2003-06 Exam Questions

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Questions Asked in June 14 , 2003 CSTE Exam

1) You company is going to create first E-Commerce application. How will

you test this application? ( 10 Marks)

2) Describe these terms (15 marks)

a. Equivalence Partitioning
b. Boundary Value Analysis
c. Error Guessing

3) Define these
a. Test Effectiveness
b. Test Efficiency

4) Your customer does not have experience in writing Acceptance Test Plan.
How will you do that in coordination with customer? What will be the
contents of Acceptance Test Plan ?

5) It is being observed that in a project cost of testing is very high. After going
in detail it was found that the testers are testing the software which is not
left with many defects. How will you make sure that this is correct? Any
three ways? What are the disadvantages of Over Testing?

6) Same application program will run on a standalone workstation and on

connected workstations. Describe what additional testing is requires
where workstations are connected?

7) What are the product standards for these

a. Test Plan
b. Test Script
c. Test Report

8) Unit Testing has been introduced newly in the policy. How will you make
sure that unit testing is effective?

9) You are running out of time but you have to test the software. What will be
your approach?
a. Four Choices

Objective Type

2) What is Cascading Error

a. Four Choices

3) Who will assess vulnerability in the system

a. Internal Control Officer (This was the right answer)
b. System Security Officer
c. QA Engineer

4) When does Integration Testing starts

a. After Unit testing
b. After unit testing before black box testing

5) When a defect is fixed in production how rather than in requirement, how

much expensive is that
a. 5 times
b. 50 times
c. 500 times

6) Most problems are due to

a. Incorrect Data Entry
b. Concentration of responsibility

7) What does code coverage ensure?

a. Logic of the program is covered ?
b. 100% path coverage ?

8) Juran is famous for (This was the First question)

a. Quality Control
b. Working on Trend Analysis
c. Two more choices

9) V Model is a connection between (Easy question)

a. Software Development and Testing activities
b. All irrelevant choices

10)What is verification Technique (Easy Question)

a. Inspection
b. Unit Testing
c. System Testing
11) What do we include in System test Plan
a. Interfaces
b. Data Inputs
c. Functional Requirements
d. All of the above

12)When to stop Testing (Confusing question)

a. When u run out of time
b. All test cases are done
c. When quality goals established in the beginning of the projects are

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