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Group Members Abhishek Shetty Ganesh Prasad Harikrishna Raveesh Shivananda Vijith

In this day and age where everything seems to be computerized, robotics is an area in which much of that computer power can be applied. Also, security is a big issue in America ever since 9/11 and the demand for security guards has never been higher. The autonomous security guard robot will monitor and report the status of its guarding area, patrol inside a designated area and report intruders. This project intends to build a working prototype of a sentry/patrol robot. The robot is capable of patrolling an area without human interaction while providing feedback as to the state of its surroundings. All instructions to the robot can be given prior to its actual application.

Block Diagram: Robot:

Obstacle Sensor

Mirocontroller 8 9 C RF Encoder

RF Transmitter

Human Sensor

5 1 Motor Driver Motors

Power Supply

RF Receiver
RF Decoder

Description: The robot will be moving around in a random motion using the obstacle sensors. Continuously monitoring the area to find for any human activity. If any human activity is found, then a signal is sent to the receiver through the RF decoder and RF transmitter . This signal is received by the RF receiver and is decoded and is fed to the buzzor. The motor drivers are used because the microcontroller cannot drive the motors directly.

Applications: Can be used in the military applications where direct entrance is dangerous. Can be used in war fields

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