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Discharge Planning

M- edications
• Prevacid
Start date: 07/12/07
End date: 07/18/07
Dose: 30 mg 1tablet ( 1 tab once a day, 30 minutes before breakfast for 1
week )
• Cefuroxime
First dose: 07/09/07
Last dose: 07/15/07
Dose: 500 mg 1tablet (1 tab every 12 hours for 5 days)
• Arcoxia
Dose: 90 mg 1 tablet (only if there is pain)
E- xercise
• Teach patient about deep breathing and controlled coughing execises.
Deep Breathing Exercise
> While on sitting position, place palms across from each other,
down and along lower borders of rib cage to feel the rise and fall
> Inhale fully through the nose, hold for 2 – 3 seconds and exhale
slowly through the mouth.
Controlled Coughing Exercise
> Splint the surgical wound with pillow.
> Take a deep breath, hold for 3 seconds, and cough deeply 2- 3

• Encourage bed exercises.

> Frequent gluteal and quadriceps muscle setting exercise during the day
help to prepare the client for later ambulation.
• Instruct patient to turn frequently when lying every two hours.
T- reatment
• Surgical Wound Care

H- ealth Teaching
• Instruct patient to comply with the given diet. (Comprehensive
health teaching for patient’s diet: c/o Dietary.)
• Surgical Wound Care.
Keep the dressing clean and dry. May wash the wound with sterile normal
saline water, then apply antibacterial ointment or povodine iodine
(betadine) ointment, and change the dressing daily.
• Teach patient about deep breathing and controlled coughing exercise to avoid
pressure on the wound.

O- PD Follow-up
• Follow –up on July 18, 2007 at Dr. De Ocampo’s clinic; 10am
Look for Amador Robert Sy.
D- iet
• No special diets or other precautions are needed after surgery.

Eat regular, balanced meals

Eat regular meals that contain some fat. Eat plenty of whole grains and fiber, and
have regular servings of food that contain calcium (found in green, leafy vegetables
and milk products). Limit saturated (animal) fat and foods high in cholesterol.

S- igns and symptoms

Watch out for:
• Infection
> Any redness extending from the wound or yellow drainage from the
area, worsening pain, severe swelling, loss of sensation and warmth over
the wound.

• Call your doctor if you have worsening pain, spreading redness around the site,
bleeding from the wound, fever (temperature greater than 100.4°F), or other

• Go to a hospital's emergency department if you have bleeding from the site that
will not stop with gentle pressure, if you have a thick discharge (pus) from the
wound, or if you have a high fever.


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