Beam Col Supplement

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How do we find deflection at A?

q(c) P c1

q(c) dc P




+ +
q(c) A c2

From eqn (12), deflection at A due to q(c) acting over a small di t ti ll distance d i dc is

c dc c1 P

Q sin kc Qc xA vA sin kx A Pk sin kL PL


Q q (c)dc

+ +
q(c) dc A c2

To fi d the deflection due to ( ) ti T find th d fl ti d t q(c) acting over the entire span from c=c1 to c=c2, we need to superpose (i.e. sum up) the vA from all the Q=q(c)dc shown on the right. (See Appendix B for notes on Integration and Summation )

P c1

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