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crocheted KITTENS IN A ROW designed. by Joan Kokaska, Kittens cheerfully peer out from this untswal af: phan, whick is fin to make using the easy shell stitch. SIZE: Apprax40/ x 60" (before fringing), MATERIALS: ‘Worsted weight yarn: 16 0 gray: Woe black; ‘ae white Size Halimimam crochet hook (or sizerequired for gauge) GAUGE: our ghells (each shell = 2 de, eh 1,2 dey = 8 INSTRUCTIONS With black, ch 164 loosely. Rew 1; De in 4th ch from hook, de in next ch; sk next 2 chs, 2dein next ch, ch 1, 2dein next ch; * sk next 9 chs, 2dcin next eh, ch 1,2 dc in next eh; rep from * to last Schs, sk next 2chs, de ineachofrem3 chs. Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as first. de of row), turn; de in each ofnext 2 de, sk next 2de, work @ de,ch 1,2de) in next ch-1 sp (shell made); * sk next 4de, work a shell (as before) in next ch-1 sp; rep from * to last 5 de, sk next2 de, de ineach of next? de, de in top of eh-3 at end of row. (Color Note: To change colors, ‘work last de until 2 |psem on hook: finish off color ‘being used. With new color, ¥O hook and draw through both Ips en hook —colors changed.) Row 3: With white, ch3, turn; de ineach ofnext 2de, *\ ork a shell in ch-1 sp of next shell, work a puff'st in sp between shells in 2nd row below as follows: (YO hook, insert hook in sp between shells in 2nd raw below — Fig 1; ¥O hook and draw up along tp to height of working row) 4 times (9 Ips now on hook — Fig 2); YO hook and draw through first Ips on hook (2 Ips now on hook); ¥O hook and draw through rem 2 Ips on hookx(puff'st made);rep from * to last shell, work ashell in ch-1 spoflast shell, dein each of next 2 de, de in top of ch-3 at end of row, Row 4: Ch 3, turn; de in each of next, * work a shell in ch-L sp of next shell; rep trom * to last 3 de, de in each of next 2 de, de in top of ch-# at end of row. Row 5: Rep Row4, changing ta gray at end of row. Rows 6 through &: With gray, rep Rows 3 through 5. ‘Atend of Row 8, changeto black. ‘Rows 9 through 11: With black,rep Rows3 through 5. Atend of Row 11, change to white, Rep Rows 3 through 11 until afghan measures approx 80" from beg edge, ending by working Row 10¢2 rows of black). Finish off; weave in all ends, FRINGE Following Fringe Instructions on page 1, make single knot fringe. Cut 14” strands of white. Use 12, strands for each knot of fringe. Across each short end of afghan, tie one Knot in each sp between shells and in spat each end (between de and shell). crocheted BLUE SKIES designed by Mary Tomas This tga. simple, but attractive afghan to make ina solid color, ft ts worked in double crochet and triple crochet stitches, Remember that a triple crochet (ab. brewiated tre) is worked by putting the yar twice around the hook before inserting the look im the stiteh or space (instead ofonce as fora de), SIZE: Approx 40" * G4" tbefbe fringing). cetera powder blu H 0: powder bie ‘Size J aluminum crochet hook (or size required for gauge) GAUGE: In do, 10 515 = 34" INSTRUCTIONS Ch 183 leosely, Row I: De in 4th ch from hook and in each rem ch across = 131 de (counting beg ch-3as onede), Row 2: Ch 3, turn; sk next de, tre in each of next 2 de, trein skipped cle (before last 2 tre just worked Fig 1); * sk next de, tre in each of next 2 de (Pig 2) tre in skipped de (hefore last 2trc just worked); rep from” across toch.3 atendofrow, tre intopofeh-&. Row 3: Ch 8, turn; de in next tre and in each remtre aueross to ch-3 at end of row, dc in top of ch-8 = 191 de (counting beg ch-3}. ‘Row 4:Ch 3, turn; trein next de and in each rem de across to ch-8 at end of raw, tre in top ofch-3, Row 5: Rep Row 3, Rep Rows 2 through 5 until afghan measures approx 68" from beg edge, ending by working Row 3. Finish off; weave in all ends, FRINGE, Following Fringe Instructions on page 1, make single knot fringe, Cut 24” strands of yarn, Use 4 strands for each knot of fringe. Across each short end of afghan, tie one knot in sp between 2 sts at each end, andrem knots in sps between sts, having knots spaced approx 3 sts apart, crocheted DIAGONAL DIAMONDS designed by Mary Thomas The interesting design of this afghan warks wp quickly using tao strands ef yarn and a large size hook, and is fun to make — a project sure to please ‘ang crocheter, SIZE: Approx 48" 64" (before tringing), Martie wel ge yarn lg peach Salami Crochet hove tor size required waug Materials Note: ‘Two strands of yarn are used throughout patt, GAUGE: With 2steands of yarn in s¢, 5 3ts © 2 INSTRUCTIONS With2 strands of yarn, ch 134 loosely, Row 1: Sein 2nd ch from haok and in each of next 4 chs; " ch, sk next 3 chs, se in each of next 5 chs; rep from * across, Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each of firstd sc, * ch 3, sk next se, scin center of next ch-f sp ch 3, sk next sc, sc ineach of next 3 sc; rep from * across, ending se in last se, Row 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in each of first 3 sc; * ch 3, sk next se, sc in end of next ch-3 sp, s¢ in next sc, sc in beg of’ next ch-3 sp; ch 3, sk next sc, sc in next se; rep from "across, ending s¢in each of last 2se Row 4: Ch 3 (counts as first de of row, tur nextse, ch, sk next sc,se inend of next ch: in each of next 3 se, sc in beg of next ch.’ | sk next sc, sc in end of next ch-3 sp, sc in each of next3 se, se in beg ofnext ch-3 sp; rep fram’ across, ending ch 3, sk next se, de in each of last 2 se, Row 5: Ch 1, tum; ge ineachorfirst2 de, sein begor hext ch-lsp; ch 8, sk nextse, se ineach of next se) *ch4, sk next gc, scin center ofnexteh-5 sp;eh3,sk next s in each of next 9 se; rep from * across, ending ch 3, sk nextsc, sc imend af last ch:3 sp, 4c in next de, se in top of ch-3 at end of row. Row 6: Ch 1, turn; sein each of first 3 sc, * sein beg ofnext ch-8 sp, ch 8, sk nextsc, se in nex se; ch3, sk next se, se in end of next ch-8 sp, se in next sc; rep from * across, ending sc in each of last 2 sc. Row 7: Ch 1, turn; sein eaeh of first 4 se, * se in ber of next ch-8 sp, ch 8, sk next se, sc in end of next ch sp, se in each af next 3 se; rep from * neross, ending'se in last sc. Rep Rows 2 through 7 until afghan measures approx 64" from besredlge, ending by working Row 6. Last Row: Ch 1, turn; sein each of first 4 50, " sc in beg ofnexteh-3 sp, ch3, sknextse, se inend ofnext ch-3 sp, se in each af next $ sc; rep from * across, ending se in last se. Finish off, weave in.all ends. FRINGE Following Fringe Instructions on page |, first make: single knot fringe, Cut. 25" strands of yarn, Use 8 strands for each knot of fringe. Across each shart end of afghan, tie knots evenly spaced (approx every 4th st). Then tie a 2nd and rd row of knots across fringe just made, following the instevetions for triple knot fringe.

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