the Secret World of the Judiciary (Pages 300 to 304), 18 January 2008, Profile, Pura Angelica Santiago Miriam Santiago, "The Miriam Defensor Santiago Story." Maalaala Mo Kaya (Do You Remember). ABS-CBN 2. December 2003. ago&oldid=222043169#Personal_life ASSOCIATED PRESS - October 2, 2007 n_Abalos.JPG/250px-Benjamin_Abalos.JPG =googlenews_wsj p?article_id=91762 WikiPedia, Philippine National Broadband Network controversy ork_controversy Release of Joseph Estrada, p?article_id=96897 strada_1998.jpg November 5, 2007 Motion,

Rene Saguisag, Saguisag, driver still at the ICU of the Makati Medical Center 11/08/2007 | 04:43 PM Rene Saguisag, 20 days in ICU,

244 AAIY/WwGQmKPlgnA/s1600-h/judge004.jpg Comelec Legal Chief gunned down,'t-headDalaig-killed-in-Manila-ambush 85mSg WikiPedia, Pryde Henry Teves,'s-Medical-Center p?article_id=100700 Canvass Pass, Documents,

Sedfrey Ordonez,

245 onSubCategoryId=63 190801.php /view/20090814-220222/Ex-SC-justice-banned-for-life-topractice-law 080901.php rometer+Philippines&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=firefox-a 290901.php &oldid=16482677 d=16482677#Homeless_-_8.2C_8.2C_8 id=343&Itemid=233


IV. Homeless - Timeline of Dire Prophecies of Judge Florentino V. Floro: Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan Ancestral House and Lot


Homeless - 8, 8, 8 On January 29, 2008, Floro begged for mercy from Malolos City, Bulacan Executive Judge, RTC, Br. 14, Hon. Petrita Braga Dime (University of the Philippines College of Law Class '62 classmate of Minita Chico-Nazario, Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, Alicia Austria-Martinez, Reynato Puno, and Malolos RTC, Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz). Undaunted, Floro appealed to the Court of Appeals by filing the January 30, 2008 Amparo lawsuit. Floro also filed the supplemental disbarment case No. 7897 against Integrated Bar of the Philippines Bulacan lawyer Nye Orquillas, who was ordered to file Comment by the Supreme Court of the Philippines' Resolution dated July 7, 2008. Meanwhile, Court of Appeals Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes and Justice Apolinario D. Bruselas inhibited in the Amparo suit. On March 4, 2008, the Philippine Court of Appeals Presiding Justice Conrado M. Vasquez, Jr., Justices Edgardo Sundian & Monina Arevala-Zenarosa, dismissed Floro's CAG.R. Sp No. 00015, Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data (Philippines) lawsuit against Malolos RTC Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz. On July, 2008, RTC Executive Judge Petrita Braga Dime's untimely demise was mourned by the judiciary. On July 7, 2008, the 3rd Division issued its Resolution on Disbarment vs. Atty Nye Orquillas. On July, 2009, the Supreme Court 3rd division, through SC Justice Arturo D. Brion again dismissed Judge Floros 350 pages administrative-bribery complaint against Br. 16, RTC, Malolos Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz who retired on her fateful 70th birthday. Chief Justice Renato C. Corona said he, his wife, children and grandchildren had even received death threats. On July, 2009, Arturo D. Brion, also, doesnt leave home without bodyguardsa marked change in his life since he joined the Court a year ago. He was tipped off on a contract on his life. I was informed of a death threat. The Court found the information reliable and is looking into it, Brion said in an interview. This is part of the risk that I have to undergo.

Floro filed on First Friday, August 1, 2008, and August 8, 2008 taxpayer lawsuit against some Justices and lawyers in the GSIS-Meralco bribery case. On 8-7-'08, Justice Reyes suffered 2 heart attacks (Valvular heart disease, Aortic valve stenosis, Rheumatic fever and mitral regurgitation and rushed to the Capitol Medical Center, Quezon City ICU). S.C. Resolution dated August 12, 2008, in A.M. No. 088-11-CA in the GSIS-Meralco bribery case, resolved to dismiss Floro's August 1, 2008 disbarment complaint in view of the ongoing panel investigation. Further, the Court, on September 9, 2008, denied for lack of merit Floro's September 5, 2008 Intervention motions. Because of the CURSE, unexplained and mysterious deaths, illnesses and pains surrounded the Courts and even the very neighborhood of Judge Floros ancestral house and lot located at No. 4, Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan. This is his home from birth on November 5, 1953 until he was ousted by his own brother Joselito V. Floro on February 9, 1989. The following is the TIMELINE Br. 9, Malolos, Bulacan +Judge Roy D. Masadao (first Judge that handled the instant lower court case C.C. No. 938-M-98, September, 1998) fell on a horse and failed to fimish his gubernatorial campaign in Tabuk, Kalinga Apayao; +Atty. Rafael Santos, first counsel of record of defendants in subject consolidated cases before herein respondents LRC P-405 / C.C. No. 938-M-98 died during the pendency of these cases before Br. 80, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan, before Judge Cesar Casanova; Judge Cesar Casanovas +mother died of lingering illness due to METASTASIS when petitioners motion was denied; Defendants spouses Mariano and Ligaya Blancos Eastern Tanning Tannery at Bancal, Meycauayan, Bulacan, was burned and uninsured, the spouses lost P 100 million; his brother Mayor Tinoy Blanco was disqualified, while Mariano / Tinoy Blanco lost the Meycauayan Elections twice; Respondent Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruzs +husband died of CANCER, 2004/2005, long illness;

Br. 9, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan +Judge Roy D. Masadao died of CANCER on 2005, when respondent Judge Thelma received the pay-offs and delayed petitioners cases; +Justice Edgardo Sundiam died of lingering illnesses, on February 1, 2008, a year after he denied Judge Floros Writ of Amparo Petition. Fraternal Order of Utopia, Court of Appeals Justice Edgardo Sundiam '68 died on 1 Febrauary 2009, he succumbed to dialysis, while cursed Ateneo Law School Class 1982, Christopher L. Lim Utopia Batch 1978, passed away 13 August 2009 (Capilla dela Virgen, Santuario de San Antonio, Forbes Park, Makati City). Tuesday, February 03, 2009 CA mourns death of peer THE Court of Appeals will have a sad day when it celebrates its 73rd Anniversary owing to the sudden death of one of their most respected magistrates, Justice Edgardo Sundiam, due to lingering illness. Sundiam, 61, is survived by his wife Lourdes Cabrera and their two daughters, Samantha Marie and Danica Isabelle. Sundiam, chairman of 16th Division of the appellate court at the time of his death, earned the respect of his peers because of his untarnished integrity, probity and independence. He was born on February 28, 1947 in Guagua, Pampanga, to spouses Carlos.43

43 d=16482677 d=16482677#Homeless_-_8.2C_8.2C_8 id=343&Itemid=233 /20090203met5.html+%22Edgardo+Sundiam%22&cd=26&hl=tl&ct=clnk &gl=ph&client=firefox-a


Alfredo Trinidad, wife of Florentina Adina Trinidad (who were joined as defendants for failure to pay Judge Floro the balance on the sale; these spouses lived and occupied Judge Floros 274 sq.m. part of the 723 sq. m. home) suffered 2-3 massive strokes. Their dauther Ann lost P 1 million in estafa, while Anns daughter Bea suffered permanent and lifetime deformity of both legs/limbs; first counsel of record of defendants in subject consolidated cases before herein respondents LRC P-405 / C.C. No. 938-M-98 died during the pendency of these cases before Br. 80, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan, before Judge Cesar Casanova. April 21, 2008 Verbal and Written Prophecy of Judge Petrita Braga Dime Fate Judge Floro, from 2004 until April 21 to July 10, 2008, asked mercy from UP Class 62 Judge Petrita Braga Dime. On April 21, 22, and 23, Judge Floro called Br. 14, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan stenographer, and announced 3 times that Judge Dime will die. She
died on July 10, 2008 amid false facts laid by IBP President Pete Principe against Judge Floro at her Fort wake.

TIMELINE: Death Warrant +Judge Petrita Braga Dime UP Class 62 (College of Law) January 29, 2008, Judge Dime entombed the bribery truth by endorsing Judge Floros plea, instead to the OCAD, for UP Class 62s disposal. May 19, 2008, Judge Floro signed pages 1-2, inter alia of the SUMPA, prophecy of death of Judge Dime. After Judge Dime denied Judge Floros plea to ask Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz to repent and confess her sins, Judge Floro called Br. 14s staff in their office and house, but Judge Dime prevented Judge Floro from talking with them. Judge Floro called not less than 2 staff of Br. 14, on 3 successive dates of April 21, 22, and 23, noon time, announcing verbally Judge Dimes timely demise from this planet, as ruled in En Banc meeting First Friday midnight by his 3 holy angels ridiculed as duendes.

January 30, 2008, Judge Floro filed the Writ of Amparo Petition against UP Class 62 Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz and Ms. Lerida Socorro-Joson March 4, 2008, the Court of Appeals Justice Conrado Vazquez dismissed Judge Floros Amparo Petition, ruling that Judge Floros remedy is to file OCAD Administrative Case April 8-10, 2008, the OCAD docketed Judge Floros complaint against Judge Thelma and Ms. Joson as OCA IPI A.M. 08-2854-RTJ. April 15, 2008, REVENGE Judge Floro lost his own 1953-1989 ancestral home-house-lot civil-LRC case per Decision of Judge Thelma April 24, 2008, Judges, Pasamba and Francisco reversed Judge Dimes Judge Thelmas Re-raffleVoluntary Disqualification, and returned the 10 years case of Judge Floro to Judge Thelma June 12, 2008, Chief Justice Puno endorsed to the OCAD, Judge Floros 200 pages complaint with 250 annexes against Judge Thelma and Ms. Joson, for P80, 000 bribery, etc. to the OCAD July 7, 2008, Disbament A.C. No. 7897, the 3rd Division of the Supreme Court directed Provincial Prosecutor Alfredo Geronimos son-in-law Atty. Nye Orquillas, to file Comment to ptetioners Disbament July 10, 2008, Judge Dime died and Judge Thelma talked to Justice Minita Nazario at the wake, where IBP President and Judge Floros nemesis Atty. Pete Principe discussed Judge Floros duendes
August 4, 2008, Judge Thelma and Ms. Joson filed 1 pages Comment to the 450 pages Judge Floro pleading September 3, 2008, Judge Thelma stated that she

followed-up the records and status Br. 17 and MTC Meycauayan-MTC Marilao criminal case of Judge Floro; Judge Thelma reversed herself, and ruled that Judge Floros Motion for Reconsideration of her April 15, 2008 Decision is superseded by the New Order submitting the 10 years cases of Judge Floro for Decision against Atty. Villarico and all parties except the Trinidads.

BRIBERY You may be wise, if you cheat someone, you are acting like a fool. If you take a bribe, you ruin your character. I have noticed that in this world a serious injustice is done. God will give us wealth, honor, and property, yes, everything we want, but then will not let us enjoy it. Some stranger will enjoy it instead. It is useless, and it just isnt right. Everything that happens was already determined long ago, and we all know that you cannot argue with someone who is stronger than you. The longer you argue, the more useless it is, and you are no better off. How can anyone know what is best for us in this short, useless life of ours a life that passes like a shadow? How can we know what will happen in this world after we die? [Ecclesiastes 9:11. 8:6, 9, 11 14, 6:2, 10 12, 7:7] The Results of Evil (Bribery and Injustice) Nothing that comes from bribery or injustice will last, but the effects of loyalty will remain forever. Wealth that has been obtained dishonestly is like a stream that runs full during a thunderstorm, tumbling rocks along as it flows, but then suddenly goes dry. xxx. Hypocrisy People who set traps fall into them themselves. People who hurt others will be hurt by their own actions and will have no idea why. Arrogant people insult others and make fun of them, but someone is waiting like a lion for a chance to take revenge on them. Those who are happy to witness the downfall of devout people are going to fall into a trap and die a painful death. xxx. [Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 40:12-14; 27:26-29] Here is an injustice I have seen in the world an injustice cased by rulers.

Stupid people are given positions of authority while the rich are ignored. I have seen slaves on horseback while noblemen go on foot like slaves. (1 Cor. 10:5-7) September 9 and August 12, 2008, Judge Floros 200 pages bribery-disbament-administrative cases against the Big CA 5, Justice Conrado Vazquez, Reyes, Sabio, Bruselas and Vidal were dismissed. On July 7, 2009, in OCA IPI No. 08-2854RTJ, Judge Floro vs. Judge Thelma Pinero-Cruz and Lerida Socorro-Joson, Br. 16, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan, the Supreme Courts Second Division per Judge Floros classmate-seatmates Tonette Brions husband SC Justice Arturo D. Brion, denied and dismissed Judge Floros ultimate plea for justice to punish Judge Thelma for alleged bribery, etc. Notes: On September 30, 1998, Judge FLORO filed the first case against spouses Mariano and Ligaya Blanco, the Provincial Prosecutor, and Br. 1, MTC, Meycauayan, Bulacan Judge Orlando Paguio (now retired and replaced by Judge Pacis). In essence, petitioner Judge FLORO asked the Malolos Court to grant him the following reliefs: a) declaring the subject real estate mortgage (of Judge Floros 723 sq.m. ancestral house and lot, dated 5 January, 1995, between his mother Milagros Floro, his brother Joselito, and defendants Blancos), null and void; consequently, to declare the subject 3 titles quiet or clean and free, and at the same time, to cancel and annul the annotated adverse claim by the defendants Blancos therein; and b) declaring null and void the subpoena, warrant of arrest, and permanently enjoining respondents from continuing with, and to dismiss with finality and with prejudice, the counterpart other deceit criminal case against Judge Floro, inter alia. Judge Floro added a new defendant Atty. Rodel Gil Villarico. After the filing of responsive pleadings by adverse parties, the case was set for pre-trials and trials.


The case was later heard by Br. 80, RTC, Malolos,

Bulacan Judge Cesar Casanova after Judge Masadao inhitibed himself. The counterpart Land Registration case was filed by petitioner Judge Floro on September 28, 1998. It prayed for the cancellation of the annotated adverse claim of respondents Blancos at the back of the subject titles. These cases Nos. 938-M-98 & P405-98 were ordered submitted for partial/several judgment on September 22, 2004 against all defendants/respondent and that they have deemed waived their right to present evidence, due to their consistent failure to appear at the hearings despite due notices. On January 5, 1995 defendants Joselito Floro (and deceased Milagros Floro) and spouses BLANCOS entered into a principal written contract of loan and/with accessory real estate mortgage contract where the subject lots, covered by the subject titles [T-316135 (M), & T-316136 (M)-Bulacan, inter alia] of these cases (from the cancelled mother title) were encumbered by said respondents, using the co-owners title; the owners duplicate certificates of titles were and are possessed by petitioner Judge Floro.

Since the LRC petitioners Spouses Alfredo and

Florentina Trinidad, despite repeated demands by Judge Floro, failed and refused to pay him the amount due on the contract, admitted evidence KASUNDUAN of March 20, 1998, Judge Floro asked the court for leave to admit Supplemental and Amended Supplemental Pleadings to add these spouses as defendants and to join issues with them to pay the sum. Alfredo Trinidad suffered a stroke, while his wife, Florentina Trinidad suffered lingering illnesses; further, their daughter Ann Trinidad was allegedly swindled and separated from her spouse Redentor, while Anns daughter Bea suffered great physical crab deformity of both legs; her brother Alfred Trinidad was hooked on cock fighting. Atty. Nye Orquillas appeared as the counsel of Alfredo and Florentina Trinidad. But instead of asking the Court to cancel the adverse claim, to make clean their title, Atty. Orquillas, in bad faith, with badges of fraud, and with greatest malice, did file a Motion to Dismiss on 1 December, 2004, which was granted by the Malolos Court.

Upon discovery of bribery, Judge Floro filed the Writ of

Amparo Case CA-G.R. SP No. 00015, on January 30, 2008, the 5pages Letter-Complaint to Executive Judge Petrita B. Dime and c) the pending full-blown Disbarment case A.C. No. 7897, Third Division, Supreme Court against Atty. Orquillas. On April 15, 2008, respondent Judge Thelma rendered and released the 6 pages challenged Partial Judgment. It dismissed Judge Floros twin LRC / civil cases, on technical / false grounds. 255

She ruled that: a) nobody filed any rescission contract within

4 years from 1996, due date of mortgage, despite the obvious fact that --- the cases were/are in themselves, annulment cases filed by Judge Floro, to annul and rescind the subject voidable and rescissible mortgage contract/adverse claim, and b) that Judge Floros request from Br. 10, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan guardianship Court, to cancel on March 6, 1996 the annotated Lis Pendens of Permanent Injunction due to death of his mother, subject ward of the injunction, allegedly rendered moot and academic the Injunction. Life is Useless Dont be surprised when you see that the government oppresses the poor and denies them justice and their rights. Every official is protected by someone higher, and both are protected by still higher officials. Even a king depends on the harvest. If you love money, you will never be satisfied If you long to be rich, you will never get all you want. It is useless. The richer you are, the more mouths you have to feed. All you gain is the knowledge that you are rich. Workers may or may not have enough to eat, but at least they can get a good nights sleep. The rich, however, have so much that they stay awake worrying. Here is a terrible thing that I have seen in this world: people save up their money for a time when they may need it, and then lose it all in some bad deal and end up with nothing left to pass on to their children. We leave this world just as we entered it with nothing. [Ecclesiastes 5: 10-15] On December, 2010, Br. 80, RTC, Malolos City, Bulacan Judge Oscar Herrera, Jr. reversed the Br. 16, RTC, Malolos City Bulacan Judge Thelma Pinero Cruz decision in favor of Judge Floro. Forthwith, Judge Oscar Herrera, Jr. was promoted to the Sandiganbayan after more than 15 years in the RTC. As of October, 2011, the Court of Appeals assumed jurisdiction over the appeal of Defendant Mariano and Ligaya Blanco. Their vast fishpens in Pangasinan suffered tremendous losses due to the floods.


V. The Prophet
LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice; LUIS UltimateViolet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger, Bitterness and Vengeance


The Little Prince dedication

"To Leon Werth I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to a grown-up. I have a serious excuse: this grown-up is the best friend I have in the world. I have another excuse: this grown-up can understand everything, even books for children. I have a third excuse: he lives in France where he is hungry and cold. He needs to be comforted. If all these excuses are not enough, then I want to dedicate this book to the child whom this grown-up once was. All grown-ups were children first. (But few of them remember it.) So I correct my dedication: To Leon Werth, When he was a little boy" - Antoine de Saint Exupry1

The 3 Mystic Dwarves Dedication

"To LUIS, Armand and Angel I ask infidels (atheists, skeptics and agnostics) and believers alike to forgive me for dedicating this book to 3 dwarves. I have a serious reason: LUIS is the King of kings of all holy and white elementals in the universe. I have another reason: he (Armand and Angel) are the best friends I have in this planet. I have a third excuse: he lives in his gold and diamond castle with his magic carpets and UFO space ships, but he is thirsty and sad. He needs to be comforted since he is JOBLESS in a pretend world. If all these excuses are not enough, then I want to dedicate this book to the little angel whom this royal servant, grown-up Lord of lords of elementals once was. LUIS is loosing the battle against evil. His Violet and White lights are overshadowed by the Prince of Darkness: hypocrisy, hatred, anger, bitterness, vengeance, greed and lust for wealth, power, honor and glory.

All grown-ups now are only concerned with matters of consequences, in a broken world of materialism. All grown-ups who are still thirsty of vendetta were children first. (But few of them remember it.) So I correct my dedication: To LUIS, Armand and Angel, and all those who suffered maryrdom because of SIN" - Florentino V. Floro, Jr. Lon Werth (1878-1955) was a French writer and art critic, friend of Octave Mirbeau, then of Antoine de SaintExupry. First World War, colonisation, French "collaboration" during the second world war... Lon Werth wrote without kindness and with a great precision about the French society. Saint-Exupery met Werth in 1931 and soon he became the closest friend Saint-Exupery had outside of his flying group of Aeropostale. Werth had not much in common with Exupery, he was anarchist, his father was Jew, and left Bolshevik supporter. Twenty-two years older then SaintExupery, with surrealistic writing style, author of twelve volumes, and many magazine pieces, he was opposite of what Saint-Exupery was. Saint Exupery dedicated two books to him (Letter to a Hostage, The Little Prince) and referred Werth in three more. The dedication in the preface of The Little prince is one of the most charming dedications ever written. During the beginning of World War II, while writing The Little Prince Exupery lived in his apartment at downtown New York City, thinking about his France and his friends. Leon Werth spent the war unobtrusively in Saint-Amour, his village in Jura, a montain rgion close to Switzerland where he "was alone, cold and hungry", without many nice words about French refugees. Saint-Exupery returned to Europe in early 1943, "I cannot bear to be far from those who are hungry ... I am leaving in order to suffer and thereby be united with those who are dear to me."


At the end of World War II, which Antoine de Saint Exupery didn't live to see, Leon Werth said: "Peace, without Tonio (Exupery) isn't entirely peace." Leon Werth did not see the text for which he was so much responsible until five months after his friend's death, when Galimard sent him a special edition. Antoine de Saint Exupry (pronounced [ twan d s tgzype i]) (June 29, 1900 presumably July 31, 1944) was a French writer and aviator. His most famous work is Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince). He disappeared on the night of July 31, 1944, while on a mission to collect intelligence on German troop movements.

The Little Prince (French: Le petit prince), published in 1943, is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupry's most famous novella, which he wrote in the United States while renting The Bevin House in Asharoken, New York, on Long Island. The novella includes a number of drawings by SaintExupry himself, which are reproduced in most versions. The book has been translated into more than 180 languages and dialects so far. To date has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. It is one of the top 50 best-selling books. It has been adapted into a movie musical by Lerner and Loewe, two different operas, as well as into an animated series. It is often used as a beginner's book for French language students.

From The Times - June 6, 200644 I used to be a judge but I'm all right now . . . LUNACY on the Bench is not as common as prime ministers and home secretaries stung by judgments critical of their policies like to suggest.

The Times, by David Pannick QC avid_pannick/article671074.ece


The recent decision of the Supreme Court of the Philippines to dismiss Judge Florentino V. Floro Jr as a judge of the Regional Trial Court in Malabon City because of a medically disabling condition of the mind that rendered him unfit to discharge the functions of his office repays careful consideration by any student of the judiciary. Judge Floro first applied for appointment to the Bench in 1995. The mandatory psychological evaluation by the Supreme Court Clinic Services (memo to the Lord Chancellor: do not even consider this) revealed evidence of ego disintegration. Judge Floro voluntarily withdrew his application. He reapplied in 1998, but the evaluation was again negative, identifying problems with self-esteem and mood swings. But Judge Floro was allowed to rely on a more favourable assessment from private practitioners. He began work as a judge in November 1998. The appointment was not a great success. Less than eight months later, the Supreme Court suspended Judge Floro while complaints against him were investigated. It took nearly seven years to complete the inquiries, partly because of the delaying tactics by the judge. In March Justice Chico-Nazario, for a unanimous 14strong Supreme Court, decided that Judge Floro should be dismissed from the Bench. In 1890 Mr Justice Stephen became incapable of acting in a judicious manner by reason of mental illness. And in the 1950s, a High Court judge who lost his faculties was persuaded to resign only when no work was assigned to him. But there is, I think, no precedent for Judge Floros unusual manner of opening proceedings in his courtroom. A formal, All rise, or even a jocular, Here comes the judge, might be acceptable. But not the introductory statement to all those present in court that Judge Floro was a Bar topnotcher who passed the 1983 Bar Examinations with an average score of 87.55 per cent.

There would follow a reading from the Bible, after which Judge Floro would answer questions on the scriptural text of the day. The judges visiting card also stated that he was a Bar exams topnotcher (87.55 per cent) with full second honours. As the Supreme Court concluded, litigants might well interpret all this as a sign of insecurity. What caused the Supreme Court most concern, and who can blame them, was Judge Floros belief that he enjoyed qualities lacked by other members of the judiciary. Judge Floro is not the first judge to have an inflated opinion of his own abilities, but there are not many who have claimed special powers as the No 5 psychic in the country. (The Supreme Court judgment unfortunately provides no information on whether the top four also have legal qualifications and, if so, what marks they obtained in the Bar exams.) In a variation of dress-down Fridays, Judge Floro changed from blue court robes to black each Friday to recharge his psychic powers. He was, he suggested, the angel of death and able to inflict pain and sickness on people appearing in his court (a valuable but perhaps disproportionate sanction in dealing with vexatious litigants). The judge believed that he could write while in a trance, and he had, he insisted, been seen by several people to have been in two places at the same time, a very useful attribute in reducing the waiting lists for pending cases. Most impressive of all, Judge Floro had made a covenant with three dwarf friends named Luis, Armand and Angel, who would, unseen by others, provide him with assistance in court (presumably when counsel were unable to provide a page reference in the bundles of evidence). Very generously in the circumstances, the Supreme Court emphasised that it was not ruling that Judge Floro was insane. He was merely suffering from a psychosis that appeared to cloud his judgment and so undermined his competence and objectivity.

Justice Chico-Nazario concluded that psychic phenomena, even assuming such exist (a wise judge never decides more than is necessary to dispose of the case), have no place in jurisprudence. Though it would, I suppose, be helpful to be able accurately to predict how the Supreme Court would deal with a case, and so avoid the expense and delay of waiting for their decisions. The Supreme Court let Judge Floro down from the Bench as lightly as possible. No one is to blame as we cannot condemn people for their faulty genes and/or adverse environment factors they have no control over. Judge Floro may be dysfunctional as a judge but may still be successful in other areas of endeavour. Especially, of course, as he can rely on the help of those three dwarf friends. by David Pannick QC David Pannick QC45 (born 7 March 1956) is a leading barrister in the United Kingdom. He practises mainly in the areas of public law and human rights. He has argued more than 75 cases in the House of Lords, more than 25 cases in the European Court of Justice, and more than 30 cases in the European Court of Human Rights. Pannick was educated at Bancroft's School and Hertford College, Oxford, where he graduated as a MA and a BCL. He was called to the Bar at Gray's Inn in 1979, and was a Junior Counsel to the Crown in Common Law from 1988 to 1992. He became a Queen's Counsel in 1992, a Recorder in 1995, and a deputy High Court judge in 1998. He has acted in a wide range of high-profile cases, including the Spycatcher case.


David Pannick


The High Court ruled that the cult musical Jerry Springer - The Opera is not blasphemous, and Pannick stated that: "Judge Tubbs had acted within her powers and made the only decision she could lawfully have made; while religious beliefs were integral to British society, so is freedom of expression, especially to matters of social and moral importance." He has also appeared in the courts of Hong Kong, Brunei and the Cayman Islands. He has been a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford since 1978, and became an Honorary Fellow at Hertford College, Oxford in September 2004. He writes on legal matters for The Times, and is co-author with Lord Lester of Herne Hill of Human Rights Law and Practice (1st edition 1999; 2nd edition 2004).


VI. Who is LUIS? Marys Blue Army, Holy Eucharist: Close Encounter with a Friend from another Star; LUIS Kingdom of Peace; Ultimate Violet and White Lights - Bonito, Baston, Salakot, Sombrero, Supot, UFO, Space Ship, Rocket Ship, Flying Saucer


Who is LUIS?
Why was (/is) he (with Armand his brother) the only dwarf that was googled on April 7, 2006 (the birthday of Angel, his sister the day which was promised by these 3 angels, on the covenant or dalliance day of First Friday, March 1, 1996, that they and Judge Floro would permanently set footprints upon almost all departments of world history)? It was also on Angels birthday, on April 7, 1984, that Judge Floro placed 12th in the Philippine Bar Exams of 1983, with 87.55% bar rating, in one of the hardest exam in history, with only 21.3% passing the bar. The answer is not quite simple: LUIS, as white / holy angel46 of God, was endowed by Him, the unique and the highest VIOLET47 and white lights, which are the highest on the plane of the angels, and outside our human electromagnetic spectrum48, but lower in rank vis--vis the Saints. The lights of the Saints, however, are lower in rank vis--vis the Lux in Domino shared by Mary semper virginis the Trinitas blinding Beatific Vision lights which would only be seen by mankind after Christs 2nd coming.

The Covenant / Dalliance on March 1, 1996

On June 2, 1983, LUIS, Armand and Angel first appeared to Robert V. Floro (mild retarded due to wrong medicines prescribed by Dra. Arguelles to Milagros Floro during pregnancy, 1965), at the night wake of deceased Florentino Floro, Sr., who peacefully died at the age of 79.

WikiPedia, Angels, WikiPedia, Violet,
47 n_culture

WikiPedia, Electromagnetic Spectrum,


Without any illness, he died just of cardiac arrest.49 LUIS promised every Christmas (since 1984) that Judge Floro would, as Robert did or does, also see the lights, would view these 3 angels, would be able to see their castles, would whisper upon him, and would make him world-famous or immortal in world history by means of these lights.

Eye Grades and Pulse Rates

It was only on 1992 that Judge Floro was infused with and bestowed to have seen the lights, and after near-death experiences: a) his eye grades50 (which was 325 275 from 1966 until 1992) was suddenly reduced to 175 125 in just 6 months. Judge Floro at that time was diagnosed by Dr. Eusebio, EENT, the best eye doctor of University of Santo Thomas Hospital51 with symptoms of glaucoma52, a blinding disease. In 2007, Judge Floros eye corrective lens miraculously dived to 75 25 with astigmatism, remaining the steady until 2010. Floro used Betoptic53 drops for 6 years or until 1999; but after 6 months, Dr. Eusebio changed his diagnosis to nervous or psychosomatic causes. Hence b) Judge Floro sought second opinion from another pillar of Philippine eye disease department. Dr. Cosme Naval treated Judge Floro.


WikiPedia, Cardiac Arrest, WikiPedia, Corrective Lens, WikiPedia, UST, WikiPedia, Glaucoma, WikiPedia, Betoptic or Betaxol


Floro also sought the other opinions of the best cardiologist, St. Lukes Hospital Dr. Gatchalian, because of the irregular pulse rate54 of 110 120 (during delivery of a baby). Dr. Augusto Reyes, on August, 2011 certified that Judge Floros eyes are healthy and the right has zero refractive error while the left has .75, nearsighted. However, on September, 2011, Adlaon optical diagnosed Judge Floros left eye at .50 while his right is zero grade.

Yellow, Violet and White Lights

It was during these years from 1992 to 1996 that LUIS infused upon Judge Floros body these yellow lights prefatory or prologue to the infusion of Violet and white lights from 1996. Robert informed Judge Floro that LUIS message was: the violet and white lights are theirs, but the White Light emanates only from Christ.

Covenant Daliance, of more than life-time shield

On first Friday, March 1, 1996 at 5:00 a.m. to 5:25 a.m. (10 years) LUIS and Armand first appeared as promised, to Judge Floro; the message was written forthwith in a page of his diary:55 Luis and Armand appeared to me, wearing light yellow and green bonitos (hats),56 35 and 27 years old, respectively.


WikiPedia, Pulse Rate Photobucket, Handwritten message of LUIS and Armand to Judge Floro, March 1, 1996
55 56

CATS' Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Gallery 1


Angel is their sister and the others are in Japan; the reason why they appeared is that their power to be invisible was destroyed by my power (the veil was opened); message: just call our names and whistle 3x and we will not forsake thee; need for material things was stopped by Luis Armand stone (diamond) Blanco (my client who persecuted me) I saw 3 wooden boxes, the contents; taken out, the boxes, taken from me but the paper, I put in my drawer. (Translated from the original Filipino-English)

What does the covenant mean?

The pre-destined covenant and date / time, were conceived at the time of the birth of these 3 angels (they were born even before man was created, in Genesis). What is this dalliance all about? Simply put: as King of kings of Elementals, LUIS entered into a contract which expires after the death of the instrument or ward Judge Floro, but with respect to Armand and Angel, the shield ends at the time of death or his demise. Inspired by St. Pauls writings (since LUIS, is merely an instrument of God, whose co-redemptrix is Mary), Judge Floro debunked, threw away and IGNORED the lower or base planes of the 3rd eye, 6th sense, inner awareness, psychic phonomena and inner mind development, inter alia. All these deal with or, are under the deparments of psychic phenomena, psi, and bio-energy, wherein all these, in turn concern mass, matter, human energy, etc., which are all below St. Pauls and LUIS spirituality. LUIS defies/ transcends the electromagnetic spectrum, and, due to the deepest secrets of the universe which baffled Stephen Hawking and Einsten and his famous E mc2, LUIS covenant mandated, that: a) Judge Floro must be all alone, must not have any friend at all, must not go near a corpse, must not join any group, and must not attend any and all social gatherings

b) Judge Floro must offer daily, simple foods in memory of these angels c) Judge Floro must obey all their spiritual Orders, like cleansing the judiciary and exorcising evil, by inflicting dire sickness, deaths, accidents, lingering illnesses, horrible stains in the blood, up to the 4th generation under Psalms 73, 109, inter alia; d) In exchange, LUIS will be 24 hours / lifetime, with Judge Floro so that the blacks or fallen angels (dwarves, and the 4 black elementals) would not have any opportunity to galactically spray their evil weapons for they have no lights, but darkness); e) Further, Judge Floro is SHIELDED, in all matters and manners; specifically, any person or even any animal who, in any manner, would hurt, or even DENY Judge Floro or any of his requests, wise or otherwise, would be damned (cursed) forever that is, as LUIS instrument, pet human and only ward, if Judge Floro is denied or harmed, then LUIS is utterly insulted, as King of kings of elementals; the persecutor would be punished in the manner that Judge Floro would choose or select (dire accident, fire, death, cancer, stroke, diseases, etc., and, including all their kins up to the 4th generation stain in their blood); f) LUIS is merciless (walang tawak, walang patawad); in the covenant, unlike human friendship which has bounds, the dalliance means that whether Judge Floro is right or wrong, LUIS goes for Judge Floro and against any and all those who persecute the Filipino / world prophet; for LUIS, the guardianship, or spirit guide protection transcends death of the ward. LUIS will be just beside Judge Floros grave forever (if Judge Floro would ever die, being immortal).


How does LUIS infuse the GIFTS (of the Spirit) upon Judge Floro, as his sole instrument? - IN TIME State and existence
LUIS infused these GIFTS within the motal body and immortal soul and spirit of Judge Floro, as his sole instrument against evil (the fallen angels or black elementals and spirit guides, the instruments of Satan);57 IN TIME, the gifts abound and become intense, since the fundamental law is There is a time for everything. (Ecclesiastes: 3:1) Since Judge Floro saw the violet lights from 1996, it never ceased to appear upon him, daily until today.

What is the nature of this Ultimate Violet light?

Gigablast or google violet light58 or search the same in any or all libraries online or otherwise, and you will not find what LUIS solely has in the entire universe, and is talking about. Judge Floros is able to see this highest light, when flashed by LUIS, because of the unveiling or unblocking of the barrier, that is, there is no longer any impediment to release and at the same time, to enable the light to be viewed by Judge Floro. The speed is timeless, that is, the flashing thereof, is like more than 1/1000 of a second; and the size is that of the smallest tip or pin of a needle, but it is so pure, intense and not blurred. The ultimate violet light above and over the blue and other lights of elementals, is, 100 times more concentrated than our most advanced red laser beams; more importantly, the violet light transcends or is not constricted by the dimensions of time and space.


WikiPedia, Fallen Angels, Google search, Violet light


Hence it is in a STATE 7th plane or highest dimension, or infinite, so to speak. Simply put, as Christ said: I am the Alpha and Omega (no beginning and no end). Since 1984, Floro personally met so many alleged psychics, including the false prophet Mr. Jaime T. Licauco.59 On October 20, 1999, when Floro conducted spiritual healing demonstration before Licaucos patients, the former saw his 35,000 displayed books (collections). Floro asked him as paranormal expert in the Philippines, to show the former any page of those books which cites violet light, and Licauco replied that there was none. At any rate, and for sure, Floro might be able to describe this violet light in this manner: John Doe (name withheld), of Dallas, Texas, emailed to Floro, letters, regarding the violet light he saw once in his life time, and Floro quotes his letters: This starts to make a bit more sense to me now. 1. I have heard high pitched sounds most of my life since I was a boy and always thought this was due to a hearing problem......only in the last 5 years have I realized it was happening in association with events, thoughts, or personal intentions. For example the high pitch starts as if something travels close to be near me and the sound builds as it arrives and is steady for a few seconds and then goes away. For example if I was thinking of self improvement or about helping another person I might hear the high pitch arriving and it would stay briefly sometimes longer and then depart. This is a sign for me to pursue this thought further or see where it leads, or they continue on the path of improvement or altruism and helping others.


WikiPedia, Jaime T. Licauco,


An APPROVAL if you will from somewhere other than here. It has happened for so long now that I accept it as a part of my life. If I'm driving down the road and getting near an intersection and hear the "High Pitch Sound" arriving I will immediately pay very special attention to everything happening watch for extra danger, movement, etc. It's usually a sign for me to pay very close attention to something happening, a thought, personal direction, or what my intentions are. 2. The fine brilliant violet light that happened only once, was (2) month prior to our conversations, it is part of the reason I read your writings online and was interested in knowing more about you. So clearly I was "Notified" or it was "Announced" that this would happen and I would learn of you. 3. The violet patches of light have happened for nearly (4) years now.....I originally took them as eye problems and issues with optical nerves and possible neurological symptoms that cause color flashes before eyes. It happens can appear anywhere like on a wall,
chair, table, etc. The color never varies always violet.

4. I believe in God, I also believe there is some sort of universal mechanism constantly at work according to our intentions and energy. If a man believes he will fail miserably it will surely come to pass, if we believe that God and universe are sending us everything we need then it will come to pass also. We attract what we radiate and believe with our whole hearts and souls. Dark attracts Dark, Light attracts Light. Intention is of ultimate importance.....if my purest intention is to become an architect, the universe will set into motion all of the necessary pieces to allow or arrange this all to come to pass, if my intentions include helping others along their path then God.


(The Universe) will bless that intention and magnify our actions and works for maximum positive effectiveness among our fellow brothers ans sisters. Yes Judge, I've struggled, yes I've been destitute and hopeless, I've felt a hopelessness and loneliness that blinds and cripples the soul. I've known physical anguish and pain on an almost constant basis for years (bad back and severe nerve damage) sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. I've prayed some serious prayers and begged God for relief and for assistance, and given thanks in good and bad times. Trust me my friend....I know what it's like to want and not have needs met. Somehow someway they have always been met. Thank you Lord for your many blessings! I pray God that you will hear this prayer and bless Judge Floro indeed, that you will increase his territories, and meet all of his daily physical and financial needs, I also pray lord that he might be of service to others through his witness, testimony, and works. I pray that you will put only good people in his path who can assist him further on the mission you have for him In Jesus Christ Precious Name I pray ....Amen. I remember you speaking of the higher light before. I have only seen the very clear fine brilliant "Small point of bright violet light" only once in my life. I did not mean to say I see that that type all of the time....... Only once have I seen the pinpoint high brilliant light like a little violet sun that stayed for a few seconds and was gone. The violet light I see regularly is more like a scattered patch of violet color not very clear somewhat blurry.


It will appear for a fraction of a second and then be gone. What type is this "scattered blurry violet light"? Violet is a good color right? Is it a good sign or something not good to see? I take it as a good sign and sense it is not negative light. I have no evil in my life and believe strongly in God, I also believe there are other forces in the Universe that man has little knowledge of......I believe I attract good positive energy and that these are good lights. Judge Floro! Hello it is Phillip I hope that everything is good and that you are well. I want to thank you for all of your advice and help. Things are going better for me now. Thanks to you ........the violet light visits me and then goes. It's just a flash and then it is gone.60 Floro cited this letter, since this is the best definition of ultimate violet light that LUIS has and regularly or daily would flash to the pet human prophet. His brother Robert (when Floro asked him to cross-examine LUIS about this violet light), informed Floro that LUIS had / has only one answer: violet light is Suerte (meaning good luck fortune, Peace of Chirst, peace of mind, the Shield, etc.). It is the very essence of the entire universe or creation, part of Lux in Domino, and emanating from the Faithful and True, the Lamb of God, the One, True, Good and Beautiful, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Just one flash of the violet light from LUIS bonito
and/or baston, is equivalent to $ US 1 trillion, that is, it is priceless. No NASA scientist or UFO researcher could even produce or photocopy the same. It cannot be intercepted by sciences ultratech machines, it cannot be photographed, it cannot be copied and it cannot be transferred to another human being.

emailed letters to, Monday, January 28, 2008 8:00:58 AM;


Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:19:43 AM; ViewSaturday, January 26, 2008 7:19:43 AM


Not even the most powerful psychics and spiritualists from mystic Mt. Banahaw, Philippines and/or India (from the east and west, from all religions), could photograph or could have been bestowed to see the ultimate violet light. For this sole reason, there is no doubt that LUIS is the King of kings of elementals (fire, earth, water and air) in the entire universe. He is most powerful and supreme over all whites and the fallen angels or blacks could not match this light. However, LUIS violet light is inferior to the lights seen by the mystics like Padre Pio, John of the Cross or Theresa of Avila, inter alia. Unlike Judge Floros gifts of healing, prophecy, bilocation, exoricism, (spiritual levitation, riding the spaceship, and TRANCE, inter alia), the lights of the saints, empower them to fight he darkness of the soul, to receive the stigmatas, and to enjoy physical levitation and ecstasy (higher than Judge Floros mystic levitation and TRANCE). Parenthetically, one legal and spiritual / existential proof (of the existence, authenticity, uniqueness - with verifiable source) of the violet lights of LUIS upon Judge Floro, is the TRANCE creation of some forum replies, to wit: Since the Rush Forum was established in 1995, it is so safe to say that as of December 1, 2006, no member or user, but Judge Floro, had ever authored a thread which made a RECORDBREAKING: 29 pages, to wit: The Earth is not only for humans and animals - 29 pages - Healing and Prophecy, The 3 Mystic Philippine Dwarves - 1,413 Replies, Posts 99, 901 views as of January 11 2011 01:57 AM.61

The 2nd Apparition of LUIS - Good Friday, 2001

Lest Judge Floro be misconstrued, he affirms that
even without the apparitions or visions and physical view of LUIS, the violet light is equivalent to LUIS. However, since under their LAW, he would let himself, aside from the violet light be seen only by Robert who has a pure and innocent soul, but then, under the covenant or dalliance, LUIS would not break his promise to appear to Judge Floro IN TIME, as his sole instrument.
Counterparts Message Board, The earth is not only for humans and animals, by Judge Floro, October 2, 2006, November 9, 2007
61 =1300&start=1300


Considering that their supreme times are Fridays, First Fridays and Good Fridays, then LUIS regally appeared in a vision to Judge Floro on Good Friday, 2001, sitting upon a white rock, wearing all blue-violet kingly dress and upon his head a violet hat or bonito. Judge Floro asked LUIS; Who are you? And he said: LUIS!, and without any smile on his face. Judge Floro then asked: Why did you appear just now, since 1984 and 1996? LUIS replied You have FEAR. Fear is the only impediment in the entire universe (Vide: Batman the Movie, etc.) to unlock the deepest secrets from violet lights to UFOs, inter alia.

The 3nd Apparition of LUIS - Good Friday, 2007 Jobless LUIS

During the taping of Philippine Television documentary Healing Oil, by top media ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, Judge Floro was shocked, depressed, and awed, when LUIS made a statement (edited however) to the Filipino nation.62 A crew / script writer asked Robert V. Floro, regarding the nature of LUIS. Robert replied that LUIS lives in a castle of gold and diamonds, has everything, and rides on magic carpet. She then shot the final question to Robert: Does LUIS have any problem or complain ? And Robert forthwith replied: LUIS cannot find a JOB! Judge Floro left his own ancestral home at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan (where he lived since birth on 1953), on February 09, 1989 due to family problems. Since, then, he was and is the ONLY magistrate in the entire Philippine who rents a house (until today), and has no car.

You Tube, Healing Oil, Judge Floro, ABS-CBN Magandang Umaga Pilipinas, April 3, 2007


Today, he remained jobless in a pretend world since he was placed under preventive suspension on July 20, 1999.63 July 20, 2010 was the11th anniversary of his jobless persecution, mandated by LUIS, since physical suffering and mental anguish definitely increase in magnitude this violet lights to fight evil. Ergo, before the natal day of LUIS, Juanuary 7, 2007, he appeared for the 3rd time to Judge Floro, in red clothes, wearing a salakot but like a Super Ninja, leaving a message: I will not permit you to have a job; you must suffer, since I now bestow upon you a treasure. (LUIS on Christmas day, 1984 promised that IN TIME, Judge Floro would receive the supot, salakot, sombrero, bonito64(gold, treasure, the 3 hats), inter alia.

The 1st Virtual Reality Apparition of LUIS January 7, 2008 IMAX yellow, one minute
SM Mall of Asia, on 2006, premiered in its IMAX cinema, Superman the IMAX movie. Robert and Judge Floro watched the IMAX movie. Robert told him that LUIS has plenty of IMAX cinemas, and he had no idea what they were. But the very day and the ultimate dream came to pass.65 Since November, 1984, when Judge Floro was digging (treasure hunting in Bulacan), LUIS promised him that someday he will personally appear as Robert sees him physically and all the time.

Supreme Court Decision, 75 pages, March 31, 2006, Ocad vs. Judge Floro,
63 WikiPedia, Sombrero, Salakot,


WikiPedia, Imax,


Since 1984, and on the very day of January 8, 2008, the day after LUIS birthday on January 7, at dawn, when Judge Floro was awake but his eyes were closed, LUIS allowed himself for (one full minute) to be viewed: IMAX yellow dancing VIRTUAL REALITY he is less than 7 inches, dressed in regal red, wearing the SALAKOT he promised to bestow upon Floro in 1984, as if a Japanese super ninja warrior. He was so tiny but he would not show his face yet, since Judge Floro might not be ready due to FEAR. It is clearer than IMAX - UNDER THE SEA 3D.

What is fear? Little children are often allowed and chosen to see elves
Fear springs from the eternal source of sin. St. Paul wrote to the gentiles that: Death comes from sin, and sin comes from law: the Rule of Law of toss coin decisions, lies, hypocrisy, anger, hatred, bitterness, greed, lust for
power, wealth, honor, glory, vengeance or rather vendetta, and sheer materialism in a broken world without God, of paranoia.

Even before we were born, each of us had been duly assigned by God, on our right (in laymans terms) side vis-vis on our left (where Satans 666 instruments, the fallen angels, are), a spirit guide or protector (from the 9 choirs of angels). LUIS, is the highest of them all, probably the No. 6th in rank from the No. 1, St. Michael the Archangel. In the heavenly battles, aptly termed inter-galactic wars, these angels (which were culturally named Filipino dwendes66 from Spanish duendes - due to the Filipinos colonization by Spain from 1521 1899) do fight against the Prince of darkness, Lucifer. Beelzebub has many names and tons of beasts or mini-dragons (as they had been released by God, in Revelation), to sow fear and terror.


WikiPedia, Duende


This fear (which Batman the Movie, inter alia) themed and taught, is the very foundation to lock the veil to view this violet light and LUIS. If the Google entries on Judge Floro never existed on the birthday of Angel, on April 7, 2006, and if all the predictions67 of Judge Floro inserted in the filed court pleadings never came to pass, then, for sure, the above ORIGINAL message or memorandum from LUIS would be nothing or figments of imagination fit for poetry. Yes, they would be just emptiness and sheer fiction or manuscript (for any drama anthology or soap opera, on BBC, CNN, MSNC, or any famous TV show like Oprah and Judge Judy). Like the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh (who took his life when he became mad, since in dire poverty, no one appreciated his works at that time), this dwarf book and story of the 3 angels would step by step or slowly / continuously reveal its GENIUS or freak creation, IN TIME, specifically, when each and every dire predictions of Judge Floro from LUIS, and would impeccably be fulfilled IN TIME, in LUIS own sweet no-space and timeless moment. Taking a cue from Alexander Dumas The Count of Monte Christo68, LUIS is so thirsty for revenge: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; a STAIN in their BLOOD and upon their seeds, offspring, up to the 4th generation. (It is primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy, and forgiveness, and is told in the style of an adventure story). On the 2nd quarter of 2007, LUIS granted IN PART, Judge Floros request to enter their golden and diamond castle, to ride in their magic carpet or ships and to see LUIS face to face, to wit:

Friendster, Memorandum of Prophecies of LUIS, Angelus Dei, Per Judge Florentino V. Floro (April 7, 2006 to November 14, 2007)

The Count of Monte Cristo


Mystical Levitation
As 1st step, and considering that Judge Floros mortal body must be duly prepared for the infusion of the GIFTS and these heavenly, spiritual or galactic matters, LUIS, in a step by step mode, trained Judge Floro to take-off or remove FEAR which is an immense barrier to open the door to these deepest secrets of LUIS kingdom. Since 1992 (when LUIS bestowed upon Judge Floro the inferior yellow lights - because Judge Floros body could only view the Violet and White Lights in 1997, due to the envelope of FEAR), LUIS, via TRANCE and night to dawn vision, slowly but spiritually enabled or taught Judge Floro how to LIFT his own body and/or spirit up in the air (but only at the height of the earth buildings or trees). Unlike under the plane or dimension of the Saints, like Padre Pio and Rita de Casia, Judge Floro could only reach buiding heights and fly over the trees but not so high. Judge Floro, to be more specific, could not physically LIFT his mortal body in LEVITATION, as the Flying Saints69 did or do. Not plain physical levitation, but, but, but, Judge Floros levitation is higher than metaphysical levitation, since it is LUIS mystical or spiritual levitation, a virtual reality, IN STATE, without the constrictions of space and time.

Spiritual Annihilation
As 2nd step, LUIS trained Judge Floro (who could, because of Levitation), how to destroy or inflict illnesses, pains, deaths, accidents, etc., per the ultimate violet and white lights, into, upon and against EVIL: the fallen angels70 or black elves.


WikiPedia, Flying Saints, Levitation, and Metaphysical Levitation


WikiPedia, Fallen Angels


These blacks include evil gnomes, duendes or dwarves, capres, aswangs, witches and all black 4 elementals, that truly guide and torment the 666 corrupt magistrates, jurists, justices, judges, government officers to their aides / staff / personnel. Slowly but in repeated fashion, LUIS would let Judge Floro levitate between midnights to dawn, over the building and trees. Then, it would take years, or since 1992 that Judge Floro would be able to spiritually kill, annihilate and tear down matters objects, trees, buildings, etc. If Judge Floro could annihilate in levitation these dead or inanimate objects, he could easily let LUIS flash the violet lights upon the evil targets.

Bales, Usog, and Magic Touch by the Right Hand

As a student who excels, Judge Floro mastered the art of Bales, Balis or Usog71 (but, as the holy and white one versus evil, the blacks). Graduating (with highest honors in the kingdom of the dwarves) from Levitation and Annihilation courses, Judge Floro enrolled and passed with colors, LUIS doctorate of Balis and Usog. Balis, is sudden, unexpected and surprised meeting between strangers or non-strangers, resulting into sudden illness or even death of the person suddenly met (serendipity). Upon a closer look of or upon the 3rd eye portion (between the 2 eyes) and the skin about the 2 eyebrows of Judge Floro, the violet colors are physically visible including the physical crack (not due to age) in the center of his 3 rd eye. This is the most powerful weapon or part of the GIFT, called pangil ng kidlat or lightning teeth72 Judge Floros eyes emit spiritual colorless glowing fires, as Mortis Angelus.
WikiPedia, Usog, Evil Eye, Hex or Curse

71 Hyde, Cabinet of Wonders, Dwarves of Law Revisited; Lightning Teeth and Sorcerers


As supplement or final icing, LUISbestowed upon Judge Floro, the GIFT of right hand magic touch, turning to graduation day his 5th of November birthday, 2004 (at The Podium, The Podium, 18 ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City). Via Robert V. Floro, LUIS flashed the violet light upon Judge Floros right hand, and said: All that your right hand would touch, and who harmed you, would be stained in the blood up to the 4th generation. Undeniably true, not just in the present or future, but such GIFT retroacted. Judge Floros mere touch by his right hand utterly destroyed and annihilated his detractors, IN TIME, as executed by LUIS, the annihilator. Luha, Krus sa dila and LUIS, from planet-star Jupiter, the most powerful elemental in the entire universe Because of the March 1, 1996 dalliance, this King of kings of elementals from Osaka, Japan, who has castles and houses at Judge Floros Calvario, Meycauayan and Malolos City Bulacan houses, and is based on his planet Jupiter, eternally watches the eyes of Judge Floro and his tonque. Any moment that Judge Floro is denied and/or
ridiculed, made fun of, laughed at, persecuted and in any manner hurt, LUIS as the most powerful alien and a friend from another star, forthwith, in no time, would flash from his bonito and baston, the ultimate and his solely possessed VIOLET lights.

The Violet lights would target towards the bodies of

Floros enemies, persecutors and detractors, staining them and their offspring up to the 4th generation via Floros curse and spell. All these elfin magic emanates from Floros Krus sa Dila (cross in the tonque), pangil ng kidlat, magneto, ipo-ipo, and fires from the eyes. Floro, in turn, when his enemies would, in their turns, meet their dire sufferings, horrible, slow and painful deaths, would dance, jump and endlessly laugh with joy. s/373-Dwarves-of-Law-revisited.html


For LUIS, Floro must not ever shed a tear, for if so, LUIS would annihilate any and all Floros tormentors, especially the Supreme Court Justice who made Floro suffer as jobless judge in a pretend world, burying the truth in their graves. Floros fires from his eyes bombard the merciless hearts of Justices, judges, detractors, enemies and persecutors. These evil instruments of the 666 do have the numbers imprinted both on their heads and hands. They are marked for Hades, as LUIS and Floro foretold. Violet Midas Touch73 Thus written and will be narrated further, when Judge Floros right hand touched (circa August, 2005) the hands of Justice Angelina Sandoval Gutierrez, DOJ Secretary Raul M. Gonzales, and Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., inter alia, these 3 most powerful magistrates, forthwith suffered gall bladder surgery (February, 2006), kidney transplant (September, 2007) and serious prostate illness / treatments (since 2002), respectively. When Judge Floro accidentally met Supreme Court Justices Arturo Buena, Sabino De Leon, Jr. and Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. at the stairs, and ground floor elevator, the 3 suffered Balis and usog, via these violet lights and the lightning teeth of Judge Floro, emanating from his 3rd eye, and resulting to the dire cataract surgery, aneurysm death and carotid surgery, respectively. Magneto and Ipo-Ipo74 LUIS infused upon the eyes of Judge Floro, the permanent rainbow-colorless fires which emanate from LUIS violet lights.

King Midas

Whirlwind enon%29


At dawn or at any time after Judge Floro would open his eyes after sleeping, a whirlwind of rainbow-colorless but very clear circling lights would regularly be seen by him. The function of this is to quell or annihilate his detractors and evil by sheer violet and glowing fires of lights. LUIS also infused upon Judge Floros hands the double-bladed weapon and instrument of Ipo-Ipo (whirlwind), permanently making or doing both palms of Judge Floro GOLDEN yellow. LUIS made Floros right arms more dark brown in color, making his right hand bigger than his left, thus, the Violet Magic or Midas Touch is deemed complete: Judge Floro heals the sick by his extreme heat transfer upon the medically affected area and spiritual FIRE transfer upon all those corrupt magistrates or government officials who were touched by his right hand or were flashed upon by the fires of his glowing eyes. Judge Floro is turned into a holy MAGNET by these holy duendes. 5 space ships, spacecrafts As 3rd step, LUIS introduced to Judge Floro on or about the 2nd quarter of 2007, at dawn, and on 5 separate occasions, the 5 different kinds of space ships, 75 to wit: a) blocks of different colored squares which assembled as tall as a medium building; the blocks formed a building and vanished in thin air; a flash of white light turned it into a NASA-like Space Craft; it then disappeared the moment Judge Floro tried to run due to fear. b) a giant or super Airbus A 38076 - but it was 10 times the biggest plane on earth.
WikiPedia, Space Ship, UFO,



WikiPedia, Airbus, Air Bus A380


It was adorned on each wing with departments and each wing department has passengers thereat; it was so real as in virtual reality like IMAX theatre vision; c) the 3rd and 4th space ships were similar to the second craft; in the 4th space ship, an ordinary Filipino crew (dressed in green shirt but was lame and had used a Filipino saklay or wooden walker), walked towards Judge Floro; The alien was about to abduct him to the ship; Judge Floro ran away until he knelt before his brother for help, against the abduction due to fear; d) and finally, LUIS mercy or compassion provided for Judge Floro the simple Filipino Bamboo Space Craft or saucer; Judge Floro finally said: LUIS, I am no longer afraid of you!; suddenly Judge Floro was LIFTED to the ship and on darkness with dim lights, the bamboo ship or flying saucer
lifted Judge Floro on terrains, terraces and plains around the world; but the same failed to enter the kingdom or castle of LUIS.

The Brown and Red Lights

Parenthetically, the lower or inferior brown lights were / are regularly flashed, also, since 1992. However, Judge Floro was able to have seen the most brilliant red lights only once in his lifetime. That was when he healed Sister Enriqueta Kit Legaste77 (former Administrator of Hospicio de San Jose, on 2000; she finished the course of Psychotheraphy from Canada. She went home due to grave illness). During the 2 hours hand heat healing by Judge Floro upon her entire body, she was continuously burping or exhaling stomach gas.

Midnight Flashes of White Lights since 1997

Sister Kit Legaste, Member, National Coordinating and Monitoring Board

77 ew&id=92&Itemid=31


The foregoing account of the bluish-Violet and white lights, which were / are regularly or daily flashed and seen by Judge Floro since 1997, are truly different from the white, yellow and other kinds of lights LUIS flashed when his were closed before he sleeping midnights from 1997. LUIS ordered-allowed Judge Floro to record or write a memorandum of history of the midnight LIGHTS, thusly:

Memorandum / Diary Glimmering LIGHTS

Judge Floro wrote:





1. I first saw these lights on or about 1996. I was visited by the phenomena twice (irregularly) a month, more or less. It was on March 1, 1996 that I first saw these 2 unseen little friends via mystic vision (while asleep, and before dawn). 2. I began writing about these lights on January 24, 1997. Essentially, most consists of only 4 colors red, white, blue, and yellow. On almost all occasions, the lights flashed after I would rest and while awake, usually at 12 midnights and oftentimes, at 2:00 a.m., more or less, and while my eyes are closed. They range from very intense, very bright or extremely bright, but due to the velocity or speed, the appearance is quite less bright. Sometimes, only one of my eyes does see the lights. 3. I saw these lights and the unseen little friends on the following dates / nights: 1997 January - 24 - Red (ish/yellow); February - 7 - at Baguio (Venus Hotel) I saw LUIS and Armand, as poor little school boys (wearing brown khaki pants); - 9 at Banaue, Sanafe Lodge, and the 2 little fingers shook my 2 right little fingers; - I again saw 2 rich little boys.

February 24 Blue / gray 12 midnight; - 2:00 a.m. I was awakened and ran, as if there were friends at the windows; March 1 / 2 Bluish (left eye); Reddish (Yellow); (It was March 1, 1996 or a year ago that I saw these 2 unseen little friends); 22 Light yellow; 24 MR. ANTONIO Z. ATIENZA, JR.78 was allegedly kidnapped for RANSOM; April 5 First Saturday yellow; 7/8 Blue; I saw a Golden/Copper ring with MAYA; 9 For the first time in my life, I was awakened at past 12 midnight, when I clearly saw my room illuminated, yellow, and suddenly, I saw a very bright RED glimmering light (it appears as clear LASER like CIRCLE RED), at the wall beside my bed, for about 20 seconds, and afterwards, all the light disappeared; I also saw a horse with hoof, as I took off dirt from the toe/shoe; 10 7 a.m. I saw my deceased mother, CWL uniform, she was very nervous for Robert; this is the 42nd time I saw her while I saw her before on Feb. 5, wearing duster green and white small squares body to feet; 11 Lightning white over / above my eyes; 12 Yellow (left eye); I saw a horse (Dans parents rode my car, he drived and . My shoe was lost); 13/14 Blue (right eye); 16 Yellow/white; 27 2 a.m., - white light at the windows; 28 2 a.m., Blue (left) eye; 30 Yellow 2 a.m. *** Roberto Floro, my brother, informed me that these lights are the lights from the BONITO (hat) of the 2 unseen little friends, and they mean LUCK paramdam presence of friendship / the unseen tiny friends; May 3 1st Saturday bluish / flashing light; 4/5 Sun / Mon Bluish left eye; yellow right eye; my mother appeared black face, red lips, sick; 15/16 Thursday / Friday Midnight; Right eye flashed very bright white light from as if pointed pen; 17/18 4 video coins falling one by one per minute 2 a.m.; 28 / 29 12 midnight 1 a.m.

WikiPedia, Antonio Z. Atienza,


a.) Pink, red right eye (mild); b.) Lighting white; c.) White yellow light object right eye; d.) Right foot magnetic was pulled up; June 2/3 mon/tue 12 midnight left eye white flashing lights 1 second; 7 Right eye mild yellow lights; 8 Midnight yellow; 13 / 14 12 midnight to 3 a.m.: a.) Yellow; b.) Yellow both eyes; c.) Big black law book fell; 15/16 Sun / Monday mild lights yellow 2 to 3 xs; 15- Sunday - I was nervous Jennifer (adopted daughter of my client Atty. Jose D. Bordador) tricyle accident; 16 10:50 p.m. crushed stones fell in front of our jeep / near accident; 23/24 mild yellow; 25/26 mild yellow; 27/28 midnight and a.m. / dawn yellow lights; My mother appeared weeping /tears / and Robert tears Benny; *** On January 1, 1997, I predicted a painful event to Lily the wife of Ric, my security/aid (at Alido for 3 days); On May 21, 22, 23, Ric informed Lily that I already predicted his death and he will not live for more than 42 years old, and Ric saw me thus; On May 24 (3:00 p.m.), I wore all black clothes and predicted a sad event. Ric accidentally tripped over a child and brought him to the Marcelo Hospital but he was murdered by 4 men. It was May 24; at 6:00 p.m. I felt the throb; this was later televised at GMA-7, Brigada 7; July 6/7 Sun/Mon 1) yellow; 2) Yellow; 7/8 Mon/Tues 1) Yellow felt; Yellow; 3) at 3 a.m. /- near/ hazy appearance of the 2 friends with my left foot having prickled and touched; 10- Yellow; 10/11 Thursdays/Friday 1) yellow; 2) Bluish hazy flash with eyes wide open; 3) Yellow; P. S. On Wednesday, July 9, 4 p.m. Mr. Boy Atienza, I held/shook my left hand with his right, pre-departure to Australia; at 6:00 p.m. at Baliuag, for 15 minutes my vision was shaken / throb etc., it rarely happened; I called my Dra. Maria Nieves Bordador (wife of Dr., Mayor Alfonso Celeste of Bolinao, Pangasinan).

Luces Video (I see the Lights)

Since about 1997, I began to have been exceptionally GIFTED to have seen the RAREST lights in the universe. Luis told me that these lights came from them as messenger of the Lord, but the white lights came directly from GOD.

June --- 25 - I saw the most brilliant flash of WHITE light; 12:37 a.m. (last Friday); July --- 6, flash of white light, 12:45 a.m. (Tuesday); 8, flash of yellow light, 1:37 a.m. (Thursday); 11, flash, 12:50 a.m. (Sunday); 23, very bright light, 1:15 a.m. (4th Friday); 27, 11:08 p.m. (Tuesday); 31, 1:13 a.m. (Saturday); (I saw that I was in the Vincentian Seminary, Karuhatan, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila, formerly, Bulacan, where I was former seminarian from 1965 - 1970) August --- 1 (Sunday), 1:01 a.m., Bluish flash; 2 (Monday); 1:16 a.m. preliminary yellow source; 1:18 a.m. yellow very bright soft flash. 4 (Wednesday) --- Dagupan City; 12:43 a.m.; 5 (Thursday), 12:13 a.m. and 12:17 a.m.; 12 (Thursday), 12:50 a.m.; 17 (Wednesday), 12:08 a.m.; 21 (Saturday), 1:20 a.m.; 22 (Sunday) bright (kalat, or spread out); 23 (Monday), 6:47 a.m. very, very bright lights illuminated my room, I saw nothing but most brilliant lights; September --15 (Wednesday); 11:10 p.m. white, 11:14 p.m.; October - 1 (Friday), 1:34 a.m.; 14 (Thursday); 12:43 a.m. very bright white light; 1:34 a.m. 20; 1:27 a.m.; 22 - 1:30 a.m.; 24 12:02 a.m.; November 8, 12:49 a.m.; 12 - 1:28 a.m.; 19 2:13 a.m.;

February 2 --- White 12:27 a.m.; 28 --- 11:36 p.m.; March 7 - 1:47 a.m.; 8 - 12:56 a.m.; 15 - 12:34 a.m.; 21 12:15 a.m. yellow; 22 - 1:26 a.m.; 25 - 1:34 a.m. - Good Friday; 10:12 p.m. 23 --- G.F.; 26 - 11:34 p.m.; 1:38 a.m.

April 10 - 1:44 a.m.; May 4 - 1:03 a.m.; 16 - 12:46 a.m. - 2x; 24 - 1:26 a.m.; June 3 - 1:16 a.m.; 6 - 1:43 a.m.; 7 - 1:24 a.m.; July 16 - 1:44 a.m.; 22 - 1:22 a.m.; August 3 1:21 a.m.; 23 1:42 a.m.; 31 September 11 1:19 a.m.; 13 1:35 a.m.; 20 1:46 a.m.; 24 12:37 a.m.; 30 12:03 a.m.; October 9 1:10 a.m.; 17 12:16 a.m.; 26 1:22 a.m. November 5 12:00 a.m. (Judge Floros birthday); 7 12:40 a.m.; 8 12:48 a.m.; December 22 12:32 a.m.;

January 12 - 11:14 a.m.; 16 12:11 a.m.; 24 12:44 a.m.; February 1 12:23 a.m.; 21 11:46 a.m.; 18 12:21 a.m.; March 4 11:45 a.m.; 15 12:14 a.m.; 17 - 12:28 a.m.; 23 1:00 a.m. 4x; 24 11:30 p.m.; April 2006

Vision of White Cock and Rotten Spinal Cord


Two Birthdays of Angel Immortality in World History: April 7, 1984 & April 7, 2006
6 / 7 12:35 a.m.; the date the World-Famous Cursed Pyschosis Judgment was released to the world; 7, next day, the Decision was Googled, the birthday of Angel; on April 7, 1984, Judge Floro was on frontpage of newspapers: he placed 12th in the Bar Exams, 87,55%, when only 21.35 passed in one of the hardest exams in judicial history. Judge Floro saw the vision of a White Cock who won a fight but had healing wounds; his aide also saw a dream of a man with rotten spinal cords; these twin visions mean that Judge Floro was separated due to vengeance by a Supreme Court Justice Corona who suffered 2 spinal cord operations because of Judge Floros obedience to LUIS mandate to clean the judiciary. 11/12 12:15 a.m.; 11:50 a.m.; the very hour, where Chief Justice Punos wife Luzviminda D. Punos heart was under open surgery and she died on April 12, 7 a.m.;79 14 10:30 p.m.; 12 April 2011: The Supreme Court, 5 years from the death of Luzviminda D. Puno, GRANTed Judge Floros April 1, 2011 Motion for Reinstatement. May 23 12:10 a.m.; 6 7 1:00 a.m.; 9 - 12:37 a.m.; 10 18 12:05 a.m.; June 21 2:12 a.m.; July 3 8 - 25 27/28 very bright; August 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10.



September 15, (Sunday) 1:00 a.m. 4x; 31; November 17, 18, 19; December 1, 9, 12, 17, 23, 24, 25;

January 7, 13, 14, 19, 23, 25; February 11, 18. April 10; May 9; June 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22; July 22 August 28 November 24

January 8 Dancing Salakot with yellow light; LUIS finally appeared to Judge Floro since 1984, in IMAX virtual reality the day after LUIS birthday; 17, 24, 26

*** The following Memorandum of the Midnight Lights was

separately recorded by Judge Floro in the Diary 366 Days with the Lord, A.D. 2000, which was given to him by Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. with the latters own handwriting preface.

April 12 Holy Thursday I saw Sec. Dick Gordon80, and both of us pointed to the ceiling the bluish / white STAR;


Now Senator Richard Gordon


The 2001 Apparition of LUIS and Armand 13 Good Friday I saw LUIS and Armand (very cute and most handsome little boy); 14 2 racing white doves or birds; 15 Easter Sunday, Baguio, view, 3 horses racing, gold metals, 16 Kaimito tree and grapes given to me; 17 - Horse stopped at back stretch due to blood; 21 Horse jockey stepped down then rode and won pulling away; 22 I ran at 3:05 a.m., awakened by noise, in the ceiling, theres someone up there ; May 4 First Friday, light woke me up, and due to fear, I ran; 5 - Slippers, feces, - Big imported horse, palomino, beautiful shoes, creating swim 7 Jeep stuck in water, mud, I took off its parts; 13 Man hose, watering the fields; 14 Big bay horse swims, tried to get out; 18 Horses racing in bad or muddy track; 28 Horse and ripe santols; June 1 Friday Horse, urinated, my drivers license was lost; 3 White flash, round, or circle, stage, I was called, dance, shoes. 4 Flash, green, yellow, bright light, Mira, red sugar; 17 Benny Floro, my brother, left eye hurt, blind, blood; 21 3 flashes of lights; 22 White local horse, ridden by lady
rider, my wallet lost, ugly animal; 23 Very bright circle flash and 2 mild flashes; several local horses, 2 white / gray imported pregnant horses running; Several aircons inside nurses room in the hospital; 2 flashes blue; I escaped from the pursuer; I fell into a hole down the building and escaped, rode a jeep; 25 Flash on left eye; I saw myself in RTC, Malabon, Br. 3, my sala, with 2 police officers with cellphone; 27 Lights awakened me, lights filling my whole body. 294

July 1 Hundreds of one week chicks; 2 Bright flash, toilet bowl full of feces, water, clogged; 3 My mother was crying, race track, dog, and horse; 4 Dog bit Benny, blood, but failed to bit me; 6 Flashes; 8 2 horses fed grass in freezer, and then taken out to stable with 2 horses standing, fried chicken cooked; 9 I bought cakes; the flying plane crushed into the river, man with wounds / skin diseases 10 Car, chasing us; 11 Flash, round; I rode bus, it fell but no accident; 13 Grapes; 14 Flash and 2 lights woke me up; 15 11 p.m., Baliuag, Tita Lucy, violet flahes and she was in pain; 23 3:00 a.m., I was awakened by lights; 27 Flashes, 4 a.m., I shouted, and 8 a.m., I again shouted; 28 Horse, silver, strong, I was bathing the whole animal; stable, I was awakened by a white big cat, calf with 2 horns, surgery; feces of horse in stable; 29 Flash, Paula Floro, feces; August 3 Many flashes, 6 I saw ERAP, President Joseph Estrada, I healed the knees; I shouted as if someone entered my house; high floods, old green car, I rode; 8 Big flash; 9 Muddy fishes; 10 Cool flash of light, horse in a stable; with bad grass, no feed, little water; 13 Flash; 18 Horses; 21 Flash.

Repeated Visions of St. Vincents Seminary

25 I was healing: Uncle Teng, 2 men, their elbows, and stomach; I was jogging around St. Vincents Seminary. 27 Small black horse, running, new well of water, horse manure; 31- Flash; September 2 I was awakened by lights; 3 Grey white horse with new shoes, near swimming pool, I went up to LRT station to ride the train; 5 Flash, LUIS touched me in the back, pointed at me; 12 White fighting cocks with candles, alined on wooden tipis; 14 Circle of bright blue white flash of light; 17 Frozen strawberries, grey cock, whte cock died; 26 Young bay horse; 28 Horses, racing, Sir Louie, old green car, with 2 passengers on fire.

October 5 Flash, healing a hand of a lady; 6 Flash, big horse; 12 White, blue flash, horse racing, jockey, lights awakened me, I shouted, Rosary, 15 My vision of the Major Seminary of Vincentian Hills at Angono, Rizal, Metro Manila; 25 - White bluish yellow flash 31 Flash; November 13 Flash; 18 Flash, healing old mans heart, right; 19 Yellow very bright flash December 25 Bright yellow flash; Undated, 2001 1 flash, dark tunnel, dark clouds, horse that I was about to heal, 4 Chinese will take bath; 2 flashes, white coconut, seedling with 2 leaves; Bright flash, 2 apples fell; old car, I and Lito, beggar, plus one, hit by blue car, but I was not hurt; Egg, duck / chick with little blood; 3 chicks hatched, eat with food over body. 2 flashes; 1 flash; afternoon flash; Flash, horse, 1 foot, lame, little water, bridge, go back for one day; Flash, I presided over a Court hearing outside, open-air; Mild flash, beautiful animal like cat, someone got the tail only; Flash; 2 flashes, car overheats; Flashes; flash, TRANCE, at 4:45 p.m., Ali Mall, Cubao, Quezon City, to 11:30 p.m.; 2 big gold fishes, transferred.

EDSA highway, 3:30 p.m.; I suffered lower legs, pain, spasm, in the middle of the highway; I went to Dra. Amisola Acuna, wife of Judge Ed Acuna, but was still in pain; I went to a hilot or theraphist at Balut, Tondo, Manila; there, I met a resident who greeted me, knew me, and told me that I was a resident of their village; 2 flashes, Chiquito healed me.


Colors of the Dwarves

Robert V. Floro, my brother told me that the following are the colors of the dresses or clothes and lights of: LUIS Violet Armand Yellow / Brown Angel Pink / Yellow Queen Luisa Red King Ben (ito) Brown Pedro Green Danilo White Pablo Grey Larry Orange (in Japan) Glimmering lights, kartela, bay horse, chicks drinking; Flashes, at Baguio, car, outing; White horse, flash; snake, spiders, swimming pool; Flash, car accident, water; car painted. 500 birds, mega-standing in square; Glimmering lights, flashes, flashes; # 8 chestnut colt, 2x awakened by lights, flashed; grapes; 2001 Virtual Reality Apparition of LUIS and Armand I saw LUIS, so beautiful, blue regal, white and red clothes, with hat or bonito; I saw Armand and LUIS, blue, left eye, my right leg with 5 circles, filed adverse claims versus my enemies, transfer and my promotion to a higher court.

*** The following Memorandum of the Midnight Lights was

separately recorded by Judge Floro in his 1998 Diary.

February 17 Lights; 18 Left eve, very intense lights; 22 3 flashes.

March 5 Knives were hurled to me, but failed; fish eaten by 5 poor boys; 7 blue, mild flash; 8 flash; 12 lightning flash + ear; 13 2 flashes, yelow; 14 white flash; 16 yellow flash; 19 glimmering lights; 21 flash; 23 white and yellow flash; 24 2 flashes; May 29 I saw an unfinished coffin, green, yellow, brown; I saw a
horse, with new shoes and new nails. I saw that I was to be operated in the abdomen but refused and prayed first; I saw my mother 2 weeks ago; She was weeping since my coffin was missing;

June 1 I saw the coffin with dressed deceased burned Rosalina

Asuncion (who was burned by fire on Holy Monday); she was moving her arms and feet; 3 flash, white, apple, chicks, and I saw the failure in an exam due to 3 persons.

(This is the forthcoming failed and falsified exams conducted

by the Supreme Court Medical Clinics Dr. Reyes, Dr. Celeste Vista and psychologist Francesca, December 13-15, 1999); 13 white light flash; I saw a baby whom I kissed and he told me that the POWER is still within me (this is LUIS who infused me the GIFTS); 14 mild flash; 15 I shouted midnights, Mamamatay kayo (You will die)!, and 3x flashes of white lights; 17 I saw that I deposited P 6 million ($ 1 P 40) in a bank;

July 1 I saw very very bright glowing, glimmering lights, yellow,

green, then flash of green at left eye, closed then red lights, with open eyes; 3 I saw a lady dentist extracted 2 3 (my) teeth; 4 I ran to my maid in fear; 5, 6, 8 lights, yellow; 10 lights flashed; 12 1:05 a.m., I ran to my maid Chay, due to fear after awakened; 16, 17 glimmering and flashed lights, I saw horses racing, left eye, blue flashed; flashes, red, white and yellow plus blue lights, about 6x and 2 were very intense; my head and hair were being touched by LUIS, magnetized; 19, 23, 24 - 2 flashes of lights, I saw something being put or placed on my bed and I covered it with pillow; 2 lights flashed; 25 rainbow colored, colorless lights, eyes open; 26, 27, 29 flash, light blue flash, flash. 298

August 2, 7, 8 - flash, awakened by lights and I ran due to fear to my maid; white rooster; 9 I saw a coffin being blessed by a priest; one quite reddish small friend. Another 2 to 3 friends with faces flashed, with yellow light, disappeared at wink of an eye; 11 green, imported big vessel, blood from coffin, 4 flashes of lights; 23, 25, 30 flash, glimmering lights, flash, 3-4 local horses speaking; flash; September Reddish Right Arms 3 - 1:25 a.m., I ran due to fear to my maid, white bright lights, Dr. George So (assistant of Dra. Pacita Salceda Ramos, Makati Medical Center, Metro Manila eminent psychiatrist) conducted positive psychiatric evaluation on me for JBC, Supreme Court appeal. Dr. So noticed that my right hand was RED (my right hand / lower arms) regularly turned reddish at 3 p.m. daily); 4 flash, 3 to 3:35 p.m., my right arms changed colors, dark red; 6 dawn, I shouted Putang ina mo (Son of a bitch or whore)!; Mr. Lando Salvania was shot dead; 7 my opposing counsel, Atty. Ernesto Fernandez suffered severe essential hypertension with sore eyes; 10 lights flashed, I was nominated Regional Trial Court Judge of Malabon; 15 flash, 3 horses; 19, 21, 29, 30 flashes; glimmering lights; October 1, 2, (Baguio to La Union), colors of my hands changed; 13 glimmering lights; 15 blue flash; 16 2 flashes, white; 18 horse;

October 19, 1998 Supreme Trance, near death experience,81 20 minutes: SC Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes, Engr. Antolin Oretas & Sen. Tesie Aquino


WikiPedia, Near Death Experience,


I was called for interview: I saw my slipper lost; by taxi, I and an aide, Jose Noel P. Torralba went to my cousin Tesie Oliveros at Navotas, and at exactly 3 to 3:20 p.m., LUIS endowed me with the GIFT of the ROBES, to wit: For the first time in my life, I experienced the near death whirling TRANCE, which almost discolored to white my entire
body, when the taxi was about to reach RTC Malabon, Metro Manila. When I asked the taxi to instead bring me to the hospital, the TRANCE stopped right in front of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon; I was brought by RTC, Br. 74, Judge Bienvenido Reyes to Malate, Manila, the office of Senator Tesie Aquino-Oreta, who allegedly endorsed my nomination as Judge but in truth blocked it; these people conspired to steal my robes; from 6 to 10 p.m. I was interviewed by her husband, Engr. Antolin Oreta and Senator Oreta just talked to me for 5 minutes; their daughter, Rizza said that a certain Atty. Floro with all my features, but bald, did followup the judge application.

LUIS faced her and was following up the papers at her PMS, Malacanang office twice. It was LUIS who did bilocate for me. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31 during these 9 mignights
LUIS used his lights to change my destiny - to ENDOW me the Robes on my natal day November 4/5, 1998 as youngest RTC Judge, at the age of 45 white flash, green flash, glimmering flash, square, glimmering lights, I had 37.2 mild fever, 2 white flashes, flash, red flash, I saw the 2 friends, water, horse, flash, respectively.

Master Thesis of Mystic Trance

LUIS gift of the robes via lights and trance upon Judge Floro from 1992 until its peak on October 19, 1998, inter alia, is SUPREME in terms of Faith in Humanity. The following parts of Wikipedia Trance is cited: Trance82, as a
class term, is a categoric auspice or rubric, employed to denote a variety of processes, techniques, modalities and states of mind, awareness and consciousness.

Wikipedia, Trance


Trance states may be consciously and intentionally induced, or they may occur involuntarily and unbidden. The term "trance" may be conflated with others such as meditation, play, magic, flow and prayer. It may also be conflated with the earlier generic term, altered states of consciousness, which, due to the value judgement that is embedded within the adjective "altered", is no longer used in "Consciousness Studies" discourse. Trance is from Latin 'transre': to cross, pass over and the multiple meaning of the polyvalent homonym "entrance" as a verb and noun provide insight into the nature of trance as a threshold, conduit, portal and/or channel. Trance is increasingly used as a meta-paradigm and inclusive term for different states of consciousness and what has come to be known as altered states of consciousness.
No value judgement on the states is intended. The trance as meta-paradigm model has been developing through the confluence of various fields and disciplines since the 1970s.

As the mystical experience of mystics generally entails direct connection, communication and communion with Deity, Godhead, deity and/or god; trance and cognate experience are endemic. Refer: Yoga, Sufism, Shaman, Umbanda, Crazy Horse, etc.

Christian mystics
Many Christian mystics are documented as having experiences that may be considered as cognate with trance, such as: Hildegard of Bingen, John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart and Francis of Assisi. Taves (1999) charts the synonymic language of trance in the American Christian traditions: "power" or "presence" or "indwelling" of God, or Christ, or the Spirit, or spirits. Typical expressions include "the indwelling of the Spirit" (Jonathan Edwards), "the witness of the Spirit" (John Wesley), "the power of God" (early American Methodists), being "filled with the Spirit of the Lord" (early Adventists), "communing with spirits" (Spiritualists) "the Christ within" (New Thought), "streams of holy fire and power" (Methodist holiness), "a religion of the Spirit and Power"; (the Emmanuel Movement), and "the baptism of the Holy Spirit" (early Pentecostals). (Taves, 1999: 3)


Current practice Today, hypnotherapists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, sports psychologists and NLP practitioners, amongst others, use various forms of trances. Neurolinguistic Programming (or NLP) is a further development of Milton Erickson's hypnotherapy, for which, however, he did not provide an orthodox methodology. Erickson would put his patients in trance with short stories. While keeping the ego of his patients occupied, he would target his healing messages straight at their unconscious mind, which he believed to have considerable self-healing powers. In this way he healed himself of the paralysis that affected him when young and to which he did finally succumb later in life. Consciousness Beta brain waves designate the general state of waking consciousness. As a consequence, this state has been 'normalized'. This normalization is a challengable value judgement. This consciously awake beta state may still be considered as a trance because it involves the selective filtering of information and utilizes cognitive, awareness and mentation resources in specific ways. Kinds * Communion: In the monotheistic tradition, ecstasy is usually associated with communion and oneness with God. Indeed, ecstasy is the primary vehicle for the type of prophetic visions and revelations found in the Bible. However, such experiences can also be personal mystical experiences with no significance to anyone but the person experiencing them. * Rapture or Religious ecstasy: is an altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded interior mental and spiritual awareness. This is frequently accompanied by visions and emotional/intuitive (and sometimes physical) euphoria.

Although the experience is usually brief in physical time, there are records of such experiences lasting several days or even more, and of recurring experiences of ecstasy during one's lifetime. Subjective perception of time, space and/or self may strongly change or disappear during ecstasy. Stigmata: In his paper Hospitality and Pain, iconoclastic Christian theologian Ivan Illich "Compassion with Christ... is faith so strong and so deeply incarnate that it leads to the individual embodiment of the contemplated pain." Illich's thesis is that stigmata manifests from exceptional poignancy of religious faith and desire to associate oneself with the suffering Messiah. Interestingly, stigmatics have manifested the Holy Wounds in different bodily locations possibly due to subjective interpretation or envisioning. Kinds * Rapture of the deep * In Christianity, the ecstatic experiences of the Apostles Peter and Paul are recorded in Acts 10:10, 11:5 and 22:17. *In hagiography (writings on the subject of Christian saints) many instances are recorded in which saints are granted ecstasies. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, religious ecstasy (called supernatural ecstasy) includes two elements: one, interior and invisible, in which the mind rivets its attention on a religious subject, and another, corporeal and visible, in which the activity of the senses is suspended, reducing the effect of external sensations upon the subject and rendering him or her resistant to awakening. *Edgar Cayce (1877 1945) was an American psychic who claimed to channel answers to questions on subjects such as health, astrology, reincarnation, and Atlantis while in a kind of sleep trance. Cayce's methods involved lying down and entering into what appeared to be a trance or sleep state. It is usually at the request of a subject who was seeking help with health or other issues (the subjects were not usually present). The subject's questions would then be given to Cayce, and Cayce would proceed with a "reading".

At first these readings dealt primarily with the physical health of the individual ("physical readings"); later readings on past lives, business advice, dream interpretation, and mental or spiritual health were also given. Health Trance has been shown to be very psychologically beneficial, by helping to relieve built up stress, allowing one to reflect on life issues without censorship or guilt, and generally giving the psyche respite from operating at alpha or delta states. Scientific disciplines Convergent disciplines of neuroanthropology, ethnomusicology, electroencephalography, neurotheology and cognitive neuroscience, amongst others, are conducting research into the trance induction of altered states of consciousness resulting from neuron entrainment with the driving of sensory modalities. For example polyharmonics, multiphonics, and percussive polyrhythms through the channel of the auditory and kinesthetic modality. Scientific advancement and new technologies according
to Wier such as computerized electroencephalography (EEG), EEG topographic brain mapping, positron emission tomography, regional cerebral blood flow, single photon emission computed tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, amongst others, are providing measurable tools to assist in understanding trance phenomena. All brain waves are analogous to different types of trance in that they utilise brain and consciousness resources differently and provide different input and information filters.

November 1998
1, 2, 3 flashes, muds, faucet of water, shoes, horse has no bet, super longshot won; 4 President Joseph Estrada signed my appointment paper as Judge of Malabon, Manila; 5 my birthday, white lights and yellow flash, the Supreme Court of the Philippines received my appointment papers per official TRANSMITTAL by Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora; it was my 45th birthday as youngest RTC, NCJR Judge ever appointed.

8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - I ran, 2 flashes, yellow, reddish; I ran again, flash, horse trotting, eggs eaten, I had fever, 38 degrees Centigrade; 13 - I ran, I took oath before Justice Bernardo Pardo, Supreme Court; 14, 15, white flash, very soft but bright light, 2 flashes; 19 Alaminos Pangasinan,
mild flash; 25 mild flash, I saw a river and water, I was not permitted to cross the bridge, the procession; 27 I saw 6 fighting cocks ready for P 1 million fight, Kurong, without tail;

December 2, 3 mild yellow flash, bluish water swimming pool, I saw Jesie Floro, my brothers car; 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 mild, mild flashes, right eye, very bright yellow flash with circle, yellow bright flash, 2 flashes, blue, yellow, 2 flashes, yellow, blue, 2 flashes, mild, 4 blue flashes, very bright light, plus point flash, 3 blue flashes, 2 yellow flashes, blue flash, mild, 2 blue flashes, 2 flashes, respectively. Mediumship83 is a form of relationship some people say they have with spirits that is practiced in religions such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candombl, Louisiana Voodoo, and Umbanda.

Spirit guide
A spirit who brings other spirits to a medium's attention or carries communications between a medium and the spirits of the dead is called a "spirit guide." Many mediums claim to have specific guides who regularly work with them and "bring in" spirits of the dead. The relationship between the medium and the guide may be providential, or it may be based on family ties. In 1958, the English-born Spiritualist C. Dorreen Phillips wrote of her experiences with a medium at Camp Chesterfield, Indiana: "In Rev. James Laughton's seances there are many Indians. They are very noisy and appear to have great power. [...].


Wikipedia, Channeling


The little guides, or doorkeepers, are usually Indian boys and girls [who act] as messengers who help to locate the spirit friends who wish to speak with you." Then, describing the mediumship of Rev. Lillian Dee Johnson of Saint Petersburg, Florida, she noted, "Mandy Lou is Rev. Johnson's guide. [..] She was, on earth, a slave to Rev. Johnson's grandmother." Trance mediumship Trance mediumship is often seen as a form of mental mediumship. Some mediums remain conscious during this communication period, while others go into a trance, wherein a spirit uses the medium's body to communicate. Trance mediumship is defined as a spirit taking over the body of the medium, sometimes to such a degree that the medium is unconscious. Part trance mediums are aware during the period of communication, while full trance mediums pass into an unconscious state in which their physical and mental processes are completely controlled by the spirit communicator. Channeling There are two main techniques mediumship developed in the latter half of the 20th century. One type involves psychics or sensitives who can speak to spirits and then relay what they hear to their clients. The other form of nonphysical mediumship is called channeling, in which the channeler goes into a trance, or "leaves their body" and then becomes possessed by a specific spirit, who then talks through them.


VII. LUIS, Armand and Angel February, 2008: Gifts of Lente and Bonito; Colorless Mystic Fires, Rainbow Lights from Judge Floros Eyes Discernment & The Ultimate Violet Hat, Baston; LUIS bestowed upon Judge Floro the Gift of Supreme Annihilation of Evil, of his Detractors, Enemies, Persecutors and Magistrates


Lente and Bonito

On February 24 and 22, 2008, respectively, LUIS fulfilled his 1984 Christmas promise to Judge Floro. LUIS, at his chosen TIME, endowed upon his Angel of Death, Filipino dwarf Judge, the TWIN Gifts of Lente and Bonito: Colorless Fires, Rainbow Lights From Judge Floros Eyes Discernment & The Violet Hat LUIS Crowned Judge Floro with Super Annihilation of Evil, Detractors, Persecutors and Magistrates.

Bonito The Dwarves Most Powerful Weapon

On February 22, 2008, LUIS broke the barrier, by opening Judge Floros crown / head: before dawn, LUIS allowed Judge Floro to feel the air bubbles from his neck like packets of wind, towards the crown of the head; and the entire crown burst open. At that moment, LUIS fulfilled his 1984 Christmas promise of crowning his instrument or Angel of Death, Judge Floro with the dwarves most holy cloth to honor and adore God: the Violet hat (which only LUIS has in the entire universe) or Bonito, which flashes the most powerful Violet lights against evil, and is at the same time FORTUNE or surte (pure/good luck). All white or holy dwarfs angels wear bonitos (from which light emantes) to honor and adore their Creator, the Triune God. On the other hand, the blacks or fallen angels do not have bonitos, since they fell in darkness during the angelic wars, where St. Michael and LUIS prevailed over evil. These fallen angels, today, are the instruments to tempt, brainwash and commit the souls of Magistrates, hypocrites, thieves and all enemies / tons of detractors of Judge Floro to Satan or Lucifer, the Morning Light. It is one of the greatest treasures that LUIS bestowed upon his pet human prophet, Judge Floro, Mortis Angelus.


Lente, Salamin The Dwarves Lens of Prophecy

LUIS infused the gift of Lente or salamin (magic lens), by permanently placing upon Judge Floros 2 eyes the LENS which allow him to discern evil, and detect his enemies, detractors and especially the Filipino Magistrates who are instruments of Satan. Specifically, before dawn of February 24, 2008, LUIS endowed Judge Floro this WEAPON or galactic instrument of the dwarf world, which only LUIS has, by showing to Judge Floro in TRANCE vision, how it works. LUIS closed the eyes of Judge Floro and his pet human instrument clearly saw and vividly, the different places in the Philippines, which Judge Floro would choose. Burning / prismatic lights of colorless but fiery rainbows emanate from Judge Floros eyes to hit ON TARGET, the tons of enemies, litany of detractors, hypocrite Magistrates, and honorable thieves, called Kagalang-galang na Mandarambong or Dakilang Magnanakaw.

Mad pilot schemes, hot jazz and mystic dwarfs: a world gone crazy
You know how they say, There is a time and a place for everything? Now, before you shut off your computer in despair and disgust, muttering things like, Has the whole damn world gone stark raving mad?! just remember what the Good Book says: Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. So there. Talking of which; judges I mean - and yes, okay, youre right, the world has indeed gone totally and pathetically, poop-on-a-Popsicle crazy: A Philippines judge who said he consulted imaginary mystic dwarves has failed to convince the Supreme Court to allow him to keep his job. Florentino Floro was appealing against a three-year inquiry which led to his removal due to incompetence and bias.


He told investigators three mystic dwarves - Armand, Luis and Angel - had helped him to carry out healing sessions during breaks in his chambers.84 October 18, 2007

Philippine Supreme Court Removes Judge With Elven Friends85 The Philippine Supreme Court removed Florentino
Floro Jr. from his position as a judge, primarily because of his belief in and consultation with supernatural beings (elves). Since then, he has been trying to get his post back, apparently through threats of really bad stuff that might happen to those who oppose his reinstatement, or who seem to oppose him in other ways, it seems. The Supreme Court hasn't backed down so far, though. The former judge says his beliefs in Armand, Luis, and Angel (the elves) have never interfered with his ability to dispense justice. The Supreme Court says "its medical clinic determined that Mr. Floro was suffering from psychosis." Posted at 05:18 PM in Law, Religion UFO files: Battle of the RAF versus the flying saucers RAF fighter jets were scrambled 200 times a year to intercept UFOs during cold war, National Archive documents reveal. The Guardian, Thursday 5 August 2010 Alan Travis, home affairs editor

snow_white_1937_trailer_screenshot_2.jpg mbnail.jpg



"RAF fighters were scrambled 200 times a year to intercept unidentified targets on the radar of Britain's air defence systems during the cold war right up until 1991, according to the latest batch of UFO files releasedby the National Archives today. In the majority of these cases the mystery flying object penetrating Britain's defences turned out to be a Soviet long-range reconnaissance or anti-submarine aircraft. According to a background note in an MoD file the last RAF fighter jet to be scrambled to investigate such a UFO took off in September 1991 in the immediate aftermath of the break-up of the Soviet Union. But as the 18 sets of files released today the sixth batch so far -show that while no RAF scrambles were recorded in the five years between 1991 and 1996, the public submitted more than 1,200 reports of sightings of UFOs. Dr David Clarke, author of the UFO files, suggests that this surge in interest in the extraterrestrial was fuelled by the popularity of television shows such as the X-Files and movies like Independence Day and Men in Black. The 5,000 pages, mainly of correspondence with the public, of Whitehall documents on UFOs released today plot changing official attitudes over 50 years to the "flying saucer" mystery. They show that the question of possible alien landings was taken so seriously at the height of the cold war in the 1950s that Britain's Joint Intelligence Committee in April 1957 held a special presentation from the Air Ministry's head of air intelligence, Air Vice Marshal Bill McDonald, on "unexplained aerial phenomena". Four incidents that month involving UFOs tracked by RAF radar remained "unexplained"."86 Churchill ordered UFO cover-up, National Archives show The government took the threat of UFOs so seriously in the 1950s that UK intelligence chiefs met to discuss the issue, newly-released files show.


Ministers even went on to commission weekly reports on UFO sightings from a committee of intelligence

experts. The papers also include a wartime account claiming prime minister Winston Churchill ordered a UFO sighting be kept secret to prevent "mass panic". The files show reports of UFOs peaked in 1996 - when The X Files was popular.

X Files Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFO sightings for the MoD, said: "The interesting thing is that most of the UFO files from that period have been destroyed. "But what happened is that a scientist whose grandfather was one of his [Churchill's] bodyguards, said look, Churchill and Eisenhower got together to cover up this phenomenal UFO sighting, that was witnessed by an RAF crew on their way back from a bombing raid. "The reason apparently was because Churchill believed it would cause mass panic and it would shatter people's religious views." Reports of sightings of UFOs peaked in 1996 in the UK - when science fiction drama The X Files was popular. According to the files, there were more than 600 reports in 1996, compared with an average of 240 in the previous five years. UFOs have become the third-most popular subject for people to write to the ministry of defence saying please could you release this file The figures for 1996 show 609 reported sightings of unidentified flying objects, 343 letters from the public to the MoD's UFO desk and 22 enquiries and questions from MPs. 'Spaceman' The documents also include reports of a famous incident dubbed the "Welsh Roswell" in 1974, where members of the public reported seeing lights in the sky and feeling a tremor in the ground. Other cases included in the files are: * A near-miss with an "unidentified object" reported by the captain and first officer of a 737 plane approaching Manchester Airport in 1995. * A mountain rescue team called to investigate a "crashed UFO" in the Berwyn Mountains in Wales in 1974.


* Attempted break-ins at RAF Rudloe Manor in Wiltshire - sometimes referred to as Britain's "Area 51" the US's secretive desert military base. * The Western Isles incident, when a loud explosion was reported in the sky over the Atlantic in the Outer Hebrides. * The 14minutes of "missing" film relating to the Blue Streak missile test launch in 1964, believed by some to show a "spaceman". * A gambler from Leeds who held a 100-1 bet on alien life being discovered before the end of the 20th Century, and who approached the government for evidence to support his claim after the bookmakers refused to pay out. The MoD said it was open-minded about extra-terrestrial life but had no evidence of its existence. The files come from more than 5,000 pages of UFO reports and letters and drawings from members of the public, as well as questions raised by MPs in Parliament.87 Japan's new first lady says rode UFO to Venus Miyuki Hatoyama (, Hatoyama Miyuki?, born 1943 Shanghai, China) is the wife of former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama. Hatoyama, originally an actress by profession, describes herself as "constantly curious" and a "life composer," who pursues a variety of interests, including a stylist, interior designer and cookbook author. She just recently published another book titled Very Strange Things I've Encountered. In the book, she claims "While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus... It was a very beautiful place, and it was very green." She wrote that her ex-husband told her it was "probably just a dream" but that Yukio would "surely say, 'Oh, that's great.'" Japan's next prime minister might be nicknamed "the alien," but it's his wife who claims to have had a close encounter with another world.


"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year. "It was a very beautiful place and it was really green." Miyuki, 66, described the extraterrestrial experience, which she said took place some 20 years ago, in a book entitled "Very Strange Things I've Encountered." When she awoke, Japan's next first lady wrote, she told her now ex-husband that she had just been to Venus. He advised her that it was probably just a dream. "My current husband has a different way of thinking," she wrote. "He would surely say 'Oh, that's great'." Yukio Hatoyama, 62, the rich grandson of a former prime minister, was once nicknamed "the alien" for his prominent eyes. Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theater group. She met the U.S.-educated Yukio while living in America.88



VIII. World Famous Mystic Armand, LUIS & Angel, the Three Dwarfs MEET the Judge --- A Legend, Visionary & Healing Martyr of Filipino Injustice


LUIS (January 7, 1960), Armand (January 31), age 40, and Angel, age 32, are the Philippines mystic and healing dwarves ("duendes"). As "King of kings" of elementals in the entire universe, LUIS solely possesses the ultimate and supreme "violet light" and other powers which no spirit guide ever had or acquired. These 3 holy angels of God appeared for the first time to Robert V. Floro, the 5th and youngest brother of Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. at 7:10 p.m., on June 2, 1983, at the backyard of the ancestral house and lot of Judge Floro, during the wake (ceremony) of Florentino C. Floro, Sr. The 3 dwarves whispered to Robert, promising him a lifetime covenant, as his guardian angels: "Obet, we are LUIS, Armand and Angel, we will never forsake you!" LUIS, Armand and Angel were born in Osaka, Japan, as the eldest, second and third children of seamster and seamstress, dressmakers, tailors, garment workers, dwarves king Ben, age 70, and queen Luisa, age 65. The other children are Larry, Luisa and the youngest, Maria, who all reside in Osaka, Japan. Their cousins are Benjamin (Benny) and Estelita. LUIS, Armand and Angel finished elementary education at Osaka Japan Elementary School. They never studied thereafter since they are the richest in the entire universe, living at the Osaka Kingdom in extreme wealth. LUIS, Armand and Angel had chosen Robert as their sole ward as spirit guides, since they decided that "Robert is a good boy." LUIS, Armand and Angel had chosen Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. as their sole instrument and friend under dalliance or sacred covenant on March 1, 1996, First Friday, at 6:00 a.m. because, he is poor, that is, jobless, has no work or trabajo and occupation. On or about December, 1983, Judge Floro's mother Milagros Velasquez Floro experienced many unexplained illnesses, prompting Judge Floro to seek the help of the Philippines' best doctors.

Floro met Col. Miguel Cornejo, Jr., who availed of advanced and experimental geriatric medicines (like pancreanexin, a $ 20 per ampule extract from pancreas of live sheeps). Because of medical failures, Judge Floro, who was and is a pure scientist and skeptic, had no choice but to consult Filipino faith healers Mang Polding and Mang Andres, of Balanga, Bataan. After using pure water plus prayers, these healers cured Milagros of black dwarf possession. On or about January, 1984, while waiting for the results of his Bar Exams, Judge Floro had visited more than 40 psychics and healers from Bulacan, Cavite and Bataan. During his travels, Judge Floro had been interested in treasure hunting. LUIS, Armand and Angel had informed Robert that there was a hidden treasure at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan. Judge Floro, however, challenged Robert to submit proof that these dwarves did exist. Parenthetically, Judge Floro and his classmates were told by their Ateneo de Manila University professor (in education and statistics electives), Fr. Candelaria, S.J., that Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. (the father of Philippine psychology and Chair of the Ateneo psychology department) had regularly fed his dwarf "Dwendeling." Hidden Treasure, 1984; Breeding of Fighting Cocks, 1990 On or about November, 1984, Judge Floro again challenged LUIS to produce money so that the former could begin digging the treasure. LUIS told Robert that Judge Floro would obtain the money from fighting cocks per bets. Judge Floro therefore bought fighting cocks. The first cock named "Hagibis" won but Judge Floro earned only P 1,100. The same cock was entered in the Meycauayan Cockpit derby where it was badly injured, with both legs cut down on the arena. But due to LUIS' violet lights, the other cock ran so terrified, as if it had seen ghosts.

The entire gambling crowd got surprised by the miracle. Judge Floro thereafter went to the Paranaque Cockpit and won 13 straight bets, during a derby. With the money, Judge Floro bought an incubator and he bred fighting cocks. LUIS had flashed the violet lights so that Robert could select the golden hen (from Danny Escalona's Antipolo, Rizal farm) which could produce the best fighting cocks. Under the name "Grey and Blue", Judge Floro made Philippine cockfighting history, by entering 6 to 7 months stags in derbies, who became champions. His six 6 months stags won straight at the Marilao Cockpit arena, while his 7 months stag won under "Kumander Fatola" at Obando Cockpit Arena derby. Judge Floro's cocks stunned the Bulacan cockpits afficionados with stag wins in derbies from 1984 until March, 1990. Judge Floro's bull stags (10 months old cocks) became champions in many Bulacan derbies including at the opening of the Edwin Coliseum in San Jose Del Monte. Meanwhile, after winning some P 21,000 in bets, Judge Floro bought a water pump and dug about 17 meters, thereafter, having obtained the treasure's key and had touched the upper part of the treasure chest. But LUIS did not allow Judge Floro to get the treasure. Thus, during a First Friday on November, 1984, with a full moon as witness, Judge Floro used incense with holy water and asked LUIS to instead show him the treasure at the wink of an eye or split second. LUIS, however refused, but Judge Floro bargained, appealing that LUIS instead permit his instrument see the lights, IN TIME. Judge Floro had fervently begged LUIS, to instead bestow upon his instrument the gift of seeing face to face LUIS, Armand and Angel, IN TIME. LUIS granted Judge Floro's bargains and promised every Christmas, since 1984, that Judge Floro would one day see the lights and these 3 holy angels would appear to him IN TIME.

Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J., Ateneo de Manila University; 1984 mental and parapsychological tests Filled with anxiety, Judge Floro put LUIS to a final test amid all these signs. In 1984, he brought Robert to Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. At the Ateneo de Manila University psychology department, Fr. "Bu" conducted several mental and paranormal tests upon Robert. First, Fr. Bu asked Robert to point the exact place where Fr. Bu's Dwendeling, a lady dwarf, resides. Robert had seen and pointed to dwendeling. After Fr. Bu failed to see LUIS and Armand, he asked the permission of LUIS and Armand to allow Robert to write their dwarves' names. But Robert (as mild retarded, born on January 26, 1966, and was studying at the Cupertino School for Special Children), could not possibly write the names. Amazing, however: like an expert caligrapher, Robert did write the names of LUIS and Armand in extreme artistic fashion; this stunning evidence of the highest character had forced Judge Floro to be greedy of the treasure. After the tests, Judge Floro pleaded to Fr. Bu regarding the results of the tests. Fr. Bu denied Judge Floro's request and said: "It is subjectively objectively true!" as reply to Judge Floro's question of whether LUIS, Armand and Angel are real and do exist. Eye grades, and pulse/heart rate On April, 2009, Judge plummeted to a world record of: Floros eye grades had

O.D. = -.25 - .25 astigmatism (myopia) O.S. = -.75 - .50 astigmatism (myopia) Eye experts or optometrists would confirm that there is no existing medical case where the progressive lens had been like Judge Floro's.

In 2009, his right eye is almost as clear as a baby's since a person with -.25 myopia is not recommended to wear lens or eyeglasses. When the April 7, 2006 Court decision of his separation from judicial service due to dwarf consultation was released, his eye grades were the same as in 1992 = .175/-.125. The same world record was created when Judge Floro's eye grades plummeted from -.325/-.250 (1965 to 1992) to .175/-.125. (1992). Judge Floro's heart rate skyrocketed to 120 during Sundays in 1992, and averaged at 100 at times. Heart rate (HR) is a measure of the number of heart beats per minute (bpm). The average resting human heart rate is about 70 bpm for adult males and 75 bpm for adult females. On August-September, 2011, Dr. Augusto Reyes, Malolos Eye Center, ophthalmologist and Adlaon Optical, Baliuag, Bulacan certified that Judge Floros eye grades were: O.D. = -.50 (myopia) O.S. = -zero.


IX. The Blue Madonna

Judge Floros Visions of just Heaven, the Luminous Cross, Black Nazarene, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Holy Face & Our Lady of Fatima & of Lourdes; Judge Floros Mystic Travels in The Kingdom (of Peace) of LUIS at Osaka, Japan and Jupiter

The Prophet: Pinagpala; Powerful 38 Visions and Apparitions:

March 1308 to August 2211 LUIS, Armand and Angel: Servants of Mary; Members of Marys Army; Crusaders-Knights of the Black Nazarene; Protectors of the Holy Eucharist against Atheists, Evil, Agnostics and Satans Instruments


LUIS, Armand and Angel Instruments of God, Servants of Mary The Blue Madonna, Our Lady of Hope89 The Story of the Pilgrimage, France in 1871
A Marian apparition is an event in which the Virgin Mary is believed to have supernaturally appeared to one or more persons, typically Catholics, although not always devout or always Catholic or Christian, in various settings. They are often given names based on the town in which they were reported, or on the sobriquet which was given to Mary on the occasion of the apparition. They have been interpreted as psychological (pareidolia), and as religious phenomena, occasionally as theophanies. Apparitions sometimes recur at the same site over an extended period of time. In the majority of Marian apparitions only a few people can see Mary. An exception to this is at Zeitoun, where thousands claimed to have seen her over a period of three years. It was winter and France was at war. The troops of Guillaume the First, King of Prussia were winning against those of Napoleon the Third. On 19th September 1870 they began the siege of Paris and on 12th January 1871, they entered Le Mans, and advancing towards the west of France they also entered the Mayenne. On 17th January an advanced section of the Prussian army arrived at the gates of Laval. The French soldiers were disorderly and panic-stricken. In the countryside, the farmers were hiding all they possessed, such as money, clothes and food. In addition to the trials of the war there was an outbreak of typhoid and small-pox. Pontmain was affected.



Out of a population of about five hundred inhabitants, thirty eight young men had been called up to fight in the war and there was no news from them. Everything was going badly. The parishioners said, Weve tried praying but God doesnt hear us. On Sunday 15th January, after Vespers, the parish priest started to sing as usual the hymn of SaintBrieuc: Mother of Hope Whose name is so sweet Protect our land of France Pray, pray for us. He found himself singing alone. Turning round, he urged the parishioners to sing with him. They sang, but were crying at the same time. On Tuesday 17 January 1871, anguish and despondency were widespread. It was cold. Snow covered the ground and the roof tops. The sky was cloudless when the starry night came.

Marian Apparitions 39 A.D. to Present

A Marian apparition is an event in which the Virgin Mary is believed to have supernaturally appeared to one or more persons, typically Catholics, although not always devout or always Catholic or Christian, in various settings. They are often given names based on the town in which they were reported, or on the sobriquet which was given to Mary on the occasion of the apparition. They have been interpreted as psychological (pareidolia), and as religious phenomena, occasionally as theophanies. Apparitions sometimes recur at the same site over an extended period of time. In the majority of Marian apparitions only a few people can see Mary. An exception to this is at Zeitoun, where thousands claimed to have seen her over a period of three years. The First Marian Apparition was: 39 (before her Assumption) at Caesaraugusta (Zaragoza), Hispania Tarraconensis toSaint James the Great; Our Lady of the Pillar. The latest was 2001 at Kodungaiyur, Chennai, India to Ms. Rosalind, Mr. P. Alexander; Our Lady of Jecintho.

Our Lady of Fatima, 1917-1918 Our Lady of Lourdes, 1858

Our Lady of Fatima90 (pronounced [ fatim]) is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by those who believe that she appeared to three shepherd children at Ftima, Portugal on the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917, starting on 13 May, the Fatima holiday. The title of Our Lady of the Rosary is also used in reference to the same apparition; the children related that the apparition specifically identified herself as "the Lady of the Rosary." It is also common to see a combination of these titles, i.e., Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima (Portuguese: ''Nossa Senhora do Rosrio de Ftima''). From May to October 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appeared and spoke to the children, on the 13th day of each month. The apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes began on 11 February 1858, when Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl from Lourdes admitted, when questioned by her mother, that she had seen a "lady" in the cave of Massabielle, about a mile from the town, while she was gathering firewood with her sister and a friend. The last apparition took place on July 16, 1858.

Judge Floros January 9, 1999, Vision of Global Apparitions of Mary 1999 to 2012
At 6:00 a.m., feast of the Black Nazarene of Quiapo, Manila, Philippines, Judge Floro saw the visions of a) global and supreme millennium earthquakes (from 1999 to 2012), the b) scattered global apparitions of Mary (from 1999 to 2012) and c) V.P. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo would be badly hurt, physically and .



#1 Apparition: Judge Floro saw the Vision of the Blue Madonna on March 13, 2008
On March 13, 2008, before dawn, Judge Floro was bestowed a Gift to have seen the visions of: a) (Preceded by yellow flash at midnight): In full religious trance, I floated over a railroad track amid the fields, where I saw golden or yellow corns; b) Then, I saw men on the railroad track with a corn machine laying the golden yellow corn along the tracks; c) Further, I saw myself facing a white wall with the white plain statue or image of the Virgin Mary; and c) The statue thereafter, turned into a most difficult to describe HEAVENLY BLUE virtual reality tall and big Image of Mary (Our Lady of Hope or Fatima ... I was not informed of the title). Message The plain message of the visions under ecstasy and trance is: LUIS, Armand and Angel are mere instruments of Almighty God, servants and members of Marys Army, the co-redemptrix and mediatrix of all graces. The 3 mystic spirit guides are also the protector of the Holy Eucharist against evil, atheism and Satan and his black elementals, in the entire universe. The only way to fight evil or the blacks / fallen angels and their 666 instruments is via the Violet and White Lights of the Lord (Lux in Domino): on Fridays, unleashed towards the hypocrites, the Filipino magistrates and those who steal or do evil in the government. Consecration of the Judiciary and Government / Nation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary-Sacred Heart of Jesus Enthronement of the Eucharist in Halls of Justices;

The consecration of Russia

According to Sister Lcia, The Virgin promised that the Consecration of Russia would lead to Russia's conversion and an era of peace.

Pope Pius XII, in his Apostolic Letter of July 7, 1952 Sacro Vergente Anno is considered to have performed the requested consecration. Pius XII wrote, just as a few years ago We consecrated the entire human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, so today We consecrate and in a most special manner We entrust all the peoples of Russia to this Immaculate Heart Others believe that Pope John Paul II fulfilled this request in 1984 by giving a blessing over the world, including Russia, before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, even though that consecration did not specifically mention Russia by name. Some believe that Lucia Santos verified that this ceremony fulfilled the requests of the Virgin. However, in the Blue Army's Spanish magazine, Sol de Fatima, in the September 1985 issue, Sister Lcia said that the ceremony did not fulfill the Virgin's request, as there was no specific mention of Russia, and "many bishops attached no importance to it". In 2001, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone issued a statement, claiming that he had met with Sister Lcia, who reportedly told him, "I have already said that the consecration desired by Our Lady was made in 1984, and has been accepted in Heaven." Sister Lcia died on February 13 (same day as the apparitions), 2005, without making any public statement of her own to settle the issue.91

#2 Apparition: Bombardment of Violet Lights and the Yellow Fire Explosion March 14 and 15, 2008
For the first time since 1997, Judge Floro witnessed the repeated flashing of violet lights (consisting of thousandth of a second flash of as big as a needle point and 100 times more sharp than our red laser beams). These lights flashed with great magnitude. This happened after midnight of March 14 when Floro was watching the EWTN or Catholic TV programs.



The Eternal Word Television Network ("EWTN")92 is a U.S.-based broadcasting network that carries Catholicthemed programming, including a Daily Mass from its Birmingham, Alabama Monastery/Studios, talk shows such as EWTN Live and Sunday Night Live, Daily Rosary, Benediction, doctrinal instruction programs, entertainment/variety shows, children's programming, live coverage of world Catholic events such as Bishops' conferences and Papal travels, music shows, youth programming, and so forth. "EWTN is an independent charitable organization based in Irondale, Alabama, USA. It has trustees but does not have shareholders or owners." On March 15, 2008, at dawn, Judge Floro witnessed for the first time the glimmering colorless-rainbow lights of fire from his eyes until these lights suddenly exploded to yellow. What is the meaning of these visions and lights? Robert told Judge Floro that for LUIS, the Blue Madonna image is that of our Lady of Fatima. And for Judge Floro, were it not for the absence of the golden crown, she would have been Our Lady of Hope. But the sole message is the same: the Fatima prophecy of dire punishments of wars, pains, famine, deaths, global earthquakes and disasters vis-a-vis repentance with prayer/rosary, inter alia. Judge Floro Petitioned the Philippine Supreme Court (January 4 and April, First Friday, 2008) to Obey these Twin Rites In this regard, to stop the Philippine political and extra-judicial killings, Judge Floro filed on the first First Friday of 2008, a verified petition to stop the extrajudicial killings.




Judge Floro asked the Philippine Supreme Court to a) enthrone both the Holy Eucharist and b) the image of Our Lady of Fatima on all the places where the 2007 and 2000 Mystic Fires happened: upon the cursed Supreme Court Session Hall, 4th Floor of the Court of Appeals, Comelec Old Building, Muntinlupa City Municipal Trial Court, and Br. 73, Regional Trial Court, Malabon / Navotas (which was preserved from fire on July 22, 2000, when all the Halls of Justice salas were burned). Judge Floro also asked the Court for the formal consecration that must be approved in heaven of the entire Judiciary to Our Lady of Fatima and/or the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as sole means to save the journalists and jurists from perdition and to stop the killings.

Extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances in the Philippines93 - Article created by Judge Floro on
Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia Philippine Extrajudicial Killings and Desaparecidos are the illegal liquidations, unlawful or felonious killings and forced disappearance, respectively. They are forms of extrajudicial punishment, and include - extra-judicial executions, summary execution, arbitrary arrest and detention, and failed prosecutions in the Philippines, because of political activities of leading political, trades union, dissident and/or social figures, left-wing political parties

Wikipedia _Desaparecidos 09:44, 30 December 2007 Florentino floro (talk | contribs) (42,429 bytes) (To CREATE this landmark PHILIPPINE article on extrajudicial killings and desaparecidos) ngs_and_forced_disappearances_in_the_Philippines Philippine Extrajudicial Killings and Desaparecidos I created this landmark and historical article today, Jose Rizal day, our national hero, Philippines. I hope that users will further expand this regarding UPDATES since the recent events are CURRENT. I hope also that researchers and international jurists will benefit from my work. -Florentino floro (talk) 09:46, 30 December 2007 (UTC)


It includes killings of non-governmental organizations, political journalists, outspoken clergy, anti-mining activists, agricultural reform activists, members of legal political parties or organizations that the military claims are allied with the communist movement or suspected supporters of the NPA and its political wing, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). [by either the state government, state authorities like the armed forces and police (as in Liberia under Charles G. Taylor), or by criminal outfits such as the Italian Mafia. Aside from the Philippines, extra-judicial killings, death squads and desaparecidos are most common in the Middle East (mostly in Palestine and Iraq)], inter alia. Former Philippine Senate President cursed Jovito Salonga enumerated 3 main / current problems of the Philippines: poverty, graft and corruption in government and society, and increasing criminality including extra-judicial killings. The following article from a Filipino writer may explain the Filipino culture on Faith, Religion and the elementals:

Faith healers94
MANILA, Philippines There was a time when faith healers evoked images of bloody operations that would shame todays reality shows. The faith healer would run his (they were mostly male) finger down the afflicted part of the patients body and blood would ooze out. The faith healer would then knead his way into the body and pull out eyeballs or intestines and excise the presumed diseased part. Even more quickly than the operation itself, the healer would bring the operation to an end, closing the wound without scars, wiping up the blood.


By Michael Tan, Philippine Daily Inquirer, 03/14/2008 -124583/Faith-healers


These faith healers were called psychic surgeons, and would occasionally make it to television. People still remember a particular episode produced by GMA Network that exposed one of these psychic surgeons as having used animal blood and tissue. But the psychic surgeons continued to attract many patients, including an early form of medical tourism, with group tours coming in from Japan and European countries. Jun Labo of Baguio City was one of the best-known psychic surgeons. He married a Japanese woman and put up his own tour agency and hotel with, not surprisingly, mainly Japanese clients. But over the years the psychic surgeons popularity seems to have waned. Theyre around, but they dont make it to the news anymore. Ive read about Filipino psychic surgeons touring Eastern Europe. A few years ago, there were media reports that Labo was arrested in Russia but eventually released. Gone, it seems, was the Japanese wife, now replaced by a Russian. Four streams The saga of the psychic surgeons only shows how the faith healing scene changes. Today, Id classify our faith healers into four types which can be quite different from each other in the healing principles they invoke, and yet actually have very similar stylesand effects. First, we still have the traditional faith healers who use prayers, or oraciones, combined with other healing techniques such as massage and medicinal plants. They will be quite active during Holy Week, as they go on retreats and pilgrimages to sacred sites, some to gather medicinal plants. These faith healers are rarely full-time practitioners. Many live mainly by farming, and may have lived in the community for several generations. Most of these faith healers will identify themselves as Roman Catholic, but practice a faith that incorporates animism or a belief in spirits.

Its these spirits, together with an assortment of Catholic saints, who are called in by the healers to help with the healing. A second type of faith healers would be those coming from an espiritista lineage. They are very similar to our traditional healers except that their origins are more recent, namely the sects that first came to the Philippines, from Europe, at the turn of the 20th century. These espiritista sects had a number of prominent members, including Isabelo de los Reyes, the sculptor Guillermo Tolentino, and one of Pangasinan provinces early governors. The espiritistas were particularly popular in Northern Luzon, particularly Pangasinan. They used sances to communicate with the dead and other spirits, very much like our traditional healers. The espiritistas also practiced healing and it was from among their ranks that the first psychic surgeon, Eleuterio Terte, emerged in the 1950s. Predominantly from Northern Luzon, the psychic surgeons eventually spread out to other parts of the country, reaching the peak of their popularity in the 1980s and early 1990s. At present, the most popular stream of faith healers is of the Catholic religious, including Fr. Corsie Legaspi and Fr. Fernando Suarez. Suarez is a globe-trotting healer, who has conducted healing sessions all throughout the world, including Africa. Also popular are the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) sisters, who run the Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry. The Catholic religious heal mainly by prayers and a laying of the hands, often in mass assemblies with hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of participants. The RVM sisters also use bathing and drinking of water from a holy well in Novaliches. The Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry has a corps of lay volunteers who come from all walks of life, including politicians and business people.

The fourth cluster of faith healers would be those from Protestant charismatic groups that have been in the country for many years, often with American evangelical roots. The Protestant ministers practice mass healing by invoking God (usually, the Holy Spirit). These healing sessions can be quite dramatic, with patients dropping on the floor (the slain spirit), speaking in tongues, laughing and crying. The sessions also used to be quite popular on television, but seem to have declined, losing to homegrown groups such as Eli Sorianos ministry and Brother Mike Velardes El Shaddai, which is actually Catholic, and does not emphasize healing. The four groups bear similarities in terms of drawing techniques and symbols from religious faith, but there will be tensions among these healers. Many years ago, I was asked by a group of Protestants to look into faith healing but they were quite empathic that the researcher should look only at the traditional healers, rather than their own evangelical sessions. We practice divine healing, said one minister, and I presumed he meant that the other types of faith healers were not quite divine, maybe even satanic. Faith healer does tend to be used in a slightly condescending manner. Future In a few years, well probably find the landscape of faith healing altered again. I suspect we might have more secular faith healers. Remember toning over radio, supplemented by products like pyramids? Were already seeing some combination of the religious and the secular. The Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry is already online, where you can send requests for healing prayers in whats described as long-distance healing. I wouldnt be surprised if we have Internet healing in a few years.

When Im asked if faith healing works, I wear my anthropological hat and say, The question shouldnt be, Does faith healing work? but Why and how does faith healing work? My view is that faith healing works, not all the time, certainly, but the same thing can be said of modern medicine. I still feel you stand a better chance with modern medicine, but some faith can be useful, whether in supernatural beings that are invoked, or in the healeror even in the processes and procedures. One psychic surgeon I interviewed many years ago said he really didnt need to do all those bloody procedures, but the drama helped to validate his power to heal. The same can be said today about the doctors white coat, and the pills and the fancy, gleaming diagnostic tools and machines. * Email:

Slain in the Spirit

Being slain in the Spirit is a term related to the Charismatic movement and Pentecostalism which describes a religious phenomenon in which a person enters a state with loss of all motor control over their body and falls to the floor during an event perceived as a personal encounter with God's glory power, usually associated with occasions of public prayer ministry when the laying on of hands is practiced. Being slain in the Spirit occurs in many contemporary Charismatic or Pentecostal church meetings. It was also extremely common in early American (late eighteenthcentury) Methodism, particularly at camp meetings and love feasts. Many refer to the phenomenon as "falling under the Spirit's power", "falling before the Lord" or "resting in the Spirit".

On occasions of public prayer ministry when the laying on of hands is practiced, church members or attendees come forward to the front of the church to receive a special work of the Holy Spirit from the Pastor, service leader or a team of ministers.

Often a significant amount of time is spent singing and praying during the church service before this point. Attendees are then prayed over and touched by the service leader or leaders, they perceive the Spirit of God upon them, and they fall, usually onto their backs. In most cases, their fall is broken by deacons, catchers, ushers or orderlies behind them to prevent injury. Many Christians who experience this believe that they have been healed or given a special blessing by God. Criticism Some Christians argue that the practice is neither described nor prescribed in the Bible, and that it is, at best, a psychological phenomenon or, at worst, of satanic origin. Proponents of the practice consider that it cannot be satanic as it occurs in services centered around Satan's enemy, Jesus Christ. A similar state with loss of external awareness and motor control occurs as the result of a variety of rituals and dances in various religious and cultural traditions; see the article on religious ecstasy, Many are of the opinion that these events can be explained by psychological antecedents which could be a variety of different feelings, like "fire","electricity", " holy laughter", or a "cool wind". Similar experiences are also reported by those who
experience a Kundalini awakening. Instances of voluntarily falling before the Lord to worship or pray may be found in Genesis 17:3 and Joshua 5:14. Instances of involuntarily falling before the Lord as the result of feeling overwhelmed by a divine presence are found in 1 Kings 8:10-11, Daniel 8:27, Daniel 10:8-11 (possibly implied), Acts 9:3-4 (also Acts 26:14) and Revelation 1:17. Both voluntary and involuntary falling before the Lord can also occur as the result of a power encountera person feels that the power of God is overtaking the power of a demonic force that has sought to control or oppress him or her. References to falling in the context of power encounters are found in Mark 3:11, Mark 9:20 and Luke 8:28 95


Slain in the Spirit


Judge Floro saw the Visions of the Luminous Cross, Sacred Heart, Immaculate Heart, Holy Face and Our Lady of Lourdes #3 Apparition: October 12, 2008
Judge Floro had seen the Luminous Cross, in an extraordinary vision while on ecstasy or trance while sleeping but on a different plane, the highest 7th. Note that from May to October 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appeared and spoke to the children, on the 13th day of each month. Hence, October 12 is the day before the last apparition of our Lady.

#4 Apparition: January 29, 2009

Judge Floro saw (while asleep, but in deep trance vision, 10 a.m.) 2 statues or images, life sizes, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

#5 Apparition: January 31, 2009

Judge Floro saw (while asleep, but in deep trance vision, 10 a.m.) a black and white as if the X-ray Image of the Holy Face like the Shroud of Turin. This day is the birthday of dwarf-angel friend "Armand."

#6 Apparition: February 1, 2009

Judge Floro saw (while asleep, but in deep trance vision, 10 a.m.) alternating - the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, with thorns and flowers, respectively. February 2, 2009
Judge Floro had a long travel towards St. Vincent's Seminary in Valenzuela, but could not go there due to road blocks.

#7 Apparition: February 12, 2009

At about 5:35 a.m. Judge Floro in extraordinary trance-travel was brought to the St. Vincent's Seminary, for many hours - the dormitory... He would call phone since he failed to bring his clothes and saw Fr. Gimarino, C.M., 7 feet 5 inches so tall, and the dining refectory - and Judge Floro clearly, in virtual spiritual reality, saw the image of Our Lady of Lourdes, whose feast is celebrated on February 11.

She appeared about 8 inches tall, then closer. It was the 151st anniversary of the Lourdes apparition. Judge Floro was seemingly brought back via time travel per the lights to the past; it was about the Spanish times in Philippines; he saw himself amidst old folks near a banquet table; he peeped and saw the live image of our Lady of Lourdes, with her blue sash, so prominent. The apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes began on 11 February 1858, when Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl from Lourdes admitted, when questioned by her mother, that she had seen a "lady" in the cave of Massabielle, about a mile from the town, while she was gathering firewood with her sister and a friend. Judge Floro saw the face of the statue, the eyes are on both sides (meaning She is watching all over us amid the disasters and dire accidents, famine, earthquakes, deaths, dire tragedies prophesied in Fatima on 1918; 2008 is the 150th anniversary of Lourdes). The apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes began on 11
February 1858, when Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl from Lourdes admitted, when questioned by her mother, that she had seen a "lady" in the cave of Massabielle, about a mile from the town, while she was gathering firewood with her sister and a friend. Similar appearances of the "lady" took place on seventeen further occasions that year. John Paul II visited Lourdes three times and Pope Benedict XVI completed a visit there on 15 September 2008 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the apparitions in 1858.

Our Lady of Ftima is the title given to the vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary that was said to have appeared before three shepherd children at Ftima, Portugal on the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917, starting on 13 May. It is the Ftima holiday. The three children were Lcia Santos and her cousins, siblings Jacinta and Francisco Marto.

Mystical Levitation
Starting February, 2009, Judge Floro had began to have been bestowed by LUIS the extraordinary gift of flying as high as buildings but of course with difficulty.


This travel is not astral, psychic nor physical, but on the higher, the 7th, and other level of the angels, but below the levitation of the saints, like that of St. Padre Pio. Judge Floro while asleep but on another plane would
be buoyed up by LUIS, training how to ascend and defy human gravity. Luis told Judge Floro that he needs this flying to easily sagasaan (to annihilate evil, his enemies by running over them like a giant bulldozer upon their mortal bodies as prey).

No feeling of hunger (mystic fasting)

Amid this new gift, Judge Floro, starting January,
2009 began to have lost any sense of hunger. The biological body needs to eat due to appetite and hunger after the stomach digests food in four hours. But since Judge Floro was unlike psychics who craved for astral travel and the meagre/lowly lights, by developing their wares in yoga and Indian schools, inter alia, Judge Floro is forced to eat just to eat. Judge Floro eats less at 12 noon and is not even obliged to eat at 11 p.m. However, he can eat anything he likes, and has good appetite.

One Marian Message

All the visions Judge Floro had seen deliver only one message: the prophesy of Fatima in 1917-1918.96 The first secret was a vision of Hell: "Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke. And now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent.


grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror."

This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be

The second secret is a statement that World War I would end and supposedly predicts the coming of World War II should God continue to be offended and if Russia does not convert. The second half requests that Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart: "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light*, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world." The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Ftima, on 13 July 1917, "I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand.


Pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance! And we saw in an immense light that is God: something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the
Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God."

#8 Apparition: March 6, 2009

Judge Floro, this Friday, saw a very very clear vision
of a) he was again in St. Vincent's Seminary b) 6 - out of this world very beautiful as if - birds which turned clearly to planes, one comming back and above him, it is square-like, and turn towards an area and blasted, exploded. Last month, he saw a cross in the ground made of wood and rice and embraced it.

Visions and Travels to LUIS' Kingdom #9 Apparition: March 22, Sunday, 2009 - Image of the Nazarene
LUIS brought Judge Floro to his Kingdom, allowing him to travel to some parts of his very real world and higher 7th plane-dimension. LUIS allowed Judge Floro to view their mountain - a triangle, sort of green upland area; LUIS, thereafter had shown him about forty-nine 7 feet violet tanks (which look like industrial oxygen tanks).


Judge Floro, thereafter, had been bestowed the ultra fast vision of the Image of The Nazarene - it is slightly bigger than life size, but His dress is WHITE instead of Red, and His crown of thorns is yellow-brown, rather than the dark brown of the Quiapo, Manila's Nazareno. And finally, Judge Floro had seen the coffin and picture in the wake of a Catholic Archbishop with the end name of Pulido....97 Judge Floro met retired Judge Pulido at CentralBooks, Quezon City. Judge Floro gave Judge Pulido a copy of his Book Poster while Judge Pulido and his wife gave the dwarf judge a calling card. On July 25, 2009, the body of Rafael Pulido, son of retired Judge Vicente Pulido, was found by Manila Fire Department (MFD) personnel after the fire that struck the house at 1289 Burgos Street was put out. Mystic Levitation, Flight, 2,000 pieces of red moneys Stair (of Pure Gold) to the River LUIS has allowed Judge Floro to travel almost daily when asleep until he would wake up. LUIS very slowly taught Judge Floro how to fly, since, without flying he could not possibly travel, especially into his Kingdom. LUIS has flashed hundreds of violet lights daily. On March 29, at Plaridel, Bulacan Catholic Church, Judge Floro had seen the violet light flashed near the Image of Mary, during the Mass. LUIS brought Judge Floro to a different Baguio of his Kingdom - Judge Floro rode LUIS' flying saucer. Then, Judge Floro saw a very long, small and narrow stairs made of pure gold leading to their river. Then, he saw the river, in the shape of rectangle and some 3 sands were put into it; suddenly the river became a wet sand bed; Robert said the same is foundation for a new house they are building. On March 29, Sunday, Judge Floro had clearly seen that LUIS gave him 2,000 pieces of RED money rectangular in shape and 10 times bigger than earth's money; then, 2 pieces fell off his bed and could not be found.


April 2-3, 2009 Wednesday, Thursday It was the first time in 2009, and since 1992, that LUIS flashed the bursting VIOLET flash as Judge Floro closed his eyes to begin sleeping, on April 2. He discerned that these lights are needed not only for SWERTE or pure luck, as Robert said, but to prepare him for LUIS' higher ends and plans, like LUIS had again taught Judge Floro to FLY: this time he traveled into a dark but beautiful alley-road ... First he flew low, but when he used his hands, he could ascend or leap higher even on top of a building ... he had seen a group of about 15 men who wore green clothes and were performing some acts or drama for a holiday celebration ... thereafter, he flew over some people ... Judge Floro said "Phenomenal! Record in world history that the pull of gravity had been utterly destroyed by my power!" - He had been flying since early January in 2009 ... travelling to LUIS' Kingdom part by part. Evidence of the highest character of the existence of LUIS kingdom, in plain view, in virtual reality During the above-described flight of Judge Floro in mid-air and above the building, he put to test the reality of the levitation and the very existence of the kingdom. In order to determine if Judge Floro was merely in a state of sub-conscious, trance or mystic performance, he, while above the building and flying, did smash or hit with his right forearm the leaves of the tree near the building.
Because of this, he suffered inflammation and severe pain upon the area hit by the leaves, and his right forearm was in dire pain for 4 month. This utterly proved that LUIS kingdom and the levitation and flying are more real than our physical world.

Clearer than Sony Bravia, Samsung Light-emitting diode (LED TV), SM Mall of Asias 3D IMAX, Digital 3D, 3D films, 3D Blu-ray Disc and/or 3D television (3D-TV) Judge Floro discerned the comparison between the clarity (when eyes view the objects projected upon or of) the IMAX and Sony BRAVIA, a Sony brand used to market its high-definition LCD televisions / Light-emitting diode (LED) like Samsungs.

To painfully explain the TRAVELS, Judge Floro says

that if a viewer watches an IMAX or BRAVIA movie, both images would not permanently attach to the brains memory, such that, after 2 days of even 1 year, the person could no longer reproduce the memory of the filmed sequences using his brains functions. 98 But Judge Floros memory of the SERENE and most picturesque, panoramic and ultra-real views of parts of LUIS kingdom could easily be retrieved with utmost clarity by his brain. This is the essence of virtual reality and physical existence of LUIS kingdom in Osaka, Japan, in the Philipppines, and in planet Jupiter.

April 3-4 - First Friday & First Saturday Starting the early morning of Friday until the last
hours of Saturday at 10 pm, while Judge Floro ate supper with 3 San Miguel Lite beers, LUIS has flashed his VIOLET lights.

Greatest Number of Violet lights flashed; the Big Brown Bird, the Green-Blue Bird; the En Banc Deliberation upon the Fate of Judge Floros enemies/persecutors, their loved ones These highest violet lights were so visible to him and in front of him, with greatest number of times, ever, since 1992; then LUIS brought, traveled Judge Floro to his Kingdom; he saw a very beautiful big brown bird which suddenly ate a very beautiful small green-blue bird. Then LUIS brought him into a rectangle closed room
without any door or window; the sides are brown danarraplywood-like with a big conference table, where, yellow dressed kings under LUIS were seated, with the one in the middle, appearing so fierce; Judge Floro discerned that they were deliberating upon the CURSE and the fate of Judge Floro's Wiknews and Wikipedia enemies, including all his detractors, enemies, nemesis, the Philippine judiciary, S.C. and C.A. Justices, Judges, Ateneo Law School Classes 1980 to 1985, etc. amid the forthcomming Good Friday, and June 2, 2009, the 26th year from the first night that LUIS appeared to his brother Robert; then, when he was awake on Saturday about 10 a.m. he saw LUIS' flying saucer-UFO, white yellow, glowing brightly, about 1/4 of inch.



April 5, 2009 Palm Sunday The Noisy Bird and the Blue-White, Big Owl Island LUIS traveled Judge Floro into his "Island" part of his Kingdom; LUIS had shown him their horse or equestrian arena, where 3 harness riders were ready to race; and then he saw outside, the very beautiful track where there are plants, and suddenly, he was brought to the ISLAND where he saw a very big bird Maria Kapra. Here in the Philippines, this bird is just small, there it is about 7 times bigger). It was so NOISY, to be sure, announcing his presence as Angel of Death and visitor of LUIS' Kingdom. And the noise was so profound amid the SERENE and dark but lighted Island; then, the noisy bird landed upon a big tree which had upon it resting, a blue-white owl; then a very beautiful and large blue-white owl appeared, flying, but suddenly stopped at the air, staring at Judge Floro, as sign of reverence. It was an impossible sight, since, earth owls would sleep at days and fly by nights, as the other owl was on the tree; there is nothing impossible in LUIS' Kingdom. April 6, Monday Judge Floro had seen a very beautiful, clean and so serene, daytime, cool, view: description: the street road is so white, so clean, without any drainage, no gutters and the view was a panoramic, undescribable mountain, forest plain view. April 16, Tuesday This morning, for the first time in his life since LUIS appeared in June 2, 1983, Judge Floro was allowed and again tutored, taught to FLY over 2 buildings - unlike before, where he flew outside his Kingdom; in one building called "Switzerland," he could fly so high but the little children-angels caught his feet, playing with them; then, in another chapel like building, he could hardly fly, as he did only about 2 feet off the ground or floors.


April 19, Sunday Long line of most colorfully painted furnitures LUIS allowed Judge Floro to travel into his Kingdom in 3 parts: a) He saw a hill with Bermuda grass trimmed... b) He was riding LUIS' speed motor boat and he did'nt know how to control the steering wheel (manubela) - which color is hard to describe. But it is like the color of an expensive brown-redmaroon-orange-red shiny glossy golf handle or golf clubs, loft or lie or sports car's steering drive wheel handle. Then at the very clean green river, he saw in front of him, a very sophisticated but beautiful boat, which is made of - out of this world glass-plastic transluscent white, where it is covered also by same material, and one could see inside bright and with cone-like many or about 7 bended or circular water stripes or tubes. The water flows continuously as design; then he steered the boat to the corner of a street so clean with water. He rode LUIS' high tech super speed boat, and saw his very long line of most colorfully painted furnitures ... miles of them ... he thought that they were stores, line by line with many furnitures ... and each furniture has colorful parts, more colorful than Mr. Donut's rainbow Giggles. Last week of April, 2009 LUIS allowed Judge Floro to fly so high over and above buildings, such that he could not see what is under him, so, dark, thus its height; then LUIS brought him to the top of a steep, narrow road or alley. LUIS allowed him to glide down in levitation about 2 feet off the ground into the bottom of the alley; then he saw a yellow orange tall school building about 4 stories tall. LUIS and Armand, with white Bonitos, Dwarf Hat LUIS and Armand appeared to Judge Floro, as 2 very poor little kids or boys, about 7 inches tall, their backs facing Judge Floro; and he saw the cloudy white as if sweat 3 centimeters at the tip or end of their hairs.

Robert told him that LUIS said, that white is part of their extreme powers, bonito, the dwarf hat (and also their Baston - patpat, tungkod, cane/fighting/walking stick, French truncheon). Sunday, May 3, 2009 Rocket Ship with Fireworks LUIS brought Judge Floro to many places in their kingdom; he was able to be in front of a serene, cool but not cold, and so panoramic and picturesque hill or mountain; and he saw the far but visible greens with the sunlights striking some parts of the greens. Then, LUIS placed him in the middle of an arena, where he was surrounded by a circular, cemented, narrow and small oval, and LUIS' rocket or space ship rotated around him, these dwarves playing with fireworks, as if celebrating May, the month of Mary. May 17, 2009 Since June 3, 1983 and since 1992 when I first saw the VIOLET lights, I saw these lights flashed 144 times on May 17, 2009, 11:25 p.m.- 12:30 a.m. The following Diary of the Travels and Visions were recorded on (using first person) May 19 I saw LUIS' big snowy white plane ... then his UFOspaceship, big black-canon-telescope-like approached near me, and I was afraid, thus, I failed due to fear to ride it, unlike the bamboo spaceship I rode since I had no fear. Then, I had seen several live crustaceans and fishes ... I saw for the first time, the yellow light flashed by Angel at the pork at South Supermarket. Since then, I had sometimes seen the brown and yellow flashes of lights of Armand and Angel, respectively. May 30, 2009 Saturday I was standing in the middle of LUIS' kingdom as I gaze from a distance, his glowing blue-violet-snowy white high mountain. Then, above me, skyrocketed a triangular shape UFO-rocket-space ship of LUIS, and finally, an OBLONG shape UFO-rocket-space ship was above me.

It has a clear window, where LUIS, since 1983, had shown his smiling face, white skinned, and I was waving. LUIS was just traveling. First Friday, June 5 "Halika!" LUIS and Armand had appeared to me in virtual reality
- as I was watching upon the stairs or veranda, balcony ... I had seen 2 Robin Hood like lads with hats. As I descended, LUIS told me: "Halika!" "Come closer!"

The central theme of Le Petit Prince ... Test of Reality

against Dream I asked Robert, my brother to tell me to describe how. I traveled to LUIS' kingdom today. He said he does not know. I asked him to ask LUIS. He did, and instantly, he said I flew or levitated. Robert replied describing my travel that I flew up in the air, vertical or ascending unlike before, when I flew horizontal like birds.

June 11 In LUIS' kingdom, I stood in awe - a vast brown earthfield without any dust/plant; I saw a big majestic blue plane w/ white-yellow lights was then almost hit by a 2nd smaller air plane; a 3rd most beautiful brown airplane rolled, circled sideways slowly horizontal before me. #10 Apparition: June 22, Monday, 2009 A day after Father's day: I, Judge Floro was brought standing in a serene, clean, white desert sands before the
Holy Family's house. In ecstasy, I lay frustrated down the ground hands outstretched when I saw a man wearing dark clothes entering the house, I then stood in ecstasy when (21 feet tall) Blue Madonna, Our Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary appeared in front of me, wearing a heavenly almost dark blue dress, with pure white nun cloth covering her chest-head, her face is statue like pure white, (out of this world color), she looks to heaven, her hands outstretched inviting me to pray, and she moves.

#11 Apparition: Midnight July 1, 2009 I was bestowed the ecstasy of seeing big flashes of brown-yellow lights split seconds. The last week of June, I had a dream that I put the Eucharist-sacred host inside a notebook paper in my pocket and later on I received the Communion eating the host.

1st Sunday July 5, 2009 I was at north gate, St Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan Valenzuela *now beside SM City I began flying using 2 hands. I saw Vincentian Priest demonstrated him my levitation. I wept w/ joy: "Fr., of billions, I am the only chosen to fly, levitate, why me?" Then, I flew over the south gate to Fr. Constancio Gan, C.M. my spiritual Director. He saw me flying. Then, I flew vertical and glide over a dark neighborhood and a poor girl stole my towel. Then I saw a plane 10x bigger than Airbus A380 amid playing games and it shifted to a very small frog plane towards the game TV video: "LUIS, you are a friend from another star!" as I saw the plane inserted in a small TV pure magic.99 Wednesday July 8 Treasure LUIS showed me a horizon of his kingdom. He brought me to my Calvario Meycauayan Bulacan home. I finished riding-bathing my bay horse who has not worn new shoes. He glided down and led him to my backyard stable. My horse turned to a man telling me: "Kunin muna yan, hindi lahat ng oras nandiyan yan, nasa iba't ibang lugar yan!" (Gets that, we, looking at the direction of the inside of the stable, it is not all there all the time, it is scattered somewhere!) I said I was afraid. He climbed roof I stared at him: Do you know the King of kings of the elementals?" The man smiled at me. He's LUIS. SWS surveys say Second Quarter 2009 Social Weather Survey: Self-Rated Poverty is 50%; Self-Rated Food Poverty is 39% Second Quarter 2009 Social Weather Survey: Hunger rises to 20.3% of families; Moderate Hunger is 16.0%, Severe Hunger is 4.3%


The Second Quarter 2009 Social Weather Survey, fielded over June 19-22, 2009, found the proportion of families experiencing involuntary hunger at least once in the past three

months rising to 20.3% or an estimated 3.7 million families, from 15.5% or an estimated 2.9 million families in the previous quarter. The new Hunger figure is just 3 points lower than the recordhigh 23.7% (or estimated 4.3 million families) in December 2008, and is 8 points above the ten-year average of 12.8% [Chart 1, Table 1]. Hunger has consistently been in double-digits for five years, since June 2004. The SWS measure of Hunger refers to involuntary suffering because the respondents answer a survey question that specifies hunger due to lack of anything to eat. 100

Priest's Sunday Homily - I listened to a Catholic priest who delivered a Sunday homily. He asked why Filipinos are poor or hungry. Tamad ba sila? No. Why? It begins with G, is it God, no. Answer: because Filipinos do not help Filipinos. Visions of Heaven; St. Mother Theresa and St. Vincent de Paul In one of the most applauded ever speech before priests and bishops at Rome, Mother Theresa the Saint of the Gutters held the full of worms wounds of a street beggar: "You have deceived me, you have fooled me, you are not a beggar, YOU ARE JESUS CHRIST IN DISQUISE?" St. Vincent de Paul, in one of his mission, searched for the poorest of the poor, the most hated addicts, snatchers, crime maniacs in the winter streets of France, saying: "The more they are hated, the more they are so wretched, forlorn, abandoned, and had done greatest evils, the more they smell bad ... they are Jesus Christ in disguise!" He built orphanages and hospices not foundations, as he literally gave food and clothings to beggars in dire cold winters.

100 27 July 2009 4 August 2009


20 DAILY Adobo FOOD PACKS Circa July 9 2009, the greatest day of my life, when I was in ecstasy having seen a VISION of JUST HEAVEN, the paradise where Jesus brought the thief who died 3pm Good Friday, I decided to daily ROAM around the STREETS, since Justice Leonardo Quisumbing in the 3rd audience where I lectured to him for full one hour and 10 minutes on the Light of the Lord, said: "You need a job, since you would roam in the streets!" I found one; I established a restaurant with 2 branches at Malolos. My clients are the maharlikas, called pulubi who are so dirty and would even snatch jewelry to get food. My recipe is: 2 kilos pork fat with skin (P 80 per kilo), 1/2 kilos each of pig kasim or menudo (P 160 per kilo), pig and chicken livers (P 120 per kilo), 1 kilo chicken back parts (P 76 per kilo) all at South Supermarket, Malolos City, Silver Swan soy sauce and vinegar, ginger, pepper, MSG or vetsin, sugar, with garlic/onions ... the cost is just P 800, cooked to adobo or pork and chicken sour steak, and divided to 12 days parts food platic packs. Then I appointed a chef from Mandarin Hotel to prepare these with 2 kilos P 68 rice.
I added to each pack, one piece tomato and some adobo sitaw plus shrimp paste or bagoong and fish sauce or patis. I would sell this for 15,000 US heavenly pounds; so x 20 food packs, I would roam around the streets, and search for the most dirty children and family with sore eyes, the massive stroke patients-beggars, and I would sell them to these CHRISTS, not deceiving me, since I am a prophet unlike the Saint of the Gutters. I detected with my mystic lens, that Christ is inside these dirty beggars, rugby kids and old lazy bones staring at me. I could not find Jesus in the thousands of rich and famous officials and diplomats that offered masses and flowers at former President Cory Aquino's funeral, and not even at CBCP plenaries.

So, daily, I earned a profit of HN 300,000 moneys, and these 20 beggars donated to me their 300,000 illnesses and bad lucks which I forthwith transferred to Honorable Thieves in our government. And with these moneys I was able to build 3 Tubo-Tubo ICU Hospitals that would make Asian Hospital, MMC and St. Lukes's insolvent.

I talked to my clients, and they paid me these moneys, and I repeat, I siphoned all their pains, cancer and stroke, transferring them by VIOLET lights to all corrupt Justices, Judges and Honorable Magna NAKAWS (Thieves), putting a stain in their bloods up to the 4th generation under Psalms 109/73, inter alia. I charged P 1 million for each Justice that would be rushed in my 3 hospitals, and I earned more than P 1 billion, which again I invested and planned to build a home for the aged, tailor-made for those Justices who would be bedridden. Here in Bulacan, there are 28 towns, and in each town, there are more than 400 class B semi- rich who could afford to invest P 150 daily resulting to 20 food plastic packs = roughly 9,000 Bulakenos who could distribute daily, 180,000 food adobo rice plastic packs. But there are only less than 5,000 beggars in the whole of Bulacan. So, these 180,000 food packs can even feed lazy bones and those beggars from Basilan who migrated here in Bulacan. BUT THEY DO NOT EAT PORK, AS MUSLIMS. Later, I would cook other kinds ... spaghetti, vegetables ... I INVITE you all to do the same, instead of ego-recognitions building Cory Micro-finance, Ayala foundations, scholarships na MAY KAPALIT. I am a VISIONARY ladies and gentlemen. As prophet, I never commit a mistake. Let me copy paste here my Mystic Visions below the Unified, Purified and Communion ways of Sts. Padre Pio, John of the Cross and Theresa of Avila. #12 Apparition: July 9, 2009 Thursday 9 am; the greatest moment/day of my entire LIFE; a Vision of just Heaven (paradise) As pure skeptic my luck was pushed to limits. I was bestowed a clearest vision of heaven, a place of light, green pasture, repose, of distinct layers/levels (John 14:2): just heaven" 2nd as "paradise" and 3rd as "the city". I traveled inside 19th century house and trembled with fear. I saw a different sky, so vast horizon, no stars, no clouds but not dark.

I then missed by half the first vision of a Divine Being, multi-colored more than a prism or electromagnetic spectrum, indescribable. Then, like a fast slide show in the internet, I saw successive visions 10 times more intense, much clearer and more real than IMAX or Samsung LED TV as I only recall and gazed at the biggest CROSS ever in the universe with Christ's linen to pull him down Good Friday. I heard faint audible angelic HARP, kring kring kring. I saw the splendor of white-yellow lights and several beings that covered the vision. I saw most the beautiful Our Lady of Lourdes with blue girdle, who 150 years ago on Feb 11, 1858 appeared to St. Marie-Bernarde Soubirous. I was not able to see the last image for I was blinded by the light. July 15 Wednesday LUIS' dwarf friend (tanned-brown skinned as 4 year old boy with hairs shaved with few pointed) from Japan, was the 2nd (Big Brown noisy Bird & Big Blue-White Owl in day time was 1st) to greet Judge Floro in LUIS' Kingdom. Expectantly Judge Floro as merciless Angel of Death tormentor would be valiant-fierce with heart of steel not with sponge cake heart. The dwarf began working hands and feet dance like a samurai ninja warrior and Judge Floro screamed "Huh!" prompting brother Robert to tap awakening so ashamed coward Floro, who ran afraid amid 3 UFOspaceships resisted fear 2007 riding LUIS' bamboo spaceship. July 16 Thursday LUIS gave me his VIOLET hat-Bonito with magic lest I be afraid again. At his 2nd Kingdom's (beneath my backyard Malolos City Bulacan rented house) 4th floor building, LUIS' 4 friends playmates (jack stone & yoyo PlayStation) greeted me w/ smiles. All cute handsome about 3-4 feet tall and not stout, 1 had white cloth bandage on finger tip wound. Prominent was a foreign dwarf who has total gel golden-colored with end curls hair & big beard. LUIS per my brother Robert "the names of the brown dwarf July 15 is Efren & 4 dwarfs July 16 are Diana Ben (golden hair-beard) Rani & Ron".

On January 15, 2008, Judge Pornillos filed her 34-page Comment, imputing to Judge Floro malicious filing of the anonymous complaint. I won this case versus dismissed Judge Victoria Villalon-Pornillos.101 Massive Stroke of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo on February 22, 2008 Benipayo's 1/2 body is DEAD Benipayo return still uncertain UST Varsitarian - By DANDAN Vol. LXXX, No. 10 April 15, 2009 IT MIGHT take a long while before Civil Law Dean Alfredo Benipayo return to UST despite reports
that he is now on the way to recovery, acting Dean Roberto Abad said. We cannot say when and if he could still resume office, Abad told the Varsitarian. Last February 22, Benipayo collapsed while giving a lecture before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Iloilo Chapter and was immediately rushed to St. Pauls Hospital. Benipayo was airlifted from Iloilo to Manila last month. He was admitted to St. Lukes Hospital in Quezon City and was eventually brought home to undergo therapy.

While stressing the need for Benipayo to take a longtime rest, Abad however pointed out that the former solicitorgeneral is not leaving his post as Civil Law Dean. He is not yet contacting us personally and we likewise do not want to give him office stress. Temporarily taking the reins from Benipayo, Abad, an expert in Remedial Law, took office as the Facultys acting dean last February 27. 102

101 gnomes/gnome2.gif gnomes/gnome2.gif



Since July 20, 1999, that fateful afternoon, exactly at 4:45 p.m., when the Supreme Court sheriff served me at Malabon City Br. 73 Court, the 3 pages pink paper of indefinite preventive suspension which ended on the 68.9 months on April 7, 2006 when I was paid and separated from service, and Googled, it was the birthday of Angel, the sister of LUIS and Armand. Lest I and LUIS be misconstrued by anyone who would read these memoirs or diary of our friendship. Lest the VIOLET lights be misinterpreted to be fiction and tales concocted by a psychotic judge, I, as lawyer and jurist, do hereby post the CRITICAL FACT which mathematically articulates the DATES foretold by LUIS. This is aimed to quash the element of medical chance, thereby, proving beyond reasonable doubt, the impeccability of the VIOLET Lights of LUIS which blocked the vessels of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo, to wit: Longest preventive suspension in history (July 20, 1999 - April 7, 2006) 20, 21, 22, 22 On July 18, 1999, at 12:00 midnight, Floro, in trance
saw the visions of Plaridel (Marcelo del Pilar) and 73. Barely 6 months from his inaugural session on January 5, 1999, he was indefinitely suspended on

--- July 20, 1999 (the longest judicial suspension in

world history). Alfredo Benipayo signed Judge Floro's Memorandum of Suspension which contained the 13 administrative charges (the principal of which is dwarf consultation in writing judgments). Justice Flerida Ruth Romero signed the cursed resolution, her last due to her retirement on July 30, 1999; but it was on Justice Pardo (44 Polk St. Greenhills 30 meters from ERAP's house) who became the ponente on August 1999. The main accusation is dwarf consultation and predicting the fall of ERAP on Good Friday 1998. On the 1st anniversary of Floro's (July 20, 1999) Suspension (punishment)|suspension, the Malabon City Regional Trial Courts, Halls of Justice, Fiscals' offices and canteen were all burned. 353

---- on July 22, 2000, except Floro's sala/court, Br. 73, which was fully preserved from Malabon fire. UST Rector Fr. Rolando de La Rosa, O.P., wrote in the Manila Bulletin: "Benipayo had chronic cough that bothered him for years. At first the doctors thought the trouble was with his lungs. They found out later that it was his heart. He was suffering from CAD (coronary artery disease). His heart was clogged." ---- On February 21, 2001, Benipayo underwent angioplasty surgery 5 days after his appointment as Commission on Elections (Philippines) Chair.[page A2, Saturday, March 24, 2001, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and March 15, 2001 Manila Bulletin, Editorial]. Benipayo was never confirmed, since he was later appointed Solicitor General. On 2006, he resigned amid 7 JBC failed nominations (for Supreme Court Justice) since 2002. On July 20, 2002, 2003 and 2004, I predicted that Justice Benipayo etc. will die on February 2008 (the mathematical computation at that time of my spent suspension). I suffered 68.7 months suspension when I was disrobed on April 7, 2006. On February 21, 2008 I had cursed the entire UST and Benipayo amid the attempts to block my account at cursed Wikipedia. At exactly 3 pm of Feb 22, 2008, as I pleased, the prophecy came to pass with utter vengence, slow and painful death: for those who tasted the Ifugao pinic-pican, P 250 killing me softly chicken, you will know how Benipayo will pass his last days, before Dec 21, 2012, I prophecy this amid the MAYAN writings on the wall. ---- On February 22, 2008, 3 p.m., Benipayo (Dean of the faculty of civil law at the University of Santo Tomas) collapsed and was hospitalized in Iloilo City's Saint Paul's Hospital (while lecturing before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines). ----- On August 7, 2010, Saturday, more than 400 families were displaced after an overnight fire razed at least 200 shanty houses in Malabon City.


Superintendent Arnel Logronio said the fire struck in Barangay Catmon at 11:15 p.m. Friday, reached the highest fire alarm before it was put out at 5:23 a.m. Saturday. The fire nearly reached the Office of the City Prosecutor inside Malabon City's Justice Hall, which also houses the regional trial court. Logronio said it took firefighters more than 6 hours to pacify the fire because the area was flooded and densely populated.103 July 21 Tuesday - 4-6 long gold bars After the July 20 1999-July 20, 2009 Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo preventive suspension, 10 years of suffering as JOBLESS judge due to pretend world, and after LUIS appeared to us on June 2 '83 amid the March 1, 1996 Covenant-Dalliance, LUIS showed me his gold. I saw his just scattered in his castle 4-6 long gold bars called Donasyon or Spanish Donacion or Donation. Robert said LUIS will give me the gold. I replied that LUIS gave me more than I dreamed of. I replied LUIS gave me more than I dreamed of the VIOLET lights. Despite my honesty, integrity and sincerity, no one in this forum would believe that I am a pure SKEPTIC-scientist who debunked psychic phenomena on 2007. I fully accepted St. Paul's teachings on spiritual gifts.104 But this forum is a favorite of the 3 dwarfs. July 16, July 20, 1999 - Longest preventive suspension in world judicial history (July 16, July 20, 1999 - April 7, 2006 - July 20, 1999) Overnight fire in Malabon leaves 400 families homeless; 08/07/2010 10:31 AM

104 st=1400&start=1400


On June 23 1992, I wrote the death prophecy of my aunt Teodora Lim Floro, murdered on Aug 5, 1993. She appeared to me in yellow dress on July 22 as I asked her to review my July 9 vision of just heaven, largest Cross & Our Lady of Lourdes. July 24 I healed arthritis & breast cancer-stricken women and I gave 6 chicken-pork adobo rice packs to 6 beggars. July 25 Gold Strawberry & 6 ancient gold utensils-pieces LUIS allowed me to touch his GOLD STRAWBERRY & 6 ancient gold utensils-pieces in his Kingdom, he said he will bestow upon me. Armand flashed his white-yellow brilliant lights 2 times as I laid down to sleep. My mother Milagros & cousin Ben Pilonggo (died Nov 7) appeared to me dressed in pink & blue shirt with long sleeves, respectively. I glided-levitate-flew up roof top of Calvario Meycauayan neighbor landed softly upon street near my house. While healing, a poor beggar with heart disease felt the extreme tolerable heat from my golden palms; she could not explain the great relief. July 28 She said the other poor lady jeepney caller afflicted with anemic disease I healed yesterday, was completely healed. While healing, a poor beggar with heart disease felt the extreme tolerable heat from my golden palms, she could not explain the great relief. July 29 Amid earth's July 22-3 longest solar eclipse, LUIS bilocated me to his tiny planet-Kingdom. His full moon was almost totally eclipsed by bluish-dark round body-star which at my right became big as earth & slowly went down. August 1 Saturday LUIS' as I began 3:18 a.m. 1999 10th

white-yellowish ultra-fast-bright light flashed to sleep 1:20 a.m. President Corazon Aquino's death marks the beginning of my post July 20 year anniversary LUIS' vendetta .......

The cleansing entire judiciary-government punishing all my enemies detractors nemesis & all those who denied me work. I endure my sufferings.105 August 4 Tuesday My briefcase with white suit (clothing) was placed in a thieves' car which sped away, as I applied for work, job & trabajo. LUIS' ulta-large space-ship descended before me with some human form dwarfs chasing to annihilate my enemies plus those who denied my work plea. LUIS began annihilation of their loved ones with one woman with grey hair crying begging mercy but LUIS is merciless and takes vengeance for me. LUIS showed his kitchen room full of imported foods as I took 1 chocolate mix. Aug 2, LUIS showed me a room full of sandwich buns ... with white cheese he would give to dwarf beggars. It is similar giving, like me, who, daily distribute 20 food packs to beggars at Malolos, Plaridel, Baliuag Bulacan. #13 Apparition: August 8, 2009 1st Saturday Jesus Christ Black Nazarene Ivory Images, St. Francis of Assisi In his Desert Kingdom, I rode LUIS' train breezing the tunnel room at my left full of Jesus Christ Black
Nazarene Ivory Images-lying in sepulcher with Red Dresses plus LUIS' patron St. Francis of Assisi with child Jesus ivory image. LUIS, Armand & Angel (1st time since June 2, 1983) appeared to me as 3 feet children so beautiful in regal dark cream altar crusader-knights of the Nazarene uniforms descending from carriage. Stout Armand seating, LUIS lighted 2 white small candles, 1 candles fire was blown by desert wind.

August 17, 2009, Monday LUIS: "I came here on your planet to give peace to all mankind!" LUIS' tan skinned gardener-farmer plants green olive branches in LUIS' kingdom. At my right is vast serene lush luxuriant green plantations rain forests totally-solely grown by LUIS' gardener.


LUIS' circular white-gray basin (palangana) UFO spaceship 2x bigger than Airbus A380 hovered sky above me descended pulsating soft lights forthwith upon tree/electric post. LUIS as 8 footer dark skinned human-alien walked astride glass window on ground floor, while I wept in ecstasy, telling me in English; "I came here on your planet to give, bestow and deliver peace to all mankind!" LUIS spaceship began cleaning the white painted ceilings of tall building. (10:25 a.m. before I woke up) August 18 Tuesday Washington DC, USA LUIS' bilocated-past-time traveled me-my spirit to old days Washington DC, USA. I entered dormitory with very long 220+ feet beds with old wool blankets for me and LUIS dwarf friends. My mother Milagros (deceased) used a bed-blanket. I walked the corridors to a clown selling kakanin/jello-like pudding with glazed colorful fruits as brown small Filipinos dwarfs and guy-robot-statue with very large humpty dumpty head emerged from theatre. Down I saw the sprinkling-cleaning of classic old carnival-circus horses for the park. August 19 Wednesday LUIS' green dog weds procreates with his beautiful cat on top of drawer, giving birth to about 5 little kittenspuppies who turned to LUIS' friends-relatives dwarf with cute clothes. A beautiful dwarf with violet-blue-maroon mixed shirt was in front of me. August 20 Thursday I traveled hopping towards LUIS' vast serene beautiful picturesque "England-England" as I was about to walkascending more than 400 stairs-steps to his grotto. August 21 Friday Before a 3 ft. grayish block fence I viewed the passing odd-shaped like metal & screw UFO.

Then, I peeped-gazed in front of the face, being awed terrified by the immense depth and mega-vast grey sky like heaven. August 21 Friday 9:10--9:55 pm My eye visions were continuously infused 45 minutes colorless rainbow prism ultra fine brilliant out of this world colors starting from 1/4 inch to 1 inch then the lights turn to lightning violet bright electric C almost half of my left eye visions. Dear Fr. Constancio Soldevilla Gan, Cel. # 0916-6035875 Dear Frs. RIVERE, LEONARDO, OABEL Marceliano Vincentian Hills Seminary, 1902 Angono, Rizal Tel: (2) 651-2734 Fax: (2) 651-3248 San Vicente de Paul Parish 959 San Marcelino Street, 1000 Ermita, Manila Tel: (2) 524-2022 local 119 Tel. /Fax: (2) 525-7853 August 21, 2009 Today, I am sharing with all of you who had been called and became priests, some of my important visions of the apparitions. Let me copy paste the most important ones and I had uploaded in acrobat the full 129 pages account and posted the same in Ateneo Forum. I am writing this letter to Father Gan, who, (in all my visions and since 1965-1969 at the Seminary and since 1999 until last year at Marian Center, and SVS Tandang Sora, where I approached him several times ... especially on November 5 2006, my birthday, when I predicted the death and car ICU accident of Sen. Rene AV Saguisag/Dulce Saguisag), is the most holy priest I ever met on par with Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J., the multiawarded Jesuit. I admitted to Fr. Gan that I am not worthy to have been bestowed all these gifts of bilocation,
mystic levitation, prophecy, healing, and the July 9 vision of heaven. I fervently prayed and asked this holy priest Fr. Gan to have the gift of discernment so that I can help heal the nation of its wounds amid the 3 dire secrets of Fatima.


August 23 Sunday Philippines Duende Judge Florentino Floro, "Ito ang Batas" (Rule of Law) Rated K, Aug 23, 2009, 7:45 7:45 p.m., Prime Time Bida. Its host is Ms. Korina Sanchez. Rated K is an ABS-CBN informative magazine-lifestyle show (NTSC (480i) airing Prime Time Sundays since May 30, 2004 w/ 280 episodes (as of Aug 23, 2009); Rated K - Aug 23 '09, Korina talks about the laws, rules & regulations we impose upon our own lives. Also shown on The Filipino Channel (TFC) [North America, Australia, Middle East, Asia Pacific & Europe] & REPLAYED on ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC at 3pm Wednesday Aug 26 & Saturday 4pm Aug 29 '09). Rated K maintained its lead in the primetime race on Sunday, Aug 16 '09 w/ 30.1% vs Mel & Joey (GMA-7) 17% based on overnight ratings of Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) among national households. A 30 seconds commercial in Rated K costs P 475,000 ($ 9,800). 106 August 24 Monday Yesterday I saw LUIS Kingdom's 6 coloful fried rice & fresh Lumpiang Sariwa spring roll (minced ubod heart of coconut palm wrapping of dark green lettuce leaf). Today I traveled to a mental health care room I levitated-flew up the ceiling & glided to the nearby floor viewed the nearby pond where a dwarf motorcycled submerged in water. August 26 Wednesday I had clearly seen the procession with the Black Nazarene dressed in usual red and white regal dress. Last night the electric post burst to flames after I get off Pulilan racing off tract online betting station. A military-like middleaged man rode with me in jeepey staring at me and at Chow King said: "San ka pupunta!" I felt the fear and rode off at BPI Plaridel he said: "Bakit ka bababa, ikaw ba yong sa political?" I said, are you betting at OTB Pulilan.


August 27 Thursday In LUIS' kindgom, a pregnant black dwarf jumped from the elevated very long bridge as if for suicide then floated Last night the electric post burst to flames after I get off Pulilan racing off tract online betting station. August 28 I was inside an underground space when some small and one medium snakes terrified me. Then submerged in deep waters while a white dwarf did swim towards her. LUIS regularly flashed yellow brown violet lights nightly at home. August 29 My father appeared putting off mosquitoes while I shouted terified when a man was about to barge our old house. August 30 Sunday Pre-dawn: I rode LUIS' motor-driven Karetela (horsecarriage w/ his 2 dwarf friends & driver) along a dark winding tunnel-road towards a horizon of mountain ranges decorated w/ continuous very long-thick lightviolet rope lights w/ the giant yellow. Waning Crescent Moon on my left standing on a yellow pedestal. LUIS showed me his 7 papayas (over-sized, 4 ft. long, fruit of Carica) while an old lady dwarf ate a rare pinkish red avocado (Persea americana, palta, aguacate, butter pear or alligator pear, in the flowering plant family Lauraceae). LUIS operated his theatre-movie showing in the morning sky screen a dancing just wed couples and I was awed by LUIS' amazing colorful-heavenly views images & horizon clearer than IMAX or LED Samsung. August 31 My deceased neighbor Edmund Tamayo (w/ deceased sister Teresita wearing violet, I just saw her sides) appeared/greeted me: "Santa Banana!" Appearing very stout w/ dirty white shirt offers me 3 lanzones (Lansium domesticum species of family Meliaceae). Beside are few ripe mangoes. This year LUIS bestowed me entrance into the plane/dimension of the dead thus my deceased relatives neighbors lined up appearing often to me amid the cruel-painful fact they could not appear to their loved one.

September 1 I saw a 3-4 medium sized snakes in water w/ 1 having wound bandaged (my damn cursed enemies, evil, so to speak). September 4 First Friday I glided-levitated-flew this powerful 1st Friday above the garden house of my uncle-aunt Vicente-Teodora Floro at Calvario Meycauayan Bulacan. September 6 I was preparing imported juice mix & chocolate cakes as I gave yellow juice to my deceased aunt Teodora Lim Floro who appeared to me before her Calvario Meycauayan Bulacan house gate (dressed in red and black blouse clothes). September 7 In my dream, LUIS' long ultra-thin thread-lightning gold-yellow-all-colors light floated inside my mosquito netbed, the 3 mystic dwarfs whispered high-pitch sounds to my ears - 3 monay (bread they ate for merienda).107 September 10 The other day, a 10-wheeler truck's front-wheel-axle exploded causing 4 vehicle smash-ups (12 persons seriously injured including an 8 year old boy's face almost obliterated). Yesterday I watched Under the Sea 3D (February 13, 2009) at SM Mall of Asia after my 4 hour healing-visit to Fr. Constancio S. Gan, C.M. September 19 Saturday Last night, 11pm, as I went home to Malolos, 2 young men's single motorcycle smashed hit the back of the jeepney that I was riding resulting to both guy's serious physical injuries if not death.



My deceased aunt Dativa Paragas-uncle Jose Geronimo Velasquez (aged tired face) appeared to me saying they'll see a movie. September 22, 2009 Since June 2 1983, LUIS, Armand & Angel 1st showed to me spectacular flashes of lights from their bonitos (hats), in 3 inches circles, revealing they continuously played running in circles beside Robert before sleeping all nights, daily without fail since 1983. They would rest and transfer before me playing, flashing their lights as I watch TV. Since July 20, 1999, LUIS rewarded me with my very 1st case. I was paid $ 450 consultancy fees by Elena B. Jose on case/lot. The case failed since AsianLand and a very corrupt Register of Deeds of Bulacan office employee, CURSED Mayette de Leon who enriched herself via graft, blocked me and my client. She will die in pain. Judge Floro also cursed her only daughter. September 24 1:00 a.m. LUIS flashed his brilliant speed-bluish-violet lights with my eyes closed before I slept. LUIS showed me his garden, like-a gigantic-towering most beautiful live movie screen-like garden showing live, actual moving flowers and heavenly object, animals, etc. September 27 I traveled to LUIS' "Enchanted": I was awed by the SERENE and extremely beautiful sculptured-stairs-gray hill beneath greens and other dark green hills, mountains. LUIS also introduced to me his old (white-gray hair) uncle in a steep dark mountain. I gave 1 (of 20 Ligo tomato sauce sardines rice) food pack to a beggar who was eating left overs from a stinking garbage. A man driving a single motorcycle had just met dire accident before I passed at Baliuag Bulacan.108



September 28 As I predicted on August 4 2006, cursing Justice Minita Chico-Nazario's house, I went to my aide Jose Noel P. Torralba, to jump 5 times rejoicing the death of Rod Nazario on September 24, 2009. September 30 10:00 p.m. A teen boy's (who hitched/rode jeepney) head oozed blood after another teen threw stones (on his head) bouncing on top of the roof above my very head. Banned for Life eforum graciously bestowed upon me a new home with 2 sections If you are new here...Tell us how you found the Judge. October 3 I dived 7 feet down LUIS' bluish swimming pool. Surprisingly, I could breathe in the waters. 2 crustaceans, one devouring 2 smaller crabs: LUIS is the predator of my enemies, persecutors & detractors. October 9 I received Sept 28 09 "Withdrawal of Motion" in Supreme Court Administrative Case No. 6282 signed by SC Justice Roberto Abad violet thumb marked by respondent Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo who could not sign due to massive stroke since Feb 21, 2008. October 11 12:12 a.m. LUIS flashed his bluish white light, showing me a white or gray horse with tinge of brown. October 12 I saw a small snake in mud then another small and a very large black and white snake staring at me (upon a fence). #13 Apparition: October 13 I was in a big green Church with picture-icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at left of the altar amid 2 tall white foreigners. Our Lady of Perpetual Help (or of Succour) or Our Mother of Perpetual Help is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, associated with a Byzantine icon of the same name,
said to be 13th or 14th century, but perhaps 15th century. The icon has been in Rome since at least the late 15th century.


Our Lady of Fatima last appeared to the 3 children on October 13, 1917109 October 15 As I saw the numbers 11/2 12 midnight, LUIS and Armand were removing things from the ground uncovering a cemented block (supposedly containing their treasures) while Angel watches-guards it, in their Kingdom. October 16 I saw a big plane having taken-off ascending gradually to the skies, so vivid-real; I flew a small plane, parked it, opened my wallet with yellow-golden moneys to pay parking fees delayed faced the owner of the house. #14 Apparition: October 17 Amid slight rain drizzle I stood in awe on steep mountain 12 feet below me is the Holy Eucharist Monstrance with Sacred Host beside offered 3 Philippine green oranges. October 20 A rare colored small horse in race track. I saw LUIS' biggest swimming pool with brown-white tiles; some pig's head-meat for dinner at pool. 7 pm I met John Martin Igaya, age 4, at Edison Igaya's famous LTB San Rafael Bulacan. John could see LUIS, Armand and Angel, their bluish violet brown red yellow white lights and lights upon my head and palms. October 24 1:25 am LUIS flashed his fastest bluish white light; at 11 am, I heard his high pitch sounds. October 29 I walked out of the cursed 1980-1989 Ateneo Law School classroom, shaking dusts off my feet ("pinagpag ko mga paa ko"). LUIS appeared in a church-tribunal to don the violet robes-chasubles to judge one of 10 coffins of my enemies-SC Justices.


Construction worker-beggar Jimmy (blind for a year) saw moving shadows & felt heat from my healing palms. After 5 minutes healing blind Jimmy (at Lugam Malolos City Bulacan Philippines) saw the bright rays of the sun (formerly he only see white). November 1 All Saint's Day. Before break of dawn, levitating in midair I viewed LUIS crowded dwarf city in his Kingdom. My deceased mother +Milagros prepared for me brown-colored drink while deceased Dr. +Teodoro Bordador smokes cigarette inside our classroom. November 2 The toilet bowl is full of round feces. Bunch of horses racing at the far turn, 9 won 7 second. I healed 5 patients afflicted with pinched nerves, heart ailment, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, frozen shoulder (Texas, USA, vacationing here at Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan). November 3 My dream - I could hardly remove bunch of feces with toilet paper off my buttock with small feces upon toilet flush. I healed a stage 4 cancer of the lungs patient from Balut Tondo Philippines with my coconut healing oil and extreme hand heat. November 5 My neighbor Jojo Pilongo's house stopped burning when I saw dark sea waves. In LUIS' "Enchanted," I saw his racing arena. As birthday gift, LUIS gave me his priceless giant brown-red dazzling quarter horse "Pansy" which was so eager to see me. November 6 Last night (10:00 pm) a dump truck crashed the face causing the brains of a man in motorcycle to scatter in front of me at Alido Malolos gates 1/2 hour before I went home amid another accident 1 hour ago. November 7 With back rider, 1966 St. Vincent's Seminary Rector Fr Modesto Lopez C.M., I was biking. I had an envelope full of money for bank deposit.

November 9 I gave the public phone to a young Catholic priest with roman collar-Chasuble wearing a platinum cross upon his neck. November 10 I saw a being eating-munching the brains-bones of a head, then it turned to skeletons. Yesterday, my brother Robert told me that my brother Jesie advised me to stop dwende-dwende. Jesie offered me to take psychosis medicines. Jesie said he was champion in San Juan Coliseum 4-stag derby November 4 against my curse upon his family-loved ones-Bulacan game fowl farm. However, Jesie texted Robert that the former lost 2 stags. November 11 I was awed by grandeur-beauty of LUIS' rooms with all-VIOLET furniture ceilings and surroundings with high tech cameras. A dwarf actress and I carried a big rubber doll beside the room of counterpart dwarf SC Justice Arturo Brion who reads the Rollo. Robert told me that the dwarf in LUIS room is King Ben, LUIS father. November 12 In LUIS' "Enchanted" kingdom, I rode L'amour his alert-gorgeous bay horse. Amid my curse, Robert told me that my sister-in-law Jesie Floro's wife Dr Cynthia SinsonFloro's mother Estela Sinson was rushed to UST hospital due to emergency high blood pressure last Sunday. November 13 Friday Last night at Pulilan Bulacan, I witnessed unexplained 2 consecutive jeepneys 20 meters off right-left bursting-smoke mechanically off amid my palms turning deep golden colors emitting extreme heat. A teen girl was hit-and-run by a passenger jeep while I passed Makinabang Baliuag Bulacan Philippines 6 pm. In a long journey, I traveled to St. Vincent's Seminary. Fr. Rector Benjamin
Ortazon C.M.+ calls #6 in the refectory full of seminarians. I walked by pasillo-study room building w/ offices ground floor gazing at basketball court. I traveled next to Vincentian Hills Seminary. 367

November 19 My deceased father Florentino, Sr. was driving our 1947 Chevrolet blue-green car bumping the sides of a fence. Scared due to fear of heights, I was lying down the super tall building's terrace overlooking panoramic view down below LUIS' kingdom. A dwarf used a bright yellow ribbon tying my neck, for me to descend instantly by sheer magic bringing me to the lowest stair easing my fear. November 21 I saw 2 long thin snakes 2 feet my feet. November 22 While walking by his "Enchanted" kingdom, LUIS with a dwarf friend, pinched-pressed my left penultimate finger injecting massive healing-annihilating powers for the poor but against my litany of enemies. November 23 I saw the connected magic hands-arms of LUIS up the ceiling. #15 Apparition: November 24 Amid my November 5 birthday celebrated today in "Enchanted" kingdom, a small platinum-silver-titanium Holy Mass chalice is instantly-magically in ecstasy held by my hands as pure luck to offer. November 28 LUIS introduced me his very young dwarf friend "Emer" who has 3 eyes with amazing castles in the head. November 30 I bought 5 big live fishes, fried them with oil in my magic handkerchief. Thereafter, I saw many feces in toilet bowl, flushed them and a pink fish appears. December 2 I was awakened when LUIS jerked-touched my feet. December 3 In LUIS' "Enchanted" Airport Flying School, I was awed by his amazing fleet of private planes the shining blue plane and the tall silver plane sign.

December 5 Midnight: LUIS bestowed his brightest exploded reddish white light upon me as gift-power. A dwarf guided me at my back to dig with my right hand the soil. December 6 My mother Milagros+ bought 1 of 5 smallest, most expensive bird in the world, "Maya" and one pet dog from LUIS kingdom. December 7 I circled the Church praying the Rosary. I saw the most serene vast very low tide ocean several soil visible. At my left 250 feet below are blue waters of hotel's swimming pool. December 9 LUIS, Armand & Angel repeatedly did play "Ikot-ikot" circles-run on my head-hair as I felt the magnetic itchy pulling while I woke up. This touching happened almost daily since 1992. December 11 LUIS gave me a SUERTE - pure luck - I was holding 2 pure gold metals, 200 gms. Each; one is very soft due to purity. I wore a ring with a non-precious gem as my deceased father Florentino, Sr. said, it is not diamond. December 13 When I woke up, with closed eyes, LUIS showed me for -1 minute, his glimmering-fiery-yellowish-no-size-nospace-timeless-no-matter-pure-light rocket-space-UFO ship. I advised a future priest to be humble and good at St. Vincent's Seminary. Minutes before midnight, meters before Lugam, Malolos, Bulacan intersection, a young man inside a tricycle was seriously injured when a single motorcycle crashed unto the tricycle minutes before I passed. December 15 My deceased mother and father MilagrosFlorentino, Sr. appeared to me.

December 16 2 females re-discounted my 6,000 check with 3,000 cash + 4 pink-red-brown small Japanese moneys as I sattraveled beside my deceased father, Florentino, Sr. up the mountain. In darkness, I rode LUIS' tame horse with the reins disappearing yet it gently stopped. In LUIS' green "Enchanted" kingdom, I saw his edible and non-edible mushrooms, the latter in the shells, both of which he uses to play. A small dwarf climbed the tree to gather fruits and mushrooms. #16 Apparition: December 21 10:40 pm minutes before I arrived home at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan gate, 2 motorcycles collided seriously injuring riders, at the same 2 spots where I rode jeepneys daily. This is the 2009 7th accident which waited minutes before I went home as Angel of Death. I witnessed the 2nd male anguishing in pain while his 3 children were crying. I saw an estero or muddy water canal. I shouted 2 times when 3 and 1 men tried to enter our Calvario house. White lights flashed before I slept. 7 a.m. LUIS, Armand and Angel whistled high pitch sounds to my left then right ear, then, bombardment of sounds repeat for a minute. In Jerusalem, "The Holy Family" appeared to me at the altar where the Mass chalice with wines smoke-steam. I was awed by LUIS' amazing multi-colored hightech super planes with robots and dwarves at his small airport. December 24 I was 1 inch levitated near Duhat tree, Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan where LUIS, Armand and Angel appeared to Robert Floro on June 2, 1983, the 3 dwarves on
top of my head. I exclaimed: I am shielded! no weapon or bullet can injure my immortality! My father's 1949 green Chevrolet suffered front left flat tire amid my asthma attack as I was counting 2 bundles of moneys.

370 dusa_Snare_Adam_John_Miller.shtml The Medusa Snare: Adam John Miller: Adam released 3 records under his own name: The Swedish Decapitation Scene (2005), Florentino Floro (2006) and The Dolphin Hotel (2007). December 25 Before break of dawn, LUIS flashed his brilliant lights since he has found joy in me. December 27 Mid-awake I heard LUIS' bombardment of sounds including high pitch ones. December 29 Early morning, awake, I was almost blinded by most brilliant yellow lights twice, hence I opened my eyes. Moments later, LUIS drove me in his obelisk shaped UFOspace-rocket ship hearing his voice (alien-sounds which could not be intercepted by NASA) while I viewed vast bright not dark ocean in a wink of an eye. Then, I viewed the immense blue universe sky, so bright amid the superlative-super fast/er than light speed of the UFO, horizontally, then it ascended vertically almost hitting the wires and metals but so smooth. I then clung to the metals as the UFO disappeared and I saw many stairs and I levitated down LUIS' "Enchanted, United Kingdom" just to see many dwarves. I then saw my mother Milagros+ serving me mongo or mung beans soup. LUIS brought me to the cute old house of his dwarf friend, where Angel served me two 1 1/2 inches roastedfried dwarf chicken and like-a-horse dish; and I levitated, flew so high amid the darkest nights without anything I could see, hence I went down. December 30 10:00 pm At BPI crossing Malolos, I saw media and SOCO investigating the carnapping-shootout involving 4 vehicles, an hour ago, a man shot dead. Two vehicles collided.

2010 January 1 2010 I saw a mare giving birth, asking for veterinary help. January 3 In LUIS' darkest night, I saw his majestic white horse marching down the wooden steps amid sparkling deepest blue sea. January 4 2 big beings got, abducted me; I began my long escape running jumping in many beautiful places. January 5 Awake already but eyes closed 9:00 a.m., I clearly saw blocks with a red X-men warrior displaying his agility, fighting techniques. Riding a vehicle at super highway, another car would hit us, as I stepped down at a curve. I descended long stairs, rode a yellow jeep to Contreras but I was about to go to cursed Ateneo Law School, in LUIS' "Enchanted" kingdom. #17 Apparition: January 7 I, Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. greet LUIS, the happiest birthday. In his kingdom's San Lazaro race track horses were ready to run the big race. In the dark, I saw 2 eyes of holy image of Virgin Mary with the right showing pinkish-yellow-brown eye lids and brows emitting mystic lights and I hurriedly raised my palms to get the lights as I exclaimed in ecstasy: "Hesus, Hesus, Hesus!" Armand had shown me his glowing brown irregular square bonito, dwarf hat prefatory to his January 31 birthday. Deceased Poor Claire nuns asked me to send a note to my aunt Sor Martha del Sagrario Floro+ but I already did.


January 8 In LUIS' birthday celebration, I saw a beautiful Osaka, Japan Queen dwarf presented on stage as I stare 1 foot off the face of an alien-like female dwarf. #18 Apparition: January 9 I saw a black and white silhouette of the Virgin Mary's image-face. January 9 is the Feast of the Holy Nazarene of Quaipo, Manila. January 11 I made a giant leap from LUIS' road up to have climbed-levitated vertically his hill. January 13 I traveled to LUIS' Baguio, Majayjay, Laguna, was standing on road-mountain as a "TAYAIN" jeepney passed by. Descending school stairs with young females, a most beautiful teen dwarf squeezed near me as I levitated softly down the bottom of the stair. January 14 Last night, 9:30 p.m., a "Karatig" jeep smashed, seriously injured a man riding single motorcycle, at Capitolyo, Malolos City Highway. This happened half hour before I passed the scene of the crime. January 15 Back in time, I had been present again at St. Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan, Valenzuela, Bulacan. January 18 Again, back in time, for hours, I was in the study hall & basketball field of St. Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan, Valenzuela. January 19 9:00 a.m. awake but with eyes closed, I used LUIS' "lente" and "salamin" (magic eyeglass), to consolidate his 7th plane Kingdom with our earth's low plane-dimension.

Riding LUIS' car, I did tour-view his many greenyellow ways to many very clean rooms. I gazed at 3-4 yellow robotic street fighters X-men playing games with other dwarves. My mother Milagros+ was frying for me thigh and leg part of a chicken. January 21 I did travel-passed by LUIS' kingdom - a not so good restaurant and finally a good one with lengua and good foods. January 24-25 Robert and Joselito Floro informed me of the Malhacan, Meycauayan, Bulacan NLEX November 2009 tragic accident of Michael David, son of Necemio David. A truck hit a jeep which smashed a tricycle and Michael David including 2 others while they were about to ride the vehicle. January 28 1:50 a.m. very bright VIOLET flash; I met my aunt Teodora Lim Floro+ as we discussed near school children; Very high up in the skies, I saw LUIS' 2 spaceships interconnecting, descended and connected with tall mother white rocket ship-UFO. It glided nearly touched me; my brother Benny bathed in the river. The sun turned silhoutte black eclipsed rising up and down; in fear, I kissed my rosary; a truck was thown near fence beside me; due to the eclipsed blackened sun, a "Balagtas" big market and nearby buildings were burning; My mother Milagros+ told me to drive our 1949 Chevrolet car, as it was pushed to start, and I drove on and back since the fire would not reach us. February 6, 2010 I saw the key to my room thrown to water; a big white-black snake crawls from my room out but does not bite. I met my cousin Ruben+ and his father Benito Pilongo+ who drove me so fast the road. February 8 My deceased mother Milagros showed me a picture
of herself and she was wearing a cream Barong Tagalog; we were standing at the 3rd floor of Adamson University many years ago.


Febuary 12 LUIS' dwarf friend said I can ride the 4-5 dwarf horses with expensive saddles along the main road entrance to LUIS' still to be finished-for-me riding arena. February 15 A dazzling white-gold-silver sleigh ride and horse passed before me. LUIS 5-6 tube-pointed multi-colored planes breezed beside me amid 1 open square plane with smiling dwarf friend of LUIS, who greeted me. February 16 Amid a brown anthill-like background, LUIS' 2
Avatar-like-colored faces with 2 very long bugs bunny not pointed-like ears alien enemies are ready to fight LUIS' bonito lights in a PlayStation 2-like war game. I closed the door due to fear.

February 19 LUIS' all-yellow (all fans of NoyNoy Aquino for President) dozens of dwarves were ready with me to go to their Fiesta.
Elias Zaldua & Norbert Genova [(054)-511-8311, Camambugan, Libmanan, Camarines Sur, Bicol] telephoned/SMS me asking advice on the horrible mysterious bacteria disease death of the latter's 3 year old Kaira Mae this 1 am; she allegedly killed a black dwarf living in front of their house per a magtaTAWAS
(quack doctor-herbolaryo) findings. Her body has not yet (as of this 3 pm) set rigor mortis. They will offer food/ask pardon from black dwarves amid LUIS promise to fight these blacks.

February 20 LUIS gave me his blue-green "parrot" bird (with

strings to tame it) which was fed sugar and food by my mother Milagros+ At our Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan house, I saw 2 dwarf beggars (a blue dress big dwarf and a dwarf with just a big head, no body).

February 21
My mother Milagros+ prepared food for me as I traveled to the most serene, misty "China" province of LUIS' "Enchanted" Kingdom where dwarves began building something with 2-3 roads. 375

LUIS' giant bay horse "Pansy" played with me; first, he was about to bite me and then stretched his back hoof-foot as if to kick me and he pushed me to a wall. LUIS said that his horse is pure luck for me. February 22 "You should wear formal attire in my lecture-class," a Vincentian priest advised me, who wore 1998 black Giordano shirt and blue pants. "Priests should practice poverty," I replied. Forthwith, LUIS bestowed upon my left finger a rarest gold ring with 5 karat white not colorless diamond, "pure luck." February 23 On top of LUIS' steep mountain, I levitated-flew-glided smoothly floating slowly down waving at his extremely wealthy dwarf friends wearing colorful clothes. After descent, I saw an old female dwarf as I would ride an old jeep for Malolos. I viewed the 2nd floor (dormitory with new re-furbished) beds, and ground floor refectory of St. Vincent's Seminary, Valenzuela, Bulacan. March 1 LUIS made me travel using his jet ski over his waters and his magic carpet with controller as I glided down his farm fields. 7:55 pm I passed upon a male red motorcycle accident victim barely alive at Tarcan, Baliuag, Bulacan. March 2 LUIS lifted-levitated me off my bed towards some meters high in his Kingdom as my mother Milagros+ confirmed it was not a dream. March 6 My mother Milagros+ rose from her bed and embraced me tightly as my father Florentino, Sr. + wore blue long sleeves shirt. March 11 White lights of dwarf Angel flashed before I slept.


My mother Milagros+ and deceased Dr. Teodoro Bordador (April 14, birthday) appeared to me. #19 Apparition: March 14 Before 4 a.m., dwarf Angel flashed a yellowish-red light. In vision, I saw Msgr. Felix C. Sicat+ and Jockey Juaning Macaraig; With eyes closed a.m., I saw a fast black and white silhouette of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with her rays and a yellow light figure. March 15 I time-traveled to near Boac, Marinduque. A high tech PUJ jeepney red and white zoomed fast and I had to take the next ride to Boac. March 17 I levitated-flew-glided very low both at my Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan home and LUIS' "Enchanted" kingdom before some dwarves audience. 7:45 a.m. Dwarf Angel flashed a bright yellowlightning at my right eye. March 19 Pure Luck: "Why did you just place these precious jewels, gold and silver coins there ... down the cabinet?" I told Robert Floro in the "Enchanted" Kingdom of LUIS. March 22 I gazed at a cauldron and cooked-fried leg-thigh part of chicken. March 25 "Kayamanan" (treasure) won the 1st race amid carry-over; I showed a xerox of a lot to Teodora Lim Floro+. March 27 SUERTE: After sunset amid darkness and serenity, I softly glided-flew down the 1st brown soil mountain of the 2nd deepest where a white dwarf gazed at me.

LUIS' tall stunning bay horse "Pansy" has humanlike shiny shoes. LUIS' titanium-silver odd-shaped rocket-space ship flew off my face as he bestowed me a fire (part of the UFO) which I held without pain. LUIS gave me 3 coins amid or with extra-terrestrial language - 2 red and one silver-titanium; LUIS said he gifted me with pure luck. April 5 I would give 2 crispy fried pork skin-fat (bagnet) to my deceased mother Milagros. April 13 In LUIS' "Enchanted" Kingdom, I drove a giant dump truck back, then forward against a black dwarf dressed in blue. April 18 11:30 pm LUIS flashed several violet lights for 30 minutes+ on the wall while I watched TV. April 21 A tall foreigner rode in a jeep with deceased Teresita Tamayo+. I faced her dressed in most elegant cream dress with expensive shades. Ascending the mansion stairs, I asked: "Do you know your name?" 2 Angels warned me against talking to her saying "Do you want us to bring you to 'emergency'?" 4:40 pm A banks armored van drove recklessly in front of our jeep. April 25 In LUIS' "Enchanted" Kingdom near Osaka, Japan, I was awed when I entered a room with several very very old
white dwarves spouses lying in beds (like a hospital nursery) with only their faces not covered with cloth. 6 pm I passed by a dead on arrival man at the OLM hospital, Pulilan, Bulacan.

April 27 A big and small frog awakened me amid LUIS' violet flash.

I traveled to LUIS' Pampanga village where almost all roads were blocked except one which was to be opened by a giant grader or back hoe. LUIS, then appeared to me offering me a green skin white. May 1, 2010 Galactic-game wars LUIS showed me hundreds of different kinds of UFOs. Rocket-space ships, planes, thousand times more magnificent than Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the Titans. A female black dwarf-Et said Do you know this (green thing) kind of soup; I forthwith grabbed her leg and banged her head as she dropped; I gazed at the biggest yellow moon that moved inches off where I stand, it fell and returned to collide with the planet Jupiter where I was standing at, unhurt; At LUIS Kingdom at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, great chestnut horse surprised me; I walked at the soft basketball ground w/ grass as I entered LUIS newly built mini-swimming pool-bath. May 5 From a very very high mountain, I flew-glided slowly down the beautiful plane in LUIS' Enchanted Kingdom. I was awakened before dawn as I was caressed in my left forearm by LUIS. May 15 I saw a white or grey horse. May 17 Galactic wars: Jupiter revolves on its axis from new moon to full bright slowly descending as 2 Galaxians planets collided fell like bread hosts; Inside LUIS' revolving flying saucer, I viewed the dark greenish universe; Then, it stopped by LUIS' big Church as I saw the inside thereof; and a small brown wood did spin floating mid-air towards me but the door warded it off not hitting me as I tried to step inside the church but I was afraid and backed off.

I saw the bright morning and peeped seeing the funeral coach of a dead Robot defeated by LUIS. #20 Apparition: May 20 I saw a big crab. Repeatedly, I was in the state of ecstasy and communion with Mary and The Almighty. May 22 2:13 a.m. LUIS flashed a most brilliant white light as I began to sleep. May 31 Inside LUIS space ship which passed by an unnamed planet, I was awed by the gigantic red bricks building; at the other window of the ship I gazed at the heavens magnificent clouds. June 9 I traveled in another planets city standing by a serene street and walked amazed by a magnificent steellike dark ages building with great balustrade. June 10 Up upon a bridge, I viewed the most colorful clear and vibrant corrals. June 11 I saw a young game fowl and newly hatched golden chicks, a very big brood cock, another gigantic brood cock mating a hen, and flying pens. June 16 I flew low one afternoon, then levitatet so high past the dark fields at night. I saw the vision of St. Vincent's Seminary. #21 Apparition: June 17 In a distant dark and serene place, less than one foot live image of Our Lady of Fatima appeared to me; I held her hands and she embraced me: Do you know that I love you very much! I said in ecstasy.

June 18 12:30 a.m. Simultaneous with a bursting sound, LUIS flashed his brilliant white-greenish-bluish light. June 20 I saw a vision of 5 fresh green young coconut fruits. June 26 I peeped into a square hole and I saw the serene green planes/ground below. July 1 I saw fresh grass but the horse stable backyard of my
Calvario Meycauayan Bulacan home was deeply flooded; A dwarf chestnut horse stood by, while deep down the waters is my Pansy horse being awakened by another; I travel to LUIS Kalawakan Kingdom a student runs fast walking over the river to sea; I walked by most serene, cleanest white roads where left and right are magnificent blue waters sea.

#22 Apparition: July 6, 2010 7 a.m. I saw a white or grey horse among others, racing. In a vision-apparition, I saw a priest at whose white cossack was imprinted the image of Mary. The priest gave me 2 parts of the white cloth. I put one part in my right eye and forthwith I saw lights. Then, I saw in the cloth the light image of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary or Miraculous Medal, I in deep ecstasy. July 7
for the 1st time in my life the gift of LUIS theater. I clearly viewed LUIS' Technicolor "Titans" cartoons, less than a minute.

Awake this morning but still in bed, I was bestowed

July 9 LUIS allowed me to travel to my different green Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan home, where I glided, flew and levitated 1 foot to 5 feet off the ground; and as I passed by a white woman, I hit her third eye with my right hand index finger but she did not move.

July 11 3:00 a.m. After I urinated and then went back to bed LUIS flashed his Violet lights at center of my bed proving that he, Angel and Armand perpetually sleep with me by playing "Ikot-ikot" and "takbo-takbo" (encircling, running) beside my chest. I also saw the Calvario, Meycauayan Bulacan my home backyard horse stable where the hidden treasure is beside the many feces... July 19 I levitated and glided low, with some difficulty, as I flew above the heads of some nuns. July 21 I entered a stable, seeing many queer, weird and rare cow-like animals with some bloods that would be slaughtered. A very pretty white snake is staring at me. July 23 As I passed by the Malolos City market, a teen high school was seriously injured near me, by a single motorcycle. July 27 Riding LUIS' spaceship, I viewed the biggest blue earth planet diving so near to have touched the tips of USA's buildings so swift and timeless, space-less, in state trance via LUIS' bonito's violet lights; I landed at
Cleveland, Ohio, in another old-fashioned time, awed by 4 American bakery workers unloading flour; I gazed at nearby cars and buildings, wondering what year and time was I was.

July 27 LUIS told me that the spaceship I rode (in visiting the past Cleveland, Ohio) was a helicopter, driven by his duende friend. July 28 LUIS showed me a giant bay horse that jumped excitedly showing his 4 new shoes ready to race.

LUIS used his magic bonito or dwarf hat to open for my 2 eyes a movie of 5 horses racing. LUIS also empowered me with colorless prismatic fires off and on from my 2 eyes, 3 pm. My deceased mother Milagros appeared to me in our Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan terrace, giving P 500 donation to a group with relatives. August 5 LUIS for the first time since 1983 flashed his glimmering Violet light rays with my eyes closed, giving me pure luck. August 6 My horse got loose out of my house but I got him
and led him into our house-stable; he was so thirsty drinking in a pale of water. 6 a.m. I shouted and cursed my enemy.

August 8 Beside a white dwarf aboard our 1959 Chevrolet driving at "Meycauayan" and distracted, I bumped another car but it was not damaged August 9 2:07 am I shouted "Hoy" to 3 creatures, and Robert did wake me up. August 10 LUIS, Armand and Angel are riding their big and tall ship near the bay sunny day; it started and emitted blue lights and sailed fast. August 11 Before I woke up to go to Batong Dalig, Kawit, Cavite, I saw LUIS' buses with yellow lights. August 12 I lay frustrated on the ground when a 7 seconds eartquake began.

August 13 Friday My mother Milagros+ appeared to me weeping in bed due to death of ... Awake this morning with eyes closed, I discovered that when my eyes look at left the yellow lentes or salamin (lens of LUIS) are permanently implanted to emit mystic fires against evil, my enemies and SC Justices; in the afternoon, my eyes emitted prismatic colorless glowing and glimmering fires. August 16 My deceased uncle Jose Velasquez+, wearing shades, waved to me, as I beeped several times, driving a blue-black Mercury car along a very very wide highway with some waters. His birthday is October 23. August 17 11:20 p.m. With closed eyes as I begin to sleep, a white-violet light flashed. An hour before, while watching TV, a violet light flashed beside a big frog near my bed. August 19 My deceased aunt Monica+ "Moneng" and uncle

Vicente Geronimo "Teng" Velasquez+ with very red eyes appeared to me who am so angry at my cursed cousin Fatima Velasquez who was financially educated, nursing, with my/our family's moneys.

August 22 Before dawn, awake, I closed my eyes, and a yellow

light exploded in my right eye forming a yellow skull power, that LUIS bestowed upon me. Since 2006, my right eye grades was diagnosed to have changed to zero, absolutely clear, while my left eye grade is 50 with 25 astigmatism, from 175/125 in 1992, from 175/125 in 1992, from 325/275, 1966-1992, a world record, so to speak. 9:30 pm A young man was in pain sitting after his single motorcycle crashed with a car.

August 31 My horse won breezing past race horses; 1 of 2 young game fowls laid a 1st egg as I distribute calcium in their pens.


September 1 After a sea cruise, at the pier, I gazed at LUIS' giant, majestic 2nd ship which breezed so fast off. September 3 I mounted a giant riding horse with saddle. I successfully healed a massive stroke old man-beggar whom I gave food daily. September 4 Marilyn Mamaril saw the brightest reddish Black Nazarene rays ("Bukangliwayway" - break of dawn sun colors) from my palms as I healed her of low blood illness. 10 meters from the 1998 Kalayaan Tree (Malolos City Cathedral, Bulacan, Philippines) Romeo (Rommel "Boni") Javier Tayao (a beggar I do give food daily, who works for free at the Malolos Cathedral) saw the same brightest red lights and the Black Nazarene with crown of thorns clad in red dress at my right palm. September 5 I gazed at a priest (about to say Mass at LUIS Enchanted Kingdom); I entered the Church in ecstasy, clad in both golden Church dress with cape or cloak. September 7 Romeo (Rommel "Boni") Javier Tayao saw a) the Black Nazarene clad in red dress with crown of thorns carrying His cross in my right palm with brilliant white lights; b) the Black Nazarene clad in red dress with crown of thorns and cross (with gold metals) upon my right shoulder with brilliant white lights; c) one male and 2 female white dwarves, and 2 male and 1 female white dwarves, all clad in white clothes, wearing white bonitos, all playing ikot-ikot, takbo-takbo inside my 2 eyes, respectively; d) 3 golden crowns of rays (like that of the Christ's) surrounded by 8 white dwarves all clad in white bonitos and dresses, all playing ikot-ikot, takbo-takbo, upon my head-crown;


e) the most brilliant rays of the prism or rainbow glowing like sea waves circling my third eye and above my 2 violet eyelids; and Tayao - heard my voice changed to that of the Black Nazarene. Their companion I healed on September 4 completely recovered from half body paralysis due to massive stroke. September 8 9:30 a.m. Birthday of Virgin Mary, along Batong Dalig, Kawit, Cavite national road, eyes closed, I saw the most brilliant bluish lights. LUIS, Armand and Angel did not accompany me at Kawit, Cavite, but left with me the Violet Bonito which caused the multiple flashes of Violet lights which the alleged healer at Batong Dalig failed to see. 10:13 In ecstasy, 2 tears fell from my eyes as the "Ave Maria" was sung repeatedly on TV. September 12 Merlie Marie Casero, 44, of Bagbag, Calumpit, Bulacan, wife of key duplicator service man, saw the most brilliant red lights emanating from a human shadow at the center of my 2 palms while I heal her of high blood illness at Malolos Cathedral, Bulacan. 9:30 pm. My brother Robert saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus, dressed in white and red, in my left palm, with brilliant white lights. September 13 At the Karuhatan, Valenzuela gate of St. Vincent's Seminary, a red car drove-in while I stood beside a very tall blue-white single motorcycle, which I decided I would ride instead. #23 Apparition: December 21, 2010 10:40 pm - minutes before I arrived home at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan gate, 2 motorcycles collided seriously injuring riders, at the same 2 spots where I rode jeepneys daily. This is the 2009 7th accident which waited minutes before I went home as Angel of Death. I witnessed the 2nd male anguishing in pain while his 3 children were crying.


I saw an estero or muddy water canal. I shouted 2 times when 3 and 1 men tried to enter our Calvario house. White lights flashed before I slept. 7 a.m. LUIS, Armand and Angel whistled high pitch sounds to my left then right ear, then, bombardment of sounds repeat for a minute. In Jerusalem, "The Holy Family" appeared to me at the altar where the Mass chalice with wines smoke-steam. I was awed by LUIS' amazing multi-colored high-tech super planes with robots and dwarves at his small airport. *December 21 is the feast of Thomas the Apostle, also called Doubting Thomas or Didymus (meaning "Twin") was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He is best known for
disbelieving Jesus' resurrection when first told of it, then proclaiming "My Lord and my God" on seeing Jesus in John 20:28. He was perhaps the only Apostle who went outside the Roman Empire to preach the Gospel. He is also believed to have crossed the largest area, which includes the Parthian Empire and India.

December 21 is the feast of Saint Petrus Canisius (8 May 1521 21 December 1597) was an important Jesuit who fought against the spread of Protestantism in Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, (Czech Republic), and Switzerland. The restoration of the Catholic Church in
Germany after the Reformation is attributed to his work. The O Antiphons are Magnificat antiphons used at Vespers of the last seven days of Advent in various liturgical Christian traditions.

Each antiphon is a name of Christ, one of his attributes mentioned in Scripture. They are: * December 17: O Sapientia (O Wisdom) * December 18: O Adonai (O Lord) * December 19: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse) * December 20: O Clavis David (O Key of David) * December 21: O Oriens (O Dayspring) * December 22: O Rex Gentium (O King of the nations) * December 23: O Emmanuel (O God is with Us)


#24 Apparition: 23 September 18 7:00 a.m. Just awake, eyes closed, I see the alternating Holy Face (and of the Black Nazarene, in heavenly brilliant white-yellow lights amid darkness). * September 18 is the feast of - Constantius (Theban Legion) * Eustorgius I * Joseph of Cupertino * Methodius of Olympus * Richardis * September 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Saint Joseph of Cupertino (Italian: San Giuseppe da Copertino) (June 17, 1603 September 18, 1663) is an Italian saint. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping. In turn, he is recognized as the patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicap, test takers, and weak students. He was canonized in the year 1767. #25 Apparition: December 6 Before dawn, awake, with eyes closed, a hazy, blurred black and white, silhoute of the Holy Cross appeared to me. *December 6 is Saint Nicholas Day, where St. Nicholas/Santa Claus leaves little presents in children's shoes. (International) * Abraham of Kratia * Aemilianus (Roman Catholic Church) * Nicholas of Myra Saint Nicholas (Greek: , Aghios ["holy"]
Nicolaos ["victory of the people"]) (2706 December 343), also called Nikolaos of Myra was a historic 4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra (Demre, in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey). Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker (Greek: , Nikolaos o Thaumaturgos). He had a reputation for secret giftgiving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus, whose modern name comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as is common for early Christian saints.


In 1087, his relics were furtively translated to Bari, in southeastern Italy; for this reason, he is also known as Nikolaos of Bari. His feastday is 6 December. #26 Apparition: January 12, 2011 2 p.m. Resting, I saw a vision, the Black Nazarene, clad in maroon dress, with a black heavy cross, going to the narrow path or road I was about to go via jeep ride, looks at me, who was so afraid of the heavy burden. *12 is Christian Feast Day: * Ailred of Rievaulx * Benedict Biscop * Tatiana Saint Tatiana was a Christian martyr in 3rd century Rome during the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus. She was a deaconess of the early church. According to legend, she was the daughter of a Roman civil servant who was secretly Christian, and raised his daughter in the faith, and she became a deaconess in the church. This was dangerous, and one day
the jurist Ulpian captured Tatiana and attempted to force her to make a sacrifice to Apollo. She prayed, and miraculously, an earthquake destroyed the Apollo statue and part of the temple.

Tatiana was then blinded, and beaten for two days, before being brought to a circus and thrown into the pit with a hungry lion. But the lion did not touch her and lay at her feet. This resulted in a death sentence being pronounced, and after being tortured, Tatiana was beheaded with a sword on January 12 (Julian calendar) (January 25 in the Gregorian calendar), around AD 225 or 230. #27 Apparition: January 13, 2011 7:00 a.m. I saw the red dress near the cross of the Black Nazarene, just 1 1/2 feet. *January 13 is Christian Feast Day: * Hilary of Poitiers * Knut (Sweden and Finland) * Mungo

Hilary of Poitiers (c. 300 c. 368) was Bishop of Poitiers and is a Doctor of the Church. He was sometimes referred to as the "Hammer of the Arians" (Latin: Malleus Arianorum) and the "Athanasius of the West." His name comes from the Greek word for happy or cheerful. His optional memorial in the Roman Catholic calendar of saints is 13 January. In the past, when this date was occupied by the Octave Day of the Epiphany, his feast day was moved to 14 January. #28 Apparition: January 22 7:a.m. A fast-seconds picture image of the Black Nazarene appeared to me, eyes closed, but awake. *January 27 is Christian Feast Day: * Anastasius of Persia * Vincent of Saragossa * Blessed William Joseph Chaminade Saint Anastasius of Persia (born with the name Magundat), once a member of the Zoroastrian Magi caste, became a convert of the Holy Cross and was martyred in 628.
Anastasius was a soldier in the army of Khusrau II (d. 628) when that monarch carried the True Cross from Jerusalem to Sassanid Persia. The occasion prompted him to ask for information; then he left the army, became a Christian, and afterwards a monk in Jerusalem. His Persian name, Magundat, he changed to Anastasius. After seven years of the monastic observance, he was moved, as he thought, by the Holy Ghost to go in quest of martyrdom and went to Caesarea, then subject to the Persians.






Chaminade, now called by his liturgical title of Blessed Chaminade (April 8, 1761 January 22, 1850), was a French Roman Catholic priest who survived persecution during the French Revolution. He founded the Society of Mary, also called the Marianists, in 1817. The Marianist Family's other three branchesthe married and single men and women of the Marianist Lay Communities, the consecrated laywomen of the Alliance Mariale, and the nuns known as Daughters of Mary Immaculatealso look to Chaminade as a founder or inspiration. Beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 3, 2000, Blessed Chaminade's feast day is celebrated on January 22.


#29 Apparition: February 5 As I knelt before the Our Lady of Lourdes statue, her hands came alive reaching to me, then a woman said: "I am St. Brigit ... I could not remember her message. Saint Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland (Brigit, Bridget, Bridgit, Brd or Bride) or Mary of the Gael (Irish: Naomh Brd) (c. 451525) is one of Ireland's patron saints along with Saints Patrick and Columba. Irish hagiography makes her an early Irish Christian nun, abbess, and founder of several monasteries. Her feast day is 1 February, celebrated as St Brigids Day or Imbolc in Gaelic Ireland. *February 5 is Christian Feast Day: * Agatha of Sicily Saint Agatha of Sicily (died traditionally 251) is a Christian saint. Her memorial is on 5 February. Agatha was born at Catania, Sicily, and she was martyred in approximately 251. She is one of seven women, excluding the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass. She is the patron saint of Catania, Molise, Malta, San Marino and Zamarramala, Spain. Among other things, she is also the patron of martyrs, wet nurses, fire, earthquakes, and eruptions of Mount Etna. #30 Apparition: February 20, 2011 Sunday Mystic Travel-Vision-Apparition: In "Rome" I gazed at the blue Rosary of Our Lady of Fatima, adored the Blessed Sacrament/golden tabernacle in ecstasy and viewed the holy images including the Black Nazarene clad in regal white and red dress. *February 20 is Christian Feast Day: * Eleutherius of Tournai * Wulfric of Haselbury #31 Apparition: February 25, 2011, Friday Inside LUIS' Enchanted Kingdom house, lying in bed beside dwarf Rina (his cousin, Osaka, Japan, white pants with blue colors), I was bestowed the magic blanket, then buoyed, levitated over the ceilings.

Awake, eyes closed, I saw for 4 seconds, the bright round white light with the Crucifix in center. *February 25 is Christian Feast Day: * thelberht of Kent * Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani, OSB * Tarasius (Eastern Orthodox Churches and Traditional Roman Catholics) * Walburga thelberht (also thelbert, Aethelberht, Aethelbert, or Ethelbert) (c. 560 24 February 616) was King of Kent from about 580 or 590 until his death. In his Ecclesiastical History of the English People, the eighth-century monk Bede
lists Aethelberht as the third king to hold imperium over other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. In the late ninth century Anglo-Saxon Chronicle thelberht is referred to as a bretwalda, or "Britainruler". He was the first English king to convert to Christianity.

Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani, OSB. Pope John Paul II declared her as a Blessed on 9 May
2001 at Floriana, Malta. Soon after, the huge portrait of the Blessed - a replica of the oil original painting commissioned in 1898 by the Archbishop of Rhodes and Bishop of Malta Pietro Pace in , was unveiled. The Pontiff also announced that her feast would be celebrated on 25 February, the day of her death. The day after Pope John Paul II signed and released both the decree on the virtues and the miracle, paving the path for the beatification, the bishops released a pastoral letter in which they emphasized that Maria Adeodata had had "a difficult childhood as her parents did not live together. She renounced and disposed of her wealth, willingly living as a cloistered nun." Even the team of theologian experts, while evaluating her life and virtues, admitted that she had to face serious difficulties. Maria Adeodata Pisani was the daughter of a noble Maltese father (Benedetto Pisani, whose father Gaetano received the title of Barone di Frigenuini (Second Creation) from Grand Master Francisco Ximenes de Texada on the 17 June 1773 and was invested on the 21 June 1773). Besides suffering from delicate health, Maria Adeodata had a deformity in her shoulder, caused, as it was testified, by a maid who beat her when she lived with her grandmother in Naples, Italy. She even kept a wound in one of her fingers to herself for three months without seeking any help. She suffered heartache and hydropisis in silence, until death.


#32 Apparition: March 14, 2011 In ecstasy, I knelt, adored the Most Blessed Sacrament in a chapel. March 14 is Christian Feast Day: * Matilda of Ringelheim (or Matilda) (c. 895 14 March 968) was the wife of King Henry I of Germany, the first ruler of the Saxon Ottonian (or Liudolfing) dynasty, thereby Duchess consort of Saxony from 912 and German Queen from 919 until 936. #33 Apparition: March 18 Yesterday, riding a spaceship, I glided over St. Vincent' Seminary's fence, then, talked to a certain Rodriquez in cursed Rex Bookstore, Manila. Today, I flew, levitated 3 feet off the ground facing my brother Benjamin, then, a 17 feet Holy Cross appeared to me amid some red... Propeta, Anghel ng Kamatayan March 18 is the Christian Feast Day of: Alexander of Jerusalem Cyril of Jerusalem Edward the Martyr Fridianus Salvator #34 Apparition: April 12 In a vision, I am approaching the Child Jesus being carried by the Blessed Virgin Mary. April 12 is the Christian Feast Day of: Alferius Blessed Angelo Carletti di Chivasso Erkembode Pope Julius I Zeno of Verona April 12 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) #35 Apparition: April 22, Good Friday 2011 6:00 a.m. Awake, eyes closed, in fast without time and space, lying in bed, I saw beside me a statue (only about 2 feet from her feet) of Our Lady of Lourdes guiding me.

April 22 is the Christian Feast Day of: Acepsimas of Hnaita and companions (Catholic Church) Epipodius and Alexander April 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) #36 Apparition: April 25, 2011, Tuesday 8 a.m. Eyes closed, awake, lying in bed, I saw in the mysterious gray and white lights, the crucified Jesus on the Cross. #37 Apparition: August 11, 2011 7:00 a.m. The statues of Our Lady of Lourdes and Jesus Christ appeared to me in fast mystic vision. #38 Apparition: August 22, 2011 7:00 a.m. I saw and faced the hair at the back of the head of the manacled Christ ("Santong Gapos").


X. LUIS, Armand and Angel: Jupiter, Osaka, Japan: Apparitions, Dalliance and LUIS 41 UFOs, Space Ships, Rocket Ships, Flying Saucers . 2nd quarter of 2007 to August 30, 2011


LUISs Space Ships, Rocket Ships, Flying Saucers and UFOs A Friend from Another Star, Jupiter Space Ships #1-5 5 space ships, spacecrafts As 3rd step, LUIS introduced to Judge Floro on or about the 2nd quarter of 2007, at dawn, and on 5 separate occasions, the 5 different kinds of space ships, 110 to wit: a) blocks of different colored squares which assembled as tall as a medium building; the blocks formed a building and vanished in thin air; a flash of white light turned it into a NASA-like Space Craft; it then disappeared the moment Judge Floro tried to run due to fear. b) a giant or super Airbus A 380111 - but it was 10 times the biggest plane on earth and adorned on each wing with departments and each wing department has passengers thereat; it was so real as in virtual reality like IMAX theatre vision. c) the 3rd and 4th space ships were similar to the second craft; in the 4th space ship, an ordinary Filipino crew (dressed in green shirt but was lame and had used a Filipino saklay or wooden walker), walked towards Judge Floro. The alien was about to abduct him to the ship; Judge Floro ran away until he knelt before his brother for help, against the abduction due to fear; d) and finally, LUIS mercy or compassion provided for Judge Floro the simple Filipino Bamboo Space Craft or saucer; Judge Floro finally said: LUIS, I am no longer afraid of you!

WikiPedia, Space Ship, UFO,


WikiPedia, Airbus, Air Bus A380


Suddenly Judge Floro was LIFTED to the ship and on darkness with dim lights, the bamboo space ship or flying saucer lifted Judge Floro on terrains, terraces and plains around the world; but the same failed to enter the kingdom or castle of LUIS. Mystical Levitation Starting February, 2009, Judge Floro had began to have been bestowed by LUIS the extraordinary gift of flying as high as buildings but of course with difficulty. Mystic Levitation, Flight, 2,000 pieces of red moneys Stair (of Pure Gold) to the River LUIS has allowed Judge Floro to travel almost daily when asleep until he would wake up. LUIS very slowly taught Judge Floro how to fly, since, without flying he could not possibly travel, especially into his Kingdom. LUIS has flashed hundreds of violet lights daily. On March 29, at Plaridel, Bulacan Catholic Church, Judge Floro had seen the violet light flashed near the Image of Mary, during the Mass. Space Ship #6 LUIS brought Judge Floro to a different Baguio of his Kingdom - Judge Floro rode LUIS' flying saucer. Then, Judge Floro saw a very long, small and narrow stairs made of pure gold leading to their river. Then, he saw the river, in the shape of rectangle and some 3 sands were put into it; suddenly the river became a wet sand bed; Robert said the same is foundation for a new house they are building. On March 29, Sunday, Judge Floro had clearly seen that LUIS gave him 2,000 pieces of RED money rectangular in shape and 10 times bigger than earth's money; then, 2 pieces fell off his bed and could not be found. April 2-3, 2009 Wednesday, Thursday

It was the first time in 2009, and since 1992, that LUIS flashed the bursting VIOLET flash as Judge Floro closed his eyes to begin sleeping, on April 2. He discerned that these lights are needed not only for SWERTE or pure luck, as Robert said, but to prepare him for LUIS' higher ends and plans, like LUIS had again taught Judge Floro to FLY: this time he traveled into a dark but beautiful alley-road ... First he flew low, but when he used his hands, he could ascend or leap higher even on top of a building ... he had seen a group of about 15 men who wore green clothes and were performing some acts or drama for a holiday celebration ... thereafter, he flew over some people ... Judge Floro said "Phenomenal! Record in world history that the pull of gravity had been utterly destroyed by my power!" He had been flying since early January in 2009 ... travelling to LUIS' Kingdom part by part. Evidence of the highest character of the existence of LUIS kingdom, in plain view, in virtual reality During the above-described flight of Judge Floro in mid-air and above the building, he put to test the reality of the levitation and the very existence of the kingdom. In order to determine if Judge Floro was merely in a state of sub-conscious, trance or mystic performance, he, while above the building and flying, did smash or hit with his right forearm the leaves of the tree near the building. Because of this, he suffered inflammation and severe pain upon the area hit by the leaves, and his right forearm was in dire pain for 4 month. This utterly proved that LUIS kingdom and the levitation and flying are more real than our physical world. Space Ship #7 April 3-4 - First Friday & First Saturday Starting the early morning of Friday until the last hours of Saturday at 10 pm, while Judge Floro ate supper with 3 San Miguel Lite beers, LUIS has flashed his VIOLET lights.


Greatest Number of Violet lights flashed; the Big Brown Bird, the Green-Blue Bird; the En Banc Deliberation upon the Fate of Judge Floros enemies/persecutors, their loved ones These highest violet lights were so visible to him and in front of him, with greatest number of times, ever, since 1992; then LUIS brought, traveled Judge Floro to his Kingdom; he saw a very beautiful big brown bird which suddenly ate a very beautiful small green-blue bird. Then LUIS brought him into a rectangle closed room without any door or window; the sides are brown danarraplywood-like with a big conference table, where, yellow dressed kings under LUIS were seated, with the one in the middle, appearing so fierce; Judge Floro discerned that they were deliberating upon the CURSE and the fate of Judge Floro's Wiknews and Wikipedia enemies, including all his detractors, enemies, nemesis, the Philippine judiciary, S.C. and C.A. Justices, Judges, Ateneo Law School Classes 1980 to 1985, etc. amid the forthcomming Good Friday, and June 2, 2009, the 26th year from the first night that LUIS appeared to his brother Robert; then, when he was awake on Saturday about 10 a.m. he saw LUIS' flying saucer-UFO, white yellow, glowing brightly, about 1/4 of inch. Last week of April, 2009 LUIS allowed Judge Floro to fly so high over and above buildings, such that he could not see what is under him, so, dark, thus its height; then LUIS brought him to the top of a steep, narrow road or alley. LUIS allowed him to glide down in levitation about 2 feet off the ground into the bottom of the alley; then he saw a yellow orange tall school building about 4 stories tall. LUIS and Armand, with white Bonitos, Dwarf Hat LUIS and Armand appeared to Judge Floro, as 2 very poor little kids or boys, about 7 inches tall, their backs facing Judge Floro; and he saw the cloudy white as if sweat 3 centimeters at the tip or end of their hairs.


Robert told him that LUIS said, that white is part of their extreme powers, bonito, the dwarf hat (and also their Baston - patpat, tungkod, cane/fighting/walking stick, French truncheon). Space Ship #8 Sunday, May 3, 2009 Rocket Ship with Fireworks LUIS brought Judge Floro to many places in their kingdom; he was able to be in front of a serene, cool but not cold, and so panoramic and picturesque hill or mountain; and he saw the far but visible greens with the sunlights striking some parts of the greens. Then, LUIS placed him in the middle of an arena, where he was surrounded by a circular, cemented, narrow and small oval, and LUIS' rocket or space ship rotated around him, these dwarves playing with fireworks, as if celebrating May, the month of Mary. May 17, 2009 Since June 3, 1983 and since 1992 when I first saw the VIOLET lights, I saw these lights flashed 144 times on May 17, 2009, 11:25 p.m.- 12:30 a.m. Space Ship #9 May 19 I saw LUIS' big snowy white plane ... then his UFOspaceship, big black-canon-telescope-like approached near me, and I was afraid, thus, I failed due to fear to ride it, unlike the bamboo spaceship I rode since I had no fear. Space Ship #10 May 30, 2009 Saturday I was standing in the middle of LUIS' kingdom as I gaze from a distance, his glowing blue-violet-snowy white high mountain. Then, above me, skyrocketed a triangular shape UFO-rocket-space ship of LUIS, and finally, an OBLONG shape UFO-rocket-space ship was above me.


It has a clear window, where LUIS, since 1983, had shown his smiling face, white skinned, and I was waving. LUIS was just traveling. First Friday, June 5 "Halika!" LUIS and Armand had appeared to me in virtual reality - as I was watching upon the stairs or veranda, balcony ... I had seen 2 Robin Hood like lads with hats. As I descended, LUIS told me: "Halika!" "Come closer!" The central theme of Le Petit Prince ... Test of Reality against Dream I asked Robert, my brother to tell me to describe how. I traveled to LUIS' kingdom today. He said he does not know. I asked him to ask LUIS. He did, and instantly, he said I flew or levitated. Robert replied describing my travel that I flew up in the air, vertical or ascending unlike before, when I flew horizontal like birds. Space Ship #11 June 11 In LUIS' kingdom, I stood in awe - a vast brown earth-field without any dust/plant; I saw a big majestic blue plane w/ white-yellow lights was then almost hit by a 2nd smaller air plane; a 3rd most beautiful brown airplane
rolled, circled sideways slowly horizontal before me.

Space Ship #12 1st Sunday July 5 I was at north gate, St Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan Valenzuela *now beside SM City I began flying using 2 hands. I saw Vincentian Priest demonstrated him my levitation. I wept w/ joy: "Fr., of billions, I am the only chosen to fly, levitate, why me?" Then, I flew over the south gate to Fr. Constancio Gan, C.M. my spiritual Director. He saw me flying. Then, I flew vertical and glide over a dark neighborhood and a poor girl stole my towel.


Then I saw a plane 10x bigger than Airbus A380 amid playing games and it shifted to a very small frog plane
towards the game TV video: "LUIS, you are a friend from another star!" as I saw the plane inserted in a small TV pure magic.

July 29 Amid earth's July 22-3 longest solar eclipse, LUIS bilocated me to his planet-Kingdom, Jupiter. His full moon was almost totally eclipsed by bluish-dark round bodystar which at my right became big as earth and slowly went down. Space Ship #13 August 4 Tuesday My briefcase with white suit (clothing) was placed in a thieves' car which sped away, as I applied for work, job & trabajo. LUIS' ulta-large space-ship descended before me with some human form dwarfs chasing to annihilate my enemies plus those who denied my work plea. LUIS began annihilation of their loved ones with one woman with grey hair crying begging mercy but LUIS is merciless and takes vengeance for me. LUIS showed his kitchen room full of imported foods as I took 1 chocolate mix. Aug 2, LUIS showed me a room full of sandwich buns ... with white cheese he would give to dwarf beggars. Space Ship #14 August 17 Monday LUIS: "I came here on your planet to give peace to all mankind!" LUIS' tan skinned gardener-farmer plants green olive branches in LUIS' kingdom. At my right is vast serene lush luxuriant green plantations rain forests totally-solely grown by LUIS' gardener. LUIS' circular white-gray basin (palangana) UFO spaceship 2x bigger than Airbus A380 hovered sky above me descended pulsating soft lights forthwith upon tree/electric post.

LUIS as 8 footer dark skinned human-alien walked astride glass window on ground floor, while I wept in ecstasy, telling me in English; "I came here on your planet to give, bestow and deliver peace to all mankind!" LUIS spaceship began cleaning the white painted ceilings of tall building. (10:25 a.m. before I woke up) Space Ship #15 August 21 Friday Before a 3 ft. grayish block fence I viewed the passing odd-shaped like metal & screw UFO. Then, I peeped-gazed in front of the face, being awed terrified by the immense depth and mega-vast grey sky like heaven. Space Ships #16-19 October 16 I saw a big plane having taken-off ascending gradually to the skies, so vivid-real; I flew a small plane, parked it, opened my wallet with yellow-golden moneys to pay parking fees delayed faced the owner of the house. December 3 In LUIS' "Enchanted" Airport Flying School, I was awed by his amazing fleet of private planes the shining blue plane and the tall silver plane sign. Space Ship #20 December 13 When I woke up, with closed eyes, LUIS showed me
for -1 minute, his glimmering-fiery-yellowish-no-size-no-spacetimeless-no-matter-pure-light rocket-space-UFO ship.

December 21 10:40 pm minutes before I arrived home at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan gate, 2 motorcycles collided seriously injuring riders, at the same 2 spots where I rode jeepneys daily.

This is the 2009 7th accident which waited minutes before I went home as Angel of Death. I witnessed the 2nd male anguishing in pain while his 3 children were crying. I saw an estero or muddy water canal. I shouted 2 times when 3 and 1 men tried to enter our Calvario house. White lights flashed before I slept. 7 a.m. LUIS, Armand and Angel whistled high pitch sounds to my left then right ear, then, bombardment of sounds repeat for a minute. In Jerusalem, "The Holy Family" appeared to me at the altar where the Mass chalice with wines smoke-steam. I was awed by LUIS' amazing multi-colored hightech super planes with robots and dwarves at his small airport. Space Ship #21 December 29 Early morning, awake, I was almost blinded by most brilliant yellow lights twice, hence I opened my eyes. Moments later, LUIS drove me in his obelisk shaped UFOspace-rocket ship hearing his voice (alien-sounds which could not be intercepted by NASA) while I viewed vast bright not dark ocean in a wink of an eye. Then, I viewed the immense blue universe sky, so bright amid the superlative-super fast/er than light speed of the UFO, horizontally, then it ascended vertically almost hitting the wires and metals but so smooth. I then clung to the metals as the UFO disappeared and I saw many stairs and I levitated down LUIS' "Enchanted, United Kingdom" just to see many dwarves. I then saw my mother Milagros+ serving me mongo or mung beans soup. LUIS brought me to the cute old house of his dwarf
friend, where Angel served me two 1 1/2 inches roasted-fried dwarf chicken and like-a-horse dish; and I levitated, flew so high amid the darkest nights without anything I could see, hence I went down.

Space Ship #22 2010 January 19, 2010


9:00 a.m. awake but with eyes closed, I used LUIS' "lente" and "salamin" (magic eyeglass), to consolidate his 7th plane Kingdom with our earth's low plane-dimension. Riding LUIS' car, I did tour-view his many greenyellow ways to many very clean rooms. I gazed at 3-4 yellow robotic street fighters X-men playing games with other dwarves. Space Ships #23-24 January 28 1:50 a.m. very bright VIOLET flash; I met my aunt Teodora Lim Floro+ as we discussed near school children; Very high up in the skies, I saw LUIS' 2 spaceships interconnecting, descended and connected with tall mother white rocket ship-UFO. It glided nearly touched me; my brother Benny bathed in the river. Space Ships #25-32 February 15 A dazzling white-gold-silver sleigh ride and horse passed before me. LUIS 5-6 tube-pointed multi-colored planes breezed beside me amid 1 open square plane with smiling dwarf friend of LUIS, who greeted me. March 1 LUIS made me travel using his jet ski over his waters and his magic carpet with controller as I glided down his farm fields. Space Ship #33 March 27 SUERTE: After sunset amid darkness and serenity, I softly glided-flew down the 1st brown soil mountain of the 2nd deepest where a white dwarf gazed at me. LUIS' tall stunning bay horse "Pansy" has human-like shiny shoes. LUIS' titanium-silver odd-shaped rocket-space ship flew off my face as he bestowed me a fire (part of the UFO) which I held without pain.

LUIS gave me 3 coins amid or with extra-terrestrial language - 2 red and one silver-titanium; LUIS said he gifted me with pure luck. Space Ship #34 May 1, 2010 Galactic-game wars LUIS showed me hundreds of different kinds of UFOs. Rocket-space ships, planes, thousand times more magnificent than Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the Titans. Space Ship #35 May 5 From a very very high mountain, I flew-glided slowly down the beautiful plane in LUIS' Enchanted Kingdom. I was awakened before dawn as I was caressed in my left forearm by LUIS. Space Ship #36 May 17 Galactic wars: Jupiter revolves on its axis from new moon to full bright slowly descending as 2 Galaxians planets collided fell like bread hosts; Inside LUIS' revolving flying saucer, I viewed the dark greenish universe; Then, it stopped by LUIS' big Church as I saw the inside thereof; and a small brown wood did spin floating mid-air towards me but the door warded it off not hitting me as I tried to step inside the church but I was afraid and backed off. I saw the bright morning and peeped seeing the funeral coach of a dead Robot defeated by LUIS. Space Ship #37 May 31 Inside LUIS space ship which passed by an unnamed planet, I was awed by the gigantic red bricks building; at the other window of the ship I gazed at the heavens magnificent clouds.


Space Ships #38-39 June 26 I peeped into a square hole and I saw the serene green planes/ground below. July 27, 2010 Riding LUIS' spaceship, I viewed the biggest blue earth planet diving so near to have touched the tips of USA's buildings so swift and timeless, space-less, in state trance via LUIS' bonito's violet lights; I landed at Cleveland, Ohio, in another oldfashioned time, awed by 4 American bakery workers unloading flour; I gazed at nearby cars and buildings, wondering what year and time was I was. Cleveland, Ohio thrived during the 1830s and 1840s as the chief market on the Great Lakes for grain products, including flour and whiskey, for butter and cheese, and for wool. In 1838--a depression year for most of the country-the CLEVELAND HERALD reported the construction of 9 large new warehouses. Merchants who had to pay for the unloading and storage of goods sought to process them at the same time, to add value and reduce weight. Grain, pig iron, tallow, wool, lumber, and other raw materials were processed by flour mills, distilleries, foundries, machinemakers,...112 LUIS told me that the spaceship I rode (in visiting the past Cleveland, Ohio) was a helicopter, driven by his duende friend. Note: A flying saucer (also referred to as a flying Frisbee disc) is a type of unidentified flying object (UFO) with a discor saucer-shaped body, usually described as silver or metallic, occasionally reported as covered with running lights or surrounded with a glowing light, hovering or moving rapidly either alone or in tight formations with other similar craft, and exhibiting high maneuverability.


407 Space Ship #40 May 29, 2011 After hibernation of 10 months from July 27, 2010, LUIS brought me to: A newly hatched duck died in a boat. 2 of my brothers played badminton near the duhat tree of our Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines backyard, where LUIS built his 1st Kingdom. 1:50 a.m. At LUIS Jupiter, using his blue bonito and yellow magic carpet, I gazed at the outer space sun rising (as bright as our moon) and moving fast right, with a green and small car. Then, I looked at the spectacle of shower of falling stars or meteors, saying I will be world-famous! The Galilean moons of Jupiter. From left, they are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The sun moved fast left, with the small picture of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal. Then, from the sky, I saw many UFOs, and many aliens, neighbors of LUIS, are falling into my terrace, in the form of small black and white thin plastics. Due to fear, I ran and I came back to see an alien holding a radio or transmitter of the UFOs, playing it: Duende, duendeeee In Galactic display, a black, dark and big War-rocket ship was hit by a small metal basin, the ship falling,
smashing a Makati City round bank building amid the moving fast 2 yellow spaceships left and 2 yellow spaceships right.

Space Ship #41 August 30, 2011 6 a.m. In his "Enchanted" Kingdom, I viewed LUIS' large blue and white space ship plane flew left to right descending near me; LUIS then showed his green turned to white-tan face-skin to me as he played with many duendes.


XI. Imortl, Pinagpala, Powerful Henceforth, future generations shall call me blessed! Mortis Angelus, Judge Florentino Floro


Prefatory A 1% revelation of parts of the deepest secrets of the entire universe by LUIS (per Robert V. Floro, on September 10, 2010 from September 8, 2010). LUIS traveled with Judge Floro to planet Jupiter in earths one hour on 2010. LUIS had been to Osaka, Japan often, but on 2010, he would travel there, only on Christmas. His parents Haring Ben, Queen Luisa, siblings (of LUIS) Luisa, Estelita and Larry reside there. LUIS, Armand Angel usually wear dwarf clothes LUIS: violet, brown, blue; Armand: brown, yellow, pink; Angel: pink, yellow; they love nature; they wear black and multi-colored shoes. Armand is laging masayahin; lagi niyang binibiro si Angel kaya laging hinahatak nito; Armand, palabiro; si Luis naman ay seryoso, pero minsan pag may pagkakataon marunong din magbiro; si LUIS ang pinakamataas sa kanilang tatlo at laging may candy sa bulsa. Waistlines: (matataba sila) LUIS - 40 (inches) Armand - 38 Angel - 35 Age: LUIS is 49 years old; Armand is 40 and Angel is 34. Klase, uri o kulay (Colors) ng mga Duende: 1. Ultimate Violet LUIS, is also a white or duendeng puti; since he is the King of kings of all elementals, spirit guides, gabay, kaibigan, duendes, in the entire universe, LUIS is the only violet dwarf who solely possesses the ultimate violet lights emanating from his violet bonito, baston and other powers or gifts; LUIS is the Annihilator, Destroyer and Angel of Death. 2. Azul or blue duende or dwarf ranks first or highest were it not for LUIS rank; Azul has all powers; the skin is white.

Almost or at all times, he is out of this planet from 2010 to 2013 and will appear on earth on 2014 (they only spark lights). Like all other dwarves who are as tall and as big as mans little finger, Azul and white dwarves can grow as tall as 6-7 feet; like the white dwarf, blue dwarves use magic carpets for travel and other purposes; they guard the golds; mahilig sila sa gold coins like 5 cents and 25 cents, na gusto nilang nilalaro. 3. White or puting duende has fair complexion; he is as small as our small finger, like all other kinds of dwarves, unlike the blue ones who can grow as tall as a small boy; 4. Green or luntiang duende is based upon nature, airborne (mahilig sa mga candies at sa dahon malimit sumakay para maglakbay); 5. Red or pulang duende - the friend or enemies of white dwarfs; they ride flying saucers for travel. 6. Duendeng Itim or black - the evil dwarves, fallen angels; they usually die when defeated in the Angelic wars. Enchanted Kingdom, Castle or Palace of LUIS is made of purest gold, as tall and large as a small person, has furniture, aircon and fan, inter alia; has 10 holy images, like the Black Nazarene at center, St. Peter, St. Joseph, St. Francis and 5 images of Blessed Virgin Mary (Our Lady of Fatima, of Lourdes ). Some powerful instruments: Baston like the wand, sparks the powerful lights like the colors of rainbow; has magic power more powerful than the bonito. Flying carpet - way of transportation or travel. Water is used as mirror, doon nila nakikita lahat ng gusto nilang Makita. Bonito dwarf hat; kislap, power, bilog-bilog like diamonds, nakakabit sa sumbrero (violet, only possessed by LUIS, pink, red, blue, brown, yellow).

Salakot power, kislap. Lente pananga, big or large, bilog, kislap ilaw, di basta tatamaan ang may hawak nito; lente and salamin were inserted in the eyes of Judge Floro by LUIS versus his enemies and as power against any and all false prophets, evil healers and all those with ranks at Mt. Banahaw and their instruments or groups. Salamin simbolo ng buhay nila ito, small, bilog ito ang tinatanungan nila ng lahat ng kanilang nais. Foods of dwarves - candies, popcorn, soft drinks, chicken, beef, pork, corn, milk, mushroom, fish, bangus, cake, ice cream, carrots, coffee, Do they marry? Yes; but LUIS, Armand and Angel, walang hilig. Friday is the most powerful day of LUIS, since his parents Haring Ben and Queen Luisa bestowed upon him the entire universes most powerful violet bonito, baston, which emit the ultimate, infinite violet lights; they are most powerful on Fridays since Friday is the most important day for the Black Nazarene; Christ died on the Cross, at 3 pm that very Good Friday. Death Whites are immortal, but itim or blacks do die; burial - baon sa lupa. Dugo or blood pula or red.


The Gift of Prophecy: Annihilation The following brief memorandum is not an attempt to define prediction. Also, this essay is not a complete account of the prophecies. Rather, this is a short narrative of some important events that had been foretold. The message of this note is: The essence of prediction is pain ! Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo, Court Administrator of the OCAD, Supreme Court, in his July 13, 1999 MEMORANDUM for Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr. submitted to the High Tribunal (a) 13 charges, (b) recommendation of preventive suspension and accused me, thus: xxx Judge Floro, Jr.s claims that he is endowed with psychic power, that he can inflict pain and sickness to people, that he is the angel of death and that he has unseen little friends xxx Without denying or admitting these accusations, it would be proper to examine these allegations by a short narration of relevant antecedents: It was in 1996 that I wrote an unpublished book: The Angel of Death - Prophecy and Predictions. It contains more than 180 prophecies regarding specific events, including dire pains of certain persons, inter alia. Due to the restrictions of our penal laws or the Code of Judicial Conduct, I can only cite some relevant and documented occurrences that were foretold. a.) On June 16, 1992, my aunt Teodoro Lim Floro wrote me a short letter as she gave me an evening prayer. Due to its importance, I wrote her on June 23, 1992 regarding the future but certain event. Previous to that reply, I also visited her one evening, and whispered to her the essential words of warning regarding the event, but due to skepticism, I was not believed. But the fateful event did happen, her merciless murder, that, until this date left no traces but an unforgettable pain in the hearts and minds of her loved ones. b.) I faxed my client, Mariano Prodon Blanco, on January 5, 1996 regarding the foretold outcome and voting on his brothers election case (9-5-1).

A year later, or on July 21, 1997, by a vote of 9-1-1, the faxed predictions painfully and impeccably revealed the truth, even if prior to that event, a relative, Marina Blanco, a trader was robbed. c.) On October, Friday the 13th, 1996, I spontaneously uttered to my classmate: Efren ! (de Leon) terminal cancer!!! Three weeks thereafter he was thus diagnosed and suffered the dire pain until April 15, 1997, when he succumbed to lung cancer slow and painful death. This was after he pocketed P 700,000 sums of money he received from my client Mariano P. Blanco. Efren de Leon of Ateneo Law School cursed Class 1982 (per Atty. Araneta, who pocketed P 6,000), denied my plea for just P 100,000 of the P 700,000.00 due to me. d.) At TGIS FRIDAYS, on a Friday, my client, Antonio Z. Atienza, Jr., asked me if his (my case) proposed P 51 Million sale would push through. By way of reply, I, the Angel of Death, who did don the black clothes that fatalistic hour, amid the pink salmon dinner, uttered the essential words. On March 24, Holy Monday he was kidnapped, and as I predicted, upon bended knees supplication of his mother, and through the violet lights of LUIS, Boy was released on Maundy Thursday after payment of ransom, at Ortigas, Pasig City, Metro Manila. e.) On Holy Monday, 1998 I saw the horrible fire that roasted 3 of my relatives: Rosalina Asuncion, her mother and aunt Emiliana and Paula Floro, even if on Good Friday, at San Juanico Bridge, the longest bridge in Asia, I foretold the fate of specific persons by the writing of the MEMORANDUM, Angel of Death: i) that Erap will not finish his term and ii) dire pains of the loved ones of my enemies, detractors and persecutors, all these amid my first bi-location thereat. f.) On Good Friday, 1999 at Banaue, Ifugao, Las Vegas Restaurant, I wrote the Luces Video, a 29 pages Death Memorandum, where the names of specific persons were inscribed, while my right hand turned very red, and very warm for about 30 minutes, starting at 8:45 p.m.

Gift of Bilocation The gift of prophecy cannot be fully examined without expounding on the phenomena of bilocation. This rare occurrence is very difficult to comprehend in view of the advanced science of the elementals vis-a-vis our backward or antiquated orthodox science. Take for example the pseudo sciences of psyschology (according to these elementals) and psychiatry, including traditional medicine and its allied antiquated branches (therapy acupuncture, acupressure, etc.). These holy sciences consider the elementals as subjective reality or mind projections. They teach and consider that the mind has no limits and consider some sicknesses as product of imaginations or mental disorders or even psychosomatic (for lack of the correct explanation or medical discovery of the disease). Even the most advanced instruments of the world (U.S.A., Europe) fail and continue to fail to discover the parallel methods of the elementals. In this computer (past jet) age, before an illness is cured or treated, the following antiquated steps must be strictly followed: first, the patient must be diagnosed by the doctor, by
means of medical history interview; then the patient must be examined by machines in the laboratory or hospital; then, the sickness is qualified by names and even computerized; thereafter medicines are prescribed or therapies, including treatments by chemotherapy, cobalt, laser (after reading results of MRI, CT scans, etc. Finally, if the illness is terminal, the rich patient has to painfully spend time and money in suites of hospitals per the so called extortionist and imaginary hold-up bank, pain management centers, the long term for robbery by medical mercenaries. merciless Justice of the Old Testament vis--vis the Divine Mercy of the New Testament. He punished by pain, not only the poor but also the rich and famous. When terminal sickness, illnesses and death matters are pronounced by the medicine man, then and forthwith, almost all kinds of fame and fortune disappear, including all other dreams. Every person, in dire pain, becomes equal before the Eye (solo mata).

For these reasons, we witness the Almighty as the


Thus, St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit, once said what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and looses his own soul! In this regard, the One, True, Good and Beautiful,
or the Omnipotent, the Trinitas, has devised methods and means to purify or cleanse a soul. This is done by the method of inflicting dire pain and sickness (cancer, stroke, diabetes, nerve and spinal cord disorders, kidney failure, hypertension, etc., accident (fire and vehicular), slow and painful death (lingering illness). He has even created the nine choirs of angels, composed of the First Sphere: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones/Ophanim; Second Sphere: Dominions, Virtues, Powers; Third Sphere: Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.

Also, He created the so-called Angel of Death that was ordered to kill the firstborn of the Egypt to liberate his people by the blood of the sacrificial lamb. This event was celebrated thousands of years by the Jews until Maundy Thursday, when Christ re-enacted the Feast of the Passover by saying: Do this in memory of me! and he ordained the first priests and bishops, including the first Pope, Peter. Unlike traditional medicine, the elementals had utilized
since time immemorial, (a) lights [several levels above infrared and ultraviolet levels, of earths electromagnetic spectrum], by increasing its speed and that of sound, trillion times faster, resulting in the change of form and substance of a body part that has disintegrated (definition of spiritual healing) and (b) extreme (hand) heat. These elements or ingredients are being infused by these elementals upon an instrument or medium, the healer, during many time of the day, especially at the moment of healing. This is trance. Unlike the lower trance of developed prannic, or Prana (Prannic energy) and esoteric healing (through the use of ancient Latin prayers, concentration and bio-energy of traditional psychics) this trance, spiritual healing is the most pure and highest of all levels of phenomena.

In fact, in the sphere of this field (psychic or spiritual realm), the use of these lights and heat, resulting to change of
destiny and purification of anothers soul by dire pain, per prediction and prophecy is the highest level in the psychic world and spiritual reality (compared to psychokinesis, card reading, hypnosis, psychological or psychic vibrations and treatments, using the third eye and the sixth sense, that is inner awareness and mind development resulting from extortion of sums of money).


I was born gifted to heal, not only the illnesses of patients, to make them closer to the Trinitas (One God), but principally, to heal the wounds of corruption in the most rotten Philippine judicial department. By the privileged use of the elementals (LUIS, Armand and Angel) lights and heat (their baston, bonitos, sombreros, salakot, supot, lente, salamin, etc.), I was born and pre-destined to be able to have foretold (glimpse of the future) the fate of both misers and so-called hoodloomin-robes, the Honorable Thieves and most articulate hypocrites, ever. Bilocation, contrary to the traditional theory of psychics (in books, worldwide) [as they define this as the travel of the soul, by astral configuration]), is simply the Gabays (spirit guide, spirit protector, kaibigan) actual participation in an event, in appearing in the form of say, myself, in my image, with the end result that, it is the Gabay and not I, that acted or performed, since I was only chosen to be their messenger (propetang mensajador). It has been known since ancient times that: napakalupit ng tao, since human nature essentially enjoys fulfillment or has sheer joy and happiness in gazing at the others suffering or defeat, due to the survival of the fittest doctrine, then God has devised ways and appointed designated His chosen messengers-prophets to implement his will: to purify, cleanse, and save souls by means of punishment of sin, through dire pain and intense sufferings. Thus, I had been seen bi-located in several places of the country, in having personally healed many sick persons, thusly: a) at Gapan, Sta. Rosa and Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija, as testified by an old lady. I was also seen bi-located at b) Pateros Rizal, Laguna, etc. Also, I was seen having ridden an c) Aladdin Bus daily by its conductor and had gone several times to their terminal at San Fernando, Pampanga. I had met many persons unknown to me but had seen me several times as their lawyer, at d) Samar (Good Friday, 1998, my first bilocation), at e) Balut Tondo, Quiapo, Manila and at f) Plaridel, Bulacan, as a staff at San Diego Hospital for 20 years.


According to the saints and doctors of the Church, the greatest pain in the Universe is the absence of God, while the greatest happiness (joy and pleasure) is the beatific vision, of vision of the blinding light, seeing God face to face, after the Second Coming of Christ. This light is the ultimate Thou (in philosophy). The
lights and the heat that I refer to in this short essay concern only a very minute part endowed by HIM through his media, the elementals and the Mortis Angelus, Ang Angel ng Kamatyan.

I saw the dire pains of both the poor and the rich and famous who were touched by my golden palms (2,800 of them, from April 30, 1999 until September, 2000). I also heard the bended knees pleas of their hearts: please give us, another chance! But many of them will not be blessed. Many were doomed. And many passed away and were sent to the depths of oblivion. These memories only taught me, that: It is good works and Charitas Cristi (urget nos) that
impel us. Ars longa, vista brevis (art is long, but life is short): 99% of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Justices, including lawyer and judges, since 1910, now truly reside and roam in Hades, and for eternity.

The gift of prophecy or the changing of the destiny (by

dire pain of misers, hypocrites and honorable thieves, inter alia, including lost souls) may far be greater than the gift of spiritual healing. Why? The reason is that prophecy is the sole existing personal defense against persecution.

Prediction is an extraordinary remedy provided by the Gabays to ward off evil by good the light and the heat. Maybe, I can explain this gift to mortals, by means of
example. On August 7, 2000, I visited Apo Rupeng (Rufina Resurrecion, of Sabang Baliuag, Bulacan). She was a 20 years healer (celebrated in her own right). But she now suffers diabetes and other complications. While I healed her relatives, I was shocked that she was able to have discovered my Gabays, the lights, the heat and specially, my case, and the characters, persecutors. Imagine, she barely reached high school but she was discussing not only the status of my RTJ-99-1460, but its outcome and the antecedents.


Apo Rupeng beamed, while I touched the back of her niece: the Ponente of your case, is Justice (when I enumerated the 15 members of the High Tribunal) ... this is the condition of his he has often thought of you when he felt by October, 2000 more or less, this will happen ... the problem is that you had been suspended since July 20, 1999 or more than 1 year and 1 month from today, and you lost more than 17 months P 30,000+++ salary, including benefits, amelioration). But this is only a setback or trial that you must surpass by attending to more ill persons. Your Gabay will provide the correct remedy. They had been watching your persecutors and accusers who attempted several times to have approached the High Tribunal. But now they realize their mistakes. I left and told her: please watch please watch on August 30, 2000, 11:30 p.m. RPN-Ch. 9s KASANGGA MO ANG LANGIT, Rey Langits program, the episode is THE HEALING JUDGE, and the elementals. And I gave her my coconut healing oil. But I came back a bit, and said: Apo Rupeng, I partly succeeded in the purification of RTC Malabon, since FIRE destroyed it, the records, and my sala was well-preserved.
There is really a God that watches us from a near distance. The Gabays and the Angel of Death are not subjective realities but are objects of this world, discernible by my heart. For sure, The Gabays had always provided the remedies, so that in the end, the good and truth will prevail over evil. While the specific phone calls, secret conversations and evils (that were perpetrated by others in conspiracy with the respondents in my administrative cases regarding my July 20, 1999 preventive suspension) were not personally witnessed by myself, then, my Gabays, especially LUIS, Armand and Angel had closely witnessed the conspiracy and the futile attempts to deceive the High Tribunal.

They already provided the remedy of excruciating pains, as the sole way or method against this kind of personal persecution, in the final end and form of purification: healing the wounds pagbabalik-loob [conversion, repentance, genuine reconciliation with the Maker].


One final word. As Messenger of these Gabays, and ultimately of the AMEN Jesus+, I publish this essential message to the members of the judiciary (officers and employees): there can be no genuine reconciliation, conversion and repentance, except through reparation and restitution of embezzled gains. Malolos, Bulacan, this 1st day of September, 2000. The ultimate Goal of the Prophecy is its (pain) final injunction. Karma Eastern and western thoughts (the philosophers) defined Gods punishment in several theories, assumptions, thesis and treatises, and they coined a word for it: karma. In the Bible and intellectual writings or interpretations of this Holy Book by both ancient and modern writers, one can discover the actuations of the Merciless Justice of the Old Testament, even if mercenary evangelist of our times (The Anti-Christ) pictured the Almighty as the sole Divine Mercy. From April 30, 1999 until today, September 1, 2000, having touched more than 2,800 patients, I vividly viewed the Hand of God. Let it be remembered that He ordered the Angel of Death to kill the first born of the Egyptians and saved his people by means of the blood of the sacrificial lamb. Its blood was splashed in the doors of houses of his
chosen people. They ate the meat and celebrated this Feast of the Passover until our Lord said: Do this in memory of me as He ordained the first Pope and Bishops and established his one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. And outside this Catholic church, there is no salvation (as newly decreed) by Pope John Paul II. Thus, woe to all born again and mercenary religions.

Amidst the harassment of persecutors, and despite stern warnings from the realization of the predictions or
actual prophecies, still many continued to inflict dire pains upon innocent neighbors and our brothers in Christ. These acts of evil would only be tempered by the gift of prophecy per the transfer of cleansing methods or purificative forms of sickness, accident and death upon evil by the utilization of good works, inter alia. 420

The sole aim therefore of prophecy is the final injunction of or release from dire pain. To heal is not only to eradicate pain and illness. Healing centers on the soul (spiritual). It aims to subject the whole person to life-long process of genuine reconciliation (repentance, forgiveness, penance and extreme unction), in one word: pagbabalik-loob: a souls availability to the Absolute Thou, the Almighty. The Gift of Spiritual Healing I. Extreme Hand Heat Phenomena Healing may be classified into various categories or modalities. Some therapeutic methods or techniques are partly physical and partly metaphysical, paranormal or spiritual, such as acupuncture, yoga, tawas, and healing with quartz crystals. Healing modalities may also be categorized as psychic or mental, pranic or magnetic and spiritual or divine. However these types of healing do overlap each other. Spiritual healing unlike orthodox or traditional medicine may be defined as any form of healing that calls on spirit guides or protectors (as source), where the healer is only used as an instrument. His mission is to convince the patient to ask forgiveness for his sins, which is considered the cause of the sickness. Genuine reconciliation or repentance is the aim of healing, while strong faith is required to eliminate sin. According to fools, it is settled that the mind knows no limits aside from those it accepts. Thus, all over the world, there are thousands of healing methods, each of which has its own merits, advantages and traps. Most healers, however, earn a lot from this business. And a universally perfect healing technique has not yet been discovered. One of the best forms of spiritual healing is the utilization of our natural bio-energy upon affected organs or body parts. Since every living creature has bio-energy, some healers have more of it than others such that when activated, these energies result in the emission of heat upon a sick persons body, via concentration and meditation.

In the United States, there are two heat healing techniques: (a) Touch-for-Health developed by John Thie, and (b) Therapeutic Touch by Dolores Krieger. In Russia, Kol Aleksei Krivorotov applies ultraviolet radiation, radiesthesia. In the Philippines, pranic healing has been extensively used by priest and nuns or even professionals. Although complete relief or cure cannot be guaranteed by any healer by use of his own method, still several factors can contribute to positive results: a) the faith of the patient with early detection of the illness and (b) the help of invisible spirit protectors which is the most crucial to any healing process. Of course, developed, acquired, derived and studied healing is inferior to the so-called Kaloob or gift of spiritual healing. What is the unique with the Kaloob is that it is bestowed by the spirit guides upon the privileged few and its infusion is gradual or sudden and unexpected. But the common denominator of gifted healing is that the medium is destined or born to heal. I.a. The Healing Judge The privotal issue raised in this book is whether or not healing is compatible with dispensing justice as a judge? Dr. Amparo S. Lardizabal wrote: xxx A man xxx cannot be both judge and a healer. Xxx. Chief Justice cursed Hilario G. Davide, Jr. was hyper-critical and wondered how I could obey the rules of court and its procedures, and while at the same time, I would alleviate suffering. I pondered so much and searched for an answer, until on December 24, 1999, at 6:00 p.m., when a lay minister from St. Peter the Apostle Church, Mr. Justice Regino C. Hermosisma, Jr. shared me a light from his (previous) chambers, [he is now very much closer to God, but God could not come closer to him, because of the curse and hypocrisy], and I now discern the token he gave me. He told me that once a Judge, I would remain a Judge. But he failed, since did cover the truth on February 10, 2006, burying Veritas in his grave.


II. Luces Video It was exactly on June 2, 1983 that my destiny to heal began. My brother Robert V. Floro saw the first lights emanating from the bonitos of our unseen little friends LUIS, Armand and Angel, who both whispered to him at 7 p.m. during the wake of our father, Florentino, Sr. that: Hindi ka naming pababayaan! Having fervently prayed to have glimpse of these lights, I was especially privileged to have seen them and their lights for split seconds on March 1, 1986. Thereafter, I hoped, and it was only on March 1, 1996 that they clearly appeared and whispered to me: Hindi ka naming pababayaan, and from that moment until today I had seen their glimmering , flashing, colorless, colorful and mysterious Violet (inter alia) lights for more than 320 midnights. It was on April 2, 1999, Good Friday, 9:07 p.m. at Banaue, Ifugao that I experienced that extreme heat emanating from my right hand. But it was at exactly 2:00 p.m. of April 30, 1999 that I accidentally discovered my gift of spiritual healing, when my aide, Mr. Jose Noel Pablo Toralba requested me to heal his 10 year back ailment (of the nervous system). Even if I was skeptical about this phenomenon, I rotated my hand for 4 seconds around the affected area and this resulted to an instantaneous cure. From this momentous point of time, I also discovered that both my palms emit and radiate extreme heat which penetrate deeply only the portion of the body that has medical disorder. And the amount, intensity and area penetration of the heat are directly proportional to the gravity and length of the illness or area affected. On June 3, 1999 or exactly 16 years from the first midnight that LUIS and Armand made a promise or covenant to my brother Robert, I witnessed a momentous event: the infusion of the gift via mystic trance. About 6:00 a.m. I uttered the words Amen, Jesus (about 10 times) and simultaneously, I saw a vision of the oil (ointment) (Vide: Apocalypse 3: 14-21).

Thereafter, I laid my hands upon more than 2,000 persons who were witnesses of this gift, the changing of the form and substance of part of a human body by release of lights emanating from the bonitos of these unseen little friends and heat (from my palms), with a sole message: repentance or genuine reconciliation. III. Incurable Ailments At 135 Dahlia, Alido, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, I laid my hands upon thousands of patients. Almost all kinds of incurable illnesses (by traditional medicine) were treated by my gift, but in some cases, the healing wasnt instantaneous and takes about a month of weekly treatment and sessions (20 minutes each, more or less). Usually, a patient had been carefully examined and diagnosed and treated by several doctors and even healers, and had been taking medication when he is placed in a chair for my healing. I stood behind the sick person touching the affected areas, by starting from the head or back and working down the feet. Patients usually report feeling great heat radiating from my palms such as sensation of tremendous heat pouring from the spot, almost, they say, as if the diseased organ is being choked. They also felt my hands burning through them, yet tests showed no change of the temperature of either the patients who reported this burning feeling that stayed with them for up to two days after treatment, yet medical tests showed the temperature to be normal. The energy therefore is coming from some outside source. Thus, from September, 1999 until this date I witnessed the flashing of violet and blackish-brown lights (split seconds) while I was treating patients. Other colors were also utilized such as yellow, brown, violet, red, green, white, gray, and orange. These colors, according to my brother Robert emanated from our unseen little friends above-mentioned and from their comrades, Angel, Armand, Luis, Benito, Pedro, Danilo, Pablo and Larry (respectively).


The incredible cases in my file (although hundreds

of cures were similar in nature) include: (a) Dr. Eddie Calalec [Poblacion, Meycauayan, 3020 Bulacan; Tel. # (044) 228-2262], a dentist/ surgeon, who was completely cured of 7 years old frozen shoulders and severe arthritis; (b) Vangie Evengelista and her mother, Aling Ula Evangelista, who were completely cured of myoma and severe rheumatism, back and legs and other muscular pains [Tel. # (044) 766-2002/-3149/-1028, Tibag Baliuag, Bulacan]; (c) Mrs. Viring Virabel Naguit, who was cured of severe leg and back arthritis [Tel. # (044) 766-2134], of Sto. Cristo and Pagala, Baliuag, Bulacan; (d) Purita Aguilan, mother of Msgr. Jo Aguilan, Parish Convent of Barasoain, Malolos, Bulacan [Tel.# (044) 791-0192/27-12]; she was cured of severe stroke disorders and pain; these patients testified of the cure in the primetime Channel 2, ABS-CBN program, Magandang Gabi Bayan: Hearing of Healing, August 21, 1999; (e) Mrs. Sylvia de Leon, of 110 Camia St., Alido Malolos, Bulacan, was cured of head and other body pains [Tel.# (044) 791-1852]; (f) Lola Lumeng Miranda of same address was also cured of leg and back arthritis; they both testified of the cure in Atty. Teddy Locsins Channel 2 Assignment, April 27, 2000; (g) Nilo Cuarto of Alido Malolos, Bulacan vowed that he was cured of several back and leg arthritis pains; (h) Mrs. Rosie Libiran.
5109] stated that they experienced great relief from terminal cancer of the breast and migraine pains, respectively; (i) Martha Santos of Milaflor Subdivision, Burol 1, Balagtas, Bulacan, [Tel.# (044) 693-2853], also experienced complete cure of her 7-year eczema and arthritis; they all testified at RPN Channel 9s Kasangga mo ang Langit, hosted by Rey and Reyster Langit, August 30, 2000.

Another lady from Pandi Bulacan, [Tel.# (044) 693-

Other remarkable cures include: (a) Marina Valiente

of Piddig, Ilocos Norte (Tel. # 729-2357) who was cured of Kabag, gas and abdomen pains since 1998; (b) Elsa Teodoro Salvador of Cofradia, Malolos, Bulacan [Tel.# (044) 662 0729], who was cured of severe migraine; (c) Manuel S. Moreno, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental, Mindanao, [Tel.# (088) 531-1429], who experienced the first sound from his left ear (15 years deaf); (d) Dra. Yolanda D. Bahaya, dentist and professor of Perez, Meycauayan, Bulacan, who was cured of adenomyosis (bleeding), with cyst; (e) Fr. Constancia S. Gan, C.M. of St. Vincents Seminary, [Tel. # 453-4067], who was touched due to 20 years back lamig, diabetes and arthritis; (f) Sor Sagracio Floro, O.S.C. and Sor Imaculata of the Poor Clares Monastery of the Assumption, Calbayog City, Western Samar were healed of insomnia, arthritis, and heart ailments (Tel.# (055) 2091-231).


It was on October 20, 1999 that I conducted a demonstration healing for Jaime T. Licauco, a renowned psychic researcher and president of the Inner Mind Development Institute at Makati City (Tel. # 810-7245; 8926806; he featured me in his newest book, A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO P.I. HEALERS).
Licauco wrote and testified at the OCAD, Supreme Court, before cursed Justice Pedro A. Ramirez, that I successfully healed 14 of the 15 patients, and that I am the sole healing judge worldwide. Dra. Amparo S. Lardizabal, Ph.D. (Stanford University, U.S.A.), was healed of leg and back arthritis (92 years old, but still the present consultant, former Dean of Arellano and U.E. College of Education) and she wrote her testimony in the August 2000 issue of Modern Teacher, HEALING HAND. After the Silverio case promulgation of decision by the Br. 10, RTC, Malolos, several Bulacan Press Office reporters were also touched and healed of several ailments ranging from migraine, arthritis, muscular pains, etc. Mariz Jaucian (Balita), June Borlongan (Abante), Gina Lopez (Bulgar), Danny de Jesus (Remate TONIGHT), and Larry de Vera (PNN ALARMA), wrote their experiences in several tabloids. Mr. Matic published my picture and healing front page, of his Reflector. I also visited (and was invited) to have healed 2 Justices, officers and employees of the Office of the Court Administrator, Supreme Court, 3 RTC judges and many court employees, including other priest and nuns. Because of the aforementioned TV program (MGB), I touched a total of 2,800 patients all over the Philippines from Appari and Ballesteros, Cagayan in the North to as far as Zamboanga and Misamis Occcidental in the South. Many patients also came to my rented house at 135 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, Bulacan from Pampanga, Bulacan, Metro Manila, Batangas, Isabela, Cagayan, Cavite, Bohol, Masbate, Romblon, Laguna, Ilocos Sur and Norte, etc. But of course, not all were healed, since this gift (Kaloob) is essentially for the poorest of the poor (about 80% of them were completely healed), while the rich and others only experienced 20% relief, more or less. Why? Perhaps, the best answer is: spiritual healing is pro-poor, since the laws of the elementals strictly direct the benefits to the poorest of the poor (in spirit and of heart). Thus, faith is not so relevant as the proper disposition, like humility and openness (bukaspalad), is the crucial factor.


IV. The phenomena of Changing of Colors of Palms and the Images, Lights From mid-July, 1999 until October 1999, my palms turned to very yellow not due to any medium like oil, but the phenomenal changing of the colors thereof cannot be explained. However, the efficacy or results of the healing remained the same. During this period and thereafter until August 28, 2000, only 8 patients excluding myself had seen the mysterious images and lights in both of my palms. (a) A Crame logistics officer, while she was being healed
saw the mysterious colorful lights in both my palms, sometime during October, 1999; (b) Apo Ruping, Rufina Resurrecion, of Sabang Baliuag, Bulacan, a 20 years healer (sick of diabetes) saw 2 princes and colorful lights, including stars in both my palms about December, 1999; she died about a year later; (c) her son, a karate professor, also saw the image of the Risen Christ in both my palms; (d) at Golden Acres, beside SM City, West, Q.C., an old lady saw the brilliant brown and yellow lights with the letter K and the big tree and river in my palms, sometime about March, 2000; (e) at Hospicio de San Jose, Eugene saw the small yellow hand on my palms and upon my shirt while I was healing another elderly; (f) Emerita Cuento of Tiaong, Baliuag, Bulacan saw the image of the Divine Mercy, reddish for 10 minutes in both my palms, 2 months before she died of cancer of the bone (June 2, 2000); (g) On August 28, 2000, before the Channel 9 camera, at Malolos, Bulacan, a woman from Pandi Bulacan, saw the fiery candle lights from my palms; (h) Corazon Lim Gratil, a blind elderly from Hospicio, saw the same fiery lights despite her blindness last August, 2000.

Perhaps, the most remarkable cases are that of the elderly at Hospicio de San Jose, an Internatoinal asylum of the poor (both children and elderly), Isla de Convalescencia, Ayala Bridge, Quiapo, Manila, which is presently run by the Daughters of Charity (the biggest congregation in the world). At the Santa Luisa and Mother Setton wards, I was especially privileged (by the sisters) to have touched the sufferings of the elderly. Most of them were relieved due to this Kaloob and the Aromatic oil [this ointment is produced from about 55 coconuts by cooking them for not less than 10 hours, on Fridays, and after cooking, the oil and some foods are offered to the elementals].

The Black Nazarene, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Divine Mercy Lux in Domino, the poorest of the poor On September 4, 2010, first Saturday, Marilyn Mamaril saw the brightest reddish Black Nazarene rays ("Bukangliwayway" - break of dawn sun colors) from my palms as I healed her of low blood illness. 10 meters from the 1998 Kalayaan Tree (Malolos City Cathedral, Bulacan, Philippines) Romeo (Rommel "Boni") Javier Tayao (a beggar I do give food daily, who works for free at the Malolos Cathedral) saw the same brightest red lights and the Black Nazarene with crown of thorns clad in red dress at my right palm. On September 7, 2010 (a day before Marys Birthday), Romeo (Rommel "Boni") Javier Tayao saw
a) the Black Nazarene clad in red dress with crown of thorns carrying His cross in my right palm with brilliant white lights; b) the Black Nazarene clad in red dress with crown of thorns and cross (with gold metals) upon my right shoulder with brilliant white lights; c) one male and 2 female white dwarves, and 2 male and 1 female white dwarves, all clad in white clothes, wearing white bonitos, all playing ikot-ikot, takbo-takbo inside my 2 eyes, respectively; d) 3 golden crowns of rays (like that of the Christ's) surrounded by 8 white dwarves all clad in white bonitos and dresses, all playing ikot-ikot, takbo-takbo, upon my head-crown;
e) the most brilliant rays of the prism or rainbow glowing like sea waves circling my third eye and above my 2 violet eyelids; and Tayao - heard my voice changed to that of the Black Nazarene. Their companion I healed on September 4 completely recovered from half body paralysis due to massive stroke.

On September 12, 2010, Merlie Marie Casero, 44, of Bagbag, Calumpit, Bulacan, wife of key duplicator service man, saw the most brilliant red lights emanating from a human shadow at the center of my 2 palms while I heal her of high blood illness at Malolos Cathedral, Bulacan. 9:30 pm. My brother Robert saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus, dressed in white and red, in my left palm, with brilliant white lights. He saw the same but with the heart inside before.


He told me that LUIS stated that it is not yet time for myself to see these Holy Images in my palms. One final word. This gift of incredible, spiritual healing tries to eliminate the cause of the pain itself. This way, longterm relief can be achieved. Oftentimes, not every treatment is successful, since most patients come too late and the medical disorders are too difficult to aleviated. And not only faith but sincerity, humility and openness do play a key part in the method, gift and remedy. At any rate, in my compiled SELECTED RULINGS (Decisions, Orders and Resolutions, January 25 to June 4, 1999) a copy of which I gave to my colleague, the Honorable and Venerable Edmundo T. Acuna of Branch 123 RTC, Kalookan City (the sole crying Judge, whose only son Edmund died at the age of 24, after having passed the Bar Exams, when I blocked the vessels causing massive aneurysm), I wrote to him thus: xxx regarding my claim as the 5th Psychic, I would rather be remembered as the sole healing Judge worldwide. And it is only time that will decide whether I am destined to continue to lay my hands upon the sick by the use of oil, the extreme heat and the lights. But for sure, sign came from above: on August 22, 2000, both my palms again turned (very) golden. On September 4, 7 and 12, 2010, the Holy Images, Visions and Apparitions of the Black Nazarene, Divine Mercy and Sacred Heart of Jesus, including the most brilliant reddish and white rays of lights, were seen imprinted or emanating from and inside both my golden palms. Malolos, Bulacan, this 1st day of September, 2000, and 12th day of September, 2010. Judge Floro, Angel ng Kamatayan

Grandson of ex-VP Guingona falls 31 stories to death in Muntinlupa; Sen. Guingona says nephews death may have been caused by personal concerns'

10/27/2011 A fourth year De La Salle University student, Lamb, a resident of 29 San Antonio St., Magallanes Village, Makati City, grandson of former Vice President Teofisto Guingona fell to his death from the 31st floor of the Vivere Hotel Suites in Muntinlupa City of the Sky Lounge at around 2:35 a.m.before dawn Thursday. Police are gathering leads on the death of Marc Guingona Lamb, 20, radio dzBB's Sam Nielsen reported. Lamb fell from the 31st floor of the Vivere Suites Hotel in the Alabang-Filinvest area in Muntinlupa City and landed on the pavement, the report said. For his part, the victim's uncle, Senator Teofisto Guingona III said: "I was informed that his death may have been brought about by personal concerns. We understand that Mark is young and may have been unable to bear burden of such concerns. The intensity of his pain is known only to him." Marc, not Martin as reported initially, Guingona Lamb, 20, is the son of Marie Guingona Lamb, sister of Senator Teofisto Guingona III, the report said. When Judge Florentino Floro was born, he was the: 2,690,893,652nd person alive on Earth & the 76,013,559,571st person to have lived since history began. The world's 7 billionth person, who the UN says will be born on October 31, 2011 will join a population more aware than ever of the challenges of sustaining life on a crowded planet but no closer to a consensus about what to do about it.


XII. The Black Nazarene blesses Judge Florentino Floro: Pinagpala, Powerful Conditional (Scattered, Global) Annihilation of Atheists, Skeptics & Agnostics (including those who Desecrate the Catholic-Holy Images)


The only palms and eyes that emit, display humanly visible brightest, mystic, divine lights, outer space, and holy images, heaven and its wonderful arts and churches, since creation, and solely, in world history. October 9, 2010 I stood near a small (8x8x8 ft.) blue and white plane of LUIS. 10:18 p.m. Eyes closed, awake, a bluish-violet light exploded in both my eyes seconds before a deafening thunder roared. 1:50-2:00 p.m. #1st to have seen the lights from Judge Floros palms: Marilyn Mamaril, housewife, saw a 25 centavos-size circle where white-yellowish lights emanated continuously so bright inside my left palm even if seconds before, a whiteyellowish light flashed at the blue-painted toilet wall. #2 Rowel "Toto" Surio, age 10, of Plaridel, Bulacan, a beggar whose father died of elephantiasis, his mother works as caller, saw inside my right palm, Black Nazarene facing the Malolos Cathedral Church, wearing a crown of thorns and gold rays, with red eyes and brightest red lights. Roel does not know who Jesus Christ is, who appeared to him in a dream before, carrying a cross. Robert said that it is not
yet time for me to see for myself what they see, since these are magic, "mahiwaga" and I am "pinagpala" per LUIS own words.

#3 6:60 p.m. At Alido Parish Church, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines, Asia, Josh Decelis, age 4, saw the brightest red lights inside my right palm. October 10 #4 Girlie Tamoo Diaz, age 27 of Ozamis City, saw the reddish brightest break of dawn sunlights (from a small circle) inside my right palm. October 12 #5-6 1:29 p.m. Beside the Kalayaan tree, Malolos City Cathedral, Bulacan, Philippines, cross-eyed Rommel "Boni" Tayao, a beggar saw in my left palm the Black Nazarene clad in regal red dress.

Jesus wears gold decors in the arms carrying a cross wearing a crown of thorns with 3 gold rays, and 3 white dwarfs playing circles in my third eye center of my 2 eyes. 5 pm Roland Vitorillo, a gay hairdresser, Plaridel, Bulacan, saw the violet lights in my 2 palms and in my right, yellow, and greenish-white water-like lights inside my eyes. #7-8 7 pm Bob San Pedro, of Sto. Cristo, Pulilan, Bulacan and Northbridge, New South Wales, Australia saw the ultraviolet lights in my palms, while Alejandro Mercado saw the break of dawn reddish lights in the upper part of my palms. October 13 Rommel "Boni" Tayao saw the Black Nazarene in my palms and Violet dress clad LUIS, and white dressed Armand and Angel, all wearing gold crowns with LUIS wearing a gold head band, playing circles-running on top of my head crown. #9 Florante Jimenez, age 60, Malolos City, Bulacan, whom I healed completely of massive stroke, half body paralysis, saw the reddish lights in my palms. On 2009 one afternoon, Jimenez' soul and spirit was lifted to a very wide and brightest street where an Angel was flogging methodical, beating or whipping millions of damned souls. He was told to return to earth for a mission unfinished. October 19 I saw 5 lamb-like grey-white outer space animals. #10 5:00 pm. Janet Masla Tumali, age 51, widow, house helper, amid super typhoon Megi-"Juan's" furytorrential rains saw the face of the Black Nazarene, tanned, facing heaven in prayer, with the crown of thorns and blood, in my right palm with green flash of light; she saw a 1 foot white dwarf on top of our tricycle. October 21 Near the shore, I saw outer-space like serpent and as big a a car brown round sea animal with shell eating a smaller species.

#11 2:00 p.m. Xyrine Tasil, age 17 (Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay, Alido, Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines), house helper, saw the very bright red lights and red lights in my right and left palms respectively after I healed her of headache. October 22 In LUIS' Kingdom, I stood outside a biggest Church in front of about 5 lay ministers dressed in blue, repeating the Priest's homily for the faithful. October 23 Riding LUIS' magic carpet, I travel to another planet gazing at the bright yellow full moon above the falling whitegray New Moon. #12 11:45-50 a.m. Ronalyn Malazarte Digal, age 11
(Bangkal, Malolos, Bulacan), a junk-garbabe collector, saw in my right palm, a very pretty 15 year old girl, with very white skin, serious face looking at her, dressed in horizontal blue and white stripes blouse and shorts, with red shoes, amid very bright reddish lights.

October 24 I travel inside LUIS' duende seminary; about 5 priests/seminarians and I are about to eat 5 cooked chicken legs and thighs; a white dwarf seminarian passed by whom I did greet; at the banquet a silly duende lady opened a giant Coca-Cola whose glass broke and she lighted a blue flame to heat it to my disgust. October 25 #13 4:45 p.m. Jordan S. Quinto, age 20, Bangkal,
Malolos, Bulacan, saw in my both palms, break of dawn red lights with a very black man,hazy from breast to head, in the center carrying a black cross, 3 minutes; he later saw as big as 25 centavo coin bright white and red lights, 3 minutes.

October 27 #14 4:00 p.m., Malolos Provincial Capitol Park - Samuel A. Inocencio, age 47, Catmon, Malolos, Bulacan, 5 years jobless, ex-PAO steno-reporter, saw the red lights on both my palms up the fingers.

#15 Mary Jane Boco Bato, age 64, of Justice Romualdez St., Tacloban City & Bangkal, Malolos City, Bulacan, widow with 5 children, high school graduate, saw the bright white lights at the feet of a hazy image of a man carrying a cross, the Black Nazarene, who first appeared like Santa Claus. October 29 12:05 a.m. Very bright white-yellow flash. #16 4 pm Maria V. Galang, age 75, Capihan, San Rafael, Bulacan, widow, saw bright red lights, very clear Black Nazarene carrying black cross, crown of thorns, in my right palm. #17 7 p.m. Benny Periano Cruz, 54, Sto. Cristo, Baliuag, Bulacan, jobless, chicharon ex-repacker, saw as big as 1 peso coin very bright white-yellow light in my right palm. October 31 #18 Faustino Lowel Espartera, age 58, jobless, former pintor-laborer, Talisay, Negros Occidental/Alido, Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan, saw 4 separate candle-light shaped white lights in my palms. November 1 In my mystic travel, I saw some young roosters, hen and a black (with red read and some white feathers) game fowl. November 2 Before dawn, a very thick, fiery, left lying horizontal v-shaped yellow-white lightning-teeth was implanted in my left eye. #19 12 noon Janet Masla Tumali, widow, age 51, Jolo, Sulu & Olongapo City, Zambales & Tabing Ilong, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, saw in both my palms:a) white clouds, then, b) an x-ray of a leg and foot skeletonbones which moves right, center and left, then c) a bee hive with blue lines and d) light blue smoke-lights, blue screen,
which she also saw inside my eyes. Robert Floro, brother of Judge Floro also saw these lights, particularly the white round.


Death Curse upon Ateneo Law School Class 1982 November 4, 2010 About to fix a back horshsoe of my bay horse, I saw her 2 beautiful foal and yearling. A day before jobless Judge Floro's 57th birthday amid 3 mystic dwarves' LUIS, Armand and Angel's curse upon Ateneo Law School Class 1982, 1980-90, his classmate, Senior State Prosecutor Leo Dacera III, 54, died of heart attack on Thursday, 4 a.m. Let this be another stern warning upon cursed enemies of the dwarf judge, sayeth LUIS, the King of kings of elementals. November 5, 2010, Birthday of Judge Floro As predicted (by text message to all Ateneo Law School Class 1982, per Christine Tomas Espinosa, 2002, 2003, 2004, and in writing and in blogs), Ampatuan Massacre lead counsel Senior State Prosecutor Leo Dacera III, 54 (seatmate-classmate of jobless mystic dwarf Judge Floro, 1978-82) died of heart attack, 21 hours before the 5th birthday of Judge Floro, today, and after Floro, on bended knees, repeatedly knocked at the office door of Dacera, to ask audience. May PUSO ba sila? "Let this be a stern warning upon all enemies, detractors and persecutors of our ProphetVisionary-Instrument Judge Floro; Mark my word, they will REGRET it!" LUIS, King of kings of elementals issued the Decree. /20101105-301513/Lead-lawyer-in-massacre-trial-dies In world history, there is no other hand, even in the billions of pages of the archives of Vatican Saints that emit, display clearly the Lights and holy images, humanly visible to almost anybody who looks at my hands, palms. This is the greatest proof, ever, that there is a God, LUX IN DOMINO. Since September 4, 2010 to October, 2011, at least 132 persons saw these mystic lights, including 18, who saw the Black Nazarene and 2 persons saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floros palms and eyes.


7:30 pm #20-21 Leonila Garcia Gatchalian, widow, age 60, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan, and her grandson, Ivan, 11, saw in my both palms, the oblong-shaped bright yellow lights; Leonila also saw hundreds of small creatures walking in the right direction. Wall Street Journal Loosens Collar, Covers Paranormal FishbowlNY Thought the Wall Street Journal was square, unhip and afraid to take on any stories that reek of high weirdness? Uhm no.Maybe its a creeping low-grade Rupertification over at the WSJ, but they recently did a piece on... a Filipino judge who believes in elves: As a trialcourt judge, Florentino V. Floro Jr. acknowledged that he regularly sought the counsel of three elves only he could see. November 5 Birthdays: 1953 Florentino V. Floro, Filipino dwarf judge 1953 Joyce Maynard, American writer On This Day in History November 5 On This Day in History Post or comment about a beloved judge? October 30, 2010 8:51 PM I'm having a dickens of a time finding a post or comment (and possibly an AskMe spawned by the post) about a judge who was famous for his stylish and funny decisions, and even an extensive fan website dedicated to him. Someone also linked to a blog that collected well-written or notable legal opinions. Can anyone help me find this post? Here I thought, beloved judge? Must be Florentino Floro. posted by breezeway at 8:44 AM on October 31 Man i would love to see that guy on the supreme court.posted by empath at 9:14 AM on October 31

November 7 #22 4:40-55 pm Conchita Bahamundi Dodon, age 63, April 13, 1947, beggar, Daraga, Albay, Legaspi City & Cambaly, Bagulin, La Union, saw in my both palms, full 15 minutes: a) white, yellow-reddish sunset lights, b) the brown tree with white lines, green leaves, c) the just heaven, blue clouds and d) the ultra-clear Black Nazarene's Holy Face, crown of thorns, dress. November 11 6:00 pm With blood in her hands, I passed by an almost lifeless body at Tarcan, Baliuag, Bulacan. November 14 #23 8:30-45 p.m. Frappino, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan. Gerry C. Sta. Ana, age 43, of Salangan, San Miguel Bulacan & # 434 J. Buizon St., Sto.Cristo, Baliuag, Bulacan (0916409-0463), therapist, saw in my palms for 10 minutes: the oblong white lights, then turning to reddish-yellow like the colors of break of dawn/sunrise, then turning very bright red. November 24 I gaze at 2 white horses mating, then, at a tall golden skin-beard alien. November 26 #24 3:00 p.m. Digna De Guzman (old lady of Baliuag, Bulacan Convent Images Store) saw the oblong or round white lights in my palms. I met 2 Spanish priests in St. Vincent's Seminary. 4:00 pm After my brother Robert held her hand, Jaime Munoz's wife "Juaning" suffered serious arm bone fracture which needs 1 month cement cast; on November 1, she suffered a glass cut accident on her leg. November 29 Using LUIS bonito, I, riding a magic carpet, slowly flew over a very hot-sunny Luneta park where beings stay in shades.

Aboard an ulta-fast space-ship I sat with beings, awed with great fear gazing at the universe, until I saw the very tall landing stairs; 2 beings said: Welcome, we are happy to have you here travel ! I saw a wire; I landed off. November 30
In a vehicle, a teen dressed in coat and tie sat beside me.

December 1 Aboard a vehicle, 2 ladies fell to a cliff while my mother Milagros+ wearing beautiful yellow dress with red flowers stood still. 11:20 a.m. #25 Erica Jhane Lopez Gutana, age 6, October 18, 2004, Pinagbakahan, Malolos City, Bulacan & Sipac-Almacen, Navotas, Metro Manila, saw red and orange oblong lights and white crown lights in my palms. Jhennylyn Lopez = December 3 #26 8:00-8:10 pm At Odette Tolentino's Frappino Coffee Shakes Desserts - Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, upon

spiritual healing of Blepharospasm - Dr. Nilo L. Tolentino, M.D., OB/GYN, age 67 [Tolentino Clinic, F. Vergel de Dios, Baliuag, Bulacan, c/o Robin at Frappino, Cel. No. 09228083449], saw oblong yellow lights in my palms. A blepharospasm (Greek: blepharo, eyelid, and spasm, an uncontrolled muscle contraction), is any abnormal
contraction or twitch of the eyelid - benign essential blepharospasm, a focal dystoniaa neurological movement disorder involving involuntary and sustained contractions of the muscles around the eyes. The symptoms are often severe enough to result in functional blindness, a fairly rare disease, affecting only one in every 20,000 people in the USA. Botulinum toxin injections (Botox) have been used to induce localized, partial paralysis. Injections are generally administered every three months. The most effective surgical treatment has been protractor myectomy, the removal of muscles responsible for eyelid closure. 439

Note: On February 14, 2011, Dr. Nilo L. Tolentino informed Judge Floro, that the blesparospasm was allegedly cured mysteriously, for unknown reasons. December 6 Before dawn, awake, with eyes closed, a hazy, blurred black and white, silhoute of the Holy Cross appeared to me. December 9 I saw racehorses racing to the finish line swimming in dark waters. #27 12:00-12:15 noon At Malolos City market, fish vendor Rosario Santos Castro, age 62 (1 ha. crab ["alimango"], San Pedro, Hagonoy, Bulacan owner), saw in my palms, at the moment of my healing, for full 7 minutes, the bright red lights, including the Black Nazarene's "singkit" or slanted eyes. The golden hands, palms and eyes of Judge Florentino Floro, the only hands and eyes in world history that display-emit humanly visible mystic, divine lights, holy images of Black Nazarene, etc. November 5, 2010, 11:30 a.m. Birthday of Judge Floro Extra-terrestial, UFO, aliens: LUIS, the King of kings of elementals in the entire universe, Angel of Death ... The author of the Book of Ezekiel identifies himself as Ezekiel, the son of Buzi, [Ezekiel 1:3] born into a priesthood
lineage from the Kingdom of Judah. The author dates ages, prophecies and visions by making references to the lengths of time King Jehoiachin of Judah was in exile.

Under the direction of Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylonian

armies exiled three thousand Jews from Judah, deposing King Jehoiachin in 597 BCE. In reference to Ezekiel being in his "thirtieth year... during the fifth year of King Jehoiachins exile", [Ezekiel 1:1, 2] it could be determined that he was born around c. 622 BCE. Inaugural vision (Ezekiel 1:13:27): The first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel begins with Ezekiel's record of his vision of God's spectacular chariot (see Merkabah). In this vision, God approaches Ezekiel as a divine warrior, riding in his battle chariot. 440

This chariot appeared to be drawn by four living creatures each having four faces (of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle), and four wings. These living creatures are traditionally known as the fixed signs of the astrology zodiac, namely Aquarius (the man), Leo (the lion), Taurus (the ox), and Scorpio (the eagle is the second symbol of the Scorpio
sign). They could travel forward and backward, up and down, and they moved in flashes of lightning. Beside each "living creature" was a beryl-colored wheel, constructed as "a wheel within a wheel," with "tall and awesome" rims that were full of eyes all around. In this appearance of God unto Ezekiel here, he commissions him to be a prophet and a "watchman" in Israel: "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites." (2:3)

Ezekiel 1 (New King James Version) Ezekiels Vision of God 1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the
fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. 4 Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. 5 Also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man. 6 Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings. 7 Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of calves feet. They sparkled like the color of burnished bronze. 8 The hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides; and each of the four had faces and wings. 9 Their wings touched one another. The creatures did not turn when they went, but each one went straight forward. 26 And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; on the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it. 27 Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around. 28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.


December 11 #28 5:30-5:50 pm Near Jollibee, Crossing, Malolos City, Bulacan, Merceditas Baisa Bondoc, age 65, beggar, Sabitan & Kanto boy & Caniongan, Malolos City, using a crutch, at moment of my spiritual healing her diseases, saw the brilliant lightning shaped lights for 5 minutes in my palms. December 14 Today is my day. Giggling this moment, I jump 3x with sheer joy, recalling both a) January-December 2000-2001, when, on bended knees I faced Lauro Vizconde and Dante Jimenez, whose Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) threw into the waste can my lettersappeals to ask the Supreme Court to decide my duende case, and b) August 2008, when my Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr. and Mariano Del Castillo ridiculed my pleas for mercy and compassion. Not even Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb can steal from me this moment of double victory amid the suicide death of Anna Patricia del Castillo. May puso ba sila? Sweet revenge, LUIS said! G.R. No. 176389 G.R. No. 176864 SC acquits Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb, 6 others Impeachment raps filed vs Supreme Court Justice Mariano del Castillo Justice over 'plagiarism' 12/14/2010 December 16 4:55 p.m. At Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, Market, while buying 2 green mangoes, a transformer short circuit caused flames beside Mercury Drug Store near me. #29 6:30-6:45 p.m. At San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan OTB, SLLP, Electrical Engineer Leo Hipolito Patawaran, iee, age 59, June 15, 1951 saw the bluish-white map-like of the Philippines seconds in my palms.

December 17


#30 10:00-10:30 a.m. Beside Saint Ezekiel School (Bulihan, City of Malolos, Bulacan), Basil Navares Malbataan (09291817544), age 40, November 22, 1970, coconut & fruits dealer, saw the oblong and triangle-shaped bright reddish white lights in my palms for 7 minutes after healing his back pains; "Kasing init ng baga ang mga kamay mo!" said Basil. #31 3:00-3:40 p.m. At Capitolio Park, Provincial Capitol, Malolos City, Bulacan, I healed his epilepsy for 30 minutes Reniel Cayanis Briton, age 25, August 5, 1985, born at Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte, now at Bancal, Malolos City, construction worker, in divine ecstasy, saw in my palms for 10 minutes - the very clear heavenly-resurrected Jesus Christ, not image, not Rebulto, not statue - surrounded by white lights, looking down ("nakayuko"), with brown crown of thorns, 3 golden head rays, bloods oozing his head-face, right hand raised with nail-wound oozing blood, with red and white dress, half body. Reniel committed suicide having ingested Aldrin, insecticide at Leyte, due to love problems, at age 19, was hospitalized for 2 months, when the epilepsy haunted him until today. December 18 #32-33 6:00-6:30 p.m. At Saint Augustine Parish Church, Baliuag, Bulacan park, a) Francisco "Paquito" Abad Villadariz, age 67, June 5, 1943, Caingin, San Rafael, Bulacan, and b) Diego Murillo Operiano, age 69, March 8, 1951, San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan, at the moment of my
healing (liver, lung & upper lung diseases, respectively), saw the i) bright yellow turning red lights & ii) oblong & round blood-red lights, respectively for 5 minutes, in both my palms.

December 21 #34 11:00 a.m. Carmen Atienza Barbosa, age 67, November 11, 1945 (with 9 children, 20 grandchildren), of Balic-Balic, Tondo, Manila & Caingin, Malolos, Bulacan, cigarette-candy vendor, at front of Malolos Cathedral, or Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, saw the Black Nazarene both in my palms and in my entire body.

The Kalayaan Tree (Siar), located in the patio of the Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception in the historic city of Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines. It was planted by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo during a lull in the Malolos Convention. Aguinaldo is said to have conducted many political discussions here. Under the tree is a monument that symbolizes the meeting of Filipino revolutionaries represented by Gregorio del Pilar and Gen. Isidoro Torres; Don Pablo Tecson, an erudite legislator; Padre Mariano Sevilla, a nationalist leader of the church and Doa Basilia Tantoco, portraying a woman freedom fighter. Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila, Saint John the Baptist Church Black Nazarene The Black Nazarene, known to devotees as Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno de Quiapo ("Our Father Jesus Nazarene of Quiapo"), is a life-sized, dark-coloured, wooden sculpture of Jesus Christ, held to be miraculous by many Filipino devotees. The Black Nazarene is currently enshrined in the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila, Philippines. The Feast of the Black Nazarene is celebrated every January 9 with the weekly Friday Masses held in its honour beginning on the first Friday of the year. The Black Nazarene refers to a life-sized, dark colored statue of Jesus Christ that was brought to the Philippines from Mexico by the first group of Augustinian Recollect friars sent by Spain. This statue was carved by an Aztec carpenter. Jesus is depicted genuflecting under the weight of the Cross that bore during his Passion. The Black Nazarene arrived in Manila on May 31, 1606. The statue was
initially brought to the first Recollect Church in what is now the Rizal Park. In 1608, it was transferred to a bigger church dedicated to San Nicolas de Tolentino in Intramuros. Then, it was transferred in 1787 by then Archbishop of Manila, Basilio Sancho de Santa Junta y Rufina, to the church in Quiapothe name, the Black Nazarene of Quiapo. 444

In Quiapo Church, the image survived the great fires that destroyed the Quiapo Church in 1791 and 1929. It also withstood the great earthquakes of 1645 and 1863 and the destructive bombing of Manila in 1945 during World War II. The statue is to be seen in the Saint John the Baptist Church in Quiapo in Manila, where it has been housed since 1787. The devotion to the Black Nazarene started when the image was in Intramuros. In 1608, the Recollect Fathers started promoting the devotion to the Suffering of our Lord. After fifteen years, the confraternity or Cofradia de Jesus Nazareno was established on April 21, 1621. The brotherhood got is papal blessing from His Holiness Pope Innocent X on April 20, 1650. In the 19th century, Pope Pius VII granted indulgence to those who prayed before the image of the Black Nazarene. The year 2007 marked the 400th year that the Black Nazarene came to the Philippines. Today, the image borne in procession consists of the original body of the Black Nazarene connected to a replica of the head, while the original head portion of the statue remains on a replica of the body enshrined within the high altar of the basilica. An exception to this setup was during the 2007 feast, where both the original head and the body were combined in celebration of the Black Nazarene's 400 year history. December 27 My mother Milagros+ visited me, with different dress, violet, in a mirror, from the one she wears. December 29 At the backyard ("duluhan") of my Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan ancestral home-lot, LUIS brought me in his Kingdom; I saw reddish-white sands placed to protect from intruders, and one side fell due to weight, in clean backyard with a game-fowl fence. LUIS said that there is a treasure buried thereat. December 30, 2010 #35-36 4:00-4:20 pm Amparo Ruiz Rivera, age 63, April 15, 1947, widow, Sto. Cristo, Pulilan, Bulacan, saw the 2 oblong, candle-light shaped reddish, break of dawn lights, then, one round white light with dark hole in the center (left palm) and finally, rectangular white lights on my palms.

Bernardo Pastoral Felisilda, age 27, Febuary 13, 1982, born at Karuhtan, Valenzuela, Bulacan (now Metro, Manila), lived at Calbayog City, Samar, jeep conductor and group dancer, while being healed of epilepsy (with failed suicide attempt, burn accident) saw the red, orange, yellow and blue irregular shaped lights in my palm. He also saw the Risen Christ in my hands. January 1, 2011: Karma, Curse & Spell upon the Court of Appeals of the Philippines In LUIS' Kingdom, before break of dawn, I saw many meteors, including fireworks in the sky welcoming the 2011 New Year. /20101231-311782/Witness-ill-court-junks-bribery-raps-vstrader A medical certificate signed by Dr. Stephanie Andres of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital dated Sept. 22, 2010, which certified that Justice Jose L. Sabio, Jr. was admitted to the hospital on Nov. 21, 2009 because of loss of consciousness. The doctor also said that Sabio had suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was discharged awake, but
with no verbal output and has been bedridden requiring complete nursing care since then. He had several readmissions in the hospital and continues to be unable to ambulate, communicate and perform activities of daily living until the present time, Andres wrote. Sources who declined to be named said that Sabio has yet to recover and was now in Cagayan de Oro with his family. Judgefloro&oldid=16482677#Appeals Judge Floro file on First Friday, August 1, 2008, and
August 8, 2008 taxpayer lawsuit against some Justices, including Justice Jose L. Sabio, Jr. and lawyers in the GSIS-Meralco bribery case. On 8-7-'08, Justice Reyes suffered 2 heart attacks (Valvular heart disease, Aortic valve stenosis, Rheumatic fever and mitral regurgitation and rushed to the Capitol Medical Center, Quezon City ICU). S.C. Resolution dated August 12, 2008, in A.M. No. 088-11-CA in the GSIS-Meralco bribery case, resolved to dismiss Floro's August 1, 2008 disbarment complaint in view of the ongoing panel investigation.


Further, the Court, on September 9, 2008, denied for lack of merit Floro's September 5, 2008 Intervention motions. January 5 #37 8:00 pm McDonald, BSU, Malolos. Archie Milan, age 17, illiterate, of Lopez, Quezon and Ph. 2B, Maunlad, Malolos, Bulacan, saw in my palms, for full 10 minutes, the Risen Christ he called "Papa Jesus",clad in blinding white dress, with outstretched hands with 2 wounds with blood.
"Pray ... before you sleep to prevent evil dreams!" At age 15-17, the same Jesus appeared to him in dreams asking him to pray.

January 7 #38 9:30 a.m. In front of Malolos Cathedral, Allan Arieta Llerin, age 32, 2-23, 1977, Sto. Nino, Malolos, Bulacan, construction worker, with 3 children, upon healing his "pasma", saw for full 5 minutes the oblong candle-light white light in my left palm. January 9, 2011 Feast of the Black Nazarene 5:40 p.m. Inside the Malolos Cathedral, Mass, Conchita Bahamonbde Dodon, age 63, for full 15 minutes, in divine ecstasy, saw the a) the just heaven skyblue lights with angels, b) the blurred picture of the Black Nazarene with maroon or red dress and c) the crucified Christ on the Cross beside the two thieves, face looking down, with blood flowing from the crown thorns in his head. January 10 3:26 a.m. Blue-violet flash. January 11 I did travel and flew-levitated with difficulty over some distant dimensions. Before break of dawn, some seconds, the Holy Face of Christ with crown of thorns appeared to me, though, in bluish, black and white fashion.

Thousands join procession of the Black Nazarene in Manila MANILA BRACES FOR 6 MILLION DEVOTEES AT BLACK NAZARENE FEAST SUNDAY; Eyewitness: The Black Nazarene procession Photographs from the Guardian's Eyewitness series January 9, 20100 7M devotees join Black Nazarene feast - 01/10/2011 Nazarene procession lasts nearly 17 hours 708 devotees injured in Black Nazarene feast 01/10/2011 Hundreds are hurt as huge crowd gathers to touch black Christ statue Honderden gewonden tijdens processie in Manila Faith draws 2M to Black Nazarene procession Black Nazarene statue escorted by millions Philippine faithful flock to 'Black Nazarene' Looking for a miracle in Manila during the annual procession of the Feast of Black Nazarene Picture of the Day: Catholics flock to statue Manila celebrates Tens of thousands of Roman Catholics jammed the streets of the Philippines capital Manila on Sunday, many trying to touch a black statue of Jesus Christ believed by many to deliver miracles. Videos Mga deboto ng Poong Nazareno, nagpapanata Mga deboto, nakipagbalyahan para sa Poong Nazareno Pista ng Poong Nazareno, ipinagdiwang 454, sugatan sa prusisyon ng Poong Nazareno AFP Thousands join procession of the Black Nazarene in Manila 7.5 million PHL devotees honor the Black Nazarene Nazarene throngs sign of rising povertyprelate On Sunday, January 9, 2011, the National Capital Region Police Office pegged the number of participants at between 7 and 7.5 million. Most of the devotees wore maroon and gold shirts and were barefoot during the procession that began early in the morning and ended past midnight, or 17 hours, under intermittent rain.

Conditional Global Annihilation: Fatima, Lourdes & 140 rue du Bac vis-a-vis Atheism January 11, 2011 In CODED and cryptology prophecies, Judge Florentino Floro published in 3 e-forums (Quarter To Three, PinoyExchange & Forumopulis Forums) the scattered global destruction from January 11, 2011 to March 11, 2011 and towards December, 2012 As prefatory, LUIS announced that he came from Jupiter and established his Kingdom at Osaka, Japan about May, 2009 as signal of the March 11, 2011 Sendai, Japan destruction, inter alia. The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines judgefloro 05-12-2009, 01:36 AM

Qtr Century Close Encounter w/ 3 Dwarves: 1985-892001 Betamax-VHS 60 Videos judgefloro 07-04-2009, 04:35 AM

7.5 million PHL devotees honor Black Conditional Global Destruction Prophecy judgefloro 01-11-2011, 05:14 PM January 12


2 p.m. Resting, I saw a vision, the Black Nazarene, clad in maroon dress, with a black heavy cross, going to the narrow path or road I was about to go via jeep ride, looks at me, who was so afraid of the heavy burden. January 13 7:00 a.m. I saw the red dress near the cross of the Black Nazarene, just 1 1/2 feet.


#39-40 7:00-7:30 pm At Malolos City, Bulacan crossing restaurant & beside Capitolio park, a) Manuel Jayco Borja Quilonio, age 14, 3-8, 1996, finished Grade III, Elementary School, & b) Marlon Laderos, age 9, illiterate, of Looban, Catmon & Bancal, Malolos, respectively, saw in my palms, for 3 full minutes, bright white lights shaped a) 1 round, center, 4 rectangle below it plus bright white lights at foot, & b) 5 round, circle, respectively, which are Lights of Christ, as LUIS said to Robert V. Floro, my brother. 5 found guilty of graft in megadike case 01/14/2011 But in a separate decision last October 13, the graft courts First Division acquitted DPWH Bureau of Design director Bienvenido C. Leuterio; Engineers Gregorio O. Carillo, Gilberto S. Reyes, Pedro P. Tercino, Raymundo G. Adawag and Darius F. de Guzman; DPWH-BoD Hydraulic Division chief Sofia T. Santiago; and Design Section officer-incharge Ramon F. Velasquez [cousin of Judge Floro], saying it is more inclined to believe that the damage was caused by faulty construction rather than poor design. January 17 #41 6:00 p.m. At St. Augustine Church, Baliuag, Bulacan, Aries Bagtas Brinyo, age 16, August 21, 1994, sampaguita flower vendor, finished Grade VI, Elementary School, of Tibag, Baliuag, saw a round yellow light in my left palm 1 minute. Dire Written Prophecy regarding Atty. Oliver Lozano

HR 1109-CON-ASS, S.C. G.R. NO. 187883, Lozano vs Nograles - Legal Exorcism: Intervention Complaint Judge Floro's June, 2009 SC Petition versus "mentally deficit" Oliver Lozano - Judge Floro intervened in a 2009 landmark political case before the Supreme Court. - Pages 1 to 17 of the Supreme Court G.R. NO. 187883.


Atty. Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano vs House Speaker Prospero C. Nograles, Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., Intervenor (Petitioner-Oppositor-in-Intervention) versus Atty. Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., Intervenor (PetitionerOppositor-in-Intervention) versus Atty. Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano was duly NOTED by the Philippine Supreme Court on June 16, 2009. On July 9, 2007, the Supreme Court denied with Finality, Lozano and other petitioners' cases. Con-ass petitions junked - Challenge premature, SC rules Philippine Daily Inquirer 06/17/2009 The Supreme Court NOTED Judge Floro's Petition on June 16, 2009 MANILA, PhilippinesThe Supreme Court Tuesday ruled that a challenge to a move by the House of Representatives to convene a Senate-less constituent assembly (Con-ass) was premature, prompting lawmakers to buckle down to make the event happen and institute revisions in the Constitution. The House has not yet performed a positive act that would warrant an intervention from this Court, the high tribunal said in an eight-page unanimous resolution throwing out petitions by lawyer Oliver Lozano and businessman Louis Biraogo. The court said the petitioners had no standing to question House Resolution No. 1109 and brushed off their claim that they were taxpayers. While saying that it had taken a liberal position in entertaining questions of law from those who claim to suffer personal injury from state acts, it declared that it is not an open invitation for the
ignorant and the ignoble to file petitions that prove nothing but their cerebral deficit. The Supreme Court on July, 2007 threw in the trash can, "cerebral deficit" Oliver Lozano's Petition


G.R. No. 187883, Oliver Lozano vs. Judge Florentino Floro _187910.htm

In the present case, the fitness of petitioners case for the exercise of judicial review is grossly lacking. In the first place, petitioners have not sufficiently proven any adverse injury or hardship from the act complained of. In the second place, House Resolution No. 1109 only resolved that the House of Representatives shall convene at a future time for the purpose of proposing amendments or revisions to the Constitution. No actual convention has yet transpired and no rules of procedure have yet been adopted. More importantly, no proposal has yet been made, and hence, no usurpation of power or gross abuse of discretion has yet taken place. In short, House Resolution No. 1109 involves a quintessential example of an uncertain contingent future event that may not occur as anticipated, or indeed may not occur at all. The House has not yet performed a positive act that would warrant an intervention from this Court.

SC Suspends Lawyers, Atty. Oliver Lozano and his daughter Atty. Evangeline Lozano-Endriano - June 22, 2010 The Court has indefinitely suspended from the practice of law Atty. Oliver Lozano and his daughter Atty. Evangeline Lozano-Endriano for grave professional misconduct. It found the lawyers to have misquoted and misused constitutional provisions and showed a reckless lack of respect and disregard for our system of justice for
filing sans any legal or factual basis a criminal complaint before the Office of the Ombudsman against retired Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. and retired SC Justice Alicia Austria-Martinez.

In a 14-page resolution, the Court En Banc held the Lozanos unfit to continue to be entrusted with the duties and responsibilities belonging to the office of an attorney.


The suspension took effect immediately. The Court also held that any proven violation of the said suspension order would result in the Lozanos outright disbarment.

Lozano, daughter ask SC to reconsider suspension order By DateLine Philippines Jun. 23, 2010 Oliver Lozano and his lawyer-daughter Evangeline Lozano-Endriano on Wednesday asked the Supreme Court (SC) to reconsider its order to indefinitely suspend their practice of law after finding the two Lozanos guilty of grave professional misconduct. In their nine-page motion for reconsideration, the Lozanos maintained that contrary to the Courts findings, they did not misquote the Constitution in order to mislead the SC. Aquino to 01/17/201 police: Prioritize Lozano son's murder

President Benigno Aquino III on Monday ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) to prioritize the investigation on the killing of the son of lawyer Oliver Lozano, former legal counsel of the late President Ferdinand Marcos. The charred body of Emerson Lozano, 44, was found at a grassy lot near the FVR Megadike in

Porac, Pampanga last Friday, but authorities were able to confirm his identity only on Monday through his dental records.


In 1983, the administration of the college was handed over by the Columban Fathers to the Vincentian Fathers. Rev. Fr. Constancio S. Gan was appointed school director of the

Columban College in Olongapo City.


Today, he resides at Vincentian Hills Seminary, Angono, Rizal and teaches Spanish at Adamson University. He also taught abnormal psychology, earned M.A. in Psychology. Text message SMS of Fr. Constancio S. Gan to Judge
Floro: "Be assured of my masses & Sacrifices 4 u. - Fr.G." (09266930705), 13 January 2011, 10:15.21 a.m. The foregoing is a reply to Judge Floros January 12 text to Fr. Gan, asking for Mass prayers to the Lord, to forgive Judge Floro, on delaying on January 12, 2011, the carrying of the Holy Cross of the Black Nazarene.

Ilocos Norte judge found with slashed throat 01/19/2011 Vintar-Sarrat Judge Fredelito Pingao, 51, who
was judge of the Laoag City RTC Branch 1, was found lying in a pool of blood by his driver at 8 a.m., said Police Regional Office 1 director Chief Supt. Franklin James Bucayu. He said the judge lived alone in his house in Barangay San Simeon, Currimao municipality. His throat was slashed and he was hacked thrice.

Pingao was the second Ilocos Norte judge who was murdered since 2001. Judge Ariston Rubio of the Regional Trial Court of Batac was gunned down on October 31, 2001 on his way to the court for a hearing. January 20 #42 5:40 p.m. At the patio of St. Francis of Assissi
Church, Meycauayan, Bulacan, painter-laborer, Antonio Lopez Edic, age 63, October 3, 1947, upon healing his asthma, saw 2 candle-light shaped red and white lights in my palms for 3 minutes.

January 21 7:00 a.m. For the first time since June 2, 1983, LUIS
embedded in my eyes, pupils, 90% filled yellow outerspace yellow lights dime sized, to be used for killing, and annihilation of all my enemies, by merely looking at them, Robert V. Floro said, LUIS told him.


January 22 7:a.m. A fast-seconds picture image of the Black Nazarene appeared to me, eyes closed, but awake. January 24 #43 On September, 2010, at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan and Batong Dalig, Kawit, Cavite, Wyndel Williams Pinlac, stated that a) the Black Nazarene guides me and b) she saw the Black Nazarene in my palms. dlPyqL7aI5Xwb4-s7cy5ouJw?docId=5740987

Palawan broadcaster shot dead, gunman caught

01/24/2011 Dr. Gerardo "Gerry" Ortega, a prominent civic leader and a former radio host of RGMA Network Inc., was shot and killed in Puerto Princesa City by a lone gunman on Monday morning. Ortega, 47, was the main news anchor and commentator of Radyo Mo Nationwide's (RMN)'s Palawan station dwAR at the time of the killing. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines said that 142 journalists had been murdered since the fall of dictator Ferdinand Marcos and the restoration of democracy in 1986. This includes 30 journalists who were among 57 people murdered in the southern Philippines in 2009, allegedly by members of a powerful Muslim clan who wanted to eliminate a rival's political challenge. Aside from his media work, Ortega is a well-known wildlife veterinarian and environmentalist popularly known as "Doc Gerry." He was the director of the Crocodile Farming Institute, since renamed the
Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, from 1988 to 2000. He served as board member in the Palawan provincial board from 2001 to 2004. 455

He ran but lost in the 2004 gubernatorial race in the province. In the 2010 elections, he supported the failed gubernatorial bid of businessman Jose Alvarez. Hours later, provincial police director Artemio Hicban said a suspect was apprehended and a .45 calibre pistol allegedly used in the shooting seized from him. He said the motive for the attack is being investigated. Puerto Princesa police arrested a suspect identified as Marvin Alcaraz, who is believed to be a resident of Taguig City, Metro Manila. The motive for the attack has not been established as initial investigations continue. OwWtLTFQ?docId=CNG.8c338e3b1bec49650ef90f296bedf8dc.401

Philippine police said Tuesday a gunman who killed a crusading journalist had confessed to carrying out the murder for a share of 150,000 pesos ($3,370). The gunman, Marlon de Camata, was detained while trying to escape the scene, police said.Police have identified the owner of the gun used in the killing of environmental advocate and media practitioner Dr. Gerardo Gerry Ortega. In an interview with radio dzMM, Palawan Mayor Edward Hagedorn said the gun was traced to former Provincial Administrator Romeo Seratubias, whose name was a regular topic in Ortegas radio program.

On January 25, 2011, a-cacho-sheppard/

Laureana Cacho Sheppard meets Judge Florentino Floro writes to me, per her

facebook: "... My 3rd book "The Messages of My Dreams-40 Years Dream Diary (Prophecies, Warnings and Reminders)" was published in December on my birthday, a special present from God our Lord.


On October 18, 2008 I dreamt that you sent me a postcard with PS, meaning God's present is Salvation if you repent" I interpreted this dream that you sent a card to one of your enemies (not me I am only acting in dream) telling him/her to repent for their Salvation is God's present. After this dream I google "Philippine Psychic" your name appeared and felt sure it's you. This dream is written in my latest book on pp 430 and I pasted the article of your suspension in 2006. I want to ask you about my dream last week -"Two suns were rising already above the mountain peak, quarter part of each is black". Can you help me interprete this dream? I have many dreams about the Philippines; disasters, heavy rains and floods, heatwaves, drought, politics, corruption, terrorists and the latest is hunger." Reply of Judge Floro: Dear Laureana, This blog, and other versions of word, which I duly published, tersely answers your dreams about me, the postcard and the Fatima, Lourdes & Rue de Bac (Miraculous Medal, 1830) messages, secrets and conditional global annihilation ... I had published this in Forumopulis and Quartertothree forums including PinoyExchange. I used to publish my prophecies in more than 40 forums, but, now I find hardships in having time in the internet, for the Black Nazarene has been offended by me many times, for He is asking me to carry his Cross. So, I how could I not be forgiven, since, Mary is my-our Mother is with me and all of us, including you.

I have no gift to interpret dreams, even if, daily I have mystic travels, etc. In philosophy last 1970-2, we heard about this Sigmund Freud. The best dream is that of St. Joseph and in the Old Testament, the prophets.

1. Ateneo Law School Class 1982, where I belong, is a cursed corrupt class. Iloilo Cong. Jerry Trenas was for 4 years from 1978 my class-seatmate. You know what is happening to him, sick with diabetes, and he consulted me last 2002 for erection due to this disease. God loves all of us, and He appointed Mary as destined, to crush the 666, which is already inscribed in all our political leaders, without any exception. 2. God does not speak to us in words that we do not understand, but, as Prophet, like others, I was, and is persecuted, and God's message is often thrown in the trash can. 3. Verily, your dream about the postcard is a bi-location of my spirit, to reach out to the far far other side of the earth ... for we are merely servants, members of Mary's Army and Crusaders of the Black Nazarene for the Protection of the Holy Eucharist against the 666 and its instruments. 4. I had seen the sun, too, rising above Jupiter where I came from, and in twitter, the other year, I wrote about it, including, LUIS, as angel of God vs. Satan's black angels, armed with the ultimate violet lights, made stronger, as LUX IN DOMINO, by myself, doing good, feeding the hungry daily, here in Philippines, where 1/4 of our population experienced hunger per SWS survey. 5.In my heart, I have forgiven all my enemies, since I have touched with my healing hand those afflicted with terminal cancer, and I heard them not shouting but continously singing in pain. I am blessed, and future generations will call me "Pinagpala". 6. Thanks for writing about me in your book. Gift, yes, present, God loves us so much through Mary, and Christ, the Risen Lord as Black Nazarene, is offended and asked, asks me to carry his very very heavy cross. 7. The foregoing answers your query on what your dream should mean as God is telling you. Simply put, conversion, repentance, fasting, penance and of course, Mary our Mother loves us very much. Do you know how beautiful she is, as I saw heaven on July 9, last year.


The black part of the sun, quarter thereof, is what people say in forum, which is just a reminder of thousands of members who hate God in millions of discussion boards. I am not creating fear in these people,
but, but, but, the cup is overflowing since 1917 Fatima ... May the Peace of Christ through Ave Maria, be with all of us!

January 26 10:10 a.m. A 10-wheeler truch tire burst flat-tire 5 meters from our jeep. #44 Rowena Floro Ang Buing, age 42, 1-11, 1969, meat processing business, daughter of Virgilio Floro Ang, 2nd cousin of Judge Floro, 0915-813-7545, resident of # 692 Sarno St., Sampalukan, Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, saw, for full 25 minutes the 2-3 almost round white lights turning into one light as in Holy Trinity, in my left palm. Cedric Floro Ang Buing, age 10, August 20, 2000, with Father, Arel; Cedric is the only son of Rowena Floro Ang Buing. January 31 Birthday of Arman: I traveled to LUIS' Enchanted Kingdom, seeing a) 2-3 brown snakes and yellow and white snakes killed by black dwarf; b) crude wooden with motor spacship with 2 riders and c) a pink cup-like light falling from heavens to ground, the power of Angel. February 5, 2011 As I knelt before the Our Lady of Lourdes statue, her hands came alive reaching to me, then a woman said: "I am St. Brigit ... I could not remember her message. Saint Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland (Brigit, Bridget, Bridgit, Brd or Bride) or Mary of the Gael (Irish: Naomh Brd) (c. 451 525) is one of Ireland's patron saints along with Saints Patrick and Columba. Irish hagiography makes her an early Irish Christian nun, abbess, and founder of several monasteries. Her feast day is 1 February, celebrated as St Brigids Day or Imbolc in Gaelic Ireland.


February 7 #45 11:00-12 noon After spiritual healing of painful right shoulder due to Banaue, Quezon City accident, former Br. 22, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan Judge Candido Racimo Belmonte, age 71, May 5, 1939, maried, with only one child, of Vintar, Ilocos Norte and Banaue, Quezon City [brother of House Speaker Feliciano R. Belmonte, Jr. and Ricardo Boysie R. Belmonte, new district collector of the revenue-rich Manila International Container Port (MICP); he is being cared by his beloved Irma Virlet Castro, for 11 years said that a) he allegedly saw fast seconds, white lights in my palms and b) his right shoulder was healed, as he could raise the same. February 10 #46 6:30 p.m. For full 6 minutes, Josiah Torralba Sta Rita, age 9, December 2, 2002, apo of Leila Pablo Torralba (09168852591) son of Leilani, sibbling of Jose Bernard, Katlyn and Jose Bernard, upon healing his tooth, saw 2 big round to oblong yellow lights in my palms, at Walter Mart, Plaridel, Bulacan.
Josiah Starita Leilani Torralba Sta Rita Katlyn Sta Rita Jazpher Sta Rita Jose Bernard StaRita

February 11 #47 7:02 p.m. For full 4 minutes, Barlow Alviar Fernandez
(0930-5426404), age 60, 11-25-49, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, and Puerto Princesa, Palawan resort owner, at SM Baliuag Food Court, saw the round yellow lights in my left hand.

February 13 1:35 p.m. I saw a white flash, eyes closed; at 1:35 a.m., February 11, I saw a white light also.


February 19, 2011 #48 3:00 pm At Maunlad Mall Extension, Malolos City, Bulacan, Billy Dionisio [age 32, June 15, 1979, 385 Tabing Ilong II, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, (0926-6500153), Bulihan Elementary School, Marcelo del Pilar High School, B.S. Management, Regina Carmeli College, Tarrot Card Reader], saw the gray triangle lights in my palms including the crown or corona and a male being, inside my eyes. Billy noted that when he was 4th year high school, he had a dream: he saw the doors of heaven and some people looking; on 2001, he practiced Divinatory, esoteric and occult tarot Billy said that he opened his Malolos tarot shop on 2006;

February 20, 2011 Sunday Mystic Travel-Vision-Apparition: In "Rome" I gazed at the blue Rosary of Our Lady of Fatima, adored the Blessed Sacrament/golden tabernacle in ecstasy and viewed the holy images including the Black Nazarene clad in regal white and red dress.

Francisco Marto (June 11, 1908April 4, 1919) and his sister Jacinta Marto (March 11, 1910February 20, 1920), also known as Blessed Francisco Marto and Blessed Jacinta Marto, together... with their cousin, Lcia dos Santos (19072005) were the children from Aljustrel near Ftima, Portugal, who said they reported witnessed three apparitions of an angel in 1916 and several apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1917. Their visions of Our Lady of Ftima proved politically controversial, and gave rise to a major centre of world Christian pilgrimage. February 20 is their feast. The cause for the siblings' canonization began during 1946. Exhumed in 1935 and again in 1951, Jacinta's face was found incorrupt. Francisco's had decomposed. On May 13, 2000, they were declared "blessed" in a decree from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Jacinta is the youngest non-martyred child ever to be beatified.


The three children of Fatima, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta Pope Benedict XVI visited Portugal from 11 to 14 May 2010. Pilgrimage to Fatima on the 12th, where he arrived late afternoon, and he left the morning of May 14. The beatification of Francisco and Jacinta Marto - May 13, 2000 "The highest expression of recognition of Fatima by Pope John Paul II gave to May 13, 2000, with the beatification of the two seers and the announcement of the newest publication of the third part of the secret," believes Msgr. Guerra, a former rector of the Shrine of Fatima, in an article published in "Encyclopedia of Fatima" (an edition Principia, May 2007). On this visit to Fatima, in addition to offering their precious jewel - the ring of "Totus Tuus" (All Yours Mary) this Pope has asked that the image of Our Lady was again in Rome at the conclusion of the Holy Year, the feast Our Lady of the Rosary. Another singular gesture of this connection to Fatima Pope John Paul II did when offered to Our Lady of Fatima bullet that pierced in 1981. The bullet was in the year 1989 set in the precious crown of Our Lady of Fatima, which had been offered by the women of Portugal in 1942. "FATIMA LIGHT AND PEACE Exposure permanent Fatima Light and Peace "opened its doors in August 2002 and is open to the public in the building of the Rectory of the Shrine, one opposite the Chapel of Apparitions.Fatima Light and Peace" is on display at the crown precious than the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima bears only on the days of pilgrimage for Christians and other special occasions. This crown was offered by Portuguese women on October 13, 1942 in thanksgiving for Portugal not having entered the second World War, and has embedded the bullet offered by John Paul II. The late Pope offered him the bullet that pierced the body in the attack that he suffered in Rome on May 13, 1981, in gratitude to the Virgin for saving his life. Many others are on display jewelry and a wide variety of items offered over the years to Our Lady of Fatima Shrine in itself or on the road by Pilgrim Statue of the world.

There are thousands of pieces, tiny or large, the real value of high or very low, but all of them at an estimated value incalculable: each one was given by people known or unknown, by individuals or legal entities, for us simple folk and socially important. Truly significant is that each piece has a history that reflects a piece of history from those who volunteered and who remains known only to himself and God. This exhibition is the work of thousands and thousands of pilgrims at Fatima in your message and try and find a little light and peace emanating from God and Mary to communicate here in Cova da Iria. Another patent number on display with a rich
symbolic ring is offered to Our Lady by John Paul II. After the prayer in praise of the Virgin in the Chapel of Apparitions, on May 12, 2000, the Holy Father offered a ring to Our Lady, and also leave a written message, which we transcribe: "This ring, with the effigy of Our Lady and the words "Totus Tuus" was given to me by Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, the first day of my Pontificate. With great joy I offer it to Our Lady of Fatima as a sign of my profound gratitude for the protection it has given me." Made according to Sister Lucia, the first picture of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima was offered by the Bishop of Leiria and solemnly crowned by the Archbishop of vora, May 13, 1947. Thereafter, the image went through several times, the whole world, bringing a message of peace and love.

February 21 12:55 a.m. A white light flashed. February 22 #49 1:48 p.m. Juanita Alipio Munoz [age 68, June 16, 1942, Guagua, Lubao, Pampanga, maried to Jaime Munoz, children Mildred Santos with Gabrielle, Rowena Cruz & Arvin,
1968, 1970, 1972, Alido, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, 09173698440] saw the oblong bigger and small red lights as b...right as break of dawn sunlights, in my palms as I healed her of hand, arms nerve accident pain.

February 23 8:00 a.m. Eyes closed but awake, LUIS, Angel, bestowed me a power, luck ("suerte") as I saw for 4 seconds, a round bright white yellow light forming an angel-like shape.

February 24 #50 Last night, 11:23 p.m., I healed Angelica Lavia Lansangan (age 40, July 2, 1970, Butuan, Dadiangas, Tondo, No. 50, 1 Poblacion, Marilao, Bulacan, maried with 6 children; 0910-3507291), of Dysmenorrhea. She saw the oblong bright white lights in my palms for 7 minutes; she later saw the blurred gray lights in my palm today, 9:00 a.m.

Dysmenorrhea (or dysmenorrhoea) is a gynecological medical condition of pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities, as defined by ACOG and others. Still, dysmenorrhea is often defined simply as menstrual pain, or at least menstrual pain that is excessive. This article uses the dysmenorrhea definition of menstrual pain that interferes with daily activities, and uses the term menstrual pain as any pain during menstruation whether it is normal or abnormal. Note of Judge Floro to a 1963 classmate

Dear Teresa Catajan Low,

Further to your 3-1998 letter to me (where you ended your note saying you wanted to hear from me soon, and today, or 13 years ago), upon careful review of your terse notes, I conclude that, as Judge, your visions (and experience of supernatural phenomena vis-a-vis Parkinsons and your having been in darkness for times), reveal a distortion of the Light which should penetrate your soul and spirit, as Grace from Christ throught Mary, due to the persistent possession of the devil which only hurts your body and not your soul. Since I was bestowed the Lights, in my more than 35 visions, apparitions of Mary, Eucharist, Black Nazarene, inter alia, I never ever had any encounter or possession of Satan and his instruments, for we defeat them through Mary, who crushes the serpent. I repeat, I could only reveal 1% who I really am, and LUIS, for the 99% is one of the deepest secrets of the universe.

I proclaim however, that I am a closed Catholic and we are mere servants, members of Mary's Army, Crusaders of the Black Nazarene for the protection of the Holy Eucharist who is too much blasphemed, persecuted and hated by atheists ... and born again Christians. Pray very hard that the Light of the Lord would not confuse your spirit, for if you live in darkness your body and spirit would deteriorate. As to my negatives, His ways are not your and this planet earths people's ways. Pax Christi per Virginem Mariam! February 25 Friday Inside LUIS' Enchanted Kingdom house, lying in bed beside dwarf Rina (his cousin, Osaka, Japan, white pants with blue colors), I was bestowed the magic blanket, then buoyed, levitated over the ceilings. Awake, eyes closed, I saw for 4 seconds, the bright round white light with the Crucifix in center. March 1 I travel along a serene so clean highway towards a steep hill road where a vehicle with a driver parked and threw a small yellow toy truck. Note: Sheppard1.jpg

Mystic Pinay writes book of dreams By Patrick Camara Ropeta, ABS-CBN Europe News Bureau Posted at 02/23/2011 11:49 AM LONDON - A Filipina housewife from England has published a third book on the meaning of her dreams, as well as the contents of her diary from the last 40 years. Laureana Cacho Sheppard, a 54-yearold housewife and dressmaker from Kent, UK, claims to see visions of the future through her dreams, an ability she has developed since she was 13.

I cant explain how I know things, but I see things in my dreams, said Sheppard. I have seen the tsunami three months before it happened, the landslide in Leyte three months before it happened, and the flood in Iloilo. About a year ago I dreamed three times, and saw the cars floating in the city. I warned my family to pray and to prepare some food. I cant explain it sometimes. I dont fully understand my dream until its happened. She has written a third book about her experience, The Messages of My Dreams, 40 years Diary, Prophecies, Warnings, Reminders - which was self-published on December 2010. However, the Catholic Church has warned its followers to remain cautious of any claims of divine revelation. I will encourage you to be curious but cautious. said Fr. Gideon Wagay of the Sacred Heart Church in London. He added: Always be cautious. We should not be easily led to believe that these are genuine revelations. Personally, the litmus test of a genuine revelation from God to private individuals is obedience to the authority of the church. If anyone claims to have these revelations, then they should see their local bishop and take it from there. There is a process of legitimizing these claims. Sheppard lives in Kent with her husband and two children. Originally from Iloilo in the Philippines, she lived in General Santos City before moving to Britain in 1994. She started writing in 2002 and has published three books about her dreams since 2006. She is currently working on a new book of poetry about cooking. "On October 18, 2008 I dreamt that you (Judge Floro) sent me a postcard with
PS, meaning God's present is Salvation if you repent" I interpreted this dream that you sent a card to one of your enemies (not me I am only acting in dream) telling him/her to repent for their Salvation is God's present. After this dream I google "Philippine Psychic" your name appeared and felt sure it's you. This dream is written in my latest book on pp 430 and I pasted the article of your suspension in 2006."


Laureana Cacho Sheppard - February 28, 2011 at 6:40pm Report Page 430 of the Book 18th October 2008 Flooding, Postcard, PS, Present, Salvation and Repent I was in General Santos, Philippines in ASAI village. I knew that a flood had occurred. Some people were selling their house and lot. Somewhere close to HB, my friends house was a house and lot for sale. I visited that property to find out if it was safe from flooding. I looked at the back of the house and I saw a canal. There was a flood defence and I understood if built, water could not go through. I found myself climbing up a duhat tree (black plum). I was gathering its fruit with my younger brother who was also up the tree. We both ate the fruit together. I took off my jumper and hanged it to the branch of that tree. I took with me the jumper when I went down the tree and picked up my other top I left on the ground. It was wet because there was some water caused by the flood. I found myself walking in front of a tailoring shop. I saw another
tailoring shop close by. I was planning to put up my own tailoring shop at the front of the first tailoring shop I saw. I saw my fathers god brother lying; he was using a blanket that looked like a fishnet.

The scene changed; I found myself holding a post card handed to me by my sister L. I knew it was sent by someone who was a psychic judge in the Philippines. After reading the message, I saw PS on the top left side of the postcard. It was explained in my mind the meaning of PS, P represents present and S represents salvation. I understood that salvation is
Gods present if we repent. The words present /repent and their meaning kept flashing inside my head. I felt that it was very important message. When I woke up, I continued to analyse and interpret the last part of this dream. I knew that my dream was a very important message. I started writing my dream in my dream diary.


While I was writing, I understood that in the word present, if the letter s will be taken away and move to the end of the word God, it will become Gods then put apostrophe before letter s, it will become Gods which means belonged to God the present. In the word present when letter s was taken from it, then replaced it by letter p which is the beginning of this word, it will become repent. The PS kept flashing inside my head which is Present/Salvation. Gods Present is our Salvation if we repent. I googled Philippine Psychic Judge; I found an article 3 PHILIPPINE MYSTIC DWARVES, LUIS, ARMAND and ANGEL & JUDGE FLORO, ON PHILIPPINE POLITICS. Judge Floro Florentino, a former Filipino Judge who achieved notoriety after being suspended from Philippine judiciary in 2006 due to mental illness. He made several statements that he was psychic and claimed to frequently communicate with invisible 3 dwarves. He filed voluminous motions, petitions and other court of pleadings in desperate attempt to convince the cursed of Supreme Court Justices to repent and to reinstate the jobless dwarf judge lest their loved ones be punished by the 3 mystic dwarves. For long, long and long 68.9 months of longest suspension in world history. Unmindful of Luis wrath, the loved ones of all his persecutors were in time trapped and doomed. Yes, Judge Floro jumped for joy and been had dwarf parties when any or all the loved ones of his enemies would suffer death and illness. After reading the article above, I interpreted that I was one of the judges enemies who received that postcard he sent in this dream. I believe this dream is a very important message. I opened my bible and I found in the Old Testament; Joel 2:12-17, But even now, says the Lord, repent sincerely and return to me with fasting and weeping and mourning. Let your broken heart show your sorrow; tearing your clothes is not enough. Come back to the Lord your God.

He is kind and full of mercy; he is patient and keeps his promise; he is always ready to forgive and not punish. Perhaps the Lord your God will change his mind and bless you with abundant crops. Then you can offer him corn and wine. Blow the trumpet on Mount Zion; give orders for a fast and call an assembly! Gather the people together; prepare them for a sacred meeting; bring the old people; gather the children and the babies too. Even newly married couples must leave their room and come. The priests, serving the Lord between the altar and the entrance of the Temple, must weep and pray. Have pity on your people, Lord. Do not let other nations despise us and mock us by saying, Where is your God? The first part of my dream is about the village where I was living and had a business when I was still single. I believe, there will be a flood coming in General Santos City. I was told that there are many improvements and big businesses built in the city which is very close to the village I was living before. The city has an international airport. March 2 #51 7:40-50 Marielle Tobias Deang, age 8, December 13, 2003, Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, (Sabang Elementary School, Grade 2), with parents working at Dubai & Jedah, 7 sibblings, including Mark & Banrey (in picture) saw the 6 oblong white lights in my palms for full 7 minutes. #52 Ancheng or Madame Annie, Conchita Cruz Calma Ubaldo, maried with a child, age 80, January 30, 1931, one of Philippines greatest psychic, fortune-teller, Concepcion and Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, upon healing her Parkinson's disease, saw the white stars lights and then, the red fires lights in my palms; she saw the blue, yellow and pink clothes of LUIS, Armand and Angel, respectively; she has 6 spirit guides since age 8. Note: Sheppard1.jpg


Mystic Pinay writes book of dreams By Patrick Camara Ropeta, ABS-CBN Europe News Bureau Posted at 02/23/2011 11:49 AM 51 pages - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance E. 30 Visions and Apparitions: 3-1308 to 2-2511 LUIS, Armand and Angel: Servants of Mary; Members of Marys Army; Crusaders-Knights of the Black Nazarene; Protectors of the Holy Eucharist against Atheism, Evil, Agnostics and Satans Instruments (March 13, 2008 )

March 10 Riding LUIS' spaceship, I slowly passed the dark brown-oak antique very big house decorated with metals. March 14 #31 In ecstasy, I knelt, adored the Most Blessed Sacrament in a chapel. March 14 is Christian Feast Day: * Matilda of Ringelheim (or Matilda) (c. 895 14 March 968) was the wife of King Henry I of Germany, the first ruler of the Saxon Ottonian (or Liudolfing) dynasty, thereby Duchess consort of Saxony from 912 and German Queen from 919 until 936. March 18 #32 Yesterday, riding a spaceship, I glided over St. Vincent' Seminary's fence, then, talked to a certain Rodriquez in cursed Rex Bookstore, Manila. Today, I flew, levitated 3 feet off the ground facing my brother Benjamin, then, a 17 feet Holy Cross appeared to me amid some red... Propeta, Anghel ng Kamatayan Bustos Dam Bustos, Bulacan


Mystic Judge Florentino Floro meets Paranormal Expert Lazaro Flores Domingo Lazaro Flores Domingo, age 85, December 17, 1926 [JM Basa corner Cunanan, St., Baliuag, Bulacan, widower ( with 2 children, both maried, Ananda with a daughter and Marga, educated both at University of Philippines)] studied at Holy Family, now St.Mary's Academy Elementary School, Baliuag College, now BU, High School, Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Mechanical Engineer. Lazaro F. Domingo started being a vegetarian when he enrolled and studied from 1960-1990 (when he earned the 32nd next to the highest degree, paying $ 3.50 a month until $ 12 per month about 1990) Rosicrucianism, a philosophical secret society, said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm." Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross. Between 1607 and 1616, two anonymous manifestos were published, first in Germany and later throughout Europe. These were Fama Fraternitatis RC (The Fame of the Brotherhood of RC) and Confessio Fraternitatis (The Confession of the Brotherhood of RC) The influence of these documents, presenting a "most laudable Order" of mystic-philosopher-doctors and promoting a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", gave rise to an enthusiasm called by its historian Dame Frances Yates the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment". Rosicrucianism was more closely associated with Protestantism than Roman Catholism and in particular, was most closely associated with Lutheranism. According to historian David Stevenson, it was also influential to Freemasonry as it was emerging in Scotland. In later centuries, many esoteric societies have claimed to derive their doctrines, in whole or in part, from the original Rosicrucians. Several modern societies, which date the beginning of the Order to earlier centuries, have
been formed for the study of Rosicrucianism and allied subjects. Lazaro F. Domingo worked with Filoil, now ESSO, Manila, from 1960-1975. 471

At Tokyo, Japan, for 12 years, Lazaro became the Philippine Administrator of Reiykai Communication Center, Philippines (or Reiyukai ja: (SpiritualFriendship-Association) is an organization founded in 1920 by Kakutaro Kubo and Kimi Kotani. It is a lay organization meaning that there are no priestsassociated with Nichiren Buddhism. Reiykai considers itself the grandfather of laybased new religions devoted to the Lotus Sutra and ancestor veneration. A further offshoot from Reiykai, in 1938, is Rissh Ksei Kai). Nichiren Buddhism (: Nichiren-kei sho shha) is a branch of Mahyna Buddhism based on the teachings of the 13th century Japanese monk Nichiren (12221282). Various forms of Nichiren Buddhism have had great influence among certain sections of Japanese society at different times in the country's history, such as among the merchants of Kyoto in Japan's Middle Ages and among some ultranationalists during the pre-World War II era. Nichiren Buddhism is generally noted for its focus on
the Lotus Sutra and an attendant belief that all people have an innate Buddha nature and are therefore inherently capable of attaining enlightenment in their current form and present lifetime. It is also noted for positioning itself in opposition to other forms of Japanese Buddhismin particular the Zen, Pure Land, esoteric, Shingon, and Ritsu schools, which Nichiren saw as deviating from the orthodoxy of Mahayana Buddhism. Nichiren Buddhism is a comprehensive term covering several major schools and many sub-schools, as well as several of Japan's new religions. Nichiren Buddhists believe that the spread of Nichiren's teachings and their effect on practitioners' lives will eventually bring about a just, and prosperous society.

Judge Florentino Floro - Pahayag ("Dire Prophecy") Parts 1 to 6, Bustos Dam, December 30, 2000 to January 1, 2001 Video taken by Lazaro F. Domingo Judge Florentino Floro - Pahayag ("Dire Prophecy") Part 1 to 6, Bustos Dam. 1918-1922 Bustos Dam, at Bustos, Bulacan is the 2nd longest dam in Asia. It is one of the longest sector gates in the world, a huge reservoir of the Angat Hydroelectric plant at Barrio Hilltop, Angat, Bulacan.

It serves as source of electric power in the Bulacan & Metro Manila. Judge Floro started offering foods to LUIS, Armand & Angel every Fridays (12 nn-4pm), here, Bustos Dam from 1992 to 2000. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. published his December 30, 2000 to January 1, 2001 Dire Prophecy here at Bustos Dam, one of the most powerful places in the universe to predict ...

Judge Part 1 Judge Part 2 Judge Part 3

Florentino Floro - Pahayag (" Dire Prophecy") of 6, Bustos Dam Florentino Floro - Pahayag (" Dire Prophecy") of 6, Bustos Dam Florentino Floro - Pahayag ("Dire Prophecy") of 6, Bustos Dam

In his mystic life, he studied for 3 months under noted author, Jeffrey Hudson's School of Wisdom, about 1972. Lazaro knows how to read and use the akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a
"universal supercomputer" and the "Mind of God". People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically and that they can be accessed through astral projection or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. The concept was popularized in the theosophical movements of the 19th century and is derived from Hindu philosophy of Samkhya. It is promulgated in the Samkhya philosophy that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in the atoms of akasha ("air" or "aether"), one of the five types of atoms visualized as existing in the atomic theory of Ancient India. The term akashic record is frequently used in New Age discourse. 473

Judge Florentino Floro - Pahayag ("Dire Prophecy") Part 4 of 6, Bustos Dam Judge Florentino Floro - Pahayag ("Dire Prophecy") Part 5 of 6, Bustos Dam Judge Florentino Floro - Pahayag ("Dire Prophecy") Part 6 of 6, Baliuag, Bulacan

Lazaro Domingo also worked at Sanwa Denshi Co., Ltd ( Sanwa Denshi kabushiki gaisha?, lit. "Three Harmonies Electronics Company") is a general electronics manufacturer, but is best known internationally as a leading manufacturer of arcade parts; i.e. joysticks, buttons, coin feeds etc. Its parts are commonly used in Japanese arcade machines and held in high regard by custom builders (especially in the fighting game community).
Lazaro stayed here in Nagano, Nagano, Japan ( Nagano-shi?), the capital city of Nagano Prefecture, is located in the northern part of the prefecture near the confluence of the Chikuma and the Sai rivers, on the main Japanese island of Honsh.

Lazaro, about 1970, also studied mysticism under Dr.

Africano, age 65, at Pasay City, Metro Manila. Lazaro further studied the Kabbalah (Hebrew: , Qabbalah lit. "receiving"; Qabala), a discipline and school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. It is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal and mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite universe (His creation).

While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a denomination in and of itself; it is a set of scriptures that exist outside the traditional Jewish Scriptures. Kabbalah
seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of these concepts and to thereby attain spiritual realization. Kabbalah originally developed entirely within the realm of Jewish thought and constantly uses classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are thus held by kabbalists to define the inner meaning of both the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and traditional rabbinic literature, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances.


Kabbalistic tree with flaming sword in yellow. The Hebraic names as been added by auteur po faure pofaure at hotmail dot f (The flaming sword that protects the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life itself.) Diagram by Morgan Leigh morgan at wirejunkie dot com. Lazaro studied the Koran and entered the Muslim religion having a Muslim name but remains a practicing Catholic until today. Lazaro was also ordained a Missionary Priest of the Grand Visus Primate of the Neo-Ecumenical Catholic Church, based at Olongapo City, and he is authorized to solemnize marriages. Lazaro earned 32nd degree of Freemasonry, Rizal Consitory, M.R.S, Philippine Bodies, A & CR, Manila, The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, with O.R. No. 19943 January 1, 1981. This is a logo for Scottish Rite. Further details: The Double-headed eagle Commonly associated with the Scottish Rite and 32nd & 33rd Degrees. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in the United States often omits the and), commonly known as simply the Scottish Rite, is one of several Rites of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry. A Rite is a series of progressive degrees that are conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of
which operates under the control of its own central authority. In the Scottish Rite the central authority is called a Supreme Council.

The thirty-three degrees of the Scottish Rite are conferred by several controlling bodies. The first of these is the Craft Lodge which confers the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason degrees. Craft lodges operate
under the authority of Grand Lodges, not the Scottish Rite. Although most lodges throughout the English-speaking world do not confer the Scottish Rite versions of the first three degrees, there are a handful of lodges in New Orleans and in several other major cities that have traditionally conferred the Scottish Rite version of these degrees.

In politics, Lazaro F. Domingo topped and was voted

No.1 Councilor of Baliuag, Bulacan from 1969-71. He uses astral inspection regarding treasure hunting aspects of exploration. In broadcsting, Lazaro F. Domingo became a sportscaster with Willie Hernandez at DZAB, on basketball games. He deeply studied and penetrated Buddhism, while in Japan, where he did master the art of Amateur Radio (Operator) Broadcasting.


He also engaged in discussions, SC Justice Flerida Ruth Romero, who, on the cursed day of July 20, 1999, signed as her valedictory, that is prior to retirement at age 70, the longest preventive suspension of Judge Floro, in world judicial history of 69 months. Theosophical Seal (version of emblem of Theosophical society, adopted late 19th century): Two interlaced triangles (a form of the star of David), Ouroboros snake, swastika, ankh, Om etc. The Theosophical Society is an organization formed in 1875 to advance the spiritual principles and search for Truth known as Theosophy. The original organization, after splits and realignments has (as of 2011) several successors. Theosophy is an active philosophical school today, and through a process of schism has also given rise to other mystical, philosophical and religious beliefs and organizations.

Download Judge Floro's 190 pages-Book (part of Book II, 2010) - The Prophet LUIS, Armand and Angel: A
Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil... 30 Visions and Apparitions: 3-1308 to 2-2511 - LUIS, Armand and Angel: Servants
of Mary; Members of Marys Army; Crusaders-Knights of the Black Nazarene; Protectors of the Holy Eucharist against Atheism, Evil, Agnostics and Satans Instruments (March 13, 2008 )

Download Judge Floro's 51 pages - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance

Coded January 11 vis-a-vis March 11, 2011 - The 1917 Fatima Prophecy, The 1858 Lourdes Warnings: LUIS, the Angel of Death from Jupiter & Osaka, Japan passes Sendai, the Violet Lights, Conversion of Atheists The Coded January 11, 2011 Prophecy of the March 11, 2011 Sendai Earthquake Quake published in 4 eforums: As Osaka, Japan, LUIS' ultimate Violet lights hit 100% Sendai and many parts of Japan aiming to convert Atheists.

It is focused to put finis to the mockery, ridicule and contempt of the Holy Eucharist, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Black Nazarene by Hardened Atheists and Born Again Christians who throw into the waste can the Holy Icons. The elven supremacy in the entire universe becomes deafening: "It is a sad day for atheists!" LUIS exclaimed on March 11, 2011 when the entire planet earth could not believe and will never ever forget... 2011-01-11, 4:05 AM - Forumopulis: 7.5 million PHL devotees honor Black Nazarene: Conditional Global Destruction Prophecy

01-11-2011, 02:14 AM - Quarter To Three Forums > Quarter to Three Boards > Everything else - 7.5 million PHL devotees honor Black Nazarene: Conditional Global Destruction Prophecy

Jan 11, 2011, 06:17 PM PinoyExchange > Humanities > Realm of Thought - 7.5 million PHL devotees honor Black Nazarene: Conditional Global Destruction Prophecy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - 02:00:11 AM Rush Counterparts Message Board Available Light - 7.5 million PHL devotees honor Black Nazarene: Conditional Global Destruction Prophecy

1. 20102011 Philippine floods Widespread flooding occurred in the eastern part of the Philippines since late December 2010. The Visayas and the Bicol and Caraga regions have been particularly affected by abnormally heavy rains. The floods have displaced 452,999 persons in 19 provinces, and has caused the deaths of 25 people. By January 12, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (NDRRMC) pegged those affected at 235,867 families or 1,230,022 people in 1,267 villages in 137 towns and 10 cities in 23 provinces. 477

As of January 23, 2011 the death toll from the floods has risen to 68 with 26 others still missing. Another cause of flooding was the [[Wind Convergence]. Satellite image of the storm on the evening of February 1 over the American Midwest. 2. The January 31 February 2, 2011 North American winter storm, also called the 2011 Groundhog Day Blizzard, was a powerful and historic winter storm, situated around the US and Canadian holiday Groundhog Day. In the initial stages of the storm, some meteorologists predicted that the system would affect over 100 million people in the United States. The storm brought cold air, heavy snowfall, blowing snow, and mixed precipitation on a path from New Mexico and northern Texas to New England and Eastern Canada. The Chicago area saw between 1 and 2 feet of snow and blizzard conditions, with winds of over 60 mph. Blizzard conditions affected many other large cities along the storm's path, including Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Detroit, Indianapolis, Dayton, Cleveland, New York, and Boston. Many other areas not normally used to extreme winter conditions, including Albuquerque, Dallas and Houston, experienced significant snowfall or ice accumulation. An ice storm ahead of the winter storm's warm front also brought hazardous conditions to much of the American Midwest and New England, and many areas saw well over 1 in (2.5 cm) of ice accumulation. Numerous power outages, flight cancellations, airport closures, road closures, rail and bus cancellations, mail stoppages, and school, government, and business closures took place ahead of and after the storm; many of these disruptions lasted several days. Several tornado touchdowns were reported in Texas and a tornado watch was issued for parts of Alabama, ahead of the cold front in the warm sector of the storm. In addition, thundersnow was recorded at some locations, increasing the overall snowfall rate. At least 24 deaths were reported to be related to the storm, many of them in shoveling or autorelated incidents. The total damages from the ice storm alone may exceed $1 billion USD.

3. January 2011 Rio de Janeiro floods and mudslides A series of floods and mudslides took place in January 2011 in several towns of the Mountainous Region (Regio Serrana), in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. Casualties occurred in the cities of Nova Friburgo, Terespolis, Petrpolis, Sumidouro and So Jos do Vale do Rio Preto. The floods caused at least 903 deaths, including 424 in Nova Friburgo
and 378 in Terespolis. While local media claims that the combination of floods, mudslides and landslides in Rio de Janeiro became the worst weather-related natural disaster in Brazilian history, some contend that a similar weather-related tragedy that took place in the same state in 1967 was much deadlier, and that an estimated 1,700 people lost their lives on the occasion. Flood stream in Terespolis - The cities that reported human casualties are located in a mountainous area, in the neighborhood of the Serra dos rgos national park. The area is a tourist hotspot due to its geographic features, historical landmarks and mild temperatures. Many buildings, however, are directly exposed to landslide hazards because of the steep terrain.

4. 20102011 Queensland floods A series of floods hit Australia, beginning in December 2010, primarily in the state of Queensland including its capital city, Brisbane. The floods forced the evacuation of thousands of people from towns and cities. At least seventy towns and over 200,000 people were affected. Damage initially was estimated at around A$1 billion. The estimated reduction in Australia's GDP is about A$30 billion. This detailed astronaut photograph illustrates flooding in suburbs of the Brisbane metropolitan region.
Three-quarters of the state of Queensland was declared a disaster zone. Communities along the Fitzroy and Burnett Rivers were particularly hard hit, while the Condamine, Ballone and Mary Rivers recorded substantial flooding. An unexpected flash flood raced through Toowoomba's central business district before devastating communities in the Lockyer Valley. A few days later thousands of houses in Ipswich and Brisbane were inundated as the Brisbane River rose and Wivenhoe Dam used a considerable proportion of its flood mitigation capacity. Volunteers were quick to offer assistance and sympathy was expressed from afar. A large mobilisation of the Australian Defence Force was activated and a relief fund created.


The Queensland Reconstruction Authority was formed

to co-ordinate the rebuilding program and a Commission of Inquiry established to investigate matters related to the floods. Rockhampton seen from the air on 31 December; the Fitzroy River can be seen to have burst its banks. The 20102011 floods killed 35 people in Queensland. As of 26 January, an additional nine people were missing. The Queensland floods were followed by the 2011 Victorian floods which saw more than fifty communities in western and central Victoria also grapple with significant flooding.

5. The 2011 Christchurch earthquake (also known as the 2011 Canterbury earthquake and the Lyttelton earthquake) was a 6.3-magnitude earthquake, that struck the Canterbury region in New Zealand's South Island at 12:51 pm on 22 February 2011 local time (23:51 21 February UTC), causing widespread damage and multiple fatalities. The earthquake was centred 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) west of the town of Lyttelton, and 10 kilometres (6 mi) south-east of the centre of Christchurch, New Zealand's second-most populous city. It followed nearly six months after the 7.1 magnitude 2010 Canterbury earthquake that caused significant damage to the region but no direct fatalities.
At least 166 people have been confirmed dead as of 7 March 2011, with the final death toll expected to be over 200, making the earthquake the second-deadliest natural disaster recorded in New Zealand (after the 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake). Prime Minister John Key stated that 22 February "may well be New Zealand's darkest day". Nationals from more than 20 countries are among those missing. The New Zealand Government declared a national state of emergency. RNZAF aerial survey of damage, showing flooding due to soil liquefaction in Christchurch. Analysts estimated that the earthquake could cost insurers US$12 billion (NZ$16 billion).

6. The 2011 Yunnan earthquake was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred on 10 March 2011, at 12:58 CST with its epicenter in Yingjiang County, Yunnan, People's Republic of China, near the Burmese border. At least 25 people died and 250 were injured with 134 in serious condition. China's Xinhua reports that up to seven aftershocks, measuring up to a magnitude of 4.7, followed the initial quake, which caused a total of 127,000 people to be evacuated to nearby shelters.

It joined over 1,000 other minor tremors that affected the region in the two preceding months. The earthquake occurred one day before a much larger earthquake struck Japan that also formed a tsunami.
The state news agency reports that an estimate of 1,200 houses and apartments collapsed and that around 17,500 were severely damaged. The surrounding area also suffered through power outages caused by the quake and several aftershocks. It is not known if there were any casualties or damage in Burma. Although there was a power outage telecommunications continued to work after the earthquake. Close to 127,100 people were evacuated from Yingjiang County following the quake, which affected a total of 344,600 people. China Central Television showed damaged buildings with debris around as police officers directed traffic on a chaotic street.A local reported the extent of the damage to the BBC, saying, "[half] of a supermarket building had collapsed. Three other big buildings nearby were also badly destroyed", and that "[the] walls of almost all the houses had collapsed.

LUIS' dire warnings vis-a-vis Contempt of the Holy Eucharist by Hardened Atheists LUIS' ultimate Violet Lights, the Annihilation of Atheism in Japan: Conversion to Catholicism, Repentance, Penance and the Prophecy 7. The 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami The 9.0magnitude (MW) megathrust earthquake occurred on 11
March 2011 at 14:46 JST in the western Pacific Ocean, 130 kilometers (81 mi) east of Sendai, Honshu, Japan, lasting approximately six minutes. Its epicenter was 373 km (232 mi) from Tokyo, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA). The main earthquake was preceded by a number of large foreshocks, and multiple aftershocks were reported afterwards. The first major foreshock was a 7.2 MW event on 9 March, approximately 40 km (25 mi) from the 11 March quake, with another three on the same day in excess of 6.0 MW. Following the quake, a 7.0 MW aftershock was reported at 15:06 JST, followed by a 7.4 at 15:15 JST and a 7.2 at 15:26 JST. Over six hundred aftershocks of magnitude 4.5 or greater have occurred since the initial quake.








aftershocks follow Omori's Law, might continue for years, and will taper off in time. One minute prior to the effects of the earthquake being felt in Tokyo, the Earthquake Early Warning system, which includes more than 1,000 seismometers in Japan, sent out warnings of an impending earthquake to millions. This was possible because the damaging seismic S-waves, traveling at 4 km (2.5 mi) per second, took about 90 seconds to travel the 373 km (232 mi) to Tokyo. The early warning is believed by the JMA to have saved many lives.

A short section of the devastated coastline in the

Thoku region The National Police Agency has officially confirmed 9,079 deaths, 2,628 injured, and 12,664 people missing across eighteen prefectures. These numbers are expected to increase, with casualties estimated to reach tens of thousands.
quoting local officials, said that 9,500 people from Minamisanriku in Miyagi Prefectureabout a half of the town's populationwere unaccounted for. NHK has reported that the death toll in Iwate Prefecture alone may reach 10,000. Save the Children reports that as many as 100,000 children have been uprooted from their homes, some of whom were separated from their families because the earthquake occurred during the school day. On 14 March, Kyodo News Agency reported that some 2,000 bodies were found on two shores in Miyagi Prefecture. The bottom MODIS satellite image was taken on 26 February, and the top on 13 March, post-tsunami; in some flooded areas, the former coastline is reduced to a thin green line. Sendai is in the upper center of both. Scale-10 km. Flames devastate houses in an aerial view from Natori. Around 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity and 1.4 million without water. Many electrical generators were taken down, and at least two nuclear reactors partially melted down, which prompted evacuations of the affected areas, and a state of emergency was established. The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant experienced an explosion almost 24 hours after the initial earthquake; however, while the blast caused the collapse of the concrete outer containment building, it was reported that the integrity of the inner core-containment vessel was not compromised. Wave height map for the tsunami from NOAAA NOAA model shows expected wave lengths of the tsunami as it moves across the Pacific after the massive quake in Japan. Residents within a 20 km (12 mi) radius of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant and a 10 km (6.2 mi) radius of the Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant were evacuated. Early estimates from AIR Worldwide place insured losses from the earthquake and tsunami at $14.5 to $34.6 billion. Another estimate from CNN stated that losses would exceed $100 billion, with much of the damage being uninsured losses.

Prefectural officials and the Kyodo News Agency,


An aerial view shows the widespread devastation

Saturday in Kesennuma after flooding from the monster tsunami.

The estimates of the Sendai earthquake's magnitude made it the most powerful earthquake to hit Japan and one of the five most powerful earthquakes in the world overall since modern record-keeping began in 1900. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan stated during a press conference that "in the 65 years after the end of World War II, this is the toughest and the most difficult crisis for Japan."

The Fukushima I nuclear accidents ( fukushima daiichi genshiryoku

hatsudensho jiko?) are a series of ongoing equipment failures and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, following the 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. The plant comprises six separate boiling water reactors maintained by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). Reactors 4, 5 and 6 had been shut down prior to the earthquake for planned maintenance. The remaining reactors were shut down automatically after the earthquake, but the subsequent tsunami flooded the plant, knocking out emergency generators needed to run pumps which cool and control the reactors. The flooding and earthquake damage prevented assistance being brought from elsewhere. On 20 March, The New York Times reported that Yukio Edano, the governments chief cabinet secretary, "confirmed for the first time ... that the nuclear complex would be closed once the crisis was over." The town of Minamisanrikucho -- once filled with homes, shops and people -now lies flat, covered in debris and rubble. An aerial view of Sendai, 12 March. While some analysts are predicting that the total recovery costs could reach 10 trillion (or $122 billion), others suggest that the rebuilding efforts will help boost the Japanese economy in the long term. According to a Reuters report of 3:05pm EDT of 13 March 2011, all three reactors were being cooled with seawater. On 11 March 2011, the Japanese government declared a "nuclear power emergency" due to a loss of coolant and evacuated thousands of residents living close to Fukushima I. The next day, while evidence for partial meltdown of the fuel rods in Unit 1 was growing, a hydrogen explosion destroyed the upper story of the building housing Reactor Unit 1 and injured four workers, but the container of the reactor remained intact.


A blast occurs March 14, 2011 at the Daiichi's plant

No. 3 reactor building, an official says (CNN) -- Fresh white smoke rose again Monday from Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, caused by an explosion at a building.

The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan - 2009-05-12, 2:49 AM posted in more than 40 e-forums as prefatory to Sendai Dire Tragedy, Annihilation 77&q=The+Kingdom+of+LUIS%2C+Armand+and+Angel+at+Osaka%2C+Jap an+&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq

Osaka, Japan (, saka?) About this sound listen (helpinfo) is a city in the Kansai region of Japan's main island
of Honsh, a designated city under the Local Autonomy Law, the capital city of Osaka Prefecture and also the biggest part of Keihanshin Area, which is represented by three major cities of Japan, Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. Located at the mouth of the Yodo River on Osaka Bay, Osaka is the third largest city by population after Tokyo and Yokohama. For reference, Keihanshin Area is the second largest area in Japan by population and one of the largest metropolitan areas highly ranked in the world, with nearly 18 million people, and by GDP, the second largest area in Japan and the seventh largest area in the world. Historically the commercial capital of Japan, Osaka functions as one of the command centers for the Japanese economy. The ratio between daytime and night time population is 141%, the highest in Japan, highlighting its status as an economic center. Its nighttime population is 2.6 million, the third in the country, but in daytime the population surges to 3.7 million, second only after Tokyo. Osaka used to be referred to as the "nation's kitchen" (, tenka no daidokoro?) in feudal Edo period because it was the centre of trading for rice, creating the first modern future exchange market in the world. A panoramic view over the city from Umeda Sky Building Some of the earliest signs of habitation in the area of Osaka were found at the Morinomiya remains (, Morinomiya iseki?), with its shell mounds, including sea oysters and buried human skeletons from the 5th6th centuries BC. It is believed that what is today the Uehonmachi area consisted of a peninsular land, with an inland sea in the east.


During the Yayoi period, permanent habitation on the plains grew as rice farming became popular. "Osaka" literally means "large hill" or "large slope." It is unclear when this name gained prominence over Naniwa, but the oldest usage of the name dates back to a 1496 text. Osaka, now written , was formerly written using a different second kanji as prior to 1870. At the time, the partisans for the Meiji Restoration wished to avoid the second kanji being implicitly read as "," meaning samurai rebellion. The old writing is still in very limited use to emphasize history, but the second kanji is now universally considered referring to Osaka city and prefecture only, to distinguish it from homonyms in other Japanese prefectures. LUIS' Osaka-Jupiter-ultimate Violet light annihilates Sendai, erases Japanese culture, technology, heritage and materialism towards conversion, repentance and triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the protection of the Holy Eucharist and Supremacy of the Black Nazarene Fukushima I nuclear accidents A spike in radiation
levels at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in kuma, Japan, forces the evacuation of staff working to prevent a meltdown. Smoke rises from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex after an explosion on March 14. A combination of handout satellite images show the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on November

Lazaro F. Domingo (at McDonald's Baliuag, Bulacan, beside Col. Alvarez & Gerry Sta. Ana) saw the red lights in in my right eye. Note: March 14 #31 In ecstasy, I knelt, adored the Most Blessed Sacrament in a chapel. March 14 is Christian Feast Day: * Matilda of Ringelheim (or Matilda) (c. 895 14 March 968) was the wife of King Henry I of Germany, the first ruler of the Saxon Ottonian (or Liudolfing) dynasty, thereby Duchess consort of Saxony from 912 and German Queen from 919 until 936.

March 18 #32 Yesterday, riding a spaceship, I glided over St. Vincent' Seminary's fence, then, talked to a certain Rodriquez in cursed Rex Bookstore, Manila. Today, I flew, levitated 3 feet off the ground facing my brother Benjamin, then, a 17 feet Holy Cross appeared to me amid some red... Propeta, Anghel ng Kamatayan The Mystery of LUIS, in Resident Evil 4 and in Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress, also called Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress, but most commonly known simply as Dwarf Fortress, is a freeware computer game by Bay 12 Games for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X set in a high fantasy universe that combines aspects of roguelike and citybuilding games and is primarily known for its unique level of complexity and difficulty. The title of the game is inspired by its primary focus on the construction, management, and exploration of dwarven fortresses within the game world. Development started in October 2002, followed by the game's first public release in August 2006. 07-12-2009, 12:37 AM John Many Jars, New Romantic Join Date: May 2003 Posts: 5,812 wrote in Quarter To Three Forums > Quarter to Three Boards > Everything else - Qtr Century Close Encounter w/ 3 Dwarves: 1985-89-2001 Betamax-VHS 60 Videos Dwarf Fortress, Quarter To Three Forums

staggering. Judge Floro, usually I compare your information about the kingdom of Luis with quartertothree's own dwarf fortress Quakebells, the Quandary of Queens, but now I must guide you to view my own Mountainhome of Rolegesuvash, the Submerged Persuasive-Arena. This is the king's throne room, dining room, bedroom, and royal mausoleum: And what is in these smelters, you ask?

The parallels to Dwarf Fortress are simply


GOLD, GOLD, GOLD, GOLD, GOLD! And that's not all --- here we see the dwarfs' vast stockpile of gems, which they use mostly to encrust furniture: At right in that picture we see the dwarfs' cemetery, where a laborer who fell to a cowardly ambush by the goblins is being laid to rest. Several levels above, we find that the dwarfs of Rolegesuvash possess no fewer than THREE SMELTERS, just like the ones your brothers possess: Note that the king, who is meeting with an elf diplomat, is clad entirely in VIOLET! Including a VIOLET HAT! Around his throne room we see just a few of the famous, valuable artifacts of Rolegesuvash. First, his throne itself:

3:53 AM, March 15, 2011, Forumopolis > Main > The Main Forum 7.5 million PHL devotees honor Black Nazarene:Conditional Global Destruction Prophecy Midnight, in Forumopulis replies to Judge Floro: "Dude, that sounds dope as hell and was pretty nice of you. So did the little girl run away screaming before or after you started jumping because LUIS told you? Also, there was a Luis in Resident Evil 4. Is he of any relation and how do you feel about Resident Evil 4? Do you feel it strayed to far from what made Resident Evil so popular or do you feel it was a restart that was needed?" Odyssey counters that "The Luis in RE4 was in fact a gnome." Resident Evil 4, known in Japan as Biohazard 4 (4, Baiohazdo F?), is a survival horror thirdperson shooter video game developed by Capcom's Production Studio 4 and published by multiple publishers, including Capcom, Ubisoft, Nintendo Australia, Red Ant Enterprises and THQ Asia Pacific. The game was originally released on January 11, 2005 in North America, and on January 27 in Japan. Luis Sera Appearing in Resident Evil 4, Leon Kennedy first encounters Luis in the small village where the President's daughter is being held.

One of the very few people who Leon meets that appears not to be infected with the Las Plagas parasite, Luis claims he is a form police officer and gives Leon a bit of help dealing with the crazed villagers. It is clear that Luis may not be telling the truth about his history, however. He has a very clear knowledge of the village, and it would appear that he has stolen something that has caused the Los Illuminados to declare Luis's capture to be their number one priority. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that Luis is not only a local of the area, but he worked as a researcher for Osmund Saddler, and was instrumental in reviving and strengthening the Las Plagas virus. Eventually, Luis felt guilty that he had helped create the various monsters that now roamed around the region, and created a surgical device to remove the Las Plagas egg from his body before it was able to hatch and take control of his nervous system. Sera then betrayed Osmund Saddler by giving both Leon and Ashley Graham pills to surpress the parasite in their bodies. Shortly after, Saddler caught up with Sera and killed him by impaling him with a tentacle. However, even after death Luis continued to help Leon. By scattering his research notes throughout the region, Luis was able to inform Leon of not only what the parasites were, but what his involvement in their creation was, proving invaluable to Leon for later use of his report of the activities in the region. In addition, both Leon and Ashley are able to use the surgical tool that Leon invented to remove the Las Plagas parasite from their own bodies. The Ada's Report document in the PlayStation 2, Wii, and PC versions of Resident Evil 4 show that Ada Wong was the one who ordered Luis Sera to steal a Master Plaga specimen. Whether Luis was aware of what plans she had for it are unknown. The February 10, 2006 Judge Floro, LUIS Violet lights Mystic Curse upon the Supreme Court, Judicial and Bar Council, + J. Conrado Parado Castro, Supermoon, March 19, 2011 Horrible Death The Truth Commission creates the Supreme Court of the Philippines and Aquino Administration dire tragedies, harbinger of disasters

This is a picture of the Supermoon that occurred on March 19, 2011. This picture was taken by Christelle Callen at 11:55pm in Spokane, WA, USA. The camera used was a Nikon D90 and the original image was cropped and cleaned up in Picasa. The full moon is seen as it rises near the Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, March 19, 2011, in Washington. The full moon tonight is called a "Super Perigee Moon" since it is at its closest to Earth in 2011. The last full moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 1993.

Supermoon In astrology, a supermoon is a full or new moon that coincides with a close approach by the Moon to the Earth. The Moon's distance varies each month between approximately 354,000 km (220,000 mi) and 410,000 km (254,000 mi) due to its elliptical orbit around Earth. In the Philippines, the super moon will be seen at its peak at 3 a.m. Sunday, March 20. During that time, the moon will be about 356,577 kilometers away, the closest to earth since March 1993. The average distance between the earth and the moon is about 382,900 km.

JBC Strategic & Operations Planning Workshop, Pan Pacific Hotel, Manila, 10-11 March 2006; Dialogue with various sectors in Region X; Cagayan de Oro City; 4 October 2006; Dialogue with various sectors in Region I, Ili Sur, San Juan, La Union, 13 July 2006; Welcome and Oening Remarks is being delivered by, Atty. J Conrado P. Castro, JBC Regular Member.

From 2003 to 2010, 3 p.m., First Fridays, Judge Floro, on bended knees, religiously filed tons of Supreme Court pleadings, furnishing JBC Member Justice J. Conrado Parado Castro, copies of the mystic, coded documents to cleanse the JBC, IBP and Judiciary. But Castro threw all Judge Floros pleadings in the trash can. Poor psychotic, jobless Judge Floro and the 3 mystic dwarves ridiculed by

On February 10, 2006, Judge Floro and JBC Member SC Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. met at the cursed JBC office, 2nd Floor, Manila, 3 pm. There Judge Floro cursed the JBC and Supreme Court and published the Curse Prophecy to Justice Hermosisima, Jr.: Mark my word, they will regret it! LUIS will annihilate all of your and their loved ones, putting a stain in their, your blood up to the 4th generation. 20 hours before the 140th month anniversary of July 20, 1999 CURSED suspension, March 19, 2011, LUIS Violet lights, and Judge Floro, as Angel of Death, with full magic and supreme powers hit the road and tree, writing the fate of the cursed JBC. Magluluksa and Hudikatura! Judicial and Bar Council member killed in road mishap Saturday, March 19, 2011

Atty. J. "Jay" Conrado Parado Castro

Atty. J. "Jay" Conrado Parado Castro, 53, February 19, 1958, youngest member of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), resident of Marikina City, passed away early Saturday. A graduate of the University of the Philippines (Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Bachelor of Laws), Castro passed the
Bar exams in 1985 with a grade of 83.015%. He was founding partner of Castro Tan and Carag Law Offices from 1996 to 1997, and Castro Cadiz and Carag Law Offices from 1997 to 2003.

Castro was driving on Ortigas Avenue, near La Salle Greenhills, west bound from Pasig City to San Juan City, when the white Toyota Fortuner (ARC 202) he was driving hit a tree on the center island at about 4 a.m. "[The victim]
tragically encountered a self-accident... when his vehicle hit and side swept a huge tree on the center barrier." 490

The vehicle "was total wreckage, particularly the driver's side, with several [car] parts being forcibly detached." The impact of the collision was so strong the vehicle turned turtle. Castro was also thrown of his car. He was reportedly brought to the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in San Juan but he succumbed to injuries. "Castro has been the representative of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) to the JBC since 2003." (Castro) had entertained friends from abroad at lunch, then in the evening he treated law students from UP who had passed the bar. At around 10:30 p.m., he brought his wife to the airport and then he proceeded to another meeting, the friend who requested anonymity said. Castro leaves behind his wife, Angela Roco Castro, and four children. He started his law practice as an Associate for De la Cuesta De las Alas & Callanta Law Offices (1986-1988), moved on as Junior Associate, then as Senior Associate for Villaraza & Cruz Law Offices (1988-1995). He was later a Founding Partner of Castro Tan & Carag Law Offices (19961997) and Castro Cadiz & Carag Law Offices (1997-2003). Atty. Castro, No. 15 Pres. Roxas St., Industrial Valley 2, Marikina City, served the IBP and the Philippine Bar Association (PBA) in numerous capacities over the years. Castro was Vice President, IBP-Quezon Cty Chapter
(2004-2005); Director, IBP-Quezon City Chapter (1995-1997; 1999-2001; 2003-2004); Majority Floor Leader, 15th House of Delegates, IBP-Tacloban City (April 2002); P.R.O., IBP-Quezon City Chapter (2001-2003); Treasurer, IBP-Quezon City Chapter (19971999); Senior Consultant to the Chairman, IBP-House of Delegates (1997-1999); Chairman, Legal Aid Committee, IBP-Makati Chapter (1992-1994); President & Director, PBA (2003-2004); 1st Vice President and Director, PBA (2002-2003); 2nd Vice President and Director, PBA (2001-2002); 3rd Vice President and Director, PBA (2000-2001); Director and Treasurer, PBA (1999-2000); Secretary, PBA (1994-1999); and Mediator for the Court of Appeals. He was also a member of the Search Committee for the Most Outstanding Regional Trial Court Judges of the Judicial Excellence Awards Committee, Supreme Court, and a member of the Revision Committee of the Revised Rules of Procedure for the Court of Tax Appeals.



Abunda: Filipinos not insane, dangerous 09/03/2010 1:43 PM Hong Kong Tragedy: Omen by judgefloro on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 14:22 Just because of a minor felony, South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan on Saturday offered to resign due to alleged nepotism (hiring of his daughter). NoyNoy and PGMA could and would never cease and desist from clinging to power due to crab mentality and what FPJ once stated "Sakim at Gahaman sa Kapangyarihan!" But borrowing philosopher Jean Paul Sartre's immortal "No exit" I prophecy, that, if PGMA was haunted (by cursed and unlucky 13th Erap Presidency that she inherited through Biblically cursed Hilario G. Davide, Jr.), NoyNoy was and is not only surrounded not only by the a) horrible LUISita massacre and the b) most unjust incarceration of the 20 innocent acquitted (by Justice Manuel Pamaran) Aquino-Galman accused (convicted by Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., the most crue jurist in world history that discarded Constitutional double jeopardy in exchange of SC Justice appointment and 4 termer JBC Member), but more importantly, c) by the cursed Moro-Moro Truth Commission under the 666 marked Hilario G. Davide, Jr. (who is politically paid by NoyNoy for Cebu votes, to recover the vast sums of money lost for his son Hilario Davide III who lost to Gov. Gwen Garcia). The confluence of events prophetically points to the causa of the HK tragedy and fiasco Nota Bene:

Marcos also wants Davide out of Truth Commission 08/18/2010 4:45 PM


Truth Commission-Davide, Jr. puts to finis the NoyNoy Presidency by judgefloro on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 16:20 The Truth Commission of Hilario G. Davide, Jr. puts to finis the Noynoy Presidency! As Angel of Death, Judge Floro, per LUIS Violet light clearly sees the 666 on the forehead of Hilario G. Davide, Jr., who, after having been appointed CJ by Erap, did then and there feloniously swore PGMA. As prize, Davide, Jr. earned about P 1.8 M per month due to the COA unconfirmed UN post. Davide resigned to invest almost all his retirement benefits and UN salaries for his 2010 elections defeated son, Hilario III. Fresh from more than P 15 million financial loss due to stunning defeat of his son, Hilario III, in the Cebu elections to Gov. Gwen Garcia, NoyNoy pays Davides Cebu blessed votes for LP with the fatalistic appointment of Davide to the Kangaroo Commission, on August 30, 2010. Mystic Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. predicts that NoyNoy Aquinos appointment of Davide, Jr. as Chair of this Moro-Moro Truth Commission, forthwith puts to finis the NoyNoy Presidency. The Hongkong tragedy at the very spot NoyNoy took his June 30, 2010 oath vis--vis the unprecedented Hong Kong 80,000 peoples marchoutrage on August 29, 2010, proves in no uncertain language that the political fate of Noynoy is sealed with the kiss of death. The HK tragedy is a dire Omen pointing to prophecy: "Benigno Aquino III will not finish his term!" NB 17 June, 2006 - Judge Floro predicted the painful death of Hilario P. Davide Sr., father of CJ Davide Jr., after suffering lingering illnesses (together
with his sons Atty. Jose and Jorge Davide, who both died with extreme pains on 2002 and 2004, respectively); 7 years of dire sufferings, making parallel the pains of Judge Floro's 7 years suspension, 71 days after the release of the dwarf decision on April 6, 2006.


On 16 July, 2002, Davide underwent a successful Carotid surgery by Dr. Jorge Garcia, who operated Fidel Ramos in 1997, while on December 2004, Davide's diabetic foot met an accident where he suffered 2 months sitting on wheelchair. Statements of Atty. Felimon Fernandez to Judge Floro: RE CJ Hilario G. Davide, Jr. Atty. Felimon Fernandez is the Law Partner of Mr. Hilario G. Davide, Jr. (with Abella) for one year in Cebu. He declined the appointment of Sandiganbayan Justice and Supreme Court Justice offered by Pres. Cory Aquino & V.P. Doy Laurel, respectively, for reasons, thus: CONFRONTATION BETWEEN DAVIDE & FERNANDEZ RE: JUDGE FLOROS SENATE TESTIMONYACUSATION VERSUS DAVIDE (CORRUPTION & 7

YEARS VENGEANCE AGAINST JUDGE FLORO KEY TO UNJUST VENDETTA DISMISSAL IN A PRETEND WORLD) I was confronted by C.J. Davide last week, during a meeting at and he said that you (Judge Floro) testified at the Senate that he bribed Judges at Cebu He also asked me if you (Judge Floro) asked me to handle your suspension case last 2000, and I said, I refused, since matatalo ako Felimon Fernandez when the latter lost his 5 cases because of Davide, and he also lost the Justice Demetria Demetria case, because of the vendetta of Davide. The enmity, hatred and grudge between the 2 were a rather long story according to Atty. Fernandez. At point blank, Judge Floro asked Atty. Fernandez if Davide, Jr. was really corrupt according to many lawyers and via trance info from the 3 angels, LUIS, Armand & Angel. Atty. Felimon Fernandez candidly stated to Judge Floro that medyo corrupt, specifying that Davide quietly and carefully made money; and what Atty. Fernandez could not understand is: when Davide would accidentally meet Fernandez, the former would repeatedly greet him: Oh, mayaman ka na pala! (translated from Cebuano).

At that time, Davide took vengeance upon Atty.


Judge Floro approached Atty. Fernandez to handle the formers case on 2000; he tried his best to accept it, however, because of Davide, he politely advised on the dire consequences. Thus, Atty. Fernandez tendered a luncheon for all JBC Members, 2000 last quarter to help Judge Floro so that his case would be decided at that time. Justice Hermosisima, Jr., Atty. Tesie Sison, Atty. Alfredo Marigomen inter alia ate with him. They discussed Judge Floros case. And Justice Hermosisima, Jr. said: The Chief Justice (Davide) would not want to offend Justice Pardo, the Ponente ... (who did retire March, 2001) so he has to wait!

High priest, in Christianity a high priest could sometimes be compared with the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church, a Patriarch in an Eastern Orthodox Church,
or a Primate in an Anglican or Episcopal Church; but it is traditional to refer only to Jesus as the one high priest of Christianity. In all episcopal bodies, except in the Anglican Communion and the superintended Lutheran churches, bishops are also referred to as high priests, as they are believed to share in, that is: are considered earthly instruments of, the high priesthood of Jesus Christ.

March 22 #9 10:30 a.m. Beneath Malolos City Cathedral's 200 year Kalyaan tree, Florante Jimenez, age 60, saw in my palms (while being healed of extreme pain, stroke, arthritis), in ecstasy, for full 7 minutes, "Christo" - Jesus Christ, sitting down, clad in white chasubles and priestly vestments, as the High Priest, with crown of thorns, blood oozing from His face and hands. October 13, 2010 #9 Florante Jimenez, age 60, Malolos City, Bulacan, whom I healed completely of massive stroke, half body paralysis, saw the
reddish lights in my palms. On 2009 one afternoon, Jimenez' soul and spirit was lifted to a very wide and brightest street where an Angel was flogging methodical, beating or whipping millions of damned souls. He was told to return to earth for a mission unfinished. 495

March 24 #53 10:55 a.m. Near Malolos Cathedral, Malolos City, Bulacan, Cecilio Apostol, age 36, 0939-1401179, April 1, 1974, Libas, San Carlos, Pangasinan, mango vendor, while being healed of ulcer, back pains, saw, for 5 minutes, the bright big brown lights in my palms. The 2011 Burma earthquake 2011 Burma earthquake was a 6.8 magnitude earthquake on March 24 that had its epicenter in the east of Shan State in Burma with a hypocenter 10 km deep. It had two aftershocks, one of magnitude 4.8, another at magnitude 5.4 and a subsequent shock at magnitude 5.0. The quake's epicentre was 70 miles (110 km) from the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai, north of Mae Sai and southeast of Kentung. March 25 1:15 p.m. Near BDO, SM Marilao, I met SC Justice Cancio Garcia ( ); I held his hands, saying, I am the judge that your Supreme Court dismissed due to dwarf consultation! he replied, Ah, I am a director of Union Bank). Cancio C. Garcia (born October 20, 1937) is a former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. He was appointed to the Court on October 6, 2004 by President Gloria MacapagalArroyo and retired on October 19, 2007. On my 51st birthday, November 5, 2004, at Podium, Ortigas, Ortigas Center, Metro Manila, Robert said LUIS bestowed upon me the power of annihilation, by using my
hands to touch a Supreme Court Justice, my detractors and enemies, putting a stain the their bloods, up to the 4th generation.

Cancio C. Garcia serves as the Chairman of Purefoods Corporation. Justice Garcia served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. He served as an Acting Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals from 2001 to 2003, Presiding Justice from 2003 to 2004 and Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals from 1990 to 2001. He has been an Independent Director of San Miguel Properties Inc. since January 2010.

He has been an Independent Director of San Miguel ... Pure Foods Co. Inc. since June 27, 2008. He has been a Director of UnionBank of the Philippines since September 4, 2008. Justice. Garcia serves as a Director of Purefoods Corporation. The Union Bank, Board includes two (2) Independent Directors as required by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). An independent director is a person holding no interests or relationships with the Bank that may hinder his independence from the Corporation or Management or will interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out his responsibilities as a director. They are nominated and elected in accordance with the rules of the
BSP and the SEC. At present, Mr. Armand Braun and retired Supreme Court Justice Cancio Garcia sit as independent directors.

IN THE KNOW: PH third in 2010 Impunity Index Philippine Daily Inquirer 02:16:00 03/25/2011 The press club cited the four journalists who were
killed since Aquino took his oath of office on June 30 this year:

1) Edison Flameniana Sr., a columnist of Mindanao Inquirer, who was shot dead on December 10, 2010 in Tabudok, Labangan, Zamboanga del Sur MANILA, Philippines 2) On January 24, 2011, radio commentator Gerry Ortega was shot dead by a lone gunman while he was shopping in a used clothes store in Puerto Princesa City after his daily morning broadcast. He suffered bullet wounds in the head and body. Ortega, anchor of the Radyo Mo Nationwide (RMN) local affiliate dwAR talk show Ramatak, was the 142nd journalist killed since 1986, and the third journalist to be murdered under the Aquino administration, the National Union of Journalists of the
Philippines said. On February 1, police elements found the decomposing body of Abra journalist 3) Cirilo Gallardo with 17 stab wounds. On July 3, 2010, former anchor and reporter for Radyo Natin-Kalinga, 4) Jose Daguio, 75, a radio commentator and community journalist, was shot dead while having a dinner inside his house in Barangay Tuga, Tabuk, Kalinga. The police claimed he was killed by known cattle rustlers. 497

On July 9, 2011, 5) Miguel Belen, 48, a field reporter of radio dwEb-FM in Nabua, Camarines Sur, was shot and wounded by motorcycle-riding men in an ambush along Zone 3, Barangay San Jose Pagaraon, Nabua at 8:30 p.m. . Belen died on July 31, after weeks of fighting for his life in a hospital in Iriga City. The Philippines placed third in the 2010 Impunity Index by the Committee to Protect Journalists, which highlights countries where journalists are killed regularly and governments fail to solve the crimes. The killing of 30 journalistsamong 57 people
massacred in Maguindanao province in November 2009 catapulted the Philippines from sixth to third in the Impunity Index. The killings were the deadliest single-day attack anywhere in the world on journalists. The journalists killed in Maguindanao were among the over 130 Filipinos enshrined in the Journalists Memorial at the Newseum in Washington, dubbed by media practitioners as the shrine of news.

3 Journalists Dead In One Month 08/05/201 The latest journalist to die under the Aquino administration was Nueva Ecija publisher Edilberto Cruz. Police said that Cruz died of a gunshot wound in the head. Last month, Miguel Belen, 48, a radio station reporter, was ambushed in Camarines Sur. A week earlier, Jose Daguio, 72, a community newspaper reporter, was killed in Kalinga.

Female radio anchor shot dead in Malabon ambush 03/24/2011 6) Marlina "Len" Flores-Sumera, 44, was on her way to dzME studios where she was a program anchor when she was killed, radio dzBB's Allan Gatus said in his report. She was supposed to co-host a public service program between 10:30 a.m. and noon. According to a tweet by the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility, "8 women journos have been killed in the line of duty in the PHL since '86. If her case were work-related, Sumera would be the 9th."

The watchdog group has recorded 177 work-related killings of journalists and media workers in the Philippines since 1986. A report on the radio dzME website said, "Tama ng bala sa batok na tumagos sa mata ang tumapos sa buhay ng 44-year-old na anchor ng dzME."

Philippines Press club gives Aquino grade of 80% in running after journalists' killers December 17, 2010 Author: Newswatch Desk Subject: Press Freedom Overview Country: Philippines Meanwhile, the NPC noted that during the last month of the term of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, three journalists were killed: * Desidario Camangyan, 50, of Sunrise FM radio, who was shot dead on June 14 in Manay, Davao Oriental reportedly over the illegal logging activity that he criticised; * Jovelito Agustin, 37, of Aksyon Radyo Laoag, was gunned down on June 15 at a boundary of Laoag and Bacarra, Ilocos Norte reportedly over the criticisms he hurled against corruption; * Nestor Bedolido, of Kastigador weekly, was assassinated on June 19 in Digos City allegedly over criticisms against a politician. March 26 #54 Alex Lansangan, age 40, wife of Angelica Lavina, saw, for full 5 minutes the white clouds in my palms while being healed of his painful heart disease. 2011 Motion for Reinstatement by Jobless Mystic Judge Floro April 1, 2011, The Black Nazarene, The Holy Eucharist, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of the
Miraculous Medal - 17 pages Supplemental Omnibus Motions

Download Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel.

A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance Download Judge Floro's 4 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 1; Download Judge Floro's 15 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 2113 The Prophecy of Our Lady of Akita, 1973, the 101 tears of Our Lady114 Our Ladys message is the same from Fatima to Akita By Howard Q. Dee Philippine Daily Inquirer 04/03/2011 MANILA, PhilippinesThe triple disastersearthquaketsunami-nuclear emergencyvisited on Japan earlier this month call attention to Akita prefecture in the countrys north, the hardest hit region that is still struggling to control the spread of radiation from its crippled nuclear reactors. Akita, the site of the apparitions in 1973 in which the Blessed Virgin warned about a worldwide disaster that could afflict humanity, is situated in the Diocese of Niigata near Sendai, the city in the northeast that was the epicenter of the 9-magnitude quake and where the death toll is estimated to have reached thousands. Initial reports indicate that Akita, located on the western coast facing the Sea of Japan 145 kilometers from Sendai, received significantly less damage than other parts of northern Japan, despite its proximity to the epicenter. However, residents did report power outages, burst pipes and fires.
113 jfapril1.jpg


Our Lady of Akita is the title of Marian apparitions reported in 1973 by Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa in the remote area of Yuzawadai, near the city of Akita in Japan. The messages emphasize prayer and penance. Sister Sasagawa stated that the Virgin Mary told her: "Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach." An unusual nature of the apparitions was that unlike other case, the entire nation of Japan was able to view the tears of the statue of the Virgin Mary on national television. In 1973 Sister Agnes reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary, as well as stigmata and a weeping statue of the Virgin Mary which, it is said, continued to weep over the next 6 years on 101 occasions. The nuns at Yuzawadai also reported stigmata on the statue, as well as on the hands of Sister Agnes. The stigmata on the statue is said to have appeared before the tears started, and disappeared after the tears. In June 1988 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave definitive judgement on Our Lady of Akita events and messages as reliable and worthy of belief. Sister Agnes only reported three messages from the Blessed Virgin during 1973, but the Virgin Mary Statue is reported to have continued to weep thereafter. The statue of the Virgin Mary at Akita is carved from a single block of wood from a tree and is about three feet tall. Sister Agnes reported that she first heard the statue calling her, and then the first message began. Sister Agnes reports that in the first message the Virgin Mary asked her to recite a prayer of reparation together, and told her in 1973 that her deafness will be cured. The other reported messages ask for the praying of the rosary and to pray to repair the sins of others, as Acts of Reparation. The second message is said to have included the following: "Many men in this world afflict the Lord. I desire souls to console Him to soften the anger of the Heavenly Father. I wish, with my Son, for souls who will repair by their suffering and
their poverty for the sinners and ingrates." The third alleged message warned of possible worldwide calamities if men did not repent and emphasized the need to pray the rosary.


It allegedly stated that it was the final message to Sister Agnes and is said to have ended with the statement: "Those who place their confidence in me will be saved." During a Sunday Mass in 1982, Sister Agnes was totally cured from her deafness. Bishop John Shojiro Ito of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Niigata who had been an eyewitness to some of the events at Akita initially approved the apparition in 1984. March 11, 2011 earthquake According to Japanese officials, the Diocese of Sendai, about 90 miles from the Akita shrine was the hardest hit area in the 9.0 magnitude Thoku March 2011 earthquake, the strongest in the recorded history of earthquakes in Japan. Akita prefecture experienced fire damage and flooding as a result of the earthquake, as did other parts of northern Japan. Mar 13, 2011 Prophecy sites blame Japan disasters on all our sins Known now as Our Lady of Akita, the apparition warned about a worldwide disaster that could afflict humanity, saying: ...If men do not repent and better themselves, God the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. If will be a punishment greater than the (biblical) flood, such as never seen before ... Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. Akita-Shi, Japan Two years later on January 4, 1975, the statue began to weep.It wept 101 times to September 15, 1981. Scientific examination proved it to be human tears. The blood, sweat and tears were sent to the Faculty of Forensic Medicine at the University of Akita. The lachrymations number 101, and they took place at irregular intervals from January 4, 1975 until September 15, 1981. The first 1 is Eve, the second, Our Lady and the 0 represents the eternal Holy Trinity. The statue wept for the last time on September 15, Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Bishop Ito's official recognitions of the occurrences and the Madonna's messages were reported in the October, 1988 issue of the magazine 30 Days. In the August 1990 issue, Cardinal Ratzinger is quoted as saying that "there are no objections to the conclusion of the pastoral letter." Cardinal Ratzinger has invited the Bishop to continue to inform him about the pilgrimages and conversions. April 4 I could with great ease have levitated, flew, glided so high over some beings. April 9 1:17 a.m. Awake, I saw a brilliant white violet flash of light. April 12 #33 In a vision, I am approaching the Child Jesus being carried by the Blessed Virgin Mary. April 15 #55 6:09-6:15 p.m. Norma Soriano de la Cruz, age 57 (December 28, 1954, Sucabon, Zamboanga City, Mindanao, Philippines & J.M. Basa St., Baliuag, Bulacan, picking garbage plastic bottles) saw in my palms for full 6 minutes, while healing, the square or rectangle red and white lights; she felt being levitated. Judge Floro and Robert his brother were featured in this documentary: April 18 I JUANder: Bakit naniniwala ang Pinoy sa DUWENDE? [HQ] Ligtas kayang magsabi ng "Tabi-tabi po" kung mapapadaan ka sa isang punso? Saan kaya nagmula ang paniniwalang ito ng mga Juan? Samahan natin sina Susan
Enriquez at Cesar Apolinario sa pagtuklas sa kakaibang mundo ng mga Duwende. Sa I Juander, lunes ng gabi, sa GMA News TV.

April 18: I JUANder Synopsis by I JUANder on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 3:09pm I JUANder: Saan Nanggaling ang Paniniwala ng mga Pinoy sa Duwende?

Nakasanayan na ng mga Pilipino ang magpasintabi

kapag naglalakad lalo na sa mga masusukal na lugar, naniniwala kasi tayo sa mga lamang lupa na kahit hindi natin nakikita ay kasa-kasama diumano natin. Nuno sa punso at duwende sa ilalim ng kabute, ang mga elemento na ito, totoo nga kaya? I Juander, ang paniniwala ng mga Pilipino sa mga duwende saan nga kaya nagmula Mapapatabi-tabi po ka sa tuwing iisipin mong baka mapaglaruan o hindi kayay saktan ka ng isang duwende, kapag natipuhan ka raw kasi nila hindi ka na nila tatantanan. Si Jaja, mula nang magbuntis ay sinusundan na daw ng isang prinsipe ng mga duwende. Hanggang ngayon na nakapanganak na, lagi pa rin daw itong nagpapakita at minsan daw ay sumapi pa sa kanya! Ano ang pakay nito kay Jaja?

Si Nikki, isang estudyante, natigil sa pag-aaral nang bigla na lang lumaki at lumobo ang buong katawan sa hindi maipaliwanag na dahilan. Totoo nga kayang duwende ang may kagagawan nito? Kung sina Nikki at Jaja, tila hindi maganda ang karanasan sa mga duwende, si Leo naman na isang mananahi,
tinutulungan raw sa mga gawain ng isang magandang duwende? Totoo nga kayang hindi lahat ng ganitong nilalang ay maitim at masama? Ngayong Lunes na, sabay-sabay tayong magtabi-tabi po at alamin kung Saan Nanggaling ang Paniniwala ng mga Pinoy sa Duwende! 10pm sa I Juander!115

April 18 #56 1:25-27 p.m., Jessie Santos Mariano, age 55 (December 15, 1955, Makinabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, family driver, with 4 children) saw in my palms for full 2 minutes, while healing, the blurred lights. April 20, Holy Wednesday #57 2:55 pm. 3 meters beside my brother Benjamin V. Floro's 5,984 sq.m. Burol 1, Balagtas, Bulacan, beside Milaflor Subdivision lot, Jana Loraine B. Del Rosario (age 6, September 23, 2004) saw in my 2 eyes: Jesus Christ clad white linen cloth, weeping and his Cross, the round red lights inside my right eye, and she saw in my palms, the blue heaven and same Jesus Chirst "nakabalabal ng white cloth, weeping." She claimed she saw Mama Mary and Jesus Christ asking her to pray before sleeping, etc.


Jana is the 14th living person who saw Jesus Christ in Judge Floro's palms, eyes and body. Standing (l-r) Eusebio Santos, Rodolfo, Victorio, Evangeline Viola and Aquilina Mendoza de la Cruz (both seated). April 22 Good Friday 2011 #34 6:00 a.m. Awake, eyes closed, in fast without time and space, lying in bed, I saw beside me a statue (only about 2 feet from her feet) of Our Lady of Lourdes guiding me. #58 11:00 a.m. At Tibagan, Bustos (Angat) Dam, Bulacan, Aquilina Mendoza de la Cruz (age 80, hunchback due to accident, trauma, widow, educated Grade II Elementary School, labandera (washes clothes) and gathering scrap palay, maried to all deceased Bonifacio Santos, Anastacio Cruz and Virgilio Viola, with 6 children) saw for full 20 minutes, while healing her cataract which cleared 50% arthritis, and severe back pains, the bright colorless, thereafter, the bright red lights in my palms. #15 5:45 p.m. Norma Soriano de la Cruz also saw in my palms the 2 brilliant red stars with the Black Nazarene, half body, in the center, looking towards the front direction, opposite her, asking her to offer her sufferings for conversion of sinners, as I healed her inside the dark St. Augustine Church of Baliuag, Bulacan. #59 6:32 p.m. Leonila Duruja Daguman (age 46, August 23, 1964, Okindo St., Calbayog City, Western Samar, "labandera", 2nd Year High School, with a child, grade 6, Elementary School, resident of Purok 5, Sto. Nino Baliuag, Bulacan) saw the round yellow and white lights in my palms for full 6 minutes. #35 April 25, 2011 Tuesday 8 a.m. Eyes closed, awake, lying in bed, I saw in the mysterious gray and white lights, the crucified Jesus on the Cross.


After Christchurch, Bribane, Queensland, Rio de Janeiro, Philippines, China, Japan and Burma, now, the USA, Thailand, Turkey . : A sad day for atheists, agnostics, skeptics and those who do curse, ridicule and hate the Most Holy Trinity, Mary and the Black Nazarene The tornado that hit Tuscaloosa was reportedly a mile or more wide, and took out power to over 50,000 homes. Governor Robert Bentley has pledged the full resources of the state including use of the Alabama National guard. Tuscaloosa currently remains under weather watch. BBC 28 April 2011 In pictures: Deadly US storm April 27 and April 28, 2011, brought the deadliest tornado outbreak in the United States since 1974. By dawn on April 28, at least 250 people had been killed in 6 states. Alabama was the hardest hit state, with 162 confirmed dead as of Thursday morning. This image shows the storms at 1:45 p.m.
U.S. Central Daylight Time, and the animation shows the development of the weather system that spurred the widespread deadly tornadoes. The images are from the GOES satellite.

Tornadoes have torn through Alabama and other U.S. southern states, killing more than 300 people. This photo shows the devastation in Pratt City, a suburb of Birmingham, Alabama. Supercell thunderstorm near Teague, Texas. This storm would go on to produce at least one tornado near Fairfield, Texas. Supercell near Teague, Texas, on April 25. This storm would later produce a tornado near Fairfield. April 2528, 2011 tornado outbreak April 2528, 2011 tornado outbreak An ongoing tornado outbreak began on April 25, 2011, and is affecting the Southern and Eastern United States with catastrophic destruction, especially across Alabama. The sequence produced destructive tornadoes in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia and affected several other areas throughout the Southern United States and Eastern United States.

Widespread and destructive tornadoes occurred on each day of the outbreak so far, with tornadoes forecast as possible, though not likely as large or numerous, on April 28.An aerial view of tornado damage shows entire block of homes in ruins in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, April 28, 2011. As of 6:30 p.m. EDT on April 28, 2011, 296 people had been reported to have been killed as a result of the outbreak; all except four of the deaths occurred on April 27. 194 of the deaths occurred in the state of Alabama alone. April 27 was the deadliest tornado day in the United States since the Super Outbreak of April 34, 1974, and the second deadliest tornado day since 1950. More than 300 tornadoes have been reported over four days, including 175 in 16 states on April 27. Wednesday's tornado outbreak in region could be biggest in recorded history April 28th, 2011 Death toll from severe storms in U.S. reaches 300 2011-04-29 Wednesday's tornado outbreak in region could be biggest in recorded history By Kevin Castle April 28th, 2011 Deadly tornadoes kill more than 300 in US April 29, 2011 US in shock as worst storms for 40 years kill almost 300 Death toll from severe storms in U.S. reaches 300 2011-04-29 28 April 2011 Storms kill scores in Alabama and other south US states Confirmed deaths by state: Alabama: 162 Mississippi: 33 Tennessee: 33 Georgia: 13 Virginia: 8 Kentucky: 1,_2011_tornado_outb reak

Download: Verified Application For the Supreme Court Associate Justice posts that Justices Eduardo Nachura and Conchita Carpio-Morales will vacate this year 26 pages April 28, 2011


Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel, Annihilator, Angel of Death, Prophet, Visionary April 26, 2011, Wednesday, 12 noon ultimate Violet Light Annihilator Photo of Judge Florentino Floro for the the Judicial and Bar Council April 28, 20100 application and nomination for the posts that Associate Justices Eduardo Nachura and Conchita Carpio-Morales will vacate this year. Internet Personalities: Jon Lech Johansen, Elena Filatova, Charice Pempengco, the Bus Uncle, Justin Bieber, Florentino Floro, Lasse Gjertsen Search florentino floro &cof=FORID:10&q=%22florentino+floro%22& ex.htm%253FChangeLanguage%253Dtrue

May 5, 2011: Ex-Malabon RTC judge aspires for SC seat Shortnews: Ex-Malabon RTC judge aspires for SC seat

Ex-Malabon RTC judge aspires for SC seat

Posted by admin2 on May 5th, 2011 and filed under National. You can follow any responses to this entry through
the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. By PNA and U.S. News Agency / Asian

Former Malabon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge Florentino Floro, who believes in dwarfs, is seeking a seat in the Supreme Court (SC) with the forthcoming retirement of Associate Justices Antonio Eduardo Nachura on June 13, 2011 and Conchita Carpio-Morales on June 19, 2011, respectively. In the 3rd Supplemental Agenda of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), Floro applied for one of the two impending vacant positions as SC justice. Floro is known for his Gabay during his time in the judiciary, but was dismissed from the service by the SC en banc for not believing in him that he has a spiritual guide in life.

It was learned that Floros name was originally excluded from the list because of his dismissal from the service, but he would be reinstated in the publication. There were original 28 aspirants who applied for the position as SC Justice, but it was extended by the JBC and it was now expanded to 35 with seven more applicants, including Floro. The other new applicants for the SC posts include Court of Appeals (CA) Associate Justice Amelita Tolentino, who convicted Hubert Jeffrey Webb and several other accused in the Vizconde massacre case during her time as Paranaque City RTC Judge. University of the East (UE) College of Law Dean Amado Valdez is also seeking the position of SC Justice. Valdez is a noted legal expert and erstwhile Chief of the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC). The other aspirants are law practitioners Sabino Padilla IV, Eduardo Lizares, Pablito Sanidad and Katrina Legarda. The JBC, chaired by SC Chief Justice Renato Corona, will have its next meeting on May 23. NEUVITELN: Poahan soudci! Nevili byste, kdo vechno me rozhodovat

Soudci radili trpaslci.


Ve filipnsk Manile mli opravdu bizarnho soudce jmnem Florentino Floro. O msto piel pot, co se zjistilo, e se povauje za mystika a e mu pi rozhodovn kauz pomhaj ti mystit trpaslci Armang, Luis a Angel. Tvrdil tak, e vid do budoucnosti, um lidem mylenkami pivolat bolest a e je andlem smrti. Internet personalities - This is a list of phenomena specific to the Internet, such as popular themes and catchphrases, images, viral videos and more. Such fads and sensations grow rapidly on the Internet because its instant communication facilitates word of mouth.

In the early days of the Internet, phenomena were primarily spread via email or Usenet discussion communities. Today, many of these phenomena are also spread via popular, user-based or social networking web sites, including (but not limited to) 4chan, Newgrounds, Reddit, Facebook, Fark, Flickr, Myspace, Slashdot, Something Awful, YouTube, or YTMND. Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing may also amplify the propagation of these phenomena.

Internet Personalities: Jon Lech Johansen, Elena Filatova, Charice Pempengco, the Bus Uncle, Justin Bieber, Florentino Floro, Lasse Gjertsen
Amazon Price: $28.64

Teisjas konsultuodavosi su sivaizduojamais nyktukais su.isivaizduojamais.nykstukais=2011-05-07_11-28/

Teisjas i Filipin neteko darbo, nes nuolat konsultuodavosi su sivaizduojamais mistikais nyktukais, kurie prisijungdavo prie jo gydymo sesij metu. Teisjas Florentino Floro i Manilos, buvo atleistas i darbo, kai paaikjo, kad jis man ess aikiaregys ir praddavo teismo posd skaitydamas Naujojo Testamento Apreikim knyg. Teisjas F. Floro sakydavo, kad jis ir trys nyktukai, kuriuos jis vadino Armandu, Luisu ir Angelu, kartu prim sprendim. Be to, teisjas tikjo, kad gali numatyti ateit, sukelti kitiems skausm ir kad jis yra mirties angelas. Jis keisdavo savo mantij i mlynos juod kiekvien penktadien, kad atgaivint savo aikiaregio galias. Teismas nusprend, kad F. Floro negali atlikti savo pareig dl protinio netinkamumo, pridurdamas, kad tai gali sugriauti visuomens pasitikjim teism, kaip racionali statymo saugotoj, sistema. Armandas, Luisas ir Angelas nieko nekomentavo

Juiz que consultava duendes afastado nas Filipinas

Dmara viki r starfi vegna samskipta vi snilega dverga _samskipta_vid_osynileg/

Verld/Flk | 1 Flk - frttir | mbl | 18.8.2006 | 16:05 Thursday, May 5, 2011: 10 Most Bizarre Judges in Court

No. 8 The judge who got fired for consulting his imaginary mystical dwarves during sessions A judge has lost his job in the Philippines, on the grounds that he regularly consulted with imaginary mystical dwarves who would join him in 'healing' sessions. Judge Florentino Floro, from Manila, was originally removed from his post, after it emerged that he believed himself to be psychic, and that he would begin his court session with readings from the Book of Revelation. In appealing that decision, Judge Floro mounted a staunch defense of the existence of his three dwarf friends - who were named Armand, Luis and Angel - telling the court in a letter that they had made a covenant together. 'From obscurity, my name and the three mystic dwarves became immortal,' he added. In addition to the mystical dwarves, Judge Floro also reportedly believed that he was able to foresee the future, that he could inflict pain on others, and that he was the angel of death. He would change his judicial robes from blue to black every Friday to recharge his psychic powers.
The court found that he was unable to carry out his duties due to 'mental unfitness', adding that this could 'erode the public's acceptance of the judiciary as the rational guardian of the law.' Armand, Luis and Angel were unavailable for comment. 511

Current most viewed articles on Wikipedia Wikipedia's People from Bulacan category


The following are the current most viewed articles on Wikipedia within Wikipedia's People from Bulacan category. Think of it as a What's Hot list for People from Bulacan. 24 Florentino Floro 28 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Florentino V. Floro, Jr. Philippines army diverted millions of U.N. money, House hears 10 Feb 2011 13:09 Source: trustlaw // Thin Lei Win Arabianbarbie Tue., February 15, 9:13 AM Wow, Corruption bigtime. Military corruption, Whom this citizen can trust for. Time to change.. Philippine Judiciary needs Judge Florentino Floro to clean with his elementals this corrupt politicians. Give the judge his work thats all you need to keep those corrupt people at bay.. He is jack of all trade, a doctor ,a sorcerer, license judge,everything you bargain for he is qualified to put you in the secret cell. Joseph Estrada Presidency President Estrada administering the oath to Florentino Floro (730x516) /25/12.jpg?et=Hr2p5pPjS1Ad4DLA8Pp46A&nmid=206969145 /26/13.jpg?et=8%2B%2Bq6S0CGPDvZxpSEPlWiQ&nmid=206969145

President Estrada administering the oath to Florentino Floro (728x500)


2011 Pacific typhoon season First storm formed: April 1, 2011; Last storm dissipated:

October 16, 2011; Strongest storm: Songda 920 hPa (mbar), 195 km/h (120 mph) (10-minute sustained); Tropical depressions: 34 Total storms: 20; Typhoons: 8 Super typhoons: 4 (Unofficial); Total fatalities: 459 total Total damage: $4.444 billion (2011 USD) The 2011 Pacific typhoon season is a current event
in which tropical cyclones form in the Western Pacific Ocean. The season will run throughout 2011 with most tropical cyclones forming between May and November. The scope of this article is limited to the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator between 100th meridian east and the 180th meridian. Within the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, there are two separate agencies who assign names to tropical cyclones which can often result in a cyclone having two names. The Japan Meteorological Agency will name a tropical cyclone should it be judged to have 10-minute sustained wind speeds of at least 65 km/h, (40 mph) anywhere in the basin. Whilst the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration assigns names to tropical cyclones which move into or form as a tropical depression in their area of responsibility located between 135E and 115E and between 5N-25N even if the cyclone has had a name assigned to it by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Tropical depressions that are monitored by the United States' Joint Typhoon Warning Center are given a number with a "W" suffix. On average, 27 storms form in this basin every year.

Hurricane Irene was a large and powerful Atlantic hurricane that left extensive flood and wind damage along its path through the Caribbean, the United States East Coast and as far north as Atlantic Canada in 2011.

The ninth named storm, first hurricane and first major hurricane of the annual hurricane season, Irene originated from a well-defined Atlantic tropical wave that began showing signs of organization east of the Lesser Antilles. It developed atmospheric convection and a closed cyclonic circulation center, prompting the National Hurricane Center to initiate public advisories late on August 20, 2011. Irene improved in organization as it passed the Leeward Islands, and by August 21, it had moved closer to Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The next day, Irene made landfall at Category 1 hurricane strength in Puerto Rico, where severe flooding resulted in significant property damage and the death of one person. Formed, August 20, 2011; Dissipated; August 29, 2011; Fatalities 56 total; Damage $10.1 billion (2011 USD); Areas affected: Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles, Turks and Caicos, the Bahamas, eastern United States (Landfalls in North Carolina, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York), eastern Canada For

the flooding which involved southern Thailand in March April 2011, see 2011 Southern Thailand floods. 2011 Thailand floods: Thammasat University's Rangsit Campus in Pathum Thani Province, north of Bangkok, is inundated with 2-metre-high water on October 24, 2011 and becomes a lake. The famous Dome Building is under water Duration: 31 July 2011 ongoing; (88 days); Fatalities: 317; Damages: 156.7 billion baht (US$5,072,839,206); Areas affected: Thailand Major floods are occurring during the 2011 monsoon season in Thailand, most severely in the Chao Phraya but also in the Mekong River basin.

Beginning in late July and continuing for over two months, the floods have caused 307 reported deaths, over 2.3 million people affected, with estimated damages of up to 156.7 billion baht (5.1 billion USD) as of 18 October. The flooding has inundated about six million hectares of land, over 300,000 hectares of which is farmland, in 58 provinces, from Chiang Mai in the North to parts of the capital city of Bangkok near the mouth of the Chao Phraya. It has been described as "the worst flooding yet in terms of the amount of water and people affected". Seven major industrial estates have been inundated by as much 3 meters (10 feet) and estimated it will be around for 40 days.

The 2011 Van earthquake was a destructive magnitude 7.2 Mw earthquake that struck eastern Turkey near the predominantly Kurdish city of Van on Sunday, 23 October 2011 at 13:41 local time. It occurred at a shallow depth of 20 km (12.4 mi), causing heavy shaking across much of eastern Turkey and being felt across much of the Near East. Extensive areas sustained heavy damage to their structures, and as many as 1,000 people were feared dead.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Death toll-Magnitude 15,828 9.0 459 181 150 111 26 14 7.2 6.3 6.8 6.9 5.4 6.1 Location Thoku, Japan Van, Turkey Date March 11 October 23

Christchurch, New Zealand February 22

Shan State, Myanmar March 24

India-Nepal border Myanmar-China border region

September 18 March 10 July 19

Fergana Valley


SWS: Hunger rises again; 4.3M families go hungry 10/27/2011 Hunger is on the rise again, with 4.3 million families representing one in five households or 21.5 percent saying they experienced having nothing to eat in the last three months, according to a new survey by Social Weather Stations. The SWS, which published on Thursday the results of its September 47 poll on its media partner BusinessWorld, noted sharp increases of hunger in Luzon, overwhelming the declines noted in the rest of the country. It said the rise was 7.5 points above the 13-year average of 14 percent, and the worst so far for the Aquino administration. Also, the 21.5-percent hunger rate was much higher than the four-year low of 15.1 percent in June, and a point worse than 20.5 percent in March. Top people claiming (Trending topics) to have paranormal abilities

The following are the current most viewed articles on

Wikipedia within Wikipedia's People claiming to have paranormal abilities category. Think of it as a What's Hot list for People claiming to have paranormal abilities.

Rank Topic Wikipedia views 1 Psychic 2,920 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks 2 Allison DuBois 1,003 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks 3 Lady Hester Stanhope 64 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks 4 Derek Ogilvie 42 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks


5 Florentino Floro 28 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks Top filipino judges (Trending topics) 17 Florentino Floro 28 Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks Judge Floro defeated the following Philippine Giant SC Justices
18Ma. Lourdes Sereno28 19Enrique Fernando27 20Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.24 21Presbitero Velasco, Jr.23 22Conrado M. Vasquez23 23Ramon Aquino23 24Querube Makalintal23 25Diosdado Peralta23 26Anacleto Daz22 27Florenz Regalado22
28Felix Makasiar22 29Pedro Yap20 30Abraham Sarmiento20 31Roberto A. Abad20 32Fred Ruiz Castro19 33Csar Bengzon19 34Angelina SandovalGutierrez18 35Dante Tiga17 36Ricardo Paras17 37Gregory S. Ong17 38Simeon Dumdum, Jr.17 39Romeo A. Brawner17 40Ruben Reyes16 41Vicente Abad Santos15 42Luzviminda Tancangco15 43Mariano del Castillo15 44Consuelo Ynares-Santiago14 45Irene Cortes13 46Alfredo


47Alicia Austria-Martinez12 48Bernardo P. Pardo12 49Leonardo Quisumbing11 50Nimfa C. Vilches11 51Carmelino Alvendia, Sr.10 52Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera10 53Harriet Demetriou10 54Cancio Garcia8 55Pedro Concepcion8 56Antonio Villa-Real7 57Monina Arevalo Zenarosa7 58Adolfo Azcuna6 59Jose Feria6 60Abdulwahid Bidinless than 5 views61Francisco Villacruz, Jr.less than 5 views62Jocelyn SolisReyesless than 5 views63Romeo Callejo, Sr.less than 5 views64Rosalinda Asuncion Vicenteless than 5 views

Element 115 is one of the thousands of names of Judge Floro-LUIS: 11-5 (1953, 1:00 a.m. is the birth date and hour of Floro at UST Hospital Manila) Scientists Create and Add Elements 113 and 115 to Periodic Table Judge Floro's mystic photo taken on May 12, 2011: 3
Penoy (Balut eggs), 1 Kamote (sweet potato) and 1 Kalabasa (squash) = 5 Talon (leaps, jumps, giggling with utter joy upon gazing at the dire pains of his enemies, detractors and prosecutors)


Friday, 18 August 2006, Filipino 'dwarf' judge loses case

Download: Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011

Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011 Page 1 of the Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011 Page 1.a of the Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011 Page 1.b of the Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011 Mystic Curse of the 3 magical dwarves upon Filipino journalists: January and April 4, 2007 and Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m.- 3:15 p.m

Barely 3 hours after Judge Floro predicted on pages 2-4 of his 55 pages Ombudsman Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m.- 3:15 p.m, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike a Philippine Journalist as Floro Cursed Filipino Journalists for deleting his name from the SC Associate Justice post publication from April 28, 2011:


Veteran journalist-professor dies in vehicular accident on killer highway

By Ariel Fernandez, Julie M. Aurelio, Nancy C. Carvajal Philippine Daily Inquirer, Radyo Inquirer 21:38:00 05/13/2011 MANILA, Philippines (UPDATE) Much-awarded investigative journalist and University of the Philippines journalism professor Lourdes Chit Estela-Simbulan died Friday night when the taxi she was riding in was hit by a passenger bus on Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City. Lourdes Chit Estela-Simbulan, a former Philippine Daily Inquirer desk editor and founding member of the independent Vera Files, died while she was brought to the Malvar General Hospital, Superintendent Arnold Santiago of the Quezon City Police District's Traffic Enforcement Unit said. A police report said Estela-Simbulan was on board a taxi with plate number THX 532 and cruising southbound in front of Ayala Technopark when it was rammed by a Guiding Star passenger bus at around 6 p.m. Friday. May 11-12, 2011 I saw a dwarf, beside a bay horse, digging a treasure; as I entered a room, a bright lights did burst to flames; I saw a very tall foreign Priest clad in golden and red chasuble, vestments saying Holy Mass. I met vibrant and beaming +Dona Eleng Hermoso (wife of Don Tintoy Hermoso, owner of Liberty Savings Bank, Meycauayan, Bulacan, who, with daughter Elizabeth died in Jaguar car accident at Pangasinan).


May 15 A priest said Holy Mass inside a big Church and outside, I gazed at the outer space red bricks-like colours of the building. 24oras: Journalist Chit Estella-Simbulan, namatay sa aksidente sa QC 05/14/2011 On page 57, that is, inserted as page 3 of the Application, Judge Floro wrote:

Magluluksang tuloy-tuloy
Mamamahayag! mourn! (Philippine


ang mga



Judge Floro: Tumalon din ako ng 5 beses noong September 26, 2008, 3 araw pagkamatay ni Rod Nazario, 5 beses din, noong namatay si Leo Dacera III, noong birthday ko, November 5, 2010, 5 talon din noong April 12, 2006 noong namatay si Luzviminda D. Puno, tig 5 talon din noong naghirap at namatay sina Hilario G. Davide, Sr. noong July 17,2006, Lirio B. Bautista, noong August 5, 2006, noong naStroke si Alfredo L. Benipayo noong February 22, 2008, noong nawasak ang katawan ni Dulce Saguisag, noong November 8, 2007 at noong 34 na mamamahayag ng Maguindanao o Ampatuan massacre ang namatay noong November 23, 2009. Lahat naman halos ng Court pleading ko at ni LUIS copy furnished sa DOJ Press at Jukra ay tinatapon lang sa basura ng mga mamamahayag. (Judge Floro: "I jumped 5 times on September 26, 2008, ..... and I jumped 5 times when on November 23, 2008, when Ampatuan Massacre 34 journalists were massacred ... almost all of my filed Court pleadings copy furnished the journalists were thrown in the waste can.....)"

LUIS warned: Mark my word, they will regret it! May 13, 2011, 3 p.m. "Pinagpala (blessed), Powerful, Element 115" - Florentino Floro In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends; Mr. Floro Loses His Job But Becomes a Celebrity; Using a Little Elfin Magic

Ripley's Believe It or Not! #70(6/8/2006) (2) "Hello judge..." Florentino Floro, a Philippines judge, was relieved of duty in April 2006 after claiming to have seen the future and to be able to communicate with magic dwarves!

FILIPINO JUSTICE The 3 dwarf stooges inflicted the capital punishment of cancer upon magician Ran-Di Filipino Healing Judge Floro/Creatures of the Philippines Transfrmr Posted: 24 September 2007 09:11 AM

Davros, in - Element 115, UFOs; 10 Most Bizarre Judges; I.P.: Justin Bieber, Florentino Floro warned: We need someone to warn us of those black dwarfs for they be sneaky little buggers, luckily he has high powered supporters.


Judge Floro, the Avenger, opted to use his gun and gavel per his 3 mystic dwarves to annihilate, using his Filipino Kalabasa as duende crown of his psychotic head:

LUIS extracts Pumpkin Juice that has magical effects, using Floros gun and gavel; thereafter, LUIS, the blue fairy godfather turns a pumpkin into Cinderella carriage. No. 1 Filipino Blogger Florentino Floro; Supreme Court Associate Justice & Ombudsman of the Philippines Top Aspirant; No. 8 Most Bizarre Judge in Planet Earth Judge who believes in dwarfs eyes SC By Jomar Canlas Reporter Friday, May 20, 2011 Aplikante sa Supreme Court dunay amigong dewende Torn between two allies Aquinos choice: SC justice or BIR chief BY JOMAR CANLAS REPORTER On the JBC list for Ombudsman, 39 names were written, including the seven personalities who declined to be nominated. The list, now down to 32 names:
1. Agawa, Alfredo 2. Apostol, Pelagio 3. Armamento, Leah T. 4. Beltran, Procopio Jr. S. 5. Bonoan, Emmanuel P. 6. Calida, Jose C. 7. Calleja, Howard M. 8. Carao, Felix Jr. D. 9. Chavez, Francisco D. 10. Diokno, Jose Emmanuel I. 11. Floro, Florentino Jr. V. 12. Francisco, Ernesto Jr. B.

Filipino Bloggers: Florentino Floro, Ala Paredes, Louie Jon Agustin Sanchez, Bryanboy



11 Jackass Judges Who Went Crazy In Court Tuesday, May 10, 2011 The Rotter

Reported! Ask me about the Black Nazarene! Bill Dungsroman | Games | May 16, 2011, 8:53 am

Tagalog News: Siyam ang nagtutunggali sa puwesto ng Chief Justice by RM Padua IA Press Release 2010/02/05

Adamson University Alumni: Florentino Floro, Fernando Suarez, Louie Alas, Kenneth Duremdes, Mel Alas s_Kenneth_Duremdes_Mel_Alas.html

Chief Justice Florentino Floro, Philippine National HeroMartyr-Canonized Saint Posted by admin on July 28, 2010

9 Sunday, May 8, 2011


Florentino Floro Entrenador Juvenil.jpg

Sad day for atheists: At least 116 people are killed by a on May 22, 2011 tornado, the United States' deadliest since 1947, in Joplin, Missouri.

The 2011 Joplin tornado was a multiple-vortex tornado rated as an EF5 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale which struck Joplin, Missouri, USA at about or shortly before 5:41 p.m. CDT (2241 UTC) on May 22, 2011. It was part of a larger late-May tornado outbreak and reached a maximum 0.75 miles (1.21 km) wide during its path through the southern part of the city. It rapidly intensified and tracked eastward across the city, and then continued eastward across Interstate 44 into rural portions of Jasper County. This was the third significant tornado to strike Joplin since May 1971. Along with the TriState Tornado and the 1896 St. Louis-East St. Louis tornado, it will rank as one of Missouri's and America's deadliest and costliest tornados; the cost to rebuild Joplin in today's U.S.
dollars could reach $3 billion. The May 2011 tornado was the deadliest tornado to hit the United States since 1947 and the eighthdeadliest single tornado in U.S. history, killing 142 people, though the toll is likely to rise still further as more of the missing are recovered and definitively identified.

Officials said late May 29, 2011, that at least 43 people

remain missing, down from a list of 232 missing persons that was released on May 26. The Missouri State Emergency Management Agency has confirmed that 142 people were killed and more than 990 were injured in Joplin. The number of dead may rise, as more than 100 people remain missing. However, due to the horrific injuries suffered by some victims, it is possible that some different sets of remains are from a single person.


The figure of 142 deaths would make this the deadliest U.S. tornado since that of April 9, 1947 in Woodward,
Oklahoma and surrounding locations, and the eighth deadliest tornado in U.S. history. This would also make it the first single tornado since the June 8, 1953 tornado in Flint, Michigan, to have 100 or more associated fatalities.

'Many dead' as tornadoes rip through US Midwest 4/Many-dead-as-tornadoes-rip-through-US-Midwest.html

Storms pounded Joplin, Mo., again Monday after more than 2,000 buildings were destroyed when an F-4 tornado roared through the city about 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Joplin, MO - Rangeline Tornado Damage

Mind Controllers Justice Denied: Judges Controlled I have interviewed so many people that I can recognize all the variations of the weapons testers scripts. Just in case people doubt what I say when I talk about that the Justice systems have been marginalized like Congress, through the existence of this weapons system without constitutional controls. A judge in the Philippines was just recently relieved of his duties because he believed he was psychic, let his little dwarf friends make the determination of guilt, and became a believer in the book
of revelations which he quoted often before trial. His name is Judge Florentino Floro presiding over a court in Manila.

The reason he believes he has dwarf friends is that the synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing effect is often perceived by victims as high pitch voices that sound like they are on helium.


He is about a quarter way through the mind control experiments and clearly has no clue what is being done to him. My handlers loved to brag about how many doctors they have destroyed who couldnt figure out how it was being done to them. NB LUISs Space Ships, flying saucers and UFOs 38 Mystic Travels are aptly described on pages 19-26 of: Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice Tersely, they are used, not for fun, but to eternally engage the instruments of 666, the black angels, turned to black dwarves, etc. in gallactic or angelic wars.

RATATAT - FALCON JAB at 2:48 min. shows a alien showing its palm from which rainbows or colors of the electromagnetic spectrum flows towards a bird, a falcon, maybe. In comparison, the 132 living persons and witnesses saw the outer space, divine and mystic lights from Judge Floros 2 palms and eyes since September 4, 2010 until October, 2011, including the 18 living Filipinos who saw Jesus Christ in his palms for not less than 5 minutes. Note, also, that when Judge Floro was allowed to travel via mystic levitation on 2008, at LUIS' Kingdom of Peace, a big brown bird so noisy did welcome me, even if a biggest blue owl was flying suspended on mid-air with another on top of a tree, to bestow upon the Prophet Saint Floro, the crown never ever worn my aliens.


May 26, 2011 Prophecy of Judge Florentino Floro-LUIS: Senator Francis Joseph G. "Chiz" Escudero is never destined to be President of the Philippines Justin Drew Bieber dances with Filipino dwarf Judge Floro (cf. the Asylumnation forums, Large Filipino)

In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends

Mr. Floro Loses His Job But Becomes a Celebrity; Using a Little Elfin Magic Monday, September 17, 2007 Even so, a series of disturbing incidents appear to have
the nation's top jurists rattled. According to local newspaper reports, a mysterious fire in January destroyed the Supreme Court's crest in its session hall, and a number of members of the court and their close family members have developed serious illnesses or have fallen victim to car accidents. Enough bizarre things have happened that in July, the Supreme Court issued an en banc resolution asking Mr. Floro to desist in his threats of "ungodly reprisal." The Supreme Court's spokesman declined to elaborate.

1. November 8, 2007: Dulce Saguisag, wife of Judge Floro's lawyer, Atty. Rene AV Saguisag, was killed in a
serious car accident on November 8, 2007, on President Osmea Highway in Makati City. Her husband, Rene Saguisag, was seriously injured in the accident. Two other people riding in the same Toyota Grandia van as the Saguisags, including Filipino dance instructor, Rhea Imelda Obong, and driver, Felipe Calvario, were also seriously injured in the accident. All four were rushed to Ospital ng Makati where Dulce Saguisag was pronounced dead from her injuries. The Toyota that Ducle Saguisag was riding in, which was travelling on Pasay Road, was struck by a dump truck at the corner of the President Osmea Highway in Makati City. 527

The dump truck had reportedly been speeding when it ran a traffic light and struck the left side of the Saguisags' van, killing Dulce. Police arrested the driver of the dump truck at the scene of the accident.

2. Monday, December 20, 2010 Hon. Reynaldo Laigo & wife killed in traffic accident RETIRED judge of the
Makati City regional trial court and his wife were killed on their way to "simbang gabi" when a passenger bus clipped theiraboard a twodoor Mitsubishi mini-Pajero vehicle along Commonwealth avenue in Quezon City at half past four Monday morning. A report from the Quezon City Police District said Judge Reynaldo Laigo and his wife Lilia were coming out of the Don Jose Subdivision in their mini Pajero when a speeding Corimba Express bus driven by Generoso Magante Jr. hit the left portion of their vehicle. The Laigos were reportedly pinned inside their vehicle and it took rescue teams more than 20 minutes to free them and take them to the hospital. Both were declared dead on arrival at the hospital, Judge Laigo at the Fairview General Hospital and his wife at the East Avenue Medical Center. Before his retirement last July, the soft-spoken Laigo decided controversial cases during his four years as presiding judge of Branch 56 of the Makati regional trial court.

3. March 19, 2011: JBC member killed in Mandaluyong car accident

MARK MERUEAS, GMA News 03/19/2011 - Super Moon - 140th jobless anniversary of Judge Floro's July 20, 1999 suspension. An initial investigation showed that JBC Member Atty. J. Conrado Parado Castro, 53, was traveling on Ortigas Avenue, near La Salle Greenhills, west bound from Pasig City to San Juan City, when the white Toyota Fortuner (ARC 202) he was driving hit a tree on the center island at about 5 a.m.


4. On page 57, that is, inserted as page 3 of the Application, Judge Floro wrote:

Magluluksang tuloy-tuloy muli ang mga Pilipinong Mamamahayag! (Philippine Journalists will continously mourn! Judge Floro: "I jumped 5 times on September 26, 2008, ..... and I jumped 5 times when on November 23, 2008, when Ampatuan Massacre 34 journalists were massacred ... almost all of my filed Court pleadings copy furnished the journalists were thrown in the waste can.....)" LUIS repeatedly warned: Mark my word, they will regret it! May 13, 2011, 3 p.m.

May Friday the 13th, 2011: Killed journalists taxi was hit by two buses By Julie M. Aurelio Philippine Daily Inquirer 05/14/2011 MANILA, PhilippinesSeconds before the taxi conveying journalist Lourdes Chit Estella-Simbulan was rammed by a
bus Friday night, another speeding bus nicked the vehicle on Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City, police said Saturday. But it was the impact from the second bus that pinned the veteran journalist and U.P. professor to death in the cab's backseat. EstelaSimbulan, 53, was reportedly on her way to a reunion with friends.

Like the Dulce saguisag car accident, where LUIS spared the lives of Filipino dance instructor, Rhea Imelda Obong, and driver, Felipe Calvario, both being virtually unhurt, LUIS also was compassionate upon the taxi driver of Simbulan, since he sustained zero injury.


5 pm, May 26, 2011, JBC Announcement signed by Sen. Escudero's hand, deleting Judge Floro from the Ombudsman List

Hon. Francis Joseph G. Escudero Senator JBC Ex Officio Member

JBC Sets Public Interview of Ombudsman Candidates Posted May 26, 2011; By Darylle Evie Mae C. Catabay 5. Chiz figures in Quezon City road mishap

Sen. Francis Escudero sustained slight hand injuries after figuring in a road accident when their cars collided at

the intersection of Don A. Egea and Maryland Streets in Barangay (village) Pinagkaisahan, Cubao, Quezon City, Thursday night around 9:30 p.m. Escudero was driving along Don A. Egea from E. Rodriguez Sr. Boulevard and was heading towards New Orleans St., while Merilles was traveling along Maryland St. from New York St. on his way to E. Garcia St. A Kia (XRD-450) van driven by one Manuel Meriles, 36, bumped the back and front right portion of Escuderos Lexus Sports Utility Vehicle (license plate ZNY-950). Escudero and the passengers of the van, members of a Catholic parish church, were brought to St. Lukes Medical Center for treatment, as Ronil Domingo, a chaplain; Emy Domingo, 49, and Lourdes Olivades, 62; pastor Narciso Castro Jr., 62; and Ruth Domingo, 20. The senator had come from a meeting in Tomas Morato Avenue and was driving to Makati for another appointment. Escudero said on GmaNews Video that St. Lukes advised him to have 1 week treatment due to back and head contusion (untog), and galos sa katawan. Tumagilid ang gulong ni Escudero at nabali ang axle of the Van due to very strong impact of collision. The van driver was removed from the van after 20 minutes since his feet were inserted according to Raffy Tima. 530

24oras: Sen. Chiz Escudero, naaksidente sa Cubao, 05/27/2011 Chiz hurt car crash Video: Sen. 'Chiz' figures in car accident 05/27/2011 | 07:59 AM

Separated: Sen. Escudero and Wife Tintin Flores Philippine Star celebrity columnist Ricky Lo reported last April that Escudero and his wife of 10 years, Elizabeth 'Tintin' Flores, are already separated. Theyve been living apart for five months now, Lo's source said. Escudero has refused to talk about his marital woes.

4. PREVIOUS CONDUCT AS EVIDENCE Sec. 34. Similar acts as a evidence.- Evidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do the same or a similar thing at another time; but it
may be received to prove a specific intent or knowledge, identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom or usage, and the like.

Barely 3 hours after Judge Floro predicted on pages 2-4 of his 57 pages Ombudsman Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m.- 3:15 p.m, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike a Philippine Journalist as Floro Cursed Filipino Journalists for deleting his name from the SC Associate Justice post publication from April 28, 2011: Floro annihilates Philippine Journalist, Friday the 13th.


Barely 4 hours after the JBC, En Banc, including Sen. Escudero duly signed the JBC Notice which eliminated the name of Judge Floro from the JBC Ombudsman list on May 26, Thursday, 4 pm, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike by UFO and magic carpet, JBC Member Sen. Escudero's hand which was used to sign that Cursed Paper. Juiz 3. As infraes administrativas Revista On-line Juiz 3. As infraes administrativas Noticiou-se, recentemente, o afastamento do juiz Florentino Floro, das Filipinas, que foi definitivamente afastado da magistratura pela Suprema Corte de Justia, porque dizia tomar as decises judiciais com a ajuda de duendes. Entendeu a Corte que fenmenos psquicos, mesmo assumindo que existam, no tm lugar na determinao do Judicirio de aplicar apenas a lei positivista e, na sua ausncia, regras e princpios igualitrios para resolver controvrsias. NoBrasil, tal tipo de ocorrncia provavelmente seria solucionada pela colocao do magistrado em disponibilidade, pressupondo que no tivesse tempo para aposentadoria. #40 spaceship(s) May 29, 2011 After hibernation of 10 months from July 27, 2010, LUIS brought me to: A newly hatched duck died in a boat. 2 of my brothers played badminton near the duhat tree of our Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines backyard, where LUIS built his 1st Kingdom. 1:50 a.m. At LUIS Jupiter, using his blue bonito and yellow magic carpet, I gazed at the outer space sun rising (as bright as our moon) and moving fast right, with a green and small car. Then, I looked at the spectacle of shower of falling stars or meteors, saying I will be world-famous!

The Galilean moons of Jupiter. From left, they are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The sun moved fast left, with the small picture of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal. Then, from the sky, I saw many UFOs, and many aliens, neighbors of LUIS, are falling into my terrace, in the form of small black and white thin plastics. Due to fear, I ran and I came back to see an alien holding a radio or transmitter of the UFOs, playing it: Duende, duendeeee In Galactic display, a black, dark and big War-rocket ship was hit by a small metal basin, the ship falling, smashing a Makati City round bank building amid the moving
fast 2 yellow spaceships left and 2 yellow spaceships right.


LUISs Space Ships, flying saucers and UFOs 38

Judge Floro Mystic Travels are aptly described on pages 19-26 of: Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice:

Tersely, they are used, not for fun, but to eternally engage the instruments of 666, the black angels, turned to black dwarves, etc. in galactic or angelic wars. LUIS introduced to Judge Floro on or about the 2nd quarter of 2007, at dawn, and on 5 separate occasions, the 5 different kinds of space ships, to wit:

Jupiter as seen by

the space probe "Cassini".


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass slightly less than one-thousandth of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Together, these four planets
are sometimes referred to as the Jovian or outer planets. The planet was known by astronomers of ancient times and was associated with the mythology and religious beliefs of many cultures. The Romans named the planet after the Roman god Jupiter. When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can reach an apparent magnitude of 2.94, making it on average the third-brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus. (Mars can briefly match Jupiter's brightness at certain points in its orbit.)

Note: The last space ships seen by Judge Floro pre-#40 #37-38 Space ship(s) June 26, 2010 I peeped into a square hole and I saw the serene green planes/ground below. July 27, 2010
Riding LUIS' spaceship, I viewed the biggest blue earth planet diving so near to have touched the tips of USA's buildings so swift and timeless, space-less, in state trance via LUIS' bonito's violet lights, towards Cleveland, Ohio, in the past that I saw and was into.

#60 May 30, 2011 12:00 midnight Sergio Isidro Samonte, age 64, February 24, 1947 (widow, 3rd grade Elementary education, construction worker, Bulacan, with only child 27 years old, driver) saw the brightest red ( as bright as electric bulb or
bombilla, bukang-liwayway or break of dawn) mystic lights in my palms as I healed him of eye problem. 534

LUIS, Armand and Angel: June 2, 1983, 7:00 p.m. - June 2, 2011, Thursday: 28 years of Dalliance, Mystic Covenant of March 1, 1996, 6:00 a.m. Walis, Bawang, Gulok at Tanglad June 2-3, 2011, 15 pages JBC, SC Verified Opposition and Verified Motion for Reconsideration

On June 2, 2011, Judge Floro and LUIS don the blue judicial robes, using the mystic formula of: a) Cymbopogon (lemongrass) is bound to Mercury and air. Lemon Grass Mystical Uses It is said to repel dragons and serpents, and is burned, bathed in, or carried on the person for lust, fidelity, honesty, growth, strength, psychic powers, and purification. Plant Lemongrass around the home to repel serpent energy. Drink a Tea to aid in psychic abilities and divination. Carry it in a sachet or charm to attract the object of your desire and to bring honesty to your relationships.
Burn as an incense for strength and purification. Put a handful of leaves in a mesh bag and place under the tap water for a purification bath, and to attract and keep a lover.

b) Broomstick In the Bible, Luke 15:8 "The Parable of the Lost Coin", the broom is mentioned: "Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?" The Halloween Witch and Witchcraft History The broomstick was symbolic of magical powers. Its real purpose? To cleanse the area where magical rituals were performed. So how did the belief arise that the Halloween witch rode a broomstick and flew through the sky?


On All Hallows Eve, witches would often anoint themselves with a "magical" ointment. The ointment made the skin tingle and gave the illusion of being very light, perpetuating the belief that they could fly. A witch walking through the woods on her way to the festival would often use the broom as a means to help jump over a brook or stream. Hence, they were believed to be flying. It's amazing what the imagination can dream up, isn't it? Of course, we've all seen witches standing over bubbling cauldrons and drinking from large chalices in the movies. The cauldron was a pot used for concocting magical potions and for scrying (looking into the future on the water's surface). The chalice was believed to be a receptacle of spiritual forces. Remember, we're talking ancient witchcraft history here... most beliefs were rooted in supernatural and spiritual powers. The wands that many witches carried were made of
hazel wood, crystal, carved ivory or ebony, silver, or gold. It was believed that these wands were extensions of the life force of the witch herself. By themselves, each one of these symbols alone wouldn't create much of a stir, but when combined, all these ritualistic items and beliefs in mystical, magical powers would soon convince the general populace that witches had abilities beyond what the normal person should have.

Add in the ability to create "magical healing potions" to cure the sick, then superstitions would quickly grow and soon you have tales of witches being able to turn themselves into cats and doing all sorts of strange things. d) Garlic, Allium sativum, Filipino native garlic Bawang (Ajos). This is your regular garlic, but the native Philippine garlic is said to be more potent than any. Garlic has been regarded as a force for both good and evil.

According to Cassell's Dictionary of Superstitions, there is an Islamic myth that considers that after Satan left the Garden of Eden, garlic arose in his left footprint and onion in the right. In Europe, many cultures have used garlic for protection or white magic, perhaps owing to its reputation as a potent preventative medicine. Central European folk beliefs considered garlic a powerful ward against demons, werewolves, and vampires. To ward off vampires, garlic could be worn, hung in windows, or rubbed on chimneys and keyholes. c) Bolo knife (Gulok) Bendo Gerit Azimat or golok is a type of machete or broadsword originating in Southeast Asia. The word golok (sometimes misspelled as gollock) is of Indonesian origin[citation needed] but is also used in Malaysia and is known as gulok in the Philippines. In Malaysia it is usually interchangeable with parang. Blessed with High Level Power for self protection in spiritual or physical attack, Charisma, also has power for luck attraction in medium level. Small form, easy to carry in your wallet. Counterfeit protection supernatural with the light blue and yellow which could be felt by the owner, beneficial for the safety of physic and spiritual, rejected the danger that will happen,
safely in their daily activities. Fit for travel via sea, land and air,enchance physic strength, resistance to sharp weapons, negatives entities, enhancing the aura and charisma.

August 29, 2002 & August 29, 2003, 3 p.m., Judge Floro's 7th and 8th mystic journey to UN Heritage Paoay Cathedral, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. LUIS and more than 200 other duendes (under him) were present when I stood still before
Don Judge Lucas D. Carpios house, 7 feet away from the antiquated name plate: CONCHITA C. CARPIO, ATTORNEY-ATLAW.


Pages 1, 2 and 3 of the June 3, 2011 filed with the Supreme Court of the Philippines Judge Floro's Verified Opposition [To the JBC Nomination and Application for the vacant Ombudsman post by Conchita Carpio-Morales per 26 May 2011 JBC Announcement: Violation of Republic Act No. 6770,
Section 5. Qualifications: Conchita Carpio-Morales has zero recognized probity and independence] and Verified Motion for Reconsideration [Of the JBC En Banc Resolutions deleting Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.s name in the JBC Lists of Qualified Aspirants for the SC Associate Justice and Ombudsman posts]

June 3, 2011 In LUIS' Jupiter and Osaka, Japan, I did travel using a magic carpet, and I flew, levitated high at night but so low gliding near dawn. The Prophecy: Philippine journalists will continuously mourn because of the Mystic Curse of the 3 Filipino Duendes LUIS, Armand and Angel On page 57, that is, inserted as page 3 of the Verified Application of Judge Floro for Philippine Ombudsman, Judge Floro wrote:

Magluluksang tuloy-tuloy muli ang mga Pilipinong Mamamahayag! (Philippine Journalists will continously mourn!)

Judge Floro: Tumalon din ako ng 5 beses noong September 26, 2008, 3 araw pagkamatay ni Rod Nazario, 5
beses din, noong namatay si Leo Dacera III, noong birthday ko, November 5, 2010, 5 talon din noong April 12, 2006 noong namatay si Luzviminda D. Puno, tig 5 talon din noong naghirap at namatay sina Hilario G. Davide, Sr. noong July 17,2006, Lirio B. Bautista, noong August 5, 2006, noong naStroke si Alfredo L. Benipayo noong February 22, 2008, noong nawasak ang katawan ni Dulce Saguisag, noong November 8, 2007 at noong 34 na mamamahayag ng Maguindanao o Ampatuan massacre ang namatay noong November 23, 2009. Lahat naman halos ng Court pleading ko at ni LUIS copy furnished sa DOJ Press at Jukra ay tinatapon lang sa basura ng mga mamamahayag.

(Judge Floro: "I jumped 5 times on September 26, 2008,

..... and I jumped 5 times when on November 23, 2008, when Ampatuan Massacre 34 journalists were massacred ... almost all of my filed Court pleadings copy furnished the journalists were thrown in the waste can.....)"

LUIS warned: Mark my word, they will regret it! May 13, 2011, 3 p.m. Philippine journalists 'live in danger' By Vaudine England BBC News Monday, 9 February 2009

Filipino journalist slain; 4th killed this year Associated Press, Sunday, June 12, 10:34 PM

Curse envelopes, encircles Philippine journalists 06/13/2011


Radio commentator killed in Camarines Sur BY CMFR | 13 JUN 2011 Filipino dwarf Judge Curses Philippine journalists

By TERESA CEROJANO - Associated Press A radio broadcaster was dead at the Riconda Medical Center, after being shot twice in the back, at about 5:52 a.m. on Monday, June 13, 2011 near the Holy Child Learning Center in San Jose, Iriga City, 294 kilometers from Manila, bringing the number to 4 cases in 2011 killed in the line of duty under the administration of Benigno Aquino III, and the third in 2011. He would also be the seventh journalist from the Bicol Region killed in the line of duty since 1986, and the
second from Camarines Sur province (for a country listed as one of the most dangerous places for journalists). Task Group Olea was formed to conduct investigation on the case, said Natuel.







Journalists earlier listed the country as the 3rd most dangerous place for journalists, next to Iraq and Somalia. Its rank was unmoved from the 2010 report. The CPJ recorded 69 journalists murdered since 1992. Romeo Losantas Olea, 49, of San Miguel, Iriga City, a radio broadcaster of DWEB-FM in Nabua, Iriga City in Camarines Sur, Bicol was shot dead this morning, bringing the number to 4 cases in 2011. At least two empty shells from a 9-mm pistol were recovered from the scene.

The first work-related killing of a journalist under the

year-old Aquino administration and first case in the province was that of another dwEB broadcaster, Miguel Belen, in July 2010. Belen, who had been reporting on local elections and corruption, was shot on 9 July and died on 31 July. Before he died, he identified an Eric Vargas and a Gina Bagacina as his attackers. Murder charges have already been filed against the two. 540

Fewer than 10 people have been convicted in about 145

media killings since 1986, when democracy was restored, said National Union of Journalists of the Philippines President Nestor Burgos Jr. Out of the 145 deaths, more than 100 occurred since 2001.

In 2009, at least 31 journalists were among 57 people massacred in a political killing allegedly carried out by members of a powerful provincial clan in the southern Philippines. The body of a 32nd journalist who was part of the convoy has not been found. Triangle Prophecy: 13th Friday, May - Simbulan; 26 May Escudero; 13 June - Olea:: Stern warning of the 3 mystic duendes upon all Philippine Journalists and the Philippine
Judicial and Bar Council = Dying is Fun; Romeo Olea was the 145th journalist murdered since 1986.

ENVIRONMENT CONFAB. Some members of the Bicol

Media who participated in the Luzon-Wide Media conference on environment held at Queen Margarette Hotel in Lucena City last May 12-15, 2006 pose for a picture in front of the Hotels upper cascade. (Standing from left) Thess Dela Cruz, Raul Sodsod, Sandra Ibarrientos (Radyo Natin-Iriga) Romeo Olea (Bicol Mail) Elmer Rehistrado (RPN-DZKI) Alex Parfan (DWAR) Felix Carinan (DZGE) Alan Pelayo and Frank Peones (Bikol Reporter) Liezel Macatangay (PIA) Jane Betito (Radyo ng Bayan).

Judge na kumukonsulta sa duwende, nag-apply bilang SC justice Monday, 02 May 2011 13:20

Nagpahayag ng pagnanais na maging mahistrado ng

Supreme Court (SC) si Malabon Regional Trial Court Judge Florentino Floro o tinaguriang "Judge duwende" dahil sa pagkakaroon umano ng mga kaibigang laman-lupa.


Naghain ng aplikasyon ang dating hukom sa Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) upang mapabilang sa 15-tribunal ng kataas-taasang hukuman. Kabilang sa magreretirong mahistraado ng high court ay sina Justices Antonio Eduardo Nachura sa June 13 at Conchita Carpio-Morales sa Hunyo 19, kapwa ngayong taon. Kasama sa ipinadalang aplikasyon ni Floro ang kanyang iba't-ibang credentials kabilang na ang kanyang mga ibinigay na babala gaya ng naganap na sunog ng court room ni JBC member Aurora Lagman at ang mga pangyayari kina Atty. Jay Conrado Castro, Dulce Saguisag at Senior State Prosecutor Leo Dacera. Magugunitang si Floro ay pinarusahan ng korte makaraang aminin nito na kinokunsulta niya ang umano'y mga kaibigan niyang duwende bago nito pagpasyahan o ipalabas ang kanyang desisyon sa isang kaso na kanyang dininig. Kaugnay nitoy, umabot na sa 29 na mga aplikante para maging susunod na mahistrado ng SC sa sandaling mabakante na ang mga ito. June 12 Riding a magic carpet, I travel to USA in the house of Julie of Rush Counterparts Message Board, Walnut Creek,_California

Then, I was brought to a fantasy land so green with several plants. The moon, photographed by an observer in Tel Aviv, exudes a reddish colour during a deep lunar eclipse June 15, 2011 - Seeing red: How a lunar eclipse and volcanic ash created colourful phenomenon for moon-gazers 2:15 AM on 16th June 2011


Rush Forum's A Rebel and a Runner posted Friday, June 03, 2011 - 10:34:12 PM: "Are you a computer program?" ntry1590420

jonathan888 of forums dropped a note of kindness to a jobless dwarf judge: 11:50 PM, June 15, 2011
"No, I don't believe you are a computer program, I've read most of your links in the past and believe that it probably is you actually posting the material.

It does seem strange to me though, that you come to

this forum which is dedicated to manga and anime to post your grievances against those in the Filipino government and society who have offended you. Stranger still since activity in this forum has declined to the point of perhaps ten active people per month visiting. Vincent Van Gogh was most likely suffering the effects of acute Absynth poisoning. I don't know of anyone here to receive your coded message. Peace and light to you and yours."

jonathan888 bestowed upon the small Filipino Judge these duo gifts: Nearest Stars Visualizer in 3D

In Alhazred, Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:48 pm

Abdul wrote:

"Tell 'em Abdul says you pass the Turing test (is a test
of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior). A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which tries to appear human. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. In order to test the machine's intelligence rather than its ability to render words into audio, the conversation is limited to a text-only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen.) Abdul brought the small judge this gift:


The proverbial Damocles sword, hanging upon Judge Floro's neck since July 20, 1999 - June 18, 2011 (vis-avis President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo wears neck brace "forever") Sword of Damocles, 1812, oil painting on canvas. Dimensions: 130.0 103.0 cm (painting). In Richard Westall's Sword of Damocles, 1812, the boys of Cicero's anecdote have been changed to maidens for a neoclassical patron, Thomas Hope. Sword of Damocles Cicero asks: Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always looms? "Fear is plentiful for tyrants", i.e., "A tyrant's fear is complete fear" as it is the tyrant's place to sit daily under the sword. Shakespeare's Henry IV expands on this theme: "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown".

In the 75 pages cursed judgement A.M. No. RTJ-991460, March 31, 2006, "OFFICE OF THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR vs. JUDGE FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR.", Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario ruled (and forthwith her husband Rod Nazario suffered heart by-pass and lung cancer most painful death on September 23, 2008):

"On the other hand, if we were to peg the period at less than three years then the same would only be a pittance compared to the seven years suspension he had to live through with Damocles sword hanging over his head and with his hands bound as he could not practice his profession. xxx 3) As a matter of equity, AWARD Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to three (3) years; xxx"


On January 9, 1999, 6:00 a.m. Judge Floro saw the vision of VP Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo hurting, inter alia. On July 20, 2002, 2003, Judge Floro predicted that "there will be a new President on 2004!" Arroyo stole the Presidency twice as alleged by Ms.
Susan Roces, whose husband became the 14th duly elected de facto and de jure President, but died forthwith, while Arroyo sat as the fake President. Judge Floro, on bended knees, filed multiple jobapplication letters to Arroyo's government, specifically, Judge Floro's cursed Ateneo Law School classmates and top Cabinet secretaries. Floro had the sword hanging in his neck until today. Arroyo wears smile, neck brace Arroyo wears smile, neck brace.

By Nancy Carvajal Philippine Daily Inquirer Saturday, June 18th, 2011 Arroyo had a pinched nerve at the upper cervical spine since she was in college, but only diagnosed
as cervical radiculopathy two or three years ago.

Cervical radiculopathy occurs when a nerve in the neck is irritated as it leaves the spinal canal. Commonly thought of as a "pinched nerve," cervical radiculopathy is generally from a herniated disc or a bone spur that is pressing against an inflamed nerve root. Most often these are a result of degenerative changes in the neck.

Arroyo says neck brace might stay 'forever' After being discharged from St. Luke's Medical Center in Quezon City
where she was confined since Thursday, June 16, 2011, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said she might have to wear a neck brace "forever" as she continues to undergo therapy. The Curse upon Arroyo: run, run and run fast! 545

GMA leaves hospital after treatment for neck painGMA leaves hospital after treatment for neck pain

By RG Cruz, ABS-CBN News 06/17/2011. Filipino dwarf Judge Florentino Floro is fully reinstated by the Supreme Court of the Philippines, as Br. 73, Malabon-Navotas, Metro Manila, NCJR, RTC, Judge, April 12, 2011 after 12 years from July 20, 1999 and 4 Appeals 2011 Motion for Reinstatement by Jobless Mystic Judge Floro: April 1, 2011, The Black Nazarene, The Holy Eucharist, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - 17 pages Supplemental Omnibus Motions Download Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala, Powerful LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance

Download Judge Floro's 4 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 1

Download Judge Floro's 15 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 2

June 20, 2011


#61 4:45 pm Erwin Pangit Edgardo Bustamante Byalong, Sept 7 1996, age 14, of Bisal, Sto Nino, Candaba, Pampanga (Linda Bustamante, mother, from Samar province), saw in my 2 palms the flashing (sinag) red light,
the 3 inches duende, male, with red clothes and bonito, and his black face; forthwith Edgardo put off my palms due to fear.

5:11 pm, Edgardo saw a bright white light and a ghost white lady in my 2 palms, so ugly face with brains
exploded; he saw the same at their Libis, Baliuag, Poblacion house. Eduardo is one of the street children who asked me to give them left-over bread and burgers. He saw in a video that I am a healer:

Kaba Kutob Kilabot - Part 6 X-men sa Hukuman (Court) 62,453 views, uploaded Jan 4, 2009.

June 24/Friday #62 4:34 pm Alberto Banez Osorio, July 12, 1946, age 65, of Jasmin St., Bancal, Meycauayan, Bulacan, hides dealer, with 6 children (0922-3416159), saw a) the pointed (matulis) blue pointed rays of light at my back while he rode the tricycle with my/brother Robert V. Floro; b) 3 oblong red (left),
white lights (right), and the golden salakot (helmet, a spatial heat shield laid on the head; wide-brimmed hat, made of rattan, reed or nipa palm; c) the red and white chasuble at my back; d) the red pointed lights inside my right eye; e) the v-shaped lights, the glimerring fire lights in my 3rd eye.

June 28 Using LUIS' bonito, I levitated, flew vertically as high as 21 feet, in LUIS' Enchanted Kingdom.

2 horses fell during a horse race amid many horses lying watching in his farm race course. June 29 12:45 a.m. White-violet-bluish flash of LUIS' light. Download: Part I, Verified Omnibus Supplemental Motion, April 1, 2011 Part II, Verified Omnibus Supplemental Motion, April 1, 2011!/view.aspx/.Public/jvf41.doc?cid=e76bff f86f9a213f&sc=documents!/view.aspx/.Public/jvf412.doc?cid=e76b fff86f9a213f&sc=documents

Original SC Resolution dated April 12, 2011, page 1 The twin handwriting gifts of Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. to Judge Floro,_Jr

July 1, 2011 Supreme Court of the Philippines LettersMotions of Judge Floro to be paid 9 years back wages, etc. 56 pages, 80 pages Annexes I. Notices of Change of Address & Receipt of Resolution (4-12, 2011), II. Entry of Appearance by Felimon Fernandez, (as Counsel of Record for Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., the respondent), III. 1 July 2011 Judges Oath of Office (New & Renewal),
(Bagong Panunumpa sa Katungkulan bilang Regional Trial Court Judge, Br. 73, RTC, Malabon-Navotas, NCJR, M.M., and as Renewal of 13 November 1998 548

Judges Oath before SC Justice Associate Bernardo P. Pardo), IV. Certificate of Full Assumption to Duty/Office, (as Incumbent/Reinstated De Jure Judge of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon with Formal Notices to the Court Administrator, Malabon RTC Executive Judge & Br. 73, RTC, Malabon), V., VI. Letter-Requests to Atty. Caridad A. Pabello (Chief, OAS) & Atty.Lilian Baribal-Co (Chief, FMO) [a) to issue New I.D. Number: RTCJ-317 / EDP Number: 38676300 to Judge Floro, & b) to Process, Sign and Release (in the name of Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.) the checks for payment of back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to 9 years, July 20, 1999 to July 20, 2011, less 3 years paid, under the Custody of the Ponente pending Court Approval for Delivery to Judge Floro (under the Chief, FMOs Ministerial Duty under the Constitution, Laws & Settled Jurisprudence, to Implement/Execute the Final Resolution dated April 12, 2011; and to Reimburse Judge Floro of the deleted P 40,000 fine, due to a) repeal of laws violated and b) Fallo of the S.C. Res. Dated 12 April, 2011) ], respectively, and VII. Letter-Requests to --- a) Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., and b) Chief Justice Renato C. Corona & the Members, En Banc, Supreme Court of the Philippines BFFF86F9A213F%21240&page=view!/view.aspx/.Public/jfsc7.doc?cid=e76bfff 86f9a213f&sc=documents

Since July 20, 1999 at exactly 4:45 p.m., Tuesday, when the Supreme Court process server, Peter served to me the cursed 3 pages pink SC En Banc Resolution of Longest Preventive Suspension in world history of 12 years, I never stepped upon my own Court and sala.

Today, July 5, 2011, 1:05 p.m. I came back with utter vengeance, serving the Supreme Court En Banc Resolution dated 12 April 2011 and my 180 pages LettersMotion of July 1, 2011: I renewed the Biblical curse upon all the judges and court personnel of Regional Trial Court of Malabon-Navotas, Metro Manila, NCJR: a stain in their blood up to the fourth generation, mark my work, they will regret it! JUDGE FLORO AND THE THREE DWARVES Herra Tohtori, Hard Light Forums, Judge Floro Birthday, as Celebrity

The Reinstatement of Filipino Duende Judge Florentino Floro

Imelda Marcos talks about getting old and wanting more shoes

Mightynute, QT3 Forum "Damn Activist Judges!" by Brian Rucker (08-18-2006, 08:58 PM) talk/showthread.php?t=28512

CA Presiding Justice Andres Reyes (center) leads the ceremonial shoot to open the one-day firearms proficiency training for justices on Saturday, prompted by the spate of killings targeting members of the judiciary. With him at the Camp Crame firing range are PNP Director Emelito Sarmiento (left) and JBC Member Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. (right). Philippine Daily Inquirer, front page, July 9, 2011.,_Jr.


XIII. One of a kind: Judge Florentino Floro meets 30 Filipino Faith Healers (Spiritual Healers) & 16 Photographers who saw the Divine-Mystic Lights in his 2 Palms & Right Eye (July 23 - September 24, 2011)


Close Encounter: Judge Florentino Floro meets WorldFamous (10 Countries Cancer-Healer of the Lord), Sr. Raquel Reodica, RVM (Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM, Sister
Reinalda A. Sison), and 29 Faith Healers & 16 Photographers who saw the Mystic, Divine Lights in his Palms & Eyes.

July 10, 2011 #63rd witness to have seen the mystic-divine lights in Judge Floros palms and eyes: 5:25-5:45 pm During Mass
at Plaridel Church, Apolinario "Iyo" C. Sampana, July 23, age 65, San Roque, Tabang, Bulacan, Grade VI elementary school, saw the pointed white lights in my left palm and the white lens inside my right eye as I healed him.

JBC: Ombudsman post, matindi ang pressure Tuesday, 05

July 2011 00:13 "Magugunitang mula sa mahigit 20 aspirante sa nasabing posisyon ay bumaba ito sa 16. Habang na-disqualify naman si dating Malabon RTC judge Florentino Floro dahil sa psychological issue."

July 12 4:18 a.m. As I hear the "Ave Maria ... nunc et in hora
mortis ...", sung, a brightest yellow light exploded inside my right eye; I saw the face, body and beautiful multi-flowered yellow dress of +Mercedes Floro who discussed with me the lights in my palms.

July 18
I was riding a giant horse with colored cloth-saddle ... then we came back.

July 22 Walking astride, I talked to a handsome Ruben C.

Pilongo+ my cousin, dressed in white polo; in LUIS' enchanted Kingdom, I saw yellow rays lights flashes and a multi-colored

rectangle UFO threatening me.


July 23 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. I talked with Fr. Constancio S. Gan, C.M. and attended at the St. Vincent de Paul's Church, San Marcelino St., Manila. The concelebrated Mass for the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Vincentians and DC in the Philippines was held in the church were my parents were wed in 1952. Black Nazarene 12:09 p.m. For the first time, I held and touched the foot of the Black Nazarene at Quaipo, Manila. Spiritual Healer #2 whom Judge Floro met: #64 2:00 p.m. Zenaida Wenceslao Mendiola, age70, May 14, 1941, widow, with 4 children, of Abuyog and Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, and Manila, a 10 years fortune-teller in front of Mercury
Drug, Plaza Miranda, Quiapo, Manila, saw a) the blinding blue lens (she was shocked) and on 2nd attempt saw the scallop-sized encircling blue lens inside my right eye, and b) in my 2 palms, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the face of Sto. Nino, with curly hair, the Solo Mata (one eye), several tall green trees and the blue clouds.

Zenaida W. Mendiola is the 65th living witness, since September 4, 2011 to July 23, 2011, who saw the mystic, divine and outer space lights in my 2 palms, the 5th who saw the multi-colored lens in my right eye, and the 16th person who saw Christ in my 2 palms.
St Vincent's Roman Catholic Church, in Bland Street, opposite Bethlehem, Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia St. Vincent de Paul's Church, San Marcelino St., Manila

Fr. Constancio S. Gan, C.M., age 79, January 29,

1929, my spiritual director, studied high school at New Lucena, Iloilo and 5th year at St. Vincent's Seminary, Valenzuela, Bulacan.


He entered the Novitiate and studied Philosophy at Jaro Iloilo Major Seminary and Theology at NSW, Eastwood, at St. Joseph's Seminary,
was ordained priest at age of 27 at St Vincent's Roman Catholic Church, in Bland Street, opposite Bethlehem, Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia; now he is 48th year priest, retired at Vincentian Hills Seminary, Angono Rizal.

The Supreme Court released this Resolution dated July 12, 2011, on July 22, 2011. It NOTED, meaning no action yet, or for further study, the 79 pages July 1, 2011 Letter-Requests filed by Judge Floro. 4 SC Justices were on leave, that July 12, while Justice Abad did not take part since he is counsel of Justice Benipayo.

Date: 7 Dec 2000

This true-color simulated view of Jupiter is composed of four images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. These images were combined and the cylindrical map projected onto a globe in order to illustrate what Jupiter would look like if the cameras used to image this planet had a field-of-view large enough to capture the entire planet. The resolution is about 144 km (89 miles) per pixel. Jupiter's moon Europa is casting the shadow on the planet. Jupiter, the most massive planet in our solar system -- with dozens of moons and an enormous magnetic field -- forms a kind of miniature solar system. Jupiter does resemble a star in composition, but it did not grow big enough to ignite. The planet's swirling cloud stripes are punctuated by massive storms such as the Great Red Spot, which has raged for hundreds of years.

The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Jupiter Juno is a NASA New Frontiers mission to the planet Jupiter. It was originally proposed at a cost of approximately
US$700 million (FY03) for a June 2009 launch. NASA budgetary restrictions resulted in Juno being re-scheduled to an August 2011 launch on board an Atlas V rocket in the 551 configuration. 554

As of June 2011, the mission was projected to cost $1.1 billion over its life. Juno was launched from the Kennedy Space Center on August 5, 2011; after several delays, including a lastminute hold at T-4 minutes, the spacecraft launched at 12:25pm EDT. The spacecraft will be placed in a polar orbit to study

the planet's composition, gravity field, magnetic field, and polar magnetosphere. Juno will also search for clues about how Jupiter formed, including whether the planet has a rocky core, the amount of water present within the deep atmosphere, and how the mass is distributed within the planet. Juno will also study Jupiter's deep winds, which can reach speeds of 600 kilometers per hour (370 mph). Juno's name comes from Greek and Roman mythology, in which the god Jupiter drew a veil of clouds around himself to hide his mischief, and his wife, the goddess Juno, was able to peer through the clouds and reveal Jupiter's true nature. NASA's Juno mission lifts off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 9:25 a.m. PDT (12:25 p.m. EDT) Friday, August 5, 2011. Juno requires a five-year cruise to Jupiter, arriving in July 2016. The spacecraft will travel over 716 million kilometers (445 million miles) and will travel faster than 16,000 kilometers per hour (9,900 mph) (4.4 km/s) to reach the planet. The spacecraft will orbit Jupiter 33 times during one Earth year. Juno's trajectory will use a gravity assist speed boost from Earth, accomplished through an Earth flyby two years after its August 5, 2011 launch. Juno during construction phase, mounted on a rotating fixture. In 2016, the spacecraft will perform an orbit insertion burn to slow the spacecraft enough to allow capture into an 11-day polar orbit. Once Juno enters into its orbit, infrared and microwave instruments will begin to measure the thermal radiation emanating from deep within Jupiter's atmosphere.


These observations will complement previous studies of

the planet's composition by assessing the abundance and distribution of water, and therefore oxygen. While filling missing pieces of the puzzle of Jupiter's composition, this data also provides insight into the planet's origins. Juno will also investigate the convection that drives general circulation patterns in Jupiter's atmosphere. Meanwhile, other instruments aboard Juno will gather data about the planet's gravitational field and polar magnetosphere. The Juno mission is set to conclude in October 2017, after 33 orbits around Jupiter when the probe will be deorbited to crash into Jupiter.

Jupiter and Juno, by Annibale Carracci. Juno (Latin

pronunciation: [ ju no was an ancient Roman goddess, the ]) protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and the mother of Mars and Vulcan. Juno also looked after the women of Rome. Her Greek equivalent is Hera. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman Empire she was called Regina ("queen") and, together with Jupiter and Minerva, was worshipped as a triad on the Capitol (Juno Capitolina) in Rome.

August 4 #65 5:17 p.m. KFC, Waltermart, Plaridel, Bulacan,

Philippines. In healing her arthritis, Thelma Canizares San Pedro (left in picture, beside her sister Soledad, (age 58, 1952, Commerce, UE, retired PLDT service representative, residing in front of OLM General Hospital, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan, cel # 0905-4134533) saw the brightest beige (off tan color or light brown color.), then blue, finally Violet many flowers-shaped lights with white round light in my 2 palms for full 6 minutes.

August 5 Spiritual Healer #3 #66 Doris Gutierrez de Leon (30 years fortune-teller, age 70, January 6, 1942, BSBA, Military Officer, AFP, of #6 Jasmin st., Merville
Subdivision, Philippines). 556 Hulong Duhat, Tanza, Navotas, Metro Manila,

(02) 281-7375, with children: Atty. Narcisa, Trinidad & Christian de Leon) saw the blue and white lens inside my right eye and the white clouds in my 2 palms. Zenaida W. Mendiola is the 16th person who saw Christ in my 2 palms, while Doris Gutierrez de Leon is the 67th living witness, who saw the mystic, divine and outer space lights in my 2 palms, and the 6th who saw the multi-colored lens in my right eye, since September 4, 2011 to August 5, 2011. Brgy. Malamig, Bustos Bulacan August 8 Spiritual Healer #4 #67 2:17 pm "Amang or Tatay Sugo" - Marcelio Polintan Santos (age 75, May 24, 1936, widow with 9 children, #375 Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan, 33 years healer since February 6, 1978, cel. # 0927-8887563) saw the white lens in my right eye and the blue flowery lights in my 2 palms. Sugo is the 68th who saw the lights in my 2 palms, the 7th who saw the multi-colored lens in my right eye, since September 4, 2011 to August 8, 2011; while Zenaida W. Mendiola is the 16th person who saw Christ in my 2 palms. August 9 Spiritual Healer #5 #68 Edwin Agapoa (healer since age 15 and 1987, married, with 4 children, Ejay C. Valbuena, etc., of Rosales, Pangasinan, of Kamias, Quezon, City, Philippines, working as healer in OOO RA, 11 Dom, Surgutskaya, Surgut of Tyumen, Russia, age 50, January 23, 1962; (02) 435-2396) 4:17 p.m.) saw the red-brown lens in my right eye and for 7 minutes saw the tunnel-cave, then yellow outer space and Venus in my 2 palms. Philippine Spiritual Healers Edwin Agpaoa

Cherkessk ) is the capital city of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, as well as its political,
economic, and cultural center. Population: 121,400 (2010 Census preliminary results); 116,244 (2002 Census); 113,060 (1989 Census). Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Russian: , Karachayevo-Cherkessiya) is a federal subject of Russia (a republic).


) is the largest city and

the administrative center of Tyumen Oblast, Russia. The city is located on the Tura River 2,144 kilometers (1,332 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010 the population of Tyumen is 581,800 (2010 Census preliminary results); 510,719 (2002 Census); 476,869 (1989 Census).


) is a city in Russia, on the

Ob River near its junction with the Irtysh River, the largest in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and second largest in Tyumen Oblast. Surgut was founded in 1594 by order of Tsar Feodor I and is one of the oldest in Siberia. The name of the city, according to one tradition, originates from the Khanty words "sur" (fish) and "gut" (hole, pit). Population: 306,700 (2010 Census preliminary results); 285,027 (2002 Census); 247,823 (1989 Census).

Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it

every 224.7 Earth days. The planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty. 558

After the Moon, it is the brightest natural object in the

night sky, reaching an apparent magnitude of 4.6, bright enough to cast shadows. Because Venus is an inferior planet from Earth, it never appears to venture far from the Sun: its elongation reaches a maximum of 47.8. Venus reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset, for which reason it has been known as the Morning Star or Evening Star.

Outer space is the void that exists beyond any celestial

body, including the Earth. It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles: predominantly plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, and neutrinos. Theoretically, it also contains dark matter and dark energy. Edwin Agpaoa is the 69th who saw the lights in my 2 palms, the 8th who saw the multi-colored lens in my right eye, since September 4, 2011 to August 9, 2011; while Zenaida W. Mendiola is the 16th person who saw Christ in my 2 palms.

August 10 Spiritual Healer #6 #69

Yin Imashime Wonder Boy - Eladio Tan Arzaga, Jr., age 21

(September 5, 1990, # 20 cor. St. John and St. James, Lopez Village, Las Pinas City, 4th Year High School, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, cel.# 0926-6754138; healer since age 4, age 9), 4:20 p.m.; 4:51 p.m., saw the white lens in my right eye and the white rays of lights in my left palm.

Eladio healed Vandolph Quizon, son of comedian Dolphy, was brought to hospital in Pangasinan Monday November 19, 2001, 05 afternoon after sustaining injuries in a F-150 pickup car accident in that province which claimed the life of his girlfriend at that time, Desiree Ishi Raquiza. He was comatose and allegedly Wonder Boy healed him. 559

#70 Ma. Purisima Concepcion Mallari Justiniano (age

53, December 8, 1957, customs examiner, balikbayan box division, 1b Santan, Marikina, and Tondo, Manila, at 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paranaque City, cel. # 0921-2726008; 6:40 p.m.) saw the white lens in my right eye and the 2 oblong white lights in my palms, while I heal her of Psoriasis (/s ra .s s/), a chronic immune-mediated disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious. There are five types of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic. The most common form, plaque psoriasis, is commonly seen as red and white hues of scaly patches appearing on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin). Some patients, though, have no dermatological symptoms.

August 11, 2011 Vision # 35th 7:00 a.m. The statues of Our Lady of Lourdes and Jesus Christ appeared to me in fast mystic vision. #71 Christianbryan Mendoza y Barredo, age 21, August 29, 1989, Centro Inaon, Pulilan, Bulacan, 3rd Year College,
Bulacan State University, 0905-8598408, assistant of Fr. Roberto "Bobby" C. Mariano, at Mt. Carmel Church, Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, 10:00 a.m., 10:20 a.m. saw the bright white lens in my right eye and the lightning-shape white lights in my left palm.

August 11 Spiritual Healer #7 #72 6:00 p.m. Dante Caleon Cortez "DJ", age 21, May 10, 1991, #579 Dampol 1, Pulilan,
Bulacan, finished High School, married to Jobelle, faith healer since February 25, 2011, cel. # 0923-5950581, saw the white lights, a bearded Saint wearing brown clothes and his own face in my right eye. 560

August 12

Florentino V. Floro, Jr. visited Bulacan Environment and Natural Resources Office (BENRO) head Atty. Rustico T. de Belen or "Teddy", (of Angat, Bulacan, date of signing the Roll of Attorneys: April 11, 1996, Roll No.: 40656, former MCLE Director, Supreme Court of the Philippines). Since Teddy is allegedly color blind, he instructed 2 of his staff to examine Judge Floro's eyes and 2 palms on the issue of whether mysterious lights emanate from them. In Teddy's presence, the his 2 employees certified and confirmed the truth of Judge Floro's gifts of the lights in his 2 palms and right eye. #73, 74 10:00 a.m. (Upon instruction of and in the presence of Atty. Rustico de Belen, "Teddy", former Supreme Court of the Philippines MCLE Director, incumbent BENRO, Bulacan Provincial Capitol 2nd Flr.) employees a) Romeo Paloma, Civil Engineer and b) Elizabeth Mendoza Apresto, born on October 11, __, single, of Manaoag, Pangasinan, Forestry, Baguio College, saw the i) double spherical black image in my right eye and the ii) 2 round white lights-lens in my right eye, and the oblong white rays in my left palm, respectively.

UST sets Guinness world record for human cross

UST Sets Guinness Record of the World's Largest Human Cross The University of Santo Tomas (UST) said Guinness World Records recognized the 13,266 participants who formed the largest human cross on Ash Wednesday, March 9 inside the UST campus in Manila.


On August 12, 2011, Judge Floro submitted himself to an ophthalmology examination by expert Dr. Augusto C.
Reyes, M.D. at Malolos Eye Center Hospital, Bulacan. Dr. Reyes certified that Judge Floro's eyes are healthy and normal.

Judge Floro opted an ordinary but professional photo but will instead have his right eye and/or left eye photographed by a) a macro lens and later by b) eye examination by eye experts, using advanced eye equipments such as Gonioscopy goniolens (also known as a gonioscope) in conjunction with a Slit-lamps or operating microscope. Macrophotography is close-up photography, usually of very small
subjects. Classically a macrophotograph is one in which the size of the subject on the negative is greater than life size. However in modern use it refers to a finished photograph of a subject at greater than life size. The ratio of the subject size on the film plane (or image sensor plane) to the actual subject size is known as the reproduction ratio. Likewise, a macro lens is classically one lens capable of reproduction ratios greater than 1:1, although it now refers to any lens with a large reproduction ratio, despite rarely exceeding 1:1. Outside of technical photography and film-based processes, where the size of the image on the negative or image sensor is the subject of discussion, the finished print or on-screen image more commonly lends a photograph its macro status. For example, when producing a 64 inch (1510 cm) print using 135 format film or sensor, a life-size result is possible with a lens having only a 1:4 reproduction ratio. Reproduction ratios much greater than 1:1 are considered to be the realm of photomicroscopy, often achieved with digital microscope.


Dr. Augusto C. Reyes, Jr. issued this Medical Certificate after eye examination of Judge Floro, finding the zero grade in
the right eye and a refractive error, or refraction error (is an error in the focusing of light by the eye and a frequent reason for reduced visual acuity) of .75 in the left eye. Judge Floro's eye grades were 325/275 from 1967-1999, 175-125 from 1992-2006, and 75/50 with astigmatism from 2006 to 2011 Easter Sunday. Pheniramine maleate naphazoline HCl Pheniramine Naphazoline

An eye examination is a battery of tests performed by an

ophthalmologist, optometrist, or orthoptist assessing vision and ability to focus on and discern objects, as well as other tests and examinations pertaining to the eyes. Health care professionals often recommend that all people should have periodic and thorough eye examinations as part of routine primary care, especially since many eye diseases are asymptomatic.

The multi-colored mystic right eye of Judge Florentino Floro photographed by Nikon D3000, a First since creation of the universe
Part V, closest edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part IV, a closer edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part III, closer edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part II, closer edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part I, the original photo: Judge Florentino Floro's mystic pupil [the central transparent area (showing an unexplained blue-green with round golden light in the lower right, with white stems, instead of black in all human eyes)], the brilliant brown iris with unexplained white surroundings.


The white outer area, the sclera and the central transparent part of which is the cornea of a healthy human but mysteriously
colored eye, taken by Roger Pacheco Hernandez, using a P 27,000 Nikon D3000 at 2:30 p.m., August 13, 2011, at Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines.

The receipts issued by Picture City for the landmark photography of Judge Floro's right eye.'s_pupil,_cornea_and_iris_III.jpg's_pupil,_cornea_and_iris_I.jpg#.7B.7Bint:filedesc.7D.7D's_pupil,_cornea_and_iris_I.jpg#.7B.7Bint:filedesc.7D.7D h_Lens_18-55mm.jpg

The Nikon D3000 is a 10.2 megapixel DX format

DSLR Nikon F-mount camera announced by Nikon on 30 July 2009. It replaces the D40 as Nikon's entry level DSLR. It features a 3.0-inch 230,000-dot resolution LCD monitor, CCD sensor with ISO 1001600 (3200 with Boost) and 3D tracking Multi-CAM1000 11-point AF system which makes it quite similar to the Nikon D200 in these main parts. Initially priced with $599 MSRP, actual prices are much lower.The D3000 was superseded by the D3100 on August 19, 2010. Like the Nikon D40, D40x, D60 and D5000, the D3000 has no in-body autofocus motor, and fully automatic autofocus requires a lens with an integrated autofocus-motor. With any other lenses the camera's electronic rangefinder can be used to manually adjust focus.


The iris (plural: irides, or rarely, irises) is a thin, circular structure in

the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupils and thus the amount of light reaching the retina. "Eye color" is the color of the iris, which can be green, blue, or brown. In some cases it can be hazel (a combination of light brown, green and gold), grey, violet, or even pink. In response to the amount of light entering the eye, muscles attached to the iris expand or contract the aperture at the center of the iris, known as the pupil. The larger the pupil, the more light can enter.

The pupil is a hole located in the center of the iris of the

eye that allows light to enter the retina. It appears black because most of the light entering the pupil is absorbed by the tissues inside the eye. In humans the pupil is round, but other species, such as some cats, have slit pupils. In optical terms, the anatomical pupil is the eye's aperture and the iris is the aperture stop. The image of the pupil as seen from outside the eye is the entrance pupil, which does not exactly correspond to the location and size of the physical pupil because it is magnified by the cornea. On the inner edge lies a prominent structure, the collarette, marking the junction of the embryonic pupillary membrane covering the embryonic pupil.

The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. Together with the lens, the cornea refracts light, with the cornea accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power. In humans, the refractive power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres. While the cornea contributes most of the eye's focusing power, its focus is fixed. The curvature of the lens, on the other hand, can be adjusted to "tune" the focus depending upon the object's distance. Medical terms related to the cornea often start with the prefix "kerat-" from the Greek word , horn.

The sclera (from the Greek skleros, meaning hard), also known as the white or white of the eye, is the opaque (usually white, though certain animals, such as horses and lizards, can have black sclera), fibrous, protective, outer layer of the eye containing collagen and elastic fiber. In the development of the embryo, the sclera is
derived from the neural crest. In children, it is thinner and shows some of the underlying pigment, appearing slightly blue. In the elderly, fatty deposits on the sclera can make it appear slightly yellow.

August 13 Photographer #1 #75 1:15 p.m. Roger Pacheco Hernandez, age 31, April 20, 1981, of Banga, Plaridel,
Bulacan, Picture City, Walter Mart Plaridel photographer, saw the golden lens inside my right eye and took a picture thereof with his NIKON camera and saw the outer space brightest, smallest stars in my 2 palms.

These 3 pictures were taken by same photographer Roger

Pacheco Hernandez (cel. # 0919-3202275) of Picture City, at 2 p.m. August 19 using same Nikon D3000 camera he used on August 13, 2011.

The Divine Mercy chapel of Apo Conching by donor (Herminia

"Tita Iyah" Igna) and the architects (Rose Cunanan and Marie Jaleco). On the 27th day of October, 2001 Apo Conching accepted the gift of healing.

Apo Conching - August 13 Spiritual Healer #7 #76 5:00 p.m. Constancio David Arceo, "Apo Conching", of Paligue, Candaba, Pampanga, married, age 50, saw the white lights in my right eye.

566 Videoarts photographer, using Nikon camera with macro lens caught on digital the faint blue lights inside Judge Floro's right eye's pupil, cornea and retina: notice that the 1st shot showed a very faint very small yellow outer space light in the upper left side of the pupil, while the other photos show the blue lights on the lower right side of the pupil. August 15 Photographers #2, 3, 4, 5 #77-79 10:50 a.m a) John de la Cruz Valcos, age 31, December 15, 1980, Computer Engineer, University of the East, of Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan, b-c) Alex Bedad, photographer, and another staff of Videoarts, 764 B.S. Aquino Ave., Baliuag, Bulacan, Tel. No. 766-2655 owned by photographer Jake Garcia, 0917-6220532, saw i) the white lights in my right eye and in my 2 palms, ii) white and blue lights in my right eye. 3rd shot of Voyszone photographer Aries Cruz which caught on Nikon D80 camera the brown, gold and white lights in
Judge Floro's right eye' pupil, retina and cornea: notice the change in color of the iris, from dark brown-red to normal light brown; another oblong white light appears in addition to the first golden round light inside the pupil-retina-cornea.

Photographer Aries Cruz, using Nikon D80 camera with macro lens caught on digital the mystic lights inside Judge Floro's right eye. #80-82 11:30 a.m. Voyszone photographer Aries Cruz, Rose Pacay and another photographer, saw the white lights in my right eye; photographer Aries Cruz caught on Nikon D80 camera the brown, gold and white lights in my right eye.

567!/ p?id=560206955&sk=info

1st Shot - Voyszone photographer Aries Cruz caught on Nikon

D80 camera the brown, gold and white lights in Judge Floro's right eye' pupil, retina and cornea: notice the 4 orange-brown oblong lights in the iris and the golden-yellow round small light radiating overall golden light inside the pupil-retina-cornea.

Voyszone Digitalphoto was established on the year 2001 and

became the FIRST DIGITAL PHOTO STUDIO in Baliuag, Bulacan by the owner, Rolando V. Lopez with the help of his wife, Irma D. Lopez and only daughter, Pao Lopez. Because of the familys passion for photography, they were able to expand the business and manage to put up branches in nearby towns such as Plaridel, Pulilan and Malolos.

The Nikon D80 is a digital single-lens reflex camera model announced by Nikon on August 9th, 2006. The camera shipped the first week of September to US retailers. Considered by many to be an amalgam of design elements of the entry-level D50 and high-end D200 cameras, it occupied the same price bracket the Nikon D70 did at the time of its release. It was replaced by the Nikon D90 in August, 2008.

#83 1:34 p.m. AEONS' Digital Photo Express staff Rose Ann H. Galang, age 21, January 19, 1990, of Gapan, Nueva Ecija, saw the white, gray and gold-yellow lights in the left side of the pupil, retina, cornea of my right eye at AEONS' studio, Cagayan Valley Road, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan. Rose Ann Galang works at AEONS Digital Photo Express, layout artist, March 2007 to present, and studied at Putlod San Jose National High School, Class of 2007.


#84 2:55 p.m. Rufino J. Santiago age 61, July 10, 1950,
Hanga, Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan, at KFC, Waltermart, Plaridel, Bulacan, Sheriff of Br. 8, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the white lights in my right eye and the yellow-white lights in my 2 palms as I healed him of cough.

August 16 Photographer #6, #85 1:20 p.m. Jomar R. Ipio, age 26,
December 23, 1985, of Binagbag, Angat, Bulacan, photographer of True Colors digital, 2nd Flr., Graceland Mall, McArthur Hiway, Malolos, Bulacan, cel # 0927-5554811, Bulacan State University alumni, saw the blue and white lights in my right eye.

Jomar R. Ipio photographed these pictures of Judge Floro's right eye.

Notice that in this photo, there appears a faint blue light

inside the pupil. Jomar R. Ipio photographed these pictures of Judge Floro's right eye: notice that a rectangle outer space light enlightens Judge Floro's pupil-retina-cornea to very bright golden left lower portion amid the 2 oblong white lights on the upper center. Notice that aside from the rectangle outer space light that enlightens Judge Floro's pupil-retina-cornea to very bright golden left lower portion and the 2 oblong white lights on the upper center, three appears a strange white shape in the left iris and pupil amid the white cover in the lower right side of the iris.

August 16 Photographer #6, #86 3:00 p.m. Oscar Castil, age 51, January 2, 1961, of Tolosa, Leyte, photographer in chief,
Glitters Photo Court, Kalye Real cor. Tantoco st., Poblacion, Malolos, Bulacan (Mobile: 0916-2498994 Glitters Photo Court Email: ), saw the white lights in my right eye. 569

Oscar photographed these pictures of Judge Floro's right eye on August 16, 2011: notice that: Notice that in these photos taken by Oscar Castil of Judge Floro's right eye: the an oblong faint white light appear in the lower left pupilretina-cornea overlapping the iris; then, another small round light appears; then a very small white round light appears in the upper left pupil. Oscar Castil photographed Judge Floro's right eye using Macro Lens on August 22, 2011; however, the super-sharp pictures did not capture the lights in Judge Floro's eyes as he did before using the same Nikon D60 without macro lens.

The Nikon D40 is a now-discontinued Nikon F-mount

entry-level digital SLR, announced November 16, 2006.Compared to its predecessor, the D50, the D40 had several features removed, a few added, and a lower price: US$499.95 ESP as of November 2009 with the 1855 mm G-II kit lens, positioning it as an entry-level
model compared to the D80. The D40x (released March 6, 2007) has a 10 megapixel maximum resolution, up from 6 megapixels of the D40. The D40 was the first Nikon DSLR with no in-body focus motor. Autofocus requires the use of a lens with an integrated autofocus-motor. Nikon ceased production of the D40 in March 2009, shortly before they introduced its successor, the Nikon D3000.

Nikon D60 is a 10.2 megapixel Nikon F-mount digital singlelens reflex camera announced in January 2008. The D60 succeeds the entrylevel Nikon D40x. It features the Nikon EXPEED image processor introduced in the higher-end Nikon D3 and D300. Like the Nikon D40, D40X, D3000, D3100 and D5000, the D60 has no in-body autofocus motor, and fully automatic autofocus requires the use of a lens with an integrated autofocusmotor. With any other lenses the camera's electronic rangefinder can be used to manually adjust focus.

The Nikon D90 is a 12.3 megapixel digital single-lens reflex

camera model announced by Nikon on August 27, 2008. It is a prosumer model that replaces the Nikon D80 (which itself succeeded the Nikon D70 and Nikon D70s), fitting between the company's entrylevel and professional DSLR models. Nikon gives the D90's Estimated Selling Price in the U.S. as $899.95 US for the body only[2] and as $1299.99 with the Nikkor AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR, which by itself sells for $399.95. Actual prices are generally lower. In May 2009, the D90 won the TIPA European Photo & Imaging Award, in the "Best D-SLR Advanced" category. As of July 2011, the D90 remains in production, fitting between the Nikon D5100 and Nikon D7000 in the company's lineup of DSLR cameras.

Voyszone used Nikon D90 in the photography of Judge Floro's right eye while Jake Garcia of Videoarts used Nikon D80, Glitters used Nikon D60 and True Colors digital used Nikon D40. FI photographer Joanne Keith took 2 pictures of the right eye of Judge Floro using Nikon D3000 but the white lights which these 6 living witnesses saw with their naked eye failed to be imprinted on jpeg. August 17 Photographers #7, 8, 9, 10 #87-92 2-3 p.m.

Ayen Gail, September 19, 1991, St. Luke's School of San Rafael, STI College Baliuag, Marvin Salas, studied at ACLC baliuag, married to Joanne Keith, born on January 26, 1991,


Joanne Keith () works at First Impressions studied at AMA CLC Baliuag, married to Marvin Salas, born on July 31, 1990, Bernice Jhanna worked at First Impression, studied at University of Sto. Tomas, lives in Baliuag, Bulacan, from Makati, born on June 24

- all saw the white round light in my right eye; in addition, Marvin Salas saw the outer space white lights where he was sucked by the revolving black hole light, then saw the flash strike of a ray of white and small gold lightning, then the moving 2 eyes, the water drops suck and finally the black hole tube 4 times revolving. Another student, Mark Christopher John Lim and photographer, Knives Daryl Cruz also saw the white lights in my right eye; in addition Daryl saw the outer space light which Marvin Salas saw, as he was allowed to travel to the outer space Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Jupiter and the highest dimensions outside the universe and cosmos.

FirstImpressions Technophilla Photography Studio Mark Anthony Valdez August 17 Baliuag Art Studio owner, Jimmy A. Inductivo celp. # 09323138787, and his staff did not see any light on Judge Floro's
right eye; he took this photo of Judge Floro's right eye in his studio using Nikon D70.


The Nikon D70 is a digital single-lens reflex camera,

introduced at the 2004 PMA Annual Convention and Trade Show, as Nikon's first affordable consumer-level digital SLR, and a competitor to the Canon EOS 300D.[2] It was often sold in a "kit-package" with the Nikon 18-70mm AF-S lens. The Nikon D70 was succeeded initially by the Nikon D70s and more recently by the Nikon D80 and Nikon D90, announced on August 9, 2006 and August 27, 2008 respectively. The Nikon D70 is the first DSLR camera built by Nikon's factory in Thailand.

August 18 Spiritual Healer #8 #93 2-6 pm. Rodolfo Santos ("Ka Rudy
Star", spiritual healer at Bulacan, Alfonso, Cavite and Calatagan, Batangas, and exorcist since 1977 when the Divine Mercy allegedly appeared to him, of Nagbalon, Marilao, Bulacan, cel# 09297037565, Founder of the Christ the King Movement) saw a) the blue and white lights in my right eye, b) the big V or victory shaped green lights and several round violet lights in my chest and c) the
several holy/divine images of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, the Solo Mata, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Child, Salvador del Mundo, and lights in my 2 palms, confirming that I am the sole holder of these lights and divine images since creation, and no human being has these.

Monumento al Salvador del Mundo (English: Monument to

the Savior of the World) is a monument located on the Plaza las Amricas in San Salvador City, El Salvador. A statue of Jesus Christ on a globe of planet earth and is placed on top of the tall four-sided concrete base pedestal. An illustration of the monument is featured on the reverse of the 200 coln banknote and on the El Salvador license plate.

August 19 Photographer #11, #94 Annie Pedro Sioting,

December 26, 1987 & Chi Alcantara Wayway (photographers of Picture Me Portrait Studio, Unit V-15, 2nd Flr., in lane with Toy Kingdom and Planet Sport, Virra Mall, Greenhills Shooping Center, San Juan Metro Manila, Fans Digital Imaging


Phone: (02) 7226878, (02) 7446706) captured on photo the golden white round light in Judge Floro's right eye; but only Chi saw the round white lights in Judge Floro's right eye using "Jinbei Softbox" and:

The Canon EOS 30D is an 8.2-megapixel semi-professional

digital single-lens reflex camera, initially announced on February 21, 2006. It is the successor of the Canon EOS 20D, and is succeeded by the EOS 40D. It can accept EF and EF-S lenses, and like its predecessor, it uses an APS-C sized image sensor, so it does not require the larger imaging circle necessary for 35 mm film and 'fullframe' digital cameras.

August 20 Spiritual Healer #9 #95 6:30 p.m. Anthony Vivero, famous spiritual healer, at his healing center and house, 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paraaque, Metro Manila Tel., saw the green, blue and other mystic colors in my right eye; he also affirmed the extreme power in my right palm over my left palm.

Anthony V. Vivero Foundation Anthony writes a column Vibes

and Vision in Daily Tribune Hotmail: Anthony Vivero Anthony Vivero 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paraaque, Metro Manila Tel. (632)820-6850. E-mail: ...

The Man who makes miracles happen by Chat G. Ocampo: Anthony Vivero, an entrepreneur and a resident of
Paraaque, discovered his abilities after attending the seminars of the Inner Mind Development Institute founded by Jimmy Licauco. Soon after, he tried the lessons on healing which learned from the seminar on his sinusitis.


What he did was self-healing through visualization technique and he got cured! His next patients were the members of his household, relatives and friends. Anthonys good friend, Lisa Mata, says that whenever Anthony heals, she sees an old man in white
robe with white long hair and white long beard watching him. Ang amo-amo ng mukha niya, says Lisa which was also confirmed by one of Anthonys another helpers, Susan Gastador. Anthony said he still gets messages from Ama and continues to get guidance from him. If a person wants to be healed, he must have total faith and belief. He must never doubt because for a person truly believes, nothing is impossible.

August 21 Photographer #12, #96 3 pm Lester Suansing, Photoline (SM City Baliuag, Pagala, Baliuag, Bulacan, Tel.#
(044) 761-0761) saw the green lights in my rigth eye and photographed my ritght eye. Photoline photographers Lester Suansing and Mary took these pictures.

August 22, 2011 7:00 a.m. I saw and faced the hair at the back of the head of the manacled Christ ("Santong Gapos"). Spiritual Healer #9 11:30 a.m. Carmen Barbosa (4th right at the picture), at Jollibee,Poblacion, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the brightest stars, crystal, the green, blue and orange lights and the Black Nazarene in my right eye. Photographer #13, #97 3:30 p.m. Elena de Jesus de Guzman (age 59, May 4, 1951, of Mabolo, Malolos, Bulacan, husband of Anastacio de Guzman, official photographer of Bulacan Office of Governor Whilhelmino
Wilhelmino Sy-Alvarado, owner of gjs studio and GJ's Catering Services, Malolos, Bulacan, beside her secretary Nancy De Guzman).


Elena saw the brilliant round siphoning white amid black lights in my pupil and the violet light in my iris for more than 7 minutes; her photographer and herself, took these pictures of Judge Floro's eyes using Nikon D60.

Brilliant white crosses on Judge Floro's eyes, November 3, 2010. Judge Florentino Floro, the Prophet, Visionary and Living Saint November 3, 2010 at Malolos City, Bulacan: The only being in existence who is blessed by the Almighty, the Amen, The Black Nazarene, to have healing hands, palms and right eye, which both display the lights and the Holy Images of Black Nazarene, Risen Christ ... Note that when the original picture (of the 2 eyes of Judge Floro) is cropped closer and zoomed using Microsoft Office 2010, 2 white brilliant crosses and 2 lying white brilliant crosses can be clearly seen on the photograph taken by Glitters Photo Court, Malolos, Bulacan chief photographer Oscar Castil. On August 23, 2011, 3 p.m., famous Hidalgo, Quiapo, Manila photographer (since Pres. F. E. Marcos regime) Robert Balanay (of Santa, Ilocos Sur, cel # O9226714651) took these pictures of Judge Floro's right eye, using macro lens Nikon D40 photography. Notice the faint blue light colors inside the pupil-cornea-retina of Judge Floro. Robert Balanay took this August 10, 2011 picture of Nur Misuari beside himself, right wearing blue shirt and friends.


August 25 11:00 a.m. Photographer #14, #98, 99 12:35 p.m. Elvie Cruz, photographer of Golden Memory Photo Center, Barrera St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, (044) 938-7714 (044) 418-0010 & Florencia Garcia, age 58, September 5, 1952, of Valenzuela, Metro Manila & Tarcan, Riles, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, OFW saw the blue and green lights in my iris and pupil-cornea-retina, while photographer Alvin Santiago, of Obando, Metro Manila took these 2 pictures of my right eye, using Nikon D70. These picture of Judge Floro's right eye was taken by ownerphotographer Maffey Ingaran (Jeffrey Ingaran) of Artist at Work Photography, 348 F. Rustia St. Cor. Dr. Gonzales St. Tibag, 3006,, beside LinMers, Baliuag, Bulacan (Tel. No. 766-4265, 0915-5801848, 09228308385) using Canon EOS 5D Mark II.

The Canon EOS 5D Mark II is a 21.1-megapixel full-frame CMOS

digital single-lens reflex camera made by Canon. It succeeds the EOS 5D and was announced on September 17, 2008. The 5D Mark II was the first digital camera used for an official U.S. Presidential portrait, that of Barack Obama taken by Pete Souza in 2008.

This picture of Judge Floro's eyes were taken by Softshots digital photography, JP Rizal St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, 0917-574-3828, softshotsdigital@yahoo.comTel. No. (044) 761-0562 / (044) 673-0660, owned by Herson Serdea, Wedding Photographer, Baliuag, Bulacan, using Nikon D40.










Lina Cruz or Lina Hermoso Cruz (0917-8786607; 0916-4883554; (02) 687-7930), age 66, August 18, 1945, born at 29 Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, PhilAmerican,
Catholic, 210 lbs., a visionary at age 12), is the Chairman of the Board of Mancon Realty Development Corp. (Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan) & MC Market (1181 EDSA, Balintawak, Quezon City) and
L.H. Cruz Property Leasing & Real Estate; Vice-President, MC Market Group of Companies; Read My Lips campaigner of Ronald Reagan; Lina resides temporarily at Unit 303, Pear Plaza, cor. Lourdes St., Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City near Richmond Hotel. It is right across the University of Asia and the Pacific and within walking distance of another school - Lourdes School. Lina's education, etc.: Saint Mary High School, Class of 1961, Assumption College San Lorenzo, Class of 1965, B.A. history, UST, prep. Medicine, De La Salle University, Prep for Lawyer, Catholic University of America, International Law & Relations, etc.; The Library of Congress, Translator/researcher administive assistant descriptive cataloger Jan 1966 to Dec 1971 Washington, District of Columbia; Lina campaigned for the "Read my lips: no new taxes" is a now-famous phrase spoken by then presidential candidate George H. W. Bush at the 1988 Republican National Convention as he accepted the nomination on August 18. As Ronald Reagan's vice president in the 1980s, Bush endorsed Reagan's policy that tax increases were undesirable but sometimes necessary.

Lina is President of basement, Medical City; she is

the daughter of Don Manolo Carpio Cruz (husband of Dona Consolacion Hermoso Cruz), lawyer of Don Justo Cabochan of San Miguel, Bulacan, a leather magnate and founder of the 1st leather factory at Meycauayan, Bulacan; Don Manolo C. Cruz is the 1st Bulacan Vice-Governor, a 1972 Con-con delegate, congressman, former Chair of the PHHC, former President of, 3x Rotary International, former President of the Knights of Columbus; As I

healed Lina of her feet problem due to diabetic neuropathy, a neuropathic disorder that is associated with diabetes mellitus, Lina saw the a) black, white, yellow and orange oblong and round lights in my right eye, and b) Jesus Christ as Sto. Nino and the Blessed Virgin Mary in my 2 palms amid the bright lights.

The venue was Saisaki Restaurant, SM Megamall, 4/Lvl. SM Megamall Bldg. A, Julia Vargas Ave., Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines (02) 636-3785

Lina's children are Atty. Emilio C. Pangilinan, 2005 lawyer, Liza Mary Pangilinan-Palencia, a nephrologist and Manolo Pangilinan, MBA Ateneo Graduate School of Business, August 7, 2009, an engineer.

Lina's siblings are Manuel "Boy" H. Cruz, 3 others and Cora Jacob The Designer: Atty. Cora Cruz Jacob, or Cora Jacobs as she is known internationally, has earned the title in the Philippines and in fashion capitals around the world as the Indigenous Genius, is founder of the Association of Philippine Leathergoods Manufacturers (APLEM), Cora Cares Foundation, La Cora Creatives, Inc. Cora Jacobs, Ambassador Arguelles, Mrs. Martine van Loon Labouchere, Madame Arguelles and Sigrid Ivo Museum Director and Curator. Cora Jacobs: Indigenous Genius Cora, who was diabetic fell ill in 1997 and started to lose her vision. The factory had to be closed and more than a thousand workers had to be laid off. She had 1,000 workers in Meycauayan, Bulacan, a workshop in Tondo with the Mothers of Tondo. Lina is a sungazer. She practices gazing at the sun up to one hour before sunset and one hour after sunrise for nourishment or as a spiritual practice. Looking into the sun is dangerous, and can cause solar retinopathy and lead to permanent eye damage or blindness. Sungazers are people who believe there are health and spiritual benefits from staring into the sun for long periods of time as long as 44 minutes. They are disciples of an elderly Indian man, Hira Ratan Manek, aka HRM, who claims to be "solar powered" and contends that he hasn't eaten in eight years. Sungazing Shri Hira Ratan Manek

579 Lina gave me a blue Parker Pen sign pen, worth P 1,099 or $ 28. The Parker Pen Company is a manufacturer of pens, founded in 1888 by George Safford Parker in Janesville, Wisconsin, United States. It is currently owned by Newell Rubbermaid.

#101, 102 Vilma Hermoso Paraiso, Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, studied at Meycauayan College, 1991, married to Bobby Paraiso, Unibag Phil., 0916-4883554, daughter of Isidro "Nonong" Hermoso", saw the white and blue oblong or round lights in my right eye.

Emmanuel S. Munar, January 1, 1963, of Gibraltar, near Mansion House, Baguio City, family driver, as I healed him of non-toxic goiter or goitre (Latin gutteria, struma), is a swelling in the thyroid gland, which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx (voice box). Goitre rarely occurs when the thyroid gland is functioning properly, Munar saw the oblong and round white and orange lights in my 2 palms. August 29 Photographer #15, #103 11:30 a.m. Angelito Cayetano, owner of CenA Digital Photography, Technological
University of the Philippines, of Pulilan, Bulacan, married to Jinggay, photographer, graphic artist, Christian Cathedral's Member, father of Four (4) Boys - JAC, Marcos, Glend & Ish, Mobile No. 09203874931, e-mail address:,; Angelito saw the round white lights in my right eye and took these pictures of my right eye in his studio.


August 30, 2011 6 a.m. In his "Enchanted" Kingdom, I viewed LUIS' large blue and white space ship plane flew left to right descending near me; LUIS then showed his green turned to white-tan face-skin to me as he played with many duendes.

I am Judge Floro: I want my right eye macro lens photo by the best photographer ... I am Judge Florentino Floro, Jr. My right eye displays mystic lights that had been captured by NIKON D3000 and other cameras. More than 15 photographers had seen these mystic blue, white, green and other lights in my right eye with their naked eyes. However, not all cameras could take the photos of the lights inside my pupil, retina and cornea. Note that my eyes had been fully examined by the Malolos Eye
Center of Ophthalmology, and I have been certified to have normal eyes. I went to Cardinal Santos Eye Center, but I was told that the Fundus Zeiss camera, fluorescent angiogram would only take the pictures of the retina nerves etc., hence, professional photography, particularly, reverse ring ultra-microscopic or macro-photography is the best to capture the lights inside my eyes. See the lower part of this -

judgefloro spiritual-experiences September 1 Spiritual Healer #11 1:30 p.m. #104 Agripina Cruz Tudla [age 54, June 5, 1957, married with 4 children, lady marshall of St. Isidro Church, of Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan,
spiritual healer since April 4, 1994 (044) 676-7627] saw the oblong white lights inside my right eye's lover pupil-cornea-retina.


A most brilliant right half-round lightning lights appeared inside my right eye steady for half an hour. September 1 #105 6:00 p.m. At F Salon & Body Spa, a lady game me a calling card; she said that she is Rodhelia Iral Tobias, manager/owner of this hair salon both hereat Poblacion, Plaridel, Bulacan; she further said that she saw the lightning shaped and then blue star in my palms.

September 2 # 106,107, 108 11:00 a.m. Catalino Eusebio Tadeo, age 57, February 13, 1953, of Tarcan, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, tricycle driver, F-024 TODA, with 9 children, upon healing his cataract (a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope, varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light; magnified view of cataract in human eye, seen on examination with a slit lamp using diffuse illumination) saw the oblong white lights in my 2 palms.

4:00 p.m. Oscar Reyes Santos, age 45, 1967, of Biglang Awa, San Francisco St., Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan, married, jobless, upon my healing his Asthma (from the Greek , sthma, "panting", is the common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and
recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm. Obstruction of the lumen of the bronchiole by mucoid exudate, goblet cell metaplasia, epithelial basement membrane thickening and severe inflammation of bronchiole in a patient with asthma) saw the oblong white and red lights in my 2 palms, inside the "Santong Gapos" or Menacled Christ Chapel thereat.


Spiritual Healer #12 5:30 p.m. "Girlie" or Ma. Victoria Hernandez de los Reyes, age 59, March 9, 1951, married, of Matungao, Bulacan, and Sto. Nino, Plaridel, Bulacan, spiritual healer since June 20, 1977, saw the triangle white lights inside my 2 eyes and 2 palms. September 3 Spiritual Healers #13, 14, 15 #109, 110, 111

11:00 a.m. Domingo Nerviol y Ronda, of 99 Camia St.,

Ligas, Malolos City, Bulacan, spiritual healer and exorcist since 1987, age 46, November 7, 1965, cel. # 0929-1936785 began healing since September 7, 1988, married, saw the white lights inside my right eye's pupil-retina-cornea.

Saint Lucy, by Domenico Beccafumi, 1521, Renaissance recasting of a Gothic iconic image


3:00 p.m. "Ka Nora" or Nora San Miguel, married, of 63 Camia St., Ligas, Malolos City, Bulacan, spiritual healer
since 1987, stated that Saint Lucy (283304, also known as Saint Lucia, was a wealthy young Christian martyr who is venerated as a saint by Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Orthodox Christians. Her feast day in the West is 13 December; with a name derived from lux, lucis "light", she is the patron saint of those who are blind) enlightens my eyes and "Papa Jesus" asked me to heal the sick.

"Ka Remy" or Reynaldo Eranista Pasatiempo seats at the right, while Edwin and Ivory Pastor stand. 6:00 p.m. "Ka Remy" or "Tawak" Reynaldo Eranista Pasatiempo, is a farmer, married, of Pongo, Calumpit, Bulacan, snake-dog-cat
bites spiritual healer since 1977, beside his son-in-law Edwin Pastor cel.# 0917-3651889 (Win Faster), married to Ivory Pasatiempo-Pastor ("Ka Remy's" daughter). 583

Reynaldo saw the bright "mapusyaw" or pale, colorless lights in my 2 palms upon healing his hypertension (HTN or high blood pressure is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. It is the opposite of hypotension).

Unlike the traditional tawaks, who do have as twins, snakes, "Ka Remy" uses "oracion" or latin prayers with his
mixture of gin and herbs to extract the venom. The tawak technique is to extract the poison out of the body. To do the tawak, the medicine man uses a hollowed-out carabao horn and a very sharpedged knife. He asks the patient or victim to lie on his back and recite his prayer or incantation. With the knife, he makes a small incision on the body part which was bitten (if the bite is fresh) and presses on the open wound the narrow point of the horn. He sucks out the venom by his lips through the horn, which has a tiny hole in it, courtesy of a pin prick. He recites some more prayers. This remains for a few minutes, until he stops and decides that the poison, venom, or toxin, has been extracted. Tawak is a rural
alternative therapy used in the southern Tagalog area. In Boac, Marinduque, this dark tea-colored decoction is made from a rolling boil of twenty or more wild-crafted herbal and medicinal plants. It is believed to be effective as a preventive measure against illnesses caused by poisonous bites from snakes, dogs, scorpions, etc. Preferably, a glassful of the warm decoction is drank on Good Friday or the first friday of August. Sometimes, the ritual of seasonal drinking is combined with a "bulong" or "orasyon" from a healer.

September 13 5:00 p.m. "Tawak" or snake bite healer, Ceferino

Orias, Jr., age 46, April 3, 1965, with 6 children, of Malawak, Bustos, Bulacan, upon interview by Judge Floro, stated that: his father Sr. is the original "tawak" who passed the healing method to 3 of them - using a "hunos" horn or the deer that his father caught, sucking the blood and venom from the patient using the deer horn, coconut oil, etc., called "tandok ventosa".


He refused to examine Judge Floro's eyes and palms regarding the mystic lights allegedly due to blurred vision due to hair cutting.

Emmanuel Salvania

Joseph Cuerdo or "Jhun-jhun Cuerdo"

September 4 #112, 113 11:30 p.m. Upon request of and in the presence of Emmanuel Salvania, at Caingin, San Rafael, Bulacan, and upon spiritual healing of Joseph Cuerdo or "Jhun-jhun Cuerdo" (age 19, September 6, 1992, cel. # 0926-1456943) of his severe itch
(Latin: pruritus, is a sensation that causes the desire or reflex to scratch. Itch has resisted many attempts to classify it as any one type of sensory experience. Modern science has shown that itch has many similarities to pain, and while both are unpleasant sensory experiences, their behavioral response patterns are different. Pain creates a withdrawal reflex while itch leads to a scratch reflex. Unmyelinated nerve fibers for itch and pain both originate in the skin; however, information for them is conveyed centrally in two distinct systems that both use the same peripheral nerve bundle and spinothalamic tract), allegedly due to duende punishment per 2

herbolaryo's findings, his mother Debbie Cuerdo (age 51, February 10, 1960, married, farmer) and Joseph Cuerdo himself, saw the a) white clouds lights and b) oblong lights in Judge Floro's left palm, respectively.

The second photo of Jesus Tadeo (cel. # 0932-9803119), 30 years professional photographer: he took photo of Judge Floro's eyes, where the photos of the iris and cornea, pupil did not display mysterious images and lights, using his Nikon D60. 585

Photographer #16, Jesus Tadeo (cel. # 0932-9803119), 30 years professional photographer, took photos of Judge Floro's eyes, where the photos of the iris and cornea, pupil displayed mysterious images and lights, using his Nikon D60. September 5 #114 Arlene Demain Corales, November 3, 1961, age 50, married to Rolan (cel. # 0919-2487171), with 3 children, of Matimias St., Sampaloc, Manila, Metro Manila, renting a house at Villa Roca or Roper's Farm, Ma. Lourdes St., Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan, in the presence of Rolly Callera (cel. # 0917-9193588), saw the oblong brightest white and red
lights in my left palm and she also saw the brightest, large rectangle inside my right eye's pupil-cornea and retina, while I healed her of massive diabetes stroke resulting to a clot and cyst in her brain.

Diabetes mellitus: Diabetes stroke (patients with diabetes

mellitus are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop stroke, and they commonly have hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Intensive disease control has been shown to reduce microvascular complications such as nephropathy and retinopathy but not macrovascular complications such as stroke). A stroke, previously known medically as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is the rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This can be due to ischemia (lack of blood flow) caused by blockage (thrombosis, arterial embolism), or a hemorrhage (leakage of blood). As a result, the affected area of the brain is unable to function, which might result in an inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the body, inability to understand or formulate speech, or an inability to see one side of the visual field.

September 6 4:20 a.m. LUIS bestowed upon Judge Floro the extreme power: he saw the hundreds of burning or flaming
rays of lights-fires that brightly blaze from something like a charcoal; LUIS said that the power is to be used against Judge Floro's enemies. 586

#115 5:00 p.m. Grace Salas Aguilar, age 49, November 19, 1962, married with 3 children, of Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, in front of Lourdes and Jesus Tadeo, in their house, saw the oblong white lights in my left palm. September 7 Spiritual Healers #16, 17 #116, 117, 118

1 p.m. Filomena Mateo San Diego @ "Apo Fely", age 70, July 5, 1941 ((cel. # 0927-3794371), of Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan, widow of faith healer Apo Laureano or Leon San Diego, both spiritual healers for 34 years or since God the Father and Sto. Nino allegedly appeared to both spouses in 1975, with 9 children), saw the green clouds in my right eye and the flesh-colored leaf shaped lights and Solo Mata in my left and right palms, respectively; she stated that God the Father and the Black Nazarene guide me. 5 p.m. At # 0582, small private chapel, San Pedro, Bustos, Bulacan, Ernesto de la Cruz, married, with 2 children, age 60, March 9, 1951, upon healing his massive stroke and painful shoulder, saw the oblong white lights in my left palm. His mother-in-law, "Ka Nene", Severina Hipolito Manalili, age 63, June 8, 1948, spiritual healer for 23 years or since Our Lady of Penafrancia allegedly appeared to her on June 29, 1987, widow with 4 children), saw the green and blue triangle in my right eye, and the blue clouds lights in my left palm. September 8 12 noon The above medical certificates were issued by Dr. Imelda Cu-Adlaon, optometrist-contologist


OD is an abbreviation for oculus dexter, Latin for right eye. OS is an abbreviation for oculus sinister, Latin for left eye. Notes: From 1966-1992, Judge Floro's corrective lens (is a
lens worn in front of the eye, mainly used to treat myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia) was 325 / 275; from 1992-2006, they went down to 75 / 50 with 25 astigmatism.

On August 21, 2010 until today, Judge Floro's right eye has
no refractive error or zero corrective lens, that is, it became so clear as a baby's or from Judge Floro's age 1 to 12, that is, First year high school; his left eye, however had -50 and -25 astigmatism from August 21, 2010 to May 25 & September 8, 2011, when his left eye's astigmatism disappeared and what remains is the -50, just that. This compares with the August 12, 2011 eye examination of Dr. Augusto Reyes, where he found Judge Floro's left eye to have 0.75 error of refraction, hence, an improvement back to OS -0.50 or -0.25 improvement.

A refractive error, or refraction error, is an error in the

focusing of light by the eye and a frequent reason for reduced visual acuity. An eye that has no refractive error when viewing distant objects is said to have emmetropia or be emmetropic. The eye can focus parallel rays of light (light from distant objects) on the retina, without using any accommodation. A distant object in this case is defined as an object 6 meters or further away from the eye.

An eye that has refractive error when viewing distant objects is said to have ametropia or be ametropic. This eye, when not using accommodation, cannot focus parallel rays of light (light from distant objects) on the retina. The word "ametropia" can be used interchangeably with "refractive error" as they refer to the same thing.
Types of ametropia include myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. They are frequently categorized as spherical errors and cylindrical errors:


Spherical errors occur when the optical power of the eye is either too large or too small to focus light on the retina. People with refraction error frequently have blurry vision. Myopia: When the optics are too powerful for the length of the eyeball one has myopia or nearsightedness. This can arise from a cornea with too much curvature (refractive myopia) or an eyeball that is too long (axial myopia). Astigmatism: People with a simple astigmatic refractive error see contours of a particular orientation as blurred, but see contours with orientations at right angles as clear. When one has a cylindrical error, one has astigmatism.

September 9

Spiritual Healers #18, 19, 20

# 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 Joylyn del Rosario *a) 11:30 a.m. At Talampas, Bulacan, Bulacan, John Michael del Rosario, age 6, July 31, 2005, son of Joylyn del Rosario y de Castro, ( - married, studied
at ACSAT, Holy Child Academy, employed by Zenith Electrical, cel. # 0908-6674198, daughter of Antonio Pelingon de Castro), saw the bright round red lights inside my right eye's pupil-retina-cornea;

Antonio Pelingon de Castro with John Michael del Rosario, etc. *b) Faith healer Antonio Pelingon de Castro, of Manuguit, Abad Santos, Tondo, Manila, living at Talampas, Bustos, Bulacan, age 62, January 15, 1948, widow, with 2 children, healer since 1970's and 1995, cel. # 0933-9156574, per his ritual, saw the green lights in my right eye, and the white, blue lights in my 2 palm; c) Faith healer Nita Perez, age 62, August 20, 1948, widow, healer since 2001, when the La Pieta allegedly appeared to her, living at San Pedro, Bustos, Bulacan, allegedly saw, using her Rosary, the lights in my 2 palms.

VCTeodoro Realty Corp. Field Office Phase 2, where these witnesses saw Judge Floro's lights: 5:30 p.m. At La Consolacion Village, San Pedro, Bustos, Bulacan:

*d) Ma. Corazon Hilario Sanchez, January 19, 1946, age

64, widow, with 4 children, living at CL Hilario St., Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan, Consolidator of VC Teodoro Realty Corp., cel. # 0927-6684977, saw the blue lights and mysterious objects inside my right eye, and the bright blue clouds and a lightning ray in my left palm;

e) Alberto Bersuela Avocado, age 54, February 4, 1958,

aide or worker of VC Teodoro Realty Corp., married with 10 children, saw the white clouds inside my left palm including a ray of light that flashed; and

f) Victoria Teodoro (Owner/ President of VC Teodoro

Realty Corp; studied at St. Agustine, lives in Bustos, Bulacan, married, Real Estate Selling- Joint Venture-Developer: VCTeodoroRealtyCorp. Office Address: 05-Tibagan, Bustos,
Bulacan 3007, TeleFax No. (044) 617-1788, Field Office: San Pedro Hiway, Bustos, Bulacan, TelNo. (044) 619-4464, Cel.No. (0905) 4214214, Victoria C. Teodoro- President/Owner, Anselmo S. Teodoro, Sr.Vice President, Ma. Corazon Hilario Sanchez - Corp. Consolidator; email: - VC Teodoro Realty Corp. is a family corporation. A Pioneer in Real Estate Business here in Bustos. Established since 1998 as a single proprietorship by Mrs. Victoria C. Teodoro, and became a corporation on January 2004) saw the white clouds with ray of lightning lights in my left palm.

September 11 #125 12:15 p.m. At NE Restaurant, Dna. Remedios

Trinidad Hi-way, Bagong Nayon, Baliuag, Bulacan, Allan Valeriano y de Guzman, age 31, July 22, 1980, head cook of NE Restaurant, of Dike, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, cel. # 0922-3160543 - upon healing his low back pain or lumbago, saw the round or circle bright red lights in my right palm for 3 minutes.


The five vertebrae in the lumbar region of the back are the largest and strongest in the spinal column. Low back pain or lumbago (/l m o /) is a common musculoskeletal disorder be affecting 80% of people at some point in their lives, the most common cause of job-related disability, a leading contributor to missed work, and the second most common neurological ailment only headache is more common.

September 12 Spiritual Healers #21, 22 #126, 127 11:00 a.m. At Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan, near the Asphalt Factory and Elementary School, "Ate Tess" or Tess Liwanag Marcos, age 46, April 25, 1965, spiritual healer since 2008, stated that she saw the blue lights and a blue fairy with blue dress in my right eye. 1:10 p.m. Kristel Aquino y Lontoc, age 18, September 6, 1993 (with 4 siblings, 4th year, Bahay Pare National High School, Candaba, Pampanga (Als), living at Sitio 6, Pulong Plaza, Pampanga, Bulacan, near Funeraria Juliana, cel. # 09261453551, spiritual healer since 2009, when St. Roque, and the 7 Archangels, including St. Exequiel appeared to her while the Holy Trinity guides her) saw a) the diamond shaped white lights in my right eye and b) the bright star and Christ's Cross in my my left/right palms. (cel. # 0926-1453551).

Saint Roch or Rocco lived c.1348 - 15/16 August 1376/79 (traditionally c.1295 16 August 1327) was a Christian saint, a confessor whose death is commemorated on 16 August; he is specially invoked against the plague. He may also be called Rock in English, and has the dedication of St Rollox in Glasgow, Scotland.


Seven Archangels (in Enoch I, the Book of Enoch, which is not part of the Jewish Canon, where they are named as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel and Saraqael; it was explicitly quoted in the New Testament (Letter of Jude 1:14-15) and by many of the early Church Fathers.

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit distinctly coexisting in unity as co-equal, co-eternal, and consubstantial (Greek: ), or of one being (Greek: ). The Trinity itself is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.

GHMPI Bldg., # 40 Alabang-Zapote Road, Las Pias City;

Quirino Avenue, Pulanglupa, Las Pias City: Ezequiel Moreno y Daz was a member of the Order of Augustinian Recollects and now venerated as a Saint in the Roman Catholic Church. He was born on 9 April 1848 in Alfacro, La Rioja, Spain and later on served as a missionary to the Philippines. He also became the Bishop of Pinara and later of Pasto, both in Colombia. His brother Julin Moreno, OAR is also venerated as a Blessed because of his martyrdom in Motril. He is invoked as the Patron of Cancer Patients.

A "Kreuzpartikel" or fragment of True Cross in the Schatzkammer (Vienna). The True Cross is the name for physical remnants which, by a Christian tradition, are believed to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

Liciada, Bustos, Bulacan Spiritual Healer #23

#128, 129

September 13 11:00 a.m. At their Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan mini-chapel and house, near the Asphalt Factory and Elementary School, Richard Garcia (age 31, October 2, 1979, tricycle driver, married with 2 children, son of "Magasawang Apo" or Josefa Garcia and Manuel Garcia, ages 63 & 81, March 1, 1948 & April 25, 1935, respectively), upon reply to his requested prophecy on his life and hardships, saw the small oblong white, turning red light in my right eye.

His faith mother Josefa Garcia, being a 17 years

spiritual healer or since 1993, when the Black Nazarene, inter alia, allegedly appeared to her, a quail dealer, of Calderon St., Subic, Baliuag, Bulacan, stated that "Papa Jesus" told her upon prayer that my right eye is a miracle from God. Upon request, I healed Manuel Garcia of his 2 fingers shaking due to "pasma" or nerve disorders due to general massage of patients.

Spiritual Healer #24 #130 11:00 a.m. At Liciada, Bustos, Bulacan, "Ka Ikang" or Teodorica de Jesus, age 81, June 17, 1931, with 5 children, mango dealer, spiritual healer since 1980s, stated that she saw the bright yellow lights in my palms as I heal her of eye problems. September 14 Spiritual Healers #25, 26

#131, 132, 133, 134 11:20 a.m. "Ka Mila" or Mila Gonzales Manalastas, age 60, June 6, 1951, married to a
crane operator, with 11 children, of Kapihan, San Rafael, Bulacan, El Shaddai Member, spiritual healer and exorcist since 1999, when St. Roch or San Roque appeared to her at Pulong Gubat, Candaba Church, cel. # 0929-1036795, stated that a) she felt the appalling
or "pangingilabot" due to my extreme spiritual, mystic and divine giftspowers, b) and that through her method of "tawas" (pouring melted candle in water), she saw the bright lights in my eyes and palms.

Zaldy Santiago Hernandez, age 33, May 15, 1978,

with 2 children, tricycle driver, of Camia St., Ligas, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the round white light turning to double red in my right eye; upon request, I healed his son of ear problems.

2:20 p.m. His wife Cheska Sebastian Hernandez, of

Tagulod, Candaba, Pampanga, cel. # 0999-4745170, saw the a) round white lights moving left and right inside my right eye, and b) the red and white oblong and curve and other round lights in my 2 palms and at their center, as show by the above-paper containing the hand drawing of Cheska writing what she saw; Cheska stated that the lights she saw in my 2 palms are the same Nazarene lights she saw in dreams, when she saw heaven and Christ, the Nazarene. 593

Sergio "Ka Epeng" Garcia is member of the Back to Christ Revelation Healing Crusade of Father Lahi

3:20 p.m. "Ka Epeng" or Serapio Garcia, age 54,

November 14, 1958, of Camia St., Ligas, Malolos, Bulacan, with 4 children, spiritual healer since 1986 when he first ascended Mt. Banahaw, which he visited more than 30 times, cel. # 09336178173, stated that he saw the blue lights inside my right eye.

Mount Banahaw (alternative spelling: Banahao or Banjao)

is one of the active volcanos in the Philippines. Part of a volcanic group, it is located along the boundary of Laguna and Quezon provinces, on the island of Luzon, in the Philippines. The mountain and its environs are considered sacred by the local residents because of its "holy water", which allegedly have beneficial qualities, issuing forth from local springs and its "puwesto s, or the "holy sites".

September 15, 2011: Mark John Tayangona is the First living witness who saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms. Mark John Tayangona with cousin Jeffrey Tayangona. September 15 #135 6:30 p.m. Mark John Tayangona, age 14, July 14, 1997, of Old Moriones, Ocampo, Camarines Sur, only child of
Evelyn (whose husband left the family) (sister of Clarisse, in her presence and of the latter's husband, Rolly Callera, cel. # 09179193588, at Villa Roca or Roper's Farm, Ma. Lourdes St., Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan, studying 1st year, at Jaime Vistan High School), saw the brightest white lights and the alive, glorious, walking towards him, smiling at him, Our Lady of Ftima, with golden crown, holding a Rosary in her left hand and wearing black shoes, in Judge Floro's right palm, for 5 minutes.


(Latin: Beata Maria Virgo Perdolens), the Sorrowful Mother or Mother of Sorrows (Latin: Mater Dolorosa, at times just Dolorosa), and Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows or Our Lady of the Seven Dolours are names by which the Blessed Virgin Mary is referred to in relation to sorrows in her life. As Mater Dolorosa, it is also a key subject for Marian art in the Catholic Church. Each celebration was called a feast of "The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary." The September 15 feast that now combines and continues both of them is known as the Feast of "Our Lady of Sorrows" (Beatae Mariae Virginis Perdolentis).





St. Peter Baptist Parish Old Moriones, Ocampo, Camarines Sur 4419; Foundation: August 30, 1996 Feastday: February 06 Parish Priest: Fr. Benito Velasco

The Archdiocese of Nueva Cceres is an archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines. It is a Metropolitan See that comprises the Bicol region, while directly overseeing the third, fourth, and fifth congressional districts of Camarines Sur.

September 16 #136 12:10 p.m. Rafael Frias Ferry, age 40, April 13, 1971, of Bonifacio District, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, studied
at Good Samaritan Colleges, NEHS Cabanatuan City, cel. # has worked at The NE Group for 18 years, now manager of NE Food Shop, married with 2 children, # 0922-8276224, upon healing his back pains, saw the white oblong lights turning red in my palm ;

Arvine Calaranan in his cooking uniform at NE Food Shop

#137 12:15 p.m. Arvine de Guzman Calaranan, age

22, July 16, 1989, of J. Buizon St., Sto. Cristo, Baliuag, Bulacan, studied at Baliuag University, 2nd Year. 595

Arvine is now assistant cook at NE Foodshop, cel. #

0932-5237576, in a relationship with Cindy Yanson Manuel, MPHS Class of 2005, - upon healing his back pains, saw the white oblong lights in my palm. Efren de Guzman Catahan at Bohol, Tagbilaran Chocolate hills.

#138 1:45 p.m. Efren de Guzman Catahan, age 43, October 21, 1968, of Gladiola St., Sumacab Sur, Cabanatuan
City, Nueva Ecija, married, Pauline Kate Catahan, daughter, has worked at The NE Group for 18 years, now manager of NE Super Bodega Supermarket, Baliuag, Bulacan, cel. # 0922-8346841, - upon healing his back, sides and abdominal pains, saw the brightest white clouds turning "bukang liwayway" or break of dawn moving clouds to UFO lights in the center of my palms.

The Chocolate Hills are an unusual geological formation in Bohol

province, Philippines. According to the latest accurate survey done, there are 1,776 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi). They are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season, hence the name. The Chocolate Hills are a famous tourist attraction of Bohol. They are featured in the provincial flag and seal to symbolize the abundance of natural attractions in the province.They are in the Philippine Tourism Authority's list of tourist destinations in the Philippines;[3] they have been declared the country's third National Geological Monument and proposed for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

September 16 11:38 p.m. I saw a brilliant yellow-white flash. September 17 4:00-5:30 p.m.


At her adoracion chapel at the Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry, I chat with Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, and delivered a quite long prophecy before the patients.

5:35 p.m. #139 Lezlie John Verzosa Vigil (Jai Jai Nya), skeptic, 1st year college, sacristan of Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, his email: cel. @ 0920-8774723 amid the darkness (inside the nipa hut at Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, Metro-Manila, Philippines, email: ), saw in my 2 palms the brightest almost blinding, moving lights, then, the many churches, and several impossible to humanly describe wonderful arts of heaven, a very clear and white place.

Lezlie John Verzosa Vigil is an apprentice at B&W

commercials, studied postpress operations, printing economics and quality systems at DON BOSCO COLLEGE OF PRINTING, at novaliches high school, class of 2011, lives in Quezon City, Philippines, knows Latin, English, Filipino; he is server of the Bishop, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF NOVALICHES, May 2009 to present Quezon City, Philippines.

September 19 #140

Spiritual Healer #27

Faith healer, Mauro Nicolas @ Ka Moreng, age 69, January 14, 1942, married, with 3 children, Giovanni, a nurse and a Spain seaman, of E. del Rosario St., Taal,
Bocaue, Bulacan, studied at St. Mary's Academy of Meycauayan, Bulacan, Meycauayan Institute, and Feati, Manila, former seminarian, high school at San Carlos Seminary.


He began healing as "hilot" at age 12, when his twin white horse "puti" the son of the white horse of St. Maurus, appeared to him and until today helps him in his hilot Filipino massage healing; (he said the horses of St. James and St. Martin of Tours, are red or chestnut and grey and blue, respectively); he saw the violet and white lights in my right eye and right palm, respectively. (cel. # 0949-9046437). He stated that his horse "puti" advised me to search for the Virgin Mary with the star in her forehead or head. I did find her image with the said golden star at the minichapel of "Nino" or healer B. Pascual.
St. Benedict orders Saint Maurus to the rescue of Saint Placidus. Fra Filippo Lippi, ca.1445. Attributes: crutch; weighing scale; young man in the garb of a monk, holding an abbot's cross and a spade. Patronage: cripples; invoked against rheumatism, epilepsy, gout, hoarseness, cold; Azores; charcoal burners; cobblers; coppersmiths; shoemakers

Saint Maurus was the first disciple of St. Benedict of

Nursia (512-584). He is mentioned in St. Gregory the Great's biography of the latter as the first oblate; offered to the monastery by his noble Roman parents as a young boy to be brought up in the monastic life. Four stories involving Maurus recounted by Gregory formed a pattern for the ideal formation of a Benedictine monk. The most famous of these involved St. Maurus's rescue of Saint Placidus, a younger boy offered to St. Benedict at the same time as St. Maurus. The incident has been reproduced in many medieval and Renaissance paintings.

St. Maurus, Abbot, January 15: AMONG the several noblemen who placed their sons under the care of St. Benedict, to be brought up in piety and learning, Equitius, one of that rank, left with him his son Maurus, then but twelve years old, in 522. The youth surpassed all his fellow
monks in the discharge of monastic duties, and when he was grown up, St. Benedict made him his coadjutor in the government of Sublaco. Maurus, by his singleness of heart and profound humility, was a model of perfection to all the brethren, and was favoured by God with the gift of miracles.


St. Placidus, a fellow monk, the son of the senator Tertullus, going one day to fetch water, fell into the lake, and was carried the distance of a bow-shot from the bank. St. Benedict saw this in spirit in his cell, and bid Maurus run and draw him out. Maurus obeyed, walked upon the waters without perceiving it, and dragged out Placidus by the hair, without sinking in the least himself. He attributed the miracle to the prayers of St. Benedict; but the holy abbot, to the obedience of the disciple. Soon after that holy patriarch had retired to Cassino, he called St. Maurus thither, in the year 528. St. Maurus coming to France in 543, founded, by the liberality of king Theodebert, the great abbey of Glanfeuil, now called St. Maur-sur-Loire, which he governed several years. In 581, he resigned the abbacy to Bertulf, and passed the remainder of his life in close solitude, in the uninterrupted contemplation of heavenly things, in order to prepare himself for his passage to eternity. After two years thus employed, he fell sick of a fever, with a pain in his side: he received the sacraments of the church, lying on sackcloth before the altar of St. Martin, and in the same posture expired on the 15th of January, in the year 584. He was buried on the right side of the altar in the same church, 1 and on a roll of parchment laid in his tomb was inscribed this epitaph: Maurus, a monk and deacon, who came into France in the days of king Theodebert, and died the eighteenth day before the month of February.

September 20

Spiritual Healers #28, 29

12:06 a.m. I saw a bright flash of light, awake but with eyes closed. 3:30 p.m. #141 Bienvenida de los Santos Pascual or "Nino" age 57, November 20, 1953, married with 3 children, of #538 Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan, born in
Bagong Bario, Pandi, Bulacan, faith healer since she saw visions when she was hospitalized at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Bocaue, Bulacan in 1990; she said she saw the gold star lights in my crownhead and in my right eye. (cel. # 0915-2077579).

5:00 p.m. #142 Fe Nogales Ducot Roxas, age 69, February 12, 1942, of #15 Manggahan St., Igulot, Bocaue, Bulacan, finished Grade 3 Elementary School, RTW cutter, widow of farmer, healer since 1975.

She heard a voice saying "Sacramento" was heard by her, and had herself crucified on the cross at Lugam, Malolos, Bulacan in 1983 Good Friday, with 7 children, said she saw the white light in my right eye. (cel. #0918-6389287).

Hilot (/hee-lot/) is an ancient Filipino art of healing,

commonly used today to relax stressed muscles. Manghihilots (Hilot practitioners) as well as arbularyos are usually cheaper alternatives to medical doctors in the Philippines, especially in very deep rural areas. Hilot employ chiropractic manipulation and massage for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoligamentous and musculoskeletal ailments. They also have been known to reset dislocated and sprained joints such as the knee, ankle, fingers and metacarpal bones. Hilot tend to be chiropractors while arbularyos tend to be herbalists. Midwives are also called hilots.

Martin of Tours (Latin: Sanctus Martinus Turonensis;

316 November 8, 397) was a Bishop of Tours, whose shrine became a famous stopping-point for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Around his name, much legendary material accrued, and he has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints. He is considered a spiritual bridge across Europe, given his association with both France and Hungary. His life was recorded by a contemporary, the hagiographer Sulpicius Severus. Some of the accounts of his travels may have been interpolated into his vita to validate early sites of his cult. He is a patron saint of soldiers and horses.

September 21 Spiritual Healers #30 #143/57th (who saw the lights in Judge Floros right eye) 4:00 p.m. At Sitio Bakood, Nia Road, Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan, "Ka Nita" or Nita Borbon Claudio, age 58, January
13, 1952 (married with 4 children, formerly of Binang 1, Bocaue, Bulacan, born at Roxas City, spiritual healer, hilot, since 1995, when dwarf "Inkong Pedro" helped her to heal) saw the a) white light in my rigth eye and b) the silver diamond or triangle in my left palm. Her father, a healer rode a flying horse and was brought to the Engkanto's kingdom. 600

Spiritual Healers #1: September 22: 9:00 a.m. to 6:10 a.m. - Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM meets Judge Florentino Floro - 9 hours ^ 2 Fried Chicken and Healing Oil - "foodforthesoul" Book September 24, 2011, 5:00 p.m. Greatest Miracle of the Clouds & Lights - 20 Year Spiritual Healing Ministry Anniversary of Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM: July 16, 1991 to October 9, 2011, Her Birthday ^ A First in Her Healing History in the Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry Pancit Canton-Bihon, Lumpiang Shanghai & Puto Pandan: a) White, Yellow, Black, Brightest Lights and a Very Tall Yellow Heavenly Door in Judge Floro's palms; b) 3 White & Brown Petals, Sinking White Heart in Judge Floro's palms; c) 3 Moving Small Points of White Lights Forming a Triangle in Judge Floro's Left Eye & Round White Lights in Judge Floro's Eyes; Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM stated that she discerned, that the Triangle Point Lights is the Holy Trinity. Since Sister Raquel Reodica, a member of the RVM congregation, was bestowed her healing powers in 1991 (and ever since Sister Gloria, the other RVM healing nun, started healing as far back as the early 50s long before Sister Raquel), and since the mulberry seed (that Jesus talks about in the Bible is so small), that Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, baptized on March 4, 1663, planted that seed in 1732 [more than two centuries ago, and today, that tiny seed has grown into a gigantic tree, the Religious of the Virgin Mary] Judge Floro made history by being the first ever, to conduct spiritual healing inside the Adoracion Chapel, and upon a holy nun Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM, as requested by Sister Racquel Reodica, RVM, for she asked Judge Floro to demonstrate before the Blessed Sacrament how the lights from his 2 palms and 2 eyes would be seen by the naked eye of witness, Sister Reinalda A. Sision, RVM.

Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM conducted healing missions in 10 countries, 1991-1995: Spain, France, Taiwan, Thailand, Hongkong, Italy, Canada, United States, Japan, and England. In 1992, she covered 5 countries in 3 months. September 22 9:00 a.m. to 6:10 a.m. Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, MetroManila, Philippines tel. @ (02) 930-3902 Email: Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, age 71, October 9, 1940 (of Luisiana, Laguna, Philippines) and Judge Florentino Floro (age 57, November 5, 1953) on a rarest one on one private meeting, chat, prayed, ate and exchanged views (before a sole witness and her assistant, friend, Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM, Age 73, September 7, 1938) and no one was allowed to witness the rare 9 hours meeting. Luisiana
is a 4th class municipality in the province of Laguna, Philippines. According to the latest census, it has a population of 19,255 people in 4,556 households. Locals called the town Little Baguio of Laguna because of its high elevation and cold climate.,_Laguna

In August 1985, Rev. Mo. Assumpta David, RVM, Superior-General and her Council approved the construction of a four-story building in Baybay when S. Ma. Reinalda Sison, RVM was the Superior-Directress. The laying of the cornerstone for the new building took place on December 8, 1985 which was blessed by Very Rev. Conrado Balagapo, then Vicar General of Borongan. Saint Marys College of Borongan, (formerly St. Joseph's College) 6800 Eastern Samar, Tel No.: (055)261-2038 Email: E. Cinco Street, 6800 Eastern Samar; she was also the 2002 Directness of St. Mary's College of Meycauayan, Bulacan, (044) 840-9781/-5956


The most important messages, inter alia, of the 2nd meeting between Sister Raquel and Judge Floro is as follows:
Sister Raquel gave Judge Floro this Miracle photo of the Picture of the Divine Mercy taken at the healing center. a) The patron saint of Sister Nenita Raquel (her name means hard as rock, hard faith in Jesus Christ, l is God) is St. Michael (archangel).

She ordered Judge Floro not to publish the name of her spirit guide or protector, including the height and description of the "gabay"; St. Michael (Hebrew: (pronounced [ mix el]), Micha'el or Mkh'l; Greek: , Mikha l; Latin: Michael or Mchal; Arabic: , Mkh'l) is
an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel, the Book of Jude, and the Book of Revelation, in which he leads God's armies against the Devil's forces during his uprising. In the book of Daniel, Michael appears as "one of the chief princes" who in Daniel's vision comes to Gabriel's aid in his contest with the angel of Persia (Dobiel). Michael is also described there as the advocate of the Children of Israel and as a "great prince who stands up for the children of your [Daniel's] people".

b) She met so many visionaries who went to her since 1991, and during her healing stint in 10 countries; a lawyervisionary, Atty. Leonor, and a clairvoyant asked her to ride 2 spaceships on 2 different occasions at the garden thereat the RVM Generalate 214 N. Domingo, 1111 Quezon City (02) 723-44-14 / 723-35-34; she refused to ride these due to fear which fear also caused Judge Floro to refuse to ride many
space ships and UFOs of LUIS, the King of kings of elementals in the entire universe, sole possessor of the ultimate Violet light which solely manifests and is with Judge Floro, solely in the entire universe, as the most "Pinagpala, Powerful", ever.


Judge Floro told Sister Raquel that the jobless Judge had been bestowed the 36 Marian-Eucharist-Black Nazarene Visions since January 9, 1999, June 2, 1999 and September 4, 2010 up to August 11, 2011. Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, c) due to the long discussions, Judge Floro stood up and called LUIS, Armand and Angel to introduce themselves to Sister Raquel and her secret guide; thereafter, very many flashes of ultimate Violet lights began surrounding Sister Racquel, who for this reason began burping or "dighay" and constantly winking; belching (also known as burping, ructus, or eructation) involves the release of gas from the digestive tract (mainly esophagus and stomach) through the mouth. It is usually accompanied with a typical sound and, at times, an odor. In most parts of the world, especially in formal situations, audible burping is considered impolite. Judge Floro ordered her to reveal what she saw but she asked Judge Floro not to write at this time what she saw; therefore when Judge Floro arrived at home in Bulacan, his brother Robert said that LUIS was playing or making "harot" with Sister, since LUIS was very glad in meeting her and her gabay or spirit guide. d) Sister Raquel testified that on Sunday, September 18, Leslie John Virgil (age 16, November 7, 1994) submitted to her a long and detailed account of the greatest miracle, ever, at the healing center, when Vigil saw in the 2 palms of Judge Floro at a very dark mini-nipa hut, 6:00 p.m. at the healing Center, Saturday, September 17, the brightest white lights, the many churches, wonderful arts of heaven, saying that the 7 minutes miracle view was so hard to describe for it
is in a different plane or dimension of divine existence. Sister Raquel financially and morally helped and nurtured Vigil through the kindness of other people.


From a very poor family, Vigil finished high school and now works as apprentice in a printing press; Vigil is constantly, if not weekly, being spiritually nurtured by Sister Raquel, who plan to use this teen in her greatest mission to lead the Marian Legion or Army all over the world, in preparation for the 2nd coming of Christ. An autographed book "foodforthesoul" written by Bernardo V. Lopez, eastwind, given by Sister Raquel to Judge Floro

e) Sister Raquel also healed a daughter-in-law of former Philippine Supreme Court Justice Jose Vitug, who died of cancer, per predictions of Judge Floro & Curse upon loved ones of magistrates; she also healed incumbent Chief Justice Renato C. Corona who went to Sister Raquel on a wheel chair after the first failed spinal surgery, and in pain; the elder brother of the SC Justice urged the latter upon recommendation of Gen. Boy Reodica, relative of Sister Racquel; the SC Justice wondered why Sister Raquel failed to recite the usual prayers of healing but just little words of healing; forthwith the SC Justice felt the heat of the hands of Sister Racquel and stood up healed of pain, after he stated to Sister Raquel that he prays to Jesus on his own words; the
SC Justice once testified to the healing crowd of the miraculous healing of Christ through instrument Sister Raquel. Sister Raquel offered Judge Floro a help but the latter directed Sister Raquel not to ask any favor from the Supreme Court for Judge Floro, but instead, to pray to God, to pardon Judge Floro for his many sins, and in delaying on January 12, 2011, the carrying of the Black Nazarene Cross due to sin.

f) The final agenda or summation (of the 9 hours marathon religious meeting, or rather mystic travel to the deepest secrets of the universe) is: i) Judge Floro will file a court pleading on October 7, 2011, First Friday.

Sister Racquel said that she will pray, for the enthronement of the Holy Eucharist, Our Lady of Fatima, of Lourdes and Black Nazarene, in a Chapel that must be built in the tabernacles of Justice in the Supreme Court of the Philippines, including the formal and solemn consecration the the Judiciary and entire nation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus, led by the Cardinal and approved in heaven, to annihilate judicial corruption, for Judge Floro-LUIS burned by the ultimate Violet lights the Supreme Court Session hall and logo, the Court of Appeals' 4th floor, the COMELEC and its logo, Muntinlupa MeTC and RTC, all in 2007, Malabon, Metro Manila, except Br. 73, RTC, Malabon, the sala of Judge Floro, on July 22, 2000. Before Judge Floro left at 6:10 p.m., Sister Raquel gave me a) a miracle photo of the Divine Mercy taken by a patient inside her healing center, and b) an autographed book "foodforthesoul" written by Bernardo V. Lopez, eastwind, of Ayala, Alabang: foodforthesoul Sister Raquel Blog foodforthesoul PRAYER POEMS; Bernardo V. Lopez, eastwind

September 24 #144, 145 / 58 11:40 p.m. Eyes closed but still awake, I see a white-blueviolet flash of light. September 24, Saturday At the dining room of the Mother Ignacia Healing (Ministry) Center, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, Metro-Manila, Philippines.


September 24 9:30 a.m. - 6:10 p.m.: 8 hours: 3rd personal one-on-one spiritual chat and revelation - Judge Floro and Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM 9:30 a.m. Sister Maria Estela Regis, RVM (age 86, December 16, 1926, of Palo, Leyte, taught and had been assigned at Samar, Ilokos, and Iwahig Penal Colony, Palawan, Philippines, upon healing her knees arthritis using 2 "mata" rarest coconut healing oil), stated that she saw in my 2 palms, for full 15 minutes, the a) brightest, first white, then turning to yellow, then black, then back again to these colored brightest lights, and b) a very tall and biggest yellow door of heaven amid the lights.
At the Adoracion Chapel of the Mother Ignacia Healing (Ministry) Center, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, Metro-Manila, Philippines:: It is in this Most Holy place where Sister Raquel, Corazon and Reinalda saw the mystic-divine lights in Judge Floro's 2 eyes and 2 palms, a first since creation and a very first since Mother Ignacia del Spiritu, RVM was born and predestined to be the Founder of the RVM.

Moving Brightest Clouds and Expanding Aisle: The 2 "Tusok"

at a side of Sister Raquel Reodica vis-a-vis Atty. Eleanor C. Conda's & a Visionary's Invitation to Sister Raquel to Ride a Space Ship (UFO), Twice: LUIS (Armand and Angel), Lani, Luisiana & Luis' "Patpat" versus the Mt. Banahaw Biggest Snake Guiding the 3 "Tapayans" of Oil vis-a-vis the Magic Oil in Sister Raquel Reodica's Palms at Mt. Carmel Church, New Manila, Quezon City

4:00 p.m. Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM (age 78, December 18, 1933, of Binan, Laguna, upon healing her thyroid disorder and osteoarthritis) saw the a) moving brightest white clouds, b) 3 white and brown petals, and c) the "lumulubog" or dripping, lowering down white heart, in my 2 palms for 10 minutes.

While I was healing Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM, Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, stated that she saw a very bright 3 small points of lights forming a triangle in my left eye; she stated that she discerned that the triangle point lights is the Holy Trinity; thereafter, Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM, stated that she saw a bigger round white lights in my right eye than the smaller white she saw in my left eye. Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common form, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. Thyroid disorders include hyperthyroidism (abnormally increased activity), hypothyroidism (abnormally decreased activity) and thyroid nodules, which are generally benign thyroid neoplasms, but may be thyroid cancers. All these disorders may give rise to goiter, that is, an enlarged thyroid. In vertebrate anatomy, the thyroid gland or simply, the thyroid (pronounced / a r d .../), is one of the largest endocrine glands. The thyroid gland is found in the neck, below (inferior to) the thyroid cartilage (which forms the laryngeal prominence, or 'Adam's Apple'). The isthmus (the bridge between the two lobes of the thyroid) is located inferior to the cricoid cartilage. Holy Trinity The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit distinctly coexisting in unity as co-equal, co-eternal, and consubstantial (Greek: ), or of one being (Greek: ). The Trinity itself is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.


Heaven In many religions, Heaven is a physical or transcendental

place where people who have died continue to exist in an afterlife. Heaven is often described as the holiest place, accessible by people according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith or other virtues. Traditionally, Christianity has taught Heaven as a place of eternal life, and a kingdom to which all the elect will be admitted, rather than an abstract experience. In most forms of Christianity, belief in the afterlife is professed in the major Creeds, such as the Nicene Creed, which states: "We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come." Some Christians believe that
heaven is in another dimension, and many used to believe it was literally in the clouds; others believe Heaven is Planet Earth and the Universe in the distant future after Armageddon when the world is perfected.

Nicholas Roerich "Armageddon" Armageddon (from Hebrew: , Har Megiddo, lit. Mount Megiddo; Greek: Harmagedn, Arabic ,Persian , Late Latin: Armagedn) is, according to the Bible, the site of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end-of-the-world scenario.

Judge Floro's coconut healing oil, September 28, 2011, 61 pieces; The cooked coconut healing oil is poured into the plastic bottles; The cooked coconut healing oil. The roasted latik (Tagalog pronunciation: [lat k] lah-TIK,
refers to two different ingredients in Philippine cuisine. In the north it refers to solid coconut curds, the byproducts of coconut oil production, used as garnishing for a variety of desserts. In the Visayan region it refers to a thick syrupy caramelized coconut cream used as a dessert condiment). The grated and machine pressed "kakang gata" of coconut milk from the 61 pieces of fresh mature coconuts. The coconut milk if poured in the cauldron by Mr. Jose Noel P. Torralba, September 28, 2011: cooking time was 4 p.m to 12 midnight.


Witness, Analyn Rivera Torralba, with husband Jose Noel P. Torralba, and family, including her son, Joshua Torralba Pogi; cel. # 0905-6931106.

Leilani Torralba Sta Rita and family; cel. # of her mother Leila Torralba is 0916-8852591. Leilani is the owner of the Jolan's bakery where the greatest miracle happened.

September 29 # 146 11:47 a.m. to 12:04 p.m. Judge Floro and Carlito Matnog Diaz inside the bakery where the greatest miracle happened. Carlito Matnog Diaz, age 41, April 9, 1970, of Catarman, Samar, married, with 6 children, baker at Jolan's bakery, 440 Camacho St., Maninabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, near its Chapel, finished Grade VI Elementary School, in the presence of Analyn Rivera Torralba, inside the bakery, upon healing his "pasma", saw the a) Black Nazarene, with white skin and face, blood, and b) the Blessed Virgin Mary, wearing a red dress, with small Cross in her right hand, and black Rosary around her neck, "bilog-bilog" or round stars in her head, with black
shoes, both, smiling and walking towards him, amid the stars, many brightest colored mystic, divine lights, trees, and clouds ...

Pasma refers to a "folk illness" unique to the Filipino culture.

As such, it has distinct signs, symptoms, perceived causes and treatments which are recognized in the folk medicine of the Philippines, but these are not described in medical textbooks, discussed in medical schools, or generally recognized by contemporary medical science. Other Philippine folk illnesses include bangungot and usog. Alongside numerous diseases recognized by Filipino folk medicine, pasma is attributed to an interaction of "init" (heat) and "lamig" (cold). 610

Under certain conditions, the body's muscles (kalamnan) are said to be "hot" and should not be too quickly brought into contact with "cold," in this case usually meaning cold water or air conditioner.

Blessed Virgin Mary Mary (Aramaic, Hebrew: ,

Marym, Miriam; Arabic: Maryam), commonly referred to as , "Saint Mary", "Mother Mary", the "Virgin Mary", the "Blessed Virgin Mary", or "Mary, Mother of God", was a Jewish woman of Nazareth in Galilee. She is identified in the New Testament [Mt 1:16, 18-25] [Lk 1:26-56] [2:1-7] and in the Quran as the mother of Jesus through divine intervention.

Roman Catholic veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary is based on Holy Scripture: In the fullness of time, God sent his son, born of a virgin. The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God through Mary thus signifies her honor as Mother of God. From the Council of Ephesus in 431, which dogmatized this belief, to Vatican II and Pope John Paul II's Redemptoris Mater encyclical the Virgin Mary has come to be seen, not only as the Mother of God but also as the Mother of the Church. As the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary has a central role in the life of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic veneration of her as the Blessed Virgin Mary has grown over time both in importance and manifestation, not only in prayer but in art, poetry and music. Popes have encouraged this veneration but from time to time have also taken steps to reform it. Overall, there are significantly more titles, feasts and venerative Marian practices among Roman Catholics than any other Christians traditions.

Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 1st person who saw both Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms on September 29, 2011.

Arroz Valenciana: The Unfolding ^ 20 Year Spiritual Healing Anniversary of Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM: July 16, 1991 to September 24 & 30, 2011 / October 9, 2011, Her Birthday ^ A First in Her Healing History September 30, Friday 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fr. Teofilo Maximiano, O.P., retired Parish Priest of Batanes (who as O.P. Brother, drived the King of Spain in Hong Kong), blessed these coconut healing oil using Latin prayers and holy water. Serendipity: 4 Hours of Prophecy by the Angel of Death, "Pinagpala, Powerful", Element 115, Imortal Judge Florentino Floro to Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM Thereafter, Judge Floro and Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM began their one-on-one spiritual conversation witnessed by Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM, inside the mini nipa hut. 1) Sister Raquel stated that a certain Atty. Eleanor C. Conda [Date of signing the Roll of Attorneys: May 08, 1991 Roll No.: 36938 Tabaco, Albay: Women's Rights Advocate, Former Chairperson, Women's Legal Bureau (WLB) Organizational affiliations: Board Member, Women's Legal Bureau, Inc., Women's Features Service Resource Pool International Women's Rights Watch] visited her many years ago and on May, 2011, asked her to ride a space ship or UFO on 2 ocassions in the garden of their RVM Generalate [214 N. Domingo, 1111 Quezon City (02) 723-44-14 / 723-35-34)]; she refused on the ground of fear; I stated that her guide, bantay or hawak, "Lani" may not have the required bonito lights that can enable her to ward off the fear to enable riding the ship, UFO. Atty. Conda said that Jesus is not Divine.


Both Judge Floro and Sr. Raquel, however, contradicted and did not respect such contempt of the Black Nazarene.

"Lani", according to my brother Robert as whispered by LUIS, is a dwendeng puti, a Princess from planet Venus, with red bonito or dwarf hat, has lower violet light, wearing blue dress, has medium power, flashing lower violet, green and red lights, has 2 space ships. 2) Judge Floro stated that he and Sister Raquel would fulfil their destinies amid the gag order (her Mother Superior Maria Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM, leader of 747 members, ordered her to cease and desist from media exposure, thus ending her Radio Veritas stint; but she was permitted to travel to the Holy Land on October 22-31, 2011; still, with all humility, her solemn vow of obedience compelled her to be meek as a lamb). 3) Judge Floro did prophecy that d-day is October 9, 2011, her 71st birthday, fulfilling the mandate of the 9 lines of oil that miraculously appeared on 1st Friday, November 6, 2009 at the same Adoracion Chapel where the greatest Miracle ever, happened per Judge Floro's mystic eyes and
palms on September 24, 2011, 5 p.m. This is confirmed by the "Moving Brightest Clouds and Expanding Aisle: The 2 'Tusok' at a side of Sister Raquel Reodica" when Sister Raquel felt pain and shortness of breath due to the immense power of the Gift of Prophecy, the Lights and Annihilation bestowed upon Judge Floro by LUIS, the King of kings of elementals in the entire universe.

4) Judge Floro asked Sister Raquel a) to obey the Mother Superior's mandate, that is, to write, per manuscript, daily, her own biography, which she did obey starting September 25, 2011, b) to invite on her October 9, 2011 birthday, at least 50 most powerful or gifted healers.


Judge Floro advised Sister Raquel to gather clairvoyants, and those at the corridors of power, including professionals from media, inter alia, and appoint from these 50, at least 7 to 9 witnesses and servants whom she would annoint by the mystic and Judge Floro healing coconut oil with ultimate LUIS' Violet light, blessed by Fr. Teofilo Maximiano, O.P. so that these chosen leaders would help form for Sister Raquel the envisioned by clairvoyants, and now prophesied by Mystic Judge Floro, the "Hard Rock" Legions of Mary that will welcome Her and Christ at the 2nd Comming for the transformation of mankind per the Revelation prophecy. 5) "Gwapo" (her dog) clandestinely entered the mininipa hut giving homage to the most powerful in the universe Judge Floro-LUIS, while Sister Reinalda ordered the dog to go home; Sister Reinalda A. Sison stated that the head of the RVM Generalate Infirmary confirmed that, daily, the RVM sisters would pray that the Supreme Court of the Philippines would IN TIME (asap, i.e. before 2012), per the Chief Justice, solemnly build a chapel in the tabernacle of Justice of the High Tribunal, where the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist would be in place, while Our Lady of Fatima, of Lourdes, including the Black Nazarene would be formally enshrined awaiting the Formal Consecration of the Judiciary and the Nation by the Cardinal (with the lead of the Chief Justice) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus, approved in heaven (like the Russian Consecration by Blessed Pope John Paul II), to heal the wounds of judicial corruption and to terminate extrajudicial killlings of Philippine Journalists, lawyers and magistrates, inter alia. 6) Sister Raquel stated that a clairvoyant asked her to enter a cave at Mt. Bahanaw where the 3 "tapayans" of healing oils are kept for centuries, using a "pat-pat" of Luis, an alien.

But Sister Raquel refused, after the magic oils appeared in her palms while praying at the Mt. Carmel Church, New Manila. Sister Raquel further said that Our Lady of Meugorje appeared to her after she successfully healed of bone accident a ballerina who spent sums of money for a big concert at Araneta Colisuem before the birthday on September 8 and in honor of the Virgin Mary, who thanked Sister Raquel amid the brightest clouds and lights that she saw before the concert. Queen of Peace Our Lady of Meugorje (also called Queen of Peace) is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by those who believe that she appeared to six Herzegovinian Croat children in Meugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (at the time in SFR Yugoslavia). The visionaries often refer to the apparition as the "Gospa which is Croatian for "Lady". On June 24, 1981, young Mirjana Dragicevic and Ivanka Ivankovi reported seeing an apparition of the Virgin Mary in a village in what is now Bosnia-Herzegovina. The following day another vision was reported, this time also by four other young people: Marija Pavlovi, Jakov Colo, Vicka Ivankovi, and Ivan Dragicevic. For several years the six visionaries reported seeing daily apparitions from the Virgin Mary and Meugorje became crowded with pilgrims. It has been reported that Our Lady of Meugorje has been appearing daily to three of these visionaries ever since.

7) Sister Raquel also met and healed with stigmatist Senor Alfredo Garcia of Barcelona, Spain. The multi-colored
lights that Judge Floro told her from duende "Lani", her guide, appeared like a rainbow, and Senor Garcia and many Spaniards knelt before her, since they saw Jesus Chirst at her back.

October 1 11:13 / 11:15 Awake, eyes closesd, I saw a red flash; then I saw a white flash.

October 4 # 147 5 p.m. At Villa Roca, Ma. Lourdes, Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan, Josh Tayangona saw a brilliant round white light in my left palm while healing his itch, allergy. October 5 1 a.m. Eyes closed, I saw a flash of light. DOWNLOAD: First Friday, October 7, 2011, Verified Supplemental Omnibus Motions, 40 pages, "OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 BFFF86F9A213F%21242

DOWNLOAD: First Friday, October 7, 2011, Verified Supplemental Omnibus Motions, 40 pages, "OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 First Friday, October 7, 2011, Verified Supplemental Omnibus Motions, 40 pages, "OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 BFFF86F9A213F!242

Br. 73, Regional Trial Court, Malabon City, NCJR: October 10, 2011 Images taken by Analyn Rivera Torralba, using Samsung PL101 Digital Camera

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The Samsung PL101 has a Smart Album feature that automatically manages your photo by arranging them by type, date, color, week, and face so that you can easily find the one specific shot you are looking for. Another thing worth noting is its video recording capability with 640 x 480 video quality at 30 frames per second. Samsung PL101 Digital Camera Price in the Philippines: Approximately Php 7,700.00.

Judge Florentino Floro at the court doors of Br. 73 & Br. 169, Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City, now presided by de facto Judge Carlos Flores & Executive Judge Emmanuel Laurea, respectively. Judge Florentino Floro at the court room or sala of Br. 73, Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City, now presided by de facto Judge Carlos Flores. Judge Floro at Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City Judge Floro at the Metropolitan Trial Court of MalabonNavotas, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City. Office of City Prosecutor of Malabon, Fiscal George Catalan. Judge Florentino Floro beside the Toyota Innova car of de facto Judge Carlos Flores, Br. 73, Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City. Judge Floro at Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City, copy furnishes the 40 pages Supreme Court Motion to a court personnel.


Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Metro Manila at Golden Dale Subdivision, Sisa St., Tenejeros, Malabon City. At Nanay's Pancit Malabon Restaurant, Judge Floro, his brother Robert V. Floro and Jose Noel "Kleng-Kleng" Torralba. Catmon, Malabon City Jail Judge Florentino Floro at the Office of City Prosecutor of Malabon, Fiscal George Catalan. Judge Jose F. Oreta Hall of Justice: Br. 3 & Br. 74, RTC, Malabon City, NCJR, Metro Manila, Philippines Judge Florentino Floro at (This is an October 10, 2011 photo of) Br. 73, RTC, Malabon, NCJR, Catmon, Malabon City, Metro Manila (taken by Analyn Torralba using Samsung PL101 Digital Camera), sala of Judge Florentino Floro, Jr.; beside or adjacent is the sala of Judge ( from 1990 to 2001, now Supreme Court Justice) Bienvenido Reyes On July 22, 2000, a year from the July 20, 1999 longest suspension in world history, of Judge Floro, these 2 salas were preserved from the mystic fire that burned all RTC courts, Fiscal's office, Canteen, etc. These are October 10, 2011 photos of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon, NCJR, Catmon, Malabon City, Metro Manila (taken by Analyn Torralba using Samsung PL101 Digital Camera), sala of Judge Florentino Floro, Jr.; beside or adjacent is the sala of Judge (from 1990 to 2001, now Supreme Court Justice) Bienvenido Reyes. On July 22, 2000, a year from the July 20, 1999 longest suspension in world history, of Judge Floro, these 2 salas were preserved from the mystic fire that burned all RTC courts, Fiscal's office, Canteen, etc.


Judge Florentino Floro dons his 1999 black Judicial Robes: This is an October 10, 2011 photo of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon, NCJR, Catmon, Malabon City, Metro Manila (taken by Analyn
Torralba using Samsung PL101 Digital Camera), sala of Judge Florentino Floro, Jr.; beside or adjacent is the sala of Judge ( from 1990 to 2001, now Supreme Court Justice) Bienvenido Reyes On July 22, 2000, a year from the July 20, 1999 longest suspension in world history, of Judge Floro, these 2 salas were preserved from the mystic fire that burned all RTC courts, Fiscal's office, Canteen, etc.

October 11, Tuesday # 148 12:20 p.m. Renato Isidro Samonte, age 68,
June 6, 1943, married with 2 children (in the presence of son Rafael "Peng" Samonte, cel. # 09225777960 Peng Samonte (Rafael Concepcion Samonte)) of Milaflor Subdivision, Burol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan, and brother of Sergio Isidro Samonte, upon healing his hypertension, massive stroke and kydney disease (having 2 time a week dialysis), saw the "basta maliwanag", hard to describe moving lights for 10 minutes in my 2 palms.

List of 30 Filipino Faith Healers who met the 3 Magical Dwarves and Mystic Judge Florentino Floro: July 23, 2011 - September 24, 2011 Healers #1-5: World-Famous Cancer Healer, Sr Raquel Reodica, RVM, Zenaida Wenceslao Mendiola & Doris Gutierrez de Leon, Quiapo, Malabon Healers, Fortune-Tellers, "Amang or Tatay Sugo" - Marcelio Polintan Santos, Exorcist, & Russian Psychic Surgeon, Edwin Agapoa Healers #6-10: Yin Imashime Wonder Boy - Eladio Tan Arzaga, Jr., Dante Caleon Cortez "DJ", Constancio David Arceo, "Apo Conching", Rodolfo Santos ("Ka Rudy Star", Exorcist), & Famous Anthony Vivero

Healers #11-15: Carmen Barbosa, Manghihilots Agripina Pining Cruz Tudla & "Girlie" or Ma. Victoria Hernandez de los Reyes, Domingo Nerviol y Ronda, & "Ka Nora" or Nora San Miguel Healers #16-20: "Ka Remy" or "Tawak" Reynaldo Eranista Pasatiempo, Filomena Mateo San Diego @ "Apo Fely", "Ka Nene", Severina Hipolito Manalili, Antonio Ka Tony Pelingon de Castro, & Nita Perez Healers #21-25: Manghihilot, Alberto Bersuela Avocado, "Ate Tess" or Tess Liwanag Marcos, Kristel Aquino y Lontoc, Josefa Garcia, & "Ka Ikang" or Teodorica de Jesus Healers #26-30: Magta-Tawas "Ka Mila" or Mila Gonzales Manalastas, "Ka Epeng" or Serapio Garcia, Manghihilot Ka Moreng Mauro Nicolas, Magtatawas, Ka Nita" or Nita Borbon Claudio I Juander, Duende Judge Florentino Floro I Juander, Duende at Paniwala ng Pilipino, Mystic Judge Florentino Floro I Juander, Duende Judge Florentino Floro _title

Judge Floro's 5 hours meeting with Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM October 14, Friday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 2 Sinugbang Dagupan Bangus & 2 Sinaing na Dagupan Bangus meet Sister Raquel Reodica, 5 hours of Faith


Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM's name is "kindness" - a word which I miserably failed to find in my own country's justice system of moral farce. Sister Raquel fed me with an ensaymada and RC Cola which she also ate before me despite her previous statement that she is full; worst, she ate the Bangus which I gave her and the sisters, showing her compassion ... "Ano ba ang plano mo sa buhay?", she asked. "Wala!", I replied. She boased that she wrote President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to have an applicant appointed Ambassador. Yes, she was successful. She said that she asked a financier whom she healed to financially help a student in automotive, and she got what she wanted. She would not waste her time looking for acquaintances, going out of her way, just to give jobs to the less fortunate, the forsaken. "Ano, gusto mo bang maREINSTATE? I will write Chief Justice Corona!", she insisted. "Do not interfere in my case ... paano kung mapahiya ka!", I stopped her. "Gusto mo ba ng trabaho?", she appealed to me. "Ayokong magtrabaho ... All that I ask you, is to ask the Lord, daily, in your Holy Mass prayers, to forgive my sins!", I asked her. "But you must ask forgiveness!", she replied. "Of course, Sister!" "I decided to endure my sufferings, for I was punished by the Supreme Court Justices for consulting dwarves before writing judgments ... I already chose to carry the Black Nazane Cross since January 12, 2011." I always listen to the words of Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette: I do not promise you material happiness on this earth. The saint asked for more pains and she died of bone tumour without any complaint for the water of Lourdes was inefficacious to heal her.

She said that she will be accompanied by Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM, to tour the Supreme Court thereby searching the right place to build a chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. She denied the request of pilgrims to visit USA on December but she will tour the Holy Land, the 11th country she would be healing at, October 22-30. I asked her to lay her hands upon my hand and beg God to forgive my sins. I told her that I had some flu fever, 38.8 deg. Cent. October 15 8 pm As I healed my brother Robert V. Floro of throat infection, he stated he saw a very big most bright round ligth in my left palm. Vincentian Hills Seminary, Angono Rizal, where Judge Floro studied from 1970-71. This is a photo taken by the studio of Fr. Monique Cadiz, Meycauayan, Bulacan at St. Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan, Valenzuela, Bulacan.

Standing topmost row: right- Fiscal Constantino Oraa and Bank Officer Efren Jose; Sitting 1st row ground: from right to left: #2 is Brother of Joselito R. Santos, # 8 & 10 are the Manny Aguja twins, Sitting 2nd Row: #1 Gerry Holandez, #4, 5, Fr. Ted Lapus, C.M. who left the priesthood and married a nun, Fr. Villar, C.M., #8, Mrs. Eufrocina "Baby" Bordador, Fr. Rector Manzanal, CM, Fr. Renedo, CM, Fr. Constancio S. Gan, CM, ... & last, Joselito del Rosario Santos, 3rd Row: left to right:

# 15, brother of Fr. Greg Banaga, # 20, Judge Florentino Floro, Jr., 4th Year High School (wearing very thick eyeglasses, 275/225); 5th row, standing, #1 Fr. Gregorio Lapus Bananaga, C.M. President of Adamson University, #11-13 Catalino Enriquez, Eduardo Bonus, Angel Ocampo. October 19, 2011 # 149 6:00 p.m. Upon healing her throat illness, Juliet C. Salonga, (0905-3540101) married, with 3 children, owner of DJ eatery in front of Walter Mart, Plaridel, Bulacan, stated she saw the bright white lights in my left palm. "Three Might Be Duende" from the latest They Might Be Giants album seems to be about or at least inspired by LUIS, Armand, and Angel.

Three Might Be Duende I'm not usually one for interpreting songs but this struck me as particularly interesting, and I'm kind of excited about it, so I figured I'd share. It's a bit loose, but I think the basic idea is easy enough to get across. As those who have read the page for the song (or the wikipedia page about "duende") already know, duende is not infrequently considered the most difficult word to translate from Spanish to English, owing to its nonliteral meaning and a bunch of associated feelings. Much more complex than the goblins or trolls the word can also represent. I think that the purpose of the song is to explain the meaning of "duende"the deeper meaningby using descriptions of three (possibly four?) of the literal trolls: Necropolis Blownapart, Apocryphal Espadrille, and Dystopio Smashedtobits (Monochrome Martinet is also a troll thing, but does not seem to fit the description of "duende"). That explains why these are names, and also such lines
as "one might be duende defined". I haven't really fit every bit of the song to this interpretation, but there are a couple lines I think are notable:


"Realness like this / Hard to dismiss / One Might Be Duende, he insists"

The deeper meaning of duende is associated with having genuine feeling and authenticity, soul. That's the "realness" being discussed. I think that this Monochrome Martinet fellow (or someone else?) is insisting that he can represent "duende", because of his authenticity. For whatever reason (could his "starchy texture" have something to do with it?), however, he does not fit the criteria. "One Might Be Duende, defined!" I think this is pretty self explanatory. All about the "Might Be Duende"s I can't offer much, but it seems obvious to me (and I don't see it stated clearly here) that the type of being/position/whatever with which this song is concerned is a "Might Be Duende", and the title of the song refers to that fact that there are three of them. The first verse is obviously about someone who aspires to be one of the three MBDs. The second verse introduces the first MBD of the three. ("One MDB defined.") The third verse concerns the second member. And the final verse either introduces the third MDB, or sees the aspirant from verse one completing the trio. ("Three MDB at last!") Not that I could tell you what exactly a MBD is, but there you go. --Salt-Man Z 22:48, 29 August 2011 (EDT) Emphasis on "Might Be" I just want to point out that the song is about three "might be" duende, not three definite duende. The word is hard to define, and that's part of the joke. Are TMBG's descriptions of Necropolis Blownapart, Apocryphal Espadrille, and Dystopio Smashedtobits possessed of the right kind of dark, energetic coloring to qualify as duende? John and John don't know. They think so -- and they hope so -- but they're not sure. Hence, they give us three "might be" duende. Originally Posted by They Might Be Giants


Apocryphal espadrille. The shaper of dreams returns to the scene. No diorama could match his drama. A smile that would frighten the blind; The incubus freezes the mind. Fooled by his charm, right off the farm. Sound Might Be Duende's alarm!

The Light In The Lord






By judgefloro (1 stories) (0 posts) (the author is a middle age

adult) Date: 2011-08-31 Country: Philippines Category: Miracles / Healing I am Philippine Judge Florentino Floro and in the past years I have started having mystic or spiritual experiences. My first spiritual experience was on January 9, 1999, the feast of the Black Nazarene of Quiapo, Manila, when I saw an ecstatic vision of scattered global apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and massive earthquakes from 1999 until 2012. About five months later, I received the gift of spiritual healing
when I uttered the words "Amen, Jesus..." ten times amid the clear vision of a healing oil. As sole healing judge, more than 10, 000 patients visited me since that blessed moment when my hands changed colors.

My spiritual experiences have started again and again beginning September 13, 2008 when I was blessed or bestowed to
have seen the mystic or ultimate violet and white lights, including not less than thirty-five Marian, Eucharistic and Black Nazarene apparitions and visions until last month.


I gained new strength from these mystic lights in what I was then and now witnessing, and Our Lady of Lourdes even opened up deeper depths of my understanding that the love of God compels me to give to the poorest of the poor, the hungry and the forsaken. On July 9, 2009, in a vision of "just heaven", I saw with greatest clarity the biggest Cross with the white linen amid the sounds of angelic harps. This mystic event compelled me to distribute about 20 food (adobo and rice) packs to Bulacan scavengers and beggars beginning August, 2010. What happened afterwards is very hard to explain, but I was pre-destined to share to the world my extra-ordinary gifts of the divine light. When I was (daily) distributing foods to the hungry, I was asked to heal some beggars. From September 4, 2010, most of them, inter alia, began to have seen the red, white, orange, yellow and even violet lights from my palms at the moment of spiritual healing. More strange is the fact that not less than seventeen living witnesses had seen Jesus Christ for not less than five minutes in my palms. In addition, my right eye began displaying or emitting blue, green and white lights visible to not less than thirty living Filipinos, including a total of ninety-five persons who had seen the mysterious lights in my palms until this week. On August 13, after more than 4 famous Filipino spiritual healers confirmed the authenticity of my mystic claims, a Nikon D3000 captured a clear picture of the blue and green lights emanating from my right eye's pupil, retina and cornea. Even after the first picture, more than 15 photographers had seen the lights from my right eye before the photo sessions. In fine, I conclude that I was chosen by God to be an instrument against darkness: "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." I began publishing this spiritual experience to the world in my blog The Black Nazarene blesses
Judge Floro since I ardently desire that non-believers and sinners may be converted and repent because of the Light of the Lord.








Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM is the 146th living witness who saw the mystic-divine lights in Judge Floro's 2 palms, while Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM is the 74th who saw the multi-colored lens & mystic-divine lights in Judge Floro's right eye; World-famous (20 years) Spiritual Healer Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM is the 1st who saw the mystic-divine lights in Judge Floro's left eye, while Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 20th person who saw Jesus Christ & Mark John Tayangona, the 1st to see the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms from September 4, 2010 to September 29, 2011.


Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 1st person who saw both Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms on September 29, 2011.
Judge Florentino Floro's (Prophet, Visionary, Angel of Death
& Living Saint), November 3, 2010 - Nikon D60 photo by 30 years chief photographer Oscar Castil at Glitters, Malolos City, Bulacan) eyes displaying 4 clear Crosses roDmyLMfIA/s320/judgeflorored.jpg

Judge Florentino Floro's October 29, 2008 Nikon D70 photo by Oscar Castil at Glitters, Malolos City, Bulacan) eyes displaying 4 clear Crosses 4RGqwZJ8UXE/s320/Judgefloro_candle_DSC_4584.jpg

Judge Florentino Floro's (September 4, 2011 Nikon D60 photo by 30 years photographer Jesus Tadeo, cel. # 09329803119): the iris and cornea-pupil display mysterious
images and lights of the Black Nazarene.Oscar Castil at Glitters, Malolos City, Bulacan) eyes displaying 4 clear Crosses

Note: that when the 3 original pictures above (after computer-right click of the 3 images, then, saving in desktop, then
opened with Microsoft Office 2010 and) are full zoomed, the 2 eyes of Judge Floro display clear a) & b) 4 brilliant white crosses & c) the image of the Black Nazarene, respectively. 628

The multi-colored mystic right eye of Judge Florentino Floro photographed by Nikon D3000, a First since creation of the universe Part V, closest edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part IV, a closer edited
photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part III, closer edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part II, closer edited photo from the Original unedited Part I. Part I, the original photo: Judge Florentino Floro's mystic pupil [the central transparent area (showing an unexplained blue-green with round golden light in the lower right, with white stems, instead of black in all human eyes)], the brilliant brown iris with unexplained white surroundings, the white outer area, the sclera and the central transparent part of which is the cornea of a healthy human but mysteriously colored eye, taken by Roger Pacheco Hernandez, using a P 27,000 Nikon D3000 at 2:30 p.m., August 13, 2011, at Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines. August 13: photographer Roger Pacheco Hernandez, at Picture City, Walter Mart Plaridel, Bulacan, captured the above blue & green colors-lights inside Judge Floro's right eye using NIKON D3000.

Postscript The book is more than a memoir that it's a "story about enlightening the darkest parts of planet earth by the mysticdivine lights (Lux in Domino) emanating from the palms & eyes of one of a kind Angel of Death, Prophet, Visionary, alien (from Jupiter) Element 115, "Pinagpala, Powerful" Visionary, a Legend, Filipino Dwarf Judge Florentino Floro, Jr." "With the ultimate Violet Light of LUIS (from his Bonito) which manifests in myself, I learned to create a mantra around my enemies, detractors and persecutors," said the Duende Justice Floro. "I turned their mindset around. Faith in miracles happens IN TIME", Floro continued.

"I can comprehend and fully discern their addiction to pain," LUIS whispered. "Living with pain our intruments tormentors become very rational. The essence of prediction is pain that makes them want to crawl out of their skin," LUIS prophesies. "As much as law school teaches them, there is so much depth and nuance that they had a lack of understanding about what was going on," Armand said and wrote: "They were overworked and frustrated. They just felt completely like they couldn't do anything to help." "I was so angry at Justces, Judges, lawyers, journalists -- not just at them but at the Court for offering (measly) sums of money that take away the Mortis Angelus' job, gavel, robes and ruby slippers. They had stolen his work and our names," Angel said and inscribed: "It was like a triple whammy. I felt his Ateneo Law School Classmates of 1982 were choosing their jobs, fame and wealth over helping him," she said. "He felt all alone with us." "Whenever they're angry, resentful, full of self-hatred or unhappy -- all of those emotions feed into their nervous systems and send their bodies conflicting messages," LUIS told Angel. "He is determined in the face of what he is going through. He believes in what he is doing for the poorest of the poor, the forsaken and the most hated. I am not the one who has to live in his body," LUIS told Armand. Angel said she still has to fight demons in their heads: "Every time I get close to a Justice, a Judge or a lawyer, and feel a twinge in my side when I approach a Filipino journalist, I think 'Oh my gosh, what is happening?' But I have taught myself to recognize the voice of their fears. LUIS' ultimate Violet light from Judge Floro's eyes and palms is aimed at their hearts and minds: A stain in their blood up to the 4th generation!"


XIV. Mystic 'Dwarf' Judge Florentino Floro's Ombudsman Curse


Mystic 'Dwarf' Judge Floro's Ombudsman Curse Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Filipino Mystic 'Dwarf' Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Amand and Angel: The June 2-3, 2011 Philippine Ombudsman Mystic Curse Timeline: 2-3 June, 2011 "Banal na Sumpa ng 3 Duende at Propesiya ng Anghel ng Kamatayan" - Philippine Ombudsman Judge Floro's mystic photo taken on May 12, 2011: 3 Penoy (Balut eggs), 1 Kamote (sweet potato) and 1 Kalabasa (squash) = 5 Talon (leaps, jumps, giggling with utter joy upon gazing at the dire pains of his enemies, detractors and prosecutors)

Floro claims he is the victim of injustice and is the patsy in this dwarf conspiracy. He has a six part video on purporting to be the true story. Florentino and the Mystic Dwarves

Conchita Carpio-Morales meets Judge Floro and his 3 mystic dwarves Return of Florentino V. Floro and the 3 dwarves

Conchita Carpio-Morales (born June 19, 1941) is an incumbent Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. She was appointed to the Court by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on September 3, 2002. She is married to Director Eugenio T. Morales, Jr. of the LTFRB, Lipa City, with whom she has 2 sons Eugenio III and Umberto.

August 29, 2003 Bended Knees Letter asking for Mercy from SC Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales, with the August 29, 2002 picture of Judge Floro cursing Carpio's Paoay, Ilocos, Norte /uw96UFZcKac/s320/pic11florojr..jpg

Conchita was born in Paoay, Ilocos Norte to the late Judge Lucas D. Carpio (Davao del Sur) and the late Maria Claudio Carpio. She graduated high school as valedictorian. LUIS: Mark my word, they will regret it! Judge Florentino Floro - Imprecation under Psalms 109-73 Judge Floro at the majestic Paoay Church, on August 29, 2002; Judge Floro at the UN Heritage Paoay Cathedral, at the house of Don Lucas Carpio, SC Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales, Paoay, Ilocos Norte, on August 29, 2002 and Vigan Cathedral, Ilocos Sur

Download: Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011

Page 1 of the Verified Application for the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57
pages, May 13, 2011; Page 1.a of the Verified Application for the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011; Page 1.b of the Verified Application For the Ombudsman post that Atty. Merceditas Gutierrez vacated due to resignation. 57 pages, May 13, 2011


Mystic Curse of the 3 magical dwarves upon Filipino journalists: January and April 4, 2007 and Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m. - 3:15 p.m

Barely 3 hours after Judge Floro predicted on pages 2-4 of his 55 pages Ombudsman Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m.3:15 p.m, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike a Philippine Journalist as Floro Cursed Filipino Journalists for deleting his name from the SC Associate Justice post publication from April 28, 2011: Veteran journalist-professor dies in vehicular accident on killer highway By Ariel Fernandez, Julie M. Aurelio, Nancy C. Carvajal Philippine Daily Inquirer, Radyo Inquirer 21:38:00 05/13/2011 MANILA, Philippines (UPDATE) Much-awarded investigative journalist and University of the Philippines journalism professor Lourdes Chit Estela-Simbulan died Friday night when the taxi she was riding in was hit by a passenger bus on Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City. Lourdes Chit Estela-Simbulan, a former Philippine Daily Inquirer desk editor and founding member of the independent Vera Files, died while she was brought to the Malvar General Hospital, Superintendent Arnold Santiago of the Quezon City Police District's Traffic Enforcement Unit said. A police report said Estela-Simbulan was on board a taxi with plate number THX 532 and cruising southbound in front of Ayala Technopark when it was rammed by a Guiding Star passenger bus at around 6 p.m. Friday. On page 57, that is, inserted as page 3 of the Application, Judge Floro wrote:

Magluluksang tuloy-tuloy muli ang mga Pilipinong Mamamahayag! (Philippine Journalists will continously mourn!

Judge Floro: Tumalon din ako ng 5 beses noong September 26, 2008, 3 araw pagkamatay ni Rod Nazario, 5 beses din, noong namatay si Leo Dacera III, noong birthday ko, November 5, 2010, 5 talon din noong April 12, 2006 noong namatay si Luzviminda D. Puno, tig 5 talon din noong naghirap at namatay sina Hilario G. Davide, Sr. noong July 17,2006, Lirio B. Bautista, noong August 5, 2006, noong naStroke si Alfredo L. Benipayo noong February 22, 2008, noong nawasak ang katawan ni Dulce Saguisag, noong November 8, 2007 at noong 34 na mamamahayag ng Maguindanao o Ampatuan massacre ang namatay noong November 23, 2009. Lahat naman halos ng Court pleading ko at ni LUIS copy furnished sa DOJ Press at Jukra ay tinatapon lang sa basura ng mga mamamahayag. (Judge Floro: "I jumped 5 times on September 26, 2008, ..... and I jumped 5 times when on November 23, 2008, when Ampatuan Massacre 34 journalists were massacred ... almost all of my filed Court pleadings copy furnished the journalists were thrown in the waste can.....)" LUIS warned: Mark my word, they will regret it! May 13, 2011, 3 p.m. Davros, in - Element 115, UFOs; 10 Most Bizarre Judges; I.P.: Justin Bieber, Florentino Floro warned: We need someone to warn us of those black dwarfs for they be sneaky little buggers, luckily he has high powered supporters. Judge Floro, the Avenger, opted to use his gun and gavel per his 3 mystic dwarves to annihilate, using his Filipino Kalabasa as duende crown of his psychotic head:


LUIS extracts Pumpkin Juice that has magical effects, using Floros gun and gavel; thereafter, LUIS, the blue fairy godfather turns a pumpkin into Cinderella carriage. No. 1 Filipino Blogger Florentino Floro; Supreme Court Associate Justice & Ombudsman of the Philippines Top Aspirant; No. 8 Most Bizarre Judge in Planet Earth May 26, 2011 Prophecy of Judge Florentino Floro-LUIS: Senator Francis Joseph G. "Chiz" Escudero is never destined to be President of the Philippines Chiz figures in Quezon City road mishap Sen. Francis Escudero sustained slight hand injuries after figuring in a road accident when their cars collided at the intersection of Don A. Egea and Maryland Streets in Barangay (village) Pinagkaisahan, Cubao, Quezon City, Thursday night around 9:30 p.m. Escudero was driving along Don A. Egea from E. Rodriguez Sr. Boulevard and was heading towards New Orleans St., while Merilles was traveling along Maryland St. from New York St. on his way to E. Garcia St. A Kia (XRD450) van driven by one Manuel Meriles, 36, bumped the back and front right portion of Escuderos Lexus Sports Utility Vehicle (license plate ZNY-950). Escudero and the passengers of the van,members of a Catholic parish church, were brought to St. Lukes Medical Center for treatment, as Ronil Domingo, a chaplain; Emy Domingo, 49, and Lourdes Olivades, 62; pastor Narciso Castro Jr., 62; and Ruth Domingo, 20. 5 pm, May 26, 2011, JBC Announcement signed by Sen. Escudero's hand, deleting Judge Floro from the Ombudsman List


Separated: Sen. Escudero and Wife Tintin Flores Philippine Star celebrity columnist Ricky Lo reported last April that Escudero and his wife of 10 years, Elizabeth 'Tintin' Flores, are already separated. Theyve been living apart for five months now, Lo's source said. Escudero has refused to talk about his marital woes.

4. PREVIOUS CONDUCT AS EVIDENCE Sec. 34. Similar acts as a evidence.- Evidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do the same or a similar thing at another time; but it may be received to prove a specific intent or knowledge, identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom or usage, and the like. Barely 3 hours after Judge Floro predicted on pages 2-4 of his 57 pages Ombudsman Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m. - 3:15 p.m, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike a Philippine Journalist as Floro Cursed Filipino Journalists for deleting his name from the SC Associate Justice post publication from April 28, 2011: Floro annihilates Phil Journalist, Friday the 13th Barely 4 hours after the JBC, En Banc, including Sen. Escudero duly signed the JBC Notice which eliminated the name of Judge Floro from the JBC Ombudsman list on May 26, Thursday, 4 pm, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike by UFO and magic carpet, JBC Member Sen. Escudero's hand which was used to sign that Cursed Paper. LUIS, Armand and Angel: June 2, 1983, 7:00 p.m. - June 2, 2011, Thursday: 28 years of Dalliance, Mystic Covenant of March 1, 1996, 6:00 a.m.

Walis, Bawang, Gulok at Tanglad: June 2-3, 2011, 15 pages JBC, SC Verified Opposition and Verified Motion for Reconsideration On June 2, 2011, Judge Floro and LUIS don the blue judicial robes, using the mystic formula of: a) Cymbopogon (lemongrass) is bound to Mercury and air. Lemon Grass Mystical Uses; b) Broomstick In the Bible, Luke 15:8 "The Parable of the Lost Coin", the broom is mentioned: "Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?" c) Garlic, Allium sativum, Filipino native garlic Bawang (Ajos). This is your regular garlic, but the native Philippine garlic is said to be more potent than any. d) Bolo knife (Gulok) Bendo Gerit Azimat or golok is a type of machete or broadsword originating in Southeast Asia.
August 29, 2002 & August 29, 2003, 3 p.m., Judge Floro's 7th and 8th mystic journey to UN Heritage Paoay Cathedral, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. LUIS and more than 200 other duendes (under him) were present when I stood still before Don Judge Lucas D. Carpios house, 7 feet away from the antiquated name plate: CONCHITA C. CARPIO, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.

Pages 1, 2 and 3 of the June 3, 2011 filed with the Supreme Court of the Philippines Judge Floro's Verified Opposition [To the JBC Nomination and Application for the vacant Ombudsman post by Conchita Carpio-Morales per 26 May 2011 JBC Announcement: Violation of Republic Act No. 6770, Section 5. Qualifications: Conchita Carpio-Morales has zero recognized probity and independence] and Verified Motion for Reconsideration [Of the JBC En Banc Resolutions deleting Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.s name in the JBC Lists of Qualified Aspirants for the SC Associate Justice and Ombudsman posts]


June 3, 2011 The Prophecy: Philippine journalists will continuously mourn because of the Mystic Curse of the 3 Filipino Duendes LUIS, Armand and Angel On page 57, that is, inserted as page 3 of the Verified Application of Judge Floro for Philippine Ombudsman, Judge Floro wrote:

Magluluksang tuloy-tuloy muli ang mga Pilipinong Mamamahayag! (Philippine Journalists will continously mourn!) Philippine journalists 'live in danger' By Vaudine England BBC News Monday, 9 February 2009 Filipino journalist slain; 4th killed this year Associated Press, Sunday, June 12, 10:34 PM Curse envelopes Philippine journalists 06/13/2011 Radio commentator killed in Camarines Sur BY CMFR | 13 JUN 2011 Filipino dwarf Judge Curses Philippine journalists By TERESA CEROJANO - Associated Press
A radio broadcaster was dead at the Riconda Medical Center, after being shot twice in the back, at about 5:52 a.m. on Monday, June 13, 2011 near the Holy Child Learning Center in San Jose, Iriga City, 294 kilometers from Manila, bringing the number to 4 cases in 2011 killed in the line of duty under the administration of Benigno Aquino III, and the third in 2011. He would also be the seventh journalist from the Bicol Region killed in the line of duty since 1986, and the second from Camarines Sur province (for a country listed as one of the most dangerous places for journalists). Task Group Olea was formed to conduct investigation on the case, said Natuel. 639

The United States-based Committee to Protect Journalists earlier listed the country as the 3rd most dangerous place for journalists, next to Iraq and Somalia. Its rank was unmoved from the 2010 report. The CPJ recorded 69 journalists murdered since 1992. Romeo Losantas Olea, 49, of San Miguel, Iriga City, a radio broadcaster of DWEB-FM in Nabua, Iriga City in Camarines Sur, Bicol was shot dead this morning, bringing the number to 4 cases in 2011. The first work-related killing of a journalist under the yearold Aquino administration and first case in the province was that of another dwEB broadcaster, Miguel Belen, in July 2010. Belen, who had been reporting on local elections and corruption, was shot on 9 July and died on 31 July. Before he died, he identified an Eric Vargas and a Gina Bagacina as his attackers. Murder charges have already been filed against the two. Fewer than 10 people have been convicted in about 145 media killings since 1986, when democracy was restored, said National Union of Journalists of the Philippines President Nestor Burgos Jr. Out of the 145 deaths, more than 100 occurred since 2001. In 2009, at least 31 journalists were among 57 people massacred in a political killing allegedly carried out by members of a powerful provincial clan in the southern Philippines. The body of a 32nd journalist who was part of the convoy has not been found. Triangle Prophecy: 13th Friday, May - Simbulan; 26 May Escudero; 13 June - Olea:: Stern warning of the 3 mystic duendes upon all Philippine Journalists and the Philippine Judicial and Bar Council = Dying is Fun Romeo Olea was the 145th journalist murdered since 1986.


The proverbial Damocles sword, hanging upon Judge Floro's neck since July 20, 1999 - June 18, 2011 (vis-avis President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo wears neck brace "forever") In the 75 pages cursed judgement A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460, March 31, 2006, "OFFICE OF THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR vs. JUDGE FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR.", Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario ruled (and forthwith her husband Rod Nazario suffered heart by-pass and lung cancer most painful death on September 23, 2008): "On the other hand, if we were to peg the period at less than three years then the same would only be a pittance compared to the seven years suspension he had to live through with Damocles sword hanging over his head and with his hands bound as he could not practice his profession. xxx 3) As a matter of equity, AWARD Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to three (3) years; xxx" On January 9, 1999, 6:00 a.m.Judge Floro saw the vision of VP Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo hurting, inter alia. On July 20, 2002, 2003, Judge Floro predicted that "there will be a new President on 2004!" Mrs. Arroyo stole the Presidency twice as alleged by Ms. Susan Roces, whose husband became the 14th duly elected de facto and de jure President, but died forthwith, while Arroyo sat as the fake President. Judge Floro, on bended knees, filed multiple job-application letters to Arroyo's
government, specifically, Judge Floro's cursed Ateneo Law School classmates and top Cabinet secretaries. Floro had the sword hanging in his neck until today. Arroyo has to run, run and run fast, like a horse.


GMA leaves hospital after treatment for neck painGMA leaves hospital after treatment for neck pain By RG Cruz, ABS-CBN News 06/17/2011. The number of the beast is 666 by William Blake. 666 The Number of the Beast (Greek: , Arithmon tou Thriou) is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, relating to the
figure of "The Beast". The number is 666 in most manuscripts of the New Testament and in English translations of the Bible while critical editions of the Greek text (such as the Novum Testamentum Graece) also note 616 as a variant.

666 The Number of the Beast is described in the Book of Revelation 13:1718. In the Textus Receptus (derived from Byzantine text-type manuscripts), it is written: 17 18 . With the mark of the 666 in her forehead, Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales emerges as a night dragon and dawn serpent to utterly destroy the Supreme Court of the Philippines per punishment and incarceration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (& her co-conspirators) who stole the Presidency twice. Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales, the Avenger dons the Black Robe of Death: Filipinos and the whole world shall witness the never ever heard dire painshorrible deaths-extreme sufferings upon submission by the JBC, of Conchitas name to the President of the Republic of the Philippines. + The Angel of Death

In the July 25, 2011 State of the Nation Address of His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III PNoy announced the cursed appointment of Conchita Carpio-Morales. On July 27, 2011, Carpio-Morales takes oath; PNoy gives up on Truth Comm by Willard Cheng, ABS-CBN News Posted at 07/27/2011 1:48 PM - Retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Conchita Carpio Morales has taken her oath of office as the new Ombudsman. President Aquino administered her oath in Malacaang.
Morales was accompanied by husband Eugenio Morales, sons Eugenio Morales III and Umberto Morales. Also witnessing the oath taking were Vice President Jejomar Binay, former chief justice Artemio Panganiban, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, Budget Secretary Butch Abad, Presidential Management Staff chief Julia Abad, and House justice committee chair Niel Tupas, Jr.

Mystic Curse of LUIS, Armand and Angel-Angel of Death, Filipino Mystic Judge Florentino Floro upon Philippine Ombudsman: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo - irreversible downfall and hurting; unprecedented multiple vehicular accidents; horrible deaths, dire pains, tragedies and disasters Ombudsman Mystic Curse and Imprecation: Annihilation of Innocent Filipinos NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE Oppositon candidate Fernando Poe's widow Susan Roces stresses a point during a presscon in 2005, accusing then president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of stealing the presidency Not once, but twice. JOAN BONDOC Carpio-Morales takes oath; PNoy gives up on Truth Comm by Willard Cheng, ABS-CBN News Posted at 07/27/2011 1:48 PM


Timeline of the Ombudsman Curse #1 July 25-29 to August 11, 2011: STILL HURTING President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's irreversible downfall coincides with her hurting as predicted on January 9, 1999, 6:00 a.m. vision of Judge Floro, reiterated on September 2, 2007 in HK Standard: Surgery, a failure UB: Pag-aayos sa na-dislocate na spine ni Arroyo, nabigo dahil sa impeksyon 08/11/2011 | 07:51 AM Doctors fail to reconstruct former President Arroyos spine implant 12:42 pm | Thursday, August 11th, 2011 MANILA, Philippines Doctors failed to reconstruct the implant that would have supported the cervical spine of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, a day after she underwent surgery to remove the one infected by bacteria, her attending physician said Thursday. Dr. Juliet Gopez-Cervantes told a live news conference at the St. Lukes Medical Center in Fort
Bonifacio, Taguig City that Arroyo was conscious although she continues to wear external support for her cervical spine in the absence of an implant.

STILL HURTING Arroyo discharged from hospital By Tarra Quismundo Philippine Daily Inquirer 12:52 am | Saturday, August 6th, 2011 #2 July 26-August 4, 2011: 'Juaning'-'Kabayan' death toll climbs to 74, with 31 missing and P2.765 billion damage Estimated damage wrought by tropical storm Juaning (international name: Nock-ten) has reached P2.765 billion. The NDRRMC said that damage to infrastructure has reached P1.558 billion and to agriculture, P627.26 million. A total of 860 schools and 2,857 classrooms in the provinces of Sorsogon, Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte and Catanduanes sustained damage estimated at P580 million.

The amount includes damaged textbooks, furniture and computer units, the NDRRMC said, adding that 209 teachers and 7,768 students have been affected in the four provinces, all in the Bicol Region. Death toll rises to 74 after storms in the Philippines 4 AUGUST 2011 The 9 bodies were among the 32 crew of Fishing Boat Hope Christy that capsized in Sibuyan Sea near the waters off Masbate on July 27 due to tropical storm Juaning. Captain Tranquilino Paiton, a local commander of the Philippine Coast Guard, said that 13 of the crew were already recscued, and the search for 10 other missing people is still going on. DA: Agri damage from 'Juaning' reaches P1.063-B Mystic Curse upon the Liberal Party, Governor Joey Salceda faces the Angel of Death's Ombudsman Prophecy: Cielo Adelina Sarte Salceda - 89 Albay gov's mother dies in freak accident 07/27/2011 | 09:11 AM
The mother of Albay Governor Jose Salceda died after figuring in a freak accident Tuesday night, the head of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Wednesday. NDRRMC executive director Benito Ramos said Mrs. Cielo Adelina Sarte Salceda, age 89, succumbed to her injuries at a local hospital 6:00 a.m. Wednesday. Mystic Curse upon the Liberal Party, Governor
Joey Salceda faces the Angel of Death's Ombudsman Prophecy. Cielo Adelina Sarte Salceda reportedly suffered head injury at Polangui in Albay after slipping on a wet floor around 1 a.m. She was on her way to the toilet when she slipped and hit her head on the stairs due to the power outage in the province. She was rushed to the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital where she died at 6:54 a.m. "Walang kinalaman si 'Juaning.' Siya ay nadulas kagabi, umabot sa ICU kaninang 6 a.m. (Her death was not due to 'Juaning.' She slipped and was rushed to a hospital)," Ramos said in an interview on dzBB radio. He said the incident occurred in Legazpi City, where the governor is based.


#3 July 26th, 2011; Accidents all over: MMDA records 23 accidents in 12 hours, in Metro; 3 killed, 5 hurt as bus falls off the Skyway; 1 hurt in 7-vehicle EDSA-Ayala tunnel smashup Unprecedented vehicular accidents in just 12 hours MMDA records 23 accidents in Metro 3 killed, 4 hurt as bus falls off the Skyway Philippine Daily Inquirer 9:50 pm | Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 An unusually high number of accidents was reported Tuesday as heavy rains spawned by Tropical Storm Juaning pummeled Metro Manila. A passenger bus which fell off the Skyway and onto the West Service Road in Paraaque City (see related story below) and a seven-vehicle pileup in the Edsa
Ayala tunnel in Makati City were among the 23 accidents recorded by the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Accidents all over By Aie Balagtas See and Mike Frialde The Philippine Star July 27, 2011 12:00 AM 3 persons died and 5 others were hurt in 3 vehicular accidents that occurred within minutes of each other on July 26, 2011 Tuesday morning as tropical storm Juaning made Metro Manilas roads slick. In Sucat, Paraaque, a Dimples passenger bus fell 40 feet from the Skyway ramp to the West Service Road shortly before noon, killing 3 and injuring 4 others. Bus driver Joven Justol of Dimple Star Transport Corp. was dead on arrival at the Paraaque Medical Center. Passengers Anthony Abarra, 21; and Lorenzo Gabo, 27, died while being treated. They suffered broken bones, a cracked skull and crushed chest. 1 hurt in 7-vehicle EDSA-Ayala tunnel smashup


A 53-year-old British man was injured in a seven-vehicle smashup along the southbound lanes of the EDSA-Ayala Avenue tunnel in Makati City at around 11:45 a.m. Shipping container falls off tractor bed A freak accident occurred along the Delpan Bridge in Tondo, Manila during a heavy downpour at around 10 a.m., when a 40-foot shipping container fell off its tractor bed. #4 July 28, 2011: 5 (of 7 Marine soldiers killed) beheaded, 22 other soldiers wounded (while 13 Abu Sayyaf bandits were killed and 6 others were wounded), in a fierce jungle clash with a large group of al-Qaedalinked Abu Sayyaf militants
PATIKUL CLASH 1 of the wounded Marines is wheeled to a waiting ambulance in Zamboanga City after being airlifted by a US aircraft from Jolo on Thursday, July 28. Inn Basilan province in 2007, 10 Marines were also beheaded by the Abu Sayyaf. 5 of 7 Marines beheaded by Abu Sayyaf; Aquino mad By DJ Yap, Julie Alipala Inquirer Mindanao, Philippine Daily Inquirer 1:44 am | Saturday, July 30th, 2011 Military says dozens of Abu Sayyaf killed in Sulu clash Saturday, 30 July 2011 12:04 Philippine Marines' troops captured a camp of the Abu Sayyaf following a fierce gunbattle in Patikul, Sulu on Thursday, the military said yesterday. Rear Admiral Armando Guzman, commander of the Naval Forces
Western Mindanao, believed that the Marine troops had killed dozens of enemies. The capture of the ASG Camp at Barangay Panglayahan in Patikul placed a demoralizing effect and reduction of capability of enemies in the area. The clash on Thursday occured while elements of Marine Battalion Landing Teams 11/10/5 were conducting deliberate operations in Panglayahan. Based on running intelligence report, there were more than 30 casualties on the enemy side with 13 identified killed in action and more than 6 identified wounded in action. Pama said intelligence report showed
that 13 Abu Sayyaf bandits were killed while 6 others were wounded but presumed to be a lot more since pursuit operations is still ongoing.


7 Marines killed, 21 wounded in Sulu clashmilitary By Julie S. Alipala Inquirer Mindanao 1:55 pm | Thursday, July 28th, 2011 - In a fierce jungle clash with a large group of alQaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf militants, 7 Marine soldiers were killed and 21 others were wounded during a fierce firefight with the Abu Sayyaf in Sulu early Thursday, the military said. Abu Sayyaf kill seven Philippine soldiers ASIA PACIFIC NEWS Posted: 28 July 2011 1520 Seven Filipino marines killed, 21 wounded in fighting in the south From: AP July 28, 2011 4:17PM Abu Sayyaf (Arabic: ; Jam ah Ab Sayyf, ASG, Filipino: Grupong Abu Sayyaf) also known as alHarakat al-Islamiyya is one of several military Islamist separatist groups based in and around the southern Philippines, in Bangsamoro (Jolo, Basilan and Zamboanga) where for almost 30 years various Muslim groups have been engaged in an insurgency for an independent province in the country. The name of the group is derived from the Arabic , abu ("father of") and sayyaf ("Swordsmith"). The group calls itself "Al-Harakat Al-Islamiyya" or the "Islamic Movement". Philippine troops battle Islamist militants; 7 dead, 21 wounded Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:57am GMT #5 July 23, 2011 torture of 39-year old Abdulkan Khan Ajid Balinting, suspected Abu Sayyaf member by the members of Task Force Basilan Miyembro umano ng Abu Sayyaf, biktima ng torture ng ilang militar 08/01/2011 | 12:08 PM Document details torture of suspected Abu Sayyaf member By Jeffrey M. Tupas Inquirer Mindanao 8:54 pm | Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 By Jeffrey M. Tupas Inquirer Mindanao 8:54 pm | Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 Palace vows to go after human rights violators AMITA
LEGASPI, GMA News 08/01/2011 | 02:25 PM Philippine soldiers arrested for burning man Posted August 01, 2011 23:44:25

Torture incident

Carandang made the statement because of the alleged torture

committed by members of the Philippine Army against 39-year old Abdulkan Ajid Balinting, a suspected member of the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf. Balinting was arrested by alleged military personnel in his house in Basilan on July 23; they tortured him by pouring gasoline on his body and setting him on fire; he was released on July 27 after his family filed a writ of amparo before a court. Army commanding general Lt. Gen. Arturo Ortiz identified those being investigated as Cpt. Sherwin Guidangen, Sgt. Edgardo Santos, SSgt. Elmer Magdaraog and Sgt. George Awing. All are members of the Special Operations Task Force Basilan. The family of the burned man, Abdul Khan Ajid, 39, said he only had a "50-50" chance of surviving as he had burns all over his face, torso and groin. "The burns on his body are horrible. They poured gasoline on his face, his ears, his stomach, his groin and burned him," his sister, Haniba Mussada, told reporters. He was stripped naked and gasoline was poured all over his body, even into his ears. His interrogators rubbed and stuffed his anus with red chili, after which a bottle full of gasoline was also forced into it. Then his captors set him on fire. This was how Abdul Khan Ajid, a suspected member of the Abu Sayyaf arrested by the members of Task Force Basilan, suffered while under the custody of the military after he was taken from his home in

Barangay Libug in Sumisip, Basilan, early morning of July 23. His face badly beaten and burned; the victim suffered severe burns on his chest and stomach. The fact sheet also said that his genitals were not spared. Ajid was suspected of being a member of the Abu Sayyaf and of being involved in the Lamitan siege of 2001. The incident was
also witnessed by Ajids two childrena 15-year old boy and a 10-year old girl. The MPCs Carlo Cleofe said the torture of Ajid shows that the use of torture and or cruel, inhumane, and unjust punishment to extract information or confessions during interrogation is a still widespread practice.

#6 August 2 Bomb blast kills 2, wounds 12, including a 7year-old girl in Cotabato City, Philippines Bomb blast kills 1, wounds 12 in Philippines Aug 3, 2011; 2 killed, 8 wounded in S Philippines motorcycle bomb blast 09:04, August 03, 2011 6:01 pm | Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 MANILA, Philippine - An improvised bomb went off in front of a gun store in Cotabato City Tuesday afternoon, leaving one person dead and nine others injured, police
said. It was a very powerful bomb placed on a parked motorcycle, Cotabato City administrator Cynthia Guiani Sayadi said. 649

Gemana Ali, 53, was declared dead on arrival at the Cotabato Regional Medical Center, Cotabato police chief Senior Superintendent Roberto Badian said. Nancy Lagamon, Datu Ike Karudin, Delio Tumandag, and Cherry Danosniya were being treated for injuries, he said. Initial investigation showed the improvised explosive device was placed inside a motorcycle parked in front of SWAT gun store along Quezon Avenue in Cotabato City, Region 12 police director Chief Superintendent Benjardi Mantele said. The bomb, believed to be cellphone-triggered IED and fashioned from 60-mm or 81mm mortars, went off at about 2:10 p.m. The motorcycle was a total wreck. Khu said the gun store is reportedly owned by a certain Martinez, a friend of the Ampatuans. The military blamed alQaeda linked Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) for the powerful bomb blast.

#7 August 3 Calabarzon chillies-genitals tortureinstitutional hazing of 12 police trainees by 17 officers Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo on Thursday, August 3, 2011, ordered the filing of criminal and administrative charges against 17 police officers for their alleged involvement in a hazing incident in Laguna. They will face charges in violation of Republic Act 9745 or the AntiTorture Act, and Republic Act 8049 or the Anti-Hazing Act. If proven guilty, the officers could face dismissal, Robredo said. 8 cops relieved as PNP probes Calabarzon hazing incident 08/03/2011 | 07:02 PM News TV Live: 8 pulis na sangkot sa
umano'y hazing, sinibak 08/03/2011 | 08:18 PM 8 pulis kakasuhan sa hazing 8 Calabarzon cops sacked over hazing MANILA, Philippines8 police officers in the Calabarzon region were relieved from their post after they allegedly subjected 12 trainees to hazing, force-feeding trainees with making them drink chili-laced water and rubbing the pungent red fruit on the victims genitals at a camp in March 2010 at a subdivision near Camp Eldridge in Los Baos, Laguna, officials said on Wednesday, August 3;


The victims were being forced to eat fistfuls of red-hot chillies by men who are presumably their trainers; the victims being ordered to remove their pants and have chillies rubbed over their genitals, causing them to shout and cry in pain, she said. The trainees, who were set to join the police Regional Public Safety Battalion, were blindfolded and wore only underwear while their instructors rubbed their genitals and anuses with grounded hot chili pepper. In another video, the trainees are shown vomiting after being made to eat hot chili and drink water mixed with black pepper. PNP spokesman Chief Superintendent Agrimero Cruz Jr. strongly condemned the acts of maltreatment. Investigation is underway to establish an air-tight case against the suspects for violation of Republic Act 9745 or the Anti-Hazing Law and for Grave Misconduct under PNP rules, Cruz said. Relieved from their post since Monday were Police Officer 1 Roque Oro, PO1 Evan Mark Cuartero, PO1 Jhun Plonelo, PO1 Melvin Malihan, PO1 Rovylyn Addatu,PO1 Marfe Adler, PO1 Allan Pascua and PO1 Troy Sumayod, he said. CHR seeks immediate probe on alleged hazing of PNP recruits 03-Aug-11, 8:10 PM | Philippine News Agency
The newly-admitted policemen were at Camp Eldridge (Lalakay, Los Baos, Laguna, (049) 536-3832) for a 30-day orientation course for the Regional Public Safety Battalion (RPSB). But instead of being properly trained, they were allegedly subjected to hazing on the second day of the orientation where, they were paddled with baseball bats and mauled from time to time for no particular reason.The first video showed the recruits blindfolded and ordered to remove all their clothing. The trainers smeared the recruits genitals, anus and underarms with extracts of red chili pepper, resulting in excruciating pain. The second video showed the recruits being forced to chew ground red chili pepper and then swallow the ground pepper and drink water mixed with pepper. Then they were made to lick the RPSB symbol painted on the concrete base of the camps flagpole.


#8 August 7-11: Former regional trial court Judge Corazon Abalos-Merrera, 80, a widow, had 5 stab chest wounds; Rebels kill 4 soldiers, 6 injured in Surigao clashes; 3 miners dead 30 employees injured in Bukidnon mining site attack; Lingig, Surigao del Sur Mayor Henry S. Dano, 2 military escorts still missing after abducted; 1 casualty and 4 injuries; 14 dead in clash Retired Dagupan judge fatally stabbed; helpers charged By Yolanda Sotelo Inquirer Northern Luzon 3:49 pm | Monday, August 8th, 2011 DAGUPAN CITYHouse helpers have been charged for stabbing to death an 80-year-old retired judge in her house in Trinidad Subdivision here on Saturday night, August 7. Former regional trial court Judge Corazon Abalos-Merrera, 80, a widow, mother of Vice Mayor Pete Merrera of Binmaley, Pangasinan (June 15, 1953 Attorney's Roll No.: 5306) was found by her helpers on the second floor of her house in Barangay (village) Arellano Bani, Dagupan City with 5 stab wounds in the chest by a 12-inch fan knife. Charged were drivers Christian Benedict Lagatao, 20, and John-john Basa, 22; helpers Jeriel Cadelenia, 21, Felipe Quillope, 47, and Michael de Guzman; and Mendiola. 3 miners dead 30 employees injured in Bukidnon mining site
attack Posted at 08/08/2011 3:00 PM | Updated as of 08/08/2011 3:01 PM 3 miners died after alleged members of the New Peoples Army (NPA) attacked a mining site in Bukidnon on Saturday, August 7. The victims, Nano Mines Trading employees Raymond Castro, Jose Castro and Victor Aparilla, died after 50 alleged NPA rebels attacked the mining site in Barangay Kapitan Nayong, Impasug-Ong town at around 2 a.m. Impasug-ong, Bukidnon 30 employees of the small-scale chromite mining site owned by Indian national Kumar Jainani immediately fled the area upon the rebels arrival. 8 employees, meanwhile, got injured in the


Rebels kill 4 soldiers, 6 injured in Surigao clashes Posted at 08/08/2011 4:38 PM | Updated as of 08/08/2011 4:38 PM 4 soldiers died in two separate encounters with alleged members of the New Peoples Army (NPA) in Surigao Del Sur on Saturday, August 7. Kanashiro said Private Wenceslao Pena and Private Reymond Valencia died after a landmine exploded in the area. Meanwhile, 5 soldiers, Sgt. Nazer Porra, Private First Slass Luigie Pirote II, PFC Eddie Castanares, Private Gilbert Laydan and Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) Active Auxiliary (CAA) Marianito Balingan, sustained injuries. In San Agustin town, meanwhile, two soldiers from the 29th Infantry Battalion were killed during an encounter with around 20 NPA rebels. PFC Jim Baldoza and a certain Cliffor Alvarado died, while Private Graciano Estope Jr. got injured during the troop's one-hour firefight with the rebels in Sitio Magkahunaw, Barangay Buhisan around 8 p.m. Rescue for abducted mayor all out in Philippines 2011-08-06 15:03:18 Police: Surigao mayor could have been abducted for nixing NPA demand PATERNO ESMAQUEL II, GMA News 08/08/2011 | 05:55 PM Lingig, Surigao del Sur Mayor Henry S. Dano, 2 military escorts still missing after abducted; 1 casualty and 4 injuries PIA Press Release Monday, August 08, 2011 by Nida Grace B. Tranquilan Lingig Mayor Henry Dano of Surigao del Sur province and his 2 close-in body guards are still missing after they were abducted Saturday, August 7 morning in his residence. Lingig, Surigao del Sur Efforts to rescue the mayor have resulted in at least 1 casualty and 4 injuries, said reports reaching the Philippine Army headquarters. Along with Dano, two military escorts were also abducted early Saturday morning by suspected CPP-NPA members.


14 dead in fighting between MILF, renegade troops by Lerio Bompat and Lore Mae Andong, ABS-CBN Central Mindanao Posted at 08/11/2011 12:25 AM At least 14 people have died in heavy fighting between troops of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the breakaway Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIIF) in Datu Piang, Maguindanao, the MILF said Wednesday. Von al Haq, spokesperson of the MILF's military arm, the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF), said on the rebel group's website that a group led by a certain Commander Ustadz Abunawas Ibad who belongs to the BIFF attacked a BIAF-MILF command in Barangay Nimao, Datu Piang 3 days ago. Govt moves to contain fighting between 2 MILF rivals By Edwin Fernandez Inquirer Mindanao 3:53 am | Thursday, August 11th, 2011 Walis Ting-ting of Ombudsman Judge Floro versus the UK Broomstick Riot England riots: Are brooms the symbol of the resistance? 10 August 2011 15:45 GMT By Tom de Castella BBC News Magazine
2011 England riots Widespread rioting has occurred in England following the fatal shooting of a 29-year-old man, Mark Duggan, by officers of the Metropolitan Police Service on 4 August 2011 in Tottenham, North London. On 6 August 2011, about 200 people marched in Tottenham, including Duggan's relatives and local residents, and after receiving only limited information concerning Duggan's death, several in the crowd became violent and rioting broke out. In the following days, disturbances occurred in other areas of the city, including Wood Green, Enfield Town, Ponders End and Brixton. Vandalism, arson, looting and violent disorder were also reported in several boroughs of London, extending as far south
as Croydon. At least 111 police officers were injured. On 8 August, rioting and looting occurred in Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham, Bristol and

Medway. More than 1,100 people have been arrested since the start of the disruption, and the Metropolitan Police have been authorised to
use baton rounds and water cannon against rioters if deemed necessary.


The Broomstick of Justice Floro enlightens the darkest nights of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. In response to the incidents, the Prime Minister David Cameron, the Home Secretary Theresa May, the Mayor of London Boris Johnson and Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband cut short their holidays to return to London. It was announced that Parliament would be recalled on 11 August to debate the situation, and an extra edition of BBC Question Time would take place later that day, to discuss the riots. November 5, 2011, birthday of Judge Floro: Facebook hacking threat Message from Anonymous: Operation Facebook: Nov 5 2011 By 28/07/2011 Hacker group vows to 'kill Facebook' August 09, 2011|By Doug Gross, CNN Security watchers question supposed Facebook hack Claims of new hacktivist target look like a hoax
By John Leyden Posted in Enterprise Security, 10th August 2011 11:48 GMT Facebook users have been warned. The hacking group Anonymous says it will attack on November 5, 2011.

#9 August 23-31: 26 dead, P1B damage recorded as 'Mina' leaves PHL

26 dead, P1B damage recorded as 'Mina' leaves PHL The typhoon Mina (international name Nanmadol) death toll has risen to 26, along with billion of pesos worth of damage to agriculture and
infrastructure, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reports. ...Typhoon Nanmadol (international designation: 1111, JTWC designation: 14W, PAGASA Name: Mina) is the strongest tropical cyclone in 2011 to hit the Philippines and also the first of the year to directly impact Taiwan. The system currently poses threat to Fujian, China. It is the eleventh named storm, the seventh severe tropical storm and the fourth typhoon of the 2011 Pacific typhoon season. Nanmadol made a total of three landfalls killing 26, and causing widespread damage worth US$ 26,464,591.


#10 'Pedring,' 'Quiel' death toll hits 102 - NDRRMC; RTC Judge killed in road accident in Zamboanga del Sur; Palace-Supreme Court word war 'Pedring,' 'Quiel' death toll hits 102 - NDRRMC 10/10/2011 The death toll from Typhoons Pedring (Nesat) and Quiel (Nalgae) rose to 102, while the damage to property breached the P15-billion mark, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said. Also, the NDRRMC said 73 were injured while 20 are missing in the wake of Pedring. On the other hand, the death toll from Quiel remained at 19, with 12 njured and seven missing. The NDRRMC said Pedring affected 651,889 families or 3,030,755 people in 3,545 villages in 312 towns and 42 cities in 35 provinces. Of these, 6,512 families or 28,054 people are being served in 78 evacuation centers. Meanwhile, Quiel affected 220,216 families or 1,089,045 people in 1,720 villages in 135 towns and 10 cities in 17 provinces. Of these, 7,882 families or 35,982 people are in 74 evacuation centers. Damage to property from Pedring was estimated at P14,964,489,302.72, including P2,177,951,972.81 in infrastructure and P12,786,537,329.91 in agriculture. At least 7,212 houses were destroyed and 46,075 damaged. The damage to property from Quiel was estimated at P115,075,527.81. At least 2,846 houses were destroyed and 15,385 damaged. The total damage to property from the two cyclones amounted to P15,079,564,830.53 as of Monday. Palace-Supreme Court word war heats up By Philip C. Tubeza Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 18th, 2011 Palace-Supreme Court word war heats up: The issue of fiscal autonomy is far from settled, contrary to what (presidential spokesperson Edwin) Lacierda and (Abigail) Valte say, said Supreme Court spokesperson Jose Midas Marquez Monday, adding that the conditions the ...

JELAC asked to settle judiciary budget row - The Supreme Court (SC) yesterday said it is willing to sit down with the Palace and Congress to settle the controversy arising from the move of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to impose conditions for the release of ... SC's Midas chides Malacaang execs SUPREME Court spokesman Midas Marquez yesterday blasted his counterparts in Malacaang for speaking out of turn on issues involving the slashed budget of the judiciary, and for ignoring inter-branch comity and courtesy. Perhaps (Edwin) Lacierda ... Government not keen on dialogue with judiciary MALACANANG is not too enthusiastic about conducting another
dialogue with the Supreme Court (SC) regarding the withholding of its funds for vacant positions. Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said the executive had been conducting a dialogue ...

Rift with Palace far from settled SC spokesman Contrary to Malacaang's claim, the issue on the judiciary's fiscal autonomy is far from settled," Court Administrator Jose Midas Marquez said on Monday. In a strongly worded statement, Marquez also accused presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda and ... RTC Judge killed in road accident in Zamboanga del Sur By Karen Boncocan, October 18th, 2011 MANILA, Philippines Judge Ernesto Maximo Victor Laurel of the regional trial court Branch 30 in Aurora, died on the spot when his white Volkswagen (GGV-417) collided with a blue Mitsubishi Montero (KFM-655) driven by Victor Francis Benhur Escueta along the National Highway in Barangay Kahayagan East in the town of Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur, said Chief Superintendent Agrimero Cruz Jr., Philippine National Police spokesman.


#11 19 soldiers slain in Basilan; Italian priest has been shot dead in the Philippines 19 soldiers slain in Basilan MILF: Our forces had edge, went for the kill By Julie Alipala Inquirer Mindanao Thursday, October 20th, 2011 The soldiers were running out of magazines preloaded with bullets and yet Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) fighters kept on coming, said a member of the Armys Special Forces who survived a nine-hour clash in Al-Barka, Basilan province. The encounter on Tuesday left 19 soldiers dead. Private First Class Arnel Balili said that while some 90 Moro rebels were advancing, he and 39 other members of the Special Forces had to spend time loading fresh bullets into empty magazines so they could return fire. The soldiers were overwhelmed. We were only 40. There were more of them, Balili, who was among the 11 wounded soldiers, said from a hospital bed in Zamboanga City. When the smoke cleared, 12 soldiers lay dead, among them, three junior officers. Twelve other soldiers were wounded, one of whom would later die in a hospital, and 10 more were initially declared missing but an MILF official said six of the missing soldiers were found dead yesterday. Six more Filipino soldiers found dead Thursday October 20, 2011 Italian priest shot dead in Philippines 20/10/2011 Vatican City: An Italian priest has been shot dead in the Philippines, the Vatican news agency Fides said Police said Fausto Tentorio, 61, was shot dead soon after conducting Mass in the southern Phillippines Monday.The Italian priest Father Fausto Tentorio, who was gunned down in North Cotabato on Monday, was the third priest in their congregation who was murdered in the Philippines.

A member of the Pontificio Instituto Missioni Estere (PIME or Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions), Tentorio was shot and killed by a lone gunman inside the compound of the Mother of Perpetual Help parish church in Arakan at around 7:30 a.m. on Monday. According to the PIME Philippines blog, two other
Italian members of their congregation were murdered before Tentorio Father Tullio Favali and Father Salvatore Carzedda.

Posted by judgefloroluis at 12:39 AM 0 comments



Notes: A) 149 Living Witnesses saw the Mystic-Divine Lights in Judge Floros palms from September 4, 2010 - October 19, 2011, B) 20 Filipinos saw Jesus Christ in Judge Floros palms, C) 75 Persons saw the Mystic-Divine Lights in Judge Floros eyes, and D) 2 Persons saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floros Mystic Palms.


A. October 9, 2010 1:50-2:00 p.m. #1st to have seen the lights from Judge Floros palms: Marilyn Mamaril, housewife, saw a 25 centavos-size circle where white-yellowish lights emanated continuously so bright inside my left palm even if seconds before, a white-yellowish light flashed at the blue-painted toilet wall. #2 Rowel "Toto" Surio, age 10, of Plaridel, Bulacan, a beggar whose father died of elephantiasis, his mother works as caller, saw inside my right palm, Black Nazarene facing
the Malolos Cathedral Church, wearing a crown of thorns and gold rays, with red eyes and brightest red lights. Roel does not know who Jesus Christ is, who appeared to him in a dream before, carrying a cross. Robert said that it is not yet time for me to see for myself what they see, since these are magic, "mahiwaga" and I am "pinagpala" per LUIS own words.

#3 6:60 p.m. At Alido Parish Church, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines, Asia, Josh Decelis, age 4, saw the brightest red lights inside my right palm. October 10 #4 Girlie Tamoo Diaz, age 27 of Ozamis City, saw the reddish brightest break of dawn sunlights (from a small circle) inside my right palm. October 12 #5-6 1:29 p.m. Beside the Kalayaan tree, Malolos City Cathedral, Bulacan, Philippines, cross-eyed Rommel "Boni" Tayao, a beggar saw in my left palm the Black Nazarene clad in regal red dress. Jesus wears gold decors in the arms
carrying a cross wearing a crown of thorns with 3 gold rays, and 3 white dwarfs playing circles in my third eye center of my 2 eyes.

5 pm Roland Vitorillo, a gay hairdresser, Plaridel,

Bulacan, saw the violet lights in my 2 palms and in my right, yellow, and greenish-white water-like lights inside my eyes.

#7-8 7 pm Bob San Pedro, of Sto. Cristo, Pulilan, Bulacan and Northbridge, New South Wales, Australia saw
the ultraviolet lights in my palms, while Alejandro Mercado saw the break of dawn reddish lights in the upper part of my palms.


October 13 Rommel "Boni" Tayao saw the Black Nazarene in my palms and Violet dress clad LUIS, and white dressed Armand and Angel, all wearing gold crowns with LUIS wearing a gold head band, playing circles-running on top of my head crown. #9 Florante Jimenez, age 60, Malolos City, Bulacan, whom I healed completely of massive stroke, half body paralysis, saw the reddish lights in my palms. On 2009 one afternoon, Jimenez' soul and spirit was lifted to a very wide and brightest street where an Angel was flogging methodical, beating or whipping millions of damned souls. He was told to return to earth for a mission unfinished. October 19 #10 5:00 pm. Janet Masla Tumali, age 51, widow, house helper, amid super typhoon Megi-"Juan's" furytorrential rains saw the face of the Black Nazarene, tanned, facing heaven in prayer, with the crown of thorns and blood, in my right palm with green flash of light; she saw a 1 foot white dwarf on top of our tricycle. October 21 #11 2:00 p.m. Xyrine Tasil, age 17 (Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay, Alido, Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines), house helper,
saw the very bright red lights and red lights in my right and left palms respectively after I healed her of headache.

October 23 #12 11:45-50 a.m. Ronalyn Malazarte Digal, age 11

(Bangkal, Malolos, Bulacan), a junk-garbabe collector, saw in my right palm, a very pretty 15 year old girl, with very white skin, serious face looking at her, dressed in horizontal blue and white stripes blouse and shorts, with red shoes, amid very bright reddish lights.

October 25 #13 4:45 p.m. Jordan S. Quinto, age 20, Bangkal,

Malolos, Bulacan, saw in my both palms, break of dawn red lights with a very black man,hazy from breast to head, in the center carrying a black cross, 3 minutes; he later saw as big as 25 centavo coin bright white and red lights, 3 minutes.


October 27 #14 4:00 p.m., Malolos Provincial Capitol Park - Samuel A. Inocencio, age 47, Catmon, Malolos, Bulacan, 5 years jobless, ex-PAO steno-reporter, saw the red lights on both my palms up the fingers. #15 Mary Jane Boco Bato, age 64, of Justice Romualdez St., Tacloban City & Bangkal, Malolos City, Bulacan, widow with 5 children, high school graduate, saw the bright white lights at the feet of a hazy image of a man carrying a cross, the Black Nazarene, who first appeared like Santa Claus. October 29 #16 4 pm Maria V. Galang, age 75, Capihan, San Rafael, Bulacan, widow, saw bright red lights, very clear Black Nazarene carrying black cross, crown of thorns, in my right palm. #17 7 p.m. Benny Periano Cruz, 54, Sto. Cristo, Baliuag, Bulacan, jobless, chicharon ex-repacker, saw as big as 1 peso coin very bright white-yellow light in my right palm. October 31 #18 Faustino Lowel Espartera, age 58, jobless, former
pintor-laborer, Talisay, Negros Occidental/Alido, Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan, saw 4 separate candle-light shaped white lights in my palms.

November 2 #19 12 noon Janet Masla Tumali, widow, age 51, Jolo,
Sulu & Olongapo City, Zambales & Tabing Ilong, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, saw in both my palms:a) white clouds, then, b) an x-ray of a leg and foot skeleton-bones which moves right, center and left, then c) a bee hive with blue lines and d) light blue smoke-lights, blue screen, which she also saw inside my eyes. Robert Floro, brother of Judge Floro also these lights, particularly the white round.

November 5, 2010, Birthday of Judge Floro 7:30 pm #20-21 Leonila Garcia Gatchalian, widow, age 60, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan, and her grandson, Ivan, 11, saw in my both palms, the oblong-shaped bright yellow
lights; Leonila also saw hundreds of small creatures walking in the right direction. 664

November 7 #22 4:40-55 pm Conchita Bahamundi Dodon, age 63, April 13, 1947, beggar, Daraga, Albay, Legaspi City & Cambaly, Bagulin, La Union, saw in my both palms, full 15 minutes: a) white, yellow-reddish sunset lights, b) the brown tree with white lines, green leaves, c) the just heaven, blue clouds and d) the ultra-clear Black Nazarene's Holy Face, crown of thorns, dress. November 14 #23 8:30-45 p.m. Frappino, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan. Gerry C. Sta. Ana, age 43, of Salangan, San Miguel Bulacan & # 434 J. Buizon St., Sto.Cristo, Baliuag, Bulacan (0916-409-0463), therapist, saw in my palms for 10 minutes: the oblong white lights, then turning to reddishyellow like the colors of break of dawn/sunrise, then turning very bright red. November 26 #24 3:00 p.m. Digna De Guzman (old lady of Baliuag, Bulacan Convent Images Store) saw the oblong or round white lights in my palms. December 1 #25 Erica Jhane Lopez Gutana, age 6, October 18, 2004, Pinagbakahan, Malolos City, Bulacan & Sipac-Almacen, Navotas, Metro Manila, saw red and orange oblong lights and white crown lights in my palms. Jhennylyn Lopez =

December 3 #26 8:00-8:10 pm At Odette Tolentino's Frappino Coffee Shakes Desserts - Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, upon

spiritual healing of Blepharospasm - Dr. Nilo L. Tolentino, M.D., OB/GYN, age 67 [Tolentino Clinic, F. Vergel de Dios, Baliuag, Bulacan, c/o Robin at Frappino, Cel. No. 09228083449], saw oblong yellow lights in my palms.


Note: On February 14, 2011, Dr. Nilo L. Tolentino informed Judge Floro, that the blesparospasm was allegedly cured mysteriously, for unknown reasons. December 9 #27 12:00-12:15 noon At Malolos City market, fish vendor Rosario Santos Castro, age 62 (1 ha. crab ["alimango"], San Pedro, Hagonoy, Bulacan owner), saw in my palms, at the moment of my healing, for full 7 minutes, the bright red lights, including the Black Nazarene's "singkit" or slanted eyes.
The golden hands, palms and eyes of Judge Florentino Floro, the only hands and eyes in world history that display-emit humanly visible mystic, divine lights, holy images of Black Nazarene, etc. November 5, 2010, 11:30 a.m. Birthday of Judge Floro

December 11 #28 5:30-5:50 pm Near Jollibee, Crossing, Malolos City, Bulacan, Merceditas Baisa Bondoc, age 65, beggar, Sabitan & Kanto boy & Caniongan, Malolos City, using a crutch, at moment of my spiritual healing her diseases, saw the brilliant lightning shaped lights for 5 minutes in my palms. December 16 4:55 p.m. At Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, Market, while buying 2 green mangoes, a transformer short circuit caused flames beside Mercury Drug Store near me. #29 6:30-6:45 p.m. At San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan OTB, SLLP, Electrical Engineer Leo Hipolito Patawaran, iee, age 59, June 15, 1951 saw the bluish-white map-like of the Philippines seconds in my palms.

December 17 #30 10:00-10:30 a.m. Beside Saint Ezekiel School (Bulihan, City of Malolos, Bulacan), Basil Navares Malbataan (09291817544), age 40, November 22, 1970, coconut & fruits dealer, saw the oblong and triangle-shaped bright reddish white lights in my palms for 7 minutes after healing his back pains; "Kasing init ng baga ang mga kamay mo!" said Basil.

#31 3:00-3:40 p.m. At Capitolio Park, Provincial Capitol, Malolos City, Bulacan, I healed his epilepsy for 30 minutes Reniel Cayanis Briton, age 25, August 5, 1985, born at Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte, now at Bancal, Malolos City, construction worker, in divine ecstasy, saw in my palms for 10 minutes - the very clear heavenly-resurrected Jesus Christ, not image, not Rebulto, not statue - surrounded by white lights, looking down ("nakayuko"), with brown crown of thorns, 3 golden head rays, bloods oozing his head-face, right hand raised with nail-wound oozing blood, with red and white dress, half body. Reniel committed suicide having ingested Aldrin, insecticide at Leyte, due to love problems, at age 19, was hospitalized for 2 months, when the epilepsy haunted him until today. December 18 #32-33 6:00-6:30 p.m. At Saint Augustine Parish Church, Baliuag, Bulacan park, a) Francisco "Paquito" Abad Villadariz, age 67, June 5, 1943, Caingin, San Rafael, Bulacan, and b) Diego Murillo Operiano, age 69, March 8, 1951, San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan, at the moment of my
healing (liver, lung & upper lung diseases, respectively), saw the i) bright yellow turning red lights & ii) oblong & round blood-red lights, respectively for 5 minutes, in both my palms.

December 21 #34 11:00 a.m. Carmen Atienza Barbosa, age 67, November 11, 1945 (with 9 children, 20 grandchildren), of Balic-Balic, Tondo, Manila & Caingin, Malolos, Bulacan, cigarette-candy vendor, at front of Malolos Cathedral, or Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, saw the Black Nazarene both in my palms and in my entire body. December 30, 2010 #35-36 4:00-4:20 pm Amparo Ruiz Rivera, age 63, April 15, 1947, widow, Sto. Cristo, Pulilan, Bulacan, saw the 2 oblong, candle-light shaped reddish, break of dawn lights, then, one round white light with dark hole in the center (left palm) and finally, rectangular white lights on my palms.

Bernardo Pastoral Felisilda, age 27, Febuary 13, 1982, born at Karuhtan, Valenzuela, Bulacan (now Metro, Manila), lived at Calbayog City, Samar, jeep conductor and group dancer, while being healed of epilepsy (with failed suicide attempt, burn accident) saw the red, orange, yellow and blue irregular shaped lights in my palm. He also saw the Risen Christ in my hands. January 5, 2011 #37 8:00 pm McDonald, BSU, Malolos. Archie Milan, age 17, illiterate, of Lopez, Quezon and Ph. 2B, Maunlad, Malolos, Bulacan, saw in my palms, for full 10 minutes, the Risen Christ he called "Papa Jesus",clad in blinding white dress, with outstretched hands with 2 wounds with blood.
"Pray ... before you sleep to prevent evil dreams!" At age 15-17, the same Jesus appeared to him in dreams asking him to pray.

January 7 #38 9:30 a.m. In front of Malolos Cathedral, Allan Arieta Llerin, age 32, 2-23, 1977, Sto. Nino, Malolos, Bulacan, construction worker, with 3 children, upon healing his "pasma", saw for full 5 minutes the oblong candle-light white light in my left palm. January 9, 2011 Feast of the Black Nazarene
5:40 p.m. Inside the Malolos Cathedral, Mass, Conchita Bahamonbde Dodon, age 63, for full 15 minutes, in divine ecstasy, saw the a) the just heaven sky-blue lights with angels, b)
the blurred picture of the Black Nazarene with maroon or red dress and c) the crucified Christ on the Cross beside the two thieves, face looking down, with blood flowing from the crown thorns in his head.

January 13 #39-40 7:00-7:30 pm At Malolos City, Bulacan crossing restaurant & beside Capitolio park, a) Manuel Jayco Borja Quilonio, age 14, 3-8, 1996, finished Grade III, Elementary School, & b) Marlon Laderos, age 9, illiterate, of Looban, Catmon & Bancal, Malolos, respectively, saw in my palms,
for 3 full minutes, bright white lights shaped a) 1 round, center, 4 rectangle below it plus bright white lights at foot, & b) 5 round, circle, respectively, which are Lights of Christ, as LUIS said to Robert V. Floro, my brother. 668

January 17 #41 6:00 p.m. At St. Augustine Church, Baliuag, Bulacan, Aries Bagtas Brinyo, age 16, August 21, 1994, sampaguita
flower vendor, finished Grade VI, Elementary School, of Tibag, Baliuag, saw a round yellow light in my left palm 1 minute.

January 20 #42 5:40 p.m. At the patio of St. Francis of Assissi Church,
Meycauayan, Bulacan, painter-laborer, Antonio Lopez Edic, age 63, October 3, 1947, upon healing his asthma, saw 2 candle-light shaped red and white lights in my palms for 3 minutes.

January 24 #43 On September, 2010, at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan and Batong Dalig, Kawit, Cavite, Wyndel Williams Pinlac, stated that a) the Black Nazarene guides me and b) she saw the Black Nazarene in my palms.

January 26 10:10 a.m. A 10-wheeler truch tire burst flat-tire 5 meters from our jeep. #44 Rowena Floro Ang Buing, age 42, 1-11, 1969, meat
processing business, daughter of Virgilio Floro Ang, 2nd cousin of Judge Floro, 0915-813-7545, resident of # 692 Sarno St., Sampalukan, Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, saw, for full 25 minutes the 2-3 almost round white lights turning into one light as in Holy Trinity, in my left palm. Cedric Floro
Ang Buing, age 10, August 20, 2000, with Father, Arel; Cedric is the only son of Rowena Floro Ang Buing.

February 7 #45 11:00-12 noon After spiritual healing of painful right shoulder due to Banaue, Quezon City accident, former Br. 22, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan Judge Candido Racimo Belmonte, age 71, May 5, 1939, maried, with only one child,
of Vintar, Ilocos Norte and Banaue, Quezon City [brother of House Speaker Feliciano R. Belmonte, Jr. and Ricardo Boysie R. Belmonte, new district collector of the revenue-rich Manila International Container Port (MICP); he is being cared by his beloved
Irma Virlet Castro, for 11 years said that a) he allegedly saw fast

seconds, white lights in my palms and b) his right shoulder was healed, as he could raise the same.

February 10 #46 6:30 p.m. For full 6 minutes, Josiah Torralba Sta Rita, age 9, December 2, 2002, apo of Leila Pablo Torralba (09168852591) son of Leilani, sibbling of Jose Bernard, Katlyn and Jose Bernard, upon healing his tooth, saw 2 big round to oblong yellow lights in my palms, at Walter Mart, Plaridel, Bulacan.
Josiah Starita Leilani Torralba Sta Rita Katlyn Sta Rita Jazpher Sta Rita Jose Bernard StaRita

February 11 #47 7:02 p.m. For full 4 minutes, Barlow Alviar Fernandez
(0930-5426404), age 60, 11-25-49, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, and Puerto Princesa, Palawan resort owner, at SM Baliuag Food Court, saw the round yellow lights in my left hand.

February 19 #48 3:00 pm At Maunlad Mall Extension, Malolos City, Bulacan, Billy Dionisio [age 32, June 15, 1979, 385 Tabing
Ilong II, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, (0926-6500153), Bulihan Elementary School, Marcelo del Pilar High School, B.S. Management, Regina Carmeli College, Tarrot Card Reader], saw the gray triangle lights in my palms including the crown or corona and a male being, inside my eyes.

Billy noted that when he was 4th year high school, he had a dream: he saw the doors of heaven and some people
looking; on 2001, he practiced Divinatory, esoteric and occult tarot Billy said that he opened his Malolos tarot shop on 2006;

February 22 #49 1:48 p.m. Juanita Alipio Munoz [age 68, June 16, 1942, Guagua, Lubao, Pampanga, maried to Jaime Munoz, children Mildred Santos with Gabrielle, Rowena Cruz & Arvin,
1968, 1970, 1972, Alido, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, 09173698440] saw the oblong bigger and small red lights as b...right as break of dawn sunlights, in my palms as I healed her of hand, arms nerve accident pain. 670

February 24 #50 Last night, 11:23 p.m., I healed Angelica Lavia Lansangan (age 40, July 2, 1970, Butuan, Dadiangas, Tondo, No. 50, 1 Poblacion, Marilao, Bulacan, maried with 6 children; 0910-3507291), of Dysmenorrhea. She saw the oblong bright white lights in my palms for 7 minutes; she later saw the blurred gray lights in my palm today, 9:00 a.m.

March 2 #51 7:40-50 Marielle Tobias Deang, age 8, December 13, 2003, Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, (Sabang Elementary School, Grade 2), with parents working at Dubai & Jedah, 7 sibblings, including Mark & Banrey (in picture) saw the 6 oblong white lights in my palms for full 7 minutes. #52 Ancheng or Madame Annie, Conchita Cruz Calma Ubaldo, maried with a child, age 80, January 30, 1931, one
of Philippines greatest psychic, fortune-teller, Concepcion and Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, upon healing her Parkinson's disease, saw the white stars lights and then, the red fires lights in my palms; she saw the blue, yellow and pink clothes of LUIS, Armand and Angel, respectively; she has 6 spirit guides since age 8.

March 24 #53 10:55 a.m. Near Malolos Cathedral, Malolos City, Bulacan, Cecilio Apostol, age 36, 0939-1401179, April 1, 1974, Libas, San Carlos, Pangasinan, mango vendor, while being healed of ulcer, back pains, saw, for 5 minutes, the bright big brown lights in my palms. March 26 #54 Alex Lansangan, age 40, wife of Angelica Lavina, saw, for full 5 minutes the white clouds in my palms while being healed of his painful heart disease. April 15 #55 6:09-6:15 p.m. Norma Soriano de la Cruz, age 57 (December 28, 1954, Sucabon, Zamboanga City, Mindanao, Philippines & J.M. Basa St., Baliuag, Bulacan, picking garbage plastic bottles).

She saw in my palms for full 6 minutes, while healing, the square or rectangle red and white lights; she felt being levitated.

April 18 #56 1:25-27 p.m., Jessie Santos Mariano, age 55 (December 15, 1955, Makinabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, family driver, with 4 children) saw in my palms for full 2 minutes, while healing, the blurred lights. April 20, Holy Wednesday #57 2:55 pm. 3 meters beside my brother Benjamin V. Floro's 5,984 sq.m. Burol 1, Balagtas, Bulacan, beside Milaflor Subdivision lot, Jana Loraine B. Del Rosario (age 6,
September 23, 2004) saw in my 2 eyes: Jesus Christ clad white linen cloth, weeping and his Cross, the round red lights inside my right eye, and she saw in my palms, the blue heaven and same Jesus Chirst "nakabalabal ng white cloth, weeping." She claimed she saw Mama Mary and Jesus Christ asking her to pray before sleeping, etc.

#58 11:00 a.m. At Tibagan, Bustos (Angat) Dam, Bulacan, Aquilina Mendoza de la Cruz [age 80, hunchback due to
accident, trauma, widow, educated Grade II Elementary School, labandera (washes clothes) and gathering scrap palay. She is maried to all deceased Bonifacio Santos, Anastacio Cruz and Virgilio Viola, with 6 children] saw for full 20 minutes, while healing her cataract which cleared 50% arthritis, and severe back pains, the bright colorless, thereafter, the bright red lights in my palms.

#59 6:32 p.m. Leonila Duruja Daguman (age 46, August 23, 1964, Okindo St., Calbayog City, Western Samar, "labandera",
2nd Year High School, with a child, grade 6, Elementary School, resident of Purok 5, Sto. Nino Baliuag, Bulacan) saw the round yellow and white lights in my palms for full 6 minutes.

#60 May 30, 2011 12:00 midnight Sergio Isidro Samonte, age 64, February 24, 1947 (widow, 3rd grade Elementary education, construction worker, Bulacan, with only child 27 years old, driver) saw the brightest red ( as bright as electric bulb or
bombilla, bukang-liwayway or break of dawn) mystic lights in my palms as I healed him of eye problem.


#61 4:45 pm Erwin Pangit Edgardo Bustamante Byalong, Sept 7 1996, age 14, of Bisal, Sto Nino, Candaba, Pampanga (Linda Bustamante, mother, from Samar province), saw in my 2 palms the flashing (sinag) red light,
the 3 inches duende, male, with red clothes and bonito, and his black face; forthwith Edgardo put off my palms due to fear. Edgardo saw a bright white light and a ghost white lady in my 2 palms, so ugly face with brains exploded; he saw the same at their Libis, Baliuag, Poblacion house. Eduardo is one of the street children who asked me to give them left-over bread and burgers.

June 24/Friday #62 4:34 pm Alberto Banez Osorio, July 12, 1946, age 65,
of Jasmin St., Bancal, Meycauayan, Bulacan, hides dealer, with 6 children (0922-3416159), saw a) the pointed (matulis) blue pointed rays of light at my back while he rode the tricycle with my/brother Robert V. Floro; b) 3 oblong red (left), white lights (right), and the golden salakot (helmet, a spatial heat shield laid on the head; widebrimmed hat, made of rattan, reed or nipa palm; c) the red and white chasuble at my back; d) the red pointed lights inside my right eye; e) the v-shaped lights, the glimerring fire lights in my 3rd eye.

July 10 #63rd witness to have seen the mystic-divine lights in Judge Floros palms and eyes: 5:25-5:45 pm During Mass
at Plaridel Church, Apolinario "Iyo" C. Sampana, July 23, age 65, San Roque, Tabang, Bulacan, Grade VI elementary school, saw the pointed white lights in my left palm and the white lens inside my right eye as I healed him.

July 23 2:00 p.m. #64 2:00 p.m. Zenaida Wenceslao Mendiola, age70, May 14, 1941, widow, with 4 children, is from Abuyog and Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, and Manila.

She works as a 10 years fortune-teller in front of Mercury Drug, Plaza Miranda, Quiapo, Manila, saw a) the blinding
blue lens (she was shocked) and on 2nd attempt saw the scallopsized encircling blue lens inside my right eye, and b) in my 2 palms, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the face of Sto. Nino, with curly hair, the Solo Mata (one eye), several tall green trees and the blue clouds.

August 4 #65 5:17 p.m. KFC, Waltermart, Plaridel, Bulacan,

Philippines. In healing her arthritis, Thelma Canizares San Pedro (left in picture, beside her sister Soledad, (age 58, 1952, Commerce, UE, retired PLDT service representative, residing in front of OLM General Hospital, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan, cel # 0905-4134533) saw the brightest beige (off tan color or light brown color.), then blue, finally Violet many flowers-shaped lights with white round light in my 2 palms for full 6 minutes.

August 5 3:00 pm #66 Doris Gutierrez de Leon (30 years fortuneteller, age 70, January 6, 1942, BSBA, Military Officer, AFP, of
#6 Jasmin st., Merville Subdivision, Hulong Duhat, Tanza, Navotas, Metro Manila, Philippines).

August 8 #67 2:17 pm "Amang or Tatay Sugo" - Marcelio Polintan Santos (age 75, May 24, 1936, widow with 9 children, #375 Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan, 33 years healer since February 6, 1978, cel. # 0927-8887563) saw the white lens in my right eye and the blue flowery lights in my 2 palms. August 9 #68 Edwin Agapoa (healer since age 15 and 1987, married, with 4 children, Ejay C. Valbuena, etc., is from Rosales, Pangasinan, of Kamias, Quezon, City, Philippines.


He works as healer in OOO RA, 11 Dom, Surgutskaya, Surgut of Tyumen, Russia, age 50, January 23, 1962; (02) 435-2396) 4:17 p.m.) saw the red-brown lens in my right eye and for 7 minutes saw the tunnel-cave, then yellow outer space and Venus in my 2 palms. Philippine Spiritual Healers Edwin Agpaoa August 10 #69 Yin Imashime Wonder Boy - Eladio Tan Arzaga, Jr., age 21 (September 5, 1990, # 20 cor. St. John and St. James,
Lopez Village, Las Pinas City, 4th Year High School, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, cel.# 0926-6754138; healer since age 4, age 9), 4:20 p.m.; 4:51 p.m., saw the white lens in my right eye and the white rays of lights in my left palm.

Eladio healed Vandolph Quizon, son of comedian Dolphy,

was brought to hospital in Pangasinan Monday November 19, 2001, 05 afternoon after sustaining injuries in a F-150 pickup car accident in that province which claimed the life of his girlfriend at that time, Desiree Ishi Raquiza. He was comatose and allegedly Wonder Boy healed him.

#70 Ma. Purisima Concepcion Mallari Justiniano (age 53,

December 8, 1957, customs examiner, balikbayan box division, 1b Santan, Marikina, and Tondo, Manila, at 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paranaque City, cel. # 0921-2726008; 6:40 p.m.) saw the white lens in my right eye and the 2 oblong white lights in my palms, while I heal her of Psoriasis.

August 11, 2011 #71 Christianbryan Mendoza y Barredo, age 21, August 29, 1989, Centro Inaon, Pulilan, Bulacan, 3rd Year College,
Bulacan State University, 0905-8598408, assistant of Fr. Roberto "Bobby" C. Mariano, at Mt. Carmel Church, Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, 10:00 a.m., 10:20 a.m. saw the bright white lens in my right eye and the lightning-shape white lights in my left palm.


August 11 #72 6:00 p.m. Dante Caleon Cortez "DJ", age 21, May 10, 1991, #579 Dampol 1, Pulilan, Bulacan, finished High School,
married to Jobelle, faith healer since February 25, 2011, cel. # 0923-5950581, saw the white lights, a bearded Saint wearing brown clothes and his own face in my right eye.

August 12 Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. visited Bulacan Environment and Natural Resources Office (BENRO) head Atty. Rustico T. de Belen or "Teddy", of Angat, Bulacan. Since Teddy is allegedly color blind, he instructed 2 of his staff to examine Judge Floro's eyes and 2 palms on the issue of whether mysterious lights emanate from them. In Teddy's presence, his 2 employees certified and confirmed the truth of Judge Floro's gifts of the lights in his 2 palms and right eye. #73, 74 10:00 a.m. (Upon instruction of and in the presence of Atty. Rustico de Belen, "Teddy", former Supreme Court of the Philippines MCLE Director, incumbent BENRO, Bulacan Provincial Capitol 2nd Flr.) employees a) Romeo Paloma, Civil Engineer and b) Elizabeth Mendoza Apresto, born on October 11, __, single, of Manaoag, Pangasinan, Forestry, Baguio College, saw the i) double spherical black image in my right eye and the ii) 2 round white lights-lens in my right eye, and the oblong white rays in my left palm, respectively. August 13 #75 1:15 p.m. Roger Pacheco Hernandez, age 31, April 20, 1981, of Banga, Plaridel, Bulacan, Picture City, Walter Mart
Plaridel photographer, saw the golden lens inside my right eye and took a picture thereof with his NIKON camera and saw the outer space brightest, smallest stars in my 2 palms.


Apo Conching - August 13 #76 5:00 p.m. Constancio David Arceo, "Apo Conching", of
Paligue, Candaba, Pampanga, married, age 50, saw the white lights in my right eye.

August 15 #77-79 10:50 a.m a) John de la Cruz Valcos, age 31, December 15, 1980, Computer Engineer, University of the East, of Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan, b-c) Alex Bedad,
photographer, and another staff of Videoarts, 764 B.S. Aquino Ave., Baliuag, Bulacan, Tel. No. 766-2655 owned by photographer Jake Garcia, 0917-62205-32, saw i) the white lights in my right eye and in my 2 palms, ii) white and blue lights in my right eye.

#80-82 11:30 a.m. Voyszone photographer Aries Cruz, Rose

Pacay and another photographer, saw the white lights in my right eye; photographer Aries Cruz caught on Nikon D80 camera the brown, gold and white lights in my right eye.

#83 1:34 p.m. AEONS' Digital Photo Express staff Rose Ann H. Galang, age 21, January 19, 1990, of Gapan, Nueva Ecija,
saw the white, gray and gold-yellow lights in the left side of the pupil, retina, cornea of my right eye at AEONS' studio, Cagayan Valley Road, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan.

#84 2:55 p.m. Rufino J. Santiago age 61, July 10, 1950,
Hanga, Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan, at KFC, Waltermart, Plaridel,
Bulacan, Sheriff of Br. 8, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the white lights in my right eye and the yellow-white lights in my 2 palms as I healed him of cough.

August 16 #85 1:20 p.m. Jomar R. Ipio, age 26, December 23, 1985, of
Binagbag, Angat, Bulacan, photographer of True Colors digital, 2nd Flr., Graceland Mall, McArthur Hiway, Malolos, Bulacan, cel # 0927-5554811, Bulacan State University alumni, saw the blue and white lights in my right eye.


August 16 #86 3:00 p.m. Oscar Castil, age 51, January 2, 1961, of Tolosa, Leyte, photographer in chief, Glitters Photo Court, Kalye Real cor. Tantoco st., Poblacion, Malolos, Bulacan (Mobile: 09162498994 Glitters Photo Court Email: ), saw the white lights in my right eye.

August 17 #87-92 2-3 p.m.

Ayen Gail, September 19, 1991, St. Luke's School of San Rafael, STI College Baliuag, Marvin Salas, studied at ACLC baliuag, married to Joanne Keith, born on January 26, 1991, Joanne Keith () works at First Impressions studied at AMA CLC Baliuag, married to Marvin Salas, born on July 31, 1990, Bernice Jhanna worked at First Impression, studied at University of Sto. Tomas, lives in Baliuag, Bulacan, from Makati, born on June 24 all saw the white round light in my right eye; in addition, Marvin Salas saw the outer space white lights where he was sucked by the revolving black hole light, then saw the flash strike of a ray of white and small gold lightning, then the moving 2 eyes, the water drops suck and finally the black hole tube 4 times revolving. Another student, Mark Christopher John Lim and photographer, Knives Daryl Cruz also saw the white lights in my right eye; in addition Daryl saw the outer space light which Marvin Salas saw, as he was allowed to travel to the outer space Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Jupiter and the highest dimensions outside the universe and cosmos.

August 18 #93 2-6 pm. Rodolfo Santos ("Ka Rudy Star", spiritual healer
at Bulacan, Alfonso, Cavite and Calatagan, Batangas, and exorcist since 1977 when the Divine Mercy allegedly appeared to him, of Nagbalon, Marilao, Bulacan, cel# 0929-7037565, is Founder of the Christ the King Movement).


He saw a) the blue and white lights in my right eye, b)

the big V or victory shaped green lights and several round violet lights in my chest and c) the several holy/divine images of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, the Solo Mata, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Child, Salvador del Mundo, and lights in my 2 palms, confirming that I am the sole holder of these lights and divine images since creation, and no human being has these.

August 19 #94 Annie Pedro Sioting, December 26, 1987 & Chi Alcantara
Wayway (photographers of Picture Me Portrait Studio, Unit V-15, 2nd Flr., in lane with Toy Kingdom and Planet Sport, Virra Mall, Greenhills Shooping Center, San Juan Metro Manila), captured on photo the golden white round light in Judge Floro's right eye; but only Chi saw the round white lights in Judge Floro's right eye using "Jinbei Softbox".

August 20 #95 6:30 p.m. Anthony Vivero, famous spiritual healer, at

his healing center and house, 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paraaque, Metro Manila Tel., saw the green, blue and other mystic colors in my right eye; he also affirmed the extreme power in my right palm over my left palm.

August 21 #96 3 pm Lester Suansing, Photoline (SM City Baliuag, Pagala, Baliuag, Bulacan, Tel.# (044) 761-0761) saw the green
lights in my rigth eye and photographed my ritght eye. Photoline photographers Lester Suansing and Mary took these pictures.

August 22, 2011 #97 3:30 p.m. Elena de Jesus de Guzman (age 59, May 4,
1951, of Mabolo, Malolos, Bulacan, husband of Anastacio de Guzman, official photographer of Bulacan Office of Governor Whilhelmino Wilhelmino Sy-Alvarado, owner of gjs studio and GJ's Catering Services, Malolos, Bulacan, beside her secretary Nancy De Guzman).


Elena saw the brilliant round siphoning white amid black lights in my pupil and the violet light in my iris for more than 7 minutes; her photographer and herself, took these pictures of Judge Floro's eyes using Nikon D60. August 25 11:00 a.m. #98, 99 12:35 p.m. Elvie Cruz, photographer of Golden Memory Photo Center, Barrera St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, (044) 938-7714 (044) 418-0010 & Florencia Garcia, age 58, September 5, 1952, of Valenzuela, Metro Manila & Tarcan, Riles, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, OFW saw the blue and green lights in my iris and pupilcornea-retina, while photographer Alvin Santiago, of Obando, Metro Manila took these 2 pictures of my right eye, using Nikon D70. August 26 #100 2-5 p.m. Lina Cruz or Lina Hermoso Cruz (0917-8786607; 0916-4883554; (02) 687-7930), age 66, August 18, 1945, born at 29 Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, PhilAmerican, Catholic, 210 lbs., a visionary at age 12) As I healed Lina of her feet problem due to diabetic neuropathy, a neuropathic disorder that is associated with diabetes mellitus, Lina saw the a) black, white, yellow and orange oblong and round lights in my right eye, and b) Jesus Christ as Sto. Nino and the Blessed Virgin Mary in my 2 palms amid the bright lights. #101, 102 Vilma Hermoso Paraiso, Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, studied at Meycauayan College, 1991, married to Bobby Paraiso, Unibag Phil., 0916-4883554, daughter of Isidro "Nonong" Hermoso, saw the white and blue oblong or round lights in my right eye.


Emmanuel S. Munar, January 1, 1963, of Gibraltar,

near Mansion House, Baguio City, family driver, as I healed him of non-toxic goiter or goitre (Latin gutteria, struma), is a swelling in the thyroid gland, which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx (voice box). Goitre rarely occurs when the thyroid gland is functioning properly, Munar saw the oblong and round white and orange lights in my 2 palms.

August 29 #103 11:30 a.m. Angelito Cayetano, owner of CenA Digital Photography, Technological University of the Philippines, of
Pulilan, Bulacan, married to Jinggay, photographer, graphic artist, Christian Cathedral's Member, father of Four (4) Boys - JAC, Marcos, Glend & Ish, Mobile No. 09203874931, e-mail address:,;

Angelito saw

the round white lights in my right eye and took these pictures of my right eye in his studio.

September 1 1:30 p.m. #104 Agripina Cruz Tudla [age 54, June 5, 1957, married with 4 children, lady marshall of St. Isidro Church, of Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan, spiritual healer since April 4,
1994 (044) 676-7627] saw the oblong white lights inside my right eye's lover pupil-cornea-retina.

#105 6:00 p.m. At F Salon & Body Spa, a lady game me a calling card; she said that she is Rodhelia Iral Tobias,
manager/owner of this hair salon both hereat Poblacion, Plaridel, Bulacan; she further said that she saw the lightning shaped and then blue star in my palms.

September 2 # 106,107, 108 11:00 a.m. Catalino Eusebio Tadeo, age 57, February 13, 1953, is from Tarcan, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, tricycle driver, F-024 TODA, with 9 children.


Upon healing his cataract (a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope, varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light; magnified view of cataract in human eye, seen on examination with a slit lamp using diffuse illumination) saw the oblong white lights in my 2 palms.

4:00 p.m. Oscar Reyes Santos, age 45, 1967, of Biglang Awa, San Francisco St., Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan, married, jobless, upon my healing his Asthma, saw the oblong
white and red lights in my 2 palms, inside the "Santong Gapos" or Menacled Christ Chapel thereat.

5:30 p.m. "Girlie" or Ma. Victoria Hernandez de los Reyes, age 59, March 9, 1951, married, of Matungao, Bulacan, and
Sto. Nino, Plaridel, Bulacan, spiritual healer since June 20, 1977, saw the triangle white lights inside my 2 eyes and 2 palms.

September 3 #109, 110, 111 11:00 a.m. Domingo Nerviol y Ronda, of 99 Camia St.,
Ligas, Malolos City, Bulacan, spiritual healer and exorcist since 1987, age 46, November 7, 1965, cel. # 0929-1936785 began healing since September 7, 1988, married, saw the white lights inside my right eye's pupil-retina-cornea.

3:00 p.m. "Ka Nora" or Nora San Miguel, married, of 63 Camia St., Ligas, Malolos City, Bulacan, spiritual healer since
1987, stated that Saint Lucy enlightens my eyes and "Papa Jesus" asked me to heal the sick.

6:00 p.m. "Ka Remy" or "Tawak" Reynaldo Eranista Pasatiempo, is a farmer, married, of Pongo, Calumpit, Bulacan, snake-dog-cat bites spiritual healer since 1977.


Reynaldo saw the bright "mapusyaw" or pale, colorless lights in my 2 palms upon healing his hypertension (HTN or high blood pressure is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. September 4 #112, 113 11:30 p.m. Upon request of and in the presence of Emmanuel Salvania, at Caingin, San Rafael, Bulacan, and upon spiritual healing of Joseph Cuerdo or "Jhun-jhun Cuerdo" (age 19, September 6, 1992, cel. # 0926-1456943) of his severe itch, allegedly due to duende punishment per 2 herbolaryo's findings, his mother Debbie Cuerdo (age 51, February 10, 1960, married, farmer) and Joseph Cuerdo himself, saw the
a) white clouds lights and b) oblong lights in Judge Floro's left palm, respectively.

September 5 #114 Arlene Demain Corales, November 3, 1961, age 50, married to Rolan (cel. # 0919-2487171), with 3 children, of Matimias St., Sampaloc, Manila, Metro Manila, renting a
house at Villa Roca or Roper's Farm, Ma. Lourdes St., Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan, in the presence of Rolly Callera (cel. # 0917-

9193588), saw the oblong brightest white and red lights in my

left palm and she also saw the brightest, large rectangle inside my right eye's pupil-cornea and retina, while I healed her of massive diabetes stroke resulting to a clot and cyst in her brain.

September 6 #115 5:00 p.m. Grace Salas Aguilar, age 49, November 19, 1962, married with 3 children, of Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, in front of Lourdes and Jesus Tadeo, in their house, saw the oblong white lights in my left palm.

September 7 #116, 117, 118 1 p.m. Filomena Mateo San Diego @ "Apo Fely", age 70, July 5, 1941 ((cel. # 0927-3794371), of Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan, widow of faith healer Apo Laureano or Leon San Diego, both spiritual healers for 34 years or since God the
Father and Sto. Nino allegedly appeared with 9 children), saw the green clouds flesh-colored leaf shaped lights and Solo palms, respectively; she stated that God Nazarene guide me. to both spouses in 1975, in my right eye and the Mata in my left and right the Father and the Black

5 p.m. At # 0582, small private chapel, San Pedro, Bustos, Bulacan, Ernesto de la Cruz, married, with 2 children, age 60, March 9, 1951, upon healing his massive stroke and painful shoulder, saw the oblong white lights in my left palm. His mother-in-law, "Ka Nene", Severina Hipolito Manalili, age 63, June 8, 1948, spiritual healer for 23 years or since Our Lady of Penafrancia allegedly appeared to her on June
29, 1987, widow with 4 children), saw the green and blue triangle in my right eye, and the blue clouds lights in my left palm.

September 9 # 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 *a) 11:30 a.m. At Talampas, Bulacan, Bulacan, John Michael del Rosario, age 6, July 31, 2005, son of Joylyn del Rosario y de Castro, ( - married, studied
at ACSAT, Holy Child Academy, employed by Zenith Electrical, cel. # 0908-6674198, daughter of Antonio Pelingon de Castro), saw the bright round red lights inside my right eye's pupil-retina-cornea;

*b) Faith healer Antonio Pelingon de Castro, of Manuguit,

Abad Santos, Tondo, Manila, lives at Talampas, Bustos, Bulacan, age 62, January 15, 1948, widow, with 2 children, healer since 1970's and 1995.


Cel. # 0933-9156574, per his ritual, saw the green lights in my right eye, and the white, blue lights in my 2 palm; c) Faith healer Nita Perez, age 62, August 20, 1948, widow, healer since 2001, when the La Pieta allegedly appeared to her, living at San Pedro, Bustos, Bulacan, allegedly saw, using her Rosary, the lights in my 2 palms *d) Ma. Corazon Hilario Sanchez, January 19, 1946, age 64,
widow, with 4 children, living at CL Hilario St., Poblacion, Bustos,
Bulacan, Consolidator of VC Teodoro Realty Corp., cel. # 0927-6684977, saw the blue lights and mysterious objects inside my right eye, and the bright blue clouds and a lightning ray in my left palm;

e) Alberto Bersuela Avocado, age 54, February 4, 1958, aide

or worker of VC Teodoro Realty Corp., married with 10 children, saw the white clouds inside my left palm including a ray of light that flashed; and f) Victoria Teodoro (Owner/ President of VC Teodoro Realty Corp; studied at St. Agustine, lives in Bustos, Bulacan, married, President of VCTeodoroRealtyCorp., saw the white
clouds with ray of lightning lights in my left palm.

September 11 #125 12:15 p.m. At NE Restaurant, Dna. Remedios Trinidad

Hi-way, Bagong Nayon, Baliuag, Bulacan, Allan Valeriano y de Guzman, age 31, July 22, 1980, head cook of NE Restaurant, of Dike, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, cel. # 0922-3160543 - upon healing his low back pain or lumbago, saw the round or circle bright red lights in my right palm for 3 minutes.

September 12 #126, 127 11:00 a.m. At Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan, near the Asphalt Factory and Elementary School, "Ate Tess" or Tess Liwanag Marcos, age 46, April 25, 1965, spiritual
healer since 2008, stated that she saw the blue lights and a blue fairy with blue dress in my right eye.


1:10 p.m. Kristel Aquino y Lontoc, age 18, September 6, 1993 (with 4 siblings, 4th year, Bahay Pare National High School, Candaba, Pampanga (Als), living at Sitio 6, Pulong Plaza, Pampanga, Bulacan, near Funeraria Juliana, cel. # 09261453551, spiritual healer since 2009, when St. Roque, and the 7 Archangels, including St. Exequiel appeared to her while the Holy Trinity guides her) saw a) the diamond shaped white lights in my right eye and b) the bright star and Christ's Cross in my my left/right palms. (cel. # 0926-1453551). September 13 #128, 129 11:00 a.m. At their Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan minichapel and house, near the Asphalt Factory and Elementary School, Richard Garcia (age 31, October 2, 1979, tricycle driver, married with 2 children, son of "Mag-asawang Apo" or Josefa Garcia and Manuel Garcia, ages 63 & 81, March 1, 1948 & April 25, 1935, respectively), upon reply to his requested prophecy on his life and hardships, saw the small oblong white, turning red light in my right eye. His faith mother Josefa Garcia, being a 17 years spiritual healer or
since 1993, when the Black Nazarene, inter alia, allegedly appeared to her, a quail dealer, of Calderon St., Subic, Baliuag, Bulacan, stated that "Papa Jesus" told her upon prayer that my right eye is a miracle from God. Upon request, I healed Manuel Garcia of his 2 fingers shaking due to "pasma" or nerve disorders due to general massage of patients.

#130 11:00 a.m. At Liciada, Bustos, Bulacan, "Ka Ikang" or Teodorica de Jesus, age 81, June 17, 1931, with 5 children,
mango dealer, spiritual healer since 1980s, stated that she saw the bright yellow lights in my palms as I heal her of eye problems.


September 14 #131, 132, 133, 134 11:20 a.m. "Ka Mila" or Mila Gonzales Manalastas, age 60, June 6, 1951, married to a
crane operator, with 11 children, of Kapihan, San Rafael, Bulacan, El Shaddai Member, spiritual healer and exorcist since 1999, when St. Roch or San Roque appeared to her at Pulong Gubat, Candaba Church, cel. # 0929-1036795, stated that a) she felt the appalling or "pangingilabot"

due to my extreme spiritual, mystic and divine gifts-powers, b) and that through her method of "tawas" (pouring melted candle in water), she saw the bright lights in my eyes and palms.

Zaldy Santiago Hernandez, age 33, May 15, 1978,

with 2 children, tricycle driver, of Camia St., Ligas, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the round white light turning to double red in my right eye; upon request, I healed his son of ear problems.

2:20 p.m. His wife Cheska Sebastian Hernandez, of Tagulod,

Candaba, Pampanga, cel. # 0999-4745170, saw the a) round white lights moving left and right inside my right eye, and b) the red and white oblong and curve and other round lights in my 2 palms and at their center, as show by the above-paper containing the hand drawing of Cheska writing what she saw; Cheska stated that the lights she saw in my 2 palms are the same Nazarene lights she saw in dreams, when she saw heaven and Christ, the Nazarene.

3:20 p.m. "Ka Epeng" or Serapio Garcia, age 54, November

14, 1958, of Camia St., Ligas, Malolos, Bulacan, with 4 children, spiritual healer since 1986 when he first ascended Mt. Banahaw, which he visited more than 30 times, cel. # 0933-6178173, stated that he saw the blue lights inside my right eye.

September 15, 2011: Mark John Tayangona is the First living witness who saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms. #135 6:30 p.m. Mark John Tayangona, age 14, July 14, 1997, of Old Moriones, Ocampo,
Camarines Sur, only child of Evelyn (whose husband left the family) (sister of Clarisse, in her presence and of the latter's husband, Rolly Callera, cel. # 0917-9193588, at Villa Roca or Roper's Farm, Ma. Lourdes St., Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan).


He is studying 1st year, at Jaime Vistan High School), saw the brightest white lights and the alive, glorious, walking towards him, smiling at him, Our Lady of Ftima, with golden crown, holding a Rosary in her left hand and wearing black shoes, in Judge Floro's right palm, for 5 minutes. September 16 #136 12:10 p.m. Rafael Frias Ferry, age 40, April 13, 1971,
of Bonifacio District, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, studied at Good Samaritan Colleges, NEHS Cabanatuan City, cel. # has worked at The NE Group for 18 years, now manager of NE Food Shop, married with 2 children, # 0922-8276224, upon healing his back pains, saw the white oblong lights turning red in my palm ;

#137 12:15 p.m. Arvine de Guzman Calaranan, age 22, July

16, 1989, of J. Buizon St., Sto. Cristo, Baliuag, Bulacan, studied at Baliuag University, 2nd Year. Arvine is now assistant cook at NE Foodshop, cel. # 0932-5237576, in a relationship with Cindy Yanson Manuel, MPHS Class of 2005, - upon healing his back pains, saw the white oblong lights in my palm.

#138 1:45 p.m. Efren de Guzman Catahan, age 43, October 21, 1968, of Gladiola St., Sumacab Sur, Cabanatuan City,
Nueva Ecija, married, Pauline Kate Catahan, daughter, has worked at The NE Group for 18 years, now manager of NE Super Bodega Supermarket, Baliuag, Bulacan, cel. # 0922-8346841, - upon healing his back, sides and abdominal pains, saw the brightest white clouds turning "bukang liwayway" or break of dawn moving clouds to UFO lights in the center of my palms.

September 17 5:35 p.m. #139 Lezlie John Verzosa Vigil (Jai Jai Nya), skeptic, 1st year college, sacristan of Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, his email: cel. @ 09208774723 amid the darkness

Leslie was inside the nipa hut at Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, Metro-Manila, Philippines, email: ), saw in my 2 palms the brightest almost blinding, moving lights, then, the many churches, and several impossible to humanly describe wonderful arts of heaven, a very clear and white place. September 19 #140 Faith healer, Mauro Nicolas @ Ka Moreng, age 69, January 14, 1942, married, with 3 children, Giovanni, a nurse and a Spain seaman, of E. del Rosario St., Taal,
Bocaue, Bulacan, studied at St. Mary's Academy of Meycauayan, Bulacan, Meycauayan Institute, and Feati, Manila, former seminarian, high school at San Carlos Seminary. He began healing as "hilot" at age 12, when his twin white horse "puti" the son of the white horse of St. Maurus, appeared to him and until today helps him in his hilot Filipino massage healing; (he said the horses of St. James and St. Martin of Tours, are red or chestnut and grey and blue, respectively); he saw the violet and white lights in my

right eye and right palm, respectively. (cel. # 0949-9046437). He stated that his horse "puti" advised me to search for the Virgin Mary with the star in her forehead or head. I did find her image with the said golden star at the mini-chapel of "Nino" or healer B. Pascual. September 20 3:30 p.m. #141 Bienvenida de los Santos Pascual or "Nino" age 57, November 20, 1953, married with 3 children, of #538 Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan, born in
Bagong Bario, Pandi, Bulacan, faith healer since she saw visions when she was hospitalized at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Bocaue, Bulacan in 1990; she said she saw the gold star lights in my crownhead and in my right eye. (cel. # 0915-2077579).


5:00 p.m. #142 Fe Nogales Ducot Roxas, age 69, February 12, 1942, of #15 Manggahan St., Igulot, Bocaue, Bulacan, finished Grade 3 Elementary School, RTW cutter, widow of farmer, healer since 1975. She heard a voice saying
"Sacramento" was heard by her, and had herself crucified on the cross at Lugam, Malolos, Bulacan in 1983 Good Friday, with 7 children, said she saw the white light in my right eye.

September 21 #143/57th (who saw the lights in Judge Floros right eye) 4:00 p.m. At Sitio Bakood, Nia Road, Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan, "Ka Nita" or Nita Borbon Claudio, age 58, January
13, 1952 (married with 4 children, formerly of Binang 1, Bocaue, Bulacan, born at Roxas City, spiritual healer, hilot, since 1995, when dwarf "Inkong Pedro" helped her to heal) saw the a) white light in my rigth eye and b) the silver diamond or triangle in my left palm. Her father, a healer rode a flying horse and was brought to the Engkanto's kingdom.

September 24, Saturday #144, 145 / 58 At the dining room of the Mother Ignacia Healing (Ministry) Center, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, Metro-Manila, Philippines. 9:30 a.m. Sister Maria Estela Regis, RVM (age 86, December 16, 1926, of Palo, Leyte, taught and had been assigned at Samar, Ilokos, and Iwahig Penal Colony, Palawan, Philippines, upon healing her knees arthritis using 2 "mata" rarest coconut healing oil), stated that she saw in my 2 palms, for full 15 minutes, the a) brightest, first white, then turning to yellow, then black, then back again to these colored brightest lights, and b) a very tall and biggest yellow door of heaven amid the lights.


4:00 p.m. Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM (age 78, December 18, 1933, of Binan, Laguna, upon healing her thyroid disorder and osteoarthritis) saw the a) moving brightest white clouds, b) 3 white and brown petals, and c) the "lumulubog" or dripping, lowering down white heart, in my 2 palms for 10 minutes. While I was healing Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM, Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, stated that she saw a very bright 3 small points of lights forming a triangle in my left eye; she stated that she discerned that the triangle point lights is the Holy Trinity; thereafter, Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM, stated that she saw a bigger round white lights in my right eye than the smaller white she saw in my left eye. September 29 # 146 11:47 a.m. to 12:04 p.m. Judge Floro and Carlito Matnog Diaz inside the bakery where the greatest miracle happened. Carlito Matnog Diaz, age 41, April 9, 1970, of Catarman, Samar, married, with 6 children, baker at Jolan's bakery, 440 Camacho St., Maninabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, near its Chapel, finished Grade VI Elementary School, in the presence of Analyn Rivera Torralba, inside the bakery, upon healing his "pasma", saw the a) Black Nazarene, with white skin and face, blood, and b) the Blessed Virgin Mary, wearing a red dress, with small Cross in her right hand, and black Rosary around her neck, "bilog-bilog" or round stars in her head, with black shoes, both, smiling and walking towards him, amid the stars, many brightest colored mystic, divine lights, trees, and clouds ... Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 1st person who saw both Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms on September 29, 2011.

October 4 # 147 5 p.m. At Villa Roca, Ma. Lourdes, Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan, Josh Tayangona saw a brilliant round white light in my left palm while healing his itch, allergy. October 11, Tuesday # 148 12:20 p.m. Renato Isidro Samonte, age 68, June 6,
1943, married with 2 children (in the presence of son Rafael "Peng" Samonte, cel. # 0922-5777960 Peng Samonte (Rafael Concepcion Samonte)) of Milaflor Subdivision, Burol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan, and brother of Sergio Isidro Samonte, upon healing his hypertension, massive stroke and kydney disease (having 2 time a week dialysis), saw the "basta maliwanag", hard to describe moving lights for 10 minutes in my 2 palms.

October 19, 2011 # 149 6:00 p.m. Upon healing her throat illness, Juliet C. Salonga, (0905-3540101) married, with 3 children, owner of DJ eatery in front of Walter Mart, Plaridel, Bulacan, stated she saw the bright white lights in my left palm.


B. One of a kind: In world history, there is no other hands-palms and eyes (of 6,852,472,823 earth peoples, as of 2010, and 7 billion, as of November 1, 2011, even in the billions of pages of the archives of 10,000 Vatican Saints, 265 Popes, 12 apostles, that emit and display clearly, at any time, the mysticDivine Lights and holy images, humanly visible to almost anybody who would look at Judge Floros hands, palms and eyes. This is the greatest proof, ever, that there is a God, LUX IN DOMINO. Since September, 2010 to
October 19, 2011, at least 149 living persons -witnesses saw these lights and the Black Nazarene, inter alia, including the hereunder 20, who saw Jesus Christ in Judge Floros palms and eyes.

1. On September 7, 2010 (a day before Marys Birthday), Romeo (Rommel "Boni") Javier Tayao saw a) the Black Nazarene clad in red dress with crown of thorns carrying His cross in my right palm with brilliant white lights; b) the Black Nazarene clad in red dress with crown of thorns and cross (with gold metals) upon my right shoulder with brilliant white lights; c) one male and 2 female white dwarves, and 2 male and 1 female white dwarves, all clad in white clothes, wearing white bonitos, all playing ikot-ikot, takbotakbo inside my 2 eyes, respectively; d) 3 golden crowns of rays (like that of the Christ's) surrounded by 8 white dwarves all clad in white bonitos and dresses, all playing ikot-ikot, takbo-takbo, upon my head-crown; e) the most brilliant rays of the prism or rainbow glowing like sea waves circling my third eye and above
my 2 violet eyelids; and Tayao - heard my voice changed to that of the Black Nazarene. Their companion I healed on September 4 completely recovered from half body paralysis due to massive stroke.

2. On October 9, 2010, Rowel "Toto" Surio, age 10, of Plaridel, Bulacan, a beggar whose father died of elephantiasis, his mother works as caller, saw inside my right palm, Black Nazarene facing the Malolos Cathedral Church, wearing a crown of thorns and gold rays.

Surio stated he saw His red eyes and brightest red lights. Roel does not know who Jesus Christ is, who appeared to him in a dream before, carrying a cross. Robert said that it is not yet time for me to see for myself what they see, since these are magic, "mahiwaga" and I am "pinagpala" per LUIS own words. 3. On March 22, 2011, 10:30 a.m., beneath Malolos City Cathedral's 200 year Kalyaan tree, Florante Jimenez, age 60, saw in my palms (while being healed of extreme pain, stroke, arthritis), in ecstasy, for full 7 minutes, "Christo" Jesus Christ, sitting down, clad in white chasubles and priestly vestments. Florante saw Jesus, as the High Priest, with crown of thorns, blood oozing from His face and hands.
On October 13, 2010, Florante Jimenez, whom I healed completely of massive stroke, half body paralysis, saw the reddish lights in my palms. On 2009 one afternoon, Jimenez' soul and spirit was lifted to a very wide and brightest street where an Angel was flogging methodical, beating or whipping millions of damned souls. He was told to return to earth for a mission unfinished.

4. On October 19, 2010, 5:00 pm., Janet Masla Tumali, age 51, widow, house helper, amid super typhoon Megi-"Juan's" fury-torrential rains saw the face of the Black Nazarene, tanned, facing heaven in prayer, with the crown of thorns and blood, in my right palm with green flash of light; she saw a 1 foot white dwarf on top of our tricycle. 5. On October 25, 2010, 4:45 p.m. Jordan S. Quinto, age 20, Bangkal, Malolos, Bulacan, saw in my both palms, break of dawn red lights with a very black man,hazy from breast to head, in the center carrying a black cross, 3 minutes; he later saw as big as 25 centavo coin bright white and red lights, 3 minutes. 6. On October 27, 2010, Mary Jane Boco Bato, age 64, of Justice Romualdez St., Tacloban City & Bangkal, Malolos City, Bulacan, widow with 5 children, high school graduate, saw the bright white lights at the feet of a hazy image of a man carrying a cross, the Black Nazarene, who first appeared like Santa Claus.

7. On October 29, 2011, 4 pm, Maria V. Galang, age 75, Capihan, San Rafael, Bulacan, widow, saw bright red lights, very clear Black Nazarene carrying black cross, crown of thorns, in my right palm. 8. On November 7, 2010, 4:40-55 pm, Conchita Bahamonde Dodon, age 63, April 13, 1947, beggar, Daraga, Albay, Legaspi City & Cambaly, Bagulin, La Union, saw in my both palms, full 15 minutes: a) white, yellow-reddish sunset lights, b) the brown tree with white lines, green leaves, c) the just heaven, blue clouds and d) the ultra-clear Black Nazarene's Holy Face, crown of thorns, dress. January 9, 2011 Feast of the Black Nazarene 5:40 p.m. Inside the Malolos Cathedral, Mass, Conchita Bahamonde Dodon, for full 15 minutes, in divine ecstasy, saw, in my palms Jesus Christ, inter alia. Conchita, thereafter saw: a) the just heaven sky-blue lights with angels, b) the blurred picture of the Black Nazarene with maroon or red dress and c) the crucified Christ on the Cross beside the two thieves, face looking down, with blood flowing from the crown thorns in his head. 9.-10. On December 17, 2010, 3:00-3:40 p.m., at Capitolio Park, Provincial Capitol, Malolos City, Bulacan, I healed his epilepsy for 30 minutes; Reniel Cayanis Briton, age 25, August 5, 1985, born at Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte, now at Bancal, Malolos City, construction worker, in divine ecstasy, saw in my palms for 10 minutes - the very clear heavenlyresurrected Jesus Christ, not image, not Rebulto, not statue surrounded by white lights, looking down ("nakayuko"), with brown crown of thorns. He has 3 golden head rays, bloods oozing his head-face, right hand raised with nail-wound oozing blood, with red and white dress, half body. Reniel committed suicide having ingested Aldrin, insecticide at Leyte, due to love problems, at age 19, was hospitalized for 2 months, when the epilepsy haunted him until today.

On December 21, 2010, 11:00 a.m., Carmen Atienza Barbosa, age 67, November 11, 1945 (with 9 children, 20 grandchildren), of Balic-Balic, Tondo, Manila & Caingin, Malolos, Bulacan, cigarette-candy vendor, at front of Malolos Cathedral, or Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, saw the Black Nazarene both in my palms and in my entire body. The Kalayaan Tree (Siar), located in the patio of the Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception in the historic city of Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines. It was planted by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo during a lull in the Malolos Convention. 11. December 30, 2010, Bernardo Pastoral Felisilda, age 27, Febuary 13, 1982, born at Karuhtan, Valenzuela, Bulacan (now Metro, Manila), lived at Calbayog City, Samar, jeep conductor and group dancer, while being healed of epilepsy (with failed suicide attempt, burn accident) saw the red, orange, yellow and blue irregular shaped lights in my palm. Later, he saw the Risen Christ in my hands, with the oozing bloods from the head and hand wounds, Christ gazing at him. 12-13. On January 5, 2011, at 8:00 pm, McDonald, BSU, Malolos, Archie Milan, age 17, illiterate, of Lopez, Quezon and Ph. 2B, Maunlad, Malolos, Bulacan, saw in my palms, for full 10 minutes, the Risen Christ he called "Papa Jesus", clad in blinding white dress, with outstretched hands with 2 wounds with blood. "Pray ... before you sleep to prevent evil dreams!" At age 15-17, the same Jesus appeared to him in dreams asking him to pray. On September, 2010, at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan and Batong Dalig, Kawit, Cavite, Wyndel Williams Pinlac, stated that a) the Black Nazarene guides me and b) she saw the Black Nazarene in my palms. #14 2:55 pm. April 20, Holy Wednesday 3 meters beside my brother Benjamin V. Floro's 5,984 sq.m. Burol 1, Balagtas, Bulacan, beside Milaflor Subdivision lot, Jana Loraine B. Del Rosario (age 6, September 23, 2004) saw in my 2 eyes: Jesus Christ clad white linen cloth, weeping and his Cross, the round red lights inside my right eye.

She also saw in my palms, the blue heaven and same Jesus Chirst "nakabalabal ng white cloth, weeping." She claimed she saw Mama Mary and Jesus Christ asking her to pray before sleeping, etc. April 22 Good Friday 2011 #15 5:45 p.m. Norma Soriano de la Cruz also saw the 2 brilliant red stars with the Black Nazarene, half body, in the center, looking towards the front direction, opposite her. He is asking her to offer her sufferings for conversion of sinners, as I healed her inside the dark St. Augustine Church of Baliuag, Bulacan. Norma Soriano de la Cruz is the 15th living person who saw Jesus Christ in Judge Floro's palms, eyes and body, all of them included in the 149 living persons who saw the mysterious, Divine and outer space LUX IN DOMINO in Judge Floros palms, eyes and body. July 23, 2011 2:00 p.m. #16 2:00 p.m. Zenaida Wenceslao Mendiola, age70, May 14, 1941, widow, with 4 children, is from Abuyog and Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, and Manila. She works as a 10 years fortune-teller in front of Mercury Drug, Plaza Miranda, Quiapo, Manila, saw a) the blinding
blue lens (she was shocked) and on 2nd attempt saw the scallopsized encircling blue lens inside my right eye, and b) in my 2 palms, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the face of Sto. Nino, with curly hair, the Solo Mata (one eye), several tall green trees and the blue clouds.

August 18 #17 2-6 pm. Rodolfo Santos ("Ka Rudy Star",

spiritual healer at Bulacan, Alfonso, Cavite and Calatagan, Batangas, and exorcist since 1977 when the Divine Mercy allegedly appeared to him, of Nagbalon, Marilao, Bulacan, cel# 09297037565, is Founder of the Christ the King Movement). He saw a) the blue and white lights in my right eye, b) the big V or victory shaped green lights and several round violet lights in my chest and c) the several holy/divine images of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, the Solo Mata, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Child, Salvador del Mundo, and lights in my 2 palms, confirming that I am the sole holder of these lights and divine images since creation, and no human being has these. 697

#18 2-5 p.m. August 26, 2011 Lina Cruz or Lina Hermoso Cruz (0917-8786607; 0916-4883554; (02) 687-7930), age 66, August 18, 1945, born at 29 Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, PhilAmerican, Catholic, 210 lbs., a visionary at age 12) As I healed Lina of her feet problem due to diabetic neuropathy, a neuropathic disorder that is associated with diabetes mellitus, Lina saw the a) black, white, yellow and orange oblong and round lights in my right eye, and b) Jesus Christ as Sto. Nino and the Blessed Virgin Mary in my 2 palms amid the bright lights. September 24, Saturday #19 At the Adoracion Chapel of the Mother Ignacia Healing (Ministry) Center, 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches, Caloocan City 1400, Metro-Manila, Philippines. Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, stated that she saw a very bright 3 small points of lights forming a triangle in my left eye; she stated that she discerned that the triangle point lights is the Holy Trinity. September 29 #20 11:47 a.m. to 12:04 p.m. Carlito Matnog Diaz, age 41, April 9, 1970, of Catarman, Samar, married, with 6 children, baker at Jolan's bakery, 440 Camacho St., Maninabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, near its Chapel, finished Grade VI Elementary School, in the presence of Analyn Rivera Torralba, inside the bakery, upon healing his "pasma", saw the a) Black Nazarene, with white skin and face, blood, and b) the Blessed Virgin Mary, wearing a red dress, with small Cross in her right hand, and black Rosary around her neck, "bilog-bilog" or round stars in her head, with black
shoes, both, smiling and walking towards him, amid the stars, many brightest colored mystic, divine lights, trees, and clouds ...

Baker Carlito Matnog Diaz is the 1st person who saw both Jesus Christ and the 2nd to see the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms on September 29, 2011.


September 15, 2011: Mark John Tayangona is the First living witness who saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floro's mystic palms. #1 6:30 p.m. Mark John Tayangona, age 14, July 14, 1997, of Old Moriones, Ocampo, Camarines Sur, only child of Evelyn (whose husband left the family) (sister of Clarisse, in her presence and of the latter's husband, Rolly Callera, cel. # 0917-9193588, at Villa Roca or Roper's Farm, Ma. Lourdes St., Tabang, Plaridel, Bulacan). He is studying 1st year, at Jaime Vistan High School), saw the brightest white lights and the alive, glorious, walking towards him, smiling at him, Our Lady of Ftima, with golden crown, holding a Rosary in her left hand and wearing black shoes, in Judge Floro's right palm, for 5 minutes.


This 3 p.m., 1st Friday, May 6, 2011, 23 Saluysoy, Meycauayan, 3020 Bulacan, Philippines

The Black Nazarene, The Holy Eucharist, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
I am not of this world, for if I belong to this planet earth, my palms and eyes would not be allowed by the Almighty and Triune God, to eternally display, for not less than 7 minutes, and be visible to the ordinary human eye, by 149 living persons-witnesses, the outer space, mystic and divine red, white, yellow lights LUX IN DOMINO [including 20 living persons who saw, for not less than 7 minutes, the Black Nazarene, Risen Christ, Just Heaven and Holy Cross, including the Blessed Virgin Mary (by 2 Filipinos)] thereby revealing that LUIS, is the King of kings of Elementals, the most powerful in the entire universe, the sole possessor of the Mystic, Divine and Outer space Ultimate Violet Light and that I, Judge Florentino Velasquez Floro, Jr. is the Prophet, Annihilator, Pinagpala, Powerful Angel of Death, Visionary, Element 115

I, therefore submit this unanswered question to Philippines Chief Justice Renato C. Corona: Bakit po, ni isa sa 265 Santo Papa, ni isa sa 10,000 santo (sa Catholic Encyclopedia), ni isa sa 12 Apostoles, ni isa sa 60 pinuno ng makapangyarihang mistikos (espiritual) sa Mt. Banahaw, ni isa sa pinakamakapangyarihang magicians, psychics, parapsychologists, exorcists, mga lider ng mga Gobyerno at ni isa 6,852,472,823 tao, populasyon (2010), ay di pinayagan ng Panginoong Diyos na magkaroon ng mga Palad, Mata, na katulag ng nasa akin? Kasagutan ni LUIS: It is not because Judge Florentino Velasquez Floro, Jr. is predestined, but verily, his name is Pinagpala, Powerful and only 1% of (our) deepest secrets of the entire universe would be revealed; 99%, including the celestial and ultimate Violet light name of Judge Florentino Floro & LUIS would, forever, be sealed in utter secrecy, kept off from the wisdom of the entire universe! +


C. 75 Living Witnesses who saw the mystic lights and images in Judge Floros right eye (left eye) February 19, 2011 #1st to see the lights, images in my eyes: 3:00 pm At Maunlad Mall Extension, Malolos City, Bulacan, Billy Dionisio [age 32, June 15, 1979, 385 Tabing Ilong II, Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan, (0926-6500153), Bulihan Elementary School, Marcelo del Pilar High School, B.S. Management, Regina Carmeli College, Tarrot Card Reader], saw the gray triangle lights in my palms including the crown or corona and a male being, inside my eyes. #2 Lazaro F. Domingo (at McDonald's Baliuag, Bulacan, beside Col. Alvarez & Gerry Sta. Ana) saw the red lights in in my right eye. April 20, Holy Wednesday #3 2:55 pm. 3 meters beside my brother Benjamin V. Floro's 5,984 sq.m. Burol 1, Balagtas, Bulacan, beside Milaflor Subdivision lot, Jana Loraine B. Del Rosario (age 6, September 23, 2004) saw in my 2 eyes: Jesus Christ clad white linen cloth, weeping and his Cross, the round red lights inside my right eye, and she saw in my palms, the blue heaven and same Jesus Chirst "nakabalabal ng white cloth, weeping." She claimed she saw Mama Mary and Jesus Christ asking her to pray before sleeping, etc. June 24/Friday #4 4:34 pm Alberto Banez Osorio, July 12, 1946, age 65, of Jasmin St., Bancal, Meycauayan, Bulacan, hides dealer, with 6 children (0922-3416159), saw a) the pointed (matulis) blue pointed rays of light at my back while he rode the tricycle with my/brother Robert V. Floro; b) 3 oblong red (left), white lights (right), and the golden salakot (helmet, a spatial heat shield laid on the head; wide-brimmed hat, made of rattan, reed or nipa palm; c) the red and white chasuble at my back; d) the red pointed lights inside my right eye; e) the v-shaped lights, the glimerring fire lights in my 3rd eye.


July 23 #5 3:00 p.m. Zenaida Wenceslao Mendiola, age70, May 14, 1941, widow, with 4 children, of Abuyog and Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, and Manila, a 10 years fortune-teller in front of Mercury Drug, Plaza Miranda, Quiapo, Manila, saw a) the
blinding blue lens (she was shocked) and on 2nd attempt saw the scallop-sized encircling blue lens inside my right eye, and b) in my 2 palms, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the face of Sto. Nino, with curly hair, the Solo Mata (one eye), several tall green trees and the blue clouds.

August 5 #6 Doris Gutierrez de Leon (30 years fortune-teller, age 70, January 6, 1942, BSBA, Military Officer, AFP, of #6 Jasmin
st., Merville Subdivision, Hulong Duhat, Tanza, Navotas, Metro Manila, Philippines). (02) 281-7375, with children: Atty. Narcisa, Trinidad & Christian de Leon) saw the blue and white lens inside my right eye and the white clouds in my 2 palms.

August 8 #7 2:17 pm "Amang or Tatay Sugo" - Marcelio Polintan Santos (age 75, May 24, 1936, widow with 9 children, #375 Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan, 33 years healer since February 6,
1978, cel. # 0927-8887563) saw the white lens in my right eye and the blue flowery lights in my 2 palms.

August 9 #8 3 p.m. Edwin Agapoa (healer since age 15 and 1987,

married, with 4 children, Ejay C. Valbuena, etc., of Rosales, Pangasinan, of Kamias, Quezon, City, Philippines, working as healer in OOO RA, 11 Dom, Surgutskaya, Surgut of Tyumen, Russia, age 50, January 23, 1962; (02) 435-2396) 4:17 p.m.) saw the red-brown lens in my right eye and for 7 minutes saw the tunnel-cave, then yellow outer space and Venus in my 2 palms. Philippine Spiritual Healers Edwin Agpaoa 703

August 10 #9 Yin Imashime Wonder Boy - Eladio Tan Arzaga, Jr., age 21 (September 5, 1990, # 20 cor. St. John and St. James,
Lopez Village, Las Pinas City, 4th Year High School, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, cel.# 0926-6754138; healer since age 4, age 9), 4:20 p.m.; 4:51 p.m., saw the white lens in my right eye and the white rays of lights in my left palm.

#10 Ma. Purisima Concepcion Mallari Justiniano (age 53,

December 8, 1957, customs examiner, balikbayan box division, 1b Santan, Marikina, and Tondo, Manila, at 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paranaque City, cel. # 0921-2726008; 6:40 p.m.) saw the white lens in my right eye and the 2 oblong white lights in my palms, while I heal her of Psoriasis.

August 11, 2011 Vision # 11 Christianbryan Mendoza y Barredo, age 21, August 29, 1989, Centro Inaon, Pulilan, Bulacan, 3rd Year College,
Bulacan State University, 0905-8598408, assistant of Fr. Roberto "Bobby" C. Mariano, at Mt. Carmel Church, Sabang, Baliuag, Bulacan, 10:00 a.m., 10:20 a.m. saw the bright white lens in my right eye and the lightning-shape white lights in my left palm.

#12 6:00 p.m. Dante Caleon Cortez "DJ", age 21, May 10, 1991, #579 Dampol 1, Pulilan, Bulacan, finished High School,
married to Jobelle, faith healer since February 25, 2011, cel. # 0923-5950581, saw the white lights, a bearded Saint wearing brown clothes and his own face in my right eye.

August 12 Florentino V. Floro, Jr. visited Bulacan Environment and Natural Resources Office (BENRO) head Atty. Rustico T. de Belen or "Teddy", (of Angat, Bulacan, date of signing the Roll of Attorneys: April 11, 1996, Roll No.: 40656, former MCLE Director, Supreme Court of the Philippines).


Since Teddy is allegedly color blind, he instructed 2 of

his staff to examine Judge Floro's eyes and 2 palms on the issue of whether mysterious lights emanate from them. In Teddy's presence, the his 2 employees certified and confirmed the truth of Judge Floro's gifts of the lights in his 2 palms and right eye.

#13, 14 10:00 a.m. (Upon instruction of and in the presence of Atty. Rustico de Belen, "Teddy", former Supreme Court of the Philippines MCLE Director, incumbent BENRO, Bulacan Provincial Capitol 2nd Flr.) employees a) Romeo Paloma, Civil Engineer and b) Elizabeth Mendoza Apresto, born on
October 11, __, single, of Manaoag, Pangasinan, Forestry, Baguio College, saw the i) double spherical black image in my right eye and the ii) 2 round white lights-lens in my right eye, and the oblong white rays in my left palm, respectively.

August 13 #15 1:15 p.m. Roger Pacheco Hernandez, age 31, April 20, 1981, of Banga, Plaridel, Bulacan, Picture City, Walter Mart
Plaridel photographer, saw the golden lens inside my right eye and took a picture thereof with his NIKON camera and saw the outer space brightest, smallest stars in my 2 palms.

#16 5:00 p.m. Constancio David Arceo, "Apo Conching", of Paligue, Candaba, Pampanga, married, age 50, saw the white lights in my right eye. August 15 Photographers #17, 18, 19 10:50 a.m a) John de la Cruz Valcos, age 31, December 15, 1980, Computer Engineer, University of the East, of Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan, bc) Alex Bedad, photographer, and another staff of Videoarts, 764 B.S. Aquino Ave., Baliuag, Bulacan, Tel. No. 766-2655 owned by photographer Jake Garcia, 0917-62205-32, saw i) the white lights in my right eye and in my 2 palms, ii) white and blue lights in my right eye.

#20, 21, 22 11:30 a.m. Voyszone photographer Aries Cruz, Rose Pacay and another photographer, saw the white lights in my right eye; photographer Aries Cruz caught on Nikon D80 camera the brown, gold and white lights in my right eye. #23 1:34 p.m. AEONS' Digital Photo Express staff Rose Ann H. Galang, age 21, January 19, 1990, of Gapan, Nueva Ecija, saw the white, gray and gold-yellow lights in the left side of the pupil, retina, cornea of my right eye at AEONS' studio, Cagayan Valley Road, Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan. Rose Ann
Galang works at AEONS Digital Photo Express, layout artist, March 2007 to present, and studied at Putlod San Jose National High School, Class of 2007.

#24 2:55 p.m. Rufino J. Santiago age 61, July 10, 1950,
Hanga, Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan, at KFC, Waltermart, Plaridel, Bulacan, Sheriff of Br. 8, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the white lights in my right eye and the yellow-white lights in my 2 palms as I healed him of cough.

August 16 #25 1:20 p.m. Jomar R. Ipio, age 26, December 23, 1985, of
Binagbag, Angat, Bulacan, photographer of True Colors digital, 2nd Flr., Graceland Mall, McArthur Hiway, Malolos, Bulacan, cel # 0927-5554811, Bulacan State University alumni, saw the blue and white lights in my right eye.

August 16 #26, 3:00 p.m. Oscar Castil, age 51, January 2, 1961, of Tolosa, Leyte, photographer in chief, Glitters Photo Court, Kalye Real cor. Tantoco st., Poblacion, Malolos, Bulacan (Mobile: 09162498994 Glitters Photo Court Email: ), saw the white lights in my right eye. August 17 #27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

2-4 p.m.

Ayen Gail, September 19, 1991, St. Luke's School of San Rafael, STI College Baliuag, Marvin Salas, studied at ACLC baliuag, married to Joanne Keith, born on January 26, 1991, Joanne Keith () works at First Impressions studied at AMA CLC Baliuag, married to Marvin Salas, born on July 31, 1990, Bernice Jhanna worked at First Impression, studied at University of Sto. Tomas, lives in Baliuag, Bulacan, from Makati, - all saw the white round light in my right eye; in addition, Marvin Salas saw the outer space white lights where he was sucked by the revolving black hole light, then
saw the flash strike of a ray of white and small gold lightning, then the moving 2 eyes, the water drops suck and finally the black hole tube 4 times revolving.

Another student, Mark Christopher John Lim and photographer, Knives Daryl Cruz also saw the white lights in my right eye; in addition Daryl saw the outer space light which Marvin Salas saw, as he was allowed to travel to the outer space Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Jupiter and the highest dimensions outside the universe and cosmos. August 18 #33 4 p.m. Rodolfo Santos ("Ka Rudy Star", spiritual healer at Bulacan, Alfonso, Cavite and Calatagan, Batangas, and exorcist since 1977 when the Divine Mercy allegedly appeared to him, of Nagbalon, Marilao, Bulacan, cel# 09297037565, Founder of the Christ the King Movement) saw a) the blue and white lights in my right eye, b) the big V or victory shaped green lights and several round violet lights in my chest and c) the several holy/divine images of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, the Solo Mata, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Child, Salvador del Mundo, and lights in my 2 palms, confirming that I am the sole holder of these lights and divine images since creation, and no human being has these.

August 19 #35 Annie Pedro Sioting, December 26, 1987 & Chi Alcantara
Wayway (photographers of Picture Me Portrait Studio, Unit V-15, 2nd Flr., in lane with Toy Kingdom and Planet Sport, Virra Mall, Greenhills Shooping Center, San Juan Metro Manila, Phone: (02)

7226878, (02) 7446706) captured on photo the golden white round light in Judge Floro's right eye; but only Chi saw the round white lights in Judge Floro's right eye using "Jinbei Softbox" and: August 20 #36 6:30 p.m. Anthony Vivero, famous spiritual healer, at his healing center and house, 22 Essen St., Phase 3 BF Homes, Paraaque, Metro Manila Tel., saw the green, blue and other mystic colors in my right eye; he also affirmed the extreme power in my right palm over my left palm. August 21 #37 3 pm Lester Suansing, Photoline (SM City Baliuag, Pagala, Baliuag, Bulacan, Tel.# (044) 761-0761) saw the green
lights in my rigth eye and photographed my ritght eye. Photoline photographers Lester Suansing and Mary took these pictures.

August 22, 2011 #38 11:30 a.m. Carmen Barbosa (4th right at the picture), at Jollibee,Poblacion, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the brightest stars, crystal, the green, blue and orange lights and the Black Nazarene in my right eye. #39 3:30 p.m. Elena de Jesus de Guzman (age 59, May 4, 1951, of Mabolo, Malolos, Bulacan, husband of Anastacio de Guzman, official photographer of Bulacan Office of Governor Whilhelmino
Wilhelmino Sy-Alvarado, owner of gjs studio and GJ's Catering Services, Malolos, Bulacan, beside her secretary Nancy De Guzman). 708

August 25 #40, 41 12:35 p.m. Elvie Cruz, photographer of Golden Memory Photo Center, Barrera St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan, (044) 938-7714 (044) 418-0010 & Florencia Garcia, age 58, September 5, 1952, of Valenzuela, Metro Manila & Tarcan, Riles, Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, OFW
saw the blue and green lights in my iris and pupil-cornea-retina, while photographer Alvin Santiago, of Obando, Metro Manila took these 2 pictures of my right eye, using Nikon D70

August 26 #43, 44, 45 2-5 p.m. Lina Cruz or Lina Hermoso Cruz (0917-8786607; 0916-4883554; (02) 687-7930), age 66,
August 18, 1945, born at 29 Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, PhilAmerican, Catholic, 210 lbs., a visionary at age 12), as I healed Lina of her feet problem due to diabetic neuropathy, a neuropathic disorder that is associated with diabetes mellitus, Lina saw the a) black, white, yellow and orange oblong and round lights in my

right eye, and b) Jesus Christ as Sto. Nino and the Blessed Virgin Mary in my 2 palms amid the bright lights. Vilma Hermoso Paraiso, Hulo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, studied at Meycauayan College, 1991, married to Bobby Paraiso, Unibag Phil., 0916-4883554, daughter of Isidro "Nonong" Hermoso, saw the white and blue oblong or round lights in my right eye. Emmanuel S. Munar, January 1, 1963, of Gibraltar, near Mansion House, Baguio City, family driver, as I healed him of non-toxic goiter or goitre (Latin gutteria, struma), is a swelling in the thyroid gland, which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx (voice box). Goitre rarely occurs when the thyroid gland is functioning properly, Munar saw the oblong and round white and orange lights in my 2 palms.


August 29 #46 11:30 a.m. Angelito Cayetano, owner of CenA Digital Photography, Technological University of the Philippines, of Pulilan, Bulacan, married to Jinggay, photographer, graphic artist, Christian Cathedral's Member, father of Four (4) Boys - JAC, Marcos, Glend & Ish, Mobile No. 09203874931, e-mail address:,; Angelito saw the round white lights in my right eye and took these pictures of my right eye in his studio. September 1 #47 1:30 p.m. Agripina Cruz Tudla [age 54, June 5, 1957, married with 4 children, lady marshall of St. Isidro Church, of Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan, spiritual healer since April 4, 1994 (044) 676-7627] saw the oblong white lights inside my right eye's lover pupil-cornea-retina. September 3 #48, 49, 50 5:30 p.m. "Girlie" or Ma. Victoria Hernandez de los Reyes, age 59, March 9, 1951, married, of Matungao, Bulacan, and Sto. Nino, Plaridel, Bulacan, spiritual healer since June 20, 1977, saw the triangle white lights inside my 2 eyes and 2 palms. 11:00 a.m. Domingo Nerviol y Ronda, of 99 Camia St., Ligas, Malolos City, Bulacan, spiritual healer and exorcist since 1987, age 46, November 7, 1965, cel. # 0929-1936785
began healing since September 7, 1988, married, saw the white lights inside my right eye's pupil-retina-cornea.

3:00 p.m. "Ka Nora" or Nora San Miguel, married, of 63 Camia St., Ligas, Malolos City, Bulacan, spiritual healer since 1987.

She stated that Saint Lucy (283304, also known as Saint Lucia, was a wealthy young Christian martyr who is venerated as a saint by Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Orthodox Christians. Her feast day in the West is 13 December; with a name derived from lux, lucis "light", she is the patron saint of those who are blind) enlightens my eyes and "Papa Jesus" asked me to heal the sick. September 4 #51, 52 11:30 p.m. Upon request of and in the presence of Emmanuel Salvania, at Caingin, San Rafael, Bulacan, and upon spiritual healing of Joseph Cuerdo or "Jhun-jhun Cuerdo" (age 19, September 6, 1992, cel. # 0926-1456943) of his severe itch, allegedly due to duende punishment per 2 herbolaryo's findings, his mother Debbie Cuerdo (age 51, February 10, 1960, married, farmer) and Joseph Cuerdo himself, saw the a) white clouds lights and b) oblong lights in Judge Floro's left palm, respectively. September 5 #54 5 p.m. Arlene Demain Corales, November 3, 1961, age 50, married to Rolan (cel. # 0919-2487171), with 3 children, of Matimias St., Sampaloc, Manila, Metro Manila, renting a house at Villa Roca or Roper's Farm, Ma. Lourdes St., Tabang,
Plaridel, Bulacan, in the presence of Rolly Callera (cel. # 09179193588), saw the oblong brightest white and red lights in my left palm and she also saw the brightest, large rectangle inside my right eye's pupil-cornea and retina, while I healed her of massive diabetes stroke resulting to a clot and cyst in her brain.

September 7 #55, 56 1 p.m. Filomena Mateo San Diego @ "Apo Fely",

age 70, July 5, 1941 (cel. # 0927-3794371), of Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan, widow of faith healer Apo Laureano or Leon San Diego.


Both spiritual healers for 34 years or since God the Father and Sto. Nino allegedly appeared to both spouses in 1975, with 9 children), saw the green clouds in my right eye and the flesh-colored leaf shaped lights and Solo Mata in my left and right palms, respectively; she stated that God the Father and the Black Nazarene guide me. 5 p.m. At # 0582, small private chapel, San Pedro, Bustos, Bulacan, "Ka Nene", Severina Hipolito Manalili, age 63, June 8, 1948, spiritual healer for 23 years or since Our Lady of Penafrancia allegedly appeared to her on June 29, 1987,
widow with 4 children), saw the green and blue triangle in my right eye, and the blue clouds lights in my left palm.

September 9 #57, 58, 59 12:00 noon *a) 11:30 a.m. At Talampas, Bulacan, Bulacan, John Michael del Rosario, age 6, July 31, 2005, son of Joylyn del Rosario y de Castro, ( married, studied at ACSAT, Holy Child Academy, employed by
Zenith Electrical, cel. # 0908-6674198, daughter of Antonio Pelingon de Castro), saw the bright round red lights inside my right eye's pupil-retina-cornea;

*b) Faith healer Antonio Pelingon de Castro, of Manuguit, Abad Santos, Tondo, Manila, living at Talampas, Bustos, Bulacan, age 62, January 15, 1948, widow, with 2 children, healer since 1970's and 1995, cel. # 0933-9156574, per his ritual, saw the green lights in my right eye, and the white, blue lights in my 2 palm; *c) Ma. Corazon Hilario Sanchez, January 19, 1946, age 64, widow, with 4 children, living at CL
Hilario St., Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan, Consolidator of VC Teodoro Realty Corp., cel. # 0927-6684977, saw the blue lights and mysterious objects inside my right eye, and the bright blue clouds and a lightning ray in my left palm.


September 11 #60, 61, 62 11:00 a.m. At Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan, near the Asphalt Factory and Elementary School, "Ate Tess" or Tess Liwanag Marcos, age 46, April 25, 1965, spiritual healer since 2008, stated that she saw the blue lights and a blue fairy with blue dress in my right eye. 1:10 p.m. Kristel Aquino y Lontoc, age 18, September 6, 1993 (with 4 siblings, 4th year, Bahay Pare National High School, Candaba, Pampanga (Als), living at Sitio 6, Pulong Plaza, Pampanga, Bulacan, near Funeraria Juliana, cel. # 0926-1453551, spiritual healer since 2009, when St. Roque, and the 7 Archangels, including St. Exequiel appeared to her while the Holy Trinity guides her) saw a) the diamond shaped white lights in my right eye and b) the bright star and Christ's Cross in my my left/right palms. (cel. # 0926-1453551). September 13 #63, 64, 65 11:00 a.m. At their Sampaloc, San Rafael, Bulacan mini-chapel and house, near the Asphalt Factory and Elementary School, Richard Garcia (age 31, October 2, 1979, tricycle driver, married with 2 children, son of "Magasawang Apo" or Josefa Garcia and Manuel Garcia, ages 63 & 81, March 1, 1948 & April 25, 1935, respectively), upon reply to his requested prophecy on his life and hardships, saw the small oblong white, turning red light in my right eye. His faith mother Josefa Garcia, being a 17 years spiritual
healer or since 1993, when the Black Nazarene, inter alia, allegedly appeared to her, a quail dealer, of Calderon St., Subic, Baliuag, Bulacan, stated that "Papa Jesus" told her upon prayer that my right eye is a miracle from God. Upon request, I healed Manuel Garcia of his 2 fingers shaking due to "pasma" or nerve disorders due to general massage of patients. 713

September 14 #66, 67, 68, 60 11:20 a.m. "Ka Mila" or Mila Gonzales
Manalastas, age 60, June 6, 1951, married to a crane operator, with 11 children, of Kapihan, San Rafael, Bulacan, El Shaddai Member, spiritual healer and exorcist since 1999, when St. Roch or San Roque appeared to her at Pulong Gubat, Candaba Church, cel. # 0929-1036795, stated that a) she felt the appalling or "pangingilabot" due to my extreme spiritual, mystic and divine giftspowers, b) and that through her method of "tawas" (pouring melted candle in water), she saw the bright lights in my eyes and palms.

2:00 p.m. Zaldy Santiago Hernandez, age 33, May 15, 1978, with 2 children, tricycle driver, of Camia St., Ligas, Malolos, Bulacan, saw the round white light turning to double red in my right eye; upon request, I healed his son of ear problems. 2:20 p.m. His wife Cheska Sebastian Hernandez, of Tagulod, Candaba, Pampanga, cel. # 0999-4745170, saw the a) round white lights moving left and right inside my right eye, and b) the red and white oblong and curve and other round lights in my 2 palms and at their center, as show by
the above-paper containing the hand drawing of Cheska writing what she saw; Cheska stated that the lights she saw in my 2 palms are the same Nazarene lights she saw in dreams, when she saw heaven and Christ, the Nazarene.

3:20 p.m. "Ka Epeng" or Serapio Garcia, age 54, November 14, 1958, of Camia St., Ligas, Malolos, Bulacan, with 4 children, spiritual healer since 1986 when he first ascended
Mt. Banahaw, which he visited more than 30 times, cel. # 09336178173, stated that he saw the blue lights inside my right eye.

September 19 #70 6:00 p.m. Faith healer, Mauro Nicolas @ Ka Moreng,

age 69, January 14, 1942, married, with 3 children, Giovanni, a
nurse and a Spain seaman, of E. del Rosario St., Taal, Bocaue, Bulacan.


He studied at St. Mary's Academy of Meycauayan,

Bulacan, Meycauayan Institute, and Feati, Manila, former seminarian, high school at San Carlos Seminary. He began healing as "hilot" at age 12, when his twin white horse "puti" the son of the white horse of St. Maurus, appeared to him and until today helps him in his hilot Filipino massage healing; (he said the horses of St. James and St. Martin of Tours, are red or chestnut and grey and blue, respectively); he saw the violet and white lights in my right eye and right palm, respectively. (cel. # 0949-9046437).

September 20 #71, 72 3:30 p.m. Bienvenida de los Santos Pascual or "Nino" age 57, November 20, 1953, married with 3 children, of #538 Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan, born in Bagong Bario,
Pandi, Bulacan, faith healer since she saw visions when she was hospitalized at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Bocaue, Bulacan in 1990; she said she saw the gold star lights in my crown-head and in my right eye. (cel. # 0915-2077579).

5:00 p.m. Fe Nogales Ducot Roxas, age 69, February 12, 1942, of #15 Manggahan St., Igulot, Bocaue, Bulacan,
finished Grade 3 Elementary School, RTW cutter, widow of farmer, healer since 1975. She heard a voice saying "Sacramento" was heard by her, and had herself crucified on the cross at Lugam, Malolos, Bulacan in 1983 Good Friday, with 7 children, said she saw the white light in my right eye. (cel. #0918-6389287).

September 21 Spiritual Healers #30 #73 4:00 p.m. At Sitio Bakood, Nia Road, Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan, "Ka Nita" or Nita Borbon Claudio, age 58, January 13, 1952 (married with 4 children, formerly of Binang 1,
Bocaue, Bulacan, born at Roxas City, spiritual healer, hilot, since 1995, when dwarf "Inkong Pedro" helped her to heal) saw the a) white light in my rigth eye and b) the silver diamond or triangle in my left palm. Her father, a healer rode a flying horse and was brought to the Engkanto's kingdom.


September 24, 2011, 5:00 p.m. Greatest Miracle of the Clouds & Lights - 20 Year Spiritual Healing Ministry Anniversary of Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM: July 16, 1991 to October 9, 2011, Her Birthday ^ A First in Her Healing History in the Mother Ignacia Healing Ministry #74 Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM stated that she discerned, that the Triangle Point Lights she saw in my left eye, is the Holy Trinity. #75 Sister Reinalda A. Sison, RVM, stated that she saw a bigger round white lights in my right eye than the smaller white she saw in my left eye. November 3, 2011 7:30 a.m. At "Locals Ricos" Dagupan City Hotel, 3rd floor, I gazed and held P 300,000 (P1,000 & P 500 bills); "LUIS gave you the moneys!" a voice said. At the ground floor, my deceased aunt Monica "Moning" Velasquez with right face, walked sideways astride fast, as a voice called her amid beaming, stout Ramon "Monching" Velasquez went to her mother.


Appendix A Pinoy Exchange Forums Dire Prophecies of Judge Florentino Floro


Sources: The written-posted, e-published threads and post replies, in e-forum PinoyExchange (and other forums) die predictions of Judge Florentino Floro: Pinoy Exchange (PEx) is a Filipino online message board community founded by Dr. Michael Nolledo a.k.a. "batanguliran" with help from close family members on July 12, 1999. As of June 19, 2009, PEX has over 36,255,899 posts made by 320,695 members, making it the largest message board in the country by far. PEX was originally conceptualized by the New Jersey-based Dr. Michael Nolledo as an outlet for Filipinos to discuss and debate local issues. Hindered by geographical limitations, Michael enlisted the help of his brother Nix Nolledo a.k.a. Nix. Nix is his brother-in-law Marco Lucena a.k.a. marco (who was later replaced by Michael Palacios a.k.a. Mikoid as lead designer and technical consultant), and most importantly his nephew Jude Turcuato a.k.a. Kaboom! who helped generate interest by plugging the forum during televised UAAP basketball games in which he worked as a commentator. Although the forum reached 2,000 members before the turn of the century it was not until Sprite's 2001 ad campaign that PEX enjoyed its highest exposure. As a result of the rapid increase in traffic, PEX upgraded its dated, CGI-based Ultimate Bulletin Board software to the more robust PHP-powered VBulletin and introduced "Premium Packages" in which subscribers gain added features. 1. Naniniwala ba kayo sa BISA ng SUMPA? Judge FV Floro Oct 9, 2009

2. Magaganap ba ang hula ni Joma Sison "Ranks of Guerrillas to Grow"? Judge FV Floro Oct 7, 2009 3. Rod Nazario's dying wish to Pacquiao: KO Cotto Judge FV Floro Sep 25, 2009

4. Agnes Devanadera, Solicitor General to Supreme Court Justice juanatoledo Sep 7, 2009


5. Hundreds saved from doomed Superferry 9 Judge FV Floro Sep 7, 2009

6. Why 'Ang Tanging Pamilya'-Sferry9-SCinCrew-Tragedy is OMEN 2 Erap's political destiny Judge FV Floro Sep 7, 2009

7. Miyuki Hatoyama, Japan's 1st lady: 'Venus is a beautiful place', on UFOs Judge FV Floro Sep 6, 2009

8. Consecration of Judiciary-Government Mary's Immaculate Heart-Sacred Heart-EUCHARIST Judge FV Floro Sep 2, 2009

9. HR 1109, S.C. G.R. NO. 187883, Lozano vs Nograles - Legal Exorcism: Intervention Judge FV Floro Aug 15, 2009

10. Mar del Castillo-Roberto Abad: quintuple heart bypass/twin CURSED Ateneo SUICIDES Judge FV Floro Aug 10, 2009

11. 9-9-09 PGMA would survive her endless political battles: will be hurt her power ends Judge FV Floro Aug 2, 2009

12. Philippine Cockfighting Videos, my sports in 1990 Judge FV Floro Aug 2, 2009

13. Philippine Dwarves, Influence beyond borders: Experience and Knowledge Jul 24, 2009 by Judge FV Floro

14. SC Justice Adolf Azcuna APOLOGIZED for announcing Cory' DEATH at Holy Mass Judge FV Floro Jul 24, 2009

15. July 16, July 20, 1969 - 40th Giant Leap Anniversary Judge FV Floro Jul 20, 2009

16. "Among Ed," namatanda, talo sa S.C.:RECOUNT; Pope Benedict nadapa, broken wrist Judge FV Floro Jul 17, 2009

17. 2009 Global Corruption Barometer: JudicialCorruption Bulacan-Olongapo Judges Dismissed Judge FV Floro Jul 17, 2009

18. Qtr Century Close Encounter w/ 3 Dwarves: 1985-'89-2001 Betamax-VHS 60 YouTube Videos Judge FV Floro

19. SONA Legal Sum: Speaker &/or PM GM-Arroyo: Acting CJ Carpio-July '10 PLUNDER cases Judge FV Floro

20. The Marcos Gold, Cory Aquino & the Philippine Judiciary Judge FV Floro Jul 3, 2009


21. CJ PUNO, M Velarde/E Villanueva: Moral Farce? Judge FV Floro May 16, 2009 22. Equestrian in the Philippines Judge FV Floro Apr 21, 2009 23. 2009 Good Friday: Global Earthquakes-Marian Apparitions & PGMA, Physical Hurting Judge FV Floro Apr 13, 2009

24. 2010 RP Elections:Brains without bodies Judge FV Floro Mar 31, 2009

25. Part 3-2010 RP Elections:Brains without bodies:H.Keh-Mr. Palengke-Bangon RP-CJ Puno Judge FV Floro Mar 30, 2009 26. 2010 RP Gen. Elections, Part I - Villar & Panlilio, are they destined to be President? Judge FV Floro Mar 22, 2009

27. Philippine General Elections of 2010: Overview & Introduction Judge FV Floro Mar 18, 2009

Under juanatoledo, Judge Floros threads 1. Disorder in the Supreme Court: a litigant twits Chief Justice Puno on leak _leak_of_draft_judgment_in_election_case Philippines Supreme Court to probe leak of draft judgment in election case 2. GSIS-Meralco bribery case 3. An open letter to C.J. Panganiban: No Cross, No Crown; "No Pain, No Gain" 4. The Blue Madonna, Lux in Domino and Ces Drilon 5. Viva! Communist Party of the Philippines - 39th anniversary 6. Ex-Comelec chief Alfredo Benipayo rushed to hospital in Iloilo 7. SWS: De Castro, 3 others are top 2010 bets 8. Noli de Castro - Unfolding events - Acting Presidency 9. Period: Kiko the Broken Gavel, PGMA badly hurt IN TIME 10. JOMA SISON: Netherland Prophecy of PGMA downfall/nonfinish of term - excites elves


11. Twin e-j killings: Navidad, 15th Judge Killed;Fr. Rey Roda: Jan 4,Prophecy - Killings 12. Fr. Fernando Suarez & P 8 Billion Montemaria Mega-Shrine 13. Philippine Extrajudicial Killings and Desaparecidos 14. Timeline: Philippine Standout Events (2006-2007) 15. A.C. 7663: Disbarment Case: J. Floro vs. Sen. MD. Santiago Note: The S Court finally HELD that Miriam Santiago violated the Code of Prof. Responsibility 16. Teresita Leonardo de Castro: 15th Supreme Court Justice / 68'07 Prophecy 17. GUILTY? Erap jailed til 2010? Kapalit? T. De Castro, S. C. Justice? 18. The Angel of Death, Raul Gonzales: Memorandum of Prophecies: Impeccable 19. Can Imprecation cleanse the corrupt judiciary? (by banned judgefloro ) 20. Bribe story nothing new - Mon Tulfo 21. 21 Honorable Thieves or Saints, by 2010: GMA Legacy 22. D-Day, Friday Death Watches Eyes Raul Gonzales Kydney Transplant 23. 7-7-07: 9-30: GMA rushed to AHMC, Bleeding 24. Post Here, Specific-More Killings After PUNO Summit Failure Thread 25. Health curse in GMA Cabinet strikes anew, Claudio goes under the knife 26. 7-7-07: 27. 110%: Gloria for President/P.M. in 2010 28. BBC BR. NEWS - Italian Priest kidnapped in Philippines 29. S.C. Dockets Disbarment (A.M. OCA IPI # 07-106-CAJ) vs. CA J. R. BARZA, Dirty Dozen


30. UNLUCKY 13? KOKO/NENE takot ba sa MULTO ng LANAO/CEBU cocs/EXIT POLLS? 31. International Victory for Jose Maria Sison 32. Contempt, Disbarment Cases Filed: J. Floro v Sen. M. Santiago 33. Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data (Philippines) SC approves rule on writ of amparo vs extralegal killings 34. Wall Street Journal: In the Philippines, Ex-Judge ConsultsThree Wee Friends 35. $ 225, 000 BRIBE: S.C.Justice C. Ynares-Santiago, Honorable Thief? 36. Psychotic Judge's 1st Friday Prophecy Fulfilled: DOJ chief rushed to hospital 37. Release of Sison, VICTORY of JUSTICE: Warning to Hypocrite Magistrates 38. 1 in 5 adult Pinoys have 'psychiatric disorders 39. S.C. Justice, JBC Member Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., Ninoy & 16 Accused 40. P.I. E-J Killings - Fires = Results of FATIMA'S 1918 Prophecy 41. Mystic Prophecies fulfilled:CA BURNING NOW, after S. C. & COMELEC Razed + 50 Killings 42. Who Will Replace Callejo? Brion Dreams, Will He Get It Now Or Next Time? 43. Hard work or curse? 44. Beware of sociopaths in politics, experts warn p?article_id=80738

Indeed, to the end, Hitler believed himself, and his race, as the "cure" to society's diseases. "Sociopaths are able to dupe a lot of people. It's hard to detect the insincerity of their words," Batar said.

She added that a position in government presented an opportunity to lie and steal, and still get away with it using their "charm."
45. MR. NOTED - Kiko is misreading his victory 46. Gloria snubs Shaddai, to revive Cha-cha push: TENGA dance time? 47. GREAT SHAME ON SWS - May Naniniwala Pa Ba Kay Mahar Mangahas? (by banned judgefloro) 48. P100 M lost to massive fishkill in Pangasinan 49. NINEZ & MANONG: KISS OF DEATH - the FALL OF GMA (by banned judgefloro) 50. Court allows Honasan to post bail (by banned judgefloro) 51. Sino Ba Ang 8 S.C. As. Justices Ang Pipiliin Ni Gma (10-2007 2010)? 52. Communist tentacles in metro slums, universities--Esperon 53. Mark Jimenez's wife 'abducted' 54. WEBB, MAY PADRINO NA: SC takes cognizance of Vizconde case 55. CBCP head appeals to abductors of Jonas Burgos, on YouTube 56. TriNoma Mall - MALAS BA? 57. RIPLEY'S BILIB IT OR NUT: Abalos brods tricycle drivers top Basilan vote 58. Poll: 15th Presidency, nothing less: God's Call to Mario B. Crespo? (by banned judgefloro) when MJ failed Judge Floro, his END came so near 59. Waiting for May 14 Exit Polls (as Check/Indicator of Fraud)


60. PETSAY fastest-rising bet, Pulse Asia peyd? 61. WHO concerned by motorcycle epidemic deaths, injuries judgefloro 62. Desperado na ba si J de Venecia? Vote-Buying Spree judgefloro 63. Benjie Lim, Giant Killer: Bilang Na Mga Araw Ni Jdv? 64. Br. News: QC Hotel Fire, 2oth flr./ Osmena, ANGIOPLASTY

References:!/judgefloro =psp_free_today j-99-1460_2006.html &oldid=291975074 dgefloro&oldid=16482677


Download Judge Floro's 51 pages - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance

Download Judge Floro's 190 pages-Book (part of Book II, 2010) - The Prophet LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil.. 30 Visions and Apparitions: 3-1308 to 2-2511 - LUIS, Armand and Angel: Servants of Mary; Members of Marys Army; CrusadersKnights of the Black Nazarene; Protectors of the Holy Eucharist against Atheism, Evil, Agnostics and Satans Instruments (March 13, 2008 )


Blogs of Judge Florentino Floro: 1 2


***** 1. Judge Florentino Floro & LUIS, Armand and Angel LUIS, ARMAND AND ANGEL & JUDGE FLORENTINO FLORO'S BIBLICAL CURSE AND MYSTIC IMPRECATION UPON THE ENTIRE PHILIPPINE JUDICIARY, JUSTICES, JUDGES, CORRUPT LAWYERS AND JOURNALISTS, WIKIPEDIA-WIKINEWS EDITORS-ADMINISTRATORS, ATENEO LAW SCHOOL CLASSES 1982, 1980 TO 1990, INCLUDING ALL HIS ENEMIES, STALKERS, PERSECUTORS, DETRACTORS AND ALL THOSE WHO CAUSED THE LOSS OF THE FILIPINO DWARF JUDGES JOB, DUE TO A PRETEND WORLD, AND THEIR LOVED ONES, UP TO THE 4TH GENERATION. Monday March 21 2011 Judge Florentino Floro and the 3 Mystic Dwarves' Saga 3 Philippines Mystic Dwarves, LUIS, Armand and Angel & Judge Florentino Floro, on Philippine Politics 2. LUIS - Conditional Global Annihilation: Atheism The Black Nazarene blesses Judge Florentino Floro Judge Florentino Floro is blessed by the Black Nazarene with the only hands-palms in world-universe history that eternally displays the red, white, yellow ... lights, the Holy Images of Black Nazarene, Risen Christ, Just Heaven, Holy Cross ... all visible to any human eye since September 10, 2010. As Prophet, Visionary & Angel of Death, Floro, LUIS, Armand
and Angel defeat-annihilate Atheism and Born Again Christians who destroy "Poons" or Catholic Images. Conditional Global Annihilation: Fatima, Lourdes & 140 rue du Bac vis-a-vis Atheism



727 5. Philippine Faith Healers (Spiritual Healers) This Blog is about World-Famous (10 Countries CancerHealer of the Lord), Sr. Raquel Reodica, RVM (Sister Corazon Alonte, RVM, Sister Reinalda A. Sison), and the Testimonial Evidence of 16 Photographers & 29 Faith Healers who saw the Mystic, Divine Lights in Judge Floro's Palms & Eyes. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011

***** 1. The Curse of Mystic Dwarves LUIS, Armand & Angel: Martyr, Saint Judge Florentino Floro Thursday, November 19, 2009 Judge Florentino Floro, Antonio Z. Atienza, Jr., Leonardo A. Quisumbing & Amparo S. Lardizabal Q. The Healing Hand (Magic Touch); the Angel of Death: in the eyes of Amparo S. Lardizabal (Teacher of teachers), Antonio Boy Z. Atienza, Jr. (Golden Touch) & S.C. Justice Leonardo A. Quisimbing 2. Philippine Crab Mentality: Psalms 109 & 73 - Judge Florentino Floro's Curse Monday, November 23, 2009

"R O P E" - Judge Florentino Floro & Alfredo L. Benipayo: 2009 Prophecy - Rod Nazario, Ondoy, Pepeng, Extrajudicial Killings & Enforced Disappearances R. Good Friday 2009 Prophecy of Poor Judge Floro: R O P E - Rod Nazario, Ondoy, Pepeng, Earthquakes LUIS, King of kings of elementals: They will regret it!! 3. Judge Florentino V. Floro: Mystic Vengeance-Biblical Imprecation of LUIS, Armand and Angel Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel meet Joseph Ejercito "Erap" Estrada: Philippine Imprecation (Psalms 109-73) Travels: 1998-2007 F. Philippine Curse Travels, (Psalms 109-73) 1998-2007: Spiritual Healer Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., LUIS, Armand & Angel Summon All Elementals vs. Evil 4. Psychic and Healing Judge Florentino Floro meets Mystic Dwarves LUIS, Armand and Angel Friday, December 04, 2009 Judge Florentino Floro, Minita Viray Chico-Nazario: Close Encounter with LUIS, Armand and Angel - Violet-bluish & White Lights versus Evil and Enemies

Part II Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance A. Who is LUIS? Close Encounter A Friend from another Star: Violet and White Lights Bonito, Salakot, Sombrero, Supot, UFO, Space Ship B. LUIS, Armand and Angel February, 2008 Gifts of Lente and Bonito: Colorless Fires, Rainbow Lights From Judge Floros Eyes Discernment & The Violet Hat LUIS Crowned Judge Floro with Super Annihilation of Evil, Detractors, Persecutors and Magistrates 5. LUIS, Florentino V. Floro, Armand & Angel: Canonized Saint & Philippine National Hero Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Judge Florentino Floro, Artemio V. Panganiban: Gift of Spiritual Healing, Coconut Healing Oil; Elenita C., Jose Artemio C. Panganiban III's Prosperity C. Gift of Spiritual Healing 2 Mata - 2 eyes Heatprocessed Judge Floros Coconut Healing Oil E. With Due Respect: Filipino Dwarf Jurist Retains the Legal Title of Philippine Judge Until Eternity 6. Judge Florentino V. Floro: The Curse and Spell - LUIS' Mystic Violet Lights versus Evil Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Judge Florentino Floro, Teresita Jose Leonardo De Castro & LUIS, Armand and Angel: Philippine Curse (Psalms 109-73) Travels: 1994-2007 G. 3 Mystic Dwarves Prophecy on Wikipedia: S.C. Associate Justice Teresita Leonardo-de Castro" F. Philippine Curse Travels, (Psalms 109-73) 1998-2007: Spiritual Healer Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., LUIS, Armand & Angel Summon All Elementals vs. Evil 7. Global Pictures of LUIS, Armand and Angel: Judge Florentino, the Prophet and Visionary Thursday, December 17, 2009 LUIS, Armand & Angel meet Laszlo Q. V. St-J. Xalieri: LUIS the Elf of Cosmic Holy Justice and His Pet Human, His Honor Florentino V. Floro, Jr. I. Mystic Dwarves and Lazlos Footnote: LUIS the Elf of Cosmic Holy Justice and His Pet Human, His Honor Florentino V. Floro, Jr. 8. Judge Florentino V. Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel: Philippine Dwarves meet the Prophet Monday, December 21, 2009 Judge "Florentino Floro (2006)," LUIS, Armand and Angel meet The Medusa Snare: Adam John Miller; Influence beyond Borders

731 D. LUIS, Armand and Angel - Influence beyond borders: Experience and Knowledge 9. Judge Florentino V. Floro and the 3 Mystic Dwarves' Saga Saturday, January 2, 2010 Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel meet Consuelo Ynares-Santiago, Miriam Defensor Santiago and Hilario G. Davide, Jr. H. 3 Mystic Dwarves and Judge Floro on Philippine Politics Judge Florentino V. Floro and the 3 Mystic Dwarves' Saga 3 Philippines Mystic Dwarves, LUIS, Armand and Angel & Judge Florentino Floro, on Philippine Politics Judge Florentino Floro & LUIS, Armand and Angel LUIS, ARMAND AND ANGEL & JUDGE FLORENTINO FLORO'S BIBLICAL CURSE AND MYSTIC IMPRECATION UPON THE ENTIRE PHILIPPINE JUDICIARY, JUSTICES, JUDGES, CORRUPT LAWYERS AND JOURNALISTS, WIKIPEDIA-WIKINEWS EDITORS-ADMINISTRATORS, ATENEO LAW SCHOOL CLASSES 1982, 1980 TO 1990,


10. Angel of Death, LUIS, Armand and Angel: Judge Florentino Floro, Prophet and Visionary Saturday, January 16, 2010 Philippine Mystic Dwarfs LUIS, Armand and Angel Meet Healing and Psychic Judge Florentino Floro /01/philippine-mystic-dwarfs-luis-armand_16.html 11. Judge Florentino V. Floro, LUIS, Armand & Angel: Immortality in World History Monday, January 18, 2010 Immortality in World History: Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand & Angel meet Alicia Austria-Martinez Angelina Sandoval-Guitierrez Cerge M. Remonde First Part I. World Famous Philippine Healing Judge and 3 Mystic Dwarves: Immortality in World History 12. LUIS, Armand and Angel meet Judge Florentino Floro, Philippine Angel of Death Saturday, January 23, 2010 Freedom of Religion in the Judiciary: Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel meet Conchita Carpio-Morales


13. LUIS, Armand and Angel meet Judge Florentino Floro Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Genealogy of Judge Florentino Floro: LUIS, Armand and Angel meet Jesie Floro, Christian Sinson-Floro and Maria Floro 14. Dwarf Chief Justice Florentino Floro: Philippine Angel of Death Tuesday, February 9, 2010 Philippine Chief Justice Florentino Floro, Mystic Dwarves LUIS, Amand and Angel meet Renato C. Corona, Antonio T. Carpio & Arturo D. Brion 15. Biography of Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel 16. "Pinagpala"-Imortl: The Black Nazarene blesses Judge Florentino Floro Judge Florentino Floro is blessed by the Black Nazarene with the only hands-palms in world-universe history that eternally displays the red, white, yellow ... lights, the Holy Images of Black Nazarene, Risen Christ, Just Heaven, Holy Cross ... all visible to any human eye since September 10, 2010. As Prophet, Visionary & Angel of Death, Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel defeat-annihilate Atheism and Born Again Christians who destroy "Poons" or Catholic Images.


Global News and Pictures of LUIS, Armand and Angel Friday, April 8, 2011

735 19. MONDAY, JULY 18, 2011 Imortl: LUIS, Armand and Angel & Filipino 'Dwarf' Judge Florentino Floro Note: [M]y life has spanned an historic period, and I am rather awed by that fact, LUIS-Judge Floro wrote. As I recalled other events, I realized that . . . Hilario G. Davide, Jr., Artemio Panganiban, Reynato S. Puno and how many others bit the dust during this and the last centuries. Now I am afraid that we are entering a troubled time, but of a different kind. . . . So-called judicial terrorism may get a new lease on life. . . . But why be pessimistic? The price of ridding the Philippine judicial system of bad is always high.

Devotedly, The MA. (For Mortis Angelus)


Appendix B 2007 World Famous Mystic: Armand, Luis & Angel, The Three Dwarfs MEET The Judge --- Psychic & Healing Martyr of Filipino Justice


ISBN 9716916195 Judge Floros First Book ISBN: 9789716916195 (ISBN 978-971-691-619-5) Judge Floro (December, 2006 January, 2007) had his First Book printed on demand, published (but did not sell copies on bulk) and donated copies of the book (357 pages) to about 50 top Philippine libraries. This book can be checked in their OPAC sites. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN)116 is a unique commercial book identifier. The ISBN system is based on the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code created in the United Kingdom in 1966 by the booksellers and stationers W.H. Smith and others. The 10-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN) format was developed by the International Organization for Standardization and published as an international standard, ISO 2108, in 1970. (However, 9-digit SBN codes continued in use in the UK until 1974.) ISO TC 46/SC 9 is now responsible for the standard. Since January 1, 2007, ISBNs are of 13 digits, compatible with Bookland EAN-13s. An ISBN is assigned to each edition and variation (except reprintings) of a book. The ISBN is 13 digits long if assigned after January 1, 2007, and 10 digits long if assigned before 2007. An International Standard Book Number consists of 4 or 5 parts: 1. for a 13 digit ISBN, a GS1 prefix: 978 or 979 2. the group identifier, (group of countries sharing a language) 3. the publisher code, 4. the item number, and 5. a checksum character or check digit. The ISBN parts may be of different lengths, and usually are separated with hyphens or spaces.


The Library of Congress Control Number or LCCN is a serially based system of numbering cataloging records in the Library of Congress in the United States. This numbering system has been in use since 1898. It has nothing to do with the contents of any book, and should not be confused with Library of Congress Classification. Wikipedia: ISBN The MediaWiki software automatically recognizes inline International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs); for example: the wikitext ISBN 978-0-12-345678-9 becomes ISBN 978-012-345678-9 which corresponds to Special:Booksources /9780123456789. Stylistically, please: Book Donations Judge Floros first book became part of the following Philippine top libraries, inter alia: 1) Rizal Library, Ateneo de Manila University onfig=SAMPLE&Branch=,0,&FormId=-18&RecordNumber=405878

Title: World-famous mystic "Armand, Luis & Angel", the Three dwarfs meet the judge: psychic & healing martyr of Filipino justice / by Florentino V. Floro, Jr. Author: Floro, Florentino V., 1953Imprint: Quezon City: Central Books, 2007. Subject: Floro, Florentino V., 1953Physical Description xxiv, 367 p.: ill. ISBN 9716916195 Subject: Judges -- Dismissal of -- Philippines. Subject: Justice, Administration of -- Philippines. Subject: Courts -- Corrupt practices -- Philippines. Local Holdings RLML KF5640 .F56 ADMRLB0232118 Local Holdings RLFIL KF5640 .F56 ADMRLB0232119 Where to find this item: Library Shelf Location Call Number Item Status Rizal Filipiniana Section KF5640 .F56 Room Use Only Rizal General Circulation KF5640 .F56 Checked Out, Due: February 19, 2008

2) Ateneo de Manila University, College of Law 4&Str1=World%20Famous%20Mystic&Oper1=AND&Str2=&Oper2=AND&St r3=&Limit3=&Limit4=10&Limit5=|TT&Limit6=|XX&Limit7=|XX&BatchID= &CursorID=-1&RecordCursor=0&Method=/SearchFirst,% 20Florentino%20V.,%201953.&Oper1=And&Str2=&Oper2=And&Str3=&Limit3=&Limit4=10&Limit5=|SS &Limit6=|XX&Limit7=|XX&BatchID=&CursorID=-1&RecordCursor=0

Holdings: 1 On Shelf:1 On Loan:0 In Process:0 Accession Reference Call Number Status Location Due Date 016914 K 19 F56A3 ON SHELF LAW TITLE: World famous mystic Armand, Luis Angel, the three dwarfs meet the judge: psychic healing martyr of Filipino justice /Florentino V. Floro. LOCAL CALL NUMBER: K 19 F56A3 PERSONAL NAME (m): Floro, Florentino PUBLISHING : Quezon City: Central Book Supply, c2007. PHYSICAL DESC: 367 p.:ill. SUBJECT: Floro, Florentino V., 1953-. SUBJECT: Judges--Dismissal--Philippines. SUBJECT: Justice, Administration of--Philippines. SUBJECT: Courts--Corrupt practicess--Philippines. 3) National Library, Philippines 50c0312445 7f92187163c - [S.l. : s.n.], c2007. - xxiv, 367 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-971-691619-5 ISBN: 9789716916195

Title: World-famous mystic: Armand, Luis & Angel, the three dwarfs meet the judge-- psychic & healing martyr of Filipino justice / by Florentino V. Floro, Jr. Author: Floro, Florentino V., 1953Edition: 1st ed.

Imprint: [S.l.: s.n.], c2007. ISBN: 9789716916195 Note(s): ISBN 978-971-691-619-5 Subject Personal Name: Floro, Florentino V., 1953Subject Topical Term: Judges -- Philippines -Biography. Subject Topical Term: Judges -- Dismissal of -Philippines. Subject Topical Term: Justice, Administration of -Philippines. Where to find this item: Library Shelf; Location Call Number Item Status National Library Filip-General Book Fil 347.599014092 F665w 2007 Available National Library Filip-General Book Fil 347.599014092 F665w 2007 Available 4) De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines ystic&SORT=D&searchscope=2

Author: Floro, Florentino V., 1925Title: World-famous mystic: Armand, Luis & Angel, the three dwarfs meets the judge-- psychic & healing martyr of Filipino justice / by Florentino V. Floro, Jr. Publication info. [S.l.: s.n.], 2007 (Quezon City: Central Book Supply) Rating [No one has rated this material] Location Call No. Status Filipiniana Sec., 4thFlr. KPM110.F5 W67 2007 ON HOLDSHELF Edition 1st ed. Description xxiv, 367 p.: ill. ; 23 cm. Note Printer pasted on t.p. verso. Subject Floro, Florentino V., 1925- Judges -- Philippines -Biography. Judges -- Disqualification. Judges -Psychic ability. Psychics ability. Added title Three dwarfs meets the judge. Psychic & healing martyr of Filipino justice. ISBN 9716916195

5) Senate of the Philippines' Library Book Bibliography - July - August 2007, JUDGES DISMISSAL PHILIPPINES, Floro, Florentino V., 2007, "World-famous mystic Armand, Luis, & Angel : the three dwarfs meet the judge : psychic & healing martyr of Filipino justice", 1st ed. Quezon City : Printed by Central Book Supply. 367 p., FIL / K 2146 / F67 / 2007

6) University of the Philippines e=title&searcharg=World+Famous+Mystic&eventSubmit_doSearch= Search&opacpage=search,Details.vm/type/bri ef/from/search;jsessionid=00372B9A2230D92AFD5AAB7F96D10B 74?marcid=267396 /brief/from/search?marcid=267396

Local Call Number

KPM 3500 F56 A3 2007 Floro, Florentino V.,

Main Entry -- Personal Name 1953-

Title Statement: World-famous mystic Armand, Luis & Angel, the three dwarfs meet the judge: psychic & healing martyr of Filipino justice / Florentino V. Floro Jr. Publication, Distribution, Etc. Quezon City : Central Book Supply, 2007. Physical Description xxiv, 367 p.: ill. Subject Added Entry -- Topical Term Judges-Dismissal of--Philippines. Justice, Administration of-Philippines. Courts--Corrupt practices--Philippines. Local Subject Heading: Personal Floro, Florentino V., 1953 - Accession Number Call Number Circulation Type Status (Due Date) Location


FI-5569G KPM 3500/F56 A3 2007 Regular Circulation ON SHELF Main Library: Filipiniana Book Section FI-5570G KPM 3500/F56 A3 2007 Regular Circulation ON SHELF Main Library: Filipiniana Book Section Other Philippine Libraries: Judge Floro donated his first book to other Philippine libraries (some do not have Web OPAC), entities and persons: 7. San Sebastian College of Law, Manila, 8. San Beda College of Law, Manila, 9. University of the East College of Law, Manila, 10. Bulacan Provincial Library, 11. Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan Library, 12. Rex Bookstore, 2 copies were deposited by Judge Floro to Ms. Sonia Breezee Santiago and Mr. Robles; they handed a copy to Mr. Jaime T. Licauco, but the latter returned the book to Rex Bookstore, about December, 2006, 2 months before the angioplasty surgery of Mr. Jaime T. Licauco at Chinese General Hospital on February 8, 2007. Judge Floro finally informed by Ms. Sonia Santiago of Rex Book Store that Jaime T. Licauco stated that he did not like Floros book. For this reason, Judge Floro cursed Jaime T. Licauco and posted in 3 e-forums this imprecation and the prophecy on his angioplasty. 13. Mr. Jaime T. Licauco received one copy. 14. Atty. Leonard De Vera, 15. Poor Claires Monastery of the Assumption, Calbayog City and Manila, 16. Francisco L. Floro, Bulacan, 17. Judge Graciano Arinday, Bacolod City, Negros,

18. Henrico Galvez, California, USA, 19. Ms. Ninez Cacho Olivares, The Daily Tribune, Manila, 20. Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila, 21. Mr. Antonio Z. Atienza, Jr., 2 copies, 22. Bulacan State University College of Law and Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Malolos, Bulacan: Note: Despite repeated requests to inspect and verify the location and existence of the 2 donated books, Judge Floro miserably failed to see and view his 2 books; BSU College of Law President and IBP past President father and son, exjustice Jose De La Rama and Peng De La Rama, told Judge Floro that the book could not be traced yet as of March, 2008, and that the book was allegedly lent to a lawyer, respectively. Judge Floro cursed both De la Ramas. 23. On December, 2007, Judge Floro handed about 7 copies to his classmate Dep. Exec. Secretary for Legal Affairs Manny Gaite; the latter returned one copy via LBC to Judge Floro, after demand for return of the other 6 copies but they were already given by Atty. Gaite to Judge Floros cursed Ateneo Law School 1982-3 classmates.+


Detailed Table of Contents


Detailed Table of Contents


FOREWORD .....3 AUTHORS FOREWORD ......8 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ....11 INTRODUCTION 14 LUIS, Armand & Angel: Ultimate VIOLET lights; a Friend from another star; Jupiter, Osaka, Japan; time travel.20 Notes...24 Table of Contents ...25 Part I I. Biography of Gifted, Visionary and Prophet, Filipino Mystic Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. "I Have a Dream"..............................................................................27 Prefatory.28 Biography - "I Have a Dream"..30 Jobless judge (since July 20, 1999 to 2010) due to pretend world Attorney no case, no work, no trabaho, no business, no occupation: poor dwarf magistrate..55 April 1, 2011 Motion for Reinstatement by Jobless Mystic Judge Florentino Floro..56 Verifiable Links.58 The Light In The Lord....62 II. Diary: The 3 Mystic Dwarves Ordeal In the Eyes of Philippine Supreme Court Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., Judicial and Bar Council Member (June 22, 1997 February 10, 2006)...65 Diary - September 17, 1995: Prophecies of Death, Accident and Major Stroke.66 Reconciliation, Justice and Forgiveness The Omen...74 80 Personal Visits, Audiences and Pleas for Mercy....78 Prefatory Statement....82

2004 DIARY Of his kindness Judge Floro writes...88 Judge Floro created WikiPedia Article: Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr..97 Confidential Letter of Judge Floro to SC Associate Justice Minita Viray-Chico Nazario: Death Warrant Re: February 10, 2006, 3:00 p.m., at the JBC chamber of (Ret.) Justice REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR103 LUIS final message to Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.: You will reget it!.............................................................................109 III. Memorandum - Timeline of dire Prophecies of LUIS, Mortis Angelus, King of kings of Elementals, the Annihilator Ultimate VIOLET Lights, Per Judge Florentino V. Floro (April 7, 2006 to November 5, 2011); Related Lawsuits and Unexplained, Dire Incidents: Dying is Fun; Dwarf Supremacy; Aftermath and Unusual Circumstances: 5 Court Mystic Fires, Series of Car Accidents, Illnesses (Cancer, Massive Strokes), Surgeries, Horrible, Slow and Painful Deaths, and Suicides of Philippine Jurists Loved Ones; Stain in their bloods up to the 4th Generation.111 Injustice in this world..112 March 29, 2004: 16:59:21 0918-9412923 (old SIM-cel phone number of Antonietta ArticonaTonette Brion)...119 June 3, 1983 - June 3, 2008: The Saga...126 Trio Merciless Deaths and another Loved Ones of the Most Powerful Slow and Painful death, dire pains130 Krusada at Banal na Mensahe ni LUIS at Judge Floro135 Omen For Madame Justice Minita Viray Chico-Nazario, Marilyn Puno Santiago, Jasmin Mateo, Justice Lucas Bersamin and Justice Apolinario Bruselas From LUIS ARMAND & ANGEL....141 The Fact Bill of Particulars: Judge Floro meets Jasmin Mateo, First Lady of the Philippine Supreme Court and Marilyn Puno Santiago, Sister of Chief Justice Puno147 Recognition of the Ego; Batang Riles; Cursed Menardo Ilasco Guevarra Art of Vengeance.151

Ray C. Espinosa (cursed Ateneo Law School Class 1982)...160 SC Denies Petition Questioning RTC Ruling Recognizing Justice Ong as Filipino Citizen...169 "Jobless judge in pretend world" - The Sunday Times (South Africa)..176 The Omen, revisited.178 Details of Jaime Licaucos contempt of the 3 Duendes..186 7, 7, 7 R O P E194 Pages 101 103 & 172- 175 of Judge Floros 2006 Book which contained the specific LAST DANCE with DEATH: Atty. Ma. Isabel Providencia Bibing Timbangkaya Solis Drafted the Psychosis 75 pages cursed Decision..200 Cruel and unusual punishment Unimaginable injustice!....206 August 11, 2009 Karma Ex-SC justice banned for life to practice law.209 Accidental lawyer finds true path to her soul By Anna Patricia R. del Castillo220 SC Suspends Lawyers, Atty. Oliver Lozano and his daughter Atty. Evangeline Lozano-Endriano..230 Verifiable links, References233 IV. Homeless - Timeline of Dire Prophecies of Judge Florentino V. Floro: Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan Ancestral House and Lot..247 Homeless - 8, 8, 8.248 BRIBERY..253 V. The Prophet LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice; LUIS UltimateViolet and White Lights versus Evil Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger, Bitterness and Vengeance..257 The Little Prince dedication..258 I used to be a judge but I'm all right now . . 260 VI. Who is LUIS? Marys Blue Army, Holy Eucharist: Close Encounter with a Friend from another Star; LUIS Kingdom of Peace; Ultimate Violet and White Lights Bonito, Baston, Salakot, Sombrero, Supot, UFO, Space Ship, Rocket Ship, Flying Saucer .265

How does LUIS infuse the GIFTS (of the Spirit) upon Judge Floro, as his sole instrument? - IN TIME State and existence.271 What is fear? Little children are often allowed and chosen to see elves.....279 Memorandum / Diary of the Flashing and Glimmering LIGHTS....287 Colors of the Dwarves297 Spirit guide305 VII. LUIS, Armand and Angel - February, 2008: Gifts of Lente and Bonito; Colorless Mystic Fires, Rainbow Lights from Judge Floros Eyes Discernment & The Ultimate Violet Hat, Baston; LUIS bestowed upon Judge Floro the Gift of Supreme Annihilation of Evil, of his Detractors, Enemies, Persecutors and Magistrates..307 Lente, Salamin The Dwarves Lens of Prophecy..309 Japan's new first lady says rode UFO to Venus313 VIII. World Famous Mystic Armand, LUIS & Angel, the Three Dwarfs MEET the Judge --- A Legend, Visionary & Healing Martyr of Filipino Injustice.315 Hidden Treasure, 1984; Breeding of Fighting Cocks, 1990..317 Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J., Ateneo de Manila University; 1984 mental and parapsychological tests..319 IX. The Blue Madonna: Judge Floros Visions of just Heaven, the Luminous Cross, Black Nazarene, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Holy Face & Our Lady of Fatima & of Lourdes; Judge Floros Mystic Travels in The Kingdom (of Peace) of LUIS at Osaka, Japan and Jupiter; The Prophet: Pinagpala; Powerful 38 Visions and Apparitions: March 1308 to August 2211 - LUIS, Armand and Angel: Servants of Mary; Members of Marys Army; Crusaders-Knights of the Black Nazarene; Protectors of the Holy Eucharist against Atheists, Evil, Agnostics and Satans Instruments.321


Extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances in the Philippines...328 Mystical Levitation...336 Sunday, May 3, 2009 Rocket Ship with Fireworks.345 Longest preventive suspension in history (July 20, 1999 April 7, 2006)..353 The Medusa Snare: Adam John Miller..371 Hilary of Poitiers....390 X. LUIS, Armand and Angel: Jupiter, Osaka, Japan: Apparitions, Dalliance and LUIS 41 UFOs, Space Ships, Rocket Ships, Flying Saucers . 2nd quarter of 2007 to August 30, 2011..395 Space Ship #8 Sunday, May 3, 2009 Rocket Ship with Fireworks...400 Space Ships #38-39 June 26407 XI. Imortl, Pinagpala, Powerful Henceforth, future generations shall call me blessed! Mortis Angelus, Judge Florentino Floro409 Karma..420 The Black Nazarene, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Divine Mercy Lux in Domino, the poorest of the poor....428 XII. The Black Nazarene blesses Judge Florentino Floro: Pinagpala, Powerful Conditional (Scattered, Global) Annihilation of Atheists, Skeptics & Agnostics (including those who Desecrate the Catholic-Holy Images).431 Extra-terrestial, UFO, aliens: LUIS, the King of kings of elementals in the entire universe, Angel of Death .....440 HR 1109-CON-ASS, S.C. G.R. NO. 187883, Lozano vs Nograles - Legal Exorcism: Intervention Complaint.450 The three children of Fatima, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta.462 Mystic Pinay writes book of dreams470 LUIS' dire warnings vis-a-vis Contempt of the Holy Eucharist by Hardened Atheists..481 Atty. J. "Jay" Conrado Parado Castro490

The Prophecy of Our Lady of Akita, 1973, the 101 tears of Our Lady..500 Juiz que consultava duendes afastado nas Filipinas..511 Judge who believes in dwarfs eyes SC522 JBC Sets Public Interview of Ombudsman Candidates..530 Filipino dwarf Judge Curses Philippine journalists.540 JUDGE FLORO AND THE THREE DWARVES..550 XIII. One of a kind: Judge Florentino Floro meets 30 Filipino Faith Healers (Spiritual Healers) & 16 Photographers who saw the Divine-Mystic Lights in his 2 Palms & Right Eye (July 23 - September 24, 2011)...551 August 11, 2011 Vision # 35th..560 August 17 Photographers #7, 8, 9, 10 #87-92.571 I am Judge Floro: I want my right eye macro lens photo by the best photographer .............................................................581 September 12 Spiritual Healers #21, 22...591 September 21 Spiritual Healers #30..600 Pasma...610 List of 30 Filipino Faith Healers who met the 3 Magical Dwarves and Mystic Judge Florentino Floro: July 23, 2011 September 24, 2011619 Postscript629 XIV. Mystic 'Dwarf' Judge Florentino Floro's Ombudsman Curse.631 GMA leaves hospital after treatment for neck painGMA leaves hospital after treatment for neck pain..642 #7 August 3 Calabarzon chillies-genitals torture-institutional hazing of 12 police trainees by 17 officers650 #11 19 soldiers slain in Basilan; Italian priest has been shot dead in the Philippines658


Notes: A) 149 Living Witnesses saw the Mystic Divine Lights in Judge Floros palms from September 4, 2010 October 19, 2011, B) 20 Filipinos saw Jesus Christ in Judge Floros palms, C) 75 Persons saw the Mystic-Divine Lights in Judge Floros eyes, and D) 2 Persons saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Judge Floros Mystic Palms...661 April 18 #56 1:25-27 p.m., Jessie Santos Mariano672 B. One of a kind:..693 C. 75 Living Witnesses who saw the mystic lights and images in Judge Floros right eye (left eye)..702 #74 Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM..716 Appendix A Pinoy Exchange Forums Dire Prophecies of Judge Florentino Floro.717 References:..724 Part II.730 Appendix B 2007 World Famous Mystic: Armand, Luis & Angel, The Three Dwarfs MEET The Judge --- Psychic & Healing Martyr of Filipino Justice...737 Other Philippine Libraries:..743 Detailed Table of Contents......................................745-752


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