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Nagaraju Kaja

After 1800Europeans discovered an efficient way of producing gas from coal and started producing it at a central location

1816:Baitimore in US is the first city to use gas street lights.

Central gas generating Industry has become a model For Electric light Industry 1859 after the discovery of Petroleum, a simple and Safe kerosene lamp has been introduced which became house hold in rural areas

1878: An American Scientist Thomas A Edison developed an electric system which is effective and with less cost compared to gas lights 1879:Mr.Edison developed carbon filament lamp 1882:Incandescent lamp system was in place with all its components 1900:GE research laboratory was established 1935:Low voltage fluorescent lamp was developed by GE 1973:More efficient and compact fluorescent lamps were developed by improving the ballasts

1876:Thomas Alva Edison invented Incandescent lamp The incandescent light produces light when current passes through a resistance filament Thin filament produces heat first and light is only a by product Not energy efficient European union banned it recently and US will stop selling them by 2012 Gas filled Incandescent lamp was invented in 1913


Produces more light with less electricity than Incandescent lamps(uses 20-25% electricity only) Long life Gives cool light Indoor lights

CRI (Color rendering Index) is neutral Good for general lighting/ambient lighting Most commonly used in factories, offices and public buildings

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