Process Description

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rocess uescrlpLlon (chlcken cordon bleu)

1) Wash Lhe chlcken breasL before removlng Lhe skln

2) Sllce Lhe chlcken breasL lnLo half

3) llaLLen Lhe chlcken breasL uslng a meaL hammer unLll lL ls Lender

4) Mlx Lhe sugar and salL lnLo Lhe hammered chlcken

3) lace Lhe ham above Lhe hammered chlcken breasL and Lhe cheese above Lhe ham 8oll Lhe

6) Wrap Lhe roll wlLh foll and sLeam for 20 mlnuLes

7) ulp Lhe roll lnLo Lhe egg and flour mlx Make sure LhaL Lhe roll ls covered wlLh Lhe mlx so LhaL
Lhe bread crumbs wlll sLlck all over Lhe roll

8) lry Lhe roll unLll golden brown

1) Mlx Lhe evaporaLed mllk wlLh Lhe cream of mushroom

2) LeL Lhe mlxLure boll for 3 mlnuLes

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