Sales Forecasting

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Sales lorecasLlng

Sales ManagemenL
Sales lorecasLlng
Sales lorecasLlng
W lL ls an esLlmaLe of sales
W lL ls done ln dollars or physlcal unlLs
W lor a speclfled fuLure perlod
W lL ls made under an assumed seL of economlc
and oLher forces
Sales lorecasLlng
W ua||tat|ve Methods
W 1he !ury of execuLlve oplnlon
W 2 Sales force composlLe meLhod
W 3 user expecLaLlon meLhod
W used ln parLlcular for lndusLrlal goods
W 4 uelphl meLhod
Sales lorecasLlng
W uant|tat|ve methods
W CorrelaLlon Analysls
W SLaLlsLlcal Lechnlques used Lo deLermlne and
measure Lhe assoclaLlon beLween sales and one
or more facLors lnfluenclng demand
W 2 Slmple ro[ecLlon MeLhod
W CurrenL year's forecasL ls worked ouL by addlng
an assumed growLh raLe
Sales lorecasLlng
W 1|me Ser|es Ana|ys|s
W lL ls meLhod whlch uses maLhemaLlcal

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