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Oakwood newspaper ad 2c_Layout 1 11/1/11 4:12 PM Page 1

Successful projects speak for themselves.

"Thank you for keeping your word...All of the financial benchmarks that First Interstate promised have been met or even exceeded. Legacy Village has become a crucial part of the community's tax base"

"First Interstate followed through on every promise they had made. Nearly a thousand jobs were created with many hundreds more that have followed from the additional businesses that want to be located near Avon Commons."

Mayor James A. Smith, City of Avon

Mayor Joseph M. Cicero, City of Lyndhurst

"Willoughby Commons did not hurt our local businesses and, in fact, had the opposite effect."
Mitchell Schneider is looking forward to investing in the next success story, South Euclid. but first, we need to Vote YES 96!

Mayor David E. Anderson, City of Willoughby

On Tuesday, Nov. 8 Vote YES 96!

Voter Alert!
Opponents of Issue 96 Cheap Tricks to Confuse you. Don't Be Fooled.
FACTCHECK: What we find most objectionable, however, is for any group to use a name that implies it is associated with us when its not, especially when its true identity and sources of funding are deliberately hidden. Thats the very definition of a front group.

"We hope the voters of South Euclid, Ohio, are not deceived."
Brooks Jackson, Director,

Paid for Paid for by96, Rocco DiLillo, Treasurer,1153 Dorsh, South EuclidEuclid OH, 44121 by YES YES 96, Rocco DiLillo, Treasurer, 1153 Dorsh, South OH, 44121

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